Final exam - mass media
Final exam - mass media
Final exam - mass media
Lecture 7 – Television
u 1949 radio has %81 of all broadcast audiences but by the end of the
year the TV was taking %41 of the audiences.
u People began enjoying watching the motion picture with the audio at
the same time.
Television ratings and the audiences
• Nielsen provides two types of numbers which are ratings and share.
u Technologically based
u interactivity
- The internet made it possible to all the previous media including new
ones like social media to be delivered electronically via the internet
• Whenever new forms of media appear the older forms don’t just die
but evolve to the situation.
• Paul safo has a theory of 30-year role. This theory mentioned that each
technology as three stages of ten years each.
Digital divide
u Is the gap between those who have access and those without.
• Open access: this allows us to see more unwanted emails which called
1- The move to California: movies were produced in New York in the early
days. However, to find the sunshine film companies were still must film
in Florida or Cuba. Then California became the Hollywood that offered
good weather, cheap land and Laboure.
4- Self-regulation: in 1920s the movie industry faced two crises. First are
the movie stars scandals, and second is the unappropriated content of
the movies, and some religious groups rejected it. That allowed the
MPDA, the motion picture producers and distributors association put
guidelines to follow so the cinema will be governed.
u 3-D movies
u Widescreen and stereo (feel the reality).
u Popcorn and drinks in the theater.
Ancillary rights
• Subscription TV rights.
What is advertising?
• We are paying for the media that we are watching, listening or even
reading through adverts we are consuming.
Advertising in magazines
u Magazines were initially wary of ads by 1887. they had fully embraced
them as way of raising the money they need to survive.
Advertising in radio
Advertising in Television
• Television adopted the dirt sponsorship that was borrowed from radio.
u Advertisers are looking for what you need and target it.
• Advertising makes people to buy what they don’t need like brands or
even buy one and get one offers. (example).
1. One group believed that media, especially TV affects our lives. It like
the injection that we are taking in our blood. (Hypodermic needle
2. Other group believed that the media affects the human beings
differently. People are different in the way that they use media, so the
effect will be different from one to another.
• Payne Fund sponsored the first major research into media effects.
3. The idea of advertising is to sell a product which is far away from the
children’s thinking.
• Family and friends had more effect on people than the media.
• The theory that talks about getting information about politics from
media called two step flow.
u Media have portrayed some ethnic and social groups in a certain way.
Images built about these groups over time.