Sieve Plate Distillation
Sieve Plate Distillation
Sieve Plate Distillation
AIM:To determine the overall efficiency of the sieve plate distillation column and to calculate number of plates using experimental data. APPARATUS:o o o THEORY:Distillation is a separation process in which a new phase is generated by heating the mixture. The difference in relative volatility of components is exploited in the process. In our case relative volatility of Iso-propanol is more than propane-1-ol. In sieve tray distillation mixture is fed to the bottom of the column and heated through hot oil. The vapour is passed through plates and liquid is been fed from top of the column as a reflux. LAB SETUP:Due to sieves and the liquid hold up over plates there is bubbling of heated vapor phase through liquid phase providing contact area for the mass transfer. PROCEDURE: Add mixture into reboiler. Hot oil is circulated through shell side of the reboiler which work as a heating medium. Start the heater. Vapors will flow upwards and distillate is been accumulated and after few minutes there will be a reflux coming in. Collect the samples of distillate and residue. Get the value of the refractive index by refractometer. When the values of refractive indexes become constant we can find number of plates using Mc-Cabe Thille method. Calculate the efficiency Sieve plate distillation column 87 : 13 mixture of propane-1-ol and Iso-propanol Refractometer
Molecular weight of both A and B Propane-1-ol = 60 gm/ mol Iso-propanol = 60 gm/mol Refractive index v/s mole fraction data. Propane-1-ol = 1.3822 D Iso-propanol = 1.3740 D
1.383 1.382 1.381 1.38 1.379 1.378 1.377 1.376 1.375 1.374 1.373 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Observation Table sample No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 RI (w) 1.3805 1.3803 1.3801 1.3799 1.3797 1.3796 RI ( D) 1.3783 1.3782 1.3777 1.3775 1.3771 1.377 X (w) 0.190476 0.214286 0.238095 0.261905 0.285714 0.297619 X (d) 0.452381 0.464286 0.52381 0.547619 0.595238 0.607143
CONCLUSION AND DISCUSSION: Total number of plates from mcCabe thille method= 2.37 Efficiency of the tower =2.37/4 *100 % = 59.25% According to experimental setup there are only 3 plates and one reboiler but there can be more number of plates. The reason of not having number of plates having the concentration set up in the critical zone of having equilibrium data is that the contribution of the number of the plates is negligible and composition difference can be easily measured by the calibration curve. According to the calibration curve, the RI of Iso- propanol is inversely proportional to the concentration. The R.I. of the mixture depends on the components of the mixture and nature of dependence of the curve depends on the composition of the mixture. In the case of total reflux the diagonal line will work as an operation line.