Background Nursing education presents unique challenges, including high levels of academic stress and varied
learning approaches among students. Understanding the relationship between academic stress and learning
approaches is crucial for enhancing nursing education effectiveness and student well-being.
Aim This study aimed to investigate the prevalence of academic stress and its correlation with learning approaches
among nursing students.
Design and Method A cross-sectional descriptive correlation research design was employed. A convenient sample
of 1010 nursing students participated, completing socio-demographic data, the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS), and the
Revised Study Process Questionnaire (R-SPQ-2 F).
Results Most nursing students experienced moderate academic stress (56.3%) and exhibited moderate levels of
deep learning approaches (55.0%). Stress from a lack of professional knowledge and skills negatively correlates with
deep learning approaches (r = -0.392) and positively correlates with surface learning approaches (r = 0.365). Female
students showed higher deep learning approach scores, while male students exhibited higher surface learning
approach scores. Age, gender, educational level, and academic stress significantly influenced learning approaches.
Conclusion Academic stress significantly impacts learning approaches among nursing students. Strategies
addressing stressors and promoting healthy learning approaches are essential for enhancing nursing education and
student well-being.
Nursing implication Understanding academic stress’s impact on nursing students’ learning approaches enables
tailored interventions. Recognizing stressors informs strategies for promoting adaptive coping, fostering deep
learning, and creating supportive environments. Integrating stress management, mentorship, and counseling
enhances student well-being and nursing education quality.
Keywords Academic stress, Education, Learning approaches, Nursing students
Ayman Mohamed El-Ashry
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article
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Dogham et al. BMC Nursing (2024) 23:249 Page 2 of 11
students were distributed across different educational and 19.1% with a low level. The surface learning approach
years, a majority of 34.4% in the second year, followed by was more prevalent, with 47.8% of students showing
29.4% in the fourth year. The students’ hours spent study- a moderate level, 41.7% showing a low level, and only
ing were found to be approximately two-thirds (67%) of 10.5% exhibiting a high level.
the students who studied between 3 and 6 h. Similarly, Figure 2 provides the types of academic stress levels
sleep patterns differ among the students; more than among nursing students. Among nursing students, vari-
three-quarters (77.3%) of students sleep between 5- to ous stressors significantly impact their academic experi-
more than 7 h, and only 2.4% sleep less than 2 h per night. ences. Foremost among these stressors are the pressure
Finally, the student’s Grade Point Average (GPA) from the and demands associated with academic assignments
previous semester was also provided. 21% of the students and workload, with 30.8% of students attributing their
had a GPA between 2 and 2.5, 40.9% had a GPA between high stress levels to these factors. Challenges within the
2.5 and 3, and 38.1% had a GPA between 3 and 3.5. clinical environment are closely behind, contributing
Figure 1 provides the learning approach level among significantly to high stress levels among 25.7% of nurs-
nursing students. In terms of learning approach, most ing students. Interactions with peers and daily life stress-
students (55.0%) exhibited a moderate level of deep ors also weigh heavily on students, ranking third among
learning approach, followed by 25.9% with a high level sources of high stress, with 21.5% of students citing this
Dogham et al. BMC Nursing (2024) 23:249 Page 6 of 11
Table 2 Correlation between academic stress subscales and those experiencing low academic stress (29.9%), and a
deep and superficial learning approach among nursing students minority experienced high academic stress (13.8%).
