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Omr 351 Mechatronics Question Bank

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1. What are the Key elements of Mechatronics systems
(a) Actuators and sensors
(b) Signals and conditioning
(c) Digital logic systems
(d) Software and data acquisition systems
(e) Computers and display devices.

2. Write an example for transducer and state its transduction principle.

Transducers are devices which converts an input of one form of energy (pressure, temperature,
displacement, force, etc.) into an output of another form of energy (mechanical, electrical,
magnetic, etc.). For example, a thermocouple is a transducer which converts changes in
temperature into a voltage.

3. Write about the Bimetallic Strips.

Bimetallic strip thermometers are mechanical thermometers. They are widely used in industry
for temperature control because of their robustness, temperature range and simplicity. It consists
of a bimetallic strip which is made of two dissimilar metals bonded together with one end fixed
and the other free. A bimetallic strip is used to convert a temperature change into mechanical
displacement. The principle is that as the temperature changes, one strip will expand more than
the other causing the pair to bend at the free end. Most bimetallic strips use a high thermal
expansion alloy such as steel or stainless steel coupled with a low thermal expansion alloy such as
Invar. Steel and copper or in some cases, brass is also used instead of copper for bimetallic strips.

4. Define response time and time constant based on sensors

Response Time
The time taken by a sensor to approach its true output when subjected to a step input is referred
as response time. However, it is more usual to quote a sensor as having a flat response between
specified limits of frequency. It is known as frequency response and it indicates that if the sensor
is subjected to sinusoidal oscillating input of constant amplitude, the output will faithfully
reproduce a signal proportional to the input.
Time Constant
It is the time taken by the system to reach 63.2% of its final output signal amplitude i.e. 62.3% of
response time. A system having smaller time constant reaches its final output faster than one with
larger time constant. Therefore, it possesses high speed of response.

5. Write the working Principle of Eddy current sensor.

Eddy current sensors detect the proximity or presence of a target by sensing the magnetic fields
generated by a reference coil. An eddy current is a local electric current induced in a conductive
material due to the magnetic field produced by the sensor or active coil. It is sensed by a
reference coil to create an output signal. When the distance changes between target and probe,
the impedance of the coil will correspondingly change. The change in impedance can be detected
by a carefully arranged bridge circuit

6. What are the needs of mechatronics?

(i) Dynamic market conditions
(ii) Producing next generation products
(iii) Integration of modern technologies in products
(iv) Variety in product ranges
(v) Batch production runs
(vi) Change in design perspective
(vii) Product quality and consistency
(viii) Ease of reconfiguration of the process
(ix) Demand for increased flexibility

7. Illustrate how capacitive sensor works when area changes

A transducer that uses cxpacitance variation is known as capacitancе лечния The clasic deflection
of meeste due to the applied force is detected by capacitance variation. A highly smitive
displacement and proximity transducers can be constructed because the capacitive wanahacer
senses very small deffections accurately. Capacitive sensors can directly sense a variety of things
mation, duplacement, chemical compostion, electric field and indirectly mary other variables which
can be converted into motion or dielectric conte such as pressure, accoration, fed level and thaid
8. What is seeback effect? ( Or) Thermoelectric effect?
Seeback effect is phenomenon in which a temperature difference between two dissimilar electrical
conductors or semiconductors produces a voltage difference between the two substances.

9. Define sensitivity and precision?

Sensor sensitivity is defined as the change in output per change in input
sensitivity 
Precision is the estimate which signifies the number of decimal places to which a property can be
reliably measured. It relates to how carefully the final measurement can be read but not how accurate
the measurement is.

10. Classify the types of potentiometer

(i) Linear Potentiometer
(ii) Rotary Potentiometer

1. Brief the construction and working principle of following
(i) Strain guage
(ii) Capacitive sensor
(iii) LVDT
2. Write short notes on Thermistor, RTD and closed loop system?

3. Explain the static and dynamic characteristics of transducer

4. Write short notes on (i) Hall effect sensor(ii) linear & Rotary potentiometer(iii) Eddy
current proximity sensor
5. Explain in detail about the Emerging areas of Mechatronics
6. Formulate the factors to be considered for the selection of sensor
1 What are the instruction of an 8085 instruction set for data transfer from memory to the
(a) MOV r,M
(b) MOV M,r
(c) MVI M,data

2. What is the function of Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU)

The ALU is responsible for data manipulation and performs arithmetic and logical operation
such as addition and subtraction. In addition, the ALU contains a number of control inputs,
which specify the data manipulation function to be performed. ALU is a combinational logic
circuit, whose output is an instantaneous function of its data and control inputs

3. What are the difference between Microprocessor and Microcontroller

1 It is termed as general purpose digital It is termed as special purpose digital
computer computer
2 It contains the CPU, memory, addressing It possess all features of microprocessor
circuits and interrupt handling circuit and additionally it includes timer, parallel
and serial I/O and the internal RAM and
3 It has one or two types of bit handling It has many bit handling instructions.

