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included in the HS300 system)


harman/kardon, Inc.
250 Crossways Park Dr.
Woodbury, New York 11797 Rev0 5/2007
SUB-TS11 (HKTS 11 Sub, HS300 system) harman/kardon

Note: The Sub-TS11 subwoofer is part of the HKTS 11 system,

included in the harman/kardon HS300 system

Satellite loudspeakers SAT-TS11 order hk part# HKTS 11BQ-A SAT-EP

Center channel CEN-TS11 order hk part# HKTS 11BQ-A CEN-EP


BASIC SPECIFICATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . ……………………………………. . . . 1

DETAILED SPECIFICATIONS. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . ………………….. …2
PACKAGING. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . ……………………… . . . . .. . .. .. .. . . . . 4
CONTROLS & CONNECTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . ………………….. 5
SPEAKER CONNECTIONS……………………….………..……. . . .. . .. . . . .. . .. 7
OPERATION……. . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. .. . . . .. .. . . . . ………………………………10
TEST PROCEDURE. . . . . . . . . . . ………………………………………………….11
UNIT EXPLODED VIEW. . . . …………… ……………. .. ………... . . .. .. ... . … . 12
AMPLIFIER EXPLODED VIEW. . . . ………………... . .. ………... . . .. . . .. . .… . 13
BLOCK DIAGRAM . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . ……………… . . . . .. . .. . .. . . . . 14
DETAILED TROUBLESHOOTING..…………………………………………………15
PCB DRAWINGS. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . ……… . …………. . . . .. .. .. . .. . . . 16
ELECTRICAL PARTS LIST …………. .... . .. . . . …………………………... … . . 20
SEMICONDUCTOR PINOUTS . . . .. .. .. .. . . . .. . ……………..………..………. .25
SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMS . . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. . . . .. . ………………………..……. .26


Amplifier Power (RMS) 200 Watts

Driver 10" (254mm) woofer, Bass Reflex Enclosure
Inputs Stereo Line Level, dedicated Subwoofer (LFE)
and Speaker Level with gold-plated binding posts

Outputs Speaker Level with gold-plated binding posts

Frequency Response 35Hz – 120Hz (Filter switch ON)
35Hz – 450Hz (Filter switch OFF)

External Trigger Input Voltage: 3-30 Volts AC/DC

Dimensions (H x W x D) 20-1/2" x 14-1/2" x 14-1/2" (521mm x 368mm x 368mm)

Weight 48 lb (21.8kg)

Occasional refinements may be made to existing products without notice but will always meet or exceed original specifications
unless otherwise stated.

SUB-TS11 (HKTS 11 Sub, HS300 system) harman/kardon

HKTS 11 Sub 200W Powered Sub/ Plate Amp

LINE VOLTAGE Yes/No Hi/Lo Line Nom. Unit Notes
US 120vac/60Hz Yes 108-132 120 Vrms Normal Operation

Nonimal QA Test
Parameter Specification Unit Limits Conditions Notes
Amp Section
Bridge type amplifier, None of the
speaker terminals must be
connected to system GND at any
Type (Class AB, D, other) D n/a n/a time.
Load Impedance (speaker) 3.5 Ohms n/a Nominal
Rated Output Power 200 Watts 150 50 - 250 Hz, 1 input driven, limiter off
THD @ Rated Power 0.08 % 0.1 22k filter
THD @ 1 Watt 0.15 % 0.5 22k filter
DC Offset 5 mV-DC 20 @ Speaker Outputs

Measured at the speaker at speake

Damping factor 16 n/a 10 Measured at amplifier board output terminals on the amp board.

Input Sensitivity
Input Frequency 50 Hz n/a Nominal Freq.
Line (L&R) Input 220 mVrms 154 - 308 To Rated Power Single input driven
SUB (LFE) Input 125 mVrms 87 - 175 To Rated Power SUB (LFE) input driven only
(20 dB below Line In), Single input
Speaker/Hi Level Input 3.4 Vrms 2.4 - 4.8 To Rated Power driven

Hi Level Max. Input Voltage 32 Vrms 30 Nominal Freq., Min. Volume

Signal to Noise Ratio

SNR-A-Weighted 85 dB 82 relative to rated power A-Weighting filter
SNR-unweighted 62 dB 59 relative to rated power 22k filter
SNR rel. 1W-unweighted 64 dB 59 relative to 1W Output 22k filter
Volume @max, using RMS
Residual Noise Floor 1.2 mVrms 3.0 reading DMM/VOM (or A/P)
Volume @max, w/ A/P Swept
Bandpass Measurement (Line
Residual Noise Floor 0.8 mVrms 2.0 freq.+ harmonics)

Input Impedance
Line Input (L, R,LFE) 10K ohms n/a Nominal
Speaker/Hi Level Input 4.7K ohms n/a Nominal

L&R Fixed Low-Pass Filter 160 Hz 140 - 180 @ -6dB ref. 100Hz 3rd order fixed
SUB (LFE) Low pass Filter 270 Hz 240 - 300 @ -3dB ref. 100Hz 2nd order fixed
Subsonic filter (HPF) 3rd Order 25 Hz 22 - 28 @ -3dB ref. 30Hz 3rd order fixed

THD at Max. Output Power 2.0 % 5.0

Auto - On -Off Selection Switch YES functional Refer to ATO section
Phase Switch 0-180 deg functional
Filter On/Off Switch YES functional
Volume Pot Taper (Lin/Log) LOG functional A Taper
Speaker Out YES functional Binding post connector L&R
2-Color LED power indicator YES functional Blue: On, Amber: Stand-by
Power Switch YES functional
Fuse Holder YES functional

Input Configuration
Line In (L,R) YES functional Dual RCA jack
SUB (LFE) YES functional RCA jack
Speaker/Hi Level In YES functional Binding post connector L&R

Signal Sensing (ATO)