(N = 1010) Table 2 displays the correlation between aca-
Academic stress subscales Learning approach demic stress subscales and deep and surface learning
Deep approach Superficial approaches among 1010 nursing students. All stress sub-
approach scales exhibited a negative correlation regarding the deep
Stress from lack of professional r -0.392* 0.365* learning approach, indicating that the inclination toward
knowledge and skills p < 0.001* < 0.001*
deep learning decreases with increasing stress levels. The
Stress from assignments and r -0.103* 0.262*
most significant negative correlation was observed with
workload p 0.001* < 0.001*
stress stemming from the lack of professional knowl-
Stress from taking care of patients r -0.093* 0.334*
edge and skills (r=-0.392, p < 0.001), followed by stress
p 0.003* < 0.001*
from the clinical environment (r=-0.109, p = 0.001), stress
Stress from clinical environment r -0.109* 0.254*
from assignments and workload (r=-0.103, p = 0.001),
p 0.001* < 0.001*
stress from peers and daily life (r=-0.095, p = 0.002),
Stress from teachers and nursing r -0.083* 0.262*
staff and stress from patient care responsibilities (r=-0.093,
p 0.009* < 0.001*
p = 0.003). The weakest negative correlation was found
Stress from peers and daily life r -0.095* 0.186*
p 0.002* < 0.001*
with stress from interactions with teachers and nursing
Overall r -0.159* 0.355*
staff (r=-0.083, p = 0.009). Conversely, concerning the
p < 0.001* < 0.001* surface learning approach, all stress subscales displayed
r: Pearson correlation coefficient a positive correlation, indicating that heightened stress
*: Statistically significant at p ≤ 0.05 levels corresponded with an increased tendency toward
superficial learning. The most substantial positive cor-
relation was observed with stress related to the lack of
as a significant factor. Similarly, interaction with teach- professional knowledge and skills (r = 0.365, p < 0.001),
ers and nursing staff closely follow, contributing to followed by stress from patient care responsibilities
high-stress levels for 20.3% of nursing students. While (r = 0.334, p < 0.001), overall stress (r = 0.355, p < 0.001),
still significant, stress from taking care of patients ranks stress from interactions with teachers and nursing staff
slightly lower, with 16.7% of students reporting it as a sig- (r = 0.262, p < 0.001), stress from assignments and work-
nificant factor contributing to their academic stress. At load (r = 0.262, p < 0.001), and stress from the clinical
the lowest end of the ranking, but still notable, is stress environment (r = 0.254, p < 0.001). The weakest positive
from a perceived lack of professional knowledge and correlation was noted with stress stemming from peers
skills, with 15.9% of students experiencing high stress in and daily life (r = 0.186, p < 0.001).
this area. Table 3 outlines the association between the socio-
Figure 3 provides the total levels of academic stress demographic characteristics of nursing students and
among nursing students. The majority of students expe- their deep and surface learning approaches. Concerning
rienced moderate academic stress (56.3%), followed by age, statistically significant differences were observed in
Dogham et al. BMC Nursing (2024) 23:249 Page 7 of 11
Table 3 Relation between nursing students’ socio- demographic surface learning approach (F = 3.550, p = 0.014), with
data and the study variables (N = 1010) scores increasing as study hours increased. However, no
Socio-demographic data Deep Learning Surface Learn- significant difference was observed in the deep learning
approach ing approach
approach (F = 0.861, p = 0.461). Hours of sleep per night
and GPA from the previous semester did not exhibit sta-
18 ≤ 21 29.65 ± 7.11 24.43 ± 6.88
tistically significant differences in deep or surface learn-
21 ≤ 24 31.00 ± 8.16 27.17 ± 8.17
ing approaches.
24 ≤ 28 34.76 ± 10.46 26.02 ± 9.54
F (p) 3.661* (0.003*) 7.983* (< 0.001*)
Table 4 presents a multivariate linear regression
analysis examining the factors influencing the learning
Male 29.59 ± 7.73 29.97 ± 7.36
approach among 1110 nursing students. The deep learn-
Female 31.59 ± 8.28 24.90 ± 7.97 ing approach was positively influenced by age, gender
t(p) 3.290* (0.001*) 8.638* (< 0.001*) (being female), educational year level, and stress from
Educational level teachers and nursing staff, as indicated by their positive
1–2 31.21 ± 7.35 22.23 ± 5.83 coefficients and significant p-values (p < 0.05). However,
3–4 29.85 ± 8.15 25.67 ± 7.43 it was negatively influenced by stress from a lack of pro-
5–6 31.29 ± 7.68 27.13 ± 8.01 fessional knowledge and skills. The other factors do not
7–8 32.47 ± 8.80 27.68 ± 9.23 significantly influence the deep learning approach. On
F (p) 5.599* (0.001*) 17.284* the other hand, the surface learning approach was posi-
(< 0.001*) tively influenced by gender (being female), educational
Hours spent for studying year level, stress from lack of professional knowledge and
Less than 2 h 30.64 ± 8.10 28.42 ± 7.06 skills, stress from assignments and workload, and stress
3–4 h 30.72 ± 8.55 25.82 ± 8.16 from taking care of patients, as indicated by their positive
5–6 h 31.36 ± 7.86 25.61 ± 7.72 coefficients and significant p-values (p < 0.05). However,
More than 7 h 31.70 ± 8.14 25.97 ± 8.91 it was negatively influenced by gender (being male). The
F (p) 0.861 (0.461) 3.550* (0.014*) other factors do not significantly influence the surface
Hours of sleep / night learning approach. The adjusted R-squared values indi-
Less than 2 h 28.38 ± 10.97 26.50 ± 8.79 cated that the variables in the model explain 17.8% of the
3–4 h 30.85 ± 8.62 25.92 ± 7.82 variance in the deep learning approach and 25.5% in the
5–6 h 31.40 ± 8.02 25.78 ± 8.14 surface learning approach. Both models were statistically
More than 7 h 30.99 ± 7.96 26.75 ± 8.20
significant (p < 0.001).
