ut02 abc p1
ut02 abc p1
ut02 abc p1
Corporate Office: Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005,
MM:300 Unit Test for First Step (Group-1)-2025_TO2 (Code-A) Time:180 Min.
Topics Covered:
Physics: Motion in a Plane, Laws of Motion
Chemistry : Classification of Elements and Periodicity, Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure, States of Mater i
Gases and Liquids
Mathemtics : Trigonometric Functions Part-l, Principle of Mathematical Induction, Quadratic Equations, Complex Number-l,
Linear nequalities
General Instructions :
1. Duraion of Test is 3 hrs.
2. The Test booklet consists of 90 questions. The maximum marks are 300.
3. There are three parts in the question paper consisting of Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics having 30
questions in each part of equalweightage. Each part has two sections.
i.Section-H: This secúon contains 20 multiple choice questions which have only one correct answer. Each question
carries +4 marks for correct answer and-1 mark for wrong answer.
i. Section-ll: This secion contains 10 numerical value based questions. In Section-ll, attempt any five questions out
of 10. The answer to each of the questions is a numerical value. Each question carries +4 marks for correct answer
and -1 mark for wrong answer.
Unit Test for First Step
(Group-l)-2025 _T02 (Code-A)
1. AS kg block is being pushed against a wall 5. Ahelicopter rises from rest on the ground
by a force F= 200 N as shown in figure. The vertically upwards with Constant
coefficient of friction is 0.5. The magnitude of acceleration g. A food packet is dropped
acceleration of the block is [g= 10 m/s] from the helicopter when it is at a height h.
The time taken by the packet to reach the
ground is close to [g is the acceleration due
=0 0
N to gravity]
(1) 14 ms-2 1=181/
(2) 12 ms-2 (3
(3) 10 ms2
(4) 8 ms2
A car goes on horizontal circular road of
radius 4 m. The speed of car is increasingat 6 Two guns A and B can fire bullets at speeds
a constant rate of 3 m/s, The friction 1 km/s and 2 km/s respecively. From a point
coeficient between road and tyre is 0.5. The on a horizontal ground, they are fired in all
speed at which the car will skid is [g = 10 possible directions. The ratio of maximum
m/s] areas covered by the bullets fired by the two
guns, on the ground is
(1) 1 m/s
(1) 1:4
(2) 2 m/s
(2) 1:8
(3) 3 m/s
(3) 1:2
(4) 4 m/s
(4) 1:16
3. The times of ascent and descent of a particle 7 A particle is moving along a circular path
projected along an inclined plane of
inclination a are tË and t2 respectively, the with a constant speed of 10 ms-, What is
coeficient of friction is the magniude of the change in velocity of
the particle, when it moves through an angle
(1) 2-tan
a of 60° around the centre of the circle?
(1) 10 m/s
(2) 2+ttan a
(2) Zero
(3) tan o (3) 10/3 mls
(4) 10/2 m/s
(4) B+4,tan a
8. Find the maximum speed with which a car
canrun on a bendwithout skidding,if radius
4. The equation of rajectory of a projecile is y of bend is 20 m and coefficient of friction
=ax - bx,where x and axes are along between road and the tyres is 0.4 (g = 9.8
horizontal and vertical directions mls?)
respectively. The range of the projectile is (1) 7 ms1
(1) -1
(2) 22
(2) 8/5 ms
(3) 8.85 ms-1
(3) 26
(4) 2/5 ms
Unit Test for First Step (Group-l)-2025 TO2 (Code*
13. TWo objects of masses 1 kg and 3 kg are
9 A particle moves in the x-y plane under he connected by a massless string passing
over a fixed smooth pulley. The acceleration
action ofa force F such that the value of is
of heavier mass with respect to the lighter
linear momentum al anytime ( is mass is : (mA = 1 kg and mg =3 kg)
(2) g
10. The resultant of twoforcesPand is R. The
(3) 3g
angle between the two forces P and Q is a. If 2
one of the forces is reversed in direction, the (4) 49
resultant becomes R', then 3
(4) sin(-%)
12. A biock of mass M= 4 kg is pulled along a
horizontal frictionless surface by a rope of Smooth
mass m=2 kg. If the force applied to the free
end of rope is F= 36 N, then acceleration of
block and rope is
(1) 6 m/s? (1
(2) 4 mis? (2) 3um
(3) 7 m/s (1-4)
(3) 4um
(4) 10 mis?