Auto-Turn-On (yes/no) YES functional Auto - on selection switch in Auto
ATO Input test frequency 50 Hz n/a "
ATO Level Line & SUB Input 4.0 mV 2.0 - 6.0 "
ATO Level Speaker in 35 mV 20 - 50 "
Amp connected and AC on, then
ATO Turn-on time 0.9 sec. functional input signal applied

SUB-TS11 (HKTS 11 Sub, HS300 system) harman/kardon
Time before muting, after signal is
ATO Turn-OFF Time 12 minutes 5 - 17 removed

Power on Delay time 3 sec. functional AC Power Applied

ATO Transient 5 mV-peak 10 @ Speaker Outputs
Turn-on Transient 500 mV-peak 700 @ Speaker Outputs AC Line cycled from OFF to ON
Turn-off Transient 500 mV-peak 700 @ Speaker Outputs AC Line cycled from ON to OFF

Maximum allowable input power
under nominal input voltage and
frequency, in stand-by mode (HOT
Stand-by Input Power 8 Watts 12 @ nom. line voltage or COLD operation).
200 Watts @ 3.5 ohms and
Power Consumption @ rated power 240 Watts 250 @ nom. line voltage nominal line voltage

Amplifier should resume operation
after short circuit condition is
Short Circuit Protection YES functional Direct short at output removed.

Any user accessible metal parts

should always remain at 65 degree
C or less for domestic version or 55
Thermal Protection YES functional degree C or less for EU version.
Relay or crowbar (for driver/fire
DC Offset Protection YES functional DC present at Speaker Out leads protection),
Primary Fuse Rating
User-replacable fuse with
USA-Domestic 3.15 Amps n/a Type-T or Slo Blo (no DENTORI maUL/SEMCO rated holder.

SUB-TS11 (HKTS 11 Sub, HS300 system) harman/kardon


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SUB-TS11 (HKTS 11 Sub, HS300 system) harman/kardon






• L



¡ Subwoofer-Level Control ∞ Phase Switch ª Speaker-Level Inputs

™ High-Cut (Low-Pass) Filter Switch § Line-Level Subwoofer (SUB) Input ‚ Master Power Switch
£ External Trigger Input ¶ Line-Level Full-Range Inputs ⁄ AC Power Cord
¢ Audio-Sense On/Off Switch • Speaker-Level Outputs

¡ Subwoofer-Level Control: Volume ficiency and distortion. Engage this filter or DC) is detected, the SUB-TS11 amplifier
may be adjusted using the Subwoofer- when using the Speaker-Level Inputs ª, will turn on, even when the Audio-Sense
Level Control. Turn the control clockwise or when using the Line-Level Full-Range feature has been activated by placing the
to increase the SUB-TS11’s volume, or Inputs ¶, unless your receiver or processor Audio-Sense On/Off Switch ¢ in the
counterclockwise to decrease it. processes its line-level output using a low- AUTO position. The amplifier will remain
™ High-Cut (Low-Pass) Filter Switch: pass filter. The filter has no effect when the on for about 10–15 minutes without an
Placing this switch in the ON position acti- SUB Input § is used. audio signal.
vates circuitry that cuts out all audio input £ External Trigger Input: Use the sup- ¢ Audio-Sense On/Off Switch: When
signals above 120Hz, allowing the SUB-TS11 plied mini-plug cable to connect the trigger placed in the AUTO position, and when the
to focus its power on reproducing the low- output of another product to this jack. When Master Power Switch ‚ is turned on, the
frequency portion of the signal, avoiding inef- a trigger signal between 3 and 30 volts (AC SUB-TS11 will automatically turn itself on or


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SUB-TS11 (HKTS 11 Sub, HS300 system) harman/kardon


place itself in the Standby mode, depending on § Line-Level Subwoofer (SUB) Input: ª Speaker-Level Inputs: If your receiver
whether it is receiving an audio signal. When Connect the subwoofer output of a receiver or amplifier does not have a line-level sub-
this switch is placed in the ON position, the with digital surround sound decoding, such woofer output, connect these binding-post
SUB-TS11 will remain on, whether or not it is as Dolby® Digital or DTS®, to this input. This terminals to the main left and right speaker
receiving an audio signal. input bypasses the SUB-TS11’s internal terminals of your receiver or amplifier.
An LED located on top of the SUB-TS11 crossover circuitry, and should only be used Remember to maintain polarity by connecting
indicates whether the SUB-TS11 is in the On with a filtered signal. If your receiver does not the (+) terminal on the receiver/amplifier to the
or Standby state when used with the Audio- have digital decoding, you should use the (+) terminal on the SUB-TS11 subwoofer, and
Sense On/Off Switch ¢ in the AUTO Line-Level Full-Range Inputs ¶ instead. the (–) terminal on the receiver/amplifier to the
position. The LED is lit blue to indicate that ¶ Line-Level Full-Range Inputs: Connect (–) terminal on the SUB-TS11 subwoofer.
the SUB-TS11 is receiving an audio signal the line-level subwoofer output or preamp out- ‚ Master Power Switch: Place this
and is turned on, and the LED is lit amber to put(s) of your receiver or amplifier to these switch in the “•” position to power-on the
indicate that no signal is being received and inputs. If your receiver does not have a sepa- SUB-TS11 subwoofer. The SUB-TS11 will
the SUB-TS11 is in the Standby mode. rate subwoofer output, use a Y-adapter (not then be either in the Standby mode or com-
When the Audio-Sense On/Off Switch ¢ supplied) to bridge the receiver’s preamp out- pletely on, depending on the position of the
is in the ON position, the LED will be lit put to the main amp input for that channel, Audio-Sense On/Off Switch ¢.
blue, whether or not an audio signal is and connect the long end of the adapter ⁄ AC Power Cord: Make sure to plug this
present. to the corresponding line-level input on the cord into an active, unswitched electrical out-
SUB-TS11. If your receiver has only a single let for proper operation of the SUB-TS11.
When the Master Power Switch ‚ is
subwoofer output, you may connect it to The cord should not be plugged into the
turned off, the LED goes dark, no matter
either the left or right line-level input on the accessory outlets found on some audio
which position the Audio-Sense On/Off
SUB-TS11, and no Y-adapter is needed. components.
Switch ¢ is in.
• Speaker-Level Outputs: If you are
∞ Phase Switch: This switch determines
using the Speaker-Level Inputs ª on the
whether the SUB-TS11 subwoofer’s piston-
SUB-TS11, you should connect these bind-
like action moves in and out in phase with
ing post terminals to your front left and right
the main speakers. If the speakers were to
speakers, remembering to maintain polarity
play out of phase, the sound waves pro-
by connecting the (+) terminal on the
duced by the subwoofer would be canceled
SUB-TS11 subwoofer to the (+) terminal
out, reducing bass response. This phenome-
on the speaker, and the (–) terminal on the
non depends in part on the relative place-
SUB-TS11 subwoofer to the (–) terminal
ment of the speakers in the room. In most
on the speaker. If you are not using the
cases, the Phase Switch ∞ should be left
Speaker-Level Inputs ª, then connect
in the NORMAL position. However, it
your front left and right speakers directly
does no harm to experiment with the Phase
to your receiver or amplifier. See pages 9
Switch ∞, and you may leave it in the
through 12 for further information on speaker
position that maximizes bass response.

