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Accidents during Mooring Operations

Loss Prevention Bulletin

The Club’s analysis of significant claims found that

approximately 5% of all severe personal injuries happened
during mooring or towing operations.

Dean Crossley
(Loss Prevention Manager, West P&I)

Although a substantial proportion of these claims resulted from slips, trips and falls, almost half were caused by parting
lines or involved crewmembers’ failure to abide by safe working practices whilst handling lines. The invariable aftermath of
these incidents resulted in lifechanging injuries as well as emotional trauma being suffered. In response to such accidents,
this bulletin has been written to reemphasise correct procedures and promote good practice.

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Routine precautions should include regular checks of the deck areas used for mooring operations. Unless already fitted
with treads, mooring decks’ surfaces should be treated with antislip paint and must be kept clean and free of clutter.
Mooring winches and deck fixtures and fittings should be inspected, maintained, and greased according to the vessel’s
Planned Maintenance System (PMS) requirements. In particular leaking joints in hydraulic lines should be rectified,
possibly considering the construction of save-alls to protect the decks from further leakage.

Fairleads and rollers should be regularly lubricated,

checked for free movement, examined for wear, and bitts
examined for distortion and fractures. Leads that have
previously been used for wires should be inspected for
metal damage before being used with fibre ropes.
Winches must operate and stop smoothly and be isolated
after use.

Directions of movement should be clearly marked. Winch

brakes maintained in good order, with all linkages working
satisfactorily and adequate brake lining thickness per the
manufacturer’s instructions. Winch drums are designed
such that they are most effective at holding a rope under
tension when the line is pulling against the fixed end of the
brake band arrangement. Therefore, it must be ensured
that lines are wound onto drums according to the
manufacturers’ recommendations to ensure the brake
does not fail prematurely.

On winch drums fitted with disc brakes, ropes can be

wound onto the drum in either direction. Regardless of
type, winch brakes should be set to render at
approximately 60% of the Minimum Breaking Load (MBL)
of the rope on the drum. Clutches should operate
smoothly, and clutch control lever securing pins fitted
ready for use. Drum ends should be smooth, clean, and
free from grooving damage, rust, paint and oil. Before
mooring operations commencing, all winches, ropes,
fixtures, and fittings should be visually examined and
machinery tested; any defective equipment should be
taken out of service and repaired or replaced before use.

Care of Ropes

Unless proper care is exercised to preserve the condition of a line, its tendency to break under tension may increase
significantly and reinforces the necessity for a comprehensive Line Management Plan (LMP) to be implemented. When
considering the rope care protocols to be carried out onboard, integrating the manufacturer’s instructions and
recommendations into the vessel’s PMS is a vital component of the process.

Fibre Ropes Wire Ropes

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Almost all fibre ropes in use at sea today are With the correct lubricant grade, lubrication should be
manufactured from synthetic materials. Mooring lines are carried out regularly to minimise internal and external
often made of polypropylene, polyester or high modulus corrosion, and cores must not be allowed to dry out. A
polyethylene (HMPE). Different synthetic materials have kinked wire will reduce strength; therefore, care must be
unique properties; HMPE, for example, is resistant to most taken to avoid bending it excessively. Similarly, crossing
chemicals but will melt at a lower temperature than wires on the drum end may cause the line to become
polypropylene; therefore, the synthetic fibre ropes’ unique crushed or flattened. The presence of snags, kinks, bird
properties in use onboard should be known and caging, crushed or flattened strands, and corrosion
appropriate precautions are taken. reduces the wire’s strength. Wires, including splices,
should be periodically examined along their entire length
Ultra-violet rays may result in actinic degradation, and and any damage evaluated in line with the company’s wire
coils of synthetic ropes should always be stored away discard criteria, which should be detailed in the vessel’s
from direct sunlight when not in use and covered when in Safety Management System (SMS), to determine whether
port. The ropes should be stowed well away from paint, replacement is necessary. If a wire’s strength is in any
thinners and chemicals as these substances’ vapours may doubt, it should be taken out of service and replaced.
also cause damage. Storage areas should be well When handling wire ropes, suitable gloves should always
ventilated and fitted with wooden gratings or pallets to be worn to protect the hands from snags.
assist drainage and improve air circulation. Ropes should
never be stowed against hot bulkheads.

