English Literature Sem-IV
English Literature Sem-IV
English Literature Sem-IV
For the Examination to be held in Year 2O24r 2o25 & 2026
Detailed Sytlabus Course of Studies in tbe Subject of English/ English Liierature at FYUGP
under CBCS as per NEP 2020 for the Examination to be held in May 202 4,2025, tnd2026
Semester IV
Course Title: British Literature: lgih Century Course Code: UMJE:,,IT- 401
Credits: 4 {03 (Theory) + 0l(Tutorial)} Duration of Exam: 03 Hours
. Expose the students to the literaiure produced in Britain in the l9t century.
. Acqirairt ihe >:i1eni',,'itl ii: liieratuie ciVictcrlan anC ia:e Victcrian p'ericc.
, lrao:: :|e s,',:l::ii-i'.1 ::rta;,-i::iriC lre -':ri-;i:ns cccilici bellieen ia!th arci ,.lcuor;n
\"Iic:oiian socieiy.
Course Outcomes:
Semester IV
Course Title: British Literature:19'h Century Course Code: UMJENT- 40r
Mode of Examination
Continuous 10
Assessment (Based on Daily
Performance onl
Final examination/ i5
External End Semester Theory Examination will have two sections (A&B) {total Marks 60}
Section A: Four short answer questions covering all the units i.e., one question from each
unit. Each question shall be of3 marks.
Section B: Eight long answer questions covering the entire syllabus i.e., two questions from each
unit. (Four ro be attempted, one from each unit) Each question shall be of l2 Marks.
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Detailed Syllabus & Course of Studies in the Subject of English/ English Literature at FYUGP
under CBCS as per NEP 2020 for the Examination to be held in May 2024.,2025, and 2026
Semester IY
Course Title: British Literature:l9tb Centu Course Code: UMJENT- 40I
Fifteen (15) marks for theory paper in a subject reserved for intemal assessment shall have
one long answer type question of7 marks and four short answer type questions of2 marks
Recommended Reading:
, Abrams, M.H. The Mirror and the Lamp: Romantic Theory and the Critical Tradition.
ouP, 1971.
r Abrams, M.H. Natural Supernaturalism: Tradition and Revolution in Romantic
Literatur3. W.W. \onon an<i Comoany.2002. Adams, James Eli. A l{istory of Victorian
Literature. Wiiey-Blackr.veli. 2009.
; Abel, Elizabeth, et ai. The Voyage in: Fictions olFemale Development. University Press
r Alexander, Michael. A History of English Literature. Palgrave Macmiltan, 2013.
Appienanesi, Richard (ed.) Introducing Romanticism.Totem Books, 2000.
Armstrong, 1., Victorian Poetry, Poetics and, Politics. London: Routledge, 1993.
. Amold, Matthew. Culture and Anarchy. Oxford University Press, 2006.
. Duffy, Cian. Shelley and the Revolutionary Subtime. Cambridge University Press,2005.
. Natarajan, Uttara. The Romantic Poets, Blackwell Publishing,2008
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Detailed Syllabus & Course of Studies in the Subject of English/ English Literature at FYUGP
- under CBCS as per NEP 2020 for the Examination lo be held in Mrzy 2024,2025, and 2026
Semester IV
i Acq,,tair'tltle iearners of liteiatiiie rr iih ih: ,,'arioLrs genres anci iirerarll ierms cf t.,rentieth
celti::'i .{::reric:: L ii:i::,,:r':
r Sensitize thern ro rhe thern:s and sry les of American Literaiuie
r lntroduce them io the socio-culilrral milieu oltri entieth century Arnerica through literarl
Enhance their understanding of American. Airican American and Muiticultural
sensibilities by' introducing them ro the iirerary works representing them
. Facilitate cross-cultural pgrspectives and discussions on American Literature
Course Outcomes:
On successful completion ofthe course the students will be able to:
l. Describe the major historieal and cultural developments of the American Literature
