Abstract—Distribution networks will experience a deep mu- to load. Nevertheless, concerning consumption and production
tation concerning their planning and operation rules due to the conditions, DGs have been reported to have considerable im-
expected increase of distributed generation (DG) interconnection pacts on the distribution network [3]. First, DGs can modify
to the grid. Indeed, the opening of the electricity market or the
growing global concern for environmental issues will lead to a the electrical values such as voltages, currents, and power flow.
massive development of DGs. Yet, a too large amount of DGs could The voltage profile in the distribution network depends on both
raise technical problems on distribution networks which have the injected active and reactive power by DGs and the loads.
not been planned to operate with bi-directional power flow. The It is presently well known that the interconnection of DGs can
existing solutions to solve marginal DG connections could be no lead to the violation of voltage limits, to the dysfunction, and
longer relevant. The distribution network definitely has to evolve
towards a smarter and more flexible network. Two possible ways even the deterioration of the network components. In addition,
to reach this goal are through new architectures and developing power flows that were unidirectional, coming from the transmis-
intelligent systems. This paper focuses on new architectures and sion network to the end users, can be modified by the injected
operating modes. The traditional radial distribution network power of DGs. Consequently, in some circumstances, the max-
could accept more DGs by introducing appropriately specific imum allowed current of a conductor can be exceeded. If the
loops. A new hybrid structure enabling the coexistence of the
radial and meshed operation is proposed. It is equipped with au- production of DGs is greater than the global consumption, the
tonomous circuit-breakers and automated switches that improve distribution network could export power. The short-circuit cur-
its reliability. A heuristic algorithm is also proposed to build this rents can be modified and lead to undesired behaviors of the
new architecture while ensuring the equality of consumers with protection scheme (e.g., protective relay blindness or inoppor-
respect to the continuity of service and while minimizing the global tune trips). Furthermore, DGs supply the short-circuit current
that may exceed the operating limits of the network elements
Index Terms—Distributed generation, distribution network, op- [4]. The quality of the voltage can also be reduced [3].
timization, planning, Traveling Salesman Problem.
In many countries, in order to face these problems, the
reinforcement of the network or the dedicated feeders is used.
I. INTRODUCTION The first solution consists in detecting the part of the network
where constraints are violated. In case of current (or voltage)
HE distributed generators (DGs) are small production violation, the gauge mutation of conductors can annihilate the
T units based either on renewable energy sources (such as
wind and solar photovoltaic) or conventional energy (such as
problem. The second solution consists in connecting the DG
with a dedicated feeder directly to the HV/MV substation. By
small gas engines or diesel generators) that are connected to the doing so, the power flow becomes unidirectional in normal
distribution network. Their installed capacity reaches 10 MW operation mode.
in the USA and 12 MW in France [1], [2]. Although connecting marginal quantities of DGs in the dis-
In the near future, the growing concern for environmental is- tribution network is currently well managed using “business as
sues as well as for the security of supply is expected to lead to usual” techniques (reinforcement and dedicated feeder), the sys-
the development of local renewable DGs. These power sources tematic use of dedicated feeders could become a very expensive
will be connected to the distribution network which had been solution to manage while considering a significant development
designed to see only unidirectional power flows, from upstream of DGs.
New solutions must, thus, be found to assist the introduc-
Manuscript received March 19, 2010; revised March 22, 2010 and July 30,
tion of a large amount of DG in the distribution network. Some
2010; accepted August 16, 2010. Date of publication September 23, 2010; date studies proposed to change the operation mode of the distribu-
of current version April 22, 2011. This work was supported by the Carnot Insti- tion network, inspired by the transmission network, which uses
tute ’Energies du Futur’, Grenoble, France. Paper no. TPWRS-00211-2010.
