Slm Intro to Philo Salvador
Slm Intro to Philo Salvador
Slm Intro to Philo Salvador
A. Introduction
The word “PHILOSOPHY” comes from two Greek words, Philo meaning “to love” and Sophia
meaning “wisdom”. Therefore, Philosophy originally means “LOVE OF WISDOM” or “LOVER
PHILOSOPHY is defined as the science that by natural light of reason studies the first causes or
highest principles of all things.
It is called science because the investigation is systematic. It follows certain steps or it
employs certain procedures. In other words, it is an organized body of knowledge just like
any other sciences.
B. Pre-Test
C. Explore
b. Ethics - the branch of philosophy that explores the nature of moral virtue and evaluate
human actions.
Socrates’ Ethics
To be happy, a person has to live a virtuous life. Not taught, but awakening of the seeds of good
deeds that lay dormant in the mind and heart of the person through self-knowledge. True
knowledge means wisdom, in turn virtue
d. Logic - not interested in what we know regarding certain subjects. It’s concern, rather, is
the truth or the validity of our arguments regarding such objects
Aristotle was the first philosopher to devise logical method. He understood truth to
mean the agreement of knowledge with reality.
e. Aesthetics - the science of the beautiful in its various manifestation – including sublime,
comic, tragic, pathetic and ugly.
Importance of Aesthetics
e.1 It vitalizes our knowledge.
2. POSITIONAL TYPES - In short, these are philosophies that arouses from different schools
of thought or traditions. It is sometimes seen as “ism/s” which means the tradition/influence. For
every branch of philosophy comes different positional types.
3. METHODOLOGICAL TYPES - These are the movements that arouse from different era
in history. Each study focuses on a specific arena of inquiry or interest. These types are used to
methodologically respond to a certain topic. As an analogy, it is like a reading glass used to see
4. REGIONAL (or GEOGRAPHICAL TYPES) - This part speaks about the distinction
between geographical state, and the world-view of two major philosophical interpretations.
Western Philosophy gives much emphasis on rationality, strict observance of philosophical
texts, inquiry, reason, critique, ideologies, and things that are beyond comprehension.
Eastern Philosophy gives much emphasis on the way of life, to find fulfillment in virtues, live as
a part of nature, applied social interactions, meaning present in our dealings with others.
a. Filipino Philosophy - Like any other people, Filipino must eventually take consciousness
of his own particular life and his world, his society, and his gods in the light of truth, and
thereby realize proper being. (Reyes, 1990)
Three dimensions of Filipino Thought
a.1 Loob - The Filipino generally believes in the innate goodness of the human
a.2 Philosophy of Time - Gulong ng Palad (Wheel of fortune) – looks at life as
ups and downs (Timbreza, 1992)
a.3 Bahala na - Bahala na means to literally leave everything to God who is
Bathala in vernacular.
5. HISTORICAL TYPES - These are the types of Philosophies that emerges throughout
History. Each Philosophical discourses has its heyday during each Philosophical Era.
a. Ancient Philosophical Era - (585 BC - 400 AD) Main Questions: Where does the World
came from? How do I know that I exist? What is the very nature of existence? How do I
know that I know? etc.
b. Medieval Philosophical Era - (400 AD - 1500 AD) Main Questions: How do we prove of
God’s existence? Can we unite faith with reason? What is suffering and how can we
achieve peace from it?
c. Modern Philosophy - (1500 AD - 1900/2000 AD) Main Questions: How do we acquire
knowledge? What is to exist?
d. Contemporary Philosophy - (1900/2000 AD - present) Main Questions: How we live in
technological era? What is man and what is his purpose in days to come? Modern Just
Society and Absolute Freedom possible? Equality and the abolishment of barriers?
Sources of power?
D. Firm Up
What did you learn about your purpose? What did you learn about your purpose?
E. Deepen
F. Transfer
Philosophy, by its definition covers a great deal of conceptual, complex, and value-laden
processes. Lessons to be learned go beyond and rise to daunting challenges of modern
experience. "Partial "philosophy is limiting our views about the human person within the
anthropocentric frame and tradition of western philosophy. A more holistic approach that the
lesson presents signals even the non-anthropocentric and eccentric.
