Question Bank
Year / Sem: II Yr /IV Sem
7. Show that the proposition and are logically equivalent. (AU-M\J 2013,2018)
8. Give an indirect proof of the theorem ‘If is odd, then n is odd”. (AU-M\J
9. Is a tautology.
10. Show that and are logically equivalent. ( AU APR/MAY 21)
12. Give the contra positive statement of “if it rains today, then I buy an umbrella”. (AU-M\J
2014,17,19,N\D 2012,23)
13. S.TP(PQ)isa tautology. (AU-A\M 2013, 2017,2018)
14. Find PCNF without Constructing truth table (P→(Q∧R))→(~P→(~Q∧~R)). AU NOV/DEC
17.Obtain the PDNF and PCNF of the statement pV( דp→(qV( דq →r))).(AU-A\M 2011,15)
5. Write the generating function for the sequence .(AU NOV/DEC 21)
6. In how many ways can all the letters in MATHEMATICAL be arranged.(AU A\M
8. Show that among any group of six(not necessarily consecutive)integers there are two integers
with the same remainder when divided by 5. .(AU NOV/DEC 14,17,19,22)
9. How many permutations can be made out of letter or word “COMPUTER”.(AU-N\D
10. Find the sequence whose the generating is 2 .(AU-M\J 2011,17,18,21,N\D 20)
(1−9 x )
11. Write the particular solution of the recurrence solution a n=¿6a n−1-9 a n−2+3n. .(AU NOV/DEC
12. How many different bit strings are there of of length 9. .(AU NOV/DEC 17,23).
13. Find the number of permutation of the letter in the word MISSISSIPPI. .(AU NOV/DEC 21
14. How many integers between 1 to 100 that are divisible by3 but not by 7.(AU-M\J 2012,16,19,N\D 2015)
15. Find the recurrence relation satisfying the equation=A(5)n+B(-4)n.(AU NOV/DEC 18,21)
16. Use mathematical induction to show that n!≥2n-1.(AUNOV/DEC 21)
17. Define permutation and give example for it. .(AU NOV/DEC 14,17,19,22)
18. Twelve students want to place order of different ice-creams in ice-cream parlour, which has the six
type of ice-creams. Find the number of orders that the twelve students can place.
19. Define combination and give example for it. .(AU M\J 2015,19,A\M2017,21)
20. Define permutation and combination. AU-M\J 2011,17,18,21,N\D 20)
21. What is the solution of the recurrence relation an=an-1+2an-2? .(AU NOV/DEC 17)
22. Using the principle of mathematical induction, show that 1 + 3 + 5 + . . . + (2n − 1) = n2,
23. Show that if 7 colours are used to paint 50 bicycles, atleast 8 bicycles will be the same colour.(AUM\J
14,17,N\D 21018).
24. Define combination and give example for it. .(AU NOV/DEC 12,15,21)
25. In how many ways a foot ball team of eleven players can be chosen out of 17 players, when
a. five particular players are to be always included.
2.Find the number of integers between 1 and 250 both inclusive that are divisible by any of the
integers 2, 3,5,7 . AU M\J 2015,19,A\M2017,21)
5.(ii) How many of these 2500 students have not taken a course in any of these three courses C,
Pascal and Networking? .( AU NOV/DEC 14,17,19,22)
16. Solve the recurrence relation an = 2(an−1 − an−2), where n ≥2and a0=1
a1 = 2.(AU-2011,15)
17.Prove that every positive integer n≥2 is either a prime or it is a product of primes. .
word(i)RADAR(ii)UNUSUAL.(AU M\J 15,17,21)
15.Check whether the complete bipartite graph K3,3 is Hamiltonian or Eulerian(AU N\D 2020)
16.Give an example of a graph Which is Hamiltonian but not Eulerian. AU N\D 2020,N\D 2022)
18.An undirected graph has 16 edges and all the vertices are ofdegree 2.Find the number of
19.Write the Adjacency matrix and incidence matrix of K2,2. .(AU NOV/DEC 21
21.Show that there doesnot exist a graph with 5 vertices of degree 1,3,4.2,3 respectively.
24.Show that the number of odd degree vertices in a simple graph is even.(AU N\D 2014)
1. Examine whether the following pair of graphs are isomorphic. If not isomorphic, give the
reasons. .(AU NOV/DEC 21
2. Find all the connected sub graphs obtained from the graph given in the following figure, by
deleting each vertex. List out the simple paths from A to in each sub graph. (AU A\M 2017)
3. The adjacency matrices of 2 pairs of graphs are given below. Examine the isomorphism of G
and H by finding a permutation matrix. (AU-N\D11,15,19)
4. Determine whether the graph G and H given below are isomorphic. Give reason. .(AU
5. Prove that an undirected graph has an even number of vertices of odd degree.(AU-N\D 2021)
6. Prove that number of odd degree vertices in any graph is even. .(AU NOV/DEC 21)
7. Using circuits, examine whether the following pairs of graphs , given below are
isomorphic or not.(AU A\M 2019)
8. Prove that the maximum the number of edges in a simple disconnected graph G with n vertices and k
11. Prove that is the maximum number of edges in a simple graph with n vertices. (AU
A\M 2019)
12. Give an example of a graph (1) which is Eulerian but not Hamiltonian (2) Hamiltonian but not
Eulerian (3) both Eulerian and Hamiltonian (4) not an Eulerian not a Hamiltonian. (AU-A\M
13. Find an Euler path or Euler circuitit exists in each of three graph below. If not explain
why? .(AU NOV/DEC 22)
14 If all the vertices of an undirected graph are each of degree k, show that the
number of edges of the graph is a multiple of k.(AU-N\D 21)
15. Draw the complete graph K5 with vertices A,B,C,D,E. Draw all complete subgraph
of K5 with 4 vertices.(AU-A\M 2019,21)
16. Prove that a simple graph with n vertices and k components can
have at most (n-k)(n- k+1)/2 edges.AU\A\M 11,17,19)
17. Let G be a simple undirected graph with n vertices. Let u and v be
two non adjacent vertices in G such that deg(u) + deg(v) ≥ n in G. Show
that G is Hamiltonian if and only if
G + uv is Hamiltonian.(AU-N\D 17)
18. Determine which of the following graph are bipartite & which are not. If a
graph is bipartite , state if is completely bipartite.(AU-M\J2011,14,17,N\D 17,21)
19.The adjacency matrices of two pairs of graph as given below. Examine the isomorphism of
G and H finding a permutation matrix.(AU-N\D17,19)
0 0 1 0 1 1
AG =[0 0 1] AH =[1 0 0]
