محاضرة 1 (1)
محاضرة 1 (1)
محاضرة 1 (1)
Properties of light
Some of the important properties of light are summarized as follows:
1- Light is a form of energy which is propagated as electromagnetic waves( it does not require
medium for its propagation)
5- When light passes from one medium to the other, velocity and wavelength change.
Light velocity
Determination of velocity of light is of a great important.
Einstein has shown that the energy released by the nucleus of an atom is given by
E= m c2
Where m is the decrease in mass and c is the velocity of light.
The first attempt to find the velocity of light was made by Galileo in 1600 The first successful
attempt made by Romer (1676), Romer calculated the value of c as 186.000 mile/sec.
Bradley (1729) using aberration method, Bradley calculated the value of c as
186.230 mile/sec.
Corna in 1874 determined the velocity the velocity of light as 3.013*108 m/sec.
Houston’s using piezoelectric grating method calculated the value of c as: 2.99782*108 m/sec.
Nature of light
Various theories have been put forward about the nature of light¸ while the four important
theories which guided the evolution of our understanding of the nature of light¸the theories are
known as s:
2- Wave theory(Huygen’s principle)
1- Every point on a wave front acts as secondary source of disturbance
2- The surface which touches all the wavelengths from the secondary sources gives the new
Huygens could explain reflection¸ refraction¸ however rectilinear propagation of light and
polarization could not be explained.
3- Electomagnetictheory(Maxwell)
EM wave is:
• Electric field (E) perpendicular to magnetic field (M)
• Travels at velocity, c (3x108 ms-1, in a vacuum)
4 -Quantum theory
Max plank had come to the conclusion that the absorption or radiation of energy is not
continuous process¸ he postulated that thermal radiation is emitted or absorbed intermittently
by indivisible amounts of energy called quantum¸ each quantum carries energy h where h is
constant called planks constant.
Einstein elaborated the quantum concept in an endeavor to account for the phenomenon of
photoelectric emission. He postulated that quanta travel in space as separate entities with the
speed c¸ the quanta are named as photons. Quantum theory explains the interaction of
radiation with matter but it cannot account the phenomenon of polarization, interference and
diffraction .
Sources of light
The sun¸ the stars lamps give off light¸ they are called Luminous Bodies like moon, mountains
etc. are non luminous they are visible when they receive light from luminous sources and then
send the light to our eyes.
Some bodies can emit light due to transfer of thermal energy into energy of electromagnetic
waves¸ Emission of light due to supply of energy through processes other than heat is called
luminescence¸ there are different kinds of luminescence ,neon and other glow tubes are
examples of electroluminescence in this kind of luminescence charged particles accelerated by
an electric field partly transmit their kinetic energy to the atoms of the gas which then emit
Many living organisms such as fire filefish and bacteria emit light due to chemical reactions
which called chmilumine science