Is it true . . .
• That the field of psychology focuses primarily on treating
people with psychological problems and disorders?
• That Sigmund Freud was the first psychologist?
• That when two behaviors are “linked,” “related,” or tend
to occur together, it’s safe to assume that one behavior
caused the other?
(bkgrd) David Engelhardt/age fotostock
(inset) wavebreakmedia/Shutterstock
“What is, then?” Latisha asked. or maybe it neutralizes positive ions. ❯❯ Introduction: What Is Psychology?
“Stay tuned,” Sandy said with a It didn’t make a whole lot of sense to
❯❯ Contemporary Psychology
smile. “We’re going to talk about it me. But my girlfriend said that a lot
in today’s class.” of famous baseball players and golfers ❯❯ The Scientific Method
Jenna broke in. “I always freeze on wear one. It’s supposed to help with ❯❯ Descriptive Research
tests. They stress me out so bad my pain but it’s also supposed to help
❯❯ Experimental Research
mind goes blank.” you concentrate and give you a better
“I do too,” Tyler piped up. “So memory. I figured it couldn’t hurt, so ❯❯ Ethics in Psychological Research
my girlfriend gave me this bracelet to why not try it?” ❯❯ Closing Thoughts
wear for exams. She swears by hers. “I’m not aware of any research on
❯❯ PSYCH FOR YOUR LIFE: Successful
Do you think it helps?” using magnets for concentration or Study Techniques
“What is that?” Sandy said. Tyler memory,” Sandy said carefully. “But
handed the heavy metal bracelet to we can certainly look it up and let
Sandy. “What’s it supposed to do?” you know what we find out.”
“It’s made of some kind of special Later in the chapter, we’ll share
metal—maybe titanium?” Tyler said. what we found out about magnetic
“It’s magnetic. Oh, and the Web site jewelry—and more important, what
said it generated a negative ion field, psychologists have discovered about
the most effective ways to study. that are of interest to college students. scientific evidence. By the end of the
You’ll also see how psychological In this introductory chapter, we’ll chapter, you’ll have a better apprecia-
research can help you critically evalu- explore the scope of contemporary tion of the scientific methods that psy-
ate new ideas and claims that you psychology as well as psychology’s his- chologists use to answer questions, big
encounter outside the classroom. torical origins. The common theme and small, about behavior and mental
As you’ll discover, psychology has a connecting psychology’s varied topics processes.
lot to say about many of the questions is its reliance on a solid foundation of Welcome to psychology!
What Is Psychology?
Today, psychology is defined as the science of behavior and mental processes, a defini-
tion that reflects psychology’s origins and history.
❯❯What are the goals and scope of contemporary psychology?
❯❯What roles did Wundt and James play in establishing psychology?
❯❯What were the early schools of thought and approaches in psychology, and how did
their views differ?
psychology The scientific study of Psychology is formally defined as the scientific study of behavior and mental processes.
behavior and mental processes. But this definition is deceptively simple. As you’ll see in this chapter, the scope of
contemporary psychology is very broad—ranging from the behavior of a single brain
cell to the behavior of a crowd of people or even entire cultures.
Many people think that psychologists are primarily—or even exclusively—
My t h Science interested in studying and treating psychological disorders and problems. But as this
chapter will show, psychologists are just as interested in “normal,” everyday behaviors
Is it true that the field of psy- and mental processes—topics like learning and memory, emotions and motivation,
chology focuses primarily on
relationships and loneliness. And, psychologists seek ways to use the knowledge that
treating people with psychologi-
cal problems and disorders?
they discover through scientific research to optimize human performance and poten-
tial in many different fields, from classrooms to offices to the military.
The four basic goals of psychology are to describe, predict, explain, and control or
influence behavior and mental processes. To illustrate how these goals guide psycho-
logical research, think about our classroom discussion. Most people, like Jenna in the
Prologue, have an intuitive understanding of what the word stress refers to. Psycholo-
gists, however, seek to go beyond intuitive or “common sense” understandings of
human experience.
Here’s how psychology’s goals might help guide research on stress:
1. Describe: Trying to objectively describe the experience of stress, Dr. Garcia studies
the sequence of emotional responses that occur during stressful experiences.
2. Predict: Dr. Kiecolt investigates responses to different kinds of challenging events,
hoping to be able to predict the kinds of events that are most likely to evoke a
stress response.
Ted Spiegel/Corbis
3. Explain: Seeking to explain why some people are more vulnerable to the effects
of stress than others, Dr. Lazarus studies the different ways in which people
respond to natural disasters.
4. Control or Influence: After studying the effectiveness of different coping strategies,
Dr. Folkman helps people use those coping strategies to better control their reac- Aristotle (384–322 b.c.e.) The first
tions to stressful events. Western thinker to study psychological
How did psychology evolve into today’s diverse and rich science? We begin this topics, Aristotle combined the logic of
introductory chapter by stepping backward in time to describe the early origins of philosophy with empirical observation. His
psychology and its historical development. As you become familiar with how psy- best-known psychological work, De Anima,
chology began and developed, you’ll have a better appreciation for how it has come to is regarded as the first systematic treatise
encompass such diverse subjects. Indeed, the early history of psychology is the history on psychology. Its topics included such basic
psychological processes as the senses, per-
of a field struggling to define itself as a separate and unique scientific discipline. The
ception, memory, thinking, and motivation.
early psychologists debated such fundamental issues as: Aristotle’s writings on psychology antici-
• What is the proper subject matter of psychology? pated topics and theories that would be cen-
• What methods should be used to investigate psychological issues? tral to scientific psychology centuries later.
Psychology’s Origins
The Influence of Philosophy and Physiology
The earliest origins of psychology can be traced back several centuries to the writings
of the great philosophers. More than 2,000 years ago, the Greek philosopher Aristotle
wrote extensively about topics such as sleep, dreams, the senses, and memory. Many
of Aristotle’s ideas remained influential until the beginnings of modern science in the
structuralism Early school of psychology Such philosophical discussions influenced the topics that would be considered in
that emphasized studying the most basic psychology. But the early philosophers could advance the understanding of human
components, or structures, of conscious behavior only to a certain point. Their methods were limited to intuition, observa-
experiences. tion, and logic.
The eventual emergence of psychology as a science hinged on advances in other
sciences, particularly physiology. Physiology is a branch of biology that studies the
functions and parts of living organisms, including humans. In the 1600s, physiolo-
gists were becoming interested in the human brain and its relation to behavior. By
the early 1700s, it was discovered that damage to one side of the brain produced a
loss of function in the opposite side of the body. By the early 1800s, the idea that
different brain areas were related to different behavioral functions was being vigor-
ously debated. Collectively, the early scientific discoveries made by physiologists were
establishing the foundation for an idea that was to prove critical to the emergence of
psychology—namely, that scientific methods could be applied to answering questions
about behavior and mental processes.
Wilhelm Wundt
The Founder of Psychology
By the second half of the 1800s, the stage had been set for the emergence of psy-
Wilhelm Wundt (1832–1920) German chology as a distinct scientific discipline. The leading proponent of this idea was a
physiologist Wilhelm Wundt is gener- German physiologist named Wilhelm Wundt (Gentile & Miller, 2009). Wundt
ally credited as being the founder of used scientific methods to study fundamental psychological processes, such as mental
psychology as an experimental science. reaction times in response to visual or auditory stimuli. For example, Wundt tried to
In 1879, he established the first psychol- measure precisely how long it took a person to consciously detect the sight and sound
ogy research laboratory. By the early
of a bell being struck.
1900s, Wundt’s research had expanded
to include such topics as cultural
A major turning point in psychology occurred in 1874, when Wundt outlined the
psychology and developmental connections between physiology and psychology in his landmark text, Principles of
psychology (Wong, 2009). Physiological Psychology (Diamond, 2001). He also promoted his belief that psychology
should be established as a separate scientific discipline that would use experimen-
tal methods to study mental processes. In 1879, Wundt realized that goal when he
opened the first psychology research laboratory at the University of Leipzig. Many
mark this event as the formal beginning of psychology as an experimental science
(Kohls & Benedikter, 2010).
Wundt defined psychology as the study of consciousness and emphasized the use of
experimental methods to study and measure it. Until he died in 1920, Wundt exerted
a strong influence on the development of psychology as a science (Wong, 2009).