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SUB-TS11 (HKTS 11 Sub, HS300 system) harman/kardon


Dolby® Digital or DTS® (or Other Center

Front Front
Digital Surround Mode) Connection
Left – + Right

SUB-TS11 Subwoofer

Use the line-level input jack marked SUB
§ for the low-frequency effects channel.
Connect this jack to the subwoofer output
or LFE output on your receiver or amplifier.
Connect each speaker to the corresponding
speaker terminals on your receiver or
Make sure you’ve configured your surround
sound processor for “Subwoofer On.” The Front Front
Left Right
front left, front right, center and surround
speakers should all be set to “Small.”
When all connections have been made, plug Out
the AC power cord on the subwoofer into Surround Surround
an AC outlet. Left Center Right

Surround Surround
Left Right
– + Receiver – +

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SUB-TS11 (HKTS 11 Sub, HS300 system) harman/kardon


Dolby Pro Logic®

(Non-Digital) – Line Level Front Front
Use the supplied RCA-type interconnect
cable to connect the line-level subwoofer
output on your receiver or amplifier to either Front Front
the left or right Line-Level Full-Range Left Right
Input ¶ on the SUB-TS11 subwoofer.
Use both the left and right inputs on the Out
subwoofer if your receiver or processor has Surround Surround
both left and right line-level outputs. In that Left Center Right
case, you will need to supply a second
interconnect cable. Surround Surround
Left Right
If your receiver is equipped with line-level out-
– + Receiver – +
puts but does not have a separate subwoofer
output, use a Y-adapter (not supplied) to
bridge the receiver’s preamp output to the
main amp input for that channel, and connect
the long end of the adapter to the corre-
sponding line-level input on the SUB-TS11.
IMPORTANT: Do not use the SUB Input
§ on the subwoofer with Dolby Pro Logic
If your receiver/processor has a built-in low-
pass-crossover filter for the subwoofer out-
put, you may use the SUB Input § to
bypass the subwoofer’s internal crossover.
Connect each speaker to the corresponding
speaker terminals on your receiver or amplifier.
Make sure that you have configured your
surround sound processor for “Subwoofer
On.” The front left, front right, center and
surround speakers should all be set to
When all connections have been made, plug
the AC power cord on the subwoofer into
an AC outlet.

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SUB-TS11 (HKTS 11 Sub, HS300 system) harman/kardon

Dolby Pro Logic
Front Center Front
(Non-Digital) – Speaker Level
Left – + Right

Connect your receiver or amplifier’s front
left and right speaker terminals to the left
and right Speaker-Level Input ª termi-
nals on the SUB-TS11 subwoofer that are
marked “High Level In.” Connect the left and
right Speaker-Level Output • terminals
on the SUB-TS11 subwoofer that are
marked “High Level Out” to the correspond-
ing terminals on the back of your front left
and right speakers.
Connect your receiver or amplifier’s center,
and surround left and right speaker termi-
nals to the corresponding terminals on the
Front Left Center Front Right
back of your center, and surround left and
right speakers.
When all connections have been made,
plug the AC power cord on the subwoofer
into an AC outlet. Surround Left Surround Right

Surround Surround
Left Right
– + – +

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SUB-TS11 (HKTS 11 Sub, HS300 system) harman/kardon