In short, a broad understanding of philosophy stressed not just the humans but other living
beings. Though philosophy has many branches and special branches, philosophical introduction
goes beyond partial (i.e., individualism) but stresses holism; beyond mind but the body as well;
beyond global/technological to local and indigenous. The final section highlighted the students'
various methods of concerns and ways of thinking through their own philosophical reflection.
H. Post-Test
I. References
Palmer, D. (2009). Looking at philosophy: The unbearable heaviness of philosophy made lighter.
Ramos, C. (2017). Introduction to philosophy of the human person.
A. Introduction
B. Pre-Test
C. Explore
In search for wisdom, the learner must evaluate argument and ways of expressing one’s belief,
emotions and opinions.
Philosophizing - to think or express oneself in a philosophical manner. It considers or discusses
the matter from philosophical standpoint.
1. Phenomenology: On Consciousness
2. Existentialism: On Freedom
Soren Kierkegaard insisted that the authentic self was the personally chosen self.
Friedrich Nietzche took this view of opposition of the genuine self-versus public herd. Our
search for truth by means of critical thinking is a rational choice. Existentialism, with Jean-
Paul Sarte, emphasizes the importance of free individual choice, regardless of the power
of other people to influence and coerce our desires, beliefs, and decisions.
3. Postmodernism: On Cultures
Reality cannot be known nor described, objectively by postmodernists. They consider that
to arrive at truth, humanity should realize the limits of reasons and objectivism. They value
our existence in the world and in relation to it.
4. Analytic Tradition
6. Fallacies
D. Firm Up
Activity 5: Interview
Conduct an interview an interview and highlight the question: How do you define freedom?. You
can choose to interview your fellow classmates or employees of the school. The members can
document the interview by taking pictures or video of the entire proceeding. Cite philosophical
insights regarding the interview. Present in class.
F. Transfer
Q1PT2: Debate
Current social issues: Divide up into teams. Develop thesis. Construct Arguments. Consider
rebuttals and response.
I. Opening Arguments (Pro & Con) – 7 minutes each group
II. Pro team rebuttal – 5 minutes
III. Con team rebuttal – 5 minutes
IV. Pro team response – 3 minutes
V. Con team response – 3 minutes
VI. Closing Arguments (Pro & Con)
G. Summary
We are human beings possessed with reason. We use it when we make decisions or when
we try to influence the decisions of others or when we are engaged in an argument or debate.
Indeed, this lesson presented the general principles involved in reasoning to arrive at truth.
Though emotions can be more persuasive, in the long run, correct reasoning will prove to be the
most solid foundation. The wise thing to do is to be skillful in dismantling ideas and handling the
emotions that come along with ideas and in the debate process. To solely focus on reasoning or
emotional persuasion is wrong and incomplete.
Students should not take the methods of philosophizing for granted. For instance, the
study of logic develops a habit of clear and critical thinking. It helps determine illogical reasoning
or fallacious ones. It builds self-confidence. Finally, through logic and other methods of reasoning,
students are trained various techniques in making assumptions and implications.
I. References
Al Franjon, M. V., Enaya, B. P., & Fernandez, E. C. (2020) Introduction to the philosophy of the
human person.
Palmer, D. (2009). Looking at philosophy: The unbearable heaviness of philosophy made lighter.
Ramos, C. (2017). Introduction to the philosophy of the human person.
A. Introduction
In Philosophy, the adjective transcendental and the noun transcendence convey the basic
ground concept from the word’s literal meaning, of climbing or going beyond. There are many
aspects of transcendence, the lesson will cover three main spiritual philosophies: Hinduism,
Buddhism, and Christianity.
B. Pre-Test
C. Explore
A. Hinduism
Brahman is Self-Hood
At the heart of Hinduism lies the idea of human beings’ quest for absolute truth, so that
one’s soul and the brahman or Atman might become one. Human beings have a dual
nature: spiritual and immortal essence (soul), empirical life and character.