(4) 2um
Unit Test for First Step
(Group-1)-2025TO2 (Code-A)
16. A particle of mass m is
whirled in a
horizontal circle with the 19. Aperson standing on an open qround hears
of lengthlas shown, thenhelp of wo threads tho sound of a |et aeroplane, coming frorn
north at an angle 60° with ground level. But
he finds the aeroplane right vertically above
his position. If v is the speed of sound,speed
of the plane is
(1) 20
(2) V3
(3) "
(1) 5F
(2) 2F
21. Aparticle is moving along the x-axis with its 22. A particle starts from the origin at t= 0 with
coordinate with time 't given by x(t)= 10+ 8t
an iniüal velocity of 3.0im/s and moves in
-31-. Another particle is moving along the y the x-y plane with a constant acceleration
axis with its coordinate as a function of time
given byy)=5-8. Att= 1s, the speed of 6.0i +4.0j) ms'. The x-coordinate of
the second particle as measured in the the particle at the instant when its y
frame of the first particle is given as coordinate is 32 m is D meters. The value of
VN m/s. Then N/10 is D is.
Unit Test for First Step (Group-l)-2025_TO2 (CodeA)
The sum of two forces P and Q is
R such that The angle (in
degrees) that the resultant of
31. Halfsigma bond is present in: 37. At constant pressure and mole, V-T isobar
(1) O, for gases is
(2) F:
(3) O
Unit Test for First Step
(Group-l)-2025_T02 (o
41. An element have an electronic configuration
39, Which of the following qraph represents 122s22p3s'3p", then which group it
Boyle's law?
(1) belongs?
(1) 13
(2) 3
(3) 15
P (4) 14
= nRT
(2) pv= RT M
(3) P = dRT nRT
(4) PV=nT
Unit Test for First Step (Group-l)-2025_TO2 (Code-A)
47. Statement I: Block of the element is 49. Match column-Iwith column-.
predicted on the basis of sub-shell which Column-| Column-|
receives the last electron. (Physical properties) (Elements)
Statement lI: Group of the element is Highest electron (p) He
predicted from the number of electrons in the
outermost shell. gain enthalpy
(1) Statement- is true, statemnent-ll is true; (i) Highest (q) Cs
Statement-ll is a correct explanation for Electronegativity
statement-. (ii) Highest first () CI
51. The number of elements having positive 56. The number of molecules which show
value of electron gain enthalpy among the Hydrogen bonding among the follwing is
following are Z. The value of Z is
0, F, Br, I, Ne, Na, Be, N, He o-nitrophenol, NaCI, HE,
Onit Test for First Step (Groun-1)-2025 TO2 (Code-A)
Unit Test for First Step (Group-)-2025 TO2 (Code-A)
63. Ifoa, B.y are the roots of a cubic equation x 68. The value of 2(sin0 + cos) - 3(sin8 +
- 3x - 1 = 0, then the value of cos") +1 is
t+t+*is (1) 2
(2) 0
(1) -3
(2) 3 (3) 4
(4) 6
(3) 0
(4) 5
69. The complete solution set of inequality
Unit Test for First Step (Group-1)-2 025 TO2 (Code-A)
sin z
72. 77. The values of -for
The sumi+ ++.. +up to 2018 terms is 4/1-cog V1-sin z
equal to
(1) Zero (0, ;). is
(2) (1) 6
(3) 1-i (2) 4
(4) i-1 (3) 2
(4) Zero
73. If sinA + sinB + sinC =3 then find the value
of cosA + cosB + cosC is equal to 78. The value ofx+9x + 35x -x + 4 for x =
(1) Zero -5+2/-4is
(2) 1 (1) Zero
(3) 3 (2) -160
(4) Data insufficient (3) 160
(4) -164
74. Product of 3 consecutive natural numbers is
always divisible by 79. The roots a. B of the eguation ax + bx + c=
(1) 5 0are imaginary, then
(2) 6 (1) b -4ac 0
(3) 7 (2) b- 4ac = 0
(4) 4
(3) b- 4ac < 0
75. If Zj =1 +i and zT = 3 +i are two complex (4) b2-4ac >0
numbers,then Im(z1 +Z2) is equal to
(1) 4 80. I f = 2, then the value of [z is equal to
(2) 1 (1) 1
(3) 2 (2)
(4) 3
(3) 2
76. If roots of equation x - px +q=0 differ by (4) 2
uníty, then value of p is
(1) 4q
(2) 4q +1
(3) 4q-1
(4) 4q2
81. Number of integers in the solution set of x 86. Let Z1 =7+i/3 and z, = 4+ 2/3i ,
satisfying inequation 6 <x-5<9 is then 21-z2 is equal to
82. If A + 450 then
87. It= 3, z2 = 2 and z3 = l and
(1+ tan A) (1+ tan (T+ B)) equals |9z3z) + 4z3 zË + 2221 = 36 then
Test-02 Code-B
Corporate Office: Aakash Tower, 8,Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005,
Time:180 Min.