2. Examine literary works of eminent American writers
3. Analyze the various genres of American literature (Poetry, Fiction, Short Stories and
4. Assess the connection between literary texts and American history and culrure.
5. Write critically about the distinct literary characteristics of American literature.
UNIT I: Poetry
l. Robert Frost: The Road Not Taken
2. Emily Dickenson: There's been a death in the opposite house.
3. Walt Whitman: O Captain! My Captain >S
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Detailed Syllabus & Course of Studies in the Subject of English/ English Literature at FYUGP
under CBCS as per NEP 2020 for the Examination to be held in May 2024,2025, and 2026
Semester IV
Course Title: American Literature Course Code: UMJENT- 402
]1ode of Examination
Erternal End Semester Theory Examination will have two sections (A&B) {total Marks 60}
Section A: Four short answer questions covering all the units i.e., one question from each
unit. Each question shall be of 3 marks.
Detailed Syllabus & Course of Studies in the Subject of English/ English Literature at FYUGP
under CBCS as per NEP 2020 for the Examination to be held in May 2024,2025, and 2026
Semester IV
Course Title: American Literature Course Code: UMJENT- 402
Section B: Eight long answer questions covering the entire syllabus i.e., two questions from each
unit. (Four to be attempted, one from each unit) Each question shall be of 12 Marks.
Fifteen (15) marks for theory paper in a subject reserved for intemal assessment shall have one
long answer type question of7 marks and four short answer type questions of2 marks each.
Tutorial will be of25 marks. There will be continuous assessment in the form of extempore,
debates, discussions, interviews and paper reading sessions in English, quiz, recitation ofpoem,
enacting ofconversation, etc. Continuous assessment will be of l0 marks and final examination/
viva will be of l5 marks.
Recommended Reading:
. Elam, H. The Past as Present in the Drama of August Wilson. Ann Arbor: lvlichigan
University Press. 20C4.
iishkin, Sheiiei Fish:r, eC. -,i nisnriccil guicie to llark Twain. Ne."v York: Oxibrd
University Press, 2002.
. Gray, Richard.l History of American Literature. Second ed. London: Wiley Blackwell,
201 I.
' Getty, Laura J- "Faulkner's 'A Rose lor Emily"'. The Explicator,63.4:230-34.2005.
' Howe, Lawrence. Mark Twain and the liovel: The Double-Cross of Authority. New
York: Cambridge University Press, 1998.
. Koprjnce, S. Baseball as History and Myth in August Wilson's Fences. African American
Review, 40: 349-358. 2006.
. Nebeker, Helen E. "Emily's Rose of Love: Thernatic lmplications of Poinr of View in
Faulkner's'A Rose for Emily"'. Bulletin of the Rocky Mountain MLA,24.|:3-13. 1970.
. Ramirez, Vicky. The CentralSymbol in Poe's "the Tell- Tale Hear,"2005.
. Reilly, John. E. "The Lesser Death-Watch and "'The Tell-Tale Heart; The American
Transcendental Quarterly- Second, quarter, 196
' Robinson, Arthur. "Poe's'The TEll-Tale Heart"' in Twentieth Century Interpretations of
Poe's Tales, edited by William L. Howarth, 1971. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall
lnc., p. 94.
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Detailed Syuabus & Course of Studies in the Sublect of EnglishL/ English Literature at FYUGP
under CBCS as per NEP 2020 for the Examination to be held in May 202 4,2025, and2026
Semester IV
Course Title: Literature of the Indian Diaspora Course Code: UMJENT- 403
. Make the students understand the linkage between intemational migration, diaspora and
. Enable the students to understand the contemporary migration pattems as a result of
' Acquaini the students rvith the 'fight fbr identity' amongst the Indian diaspora.
' Gire studenrs an insight into the giobalised Indian Iiterarure olthe modern century.
