software engineering final jornal
software engineering final jornal
software engineering final jornal
NAME : ____________________________
CLASS : ____________________________
ROLL.NO : ____________________________
SUBJECT : ____________________________
Submitted to-
is flow with
An association indicates that objects of one class have a relationship with
objects of another class, in which this connection has a specifically defined
meaning (for example, “ is with”).
5. Multiplicity – A multiplicity allows for statements about the member of
objects that are involved in an association.
* 0……1
1. Actor – You can picture an actor as a user of the IT system, for example
Mr.Steel or Mrs.Smith from check-in. Because individual persons are
irrelevant for the model, they are abstracted. So the actors are called “check-in
employee” or passenger. Actor represent roles that uses take on when they use
the IT system, eg.- the role of a check-in employee. Once person can act in
more than one role toward the IT system. It is important for the IT system in
which a role person is acting. Therefore, it is necessary to log on to many IT
systems in a certain role for instanceas a normal user or as an administrator. In
each case access to the appropriate functionalities (use cases) in granted.
Actors themselves are not part of the IT system. However, as employees they
can be part of the business system.
2. Use Case – Use case describe the interactions that take place actors and IT
systems during the execution of business processes. A use case represents a
part of the functionality of the IT system and enables the user (modeled as an
actor) to access this functionality. Anything that users would like to do with the
IT system has to be made available as a use case (or part of a use case).
Functionalities that exist in the IT system, but that are not accessed by means
of use cases are not available to users.
Practical 3: Study and implementation of entity relationship diagrams.
An entity relationship model, also called an entity-relationship (ER)
diagram, is a graphical representation of entities and their relationships to each
other, typically used in computing in regard to the organization of data within
databases or information systems.
1. Entity – A definable thing such as person, object, concept or event that can
have data stored about it. Think of entities as nouns. Examples: a customer,
a student, car or product. Typically shown as a rectangle.
Weak Entity Entity
2. Relationship – How entities act upon each other or are associated with each
other. Think of relationships as verbs. For example: the named student might
register for a course. The two entities would be the student and the course
and the relationship depicted is the act of enrolling, connecting the two
entities in that way. Relationships are typically shown as diamond or labels
directly on the connecting lines.
Relationship Weak
a. Recursive relationship: The same entity participates more than once in the
b. Cardinal relationship: It is one to one, one to many and many to many. A
one to one example would be one student associated with one mailing
address. A one to many example or many to one example would be one
student registers for multiple courses but all these courses have a single line
back to that one student. Many to many example- Students as a group are
associated with multiple faculty members in turn are associated with
multiple students.
Practical no. 7: Study and implementation of Collaboration diagram.
Collaboration diagram also called as a communication diagram or
interaction diagram is an illustration of the relation and interaction among
software objects in the unified modelling language (UML).
1. Object – The interaction between objects takes place in a system. An object
is an instance of a particular class or subclass with the class's own methods
or procedures and data variables by a rectangle with the name of the object
proceeded by a Clon and Conderline.
2. Relation / Association - Association among objects is linked by connecting
them. The cardinality can be depicted by placing qualifiers’ on either ends.
3. Messages – An arrow that commencing from one object to the destination
object. This depicts the interaction between object and the sequence or order
of the interaction is depicted by the number.
Practical no. 8 - Study and implementation of Activity diagrams.
Activity diagram is another important diagram in UML to describe the
dynamic aspects of the system. Activity diagram is basically a flowchart to
represent the flow from one activity to another activity. The activity can describe
as an operation of the system.
1. Activity - An activity diagram illustrates one individual activity. In our
context, an activity represents a business process. Fundamental elements of
the activity are action and control elements.
Passenger checks
4. Accepting an event (Action) - This action waits for an event to occur. After
the event is accepted, the flow that comes from the action is executed.
Accepting event is an important element for business processes in activity
5. Accepting a time event (Action) - At a definite point in time, this action
starts a flow in the activity diagram. An hourglass symbol can be used to
represent the acceptance of a time event.
Ending of month Occurred
[Condition] [Else]
9. Merge Node – The diamond below has several inputs and only one output:
Its purpose is the merging of flows. The inputs are not synchronized; if a
flow reaches such a node it proceeds at the output without waiting for the
arrival of other flows.
10.Fork – For the branching of flows in two or more parallel flows we use a
synchronization bar, which is depicted as a thick horizontal or vertical line:
11. Join – For the consolidation of two or more parallel flows we also use a
synchronization bar, which is depicted as a thick horizontal or vertical line:
12.Initial Node – The initial node is the starting point of an activity. An activity
can have more than one initial node; in this case several flows start at the
beginning of an activity:
13.Activity Final Node – The activity final node indicates that an activity is
completed. An Activity diagram can have more than one exit in the form of
activity final node:
14.Flow Final Node – A flow final node terminates a flow. Unlike the activity
final node, which ends an entire activity, reaching a flow final node has no
effect on other parallel flows that are being processed within the activity at
the same point in time: