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It is a closed vessel in which water or other liquid is heated to produce

steam or vapor at predetermined pressure. When water is heated in order
to produce steam then boiler is termed as Steam Boiler.

Function of a steam boiler:

Steam boiler is used to generate steam at a pre-determined pressure.

Khulna University of Engineering & Technology

Applications of Boiler:

To an external combustion engine, i.e. steam engine and


To produce steam for power generation in steam power


At low pressure for industrial process work in cotton

mills, sugar factories, breweries etc.

For producing hot water which can be used for heating

installation at much lower pressures.

Khulna University of Engineering & Technology

Diagram of A Boiler

Figure-1: A fire tube Boiler Figure-2: A Schematic diagram of Water tube Boiler

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Components of A Boiler
Boiler Shell:
It is made up of steel plates bent into cylindrical form. The
ends of the shell are closed by means of end plates. A boiler
should have sufficient capacity to contain water and steam.

Combustion Chamber:
It is the space, generally below the boiler shell, meant for
burning fuel in order to produce steam.

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It is a platform, in the combustion chamber, upon
which fuel is burnt.

It is the space above the grate and below the boiler
shell in which the fuel is actually burnt.

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These are the fittings which are mounted on the boiler for
its proper and safe functioning.
Several Mountings are
1. Water Level Indicator
2.Pressure Gauge
3.Safety Valve etc.

Khulna University of Engineering & Technology

These are the devices which help in controlling and running
the boiler efficiently.
They are
1. Super heater
2. Economizer
3. Feed pump
4. Air pre-heater etc.

Khulna University of Engineering & Technology

Essentials of A Good Steam Boiler

It should produce maximum quantity of steam with the

minimum consumption of fuel.
It should be economical to install, and should require
little attention during operation.
It should rapidly meet the fluctuation of load.
It should be capable of quick starting.

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It should occupy a small space.

The tubes should not accumulate soot and should allow minimum
The water and flue gas circuits should be designed to allow a
maximum velocity without incurring heavy frictional losses.
It should comply with safety regulations as laid down in the
Boilers Act.

Khulna University of Engineering & Technology

Selection of a Steam Boiler:

The selection of type and size of steam boiler depend

upon the following factors
1.The power required and the working pressure.
2.The rate which steam is to be generated.
3.The geographical position of the power house.

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4.The availability of fuel and water.

5.The type of fuel to be used.
6.The probable permanency of the station.
7.The probable load factor.

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Classification of Boilers
1. According to the contents in the tube
a. Fire tube Boiler b. Water tube Boiler
2. According to the position of the furnace
a. Internally fired boilers b. Externally fired
3. According to the axis of the shell
a. Vertical Boilers b. Horizontal Boilers

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4. According to the number of tubes

a. Single tube boilers b. Multi-tubular boilers
5. According to the method of circulation of steam and water
a. Natural Circulation Boilers b. Forced Circulation
6. According to the use
a. Stationary Boilers b. Mobile Boilers

Khulna University of Engineering & Technology

Water tube Boiler:
The boiler in which water is contained inside the tubes and
tubes are surrounded by flames and hot gases, produced by
combustion of fuel.

Fire tube Boiler:

The boiler in which tubes contain hot gases and flames,
produced by combustion of fuel and tubes are surrounded
by water.

Khulna University of Engineering & Technology

Comparison between water tube and fire tube
Water Tube Boiler Fire Tube Boiler

The water circulated inside the tubes which The hot gases from the furnace pass
are surrounded by hot gases from the through the tubes which are surrounded by
furnace. water.

The rate of steam generation is high. The rate of steam generation is low.

Used for large power plants. Not suitable for larger power plants.

Generates steam at high pressure. Generates steam at low pressure.

Bursting chances are more. Bursting chances are less.

Overall efficiency is upto 90%. Overall efficency is 75%.

Operating cost is high. Operating cost is less.

Khulna University of Engineering & Technology

Description of Boiler Mountings

Boiler mountings are used for proper and safe

functioning of the boiler.

Water level Indicator:

It is an important fitting, which indicates the water level
inside the boiler. It’s a safety device upon which correct
working of the boiler depends.

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Figure: Water level Indicator

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Pressure gauge:
It is used to measure the pressure of the steam inside the

Figure: pressure gauges

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Safety Valve:
Its function is to blow off the steam when the pressure of the
steam inside the boiler exceeds the working pressure. Thus it
prevents the explosion due to excessive pressure.

Different safety valves are

1. Lever safety valve
2. Dead weight safety valve
3. High steam and low water safety valve
4. Spring loaded safety valve.

Khulna University of Engineering & Technology

Steam stop Valve
It is the largest valve on the steam boiler. It is, usually, fitted to
the highest part of a shell. The principal functions of a steam
stop are:

1) To control the flow of steam from the boiler to the

main steam pipe.
2) To shut off the steam completely when required.

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Figure: Steam stop Valve

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Blow off Cock
The principal functions of a blow off cock are:

1. To empty the boiler whenever required.

2. To discharge the mud, scale or sediments which are
accumulated at the bottom of the boiler.

Khulna University of Engineering & Technology

Feed Check Valve
It’s a non return valve, fitted
to screwed spindle to
regulate the lift.

Its function is to regulate the

supply of water which is
pumped into the boiler, by
the feed pump.

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Fusible Plug

It is fitted to the crown plate of the furnace. Its object is

to putt off the fire in the furnace of the boiler when the
level of water in the boiler falls to unsafe limit,

and thus avoids the explosion which may take place due
to overheating of the furnace plate.

Khulna University of Engineering & Technology

Function of Boiler Accessories
Feed Pump:
A feed pump supply the feed water to the boiler. The
pressure of the steam inside the boiler is high. In order
to supply feed water into the boiler, pressure of feed
water is to be increased and must be more than the
steam pressure. Generally, pressure of feed water is
20% more than that in the boiler.

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Its purpose is to increase the temperature of saturated

steam without raising its pressure. It is generally an
integral part of a boiler, and is placed in the path of
hot flue gases from the furnace. The heat given up by
the hot flue gases, is used in superheating the steam.

Khulna University of Engineering & Technology

An economizer is a device used to heat feed water by
utilizing the heat in the exhaust flue gases before leaving
through the chimney.

Air preheater:
An air preheater is used to recover heat from exhaust flue
gases. It is placed between economiser and chimney. Here,
air is heated before entering into the combustion chamber.

Khulna University of Engineering & Technology

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