No man is an Island exam #
No man is an Island exam #
No man is an Island exam #
It was 4am and I woke up to the house shaking from side to side. Everything was
shaking, bricks were falling out. It felt like Judgement Day and everything would be
completely destroyed. My wife was screaming and I went to my children but I didn’t know
what we could do. We fled outside and saw thousands of people on the streets with just
the clothes on their backs. People were shouting for their lost children – whole families
were separated and lost. So many buildings were totally destroyed and I saw tens of people
under the rubble, with crowds trying to pull them out. §l
People are still out in the streets, they don’t have anything to go home to and we are
all scared of aftershocks. Right now the Islamic Relief Team here is distributing blankets,
sheets and mattresses that we have in stock , but thesewill run out today and we need more
as soon as possible. People urgently need tents, food parcels and blankets. Injured people
are immersed in hospitals so we’re providing them with medicine and other supplies. §2
Mohammed Hamza, Head of Islamic Relief’s office in Idlib, Northwest Syria,
who witnessed the destruction first-hand.
1. Answer the following statements with true or false 2pts
- The incident happened in the afternoon. ..................
- The wife stayed calm and didn’t react. .................
- People were left homeless. ..................
- The Islamic Relief Team is a Christian charity organisation. ....................
2. Answer the following questions according to the text : 2pts
- What is the name of the disaster mentioned above? Support your answer with words from the
- How did the Islamic Relief Team help these people in Syria?
3. In which paragraph are these ideas mentioned ? l pt
- The charity given by the organization §
- The exact time of the disaster §
4. What do the underlined words refer to in the text ?lpt
I §l: ...................................... 2: These §2 : ......................................................
B- Text Exploration 8pts
1- Find words in the text whose definitions follow. lpt
a- The end of the world §l : ....................................................
b- A healthcare institution providing medical treatment §2: ..........................................
4-Fill in the gaps with words from the list given. lpt
Topic 1: Elderly people believe that younger generations are lazy , irresponsible and not helpful in times of
disasters. In a 7 lines paragraph, defend your generation and write about how youngsters are more
charitablethan they think. Use the following notes for a help .
Most volunteers are young / donate blood because they are healthy / collect money through social
media / educated about firstaid / strong enough / more free time …etc
Topic2: Write a small paragraph about the safety measures that people should take before and during the
earthquake .