4. List the various types of addressing modes.

Direct addressing mode
Register addressing mode
Register indirect addressing mode
Immediate addressing mode
Implicit addressing mode.
5. Sketch the functional pin description of 8085.

6. What are the buses in microprocessor.

(i) Address bus (ii) data bus (iii) control bus
7. How many machine cycle does 8085 have, mention them.
1. Opcode Fetch Cycle (4T or 6T)
2. Memory Read Cycle (3T)
3. Memory Write Cycle (3T)
4. I/O Read Cycle (3T)
5. I/O Write Cycle (3T)
6. Interrupt acknowledge (6T or 12T)
7. Bus idle Cycle (2T or 3T)

8. What are the function of accumulator and register?

The accumulator is the register associated with the ALU operations and sometimes I/O operations. It is
an integral part of ALU. It holds one of data to be processed by ALU. It also temporarily stores the result
of the operation performed by the ALU.
A register's function in a microprocessor is to store and quickly access data and instructions for
processing by the Central Processing Unit (CPU)

9. Write the needs of register in microcontroller?

Register is a main part on the microcontrollers and processors that provide a fast way to collect and
store data. Data manipulation with a controller or processor by performing addition, subtraction and so
on cannot be done directly in the memory but is needs register to process and store the data.
10. Define RAM and ROM?
Random Access Memory (RAM) is the hardware in a computing device where the operating system
(OS), application programs and data in current use are kept. RAM is the main memory in a computer,
and it is much faster to read from and write to than other kinds of storage, such as a hard disk drive
(HDD), solid state drive (SSD) or optical drive.
Read-only Memory (ROM) is a type of storage medium that permanently stores data on personal
computer and other electronic device. It contains the programming needed to start a PC, which is
essential for boot-up.

11. Draw the clock circuit of 8085 using oscillator?

12. Describe the features of 8085

Intel 8085 is an 8-bit general purpose microprocessor.
Intel 8085 is an NMOS microprocessor.
It is a 40 pin dual in line package single chip integrated circuit.
The Intel 8085 uses a single +5v DC supply for its operations.
It can operate with a 3MHz single phase clock.

13. Differentiae machine language and assembly language program.

S.No Machine Language Assembly Language
1 Machine language is the lowest-level Assembly language is a low-level
programming language where the CPU programming language that requires an
executes the instructions directly. assembler to convert to machine code/object
2 Machine language is only understandable by Assembly language is understandable to
computers. humans.
3 Execution is swift because their information Execution is slow.
is already stored in binary format.
4 A machine language consists of binary Assembly language follows a syntax similar
digits. to English.
5 Machine language varies by platform. Assembly language consists of a standard
set of instructions
6 Not required. Machine language is the
machine-intelligible form. Assembler is used as a translator.
7 CDs, DVDs, and Blu-ray Discs.
Microprocessor-based real-time systems,
device drivers, low-level embedded systems,
1. Explain the internal Architecture of 8085 Microprocessor
2. List and explain the various types of Addressing modes in 8085 microprocessor
3. Explain the instruction set of 8085 microprocessor.
4. Explain with timing diagram the memory read cycle in 8085
5. (i) Draw the opcode fetch machine cycle of 8085?
(ii)Discuss briefly about pin configuration of 8085 microprocessor
with neat diagram
6. With suitable example explain the 8085 microprocessor interrupt system in details.
1. Give the working of DAC.
Digital to Analog converters are used to convert a digital quantity to Analog
quantity. D/A converter produces an output current or voltage proportional to digital
quantity applied to its input.

2. Describe the need of interfacing.

Interface is the path for communication between two components. Data between memory I/O
devices and register has to be transferred for the operation of processor in real time
applications as a microprocessor is not capable of storing the data in it, i.e., it has no internal
3. Show the pin detail of 8255.
4. State CWR of 8255.