Move the Master Power Switch ‚ Volume Additional Bass Adjustments

(marked Power) to the “•” (On) position. Volume can be adjusted using the Sub- In addition to the volume adjustments
The SUB-TS11 subwoofer will automatically woofer-Level Control ¡, as shown. described above, the SUB-TS11 subwoofer
turn itself on or go into Standby mode, Turn the control knob clockwise to includes a Phase Switch ∞ and a Filter
depending on whether or not a signal is increase the volume of the subwoofer, Switch ™ that can be used to adjust the
being sent to it by your receiver or surround and counterclockwise to decrease the bass response to suit your listening environ-
processor, and provided that the Audio- subwoofer’s volume. ment or taste.
Sense On/Off Switch ¢ is moved down Subwoofer
Level In most situations, the Phase Switch ∞
so that it is in the AUTO position.
should be left in the NORMAL position.
When your receiver or amplifier is off, or is If you suspect that the subwoofer is playing
not sending program material to the sub- MIN MAX
out of phase with the other speakers, which
woofer, the subwoofer will be in Standby would tend to diminish bass response, try
mode and the LED indicator on the top Subwoofer
Level placing this switch in the REVERSE
of the subwoofer will turn amber. When the position. There is no harm in experimenting,
subwoofer senses an audio signal, it will auto- and you may return the switch to the
matically turn itself on and the LED Indicator NORMAL position at any time. If you
will turn blue. If the subwoofer does not rearrange your room and reposition the
sense a signal after approximately twenty speakers, it would be a good idea to check
minutes, it will automatically go into the whether they are in phase by flipping this
Standby mode. switch.
When the Audio-Sense On/Off Switch ¢ The High-Cut (Low-Pass) Filter Switch
is switched to the ON position, the sub- ™ limits the frequencies of the audio signal
woofer will remain on, whether or not pro- inputted to the subwoofer to the low fre-
gram material is playing, and the LED indica- quencies that the subwoofer reproduces
tor will remain lit blue. best. This allows the subwoofer to perform
If your receiver, processor or amplifier is more efficiently, and with superior bass
equipped with a compatible trigger output, reproduction, minimizing distortion that might
you may connect it to the SUB-TS11’s occur if the subwoofer attempted to repro-
External Trigger Input £. When you turn duce higher frequencies. This switch should
on your component, if you have set it up cor- be left in the ON position, except:
rectly, it will send an electrical trigger signal 1. When the SUB Input § is being used,
to the SUB-TS11, which will cause the in which case it has no effect, or
subwoofer to turn itself on, even when the
2. When the Speaker-Level Inputs ª or
Audio-Sense On/Off Switch ¢ has been
the Line-Level Full-Range Inputs ¶ are
placed in the AUTO position and no audio
being used with a crossover or filter aboard
signal is detected.
the receiver or processor.
The trigger signal must be between 3 and 30
In these two circumstances, place the switch
volts, although it may be an AC or DC signal,
in the OFF position.
and an AC signal may be 50Hz or 60Hz.
If you’ll be away from home for an extended
period of time, or if the subwoofer will not be
used, switch the Master Power Switch ‚
to the OFF position.

SUB-TS11 (HKTS 11 Sub, HS300 system) harman/kardon

Test Set Up and Procedure

Equipment needed:
• Function/signal generator/sweep generator
• Integrated Amplifier
• Multimeter
• Speaker cables

Initial Control Settings:

• Power Switch OFF; Filter OFF
• Level MIN (Full CCW)
• Phase, Auto/On switches do not matter

General Unit Function (UUT = Unit Under Test)

1) From the signal generator, connect one line level (RCA) cable to the Subwoofer Line Level Input jacks L/R
on the UUT. Use a Y-cable from a mono source if necessary to connect to both inputs. Do not connect to
the single, purple SUB input.
2) Turn on generator; adjust to 60mV, 50 Hz.
3) Plug in UUT; turn the power switch ON. Turn LEVEL control full clockwise (MAX)
4) LED should turn from Amber to Blue (on top of UUT); immediate and vigorous bass response should be
heard and felt from port tube opening.
5) Turn off generator, turn LEVEL control full counterclockwise (MIN), and disconnect RCA cable.
6) Connect one pair of speaker cables to Speaker Level input terminal (IN) on UUT. Cables should be
connected to an integrated amplifier fed by the signal generator.
7) Turn on generator and adjust so that speaker level input at the amplifier is 1.2V, 50 Hz. Turn LEVEL control
full clockwise.
8) LED should turn from Amber to Blue; immediate and vigorous bass response should be heard and felt from
the port tube opening.

Sweep Function

1) Follow steps 6-8 above, using a sweep generator as a signal source.

2) Sweep generator from 20Hz to 300Hz. Listen to the cabinet and drivers for any rattles, clicks, buzzes or
any other noises. If any unusual noises are heard, remove woofers and test.

Driver Function

1) Remove woofer from cabinet; detach + and - wire clips.

2) Check DC resistance of woofer; it should be 2.8 ohms ±10%
3) Connect a pair of speaker cables to driver terminals. Cables should be connected to an integrated amplifier
fed by a signal generator. Turn on generator and adjust so that speaker level output is 5.0V.
4) Sweep generator from 20Hz to 1kHz. Listen to driver for any rubbing, buzzing, or other unusual noises.
SUB-TS11 (HKTS 11 Sub, HS300 system) harman/kardon

Item Description Part Number Qty

1 Screw, Amplifier 352-AM04020D210-E 10

2 SUB-TS11 Amplifier Not for Sale 1
3 SUB-TS11 Enclosure Not for Sale 1
4 Logo, Top 316-AG-00557-E 1
5 Logo, Bottom 316-AL-00553-E 1
6 10” Woofer 25PF12DZB-DW02-E 1
7 Screw, Woofer 352-FM04020D605-E 5
8 Foot Pad 320-EVA-00057-0BAE 4

SUB-TS11 (HKTS 11 Sub, HS300 system) harman/kardon

SUB-TS11 (HKTS 11 Sub, HS300 system) harman/kardon

SUB-TS11 (HKTS 11 Sub, HS300 system) harman/kardon


Troubleshooting Flow Chart

AMP no signal out

yes Check Fuse,Transformer,
D501, etc
Dc voltage check ±Vcc
yes no
Check Q501.Q502.Q503,D502 etc
LED light green or red LED red Check,Q206,Q207,U203 etc

LED light green yes yes

Check U201 CheckU201,U202,VR201
no etc
Check U202 pin8 signal pin1 signal
yes yes no
Check limiter Circuit C317 Check U301,R343,R344 ,
C340,Q301,Q302, etc

yes yes Check ,+VCC& -VCC

Test R147 signal no DC voltage

yes yes
Check CLASS 150W
Check RY101,D110,Q112,Q113 etc
Check Q107,Q108,Q109 etc Check TH1
Check M100 signal The Amp ass’Y OK, END