M.-C. Alvarez-Hérault, D. Picault, R. Caire, B. Raison, and N. HadjSaid are
a meshed operation. This solution has been considered as in-
with the Grenoble Electrical Engineering Laboratory (G2Elab), Saint Martin applicable for many years due to the parallel operation of trans-
d’Hères, France (e-mail:; picault@g2elab. mission network and distribution network. Such a solution could;;;
prove to be dangerous without implementing an appropriate pro-
W. Bienia is with the Laboratory of Grenoble for Sciences of Conception, tection scheme since loops currents are created. Recent studies
Optimisation and Production (G-SCOP), Grenoble, France (e-mail: Wojciech. have proposed to use current limiters or D-FACTS [5] that limit loop and short-circuit currents [6]. Further studies report that
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at meshing could be a competitive way to increase the connection
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPWRS.2010.2071887 of DGs in the distribution network [7]–[13].
0885-8950/$26.00 © 2010 IEEE
where of the fault: on the main feeder or the loop. Since the operation
of these two cases is different, the SAIDI and SAIFI calculation
standard deviation of PL regarding the mean (%);
will be different.
number of areas; If a fault occurs on a main feeder, the breaker located at the
product PL of area i (; top of the feeder will trip and each customer depending on the
feeder is disconnected. In a few minutes, remotely controlled
switches isolate the fault and reenergize all the customers. The
SAIDI and SAIFI due to a fault on the feeder i are explained
(2) with the formula (6):
Minimizing E ensures the balancing of PL and then the equality
of consumers regarding the service continuity.
2) Various Costs of the Network: The cost of the network is
calculated by using the principle of actualization. It thus takes
into account the fluctuation of money on the life duration of
the network through the actualization rate . is a fixed value
failure rate for the feeder per year per km;
expressing the fact that N euros at the year N will be equiva-
lent to euros at the year . Then, if a utility length of the feeder i in km;
decides to invest D(t) euros at the year t, this investment costs duration to isolate the fault with the remotely
euros today. The actualization cost has been fixed controlled switches.
at 8% [15]. The different costs of the networks need to be actual-
ized to ensure correctness. The formula (3) gives the actualized If a fault occurs inside a loop, the breaker disconnects the
cost of an annual cost on N years: loop from its main feeder. Therefore, the other customers are not
affected by the fault. Then automated switches enable the fault
to be isolated. The total SAIDI and SAIFI due to a fault inside
(3) every loop of the feeder i are presented in (7) at the bottom of
the next page, where
The actualized power losses cost represents the cost of the
number of loops of the feeder ;
power losses during N years, where N is planning period:
duration of the automatisms of the MV/LV
normally closed switches of substations of
(4) the loops (20 s). There are two normally
closed switches per MV/LV substations.
where Each operation of a switch (opening or
closing) takes 10 s;
actualized power losses cost in euro; length of the loop j of the feeder ;
investment at the year 0 in euro; number of customers of loop of the feeder ;
cost of one kW of losses at peak time in euro; number of MV/LV substations of loop of
power losses at peak time at the year n in kW; the feeder ;
actualization rate in . number of customers of feeder .
The actualized failure cost includes the EENS cost and Finally, the average SAIDI and SAIFI of a feeder is presented
the outages cost. The EENS cost was chosen as high as 9.5 in formula (8):
euro/kWh and the outages cost at 0.8 euro/kW [16]. Conse-
quently, the actualized failure cost is given by the formula (5):
expected energy not supplied;
total number of outages;
maximal consumption; where is the number of feeders of the network.
number of hours of maximal consumption. 4) Maximal DG Insertion Rate: The maximum DG insertion
rate of the hybrid structure is defined with formula (9):
3) Reliability Criteria: To evaluate the reliability of
the hybrid structure, the SAIDI and SAIFI (defined in part
Section II-A) are relevant and international indicators. The
reliability indicators are computed by considering the location
maximal insertion rate of DGs;
maximal power output of DG;
total maximal consumption of the network.
The maximal insertion rate of DGs is the maximum power of
DG that can be connected to the distribution network without
violating technical constraints (such as voltage and current
values). A Monte Carlo algorithm has been used to estimate
this rate without making any hypothesis on the type, the size,
and the location of DGs [17]. To satisfy these hypotheses, each
simulation consists of checking the network constraints in the
worse state (minimum consumption and maximal production).
This situation increases bidirectional power flows in the net-
work and thus increases the probability of technical constraints
The estimation of the maximal DG insertion rate for a given
network is detailed in Fig. 3. This algorithm will be illustrated
with the following example:
— total consumption: 100 MW;
— number of loads: 1000.