F (p) 1.202 (0.308) 0.892 (0.445)
GPA of previous semester
2–2.5 30.95 ± 7.97 26.26 ± 7.80
Nursing students’ academic stress and learning
2.5–3 31.33 ± 8.11 25.91 ± 8.34
approaches are essential to planning for effective and effi-
3–3.5 31.02 ± 8.42 26.12 ± 8.06
cient learning. Nursing education also aims to develop
F (p) 0.213 (0.808) 0.145 (0.865)
F: One way ANOVA test
knowledgeable and competent students with problem-
*: Statistically significant at p ≤ 0.05
solving and critical-thinking skills.
The study’s findings highlight the significant presence
of stress among nursing students, with a majority experi-
deep and surface learning approaches (F = 3.661, p = 0.003 encing moderate to severe levels of academic stress. This
and F = 7.983, p < 0.001, respectively). Gender also dem- aligns with previous research indicating that academic
onstrated significant differences in deep and surface stress is prevalent among nursing students. For instance,
learning approaches (t = 3.290, p = 0.001 and t = 8.638, Zheng et al. (2022) observed moderated stress levels in
p < 0.001, respectively). Female students exhibited higher nursing students during clinical placements [23], while
scores in the deep learning approach (31.59 ± 8.28) com- El-Ashry et al. (2022) found that nearly all first-year nurs-
pared to male students (29.59 ± 7.73), while male stu- ing students in Egypt experienced severe academic stress
dents had higher scores in the surface learning approach [21]. Conversely, Ali and El-Sherbini (2018) reported
(29.97 ± 7.36) compared to female students (24.90 ± 7.97). that over three-quarters of nursing students faced high
Educational level exhibited statistically significant differ- academic stress. The complexity of the nursing program
ences in deep and surface learning approaches (F = 5.599, likely contributes to these stress levels [24].
p = 0.001 and F = 17.284, p < 0.001, respectively). Both The current study revealed that nursing students iden-
deep and surface learning approach scores increased tified the highest sources of academic stress as workload
with higher educational levels. The duration of study from assignments and the stress of caring for patients.