Course Outcomes:
Unit I
Unit II
V. S. Naipaul: The Mimic Men
Unit Ill
Meera Syal: llrira and Me
Unit IV
3. Davis. Robert C. " The Lang,'ege of Resistance in Meena Alexander' s Poetry" Comparati|e
4. Johnson, Sarah B. "Exploring Identity and Displacement in Meena Alexander's Poetry" Literary
Revierv. vol.30 no. 4201 5.ppl 12-.l30
5. Khair. Tabish. Babu Fictions: Alienarion in Contemporary lndian English Novels ; Orford
Press, New Delhi, 2001
6. Mishra, Vijay. The Lirerature of the lndian Diaspora: Theorizing the Diasporic Imaginary.
7. Mukherjee. Meenalishi. The Twice Bom Fiction. Pencraft. New Delhi, 2001
Detailed Syllabus & Course of Studies in the Subject of English/ English Litersture at FrUGP
under CBCS as per NEP 2020 for the Examination to be held in May 202 4,2025, 12026 a
Semester IV
The objectives olthe course are to;
. Acquaint the students rvith the complex and multrfaceted literature by women of the
' Sensitize the students rvith uomen's literary historl, women's studies and leminist
Course Outcomes:
On the completion of this course the students will be able to:
l. I,nderstand the gender equality and women's rights.
2. Discem the revolutionary changes due to women empowerment.
3. Perceive the negative impact of female feticide and woman exploitation in the societl.
4. Comprehend the role of woman for the betterment of sociery-
UNIT l: An Excerpt
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Detailed Syllabus & Course of Studies in the Subject of English/ English Literature at FYUGP
under CBCS as per NEP 2020 for the Examination to be held in May 202 4, 2025, and 2026
Semester IY
Course Title: Women's Writine. Course Code: UMJENT- 404
Elizabeth Barret Browning: i) The Mask, ii) I never gave a lock of hair away
1. Deshpande:
Shashi The Valley in Shadow
2. Bharti Mukherjee: The Tenant
JIoCe ol E:ramii:liioa
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Detailed Sytlabus & Course of Studies in the Subject of English/ English Literature at FYUGP
under CBCS as per NEP 2020 for the Examination to be held in May 2024,2025, and 2026
Semester IV
Course Title: Women's \Yriting. Course Code: UMJENT- 404
External End Semester Theory Examination will have two sections (A&B) {total Marks 60}
Section A: Four short answer questions covering all the units i.e., one question from each
unit. Each question shall be of 3 marks.
Section B: Eight long answer questions covering the entire syllabus i.e., two questions from each
unit. (Four to be attempted, one from each unit) Each question shall be of l2 Marks'
Fifteen ( 15) marks for rheor) paper in a subject reserved for internal assessment shall have one
long ans*er t),pe qu3stion of 7 marks and four short answer type questions of 2 marks each.
Turorial rvill be of25 marks. There uill be continuous assessment in the form ofextempore.
Cebaies. discussions. inierviet,s and paper reading sessions in English, qlLiz, r-eciiaiion oi poein.
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Recom mended Reading:
D€tailed Syllabus & Course of Stpdies in the Subject of English/ English Literature at FyUGp
' underCBCSas perNEP2020 for the Examination to be beld inMay 2024,2025, and 2026
Semester IV
Course Title: British Literature -II Course Code: UMIENT- 105
Credits: 4 {03 (Theory) + 0l(Tutorial)} Duration of Exam: 03 Hours
. Expose ihe stuienis io ihe literature c:.duced in Britain in the 19th centur,r,.
' Make il.ii students a,"vare of acquriing knon ledge on Viciolian and late Victorian
r Understand the lirerary rerms used.b) the Romantic and Victorian poets.
. Enable students io undersland the existing conflict between faith and doubt in
Victorian societl.
Course Outcomes:
,/Jt"-""- UL
Detailed Syllabus & Course of Studies in the Subject of English/ English tirerature at FYUGp
under CBCS as per NEP 2020 for the Examination to be held in May 2024,2025, and 2026
Semester IV
Course Title: British Literature - II Course Code: UMJENT- 405
Mode of Eramination
External End Semester Theory Examination will have trvo sections (A&B)
{total Marks 60}
Section A: Four short answer questions covering all the units i.e., one question lrom each
unit. Each question shall be of3 marks.
Section B: Eight long answer questions covering the entire syllabus i.e., two questions
from each
unit. (Four to be atrempted, one from each unit) Each question shall be of l2 Marks.
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