SUB-TS11 (HKTS 11 Sub, HS300 system) harman/kardon

SUB-TS11 (HKTS 11 Sub, HS300 system) harman/kardon

SUB-TS11 (HKTS 11 Sub, HS300 system) harman/kardon

SUB-TS11 (HKTS 11 Sub, HS300 system) harman/kardon

SUB-TS11 (HKTS 11 Sub, HS300 system) harman/kardon

SUB-TS11 120v Electrical parts List

Part Number Description Qty Reference Designator

Input/Preamp PCB


110-12472j52-e Resistor4.7K 1/2W ±5% CF 52mm (RoHS) 2 R201,R202

110-16102j26-e Resistor 1K 1/6W ±5% CF 26mm (RoHS) 6 R213,R214,R215,R254,R253,R304
110-16103j26-e Resistor 10K 1/6W ±5% CF 26mm (RoHS) 18 22,R225,R228,R229,R230,R232,R235,R240,
110-16104j26-e Resistor 100K 1/6W ±5% CF 26mm (RoHS) 5 R231,R263,R266,R257,R300
110-16105j26-e Resistor 1M 1/6W ±5% CF 26mm (RoHS) 1 R259
110-16113j26-e Resistor 11K 1/6W ±5% 26mm (RoHS) 1 R268
110-16122j26-e Resistor 1.2K 1/6W ±5% CF 26mm (RoHS) 1 R265
110-16134j26-e Resistor 130K 1/6W ±5% CF 26mm (RoHS) 1 R233
110-16152j26-e Resistor 1.5K 1/6W ±5% CF 26mm (RoHS) 1 R302
110-16183j26-e Resistor 18K 1/6W ±5% CF 26mm (RoHS) 1 R262
110-16203j26-e Resistor 20K 1/6W ±5% CF 26mm (RoHS) 2 R237,R238
110-16223j26-e Resistor 22K 1/6W ±5% CF 26mm (RoHS) 6 R247,R255,R256,R249,R250,R261
110-16303j26-e Resistor 30K 1/6W ±5% CF 26mm (RoHS) 2 R223,R224
110-16472j26-e Resistor 4.7K 1/6W ±5% CF 26mm (RoHS) 3 R200,R207,R258
110-16473j26-e Resistor 47K 1/6W ±5% CF 26mm (RoHS) 2 R219,R264
110-16474j26-e Resistor 470K 1/6W ±5% CF 26mm (RoHS) 1 R251
110-16475j26-e Resistor 4.7M 1/6W ±5% CF 26mm (RoHS) 1 R303
110-16512j26-e Resistor 5.1K 1/6W ±5% CF 26mm (RoHS) 2 R210,R211
110-16622j26-e Resistor 6.2K 1/6W ±5% CF 26mm (RoHS) 1 R234
110-16684j26-e Resistor 680K 1/6W CF 26mm (RoHS) 1 R252
110-16912j26-e Resistor 9.1K 1/6W ±5% CF 26mm (RoHS) 2 R226,R227
110-16913j26-e Resistor 91K 1/6W ±5% CF 26mm (RoHS) 4 R203,R204,R205,R206
116-169091f26-e Resistor 9.09K 1/6W±1% MF 26mm (RoHS) 1 R301
116-201001j5vx-e metal oxide film Resistor 1K 2W ±5% standing 5mm (RoHS) 1 R267
115-h503a102-e variable Resistor RV16AE-20B2-15K-A54-104(A50K) (RoHS) LEVEL 1 VR201


129-a154j633-e METALIZE CAP. 0.15U 63V ±5% MSC (RoHS) 2 C221,C222

129-a224j633-e METALIZE CAP. 0.22uF 63V ±5% MSC (RoHS) 1 C218
130-2b103k503-e DISC Capacitor 0.01u 50V ±10% (RoHS) 1 C238
130-2b221k503-e DISC Capacitor 220P 50V ±10% (RoHS) 12
130-3f104z503-e DISC Capacitor 0.1U 50V +80/-20% (RoHS) 8
132-183j503-e MYLAR Capacitor 0.018uF 50V ±5% (RoHS) 1 C223
132-223ja03-e MYLAR Capacitor 0.022uF 100V ±5% (RoHS) 1 C215
132-473j503-e MYLAR Capacitor 0.047U 50V ±5% (RoHS) 1 C224
132-563j503-e MYLAR Capacitor 0.056U 50V ±5% (RoHS) 1 C216
132-823j503-e MYLAR Capacitor 0.082U 50V ±5% (RoHS) 1 C217
135-3105m50-e Electrolytic CAP. 1U 50V ±20% (RoHS) 1 C228
135-3106m50-e Electrolytic CAP. 10uF 50V ±20% (RoHS) 12
135-3107m16-e Electrolytic CAP. 100uF 16V ±20% (RoHS) 1 C234
135-3226m50-e Electrolytic CAP. 22U 50V ±20% (RoHS) 1 C225
135-3475m16-e Electrolytic CAP.4.7U 16V ±20% (RoHS) 1 C233
135-3107m50-e Electrolytic CAP. 100U 50V ±20% (RoHS) 1 C301
135-3227m50-e Electrolytic CAP. 220uF 50V ±20% (RoHS) 1 C300


192-027c1815gr-e Transistor 2SC1815GR TOSHIBA(RoHS) NPN 4 Q201,Q206,Q207,Q208

197-631n4148-e DIODE 500mW 75V 1N4148 Panjit (RoHS) 13
199-65000513g-e ZENER DIODE GDZJ5.1B 500mW 5.1V 2% ROHM 26mm 1N5231B 1 D213

SUB-TS11 (HKTS 11 Sub, HS300 system) harman/kardon

Part Number Description Qty Reference Designator

Input/Preamp PCB

190-05ps25051-e photoelectric coupler PS2505-1 NEC (RoHS) 1 U1

190-06m4558d-e I.C. OPA 4558D Dual Op-Amp (RoHS) 1 U203
190-06m4558ld-e I.C. NJRC NJM4558LD Dual Op-Amp singlerow inline (RoHS) 1 U204
190-16tl074cn-e I.C TL074CN ST (RoHS) Quad Op-Amp 2 U201,U202
197-141n4004-e DIODE 1N4004 shaping short crus (RoHS) 4 D217,D218,D219,D220
162-50122004-e dual color LED 120mm RED/WHT 2PIN (RoHS) 1 D209


