Project 1 2
Project 2
Project 4
1. Display the Integral header on all pages of the document except page 1.
2. In the “Red velvet cake” section, insert a thermometer symbol before the phrase “As a favorite
cake all over the world”. Use the Webdings font and character code 225 (the thermometer
3. Set the line spacing to 1.4 lines for the entire document
4. Change the numbered list below the heading "Top Sellers" to numbers 1 through 6
5. On the “Overview”, apply the Soft Round bevel shape effect to the SmartArt graphic (Be sure
to select the entire SmartArt graphic)
6. In the “Cheesecake” section, change the text wrapping for the picture to Square
Project 6
1. Add a 3 pt Blue, Accent 1, Darker 50% Box page border to the whole document
2. At the end of the document, change the line spacing of the last two paragraph to exactly 14 pt
3. Resolve the comment on the last page.
4. On the first page, immediately before the quote “Just walk on the path………..see the good
stuff!” , insert an Austin Quote text box. Move the quote into the text box.\
5. Save a copy the document as a Word 2019 template named “Dream Yard” that is compatible
with the lastest Word features and does not support macros. Save the template file in the
default location
Project 8
1. In the “Antivirus Software” section, insert a new placeholder citation with the name
“AntivirusPlus” at the end of the section after the phrase “the Internet.
2. In the “Founder Information” section, resolver the comment
3. In the blank space at the bottom of page 2, insert a Horizontal Scroll shape that contains the
text “Don’t be afraid”. Position the shape in the bottom center of the page, with Square text
wrapping. The exact size and position does not matter
4. Apply the Pencil Sketch artistic effect to the image, located at the top-right corner
5. Edit the list by choosing custom ones. Use Segoe UI Emoji font and Character code “25B8” (the
special RIGHT-POINTING BLACK TRIANGLE special character)
Project 10
Project 12
1. Apply the Intense Emphasis style to the two paragraph after the “Herbal pet care” heading
2. Change the orientation of only page 2 to Landscape
3. In the “PREVENTING FLEAS AND TICKS” section, resize the table so that each column is 1.57”
(3.98cm) wide
4. In the end document, insert a new placeholder citation with the name “MOS” at the end of the
5. Accept all tracked insertions and deletions. Reject all formatting changes
Project 3
Project 5
1. Add a 3 pt Blue, Accent 1, Darker 50% Box page border to the whole document
2. Inspect the document and remove all headers, footers and watermarks that are found. Do not
remove other information.
3. At the end of the document, change the line spacing of the last two paragraph to exactly 14 pt
4. Apply the Intense Emphasis style to the paragraph after the picture
Project 7
1. In the “Camping All Year” section, resize each column in the table to 2.2 inches (5.59cm) wide.
2. Using a feature in Word, replace all occurrences of “new trail” with “Black Triangle”
3. Add a hyperlink to the logo image that is linked to page
4. In the “Don’t Forget Your Permit” section, insert a thermometer symbol before the phrase “Do
you like to fish?”. Use the Webding font and character code 225 (the thermometer symbol)
5. Find the word “weather” and delete it from the document
6. Save a copy of the document in your Documents folder as a plain-text file named “Camping”
Project 9
Project 11
1. Inspect the document and remove all headers, footers and watermarks that are found. Do not
remove other information.
2. Add a 3 pt Red, Accent 1 Box page border to the whole document
3. Clear all the formatting from the phrase “awarded to”
4. Save a copy the document as a Word 2019 template named “designed specifically” that is
compatible with the latest Word features and does not support macros. Save the template file
in the default location
5. Display the Integral header on all pages of the document except page 1
Project 13
1. In the “Our Most Popular Flavors!” section, convert the tab-delimited text to a two-column
table. Accept the default AutoFit behavior
2. In the blank paragraph after the document title, insert a table of contents. Use the Automatic
Table 1 style
3. In the “Customize in Almost No Time” section, in the dark blue text box, insert the text “Our ice
cream is so good”
4. In the “Focus on What You Do Best” section, delete the comment that is attached to the text
5. In the “Our Mission Statement” section, change the line spacing of the two paragraphs to
exactly 14 pt
Project 15
1. In the “Grading” section, assign the alt text description “Microsoft Office” to the SmartArt
graphic (Be sure to select the entire SmartArt graphic)
2. Configure the table so that the first row is automatically repeated at the top of each page as the
header row
3. In the “Learn how to…” section, change the text wrapping for the picture to Square
4. Split the four paragraphs before the picture into two columns with column spacing of 0.4
5. Set the paragraph options so that the “5. Communication Skills” and following text always be
on the same page