1 1 0 1 0 0
20. State and prove Eulerian graph theorem.(N\D 2017,19).
21.State and prove Handshaking theorem.(AU-N\D2020,2017,2011,2013)
1. State Lagrange’s theorem in group theory. .(AU NOV/DEC 2011,15,17) (AU-N\D 2023)
4. If a and b are any two elements of a group , show that G is an Abelian group if and
only if = . (AU-A\M2017,N\D2019)
6. If ‘a’ is a generator of a cyclic group G, then show that is also a generator of G.(N\D
7. Define a Field in an algebraic system. (AU-A\M 2015,17,19)
2. Prove that every finite group of order n is isomorphic to a permutation group of order n. .(AU
NOV/DEC 21 )
8. Prove that the necessary and sufficient condition for a non empty subset H of a group to
be a subgroup is ..(AU NOV/DEC 21)
9. Prove that the set is a commutative ring with respect to the binary
operation addition modulo and multiplication modulo . (AU A\M 2011,17)
10. Prove that intersection of two subgroups of a group (G,*) is a subgroup of a group (G,*).
11. Show that every cyclic group is abelian group. .(AU NOV/DEC 21
12. Show that (Q+,*) is an abelian group,where * is defined by a*b =ab/2, for all a, b Q+.(AU-
A\M 2017)
13. IF (G,* ) is a finite group, then prove that order of any subgroup divides the order of the
group.(AU N\D 20170
14. Prove that group homomorphism preserves identity and inverse.(AU-A\M 2017,N\D 2015,18)
15. Obtain the composition table of (S3, ♦) and show that (S3, ♦) is a group/ Check whether (S3,
♦) is abelian. Justify your answer.(AU-A\M 2014,17,19)
16. Show that in a cycle group every subgroup is a normal subgroup.(AU-N\D 2019)
1. Check whether the posets {(1, 3, 6, 9), D} and {(1, 5, 25, 125), D} are lattices or not.
Justify your claim. (AU A\M 2011,N\D18,19)
2. Show that least upper bound of a subset B in a poset unique if it exists. .(AU
NOV/DEC 12,17,18)
13. Show that the absorption laws are valid in a Boolean algebra. (AU A\M2021)
14. Define lattice homomorphism.(AU-N\D 2021)
15. When is a lattice said to be a Boolean algebra?. .(AU NOV/DEC 15,17,20)
16. Determine wheather D8 is a Boolean algebra or not.(AU-N\D 2017,18,)
17. Show that in a partially ordered set (A, ), if greatest lower bound of a subset S
≤ ⊆A
exists, then it must be unique.(AU-A\M2017,19)
18. In a lattice (L, ≤), show that a ≤ b, if and only if a ^ b = a. .(AU NOV/DEC 21)
2. Prove that every distributive lattice is modular. Is the converse true? Justify your
claim.(AU A\M2015,18,19)
3. Show that the direct product of any two distributive lattices is a distributive lattice.
(AU N\D 21)
4. Draw the Hasse diagram for
and is a relation such that
if and only if ..(AU NOV/DEC 21)
5. Prove that , is the set of all positive divisors of 110, is a Boolean algebra and find
it’s all its sub algebras.(AU A\M 2014,17)
1) and
2) . (AU=A\M 2019)
10. In a distributive complemented lattice. Show that the following are equivalent:
4) . .(AU NOV/DEC 21 )
11. Prove that every chain is modular.Prove that complement of each element is unique.
(AU- M\J 2015)
12. Consider the Lattice D105 with the partial order relation divides,then AU N\D 2011)
(i)Draw the Hasse diagram of D105
(ii)Find the complement of each elements of D105.
(iii)Find the set of atoms of D105&find the number of subalgebras of D105.
13. Show that in a lattice ”isotone property” and ”distributive inequalities” are true.(AU
A\M 2016,19)
14. Show that in a distributive lattice cancellation law is true. Hence, show that in a
distributive lattice if compliment of an element exists then it must be unique.(AU-A\
M 2019)
15. Simplify the Boolean Expression
a´.b´.c+a.b´.c+a´.b´.c´ using Boolean algebra identities.(AU N\D 2017)
16. In a Boolean , prove that a(a+b)=a, for all a,b € B.(AU- A\M 2011,17)
17. (L, ) be a lattice for any a,b L. a b if aɅb=a and a b=b.(AU-N\D 2021)
19. In S42 is the set of all divisors of 42 and D is the relation “divisor of” on S42, prove that
{S42,D} is a complemented Lattice.(AU- N\D 2019)
20. Show that every finite partial ordered set has a maximal and minimal element.(AU- A\M