Rubric Video
Rubric Video
Rubric Video
Task Description: Students will work together in assigned teams to create a video project that details a specific aspect of the
course. The presentation should include appropriate photographs, video, music, graphs, and other visual aids. The final project
should be burned to a DVD in a Full Quality QuickTime movie format.
12-15 points
8-11 points 4-7 points
The storyboard illustrates the
video presentation structure with The storyboard includes thumbnail The thumbnail sketches on
0-3 points
thumbnail sketches of each sketches of each video scene and the storyboard are not in
scene. Notes of proposed includes text for each segment of logical sequence and do not
Storyboard There is no evidence of a
transition, special effects, sound the presentation, descriptions of provide complete
storyboard or script.
and title tracks incl: text, color, background audio for each scene, descriptions of the video
placement, graphics, etc. Notes and notes about proposed shots scenes, audio background,
about proposed dialogue/ and dialogue. or notes about the dialogue.
narration text are included.
8-11 points
12-15 points
4-7 points
Movie was completed and 0-3 points
Movie was completed and had all
contained all required items. Movie was made, but had
required elements. The video
Editing was not done as well as it very little if any editing. There was no movie, or tape was
Quality was well edited and moves
should have been. Some poor Many poor shots remain. totally unedited with no
smoothly from scene to scene
shots remain. Movie is still Video was very fragmented transitions or audio support of
with proper use of transitions.
somewhat choppy. Audio and other and choppy with little to no any kind.
Audio and other enhancements
enhancements were utilized, but audio reinforcement.
were well used.
not for maximum effect.
Final Score