Ultimate liberation is achieved the moment the individual attains that stage of life
emancipation, from which inevitably arises a total realization by the individual of spiritual
nature as well as the transient character of the body.
Primary values
1. Wealth (artha)
2. Pleasure (kama)
3. Duty (dharma)
4. Enlightenment (moksha)
B. Buddhism
Another major Eastern tradition is Buddhism, contained in the teachings of its founder,
Siddhartha Gautama or the Buddha.
1. Life is full of suffering
2. Suffering is caused by passionate desires, lusts, cravings
3. Only as these are obliterated, will suffering cease
4. Such eradication of desire may be accomplished only by following
the Eightfold Path of earnest endeavor.
1. right belief in and acceptance of the “Fourfold Truth”
2. right aspiration for one’s self and for others
3. right speech that harms no one
4. right conduct, motivated by goodwill toward all human beings
5. right means of livelihood, or effort to direct one’s energies by honorable
6. right endeavor, or effort to direct one’s energies toward wise ends
7. right mindfulness in choosing topics for thought
8. right meditation, or concentration to the point of complete absorption in
mystic ecstasy.
The way to salvation, in other words, lies through self-abnegation, rigid discipline of mind
and body, a consuming love for all living creatures, and the final achievement of the
state of consciousness.
The following precepts represent the first step that one can take after reading, hearing,
and pondering Buddhist teaching:
The Buddhist practice the four states of sublime condition: love, sorrow of others, joy in
the joy of others and equanimity as regards one’s own joy and sorrows.
Philosophical Argument about God’s existence. For St. Augustine of Hippo, Philosophy
is amor sapiental, the love of wisdom; its aim is to produce happiness. Christianity, as
presenting the full revelation of the true God, is only full and true Philosophy. From
mystic love and intuition of God follow all the principles to direct humanity in all their
For St. Thomas Aquinas, Human beings have the unique power to change themselves
and things for the better. Human beings are moral agent. Thus, whether we choose to
be “Good” or “evil” becomes responsibility.
Let us evaluate our human limitations and how we can also transcend them:
A. Forgiveness
When we forgive, we are freed from our anger and bitterness because of the actions
and/or words of another
C. Vulnerability
To be vulnerable is human. To be invulnerable is inhuman.
D. Failure
Our failures force us to confront our weakness and limitations
E. Loneliness
Our loneliness can be rooted from our sense of vulnerability and fear of death.
F. Love
To love is to experience richness, positivity, and transcendence.
B. Buddhism: Nirvana
Nirvana means the state in which one is absolutely free from all forms of bondage and
attachment. The Buddhists see one who has attained nirvana as one who is encumbered
from all the fetters that bind a human being to existence.
2. What are your strengths? What are the possible things or status that you can reach
or achieve in the future?
3. What are the factors affecting your limitations? How about possibilities?
D. Firm Up
E. Deepen
F. Transfer
G. Summary
Indian thought recognizes the complimentary thought of all systems of belief. Hinduism is
neither rooted in any single doctrine, nor does it claim a monopoly on truth or wisdom. Similarly,
Buddhism preaches tolerance of all sincere viewpoints and includes many of these within its own
spiritual teachings (Shanley, 2001).
For Christian faith, the power of change cannot be done by human beings alone, but is
achieved in cooperation with God. Between humanity and God, there is an infinite gap, which
God alone can bridge through His power. Perfection by participation means that it is a union of
humanity with God. Change should promote not only any purely private advantage, but also the
good of the community.
In this vein, the core of loo for Filipinos deepens and broadens the meaning of God in the
lives of the people. The religious aspiration of loob, as discussed in Lesson 1, cannot be separated
from spiritual enlightenment. In general, Filipinos encounter God in conflicts and sufferings. The
H. Post-Test
I. References
Al Franjon, M. V., Enaya, B. P., & Fernandez, E. C. (2020) Introduction to the philosophy of the
human person.
Palmer, D. (2009). Looking at philosophy: The unbearable heaviness of philosophy made lighter.
Ramos, C. (2017). Introduction to the philosophy of the human person.