Two hundred students from around the world traveled to Leipzig to earn doctorates
in experimental psychology under Wundt’s direction. Over the years, some 17,000
students attended Wundt’s afternoon lectures on general psychology, which often
included demonstrations of devices he had developed to measure mental processes
(Blumenthal, 1998).
Edward B. Titchener
Edward B. Titchener (1867–1927) In One of Wundt’s most devoted students was a young Englishman named Edward
contrast to the psychology programs at B. Titchener. After earning his doctorate in Wundt’s laboratory, Titchener began
both Harvard and Columbia at the time, teaching at Cornell University in New York. There he established a psychology labo-
Edward Titchener welcomed women
ratory that ultimately spanned 26 rooms.
into his graduate program at Cornell.
In fact, more women completed their
Titchener shared many of Wundt’s ideas about the nature of psychology. Eventu-
psychology doctorates under Titchener’s ally, however, Titchener developed his own approach, which he called structuralism.
direction than under any other male psy- Structuralism became the first major school of thought in psychology. Structural-
chologist of his generation (Evans, 1991). ism held that even our most complex conscious experiences could be broken down
Archives of the History of American Psychology,
into elemental structures, or component parts, of sensations and feelings. To identify
The University of Akron. Color added by publisher these structures of conscious thought, Titchener trained subjects in a procedure
called introspection. The subjects would view a simple stimulus, such as a book, and
then try to reconstruct their sensations and feelings immediately after viewing it. (In
psychology, a stimulus is anything perceptible to the senses, such as a sight, sound,
smell, touch, or taste.) They might first report on the colors they saw, then the smells,
and so on, in the attempt to create a total description of their conscious experience
(Titchener, 1896).
In addition to being distinguished as the first school of thought in early psychol-
ogy, Titchener’s structuralism holds the dubious distinction of being the first school
to disappear. Titchener’s death in 1927 essentially marked the end of structural-
ism as an influential school of thought in psychology. But even before Titchener’s
death, structuralism was often criticized for relying too heavily on the method of
As noted by Wundt and other scientists, introspection had significant limitations.
First, introspection was an unreliable method of investigation. Different subjects often
provided very different introspective reports about the same stimulus. Even subjects well
trained in introspection varied in their responses to the same stimulus from trial to trial.
Second, introspection could not be used to study children or animals. Third, com-
plex topics, such as learning, development, mental disorders, and personality, could
not be investigated using introspection. Ultimately, the methods and goals of struc-
turalism were simply too limited to accommodate the rapidly expanding interests of
the field of psychology.
William James
By the time Titchener arrived at Cornell University, psychology was already well
established in the United States. The main proponent of American psychology was William James (1842–1910) Harvard
one of Harvard’s most outstanding teachers—William James. James had become professor William James was instru-
intrigued by the emerging science of psychology after reading one of Wundt’s arti- mental in establishing psychology in the
cles. But there were other influences on the development of James’s thinking. United States. In 1890, James published
Like many other scientists and philosophers of his generation, James was fas- a highly influential text, Principles of
cinated by the idea that different species had evolved over time (Menand, 2001). Psychology. James’s ideas became the
Many nineteenth-century scientists in England, France, and the United States were basis of another early school of psychol-
evolutionists—that is, they believed that species had not been created all at once but ogy, called functionalism, which stressed
rather had changed over time (Caton, 2007). studying the adaptive and practical func-
In the 1850s, British philosopher Herbert Spencer had published several works argu- tions of human behavior.
ing that modern species, including humans, were the result of gradual evolutionary Bettmann/Corbis
functionalism Early school of psychology In it, James discussed such diverse topics as brain function, habit, memory, sensation,
that emphasized studying the purpose, perception, and emotion.
or function, of behavior and mental James’s ideas became the basis for a new school of psychology, called functionalism.
experiences. Functionalism stressed the importance of how behavior functions to allow people
and animals to adapt to their environments. Unlike structuralists, functionalists did
not limit their methods to introspection. They expanded the scope of psychological
research to include direct observation of living creatures in natural settings. They also
examined how psychology could be applied to areas like education, child rearing, and
the work environment.
Both the structuralists and the functionalists thought that psychology should focus
on the study of conscious experiences. But the functionalists had very different ideas
about the nature of consciousness and how it should be studied. Rather than trying
to identify the essential structures of consciousness at a given moment, James saw
consciousness as an ongoing stream of mental activity that shifts and changes.
Like structuralism, functionalism no longer exists as a distinct school of thought in
contemporary psychology. Nevertheless, functionalism’s twin themes of the impor-
tance of the adaptive role of behavior and the application of psychology to enhance
human behavior are still important in modern psychology.
Clark University
Sigmund Freud
Wundt, James, and other early psychologists emphasized
the study of conscious experiences. But at the turn of the twentieth century, new
approaches challenged the principles of both structuralism and functionalism. My t h Science
In Vienna, Austria, a physician named Sigmund Freud was developing an
Is it true that Sigmund Freud
intriguing theory of personality based on uncovering causes of behavior that were
was the first psychologist?
unconscious, or hidden from the person’s conscious awareness. Freud’s school of
thought, called psychoanalysis, emphasized the role of unconscious conflicts
in determining behavior and personality. Freud himself was a neurologist, not a
psychologist. Nevertheless, psychoanalysis had a strong influence on psychological psychoanalysis Personality theory and
thinking in the early part of the century. form of psychotherapy that emphasizes the
Freud’s psychoanalytic theory of personality and behavior was based largely on his role of unconscious factors in personality
work with his patients and on insights derived from self-analysis. Freud believed that and behavior.
behaviorism School of psychology and human behavior was motivated by unconscious conflicts that were almost always sex-
theoretical viewpoint that emphasizes the ual or aggressive in nature. Past experiences, especially childhood experiences, were
study of observable behaviors, especially as thought to be critical in the formation of adult personality and behavior. According to
they pertain to the process of learning. Freud (1904), glimpses of these unconscious impulses are revealed in everyday life in
dreams, memory blocks, slips of the tongue, and spontaneous humor. Freud believed
that when unconscious conflicts became extreme, psychological disorders could result.
Freud’s psychoanalytic theory of personality also provided the basis for a distinct
form of psychotherapy. Many of the fundamental ideas of psychoanalysis, such as the
importance of unconscious influences and early childhood experiences, continue
to influence psychologists and other professionals in the mental health field. We’ll
explore Freud’s theory in more depth in Chapter 10 on personality and Chapter 14
on therapies.
John B. Watson
The course of psychology changed dramatically in the early 1900s when another
approach, called behaviorism, emerged as a dominating force. Behaviorism rejected
Three Key Scientists in the Development
of Behaviorism Building on the pioneering
the emphasis on consciousness promoted by structuralism and functionalism. It also
research of Russian physiologist Ivan Pav- flatly rejected Freudian notions about unconscious influences, claiming that such
lov, American psychologist John B. Watson ideas were unscientific and impossible to test. Instead, behaviorism contended that
founded the school of behaviorism. Behav- psychology should focus its scientific investigations strictly on overt behavior—observable
iorism advocated that psychology should behaviors that could be objectively measured and verified.
study observable behaviors, not mental Behaviorism is another example of the influence of physiology on psychology.
processes. Following Watson, B. F. Skinner Behaviorism grew out of the pioneering work of a Russian physiologist named
continued to champion the ideas of behav- Ivan Pavlov. Pavlov demonstrated that dogs could learn to associate a neutral
iorism. Skinner became one of the most stimulus, such as the sound of a bell, with an automatic behavior, such as reflexively
influential psychologists of the twentieth salivating to food. Once an association between the sound of the bell and the food
century. Like Watson, he strongly advo-
was formed, the sound of the bell alone would trigger the salivation reflex in the
cated the study of observable behaviors
rather than mental processes.
dog. Pavlov enthusiastically believed he had discovered the mechanism by which all
behaviors were learned.
(t) Culver Pictures/The Art Archive at Art Resource,
NY (bl) Underwood & Underwood/ Corbis (br) Archives
In the United States, a young, dynamic psychologist named John B. Watson
of the History of American Psychology, The University shared Pavlov’s enthusiasm. Watson (1913) championed behaviorism as a new school
of Akron
of psychology. Structuralism was still an influential perspective, but Watson strongly
objected to both its method of introspection and its focus on conscious mental pro-
cesses. As Watson (1924) wrote in his classic book, Behaviorism:
Behaviorism, on the contrary, holds that the subject matter of human psychology is the
behavior of the human being. Behaviorism claims that consciousness is neither a definite
nor a usable concept. The behaviorist, who has been trained always as an experimentalist,
holds, further, that belief in the existence of consciousness goes back to the ancient days
of superstition and magic.
Behaviorism’s influence on American psychology was enormous. The goal of the
Ivan Pavlov (1849–1936)
behaviorists was to discover the fundamental principles of learning—how behavior is
acquired and modified in response to environmental influences.
For the most part, the behaviorists studied animal behavior
under carefully controlled laboratory conditions.
Although Watson left academic psychology in the early
1920s, behaviorism was later championed by an equally force-
ful proponent—the famous American psychologist B. F.
Skinner. Like Watson, Skinner believed that psychology
should restrict itself to studying outwardly observable
behaviors that could be measured and verified. In compel-
ling experimental demonstrations, Skinner systematically
used reinforcement or punishment to shape the behavior
John B. Watson (1878–1958) B. F. Skinner (1904–1990) of rats and pigeons.
Between Watson and Skinner, behaviorism dominated American psychology humanistic psychology School of
for almost half a century. During that time, the study of conscious experiences was psychology and theoretical viewpoint that
largely ignored as a topic in psychology (Baars, 2005). In Chapter 5 on learning, we’ll emphasizes each person’s unique potential
look at the lives and contributions of Pavlov, Watson, and Skinner in greater detail. for psychological growth and self-direction.
Carl Rogers
Humanistic Psychology
For several decades, behaviorism and psychoanalysis were the
perspectives that most influenced the thinking of American psy-
chologists. In the 1950s, a new school of thought emerged, called
humanistic psychology. Because humanistic psychology was
distinctly different from both psychoanalysis and behaviorism, it
was sometimes referred to as the “third force” in American psy-
chology (Waterman, 2013; Watson & others, 2011).
Humanistic psychology was largely founded by American
psychologist Carl Rogers (Elliott & Farber, 2010). Like
Freud, Rogers was influenced by his experiences with his
psychotherapy clients. However, rather than emphasizing Abraham Maslow (1908–1970)
unconscious conflicts, Rogers emphasized the conscious
experiences of his clients, including each person’s unique Carl Rogers (1902–1987)
potential for psychological growth and self-direction. In con- Two Leaders in the Development of
trast to the behaviorists, who saw human behavior as being shaped and maintained by Humanistic Psychology Carl Rogers
and Abraham Maslow were key
external causes, Rogers emphasized self-determination, free will, and the importance
figures in establishing humanistic
of choice in human behavior (Elliott & Farber, 2010; Kirschenbaum & Jourdan, 2005). psychology. Humanistic psychology
Abraham Maslow was another advocate of humanistic psychology. Maslow devel- emphasized the importance of self-
oped a theory of motivation that emphasized psychological growth, which we’ll discuss in determination, creativity, and human
Chapter 8. Like psychoanalysis, humanistic psychology included not only influential theo- potential (Serlin, 2012). The ideas of
ries of personality but also a form of psychotherapy, which we’ll discuss in later chapters. Carl Rogers have been particularly
influential in modern psychotherapy.
By briefly stepping backward in time, you’ve seen how the debates among the key Abraham Maslow’s theory of moti-
thinkers in psychology’s history shaped the development of psychology as a whole. Each vation emphasized the importance
of the schools that we’ve described had an impact on the topics and methods of psycho- of psychological growth.
logical research. As you’ll see throughout this textbook, that impact has been a lasting one. (l) Special Collections, Donald C. Davidson
Library/University of California, Santa Barbara
In the next sections, we’ll touch on some of the more recent developments in psycholo- (r) Courtesy of Robert D. Farber University
gy’s evolution.We’ll also explore the diversity that characterizes contemporary psychology. Archives at Brandeis University
Contemporary Psychology
As psychology has developed as a scientific discipline, the topics it investigates have
become progressively more diverse.
❯❯How do the perspectives in contemporary psychology differ in emphasis and
❯❯How do psychiatry and psychology differ, and what are psychology’s major specialty
Over the past half-century, the range of topics in psychology has become progres-
sively more diverse. And, as psychology’s knowledge base has increased, psychology
itself has become more specialized. Rather than being dominated by a particular
approach or school of thought, today’s psychologists tend to identify themselves
according to: (1) the perspective they emphasize in investigating psychological topics
and (2) the specialty area in which they have been trained and practice.
psychologists began
studying the diversity of Cultural Differences in Everyday
Behavior Our everyday behavior reflects
human behavior in dif-
cultural norms—unspoken standards of
ferent cultural settings social behavior. For example, imagine
and countries (Kita- the behavior of commuters on a subway
yama & Uskul, 2011; platform in any large U.S. city. Contrast
P. Smith, 2010). In the that behavior with that of commuters in
Japan. White-gloved conductors oblig-
process, psychologists
ingly “assist” passengers in boarding by
discovered that some shoving them in from behind, cramming
well-established psycho- as many people into the subway car as
KIM KYUNG-HOON/Reuters/Corbis
logical findings were possible.
not as universal as they
had thought.
For example, one
well-established psy-
chological finding was
that people exert more
effort on a task when
working alone than
when working as part of a group, a phenomenon called social loafing. First demon-
strated in the 1970s, social loafing was a consistent finding in several psychological
studies conducted with American and European subjects. But when similar stud-
ies were conducted with Chinese participants, the opposite was found to be true
(Hong & others, 2008). Chinese participants worked harder on a task when they
were part of a group than when they were working alone, a phenomenon called
social striving.
Today, psychologists are keenly attuned to the influence of cultural factors on
behavior (Heine, 2010; Henrich & others, 2010). Although many psychological
processes are shared by all humans, it’s important to keep in mind that there are cul-
tural variations in behavior. Thus, we have included Culture and Human Behavior
boxes throughout this textbook to help sensitize you to the influence of culture on
behavior—including your own. We describe cross-cultural psychology in more detail
in the Culture and Human Behavior box on page 12.
Steve Prezant/Corbis
function of a particular behavior. For
Keren Su/Corbis
example, close bonds with caregivers are
essential to the primate infant’s
survival—whether that infant is a golden
monkey at a wildlife preserve in north-
ern China or a human infant at a family
picnic in Norway. As you’ll see in later on to their offspring (Confer & others, 2010). However, as you’ll see in later chap-
chapters, the evolutionary perspective ters, some of those processes may not necessarily be adaptive in our modern world
has been applied to many different areas (Loewenstein, 2010; Tooby & Cosmides, 2008).
of psychology, including human relation-
ships, eating behaviors, and emotional
responses (Confer & others, 2010;
Scott-Phillips & others, 2011).
Specialty Areas in Psychology
Many people think that psychologists primarily diagnose and treat people with psy-
chological problems or disorders. In fact, psychologists who specialize in clinical psy-
chology are trained in the diagnosis, treatment, causes, and prevention of psychological
Specialty Areas and
FIGURE 1.1 disorders, leading to a doctorate in clinical psychology.
Employment Settings The graph In contrast, psychiatry is a medical specialty. A psychiatrist has earned a
on the left shows the specialty areas of medical degree, either an M.D. or D.O., followed by several years of specialized
individuals who recently received their training in the treatment of mental disorders. As physicians, psychiatrists can hos-
doctorates in psychology. The category pitalize people, order biomedical therapies such as electroconvulsive therapy (ECT),
“Other” includes such specialty areas
and prescribe medications. Clinical psychologists are not medical doctors and
as health psychology, forensic psychol-
ogy, and sports psychology. The right
cannot order medical treatments. However, a few states have passed legislation
graph shows psychologists’ primary allowing clinical psychologists to prescribe medications after specialized training
places of employment. (Riding-Malon & Werth, 2014).