A visual inspection of synthetic ropes should be made at Parting Ropes

frequent intervals, including a thorough examination of the
inner strands and the condition of the splices. “Powdering” When berthing, the most critical period is often after the
between strands is usually an indication of excessive wear first line has been sent ashore. The strain on a single line
and weakness. Excessive surging from warping drums or may be considerable, significantly increasing the risk of its
bitts should be avoided as friction may cause the fibres to parting. Although synthetic ropes have great elasticity and
fuse, resulting in a reduction in strength. The fitting of eye an excellent capacity to absorb sudden shock, breaking
splice protectors around rope eyes may provide additional when under stress may produce a potentially dangerous
protection against wear. When the working end of a rope, snapback. It is difficult to predict when a synthetic rope
be it on a winch drum or a loose coil, becomes worn or under strain approaches its breaking point as audible
damaged, it should as a temporary measure be either be indications are often absent. Personnel on the mooring
cropped and re-spliced or the rope “end for ended”. deck should always stand in positions of safety in such
circumstances, clear of the snap-back zone area.

Wire ropes have less elasticity but may give a prior

warning if about to part. Sharp cracks may be heard, and
individual strands may begin to unravel before the
breaking point is reached. Although a parting wire may not
travel as far as a synthetic rope, snap-back effects can be
equally harmful. Even when fitted with a synthetic fibre
rope tail, wire rope’s limited ability to absorb shock makes
it desirable that only fibre ropes are used as first lines to
heave a vessel alongside. Whenever a line is observed to
be coming under excessive strain, all possible measures
shall be taken to reduce the line’s tension so far as is safe
and practicable.

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Stoppers should always be of the same type as the fibre rope to be held, of sufficient length and adequate strength;
ideally, 50% of the MBL of the line being held.

Synthetic ropes demand flexible synthetic stoppers made of low-stretch material and with a high melting point. Polyester
and polyamide stoppers are both acceptable; however, it is advised that polyamide stoppers are not used with polyamide
ropes due to its low friction of coefficient. The stoppers should preferably be rigged with both ends free so that they
crossed over and under, “West Country” method can be used.

Chain stoppers should be used with wire ropes, first fastening the chain in a well-spaced “cow hitch” and turning the tail
several times against the lay of the wire. It must be remembered that stoppers serve only to hold the line momentarily while
it is secured, and sudden shocks or increased load may cause the stopper to part. Once a rope has been laid up on the
bitts, Loss Prevention Bulletin the stopper must be removed from the rope. When a line has been tensioned on a drum
end, it must be stoppered and transferred to mooring bitts; it is bad practice to leave lines on drum ends that are not in the
process of being tensioned or slacked

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Mooring Operations

The mooring officer should alert shore

It is essential that sufficient personnel Additionally, there must be a clear personnel before a heaving line is
are detailed to attend the mooring communication line between the thrown and warn the mooring party
operation and that the activities to be mooring officer and the linesman, and when it is about to be thrown back to
undertaken are adequately explained parities must always maintain visual the ship. Being hit by the end of a
and supervised by a deck officer. contact during the operations. There heaving line can cause serious injury,
Personnel not involved in the mooring should be one linesman who is clearly and the “monkey’s fist” should only be
operation should be kept well clear of identifiable as the contact point to made of rope and never be formed
the mooring decks. In the event of an which visible/hand signals are around a heavy weight.
unusual or non-standard mooring communicated. The mooring officer
operation, it is recommended that a should not get involved in the physical Split drum winches are designed so
new risk assessment be completed mooring activities but should maintain that the line should leave the drum’s
before the operation commences as an overview of the operation. Keeping tension side from the first wrap of rope
they will potential have associated a sharp lookout for potential hazards to ensure maximum holding capacity.
hazards not covered within the risk should be considered an integral part Care must be taken when
assessment done for a standard of the mooring officer’s duty. crewmembers are transferring the rope
mooring operation. from the drum’s storage side to the
The officer should also ensure that the tension side; the rope should be pulled
The officer should take charge of the mooring party wears correct personal through the gap in the drum divider
communication link between the protective equipment in line with the rather than pushed, as it may spring
mooring deck and the bridge. All requirements of the vessel’s SMS, back and strike the crewmember.
communications should identify the which will include, as a minimum,
vessel to ensure that no safety helmets (with chinstraps
misunderstandings occur when other secured), appropriate footwear, and
vessels communicate on the same high visibility clothing which will not
radio frequency. Accurate reporting to become entangled during mooring
the bridge is essential, with instructions operations. Safety goggles should be
from the bridge acknowledged, available if an anchor needs to be
repeated and then confirmed once used, and gloves should be used
actioned. The bridge must also be whenever wire ropes are handled due
advised when all ropes, be they to the danger of injury from broken
moorings or tugs lines, are clear of the wires. Provided permission has been
water and main engines and thrusters obtained from the bridge, mooring
can be used. decks should be illuminated at night.