Unit Test for First Step (Group-1)-2025_TO2 (Code-B)
Topics Covered:
Physics: Motion in a Plane, Laws of Motion
Molecular Structure, States of Matter: Gases
Chemistry:Classification of Elements and Periodicity, Chemical bonding and
and Liguids
Quadratic Equations, Complex Numbers
Mathemtics :Trigonometric Functions Part-l, Principle of Mathematical Induction,
-1, Linear Inequalities
General Instructions :
Unit Test for First Step
(Group-l)-2025 TO2 (Code-D)
1. A partcle of mass mis fixed to one end of a 3 Two blocks AandB of masses mA = 1 kg
light spring having force constant k and and mn =3 kg are kept on the table as
unstretched length I. The other end is fixed.
The system is given an angular speed w shown in figure. The coefficient of friction
about the fixed end of the spring such that it beween Aand B is 0.2 and between Band
the surface of the table is also 0.2. The
rotates in a circle in gravity free space. Then maximum forceF that can be applied on B
the stretch in the spring is
horizontally, so that the block A does not
(1) mla slide over the block B is:
(2) ml? [Take g =10 m/s]
(3) ml
B >F
(4) mla
Unit Test for First Step (Groun-l)-2025 T02 ((Code-B)
7 When wo equal forces are inclined at an 11, In the cube of side 'a' shown in he tigure,
angle 2a, their resultant is wice as great as the voctor from the central point of the face
when they act at an angle 28,then ABOD to the central point of the face BEFO
(1) coS a 2 sin 8 will be
(2) cosa= 2cos 8
(3) cos ß= 2cosa E
(4) sin ß= 2cos a
) ta(j-i)
o 2) a(i - k)
() tali-)
Pla, b) () talk-i)
12. Two forces P and Q, of magnitude 2F and
3F, respectively, are at an angle with each
other. If the force Q is doubled, then their
resultant also gets doubled. Then, the angle
0 is
(1) 30°
(2) (2) 90°
(3) (3) 60°
(4) 120°
Unit Test for First Step (Group-l)-2025 T02 (Code D)
(2) 2R
(3) Æ
(4) A
(1) 8 ms2
(2) 6 ms2
(3) 10 ms-2
(4) 14 ms-2
Unit Test for First Step (Group-l)-2025 TO2 (Code-B)
River fiow
V, = 2 ms d= 200 m
2 kg
2 kg
22. Aparticle is moving in a circle of radius
T=/3m with constant speed v= V3 m/s.
Average acceleration of particle as it covers 28. At other end of ideal string force F= mg is
applied as shown. Acceleration of block of
÷rd of circumference, is 477
m/s. Then the mass m will be
value of n =
m] VF mg
24. One second after projecion, a stone moves
at angle 45° with horizontal. Two seconds
after projecion, it moves horizontally. If its
initial velocity of projection is
N/5 m/s, then value of N is (g = 10 29. Block A is pulled horizontally with constant
m/s²) velociy 5 m/s. Velocity of block B (in m/s)
when angle is equal to 37° is =
Unit Test for First Step (Group-1)-2 025_T02 (Code-B)
31. The general electronic confiquration of d 37. Which of the following graph correctly
block elements are represents the behaviour of an ideal gas at
(1) ns?(n-1)d0:10 constant pressure?
Unit Test for First Step (Group-l)-2 025 TO2 (Code-B)
39. IUPAC name for the element with atomic 46. The volume occupied by 36 kg water
number 119 is molecules at 1 atm and 300 K if
(1) Ununennium intermolecular forces vanish away will be
(2) Unnilennium
(3) Ununnilium (1) 49 ×10!