Source: Data from Finno & others (2006); As you’ll learn, contemporary psychology is a very diverse discipline that ranges
NSF/NIH/USED/USDA/NEH/NASA, far beyond the treatment of psychological problems. This diversity is reflected in
2009 Survey of Earned Doctorates.
Figure 1.1, which shows the range of specialty areas and employment settings for
Clinical 36% organizations and 41%
Counseling 13%
Social and Universities,
8% colleges, and 35%
medical schools
Other 8%
Biological and Nonprofit
7% 8%
experimental organizations
General 6%
State and local
Cognitive 6% 7%
Organizational Other
Developmental 5% educational 6%
School 4%
Educational 2% 3%
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40% 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45%
Percentage Percentage
Table 1.1
Major Specialties in Psychology
Specialty Major Focus
Relationship between psychological processes and the body’s physi-
Biological psychology cal systems; neuroscience refers specifically to the study of the
brain and the rest of the nervous system.
Causes, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of psychological
Clinical psychology
Mental processes, including reasoning and thinking, problem
Cognitive psychology
solving, memory, perception, mental imagery, and language.
Helping people adjust, adapt, and cope with personal and interper-
Counseling psychology sonal challenges; improving well-being, alleviating distress and mal-
adjustment, and resolving crises.
Developmental Physical, social, and psychological changes that occur at different
psychology ages and stages of the life span.
Applying psychological principles and theories to methods of
Educational psychology
Basic psychological processes, including sensation and perception,
Experimental psychology
and principles of learning, emotion, and motivation.
Psychological factors in the development, prevention, and treat-
Health psychology ment of illness; stress and coping; promoting health-enhancing
The relationship between people and work.
The nature of human personality, including the uniqueness of each
Personality psychology
person, traits, and individual differences.
How an individual’s thoughts, feelings, and behavior are affected by
Social psychology
social environments and the presence of other people.
Applying psychological principles and findings in primary and
School psychology
secondary schools.
Applying the findings of basic psychology to diverse areas; examples
Applied psychology include sports psychology, media psychology, forensic psychology,
rehabilitation psychology, and military psychology.
empirical evidence Verifiable evidence guide researchers in creating questions to investigate, in generating evidence, and in
that is based upon objective observation, drawing conclusions.
measurement, and/or experimentation. Like all scientists, psychologists are guided by the basic scientific assumption that
hypothesis (high-POTH-uh-sis) A tentative events are lawful. When this scientific assumption is applied to psychology, it means
statement about the relationship between that psychologists assume that behavior and mental processes follow consistent pat-
two or more variables; a testable prediction terns. Psychologists are also guided by the assumption that events are explainable. Thus,
or question. psychologists assume that behavior and mental processes have a cause or causes that
variable A factor that can vary, or change, can be understood through careful, systematic study.
in ways that can be observed, measured, Psychologists are also open-minded. They are willing to consider new or alterna-
and verified. tive explanations of behavior and mental processes. However, their open-minded
operational definition A precise attitude is tempered by a healthy sense of scientific skepticism. That is, psychologists criti-
description of how the variables in a study cally evaluate the evidence for new findings, especially those that seem contrary to
will be manipulated or measured. established knowledge.
port their hypotheses. They also use statistics to determine whether their
findings are statistically significant. If a finding is statistically signifi-
cant, it means that the results are not very likely to have occurred by
chance. As a rule, statistically significant results confirm the hypothesis.
Appendix A provides a more detailed discussion of the use of statistics
in psychology research.
Success in College: Meta-Analysis
Keep in mind that even though a finding is statistically significant, it
Reveals the Most Important Factors may not be practically significant. If a study involves a large number of participants,
Although many factors are implicated in even small differences among groups of subjects may result in a statistically significant
college success, a meta-analysis of over finding. But the actual average differences may be so small as to have little practical
200 research studies pointed to motiva- significance or importance.
tional factors as the strongest predictor For example, Reynol Junco (2012) surveyed nearly two thousand college students
of college success (Richardson & others, and found a statistically significant relationship between grade point average (GPA)
2012). The belief that you have the skills and amount of time spent on Facebook: Students who spent a lot of time on Facebook
and abilities to succeed in college, a trait tended to have lower grades than students who spent less time. However, the practi-
called performance self-efficacy, was cal, real-world significance of this relationship was low: It turned out that a student had
more important than high school grades,
to spend 93 minutes per day more than the average of 106 minutes for the increased
test scores, and social or economic status.
time to have even a small (.12 percentage points) impact on GPA. So remember that
a statistically significant result is simply one that is not very likely to have occurred by
chance. Whether the finding is significant in the everyday sense of being important
is another matter altogether.
A statistical technique called meta-analysis is sometimes used in psychology to ana-
lyze the results of many research studies on a specific topic. Meta-analysis involves
pooling the results of several studies into a single analysis. By creating one large pool
of data to be analyzed, meta-analysis can help reveal overall trends that may not be
evident in individual studies.
Meta-analysis is especially useful when a particular issue has generated a
large number of studies with inconsistent results. For example, many studies
have looked at the factors that predict success in college. British psychologist
Michelle Richardson and her colleagues (2012) pooled the results of over 200
research studies investigating personal characteristics that were associated with suc-
cess in college. “Success in college” was operationally defined as cumulative GPA.
They found that motivational factors were the strongest predictor of college success,
outweighing test scores, high school grades, and socioeconomic status. Especially
statistics A branch of mathematics used important was a trait they called performance self-efficacy, the belief that you have the
by researchers to organize, summarize, and skills and abilities to succeed at academic tasks. We’ll talk more about self-efficacy
interpret data.
in Chapter 8 on motivation and emotion.
statistically significant A mathematical
indication that research results are not very
likely to have occurred by chance. Step 4. Report the Findings
meta-analysis A statistical technique For advances to be made in any scientific discipline, researchers must share their find-
that involves combining and analyzing ings with other scientists. In addition to reporting their results, psychologists provide
the results of many research studies on a a detailed description of the study itself, including who participated in the study, how
specific topic in order to identify overall variables were operationally defined, how data were analyzed, and so forth.
trends. Describing the precise details of the study makes it possible for other investiga-
replicate To repeat or duplicate a scientific tors to replicate, or repeat, the study. Replication is an important part of the scientific
study in order to increase confidence in the process. When a study is replicated and the same basic results are obtained again,
validity of the original findings. scientific confidence that the results are accurate is increased. Conversely, if the
Shawn P. Calhoun
Throughout this text, you’ll see citations that look like the one you
encountered in the discussion above on social networks and well-being:
“(Manago & others, 2012).” These citations identify the sources of the
research and ideas that are being discussed. The citation tells you the author
or authors (Manago & others) of the study and the year (2012) in which the
study was published. You can find the complete reference in the alphabetized Ref- Claude Steele Presenting His Research
Along with writing up their research for
erences section at the back of this text. The complete reference lists the authors’
publication, psychologists also often
full names, the article title, the journal or book in which the article was pub- discuss their research at psychology
lished, and the DOI, or digital object identifier. The DOI is a permanent Internet conferences. Here, Stanford University
“address” for journal articles and other digital works posted on the Internet. professor Claude Steele presents his
Figure 1.3 shows you how to decipher the different parts of a typical journal research at the annual meeting of the
reference. Association of Psychological Science
(APS). Steele’s research centers on ste-
reotype threat, which refers to the ways
Building Theories that negative stereotypes can affect the
Integrating the Findings from Many Studies performance of people who belong to
stigmatized groups. We discuss Steele’s
As research findings accumulate from individual studies, eventually theories influential research in Chapter 7.
develop. A theory, or model, is a tentative explanation that tries to account for
diverse findings on the same topic. Note that theories are not the same as hypoth-
eses. A hypothesis is a specific question or prediction to be tested. In contrast, a
theory integrates and summarizes numerous research findings and observations
on a particular topic. Along with explaining existing results, a good theory often theory A tentative explanation that tries
generates new predictions and hypotheses that can be tested by further research to integrate and account for the relationship
(Higgins, 2004). of various findings and observations.
As you encounter different theories, try to remember that theories are tools for
explaining behavior and mental processes, not statements of absolute fact. Like any
FIGURE 1.3How to Read a Journal
Reference Using the References sec-
tion at the back of this text, you can find
the complete source for each citation
that appears in a chapter. This figure
shows the different components of a
typical journal reference. In the chapter
itself, the citation for this particular ref-
erence reads “(Manago & others, 2012).”
