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software engineering final jornal

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NAME : ____________________________

CLASS : ____________________________

ROLL.NO : ____________________________

SUBJECT : ____________________________

Submitted to-




This is to certify that Mr./Miss.__________________________________ having

Exam Seat No._______________ of B.Sc.IT (Semester IV) has completed the
Practical work in the subject of “Software Engineering” during the Academic
year 2018-19 under the guidance of Mr.Arvind Singh being the Partial
requirement for the fulfilment of the curriculum of Degree of Bachelor of Science
in Information Technology, University of Mumbai.

Internal Examiner Co-ordinator

Date: College Seal

1 Study and implementation of class
2 Study and implementation of Use
Case Diagram.
3 Study and implementation of entity
relationship diagrams.
4 Study and implementation of
sequence diagram.
5 Study and implementation of State
Transition diagram.
6 Study and implementation of
Dataflow diagram.
7 Study and implementation of
Collaboration diagram.
8 Study and implementation of Activity
9 Study and implementation of
Component diagram.
10 Study and implementation of
Deployment diagram.
Practical no. 1: Study and implementation of class diagram.
In software engineering, a class diagram in unified modelling
language(UML) is a type of static structure diagram that describe the structure of a
system by showing the systems classes, their attributes, operations or methods and
the relationship among objects.
1. Class – A class represents a relevant concept from the domain, a set of
persons, objects or ideas that are depicted in the IT system.
Example of classes are passenger, planes or tickets.


2. Attribute – An attribute of a class represents a characteristic of a class that is

of interest for the user of the IT system:
Characteristic of interest of a passenger, for example are name and


3. Generalization - Generalization is a relationship between two classes: a

general class and a special class.

4. Association – An association represents a relationship between two classes.

is flow with
An association indicates that objects of one class have a relationship with
objects of another class, in which this connection has a specifically defined
meaning (for example, “ is with”).
5. Multiplicity – A multiplicity allows for statements about the member of
objects that are involved in an association.

* 0……1

6. Aggregation – An aggregation is a special case of an association (see above)

meaning “consist of”:

The diamond documents this meaning: a caption is unnecessary.

Practical 2: Study and implementation of Use Case Diagram.
A use case diagram is a graphic depiction of the interactions among the
elements of a system. A use case is a methodology used in system analysis to
identify, clarify and organize system requirements. The actors, usually individuals
involved with the system defined according to their roles.

1. Actor – You can picture an actor as a user of the IT system, for example
Mr.Steel or Mrs.Smith from check-in. Because individual persons are
irrelevant for the model, they are abstracted. So the actors are called “check-in
employee” or passenger. Actor represent roles that uses take on when they use
the IT system, eg.- the role of a check-in employee. Once person can act in
more than one role toward the IT system. It is important for the IT system in
which a role person is acting. Therefore, it is necessary to log on to many IT
systems in a certain role for instanceas a normal user or as an administrator. In
each case access to the appropriate functionalities (use cases) in granted.
Actors themselves are not part of the IT system. However, as employees they
can be part of the business system.

2. Use Case – Use case describe the interactions that take place actors and IT
systems during the execution of business processes. A use case represents a
part of the functionality of the IT system and enables the user (modeled as an
actor) to access this functionality. Anything that users would like to do with the
IT system has to be made available as a use case (or part of a use case).
Functionalities that exist in the IT system, but that are not accessed by means
of use cases are not available to users.

3. Association – An association is a connection between an actor and a use case.

An association indicates that an actor can carry out a use case. Several actors at
one use case mean that each actor can carry the use case on his or her own and
not that the actors carry out the use case together.
4. Include Relationships – An include relationship is a relationship between two
use cases: ------------------. It indicates that the use case to which the arrow
points is included in the use case on the other side of the arrow. This makes it
possible to reuse a use case in another use case.