5. What are the features of 8255?

(i) The 8255 is a widely used programmable parallel I/O device.
(ii) It can be programmed to transfer data under various conditions from
simple I/O to interrupt I/O.
(iii) It is compatible with all Intel and most other microprocessors.
(iv) It is completely TTL compatible.

6. What is the function of read/write control logic in 8255PPI?

Read Logic: This control signal enables the Read operation. When the signal is low, the CPU
reads data from a selected I/O port of the 8255
Write Logic: This control signal enables the write operation. When the signal is low, the CPU
writes data or control word into 8255.
7. What is the function of program counter?
Program Counter is a 16-bit register sequencing the execution of operations. It is also called
memory pointer. The function of this register is to hold the address of the instruction which is
to be executed next.

8. What is the typical use of PPI?

Controlling peripherals: The PPI can control the keyboard, internal sound generator, and
other peripherals.
Interfacing with ADCs: The PPI can interface with ADCs by controlling signals like the start
and end of conversion.
Getting system configuration information: The PPI can provide information about the
system configuration

9. What are the operating modes of PPI?

(i) Bit set Reset (BSR) mode
(ii) I/O mode
(iii) Input mode

10. What is the bit set reset mode of 8255 PPI?

The Individual bits of port C can be set or reset by sending out a single OUT instruction to the control
Register. When port C is used for control/status operation, this feature can be used to set or reset
individual bits

1. Briefly Explain the pin description, architecture and control modes of 8255 in details?

2. (i) Demonstrate LED interface with 8255.

(ii) Demonstrate the circuit for interfacing stepper motor interface using 8085
microprocessor and PPI?
3. Explain the seven segment LED interface with microprocessor
4. Explain the traffic control interface using 8255 microprocesor.
5. Design an interfacing diagram of ADC with 8085 microprocessor in details.
6. Demonstrate the 4 x 4 keyboard interface of 8085
1. Write short notes on ON delay/OFF delay timer?
ON delay timer:
The timer is energized when the input IN1 becomes energized. The timer starts running after
some present time.

OFF delay timer:

When the contact IN1 is closed, the contact will energize the timer T1 and holds the output
lamp ON for specified set value of 10 seconds. The action of an OFF delay timer is to delay setting
the lamp OFF.

2. Draw the ladder diagram to represent a latch circuit?

3. What is the criteria need for the selection of a PLC.

(i) Input/Output capacity is required
(ii) Types of inputs/outputs are required
(iii) Size of memory required
(iv) Speed and power is required for the CPU
4. Define on time delay & off time delay.
ON delay timer:
The timer is energized when the input IN1 becomes energized. The timer starts running after
some present time.

OFF delay timer:

When the contact IN1 is closed, the contact will energize the timer T1 and holds the output
lamp ON for specified set value of 10 seconds. The action of an OFF delay timer is to delay
setting the lamp OFF.

5. Why a latch circuit are used in PLC?

LATCH circuit are used to hold an output energized, even when the input ceases. The output coil
maintains its status until a different condition occurs, which is used to reset the coil to OFF.
It is a self-maintaining circuit in that, after being energized, it maintains that state until another
input is received.

6. What is ladder programming?

A ladder programming involves each program task being specified as though a RUNG of ladder. Thus
such a RUNG could specify that the state of switches A and B, the inputs, be examined and if A and B
are both closed then a solenoid, the output is energized.

7. List the different programming method of PLC

i. Structured text
ii. Ladder diagrams
iii. Function block diagram
iv. Sequential function charts
v. Instruction list.

8. Define PLC?
A Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) is a microprocessor based controller that uses a
programmable memory to store instructions and to implement functions such as logic, sequencing,
timing, counting and arithmetic in order to control machines and process.
9. Tell the use of JUMP control in PLCs.
The jump instruction is an output instruction enabling part of a ladder program to be jumped over. With
jump instruction the processor scan time can be reduced by jumping over instruction not pertinent to
the machine operation there by missing intermediate program and can skip instructions when a
production fault occurs.