Using the previous example for , it represents an intro-
duction of 10 MW of DG in the network. One possible scenario
could be 5 DGs of 2 MW, another could be 10 DGs of 1 MW,
and so on. One thousand scenarios are carried out and lead to
950 successes for example. Then .
The probability that the technical constraints are respected in- Fig. 3. Monte Carlo algorithm.
troducing 10 MW of DGs in the network is 0.95.
The maximal DGs insertion rate is evaluated using the max-
imal rate whose probability of success is higher than a given layout is conducted (sizing and placing the different conductors
probability. For instance, for a given risk of 3%, this probability to reach a hybrid structure).
is 0.97. This risk means that the hypothesis of minimal con-
sumption and maximal production is unlikely. This method is A. Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) and the Vehicle Routing
well suited because it allows to evaluate if an architecture is fa- Problem (VRP)
vorable to DGs insertion without making any hypothesis on the The problem of building the hybrid structure consists in con-
composition of DGs (solar, wind, etc.) and the location. Indeed, necting a group of consumers (MV/LV substations) with pro-
these two last parameters are hardly predictable. ducers (MV/LV substations) using loops. This problem is sim-
ilar to the Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) and the vehicle
III. MODELING THE HYBRID STRUCTURE CONSTRUCTION routing problem (VRP) [18]. The TSP is a classical combina-
The planning problem presented in this paper considers torial optimization problem. For a given number of cities, the
only the consumers (MV/LV substations) and the HV/MV TSP consists in finding the cheapest tour that visits every city
substations locations. Then, the complete rebuilding of the grid exactly once. The cost of each edge is a value associated to this
Fig. 11. Maximal DGs insertion rate regarding the number of loops.
Fig. 9. Evolution of the costs of the network regarding the number of loops. COMPARISON BETWEEN THE SECURED FEEDER AND THE HYBRID STRUCTURE
hybrid structure enables protecting each loop, and automatic Medium-term planning has to be studied to determine if the
switches increase the time of reenergizing consumers. Then current architectures are mutable towards the hybrid structure.
the reliability indexes are improved. Nevertheless, all the real The optimal investment planning could also be evaluated.
investment costs have not been taken into account. Protective
relays cost and the one related to the automation of switches ACKNOWLEDGMENT
have been approximated using the cost of a remotely controlled The authors would like to thank R. Jeannot (Schneider Elec-
switch. tric), A. Coiffier and F. Gorgette (ErDF), and G. Roupioz and S.
Concerning the different costs, the hybrid networks roughly Grenard (EDF R&D) for their very valuable advice and all the
reduce the global cost by reducing power losses costs and in- data provided during the study.
vestment costs. But as the real costs of protective relays have not
been taken into account, the global price is more or less equiv- REFERENCES
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Marie-Cécile Alvarez-Hérault (S’10) was born in as a full Professor at the same institute since 2000.
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degree in electrical engineering from the Grenoble distributed generation and future electrical distribution systems.
INP, Grenoble, France, in 2007 and 2009.
Her research interest is new architectures and ex-
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distributed generation. She is with Grenoble Institute Wojciech Bienia received the M.S. degree in
of Technology, Saint Martin d’Hères, France. mathematical applications from Silesian Polytechnic
School, Poland, in 1976 and the Ph.D. degree in
oriented matroids theory from University PARIS VI,
Paris, France, in 1985.
Since 1988, he has been an Associate Professor
Damien Picault was born in France in 1984. He re- at the Computer Science and Applied Mathematics
ceived the M.S. degree in electrical engineering from School of Grenoble (ENSIMAG)-Grenoble INP,
the Grenoble INP, Grenoble, France, in 2007 and is Saint Martin d’Hères, France, where he belongs
currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree in maximizing to the Sciences of Conception, Optimisation and
energy production of grid-connected photovoltaic Production (G-SCOP) group. His present research
systems. interests are operational research and combinatorial optimization. He is with
His main research interests are photovoltaic plant Grenoble Institute of Technology.
and power electronics modeling.