(4) Ununguadium (2) 49
(3) 55 x 10
40 Choose the correct statements among the (4) 42 x10
Statement I: obond is stronger than Tt
bond 47. Given below are two statements
Statement Il :s-orbital always forms o-bond Statement I : At the same temperature,
lighter gases shall move faster than heavier
Statement l : Overlapping takes place in
COvalent bond as well as in ionic bond. gases.
Statement Il: At the same temperature, the
(1) S- only value of most probable speed is greater than
(2) S-land S-llonly root mean square speed for a particular gas.
(3) S-ll only Choose the correct option:
(4) S-land S-ll only (1) Statement I is true;statement Il is true
(2) Statement l is false; statement Il is true
41. Choose the incorrect order of bond length (3) Statement I is true; statement Il is false
from the following: (4) Both statement I and statement Il are
(1) Clz< Br2
(2) N2< O2
48. Given below are two statement.
(3) F2 <H2 Statement I : Properties of lithium are
(4) HCI< HBr similar to magnesium.
Statement Il : L0 and Mg shows diagonal
42 The group number, number of valence relationship.
Choose the correct option
electrons and valency of.an element with
atomic number 14, respectively, are (1) Statement Iis true, statement I| is true;
(1) 4,3, 4 statement Il is a correct explanation for
(2) 14,4,3
(2) Statement Iis true; statement Ilis true;
(3) 14, 4,4 staternent Ilis not a correct explanation
(4) 13,3, 4 for statement |
(3) Statement lis true, statement Il is false
43 The valency of Al in Al,0, molecule is (4) Statement l is false, statement Il is true
(1) 3
(2) 4
(3) 6
(4) 5
Unit Test for First Step (Group-l )-2025 TO2 (Code-B)
(iv)OF2 (S) sp d
Choose the correct answer from the options
given below:
(1) 0-s):(i0)-(): (i)-(p): (v)-(g)
(2) (-): ()-(s): (i)-(p): (v)-(q)
(3) 0-(s): (i)-(): (i)-(q): (iv)-(p)
(4) 0-(0:(Gi)-(s):(ii)-(9);:(v)-(p)
51. Hydrogen, helium, neon and argon are 56. The weight of C,Hs gas in a 100 dm
Components of a gas míxture. The mixture cylinder at 41.5 bar and 27°C is B x 10 g.
has a total pressure of 107.9 k Pa. The value of B is (Use R = 0.083
Hydrogen, neon and helium have partial
pressures of 12.3 k Pa, 19.2 k Pa and 15.4 k bar dm K mole-)
Pa, respectively the presSure exerted by the
Argon is Xk Pa. The value ofX is 57. The maximum number of H-bonds formed by
a water molecule in ice is equal to X, the
value of 5X will be
52 The bond order of Ne, molecule is equal to
A. The value of 6A will be
58. The difference in the number of electrons of
the largest element of the fourth period and
53. Effective nuclear charge experienced by 3d the smallest element of the third period is
electrons in Zn(Z = 30) is (Round off equal to (Do not consider inert
to nearest integer) gases)
54. The number of compound(s)containing both
íonic and covalent bond among the
following are
NaF, NaOH, CCl4, KCN, Na, SO4, XeF.
