Teacher's Scoring Rubric: Video Project
Teacher's Scoring Rubric: Video Project
Teacher's Scoring Rubric: Video Project
The concept describes a The concept describes a The team has Little effort has been
clear picture of what relatively clear picture of brainstormed their spent on
students are trying to what they are trying to concept but has no brainstorming and
achieve including an achieve including what clear focus. refining a concept.
adequate description of the team is trying to do Goals/final product The team appears
what they are trying to do overall but without are not clearly unclear on their goals
and generally how each specifics on how each defined. and how the project
team member’s work will team member’s work will objectives will be met.
contribute to contribute to the final
the final project. project.
The video project was Video was completed and Video was produced There was no video,
completed and included contained many of the but had very little or video was unedited
most of the suggested suggested elements. editing. Many poor- without transitions or
elements. The video was Editing was incomplete or quality shots remain. audio support.
well edited and moves poorly done. Some poor Video was fragmented
smoothly from scene to shots remain. Video is still and choppy with little
scene with proper use of somewhat choppy. Audio to no audio
transitions. and other enhancements reinforcement.
Audio was clear and were utilized, but not for
understandable and other maximum effect.
enhancements were well
Students met and had Students met and had Minimal team Meetings were not
discussions regularly. All discussions regularly. meetings were held. held and/or not all of
students on the team Most of the students on Most of the students the team members
contributed to the the team contributed to on the team contributed to the
discussion and were part of the discussion and were contributed, but most project. Teamwork
the final project. Team part of the final project. of the work was done was not evident.
members showed respect Team members mostly by one or two.
to one another. showed respect toward
each other.
All project deadlines were Most project deadlines Many project Deadlines were
met. were met. Those that deadlines were not disregarded,
were late did not have met, negatively having a significant
significant impact on the impacting the finished impact on the final
finished project. project. project.
Final Score