Practical 3: Study and implementation of entity relationship diagrams.
An entity relationship model, also called an entity-relationship (ER)
diagram, is a graphical representation of entities and their relationships to each
other, typically used in computing in regard to the organization of data within
databases or information systems.
1. Entity – A definable thing such as person, object, concept or event that can
have data stored about it. Think of entities as nouns. Examples: a customer,
a student, car or product. Typically shown as a rectangle.

a. Entity type: A group of definable things such as students or athletes,

whereas the entity would be the specific student or athlete. Other
examples- customers, cars or products.
b. Entity set: Same as an entity type but defined at a particular point in time
such as students enrolled in a class on the first day. Other examples-
Customers who purchased last month, cars currently registered in
Florida. A related term is instance in which the specific person or car
would be instance of the entity set.
c. Entity categories: Entities are categorized as strong, weak or associative.
A strong entity can be defined solely by its own attributes while a weak
entity cannot. An associative entity associates entities (or elements)
within an entity set.

Weak Entity Entity

d. Entity keys: Refers to an attribute that uniquely defines an entity in an

entity set. Entity keys can be super candidate or primary. Super key: A
set of attributes (one or more) that together define an entity in an entity
set. Candidate key: A minimal super key meaning it has the least possible
number of attributes to still be a super key. An entity set may have more
than one candidate key. Primary key: A candidate key chosen by the
database designer to uniquely identify the entity set. Foreign key:
Identifies the relationship between entities.

2. Relationship – How entities act upon each other or are associated with each
other. Think of relationships as verbs. For example: the named student might
register for a course. The two entities would be the student and the course
and the relationship depicted is the act of enrolling, connecting the two
entities in that way. Relationships are typically shown as diamond or labels
directly on the connecting lines.

Relationship Weak

a. Recursive relationship: The same entity participates more than once in the
b. Cardinal relationship: It is one to one, one to many and many to many. A
one to one example would be one student associated with one mailing
address. A one to many example or many to one example would be one
student registers for multiple courses but all these courses have a single line
back to that one student. Many to many example- Students as a group are
associated with multiple faculty members in turn are associated with
multiple students.

Zero or one Many

One One and only one

Zero or Many One or Many

i. Cardinality Views – Cardinality can be shown as look-across or same-side,
depending on where the symbols are shown.
ii. Cardinality Constraints – The minimum or maximum numbers that apply to

3. Attribute – A property or characteristic of an entity. Often shown as oval or


Key Partial key

\ Attribute
attribute attribute

Descriptive Attribute: A property or characteristic of relationship.

Attribute Categories: Attributes are categorized as simple, composite and
derived as single value or multi-value.
a. Simple – Means the attribute value is atomic and can’t be further divided
such as a phone number.
b. Composite – Sub-attributes spring from an attribute.
c. Derived – Attribute is calculated or otherwise derived from another attribute
such as age from birth date.
i. Multi-Value: More than one attribute value is denoted, such as
multiple phone numbers for a person.
ii. Single-Value: Just one attributes value. The types can be combined
such as simple single value attributes or composite multi value