NazO, (NHa)2S, CaCO3
61. cos 22° + sin 22 is equal to 65. If fx) =ax +bx +c (a, b, cE R) and (a -b+
c) (a + b + c) < 0, then both the roots of the
(1) VE+1 equation ax + bx +c=0, (a ± 0)
V2 (1) Are real and equal
(2) /-1 (2) Are real and unequal
(3) Lie in the interval (-1, 1)
(3 (4) Are non-real complex
(4) Vi-1 V3+i
V2 The value of is (where
The value of (1 - + (1 + n° equals i=-l)
(where i = -1) (1) 45
(1) -2 + 10i (2) V10
(2) 2-10i
(3) 10i 5
63. If sin 8=and tan = -1, then e lies in 67. Argument of the Complex number
( - ) is equalto (where i= -T)
(1) First
(2) Second (1)
(3) Third (2)
(4) Fourth (3) Tt
(4) 3n4
64. The statement P(n):(0 + 3) > 2n +3 is true
for : (n EN)
(1) Alln3 68. The region represented by xs 0, ys 0 and
(2) Alln22 6x +y2 4 is
(3) All n
(1) Atriangle
(4) No n EN
(2) Aquadrilateral
(3) Exterior of a triangle
(4) Null set
Unit Test for First Step (Group-l)-2025 T02 (Code-B)
() (1) (-4,-3)
(2) (-3, -2)
(3) (0,4)
(4) (4,5)
() 76. Conjugate of 1+iis
P.) (1) i
(2) 1
70. The sum of all the real roots of the
equation (3) 1-i
(x-1)²+ 2)x - 1|-3=0is (4) 1 +i
(1) Zero
(2) 1
77. The value
(3) 2
(4) 4 (1+ coai) (1+ cos )(1+ cos)
71. lf sin a=
(1+ cos ) is
a¬5, then the value of
cos is equal to
(1) 4
(2 (3) 116
(3) (4) -
78. The expression
1+cos a equals to
72. The minimum value of |z 1 + 2il + |4i-3 V 1+cos a V 1-coso
z is (1) 2
sin a
(1) 5
(2) 5
(2) |sin al
(3) -2
(3) 15 sin a
The solution set of + 2is 79 roots of x -7x + 6 = 0 are a, B, then
(1) 3, o) +=
(2) (-1, 1) u(3, o)
(3) (-1, 1] u (3, o)
(4) (2,o) (2) 1
(3) 7
74. (3-41
Re equal (where (4) 8
(1) -38 80. If a + ß : -1 and a + ß = -37, then the
quadratic equation whose roots are a and B.
(2) 383 is
Unit Test for First Step (Group-1)-2025 TO2 (Code-B)
81. f sin and e lies in the second 86. If (1+tan1) (1+tan2) (1+tan3)
quadrant, if sec + tan 0 = Kthen K is (1+tan450 = 2 then the value of n is equal
equal to to
82. If the product of the roots of the equation x 87. Number of common roots of the equations x*
3kx + 2k-1=0is 7,then the roots of the +x²+1=0 and
equation are real for k (k> 0) equal to
88. If sin + cos = 1, then sinbcos is equal
83 to
If one root of the equation 3x + px + 3 = 0,
(p > 0) is the square of the other, thenp is
equal to 89. The value of sin 12° + sin21° + sin²39° +
sin²48° - sin9- sin18° is equal to
84. Ifx=3 + 4i, then the value of (204x
70x2 +12x-) willbe 90. If cose, = 1, then sin, is equal to
02/08/2023 Code-C
Corporate Office :Aakash Tower, 8,Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005,
Time:180 Min.
MM:300 Unit Test forFirst Step (Group-1)-2025_T02 (Code-C)
Topics Covered:
Physics: Motion in a Plane, Laws of Motion
Chemistry : Classification of Elements and Periodiciy, Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure, States of Matter ;
Gases and Liquids
Mathemtics :Trigonometric Functions Part-l, Principle of Mathematical Induction, Quadratic Equations, Complex Number-l,
Linear Inequalities
General Instructions :
1 Two quns Aand Bcan fire bullets at speeds 2. Aprojectile has same range for two angles
1 kmls and 2 km/s respecively. From a point of projection. lf time of flight in the two cases
on a horizontal ground, they are fired in al are t and tz, then the range of the projecile
possible directions. The raio of maximum is
areas cOvered by the bullets fired by the two
guns, on the ground is () ~gtta
(1) 1:4 (2) gt1te
(2) 1:8 (3) ghl2
(3) 1:2
(4) 1:16 (4) gtita
Unit Test for First Step (Group-l)-2025 TO2 (Code-C)
Unit Test for First Step (Group-l)-2025 T02 (Code-C)
11, A block kept on a rough inclined plane, as 14. An insect is at the bottom of a hemispherical
shown in the fiqure, remains at rest upto a ditch of radius 1 m. It crawls up the ditch but
maximum force 2N down the inclined plane. starts slipping after it is at height h from the
The maximum external force up the inclined bottom. If the coefficient of fricion between
plane that does not move the block is 10 N. the qround and the insect is 0.75, then h is
The coefficient of static triction beween the (g =10 ms-).
block andthe plane is (1) 0.45 m
[Take g =10 m/s?) (2) 0.80 m
(3) 0.20 m
(4) 0.60 m
(3) V3
(1) F
(2) 3M