162-5014d008-e WIRE 2468#26AWG RED/WHT length 140mm (RoHS) 1 P1-P2

162-a016d001-e mixed wire UL1007 160/80mm#26 (RoHS) 1 W202
174-0rca313v-e RCA JACK RCA-313G V/R/W (RoHS) R/L, LFE INPUT 1 JK201
174-20810360g-e jack SPK JK BP 8PIN (RoHS) SH0810360G US1.35 SPEAKER 1 JK202
174-6ej3556agp-e PHONE JACK EJ3556A-GP (RoHS) TRIGGER 1 JK203
175-1b08v01-e WIRE CONNECTOR & BASE 8 PIN PITCH=2.0mm(RoHS) 1 W202
175-1c07v01-e WIRE CONNECTOR & BASE 7PIN PITCH=2.5mm (RoHS) 1 M201
180-tms7210v-e SWITCH SLIDE 6PIN MS7210V (RoHS) FILTER,PHASE,POWER ON 3 SW201,SW202,SW203
362-FE-00041-0LAE PCB support 11.75*8.5*12.5H (RoHS) 2

Main Amp PCB


110-14103j26-e Resistor 10K 1/4W ±5% CF 26mm (RoHS) 3 R503,R504,R510

110-14222j26-e Resistor 2.2K 1/4W ±5% CF 26mm (RoHS) 1 R511
110-14432j26-e Resistor 4.3K 1/4W ±5% CF 26mm (RoHS) 1 R506
110-14472j26-e Resistor 4.7K 1/4W ±5% CF 26mm (RoHS) 1 R505
110-16102j26-e Resistor 1K 1/6W ±5% CF 26mm (RoHS) 1 R153
110-16103j26-e Resistor 10K 1/6W ±5% CF 26mm (RoHS) 10
110-16104j26-e Resistor 100K 1/6W ±5% CF 26mm (RoHS) 3 R122,R126,R307
110-16153j26-e Resistor 15K 1/6W ±5% CF 26mm (RoHS) 1 R107
110-16182j26-e Resistor 1.8K 1/6W ±5% CF 26mm (RoHS) 1 R145
110-16203j26-e Resistor 20K 1/6W ±5% CF 26mm (RoHS) 1 R309
110-16221j26-e Resistor 220Ω 1/6W ±5% CF 26mm (RoHS) 1 R144
110-16222j26-e Resistor 2.2K 1/6W ±5% CF 26mm (RoHS) 1 R102
110-16223j26-e Resistor 22K 1/6W ±5% CF 26mm (RoHS) 1 R316
110-16333j26-e Resistor 33K 1/6W ±5% CF 26mm (RoHS) 1 R310
110-16393j26-e Resistor 39K 1/6W ±5% CF 26mm (RoHS) 1 R151
110-16434j26-e Resistor 430K 1/6W ±5% CF 26mm (RoHS) 1 R312
110-16473j26-e Resistor 47K 1/6W ±5% CF 26mm (RoHS) 2 R106,R129
110-16474j26-e Resistor 470K 1/6W ±5% CF 26mm (RoHS) 1 R127
110-16562j26-e Resistor 5.6K 1/6W ±5% CF 26mm (RoHS) 1 R152
110-16621j26-e Resistor 620Ω 1/6W ±5% CF 26mm (RoHS) 1 R160
110-16751j26-e Resistor 750Ω 1/6W ±5% CF 26mm (RoHS) 1 R315
110-16755j26-e Resistor 7.5M 1/6W ±5% CF 26mm (RoHS) 1 R313
116-161002f26-e metal film Resistor 10K 1/6W ±1% MF 26mm (RoHS) 2 R301,R303
116-161202f26-e metal film Resistor 12.0K 1/6W ±1% MF 26mm (RoHS) 1 R302
116-162200f26-e metal film Resistor 220Ω 1/6W ±1% MF 26mm (RoHS) 1 R317
116-162202f26-e metal film Resistor 22.0K 1/6W ±1% MF 26mm (RoHS) 1 R318
110-20332jk3-e Resistor 3.3K 2W ±5% standing short crus 7.5m (RoHS) 1 R134
113-50s68j00-e cement Resistor 0.068Ω 5W ±5% prone long crus (RoHS) 1 R147
116-201001jk3x-e oxide film Resistor 1.00K 2W ±5% standing short crus 7.5mm (RoHS) 1 R148
116-304700jk2x-e oxide film Resistor 470Ω 3W ±5% jaming and shaping type 10mm 2 R501,R502


130-3f104z503-e DISC Capacitor 0.1U 50V +80/-20% (RoHS) 6 C107,C117,C122,C144,C320,C322

130-sl101k503-e DISC Capacitor 100P 50V SL ±10% (RoHS) 3 C302,C303,C306
132-103j503-e MYLAR Capacitor 0.01uF 50V ±5% (RoHS) 2 C305,C317
132-103ja03-e MYLAR Capacitor 0.01uf 100V ±5% (RoHS) 2 C103,C104
SUB-TS11 (HKTS 11 Sub, HS300 system) harman/kardon