Title of scientific journal Volume number Page numbers Digital object identifier
What Is a Pseudoscience?
The word pseudo means “fake” or “false.” Thus, a pseudoscience the ploys below should serve as a warning sign that you need to
is a fake science. More specifically, a pseudoscience is a theory, engage your critical and scientific thinking skills.
method, or practice that promotes claims in ways that appear to be
scientific and plausible even though supporting empirical evidence Strategy 1: Testimonials rather than scientific evidence
is lacking or nonexistent (Matute & others, 2011). Surveys have Pseudosciences often use testimonials or personal anecdotes
found that pseudoscientific beliefs are common among the general as evidence to support their claims. Although they may be sin-
public (National Science Board, 2010). cere and often sound compelling, testimonials are not accept-
Do you remember Tyler from our Prologue? He wanted to able scientific evidence. Testimonials lack the basic controls
know whether a magnetic bracelet could help him concentrate used in scientific research. Many different factors, such as the
or improve his memory. We’ll use what we learned about magnet simple passage of time, could account for a particular indi-
therapy to help illustrate some of the common strategies used to vidual’s response.
promote pseudosciences.
Strategy 2: “Sciencey” presentation without scientific
Magnet Therapy: What’s the Attraction? substance
The practice of applying magnets to the body to supposedly treat Pseudoscientific claims are often peppered with scientific jargon
various conditions and ailments is called magnet therapy. Magnet or data to make their claims seem more credible, such as “these
therapy has been around for centuries. Today, Americans spend
an estimated $500 million each year on magnetic bracelets, belts,
vests, pillows, and mattresses. Worldwide, the sale of magnetic Magnets for concentration
devices is estimated to be $5 billion per year (Winemiller & oth- and pain relief? Many peo-
ers, 2005). ple use magnetic bracelets
The Internet has been a bonanza for those who market prod- to relieve pain or improve
ucts like magnet therapy. Web sites hail the “scientifically proven focus and concentration.
healing benefits” of magnet therapy for everything from improving Retired Major League base-
concentration and athletic prowess to relieving stress and cur- ball player Ivan “Pudge”
Rodriguez credited his mag-
ing Alzheimer’s disease and schizophrenia (see Johnston, 2008;
netic bracelet for helping
Parsons, 2007). Treating pain is the most commonly marketed him keep his balance on the
tool, the value of a theory is determined by its usefulness. A useful theory is one
that furthers the understanding of behavior, allows testable predictions to be made,
and stimulates new research. Often, more than one theory proves to be useful in
explaining a particular area of behavior or mental processes, such as the development
of personality or the experience of emotion.
It’s also important to remember that theories often reflect the self-correcting nature of
the scientific enterprise. In other words, when new research findings challenge established
ways of thinking about a phenomenon, theories are expanded, modified, and even
replaced. Thus, as the knowledge base of psychology evolves and changes, theories
evolve and change to produce more accurate and useful explanations of behavior and
mental processes.
While the conclusions of psychology rest on empirical evidence gathered using the
pseudoscience Fake or false science that scientific method, the same is not true of pseudoscientific claims ( J. C. Smith, 2010). As
makes claims based on little or no scientific you’ll read in the Science Versus Pseudoscience box above, pseudosciences often claim
evidence. to be scientific while ignoring the basic rules of science.
magnets increased biomagnetic balance 84% when worn as studies that tested the same thing but yielded results that failed to
directed!” And “sciencey” graphs and technical terms can be support the claim. This illustrates confirmation bias—the tendency
persuasive, especially to people who value scientific research, to seek out evidence that confirms an existing belief while ignoring
making information seem true (Tal & Wansink, 2014). Rather than evidence that contradicts or undermines the belief (J. C. Smith,
being taken in by scientific-looking graphs or scientific-sounding 2010). When disconfirming evidence is pointed out, it is ignored,
terms, look for the actual scientific support for the claim that is rationalized, or dismissed.
being made.
Strategy 6: Shifting the burden of proof
Strategy 3: Combining established scientific knowledge with In science, the responsibility for proving the validity of a claim rests
unfounded claims with the person making the claim. Many pseudosciences, however,
Pseudosciences often mention well-known scientific facts to shift the burden of proof to the skeptic. If you express skepticism
add credibility to their unsupported claims. For example, the about a pseudoscientific claim, the pseudoscience advocate will
magnet therapy spiel often starts by referring to the proper- challenge you to disprove their claim.
ties of the earth’s magnetic field, the fact that blood contains
minerals like iron that are attracted to magnets, and so on.
Strategy 7: Multiple outs
Unfortunately, it turns out that the iron in red blood cells is
not attracted to magnets (Ritchie & others, 2012). Established What happens when pseudosciences fail to deliver on their
scientific procedures may also be mentioned, such as magnetic promised benefits? Typically, multiple excuses are offered.
resonance imaging (MRI). For the record, MRI does not use Privately, Tyler admitted that he hadn’t noticed any improve-
static magnets, which are the type that are found in magnetic ment in his ability to concentrate while wearing the bracelet
jewelry. his girlfriend gave him. But his girlfriend insisted that he simply
hadn’t worn the bracelet long enough for the magnets to “clear
his energy field.” Other reasons given when magnet therapy
Strategy 4: Irrefutable or nonfalsifiable claims fails to work:
Consider this claim: “Magnet therapy restores the natural magnetic • Magnets act differently on different body parts.
balance required by the body’s healing process.” How could you
test that claim? An irrefutable or nonfalsifiable claim is one that can- • The magnet was placed in the wrong spot.
not be disproved or tested in any meaningful way. The irrefutable • The magnets were the wrong type, size, shape, etc.
claims of pseudosciences typically take the form of broad or vague One of our goals in this text is to help you develop your scientific
statements that are essentially meaningless. thinking skills so you’re better able to evaluate claims about behav-
ior or mental processes, especially claims that seem far-fetched
Strategy 5: Confirmation bias or too good to be true. In this chapter, we’ll look at the scientific
Scientific conclusions are based on converging evidence from mul- methods used to test hypotheses and claims. And in the Science
tiple studies, not a single study. Pseudosciences ignore this pro- Versus Pseudoscience boxes in later chapters, you’ll see how vari-
cess and instead trumpet the findings of a single study that seems ous pseudoscience claims have stood up to scientific scrutiny. We
to support their claims. In doing so, they do not mention all the other hope you enjoy this feature!
Descriptive Research
Descriptive research is used to systematically observe and describe behavior.
❯❯What are naturalistic observation and case study research, and why and how are they
❯❯What is a survey, and why is random selection important in survey research?
❯❯What are the advantages and disadvantages of each descriptive method? confirmation bias The tendency to seek
out evidence that confirms an existing
Descriptive research designs include strategies for observing and describing behavior. belief while ignoring evidence that might
Using descriptive research designs, researchers can answer important questions, such as contradict or undermine the belief.
when certain behaviors take place, how often they occur, and whether they are related descriptive research Scientific
to other factors, such as a person’s age, ethnic group, or educational level. As you’ll see procedures that involve systematically
in this section, descriptive research can provide a wealth of information about behavior, observing behavior in order to describe the
especially behaviors that would be difficult or impossible to study experimentally. relationship among behaviors and events.
vations are recorded so that the researchers can carefully analyze the details of the
behaviors being studied.
One advantage of naturalistic observation is that it allows researchers to study
human behaviors that cannot ethically be manipulated in an experiment. For
example, suppose that a psychologist wants to study bullying behavior in children. It
would not be ethical to deliberately create a situation in which one child is aggres-
Try your hand at collecting and analyzing
data by completing Lab: Naturalistic sively bullied by another child. However, it would be ethical to study bullying by
Observation. observing aggressive behavior in children on a crowded school playground (Drabick
& Baugh, 2010).
As a research tool, naturalistic observation can be used wherever patterns of
behavior can be openly observed—from the rain forests of the Amazon to restaurants,
city streets, and classrooms. Because the observations occur in the natural setting,
the results of naturalistic observation studies can be generalized to real-life situations
with more confidence than can the results of studies using artificially manipulated
or staged situations.