A. Introduction
Our limited understanding of our environment opens for a need for philosophical investigation of
nature, applying aesthetic and theological dimensions, as well as appreciating our philosophical
reflections with the concept of nature itself.
B. Pre-Test
The domination of humanity is linked to the domination of nature based on the anthropocentric
model. An unfair and unjust utilization of the environment result to ecological crisis.
The ecocentric model, in contrast, puts the ecosystem first and assumes that the natural world
has intrinsic values. For instance, humans have responsibility toward the land, but because of
the anthropocentric attitude, humanity claims ownership or authority over land.
Notice things are not in their proper place and organize them in an aesthetic way
A. Ancient Thinkers
1. Anaximander
• emploved the term boundless to convey the further thought that nature is
• the evolution of the world begins with the generation of the opposites in a certain
region of nature.
2. Pythagoras
• He described the universe as living embodiment of nature's order, harmony and
3. Chinese Cosmic
• All that happens in the universe is a continuous whole like a chain of natural
• Does not proceed onwards but just revolves without beginning or end. New is
repetition of old.
• Human beings’ happiness lies in his conformity with nature or tao; the wise,
therefore conforms with tao and is happy.
B. Modern Thinkers
1. Immanuel Kant - In his third critique, Critique of Judgment, Immanuel Kant expresses
that beauty is ultimately a symbol of morality (Kant, 1997).
2. Herbert Marcuse - humanity had dominated nature. There can only be change if we will
change our attitude towards our perception of the environment.
3. George Herbert Mead - We do not have only rights but duties. We are not only citizens
of the community but how we react to this community and in our reaction to it, change it.
Show that care for the environment contributes to health, well-being and sustainable
There are numerous theories to show care for the environment aside from the eccentric model
such as deep ecology, social ecology and ecofeminism to name some.
These theories value the care, conservation, preservation of nature and humanity. Erich Fromm
believes that it is about time that humanity ought to recognize not only itself but the world around
it. For Fromm, as human beings our biological urge for survival turns into selfishness and laziness.
Culture that fosters the greed for possession, are rooted in one human potential. Cultures that
foster being and sharing are rooted in the other potential. We must decide which of these two
potentials to cultivate (Fromm, 2013).
Arising from the discussions, Fromm (2013) proposed a new society that should encourage the
emergence of a new human being that will foster prudence and moderation or frugality towards
D. Firm Up
b. Destroying nature is a reflection wherein few people overpower others while exploiting the
environment for profit or self-interest.
c. Fromm argues that as humans, it is also inherent in us to escape the prison cell of
E. Deepen
F. Transfer
G. Summary
This lesson highlights the early Greek thinkers and Taoist's views that the human being is
merely a part of nature. Discussions on early Greek thinkers and Taoist's views exhort that the
human person is but a part of nature. In the age of globalization and technology, many
environmentalists argue for limiting all types of consumption and economic activity when these
damage the environment. Care and respect for all life forms should not be seen as a fad but as
an imperative. As humanity becomes ever busier, we are reminded of our dependence on other
life forms. Coexistence with the community and reexamining our attitude to nature call for a new
Finally, this lesson adheres to coexistence with all things, thus enlarging our awareness
of the universe as with Taoist belief and of other thinkers who view humanity as merely one
element, "a dot in the universe." Humanity is no more and no less important than all the other
elements of the natural world.
I. References
Al Franjon, M. V., Enaya, B. P., & Fernandez, E. C. (2020) Introduction to the philosophy of the
human person.
Palmer, D. (2009). Looking at philosophy: The unbearable heaviness of philosophy made lighter.
Ramos, C. (2017). Introduction to the philosophy of the human person.
A. Introduction
This lesson highlights freedom from the intellectual, political, spiritual, and economic
aspects. To be free is a part of humanity's authenticity. In one way, understanding freedom is
part of our transcendence. Freedom, consists of going beyond situations such as physical or
economic. For instance, students can be young and poor, but they can still pursue their dreams
of becoming a doctor, teacher, or a stage actor. As discussed in the last lesson, critical thinking
is an important tool toward freedom and truth.