4. Cardinality – It defines the numerical attributes of the relationship between

two entities or entity sets.
Practical no. 4: Study and implementation of sequence diagram.
The sequence diagram is a good diagram to document a system’s
requirements and to flash out a system’s design. The reason the system diagram is
useful is because the interaction logic between the objects in the system in the time
order that the interaction logic take place.
The flow of a mutation event is documented with a combination of textual
description and a sequence diagram.
1. Comment – In comments, the flow logic is shown on the topmost level.
2. Actor (somebody) –The actor (somebody) represents any actor from the
usecase diagram. Since the mutation event that is documented in a sequence
diagram can be contained in several usecases, and since these usecases can
have different actors, we use the Actor (somebody).This way, we do not
have to decide on one specific actor.
3. Mutation Event – A mutation event is an event that is send from usecase, so
normally from the user interface to the IT system.The goal of the event is to
mutate information in the IT system, means to create, change or delete
4. Object – An object represent any object meaning an undefined object of a
class of the IT system.
An interaction indicates that all objects to which a relationship exits receive
the even.
For example: All the flights of a flight number.
5. Lifeline – The lifeline of an object represents a life (over the course of
time).The rectangle means the “thick part” of the lifeline shows when the
objects are active.
Practical no. 5: Study and implementation of State Transition diagram.
A state diagram is a diagram used in computer science to describe the
behaviour of a system considering all the possible states of an object when an
event occurs. This behaviour is represented and analyzed in a series that occur in
one or more possible states.
1. Initial state – The initial state represents the source of all objects. It is not a
normal state because objects in this state do not yet exist.
2. State – The state of an object is always determined by its attributes and
association states in statechart diagram represent a set of those value
combinations in which an object behaves the same in response to events.
Therefore, not every modification of an attribute leads to a new state.
3. Transition – A transition represents the change from one state to another.
4. Internal Transition – An internal transition is a transition from one state to
itself. This means that the object handles the event without changing its
state.The events that is initiate the internal transition are used in the lower
part of the state symbol. For instance, a frequent flyer card object in the state
normal remains in the state normal when the event <<M>> and miles occurs.
5. Mutation Event – A mutation event is the initiator of a transition from one
state to another or for an internal transition where the state remains the same.
6. Action – An action is the activity of an object that is initiated by an event:
<<M>> Event/Action. An action describes what the object does in response
to the event. This description can be textual or formalized.
7. Guard Condition – A guard condition is a condition that has to be met
inorder to entity. Guard conditions can be used to documents that a certain
event depending on the condition, can lead to different transitions.
8. Final State – The final state represents the end of an object’s existence:
A Final state do not exist anymore.
Practical no. 6: Study and implementation of Dataflow diagram.
A dataflow diagram (DFD) is a graphical representation of the flow of the
data through an information system. It show \s how an information is input to and
output from the system, the sources and destination of that information.
DFD can represent source, destination storage and the data using the
following components:

Entity Process Data Storage

1. Entity – An Entities are sources and destination of information data. Entities
are represented by a rectangles with their respective names.
2. Process – Activities and action taken on by circle or round-edge rectangles
3. Data Storage – There are two variants of storage it can either be represented
as a rectangle with absence of both smaller sides or as an open sided or as an
open sided with only one side missing.
4. Dataflow – Movements of data is shown by pointed arrows. Data movement
is shown from the base of arrow as its sources towards head of an arrow as
Levels of DFD:
1. Level 0 - Highest abstraction level DFD is known as system on one diagram
concealing all the underlying details.
2. Level l - The level DFD is broken into specific level 1DFD also mention
basic processes and sources of information,
3. Level 2 – At this level, DFD shows how data flows inside the modules
mentioned in level 1.Higher level DFD can be transformed into the more
specified lower level DFD’s with deeper level of understanding unless the
desired level of specification is achieved.
Online Shopping System


Practical no. 7: Study and implementation of Collaboration diagram.
Collaboration diagram also called as a communication diagram or
interaction diagram is an illustration of the relation and interaction among
software objects in the unified modelling language (UML).
1. Object – The interaction between objects takes place in a system. An object
is an instance of a particular class or subclass with the class's own methods
or procedures and data variables by a rectangle with the name of the object
proceeded by a Clon and Conderline.
2. Relation / Association - Association among objects is linked by connecting
them. The cardinality can be depicted by placing qualifiers’ on either ends.
3. Messages – An arrow that commencing from one object to the destination
object. This depicts the interaction between object and the sequence or order
of the interaction is depicted by the number.

Practical no. 8 - Study and implementation of Activity diagrams.
Activity diagram is another important diagram in UML to describe the
dynamic aspects of the system. Activity diagram is basically a flowchart to
represent the flow from one activity to another activity. The activity can describe
as an operation of the system.
1. Activity - An activity diagram illustrates one individual activity. In our
context, an activity represents a business process. Fundamental elements of
the activity are action and control elements.
Passenger checks

2. Action - An action is an individual step within an activity, for example, a

calculation step that is not the deconstructed any further. That does not
necessarily mean that the action cannot be subdivided in the real world, but
in this diagram will not be refined any further.