Case Studies
Details, Details, Details
naturalistic observation The systematic A case study is an intensive, in-depth investigation of an individual, a family, or
observation and recording of behaviors as some other social unit. Case studies involve compiling a great deal of informa-
they occur in their natural setting. tion from numerous sources to construct a detailed picture of the person. The
case study An intensive study of a single individual may be extensively interviewed, and his or her friends, family, and
individual or small group of individuals. co-workers may be interviewed as well. Psychological and biographical records,
neurological and medical records, and even school or work records may be
examined. Other sources of information can include psychological testing and survey A questionnaire or interview designed
observations of the person’s behavior. Clinical psychologists and other mental to investigate the opinions, behaviors, or
health specialists routinely use case studies to develop a complete prof ile of a characteristics of a particular group.
psychotherapy client. sample A selected segment of the
Case studies are also used in psychological research investigating rare, unusual, population used to represent the group that
or extreme conditions. These kinds of case studies often provide psychologists is being studied.
with information that can be used to help understand normal behavior. For representative sample A selected segment
example, the Chapter 3 Prologue features the story of Mike May, who partially that very closely parallels the larger population
regained his sight after being blind since early childhood. You’ll read how the being studied on relevant characteristics.
information gained from extensive testing of Mike’s brain and visual abilities
random selection Process in which
has provided insights into brain and visual development in normally sighted subjects are selected randomly from a larger
individuals. group such that every group member has an
While case studies can provide invaluable information, they also have limitations. equal chance of being included in the study.
The most important limitation is that the findings on people with rare or unusual
conditions might not apply to people in the broader population.
(A) Always (B) Sometimes (C) Never (D) Huh? Table 1.2
How much time do you spend studying and preparing for class? Is it Comparing a Sample to the Larger Population
more, less, or about the same amount of time as other students at your U.S. 4-Year-
college? Do students in some majors study more than students in other College NSSE
majors? Population Sample
How could you find out the answers to such questions? A direct way Enrollment Status
to find out about the behavior, attitudes, and opinions of people is simply
Full-time 84% 89%
to ask them. In a survey, people respond to a structured set of ques-
tions about their experiences, beliefs, behaviors, or attitudes. One key Part-time 16% 14%
advantage offered by survey research is that information can be gathered
from a much larger group of people than is possible with other research Gender
methods. Female 56% 55%
Typically, surveys involve carefully constructed questionnaires. Question-
naires may be paper, Internet-based, computer-based, or administered in Male 44% 45%
person or over the telephone by a trained interviewer.
Surveys are seldom administered to everyone within the particular Race/Ethnicity
group or population under investigation. Instead, researchers usually select African American/Black 13% 13%
a sample—a segment of the group or population. Selecting a sample that
American Indian/Alaska native 1% 1%
is representative of the larger group is the key to getting accurate survey
results. A representative sample very closely parallels, or matches, the Asian/Asian American/Pacific
6% 5%
larger group on relevant characteristics, such as age, sex, race, marital status,
and educational level. Caucasian/White 63% 65%
How do researchers select participants so that their sample is represen- Hispanic 12% 10%
tative of the larger group? The most common strategy is to randomly select Other n/a 1%
the sample participants. Random selection means that every member
Multiracial/Multiethnic 3% 3%
of the larger group has an equal chance of being selected for inclusion
in the sample. To illustrate, let’s look at the National Survey of Student International 3% 2%
Engagement (2012), a survey of almost 300,000 U.S. college students and Source: Data from NSSE, 2012.
22,000 Canadian college students. The NSSE surveys college freshmen
and seniors about the nature and quality of their educational experience.
How closely did the NSSE sample match important
Table 1.2 shows how the randomly selected sample surveyed in the NSSE
characteristics of U.S. undergraduates enrolled at
compares to the broader population of U.S. undergraduates enrolled in four-year institutions as a whole? You can see for
four-year institutions. yourself by comparing the two columns in this table.
What did the NSSE f ind? Among other f indings, they discovered Clearly, the random selection process used in the
that f irst-year female students studied more than male students, and NSSE resulted in a sample that very closely approxi-
online students studied more than on-campus students. Engineering mated the characteristics of the larger population.
correlational study A research strategy majors spent the most time preparing for class, while business majors spent the
that allows the precise calculation of how least. The researchers also surveyed faculty about their perceptions of student
strongly related two factors are to each study habits. Interestingly, students studied less than instructors expected but
other. more than their instructors believed that they did.
correlation coefficient A numerical One potential problem with surveys and questionnaires is that people do not
indication of the magnitude and direction of always answer honestly, especially when they are asked questions about sexual
the relationship (the correlation) between activity, drug or alcohol use, or illegal activities. The tendency to respond in
two variables. socially desirable ways can be addressed in a carefully designed survey. One strat-
egy is to rephrase the question and ask for the same information in a different way
at different points during the survey. Researchers can then compare the responses
to make sure that the participant is responding honestly and consistently. There
is some evidence that participants are more likely to respond honestly to Internet
or computer-administered surveys than to surveys that are administered in person
(Dennis & Li, 2007).
Correlational Studies
Looking at Relationships and Making Predictions: ❯
Can Eating Curly Fries Make You Smarter?
Correlational studies show how strongly two factors are related.
❯❯What is a correlation coefficient?
❯❯What is the difference between a positive correlation and a negative correlation?
❯❯Why can’t correlational studies be used to demonstrate cause-and-effect relationships?
Along with answering the who, what, where, and when questions, the data gathered by
descriptive research techniques can be analyzed to show how various factors are related.
A correlational study examines how strongly two variables are related to, or associ-
ated with, each other. Correlations can be used to analyze the data gathered by any type
of descriptive method, and are also used to analyze the results of experiments.
To illustrate, let’s look at a correlational study conducted by psychologists Marissa K.
Hartwig and John Dunlosky (2012). Hartwig and Dunlosky were interested in identify-
ing the study habits most strongly linked to academic success. They surveyed 324 col-
lege students at a large state university. They used self-reported GPA as the operational
definition of academic achievement. Figure 1.4 shows some of the survey results. Once
the data were collected, Hartwig and Dunlosky used a statistical procedure to calculate
a figure called a correlation coefficient.
A correlation coefficient is a numerical indicator of the strength of the relation-
ship between two factors. A correlation coefficient always falls in the range from
FIGURE 1.4 Study Strategies and Grade-Point 90
Average The graph shows the percentages of students
endorsing practice testing
Percentage of students
−1.00 to +1.00. The correlation coefficient has two parts—the number and the sign. positive correlation A finding that two
The number indicates the strength of the relationship, and the sign indicates the direc- factors vary systematically in the same
tion of the relationship between the two variables. direction, increasing or decreasing together.
More specifically, the closer a correlation coefficient is to 1.00, whether it is negative correlation A finding that two
positive or negative, the stronger the correlation or association is between the two factors vary systematically in opposite
factors. Hence, a correlation coefficient of +.90 or −.90 represents a very strong directions, one increasing as the other
association, meaning that the two factors almost always occur together. A correla- decreases.
tion coefficient of +.10 or −.10 represents a very weak correlation, meaning that
the two factors seldom occur together. (Correlation coefficients are discussed in Will Eating Curly Fries Make You
greater detail in Appendix A on statistics, at the back of this book.) Intelligent? British psychologists
Notice that correlation coefficients do not function like the algebraic number Michal Kosinski and his colleagues
line. A correlation of −.80 represents a stronger relationship than does a correlation (2013) studied 58,000 Facebook users
of +.10. The plus or minus sign in a correlation coefficient simply tells you the direc- who had agreed to share their prefer-
tion of the relationship between the two variables. ences, and found some interesting
A positive correlation is one in which the two factors vary in the same direc- correlations between Facebook “likes”
tion. That is, the two factors increase or decrease together. For example, Hartwig and personality traits. Some asso-
and Dunlosky (2012) found that there was a strong positive correlation between ciations were not surprising, such as
a strong association between being
GPA and use of self-testing as a study strategy. That is, as the use of self-testing
outgoing and liking dancing. But what
increased, so did GPA. Other study strategies, such as using flashcards, rereading, or
about the strong positive correlation
highlighting, were not associated with an increase in GPA. Wondering why not? between intelligence and liking curly
Stay tuned—we’ll discuss that very question in the Psych for Your Life section at fries and Morgan Freeman’s voice? Can
the end of the chapter. you conclude that eating curly fries or
In contrast, a negative correlation is one in which the two variables move in listening to Morgan Freeman causes high
opposite directions: As one factor decreases, the other increases. In a study investigat- intelligence? No. Even though a strong
ing the relationship between multitasking and GPA, Reynol Junco and Shelia Cotten positive correlation exists, you cannot
(2012) found that there was a negative correlation between time spent sending text conclude that one causes the other.
messages while studying and GPA: As time spent texting while studying increased, James McQuillan/Getty Images
GPA decreased.