B. Pre-Test
A. Aristotle
The Power of Volition
The imperative quality of a judgment of practical intellect is meaningless, apart from will. The will
of humanity is an instrument of free choice. It is within the power of everyone to be good or bad,
worthy or worthless. This is borne out:
(1) By our inner awareness of an aptitude to do right or wrong;
(2) By the common testimony of all human beings;
(3) By the rewards and punishment of rulers;
(4) By the general employment of praise and blame.
Moral acts, which are always particular acts, are in our power and we are responsible for them.
Character or habit is no excuse for immoral conduct.
Human being is rational. Through reason rules over will, our will is an instrument of free choice
turning into action.
D. Thomas Hobbes
Theory of Social Contract
Hobbes concludes that we should seek peace. This becomes his first law of nature. The
reasonableness of seeking peace. Indicated by the first law, immediately suggests a second law
of nature, which is that we mutually divest ourselves of certain rights so as to achieve peace.
The mutual transferring of these rights is called a contract and is the basis of the notion of moral
obligation and duty.
The rational pursuit of self-preservation is what leads humanity to form commonwealths or
states. The third law of nature is that human beings perform their covenant made. Hobbes
maintains that human beings seek self-preservation and security; however, they are unable to
attain this end in the natural condition of war.
They must appoint one man (or woman), or assembly of human beings, to bear their person, a
person being defined as “he whose words or actions of another human being, or of any other
thing, to whom they are attributed, whether truly or by fiction.” Neither of these commonwealths
affects the sovereignty. The subjects of a sovereign cannot either change the form of
government or repudiate the authority of the sovereign: sovereignty is inalienable.
One of the prerogatives of the sovereign enumerated by Hobbes is judging what doctrines are fit
to be taught.
E. Jean-Jacques Rousseau
In his book The Social Contract, he elaborated his theory of human nature. In Rousseau, a new
era of sentimental piety found its beginning.
According to Hobbes and Rousseau, the state owes its origin to a social contract freely entered
into by its members. Both have one thing in common, that is, human beings have to form a
community or civil community to protect themselves from one another.
Hobbes thinks that to end the continuous and self-destructive condition of warfare, humanity
founded the state with its sovereign power of control by means of a mutual consent. On the
other hand, Rousseau believes that a human being is born free and good.
In order to restore peace, bring back to him his freedom, and return to his true self, he saw the
necessity and came to form the state through the social contract whereby everyone grants his
individual rights to the general will.
D. Firm Up
E. Deepen
a. Sartre’s claim that we must recognize the moral choices we make for all humankind and
must resist the urge to escape this responsibility for all humankind.
b. Hobbes who argued that humans are fundamentally predisposed to selfishness and “state
of nature”.
G. Summary
Freedom should not be squandered but taken as a wonderful gift that must be nurtured
and protected, not impinging the rights or freedom of others. Therefore, it is not enough that the
human person is free but that one is responsible for the consequences of one's choice.
Rabindranath Tagore once said, "Let me not crave in conscious fear to be saved, but hope
for the patience to win my freedom." Darkness and bondage symbolize the opposite of freedom
or liberation. Freedom should not be taken for granted, but earned and protected. Freedom is
spiritual. Hence, we should not be enslaved by our self-interests but to be truly free, we should
be one with each other and the environment.
H. Post-Test
I. References
Al Franjon, M. V., Enaya, B. P., & Fernandez, E. C. (2020) Introduction to the philosophy of the
human person.
Palmer, D. (2009). Looking at philosophy: The unbearable heaviness of philosophy made lighter.
Ramos, C. (2017). Introduction to the philosophy of the human person.
LESSON 6: Intersubjectivity
Content Standard The learner understands intersubjective human relations.
Performance The learner performs activities that demonstrate an appreciation for
Standard the talents of persons with disabilities and those from the
underprivileged sectors of society.
Learning The learner:
Competencies 1. Realize that intersubjectivity requires accepting
differences and not imposing on others.
2. Explain that authentic dialogue means accepting others
even if they are different from themselves.
3. Performs activities that demonstrate an appreciation for
the talents of persons with disabilities and those from the
underprivileged sectors of society.