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Self-tensioning winches are fitted on some vessels; however, it is recommended that these are not used in self-tensioning
mode when a vessel is connected to a shore manifold or has limited room ahead/or astern of the vessel. There have been
many instances of vessels, when using self-tensioning winches, creeping along a berth due to the prevailing
environmental conditions.

T he responsible officer should also make sure that the basic principles of safe mooring are closely followed
by those working under their direction by ensuring that, as a minimum, the following points are abided by
whilst they are conducting mooring and towage operations:

Never stand within the bight of a line. Don’t surge lines unnecessarily; always endeavour
to winch back.
Never stand in the bight formed between the winch
drum or the drum end and the fairlead. Avoid crossing wires and synthetic fibre ropes or
leading both rope types through the same fairlead.
Always stand in a position of safety, clear of a line’s
snap-back zone area when lines are under tension. Don’t stand too close to the drum end when
Lines will generally snap-back in a direction based heaving or slacking.
upon the direction in which it was leading. When
led around pedestals or bitts, the line will snap-back Ensure that a second person helps each drum-end
around these in a much larger arc. rope handler pay out the line or pick up the slack.

Ensure only experienced crewmembers operate With synthetic lines, don’t apply too many turns to
winch controls. the drum end. Three or four turns are generally
sufficient; however, whelped drums may require
Never leave rotating winches unattended or with more turns.
winch control levers tied off.
All leads within the mooring line arrangements must
Ensure winch operators can see the officer in be of matching dimension, MBL and material.
charge. Where synthetic fibre and wire ropes are available,
the two types should not be mixed in the same
Always try and remain in full control of a line. service. For example, breast lines should not be a
mixture of wire and fibre ropes; instead, they should
be either wires or fibre ropes.
Never attempt to stop an unchecked line by
grabbing hold or stepping on it.
Ensure that during the running of the mooring lines
that each service, i.e. breast, spring, head and
When lines are being run using a line boat, the
stern lines, are done as stipulated in the Towing
lines are to be lowered under control to the boat
and Mooring Arrangements Plan and symmetry
and are not to be let go such that they fall
about the vessel’s longitudinal centre line is
uncontrollably into the boat/water.
maintained as much as possible.

Avoid large changes in the direction of a line by

leading ropes and wires around sharp bends.

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When making fast to a tug, in most cases, a tug’s line will The eye of a tug’s towing line should be placed over a
be used, however; if a ship’s line is required to make the mooring bitts post clear of rope or wire, and ship’s lines
tug fast, then care should be taken to select the best laid up on the bitts. Bitts should be prominently marked
ship’s line available, ensuring the line is in good condition, with their safe working load (SWL), and the SWL of bitts
has sound splices and does not have short splices within used for towing must exceed the expected dynamic
its length. The ship’s line selected should be of sufficient loadings in the tow line.
strength to withstand any dynamic loading imparted in it
during the towing operation. It is recommended that the Tugs should only be cast-off after receiving instructions
MBL of the ship’s line’s line is at least twice the bollard pull from the bridge and never on the tug crew’s orders.
of the tug. When connecting or letting go towing lines,
either provided by the tug or vessel, these must always be
kept under control, using messengers to heave or slack
the line as necessary. Associated Loss Prevention Bulletins on the topic of
mooring operations which can be seen in the listed
Following any tow line connection, all mooring personnel publications below:
should stand well clear of the operational area as tension
in the towing line often increases rapidly and with little or Snap-Back Zone.
no warning. When needing to work within the operating Monkeys Fists on Heaving Lines - Use of
area or to attend to the tow line, always keep clear of Inappropriate Weighting Material
bights of rope and the towing line’s snap-back zone area.

Members requiring any further guidance are advised to contact the Loss Prevention

Dean Crossley Dean is the Loss Prevention Manager at West P&I's

Loss Prevention Manager London Office. He is a Master Mariner with seagoing
T +44 20 7716 6059 experience on a variety of dry cargo vessel types. Before
E Dean.Crossley@westpandi.com joining the Club in 2016, upon transferring to shore-based
employment, for over 13 years, Dean has worked at an IG
P&I Club in London as a Claims Manager and as a Marine
& Warranty Surveyor at leading marine consultancies

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