hours demonstrated significant differences only in the This aligns with Banu et al.‘s (2015) findings, where
Dogham et al. BMC Nursing (2024) 23:249 Page 8 of 11
Table 4 Multivariate linear regression analysis for the parameters affecting learning approach (N = 1010)
Socio-demographic data Multivariate
Deep Learning approach Surface Learning approach
p B (LL– UL 95%C.I) p B (LL– UL 95%C.I)
Age 0.040 0.116(0.005–0.227) 0.342 0.051(-0.054-0.156)
Gender (Female /Male) 0.028 1.260(0.134–2.385) < 0.001* -4.039(-5.125- -2.953)
Educational year level 0.008 0.665(0.177–1.153) < 0.001* 1.401(0.940–1.863)
Hours spent for studying - - 0.901 -0.030 (-0.507–0.446)
Stress from lack of professional knowledge and skills < 0.001* -1.178(-1.348 - -1.008) < 0.001* 0.640 (0.479-0.800)
Stress from assignments and workload 0.979 -0.002(-0.131–0.128) 0.001* 0.217 (0.094–0.339)
Stress from taking care of patients 0.270 0.047(-0.037-0.131) < 0.001* 0.160(0.081–0.240)
Stress from clinical environment 0.868 -0.018(-0.229-0.193) 0.720 0.036(-0.163–0.236)
Stress from teachers and nursing staff 0.020* 0.143(0.023–0.263) 0.778 0.016(-0.097- 0.130)
Stress from peers and daily life 0.748 -0.028(-0.197-0.141) 0.058 -0.154 (-0.314- 0.005)
R2 = 0.185, Adj. R2 = 0.178, F = 25.271*,p < 0.001* R2 = 0.262, Adj. R2 = 0.255,
F = 35,457*,p < 0.001*
B: Unstandardized Coefficients C.I: Confidence Interval LL: Lower Limit UL: Upper Limit
#: All variables with p < 0.05 was included in the multivariate *: Statistically significant at p ≤ 0.05
academic demands, assignments, examinations, high surface learning approaches and overall stress levels.
workload, and combining clinical work with patient Elevated academic stress levels may diminish motiva-
interaction were cited as everyday stressors [25]. Addi- tion and engagement in the learning process, potentially
tionally, Anaman-Torgbor et al. (2021) identified lectures, leading students to feel overwhelmed, disinterested, or
assignments, and examinations as predictors of academic burned out, prompting a shift toward a surface learning
stress through logistic regression analysis. These stress- approach. This finding resonates with previous research
ors may stem from nursing programs emphasizing the indicating that nursing students who actively seek posi-
development of highly qualified graduates who acquire tive academic support strategies during academic stress
knowledge, values, and skills through classroom and clin- have better prospects for success than those who do not
ical experiences [26]. [29]. Nebhinani et al. (2020) identified interface concerns
The results regarding learning approaches indicate and academic workload as significant stress-related fac-
that most nursing students predominantly employed the tors. Notably, only an interest in nursing demonstrated
deep learning approach. Despite acknowledging a surface a significant association with stress levels, with partici-
learning approach among the participants in the present pants interested in nursing primarily employing adaptive
study, the prevalence of deep learning was higher. This coping strategies compared to non-interested students.
inclination toward the deep learning approach is antici- The current research reveals a statistically significant
pated in nursing students due to their engagement with inverse relationship between different dimensions of aca-
advanced courses, requiring retention, integration, and demic stress and adopting the deep learning approach.
transfer of information at elevated levels. The deep learn- The most substantial negative correlation was observed
ing approach correlates with a gratifying learning expe- with stress arising from a lack of professional knowledge
rience and contributes to higher academic achievements and skills, succeeded by stress associated with the clini-
[3]. Moreover, the nursing program’s emphasis on active cal environment, assignments, and workload. Nursing
learning strategies fosters critical thinking, problem-solv- students encounter diverse stressors, including deliver-
ing, and decision-making skills. These findings align with ing patient care, handling assignments and workloads,
Mahmoud et al.‘s (2019) study, reporting a significant navigating challenging interactions with staff and faculty,
presence (83.31%) of the deep learning approach among perceived inadequacies in clinical proficiency, and facing
undergraduate nursing students at King Khalid Univer- examinations [30].
sity’s Faculty of Nursing [27]. Additionally, Mohamed In the current study, the multivariate linear regres-
&Morsi (2019) found that most nursing students at sion analysis reveals that various factors positively influ-
Benha University’s Faculty of Nursing embraced the deep ence the deep learning approach, including age, female
learning approach (65.4%) compared to the surface learn- gender, educational year level, and stress from teachers
ing approach [28]. and nursing staff. In contrast, stress from a lack of pro-
The study observed a negative correlation between fessional knowledge and skills exert a negative influence.
the deep learning approach and the overall mean stress Conversely, the surface learning approach is positively
score, contrasting with a positive correlation between influenced by female gender, educational year level, stress
Dogham et al. BMC Nursing (2024) 23:249 Page 9 of 11
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