This lesson focuses on building strength despite our various differences. Though we are
part of our society, we are still different individuals living in this society.
Labels could be negative or limiting. As humans, we are to be regarded in our totality.
Thus, we can redesign the labels to something new and exciting. Instead of "impatient," you are
"compelling." If one is "whiny," you are "analytical," and if one is "stubborn," one is "assertive" or
If the negative labels can be contagious, so can the positive ones. Let us focus on the
positive for these labels can strengthen not only your relationships among your friends, but most
especially to your family.
We should realize that intersubjectivity requires understanding, accepting, and
respecting differences.
B. Pre-Test
C. Explore
• Income;
• Health;
• Education;
• Empowerment; and
• Working condition.
In 1712, Jean-Jacques Rousseau said that women should be educated to please men. Mary
Wollstonecraft, in Vindication on the Rights of Women (1782), argued that such education would
produce women who were mere propagators of fools. Further, for Wollstonecraft, women are
not only to be valued until their beauty fades; it is the fate of the fairest of flowers to be admired
and pulled to pieces by the careless hand that plucked them. In the Philippines, women are
subjected to oppression, among others, of class and sex.
We Are a Conversation
In his essay, Martin Heidegger said that humankind is a conversation. Conversation is more
than an idle talk but a dialogue. A dialogue is a conversation that is attuned to each other and to
whatever the participants are talking about. In a conversation, there could be a "stammer,"
which is trying to express the unnamable.
For Buber, a life of dialogue is a mutual sharing of our inner selves in the realm of the
interhuman. Between two persons is a mutual awareness of each other as persons avoiding
I-You of Wojtyla refers to the interpersonal which fulfills and actualizes oneself. The human
person attains fulfillment in the realm of the interpersonal, in meeting the other; thus, there is a
genuine dialogue.
All of the philosophers mentioned talk about the same type of relation, that is, a dialogue of
human beings based on mutual sharing of selves, acceptance, and sincerity.
We are innovating in the exciting world of information technology, but we should not forget that
as humans, we are unique because of our many-sided associations, thus, gaining new
dimensions of self- realization.
Performing Activities That Demonstrate the Talents of PWDs and Under- privileged
Sectors of Society
The Philippine government supports persons with disabilities (PWDs) by helping them find
employment. People with disabilities incur additional expenses to achieve a standard of living
similar to those without disabilities such as healthcare services, costlier transportation options,
and special diets, among others. In relation to poverty, human trafficking has become a form of
modern- day slavery.
D. Firm Up
1.Man is this plural and collective unity in which the unity of destination and the
differences of destinies are to be understood through each other (Paul Ricoeur).
2. The content and relation of these two worlds is the theme of I and Thou. The other
person, the Thou, is shown to be a reality – that is- it is given to me, but it is not
bounded by me (Martin Buber).
E. Deepen
a. Who are the underprivileged sectors in the society? How similar or different are we with
another? How can you show sensitivity to PWDs? The underprivileged? How do you
respond to them when you interacted with them in the activities?
F. Transfer
G. Summary
H. Post-Test
I. References
Al Franjon, M. V., Enaya, B. P., & Fernandez, E. C. (2020) Introduction to the philosophy of the
human person.
Palmer, D. (2009). Looking at philosophy: The unbearable heaviness of philosophy made lighter.
Ramos, C. (2017). Introduction to the philosophy of the human person.
A. Introduction
The Human Person in the Society plays a vital role in promoting the universal idea that
humans have roles and responsibilities in their respective community and in the society as a
What is society?
Throughout a person’s life, he or she experiences a variety of relationships that help shape
him or her as a person.
• SOCIETY- an organized group of people whose members interact frequently and have a
common territory and culture.
• Society also refers to a companionship or friendly association with others, an alliance, a
community, or a union.
• Philosophers consider society as the product of deliberate actions by individuals who
come together in pursuit of a common goal.
• As individual persons, members of society are able to transform themselves and attain
development through their interactions within society. In turn, humans are also able to
influence society through their actions.
• Society and its various aspects provide support that ensures the development of the
human person.
• Society also provides opportunities to further growth in the coming years.