10. Draw the Ladder diagram for NAND operation.

11. Write the ladder program for the given circuit in fig(1)

Ladder Program
1. Brief the construction and I/O details of PLC with neat diagram.
2. Explain the Architecture of PLC with neat sketch.
3. Construct the ladder logic program and structure for the following
Boolean function and logic gates
(i) Y = (X1 + X2)X3
(ii) Y = (X1 + X2)(X3 + X4)
(iii) Y = (X1 * X2) + X3
(iv) NAND and NOR Gate
4. Explain the component of PLC with suitable block diagram
5. Draw the ladder diagram and PLC program for the following logic gates
(a) AND (b) OR (c)NAND (d) NOR (e) EX-OR (f) XNOR
6. Write short notes on PLC for the following; (or) Data Handling Techniques?
(i) Data Movement
(ii) Data comparison
(iii) Arithmetic Operation
(iv) Code Conversions
1. What is the difference between Traditional and Mechatronics Approach?
S.no Traditional Approach Mechatronics approach
1 The can operated rocker arm The valve operation is controlled by the signal
mechanism controls the valve operation. received from electronic control unit. The
The rotation of cam is based on the timing of valve operation is pre-programmed
crank rotation microcontroller
The engine speed regulation is based on The engine speed regulation is based on the
the governor controlled throttle valve. input signal from speed sensor, temperature
The governor is actuated by the speed sensor and MAF sensor. Based on the sensor
of the crank shaft. The speed control has information, the throttling valve is controlled
no effect on the engine temperature by microcontroller.
and air flow rate.
Spark timing of the spark plug is Spark timing of the spark plug is controlled by
controlled by the ignition coil and the ignition coil that receives signal from the
distributor at constant pre-set interval. microcontroller through a timing sequence

2. A stepper motor has a step angle of 7.5 degree. How many pulses required for the motor to
rotate through five complete revolutions?
Given data
Am = 5 x 3600
α =7.50
Number of pulses , np =Am/α = 5 x 3600/7.50 = 240

3. What are the sensors used in engine management system?

(i) Airflow sensor
(ii) Ford-type MAP sensors
(iii) Hall effect and AC excited sensors

4. How does a car park barrier works?

An automatic car park barriers is operated by coin inserts. The system uses a PLC for its
operation. There are two barriers used namely, in barrier and out barrier. In barrier is used to
open when the correct money is inserted while out barrier opens when a car is detected in front
of it. It consists of a barrier which is pivoted at one end, two solenoid actuated 3/2 way
directional control valves (DCVs) and a piston cylinder arrangement. Solenoid actuated
directional control valves are used to control the movement of the piston. Limit switches are
used to detect the foremost position of the barrier.
5. Write the working principle of stepper motor?
A stepper motor is a motor controlled by a series of electromagnetic coils. The center shaft has a
series of magnets mounted on it and the coils surrounding the shaft are alternately given
current or not thereby creating magnetic fields which repulse or attract the magnets on the
shaft by causing the motor to rotate. A stepper motor has no commutator. Instead, there are
five or six wires coming out of the motor, one wire is for each coil (usually four) and one or two
common ground wires for others. Power must be applied to one coil after another in the proper
sequence in order to get the motor to turn. In order to obtain the maximum torque, two coils
are always ON condition at any time.

6. State the characteristics of servo motor?

Fast response
High accuracy
Fast and accurate speed
Very high starting torque
Unattended control
Direction control
Remote operation.

7. Furnish the drawback of stepper motor

(a) Resonances can occur if not properly controlled.
(b) It is not easy to operate at extremely high speeds.

8. What is the use of PLC in automatic car park system?

An illustration of the use of a PLC is the coin operated barriers for a car park. The in-barrier is to
open when the correct money is inserted in the collection box and the out-barrier is to open
when a car is detected at the car park sides of the barrier.

9. How can servo motor be controlled?

A servomotor is a simple electric motor combined with a position sensing device (e.g. a digital
decoder) and controlled for specific angular rotation with the help of servomechanism.
Servomechanism is a typical closed-loop feedback control system. The position of a servo motor
is decided by electrical pulse and its circuitry is placed beside the motor. Servomotors are used
when an object is required to rotate at some specific angles or distance.

10. Write down the application of stepper motors.

(a) Floppy disc head drives
(b) Printer carriage drives
(c) Positioning of print heads and pens in X-Y plotters
(d) NC and CNC machine tool slide drives
(e) Automatic teller machines (ATM)
(f) Camera iris control mechanisms
(g) Recording heads in computer disc drives
(h) Paper feed motors in typewriters and printers.


. 1. What are the roles of sensor in car engine management system? Explain with a block diagram
2. Brief the various stages of mechatronics system development?
3. Design a robot to pick and place the object and comment on the various elements in the
4. Demonstrate the automatic car park barrier using PLC
5. With neat sketch Discuss the construction and working of various types of stepper motor?
6. List out the specification of stepper motor and write the advantages and disadvantages.
7. Relate the difference between Traditional and Mechatronics approach with suitable example.

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