3. Calling an Activity (Action) - With this symbol an activity can be called

from within another activity. Calling, in itself, in an action; the outcome of
the call is another activity.
Calling an Activity

4. Accepting an event (Action) - This action waits for an event to occur. After
the event is accepted, the flow that comes from the action is executed.
Accepting event is an important element for business processes in activity
5. Accepting a time event (Action) - At a definite point in time, this action
starts a flow in the activity diagram. An hourglass symbol can be used to
represent the acceptance of a time event.
Ending of month Occurred

6. Sending Signals (Action) - Sending a signals means that a signal is being

send to an accepting activity. The accepting activity accepts the signals with
the action “accepting an event” and can react accordingly, meaning
according to the flow that originates from this node in the activity diagram.
Sending Signals

7. Edge (Control Flow) – Edges, represented by arrows, connect the individual

components of activity diagrams and illustrate the control flow of the

8. Decision Node – The diamond below represents a condition branch point or

decision node. A decision node has one input and two or more outputs:

[Condition] [Else]


9. Merge Node – The diamond below has several inputs and only one output:
Its purpose is the merging of flows. The inputs are not synchronized; if a
flow reaches such a node it proceeds at the output without waiting for the
arrival of other flows.
10.Fork – For the branching of flows in two or more parallel flows we use a
synchronization bar, which is depicted as a thick horizontal or vertical line:

11. Join – For the consolidation of two or more parallel flows we also use a
synchronization bar, which is depicted as a thick horizontal or vertical line:

12.Initial Node – The initial node is the starting point of an activity. An activity
can have more than one initial node; in this case several flows start at the
beginning of an activity:

13.Activity Final Node – The activity final node indicates that an activity is
completed. An Activity diagram can have more than one exit in the form of
activity final node:

14.Flow Final Node – A flow final node terminates a flow. Unlike the activity
final node, which ends an entire activity, reaching a flow final node has no
effect on other parallel flows that are being processed within the activity at
the same point in time:

15.Activity Partition – The individual elements of an activity diagram can be

divided into individual areas or ‘partitions’. Various criteria can lead to the
creation of these partitions: Organization entities, cost centers, locations, etc:
Practical no. : 9 Study and implementation of component Diagram.
UML Component Diagram, Component diagram shows component, provided and
required interface, ports and relationship between them. This type of diagrams is
used in component-Based Development (CBD) to describe system with service -
oriented Architecture (SOA).
Component-an entity required to execute a stereotype function .A component
provides and consumes behavior through interface, as well as via other
components. Think of component as type of class. In UML 1.0, a component is
modeled as a rectangular block with two smaller rectangles protruding from the
side .In UML 2.0, component is modeled as rectangular block with a small image
of the old component diagram shape.
1. Node-Node are hardware or software objects, which are of a higher level than
components. Boxes represent node in lucid chart.
2. Interface-Show input or materials that a component either receives or provides.
Interface can be represented with textual notes or symbols-such as the lollipop, socket,
and ball-and-socket Shapes
3. Port-Symbolized with a small square, ports specify a separate interaction
between the component and the environment.
4. Package-groups together multiple elements of the system. Packages are
represented by file folders in Lucidchart.Just as file folder group together multiple
sheets, packages can be drawn around several components.
5. Dependency-Shows that one part of your system depends on another.
Dependencies are represented by dashed line linking one component (or element)
to another.
Practical no.10: Study and implementation of Deployment Diagrams.
Deployment diagram is a structure diagram which shows architecture of the
system as deployment (distribution) of software artifacts to deployment targets.
Artifacts represent concrete elements in the physical world that are the result of a
development process.
1. Artifact - A product developed by the software, symbolized by a rectangle
with the name and the word "artifact" enclosed by double arrows.
2. Association - A line that indicates a message or other type of communication
between nodes.
3. Component - A rectangle with two tabs that indicates a software element.
4. Dependency - A dashed line that ends in an arrow, which indicates that one
node or component is dependent on another.
5. Interface - A circle that indicates a contractual relationship; those objects
that realize the interface must complete some sort of obligation.

6. Node - A hardware or software object, shown by a three - dimensional box.

7. Node as Container - A node that contains another node inside of it - such as
in the example below, where the nodes contain components.
8. Stereotype - A device contained within the node, presented at the top of the
node, with the name bracketed by double arrows.

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