Part Number Description Qty Reference Designator

Main Amp PCB

132-104ja03-e MYLAR Capacitor 0.1UF 100V ±5% (RoHS) 3 C123,C503,C504

132-273ja03-e MYLAR Capacitor 0.027UF 100V ±5% (RoHS) 1 C143
135-3106m50-e Electrolytic CAP. 10uF 50V ±20% (RoHS) 2 C319,C321
135-3107m10-e Electrolytic CAP. 100U 10V ±20% (RoHS) 2 C114,C115
135-3107m35-e Electrolytic CAP. 100U 35V ±20% (RoHS) 2 C507,C508
135-3225m50-e Electrolytic CAP. 2.2U 50V ±20% (RoHS) 1 C509
135-3226m16-e Electrolytic CAP. 22U 16V ±20% (RoHS) 1 C304
135-3226m50-e Electrolytic CAP. 22U 50V ±20% (RoHS) 2 C505,C506
135-3227m16-e Electrolytic CAP. 220U 16V ±20% (RoHS) 1 C118
135-3476m16-e Electrolytic CAP. 47U 16V ±20% (RoHS) 1 C318
132-103kd00-e MYLAR Capacitor 0.01U 400V +/-10% long crus (RoHS) 1 C500
138-5478m80-e LARGE Electrolytic CAP. 4700uF 80V ±20% 85℃ (RoHS) 2 C501,C502


192-027c1815gr-e Transistor 2SC1815GR TOSHIBA(RoHS) NPN 5 Q108,Q109,Q113,Q301,Q302

192-027c2235y-e Transistor 2SC2235Y TOSHIBA (RoHS) NPN 1 Q111
192-028a1015gr-e Transistor 2SA1015GR TOSHIBA(RoHS) PNP 3 Q101,Q107,Q112
192-1572n5551-e Transistor FSC 2N5551 (RoHS) NPN 2 Q114,Q115
192-1582n5401-e Transistor FSC 2N5401 AI-PNP 350V 500mA TO-92 (RoHS) 1 Q503
197-631n4148-e DIODE 500mW 75V 1N4148 Panjit (RoHS) 7 D102,D103,D104,D105,D143,D301,D302
199-65000623g-e ZENER DIODE GDZJ6.2B 500mW 6.2V 26mm 2% (RoHS) 1 D101
199-65001603g-e ZENER DIODE GDZJ16C 500mW 16V 26mm 2% (RoHS) 1 D502
190-16tl074cn-e I.C TL074CN ST (RoHS) Quad Op-Amp 1 U301
192-161tip31c-e Transistor TIP31C SGS (RoHS) NPN 1 Q501
192-162tip32c-e Transistor TIP32C SGS (RoHS) PNP 1 Q502
197-00kbu606g-e bridge rectifier 6A 800V KBU606G (RoHS) 1 D501
197-141n4004-e DIODE 1N4004 shaping and short crus (RoHS) 2 D110,D504


109-1ttc802j0-e thermistor TTC-802(JS) NTC long crus (RoHS) 1 TH1

120-1000003-e inductor 10W AI YT-C3104-005 1CRHW 354708LTB (RoHS) 2 FB1,FB2
162-50129001-e CABLE ASS'Y drop-out line 120mm AWG28 WHT (RoHS) 1 W201
171-urwh124d-e relay RWH-SH-124D (1600 ohm) (RoHS) 1 RL1
175-1d02v01-e WIRE CONNECTOR & BASE 2PIN PITCH=3.96mm (RoHS) 1 M100
175-1d03v01-e WIRE CONNECTOR & BASE 3 PIN PITCH=3.96mm JST-VH no middle PIN 1 M500

Class D amp PCB (Replacment of entire module is recommended, part# 050-B00012A-E).


118-12061001j-e SMD Resistor 1.00K 1206 5% (RoHS) 4 R2,R11,R29,R30

118-12061002j-e SMD Resistor 10.0K 1206 5% (RoHS) 3 R7,R9,R25
118-120610r0j-e SMD Resistor 10.0Ω 1206 5% (RoHS) 2 R22,R23
118-12061201j-e SMD Resistor 1.20K 1206 5% (RoHS) 16
118-12062002j-e SMD Resistor 20.0K 1206 5% (RoHS) 1 R26
118-12062201j-e SMD Resistor 2.20K 1206 5% (RoHS) 3 R6,R13,R16
118-12062701j-e SMD Resistor 2.70K 1206 5% (RoHS) 1 R10
118-12063000j-e SMD Resistor 300.0Ω 1206 5% (RoHS) 1 R24
118-12063301j-e SMD Resistor 3.30K 1206 5% (RoHS) 4 R14,R15,R27,R28
118-12063902j-e SMD Resistor 39.0K 1206 5% (RoHS) 1 R3
118-12064700j-e SMD Resistor 470Ω 1206 5% (RoHS) 1 R8
118-12064701j-e SMD Resistor 4.70K 1206 5% (RoHS) 3 R1,R5,R12
118-12064702j-e SMD Resistor 47.0K 1206 5% (RoHS) 1 R17
118-12064704j-e SMD Resistor 4.70M 1206 5% (RoHS) 1 R4
118-120647r0j-e SMD Resistor 47.0Ω 1206 5% (RoHS) 2 R20,R21

SUB-TS11 (HKTS 11 Sub, HS300 system) harman/kardon

Part Number Description Qty Reference Designator

Class D amp PCB (Replacment of entire module is recommended, part# 050-B00012A-E).