What can we conclude about the relationship between academic achievement
and sending texts while studying? Or GPA and self-testing? Does the evidence
allow us to conclude that texting while studying causes a decrease in grade-point
average? Or that using self-testing as a study strategy causes people to achieve
higher GPAs?
Not necessarily. Consider the negative correlation between GPA and time
spent texting while studying. It could be that a third variable was responsible
for the associations between texting and GPA. Perhaps students who send texts
while studying do so because they lack academic motivation, or are uninter-
ested in the subject matter. In other words, it might be that a lack of academic
motivation or interest, rather than sending texts, was actually responsible for
the lower grades.
Similarly, consider the positive correlation between self-testing and GPA. We can-
not conclude that using self-tests in itself causes an increase in GPA. It’s entirely possible
that people who are more academically motivated are also more likely to actively test
their mastery of class material, which after all, takes more effort than simply reread-
ing or highlighting material in a textbook. Thus, it could be that highly motivated
students are more likely to use self-testing as a study strategy than students who are
less motivated.
Here is the critical point: Even if two factors are very strongly correlated, correlation
does not necessarily indicate causality. A correlation tells you only that two factors seem to
be related or that they co-vary in a systematic way. Although two factors may be very
strongly correlated, correlational studies cannot be used to demonstrate a true cause-
and-effect relationship. As you’ll see in the next section, the experimental method is
the only scientific strategy that can provide compelling evidence of a cause-and-effect
relationship between two variables.
❯❯Test your understanding of The Scientific Method and Descriptive
Research Methods with .
Experimental Design
Studying the Effects of Testing
How could you design an experiment to show a difference between learning due
to studying and learning due to testing? Roediger and Karpicke (2006) designed an
experiment that compared the effects of repeated testing with the effects of repeated
study periods. They predicted that students who repeatedly took tests after studying
would have better long-term memory of the new information than students who
repeatedly studied, but were not tested on, the same material. The hypothesis, then, was
that “repeated testing improves learning more than repeated studying.”
FIGURE 1.6Effects of Testing on Retention:
Percentage of information
Experimental Results 80
recalled correctly
One week after the experimental sessions concluded, 61%
participants were tested to see how much they retained
from material they had studied. As you can see, the par- 40%
ticipants who were repeatedly tested remembered much
more of the information than the students who had
repeatedly studied the same material.
Source: Data from Roediger & Karpicke, 2006. 0
Control condition: Experimental condition:
Repeated study Repeated testing
Retention tested after one week
How do you think the two groups would compare on a test of their retention
My t h Science of the material a week later? Conventional wisdom would suggest that the control
group members, who studied the material in four periods for a total of twenty
Is it true that reading something minutes, would have learned the material much better than the participants in the
over and over is the most effec-
experimental group, who, after all, had only studied the material for a total of five
tive way to prepare for a test?
Figure 1.6 shows the results on the test one week later. Despite having studied
the material only one-fourth as long as the control group, the experimental group
trounced the control group: They remembered 61% of the material in the passage
while the control group remembered only 40%. Interestingly, the control group
participants were much more confident of their ability to remember the information
than the experimental group.
Were you surprised by the results? In fact, the basic results have been replicated
by many different researchers (see Bjork & others, 2013; Rowland, 2014). Multiple
studies have supported what has been dubbed the testing effect: the finding that
practicing retrieval of information from memory produces better retention than
restudying the same information for an equivalent amount of time. In other words,
testing—rather than simply being a neutral assessment of what has been learned—is
a powerful learning tool in its own right (Carpenter, 2012; Roediger & Nestojiko,
We’ll discuss some of the reasons for the testing effect in Chapter 6, Memory. In
Psych for Your Life at the end of this chapter, we’ll describe some of the other ways in
which the testing effect has been explored. And, we’ll discuss additional ways in which
you can use psychological research to improve your own memory for new information.
(Rutter, 2008). Although not true experiments, psychologists can use natural experi-
ments to study the effects of disasters, epidemics, or other events.
Sometimes natural experiments involve everyday settings. Psychologists Kandice
Kapinos and Olga Yakusheva (2011) were interested in better understanding the
relationship between environmental factors and weight gain. Previous research had
shown that environmental factors, such as high concentrations of fast-food restau-
rants, are correlated with the average weight of nearby residents (Inagami & others,
2009). However, since the research was correlational, it wasn’t possible to conclude
that proximity of fast-food restaurants caused weight gain. It could be that people with
Think Like a Scientist unhealthy eating habits were more likely to choose to live in neighborhoods with easy
Could you have been part of an experiment access to fast food.
without realizing it? Go to LaunchPad: Of course, researchers can’t randomly assign large numbers of participants to long-
Resources to Think Like a Scientist about term living situations. But Kapinos and Yakusheva identified a naturally occurring
Contagious Online Emotions.
situation in which people are randomly assigned to housing—college dormitories.
College freshmen do tend to gain weight during their first year away from home—the
so-called “freshman fifteen”—although the weight gain is typically closer to five pounds
(Holm-Denoma & others, 2008). Kapinos and Yakusheva took advantage of the naturally
occurring conditions on their own college campus by comparing weight changes in
freshmen who lived in dorms with on-site cafeterias and snack bars with weight changes
in freshman who lived in dorms that did not have on-site food services. Since freshmen
were randomly assigned to the dormitories, the researchers could safely assume that there
wasn’t some other factor that might cause differences between the two groups.
What did Kapinos and Yakusheva (2011) find? Female students who were assigned
to dormitories with on-site dining facilities gained more weight and exercised
less than students who were assigned to dormitories without food services. Male
students assigned to dormitories with food services reported eating more meals and
more snacks, but did not report gaining weight. Kapinos and Yakusheva (2011)
concluded that campus design did play a significant role in influencing healthy—and
unhealthy—behaviors in college students.
Before leaving the topic of research methods, one contemporary trend deserves
special mention: the increasing use of brain-imaging techniques in virtually every
area of psychology. To help highlight the importance of neuroscience, every chapter
includes a special “Focus on Neuroscience” feature. This chapter’s Focus on Neu-
critical thinking The active process of
roscience explores brain-imaging techniques and discusses their increasing use in
minimizing preconceptions and biases psychological research (see pp. 34–35).
while evaluating evidence, determining the This brief introduction to research methods will give you some idea of how psy-
conclusions that can reasonably be drawn chologists conduct research. But we hope it also illustrates some of the ways in which
from evidence, and considering alternative scientists—and others—evaluate claims and evidence. In the Critical Thinking box
explanations for research findings or other “Think Like a Scientist,” we offer several suggestions to help you evaluate claims that
phenomena. you encounter both inside and outside the classroom.
C r i t i c al Thin k in g
You might wonder what would happen if you were to volunteer to participate in a
psychology experiment or study. Are psychologists allowed to manipulate or control
you without your knowledge or consent? Could a psychologist force you to reveal
your innermost secrets? Could he or she administer electric shocks?
The answer to all of these questions is “no.” The American Psychological Associa-
tion (APA) has developed a strict code of ethics for conducting research with both
human and animal subjects. This code is contained in a document called Ethical
My th Science Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct (APA, 2002, 2010). You can download a
Is it true that psychologists are copy of the document at the Web site www.apa.org/ethics.
not allowed to trick you into tak- In general, psychologists must respect the dignity and welfare of participants. Psy-
ing part in a study? chologists cannot deceptively expose research participants to conditions that might
cause either physical or emotional harm. At most institutions, any psychological
research using human or animal subjects is scrutinized by an institutional review
board before approval is granted (Fisher & Vacanti-Shova, 2012).
