Unit 2
Unit 2
Unit 2
4. Write three sentences about the music you download. Use some of the words from the box.
Read the weekly guide to cultural events. ll]lrren ,*'nite a reaction to each event. Which events
would you like to attend and which would rou..r nather not go to? Explain your reasons.
1. Saxon Hall
Q29 in concert: This innovative rock .a-:'-_
always gives a memorable pedormar:e T-: -
mix of old-time rock and new, danceab e c=a.:
earplugs though-their concefts are kno,,.'r .: :
2. Brookstone Theater
Zest for Life, a new play by Theodore Watkins: r :-
dark comedy, a group of friends reunites ten year.s a-Te'
graduating from college. A series of mishaps leads to
some hilarious misadventures.
3. Gity Center
Our own City Ballet troupe performs Copp6lia: Principal
ballerina Sophie Arther dances the title role, in this lovely
interpretation of a classic. Also notable are the set's
whimsical paintings that form the per{ect backdrop for
the dance.
4. Gooper Gallery
Theresa Martin, Recent Paintings: lf you are a fan of
modern art, this show is right up your alley. Martin's large,
bold canvases feature bright, intense colors against dark,
moody backgrounds,
,n.r,rr' d_ f- .. . -",
".drd _. .-_,i.
74 UNIT 2
A Read the online review of an event.
u reviewthea rts.co m
2. Type of event: 3. How would you rate 4. Your opinion of the event:
a musical this event:
5 stars = best ', Hamilton is the best thing l've seen in
C a talk
1 star = worst years! Normally, musicals aren't my
Q a comedy show , thing, but this performance blew me
O an art exhibit A
'k; k-* w "k I away. The lyrics were so intelligent, and
Q a play C k&&e the unique hip-hop sound made history
Q a jazz performance C kek I
really interesting. ln addition, the
actors' voices were top notch. I highly
O a movie o : recommend seeing this musical. lFyou
C a rock concert o i can get tickets, that is.
C a ballet
Now complete a review of an event you've attended or one you can imagine attending.
f]BDYIDW 1. Event:
2. Type of event: 3. How would you rate 4. Your opinion of the event:
C a musical this event:
5 stars = best
O a talk 1 star = worst
Q a comedy show
C an art exhibit C
Q a play o
Q a jazz performance o
O a movie o
C a rock concert
O a ballet
Complete the questions, using the present perfect continuous or the present perfect.
Then answer the questions and provide details.
1. What _ you to lately?
2. _you (see)
any good movies recently?
3. _ you ever
in a band or musical group?
Z Check the sentences that are grammatically correct. Rewrite the incorrect sentences,
using a correct form of the verb.
1. E l've already been seeing that movie.
6.n How many times have you been listening to that song?
16 UNIT 2
tr Read aboutJeff Thayer's taste in music. Underline the five cleftsentences with What.
l'm not sure r,hen I started really listening to music. lthink I was about
14. What I remernber best is listening to pop music while I did my
homework. Now' pop music gets on my nerves. What I prefer now is
urban dance music, though I like to listen to jazzor classical when l'm
working or studying. My sister is really into music, too but we have
different tastes. What she loves is rock music from the l95Os, but that
justsounds too dated for me! Mytaste in music has changed overthe
years, but what hasn't changed is the role of music in my life. I use it
to help me focus and get things done. But what I really like is just to sit
back when I have nothing else to do and listen. l've been listening to
music for almost ten years now, and I can't imagine what I would do
without it. I believe that life would be dull and empty without music.
Now write a short paragraph about your musical tastes. Try to use cleft sentences with What.
. What types of music do you listen to?
. What do you like about that music?
. ls there anything about that music that you don't like? What is it?
. How have your tastes changed?
.i t * ** * n ,.j.
t " Do you know someone who's gifted? What does this person do well? Describe
his or her personality. What are some of this person's positive qualities? Negative qualities?
tr W8 Have you ever heard of Ray Charles? What do you know about him?
18 UNIT 2
Now read the bibliography.
List at least six adjectives from the reading that describe Ray Charles's music.
Now list five adjectives from the reading that describe Ray Charles's personality.
&-hW ffi What do Ludwig van Beethoven and Ray Charles have in common?
How are they different? List similarities where the circles overlap and differences
in the areas that do not overlap.
gifted musiciqns
E Complete the sentences with the correct participial adjectives. Use the present
or past participle of the underlined verb.
1. Classical music soothes her infant son.
20 UNIT 2
3. Her piano playing amazes me.
a. l'm by her piano playing.
b. Her piano playing is
tr Circle the correct adjective and then complete each sentence with your own words.
1. l'm (soothed / soothing) by
2. lfind to be very (entertained / entertaining).
3. I try to avoid because it's so (depressed / depressing).
4. I was (disappointed / disappointing) when I found out that
5. For me, is really (relaxed / relaxing).
6. l'm (pleased / pleasing) that
2. What's your opinion? Do you think listening to music is beneficial for babies? Explain.
tr Choose the correct verb form(s) to complete each sentence. ln some sentences, two
or more verb forms are correct.
1. He professionally when he was a teenager.
Find the error in each sentence. Rewrite the sentence, using a correct verb form.
1. What did you listen to lately?
22 UNIT 2
7. When we got to the ticket window, the movie already sold out.
Complete the sentences with your own words. Use appropriate verb forms.
1. When I began this class, I had already
2. Before I traveled to I had never
3. I had never seen u ntil
4. I bought the CD after
5. By the time I got home last night,
tr Rewrite each question, using a phrase from the box and a noun clause. Use each phrase once.
Example: (What time does the movie start?) Do yov know whal lime lhe movie <tarl<?
1. (Do they like modern jazz?)
2. (Where is the concert hall?)
3. (Who sings that song?)
4. (Does Peter like ballet?)
5. (When is that artist's next show?)
6. (What would Jen think of this music?)
Now give your opinion of each statement, using a noun clause as a noun complement.
Example: [The belief ..]
1. [Thebelief ...]
2. [The argumenr .
3. [The recomme^J]: :-
4. [The claim . . ]
5. [Thereport...]
Music and Other Arts
Parallel structure: writing words in a series
tr &Y& : ? ffiffi g Choose a friend on farnrily rnembe n to describe. Use the tree diagram
below to collect details about this person's appearance, personaliw, interests, and accomplishments.
lYX Use information from the diagram to write a detailed description of the person you chose.
Decide which categories you want to focus on and organize your paragraph(s) thoughtfully. Be sure to
use parallel structure.
E sffiLr-c&dffi*K
E Does my paragraph have a topic sentence and supporting sentences?
f Oo I have a concluding sentence?
I OiO I use parallel structure?
24 UNIT 2