B. Pre-Test
D. Firm Up
3. Is technology neutral?
E. Deepen
a. Express your view/opinion on the saying “No Man is an Island”. Expound your answer.
b. For Paul Ricoeur, man is a being whose being is social for man lives and exists with and
for the others. Man is a moral subject. As such, his social nature implies an obligation to
the other. How do you personally understand this passage? Expound your answer.
c. Make a short reflection on 1 Corinthians Chapter 13 that is found in the conclusion of this
chapter. In your reflection, relate the message of this bible chapter to the lesson on “The
Human Person in Society”.
F. Transfer
G. Summary
Each person inevitably generates a different position and attitude toward the prospects of
change in society. Globalization, for instance, is praised by some commentators as a beneficial
process, leading to increased wealth. Others view it as regretful, eroding national sovereignty,
destroying local culture, and marginalizing much of the world's population (Goldin & Reinert,
2012). Globalization evolved from the different periods from the Agrarian period to the present.
Multidimensional influences of various periods (e.g., policy-making) were analyzed in this lesson.
Some may see these transformations of social systems as path to leisure and prosperity; while
others may view their effects to human beings as socially divisive and may also lead to
environmental degradation.
As new knowledge, policy-making, economic/social realms, and technology exert a major
influence in our lives, we should continue to ask questions and reflect, or our discoveries and
innovations will overtake our concept of the "human person." Finally, we should view a wider
context of our attempts to live well and create good societies (Germain, 2000).
H. Post-Test
I. References
Al Franjon, M. V., Enaya, B. P., & Fernandez, E. C. (2020) Introduction to the philosophy of the
human person.
Palmer, D. (2009). Looking at philosophy: The unbearable heaviness of philosophy made lighter.
Ramos, C. (2017). Introduction to the philosophy of the human person.
A. Introduction
Death -is commonly understood as the end of bodily functions which signals the end of a
person’s life.
• It also refers to the separation of the body and the spirit.
The body, being material, is bound by laws of time and space and is subject to growth,
death, and decay.
• We are born into human life, we grow and age, and we eventually die. This paradox
defines the uniqueness of human existence.
• We must embrace the fact that death is an integral part of our life.
• Acceptance of our temporality can give us a clearer purpose and focus on our activities.
Self-determination- is the capacity to choose and act for oneself. A person can still exercise
freedom in choosing how to face the reality of death in their lives.
• We can choose to spend our lives doing good and reasonable things. The person is the
author and protagonist who determines the development and conclusion of his/ her
B. Pre-Test
C. Explore
Ancient Greek philosophy considers happiness as an achievement and must be gained by living
a productive and moral life.
Happiness is a “whole-life satisfaction” based on our evaluation of our overall life experiences.
Suffering- takes place when we patiently endure unpleasantness, discomfort, and pain
It may come from:
D. Firm Up
1. Why do you think Marcel believed that the question “What am I?” cannot be fully
answered on a human level?
2. Compare Jaspers and Marcel Philosophies. What are their similarities and
3. Write your own quote about life. You may opt to draw a simple cartoon that mirrors the
meaning of life.
E. Deepen
c. Express your view and opinion on this statement: “A man who knows death, also knows
life. The converse is true, too: the man who is forgetful of death, is forgetful of life also.” –
Ladislaus Borros, S.J.
F. Transfer
G. Summary
The attitudes or outlooks in life of the philosophers discussed in this lesson are not from
a formal system. Rather, understanding the meaning of life is not just based on pure rationality.
An emphasis on individual experience and use of various literary forms and other unorthodox
methods may lead to discovering the meaning of life. Existence, freedom of choice, individuality
and subjective experience, possibility and contingency, authenticity, negation, and personal
responsibility are their main areas of concern tackled in this lesson.
H. Post-Test
I. References
Al Franjon, M. V., Enaya, B. P., & Fernandez, E. C. (2020) Introduction to the philosophy of the
human person.
Palmer, D. (2009). Looking at philosophy: The unbearable heaviness of philosophy made lighter.
Ramos, C. (2017). Introduction to the philosophy of the human person.