Here are highlights of five key provisions in the most recent APA ethical principles
regulating research with human participants:
• I nformed consent and voluntary participation. The psychologist must
inform the participants of the purpose of the research, including significant
From the film Obedience (c) 1968 by Stanley Milgram, (c)renewed
1993 by Alexandra Milgram; and distributed by Alexander Street
language (Wasserman & Zentall, 2006). And research is also pursued for
its potential to the animals themselves. For example, psychological research
on animal behavior has been used to improve the quality of life of animals
in zoos and to increase the likelihood of survival of endangered species in
the wild (Blumstein & Fernandez-Juricic, 2010; Goulart & others, 2009).
2. A nimal subjects are sometimes used for research that could
not feasibly be conducted on human subjects.
There are many similarities between human and animal behavior, but
animal behavior tends to be less complex. Thus, it is sometimes easier to
identify basic principles of behavior by studying animals. Psychologists can
also observe some animals throughout their entire lifespan. To track such
changes in humans would take decades of research. Finally, psychologists can
exercise greater control over animal subjects than over human subjects. If
P syc h f o r Yo u r L ife
textbooks. Highlighting and underlining can be helpful, but material is tested in other ways. Thus, it represents more than
only if done properly (Dunlosky & others, 2013). “teaching to the test” (Roediger, Finn, & Weinstein, 2012).
Research has found that you’re more likely to remember Why is practice testing such a powerful study technique?
text marked by highlighting or underlining. The problem is One reason may be that practice tests counteract the fluency
that you are less likely to remember material that you don’t effect. When you reread text or review your notes, the mate-
mark. Thus, if you highlight the wrong material, highlighting rial seems familiar and easy to understand, so the tendency is
may be more harmful than helpful. It’s also a problem if you to assume that you know the material. But often we mistake
highlight too much material. If your textbook looks like your familiarity for knowledge. Practice testing allows you to iden-
younger brother’s coloring book, you’re probably doing it tify the gaps that exist in your knowledge so that you can better
wrong. One early study found a negative correlation (see p. 25 allocate your study time (Roediger, Putnam, & Smith, 2011).
if you don’t remember what that means) between the amount Practice tests also allow you to practice the very skills that
of text highlighted and the scores on tests covering the mate- you will need to succeed—retrieving information you’ve
rial: The more material students highlighted, the lower their learned from memory (Roediger, Finn, & Weinstein, 2012).
test scores (Fowler & Barker, 1974). And, some research suggests that repeatedly retrieving infor-
How can you use highlighting and underlining to improve mation seems to help you organize that information in mem-
learning? Be an active reader—and a selective highlighter, ory, making it easier to remember in the future.
highlighting only the most important information. If you How can you incorporate practice tests into your own
have a tendency to highlight entire paragraphs, instead choose studying? Take advantage of any practice quizzes that may
no more than one or two points per paragraph to highlight. In be offered by your professor, in study guides, or in your
this textbook, the “Key Questions” at the beginning of each textbook. Challenge yourself to write out the definitions for
section will help you identify the most important points. each of the boldfaced key terms in each section of your text.
3. In the classroom, take notes by hand, not on your laptop Even simpler, duplicate the procedure used in the experiment
described on pages 26–28. After you finish reading a section
Many students take notes on a laptop or tablet, but a recent study
of material, close your book and write down ten key points
conclusively showed that using handwriting to take notes increases
that were in the section you just read. Make sure you go back
both conceptual understanding and factual retention of the mate-
and check your work against the material you are trying to
rial (Mueller & Oppenheimer, 2014). Students also had higher test
master; correct any inaccurate information, and fill in any
scores when they studied from their handwritten notes versus study-
missing ideas.
ing from typed notes, even though their typed notes included more
information. The explanation? Students who typed on a laptop 5. Use flashcards and practice tests correctly
tended to simply transcribe verbatim what they heard. In contrast, Millions of schoolchildren have been taught how to use
note-takers using longhand had to listen, digest, and summarize the flashcards: Quiz yourself, and if you answer an item correctly,
information in their own words. Doing so required them to deeply set the card aside. Keep quizzing yourself on the remaining
engage with the material, which led to better memory for the mate- cards until all cards have been set aside, at which point you can
rial (Mueller & Oppenheimer, 2014). Paying attention pays off! conclude that you have successfully mastered the information.
4. Practice retrieval: The testing effect But is this an effective study technique? Should students
skip material that they have learned in order to focus their
Hundreds of experiments have shown that tests do more
effort on material that they have not learned? Let’s take a look
than simply assess learning; they are powerful tools in their
at a clever experiment that tested this notion.
own right (see Dunlosky & others, 2013; Bjork & others,
Jeffrey Karpicke & Henry Roediger (2008) gave partici-
2013). Earlier in the chapter, we described an experiment
pants a list of 40 Swahili words and their English translations.
that demonstrated the power of the testing effect—the finding
All of the participants studied and were tested on the com-
that retrieving information from memory produces better
plete list in the first study session. Then, the participants were
retention than restudying the same information (Roediger &
divided into four groups and tested a week later after complet-
Karpicke, 2006; Roediger & Butler, 2011).
ing three study/test sessions (see figure). The results:
Are practice tests helpful only for factual material? Does the
testing effect only enhance rote memorization? No. Practice • Students who studied and were tested on the entire list in each
tests need not be multiple-choice or short-answer tests. Essay study period scored 80% on the test a week later.
questions or other tasks that require you to retrieve information • Participants who studied only the items they missed but were
from your memory also produce improved retention (Roediger, tested on the entire list also scored 80% on the test a week
Putnam, & Smith, 2011; Roediger, Agarwal, & others, 2011). later.
And, studies have shown that practice tests enhance mem- • Participants who studied all the items but were only tested on
ory for all types of information. Some examples include spatial items they missed scored 36% on the test one week later.
information, such as map-learning, and even the learning of
• Participants who, like the traditional flashcard user, only
new skills like CPR (Dunlosky & others, 2013; Kromann
studied and were tested on items they missed scored 33% on the
& others, 2009). Research also shows that material learned
final test.
via retrieval practice transfers to novel situations, when the
Test all Test only 6. Space out your study time: The benefits of distributed vs.
items missed items massed practice
Psychologists call it “massed practice.” Students call it
Study all
80% 36%
“cramming.” A common strategy for time-challenged stu-
items dents, massed practice involves trying to study as much as
possible in a short period of time, typically right before an
Study only
exam. Interestingly, massed practice is effective—but only in
80% 33% the short term (Bjork & others, 2013). Typically, information
missed items
learned through cramming is forgotten very quickly.
A much more effective study strategy is what psycholo-
Effects of Flashcard Strategy on Retention Karpicke and gists call distributed practice, which means that you learn the
Roediger (2008) found that repeated study has no effect information over several sessions, separated in time. Count-
on final test performance—but repeated testing did. less studies have shown that information learned over dis-
Source: Data from Karpicke & Roediger (2008). tributed sessions is much better retained than information
learned in a single session (see Dunlosky & Rawson, 2015;
In other words, repeated study had no effect on final test Soderstrom & Bjork, 2015). One reason may be that the
performance—but repeated testing did. How can you apply this time between sessions gives you a chance to organize and
finding to your own study habits? For any type of practice test, don’t incorporate new information into your memory (Carpenter
stop practicing items that you’ve answered correctly. Especially if & others, 2012).
you are using flashcards, don’t drop those cards once you think We hope you find these suggestions helpful, both in psy-
you have mastered the information—keep testing yourself on them. chology and in your other courses. Welcome to psychology!
Chapter Review
Origins of Psychology
1. G
enerate an empirically testable hypothesis; Use statistics to analyze findings
operationally define all variables and determine whether they
2. Design study and collect data are statistically significant;
3. Analyze data and draw conclusions use meta-analysis to combine
and analyze data from multiple
4. Report the findings studies.
Nonhuman subjects:
Human participants:
• Acceptable scientific purpose
• Informed consent
• Must increase knowledge about species,
• Voluntary participation behavior, or benefit the health or welfare of
• Deception allowable only when no other humans or nonhuman animals
alternatives and if justified by study’s • Must meet local, state, and federal guidelines
potential merit regulating care of research animals
• Confidentiality of personal information
• Debriefed at conclusion of study