141-c0101k50-e SMD Capacitor 100pF 50V 10% 1206 NP0 (RoHS) 1 C4

141-c0220k50-e SMD Capacitor 22pF 50V 10% 1206 SMT NPO (RoHS) 1 C5
141-c0561k50-e SMD Capacitor 560pF 50V 10% 1206 NPO (RoHS) 1 C6
141-c5104m50-e SMD Capacitor 1206 Y5V 0.1uF 50V ±20% (RoHS) 8 C2,C3,C7,C8,C9,C10,C11,C15
141-c7223k50-e SMD Capacitor 0.022uF 50V 10% 1206 X7R (RoHS) 1 C13
141-d7104ka0-e SMD Capacitor 0.1uF 100V 10% 1210 X7R (RoHS) 1 C12
141-d7104kb5-e SMD Capacitor 0.1uF 250V 10% 1210 X7R (RoHS) 5 C1,C18,C19,C20,C14
128-e106ma01k-e non polarized Electrolytic CAP. 10UF 100V 20% 105℃ long crus 2 C16,C17


190-16tl072dts-e SMD I.C. TL072CDT SGS THOMSON (RoHS) Dual Op-Amp 1 IC1
192-09124126qs-e SMD Transistor 2SC2412K-T146Q/R ROHM (RoHS) 3 Q1,Q4,Q5
192-09139066rs-e SMD Transistor 2SC3906K-T146R ROHM (RoHS) 2 Q2,Q8
192-09210376qs-e SMD Transistor 2SA1037K-T146Q/R ROHM (RoHS) 2 Q7,Q9
192-09215146rs-e SMD Transistor 2SA1514K-T146R ROHM (RoHS) 2 Q3,Q6
197-03rls4148s-e SMD DIODE RLS4148-TE11 ROHM (RoHS) 6 D1,D2,D3,D4,D5,D6
199-15000563s-e SMD ZENER 5.6V 5% PHILIPS BZX84-C5V6 (RoHS) 2 Z1,Z2
199-1500120s-e SMD ZENER 12V 5% PHILIPS BZX84-C12 (RoHS) 2 Z5,Z6
199-15001503s-e SMD ZENER 15V 5% PHILIPS BZX84-C15 (RoHS) 2 Z3,Z4
192-232irf9640-e FET IRF9640 IR P-CH TO220 (RoHS) 1 Q10
192-233f640n-e Transistor IRF640N INTERNATIONAL (RoHS) 1 Q11


122-14121m4191-e Ferrite core word type LS-A6206-ST EFD-30 (RoHS) 1 L1

122-14350j4180-e CHOKE COIL 35uH Ferrite Core 25 Milliohm (RoHS) 1 L2
175-9f40hr2-e WIRE CONNECTOR & BASE 40PIN PITCH=2.54mm HR2*40 (RoHS)


150-r4055903-e ring transformer TT0900304490 (RoHS) 1 T501

152-u602015-e power cord joint heteropolarity SVT FT-2 6FT bi-insulate (RoHS) 1
154-k31505t0-e fuse 3.15A 250V 30mm UL/CSA/PSE (RoHS) 1 F501
155-63032i-e fuse holder HTB-32I 30mm UL/CSA (RoHS) 1 for F501
162-10152001-e WIRE UL1617 AWG22 150mm RED 6:6 (RoHS) 1
162-5020d006-e WIRE UL2468 200mm 2.5mmpitch RED/WHT (RoHS) 1
162-50552003-e WIRE UL1007 #16 550mm (RoHS) #110/#205 0.5T 1
176-wjce1-e Wire CONN Pin CE-1 (RoHS) 1
180-prf1003s-e power switch ROCK RF-1003-BB2-OHA (RoHS) 1 SW501
193-201815t2-e ceramic insulator (RoHS) 2 for Q10,Q11
302-AL-00373-1BDE rear board (RoHS) 1
306-ABS-00714-0BAE plastic rear housing 268*213*102 spout conductive paint (RoHS) 1
311-ABS-00028-0BAE plastic KNOB 46077-W soft material P.V.C. (RoHS) LEVEL 1
317-000-00037-0LAE earth teminal M3 lug plate t=0.3 (RoHS) 1
323-AL-00056-0LAE heat sink 83.5*50.5*27.5H defat 1
333-EVA-00096-0BAE EVA (Gasket) pad wide sides213*15*2.0mm (RoHS) 2
333-EVA-00097-0BAE EVA (Gasket)pad wide sides213*15*1.0t (RoHS) 2
333-EVA-00121-0BAE 8PIN BB EVA (Gasket)(RoHS) 1
333-EVA-00132-0BAE EVA (Gasket) pad long sides238*15*2.0mm (RoHS) 2
333-EVA-00133-0BAE EVA (Gasket)pad long sides238*15*1.0t (RoHS) 2
333-EVA-00188-0BAE EVA (Gasket) pad 170x5x1t glue on back (RoHS) 1
333-EVA-00219-0BAE EVA (Gasket)pad wide sides150*15*1t UL (RoHS) 2
333-EVA-00220-0BAE EVA (Gasket)pad long sides225*15*1t UL (RoHS) 1
333-EVA-00866-0BAE fire prevention EVA 48*18*1.5T (RoHS) 1
335-NYL-00002-0BAE WIRE CLIP 4K-4 NO-BB(RoHS) 1
335-NYL-05015-0BAE power cord fixed-button SB4F-2 (RoHS) 1
350-EM04012D024-E 4¢*12 wood screw electrical black (RoHS) 4
351-AM03008A078-E M3*8 machine screw nickel plating (RoHS) 4

SUB-TS11 (HKTS 11 Sub, HS300 system) harman/kardon

Part Number Description Qty Reference Designator


351-AM03008A079-E M3*8 machine screw electrical black (RoHS) 4

352-AM03008D040-E ¢3*8 B type ping screw electrical black (RoHS) 2
352-AM03008D041-E ¢3*8 B type ping screw nickel plating (RoHS) 2
352-AM03010D065-E ¢3*10 P type ping screw electrical black (RoHS) 3
352-HM03012D086-E ¢3*12 B type ping screw electrical black (RoHS) 1
353-0870122-E machine screw M8*70 round head electrical black (RoHS) 1
362-FE-00013-0LAE PCB support L TYPE t=1.6mm S.P.C.C 89*9*1.6T (RoHS) 2

SUB-TS11 (HKTS 11 Sub, HS300 system) harman/kardon

SUB-TS11 (HKTS 11 Sub, HS300 system) harman/kardon

SUB-TS11 (HKTS 11 Sub, HS300 system) harman/kardon

SUB-TS11 (HKTS 11 Sub, HS300 system) harman/kardon


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