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Mothematics By a group of supervisors


The Moin Book
tu E
E. F

u. S EC. a
lo 2024
Algebra and Trigonometry

Algebra, relations and

z1 functions.

22 Trigonometry.

Second Geometry


The triangle proportionality
24 theorems.
First gebra
and Trigonometry

Algebra, relations and functions.

Unit One
Algebra, relations
and functions

Unit Lessons

. Pre-requirements on unit one.

An introduction in complex numbers.

2 Determining the types of roots of a quadratic equation.

Relation between the two roots of the second degree

3 equation and the coefficients of its terms'

4 Forming the quadratic equation whose two roots are known.

5 Sign of a function.

6 Quadratic inequalities in one variable.

Learning outcomes
By the end of ihis unit, the student should be able to :
. Solve a quadratic equation in one . Find the sum and the product of
variable algebraically and graphically. the tlvo roots of a quadratic equation
. tJse the quadratic equation in one in one variable.

variable to solve some life applications. . Find some of the coefficients of terms
of the quadratic equation in one
'Recognize an introduction in complex variable in terms of one ofthe two roots
numbers (Definition of the complex
or both ofthem.
number, integer powers of i and
equality of two complex numbers). . Form the quadratic equation in one
. Carry out operations on the complex variable whose roots are given.

numbers. . Form the quadratic equation in one

variable given another quadratic equation
. Recognize the two conjugate numbers
in one variable.
in the complex numbers.
. lnvestigate the sign of a function
. Recognize the discriminant ofthe
(constant - linear - quadratic).
quadratic equation in one variable.
. Solve quadratic inequalities in one
. lnvestigate the type of the two roots of
the quadratic equation in one variable
given the coefficients of its terms.
on u nit one

SoMng lhe quddrolic equotion in one vorioble olgebroicqlly

I\ By foctorizqtion

Find in ]R the solution set of each of the following equations i

1x2 5 x-e =o 24x2=25

.-.x2-5x-6=o ...(x-6)(x+ 1) = 0 "factorizing the trinomial"

.. Eitherr(-6=0 or X+l=0
.'. X=6 or X=-l The quadratic equation
in one variable has at
.. The solution set= {6 r- l} -
most two solutions in lR
q ... I x2 =25 ...4x2-25=o
,, (2 x- 5) (2 x + 5) = 0 "factorizing the difference between two squares"
.'. Either2 X-5 = 0 ot 2X+5=0
...x=] * x=-]
... rl'" roto,ion ,", =
{ i , -i }
> Pre-requirements

A By the generol lormulo

To find the rcots of the quadmtic equation : ax2+bx+c=O where a+0

use the formula -- -ut{tt-+ac


Find the solution set of each of the following equations in ]R I

1x2-2x-6=o e x+|=a ,, v*s


The expression : X2 - 2 X- 6 is difficult to be factorized r so we use the general formula.

'.'a=l , b=-2 , c=-6

-- -611[62 a6g - q-zS x -+xtx(-6)
- 2a - 2xl
_2r,[2, _2t2fi _,
2 - 2 - 2 -'-t'-n1-
... The solution set ={t +fi , t fi}
'.'x*|=l "By multiplying both sides of the equation by x"
:. x2 - 4 x + 5 = o "Notice putting the equation in the form :a x2 + b X + c = 0 "
.'.a=1 'b=-4 'c=5
. - -u*{l'-+u" -+tfra-+-
ri --tl[-t
"^- 2^ 2 2

, '-'1t- q e lR ,. There is no real rcots of theequation.x2-4x+5=o

.'. The solution set = @

Find in 'OLVE
IRthe solution set ofeach of the following equations :
1x2-5x+6=o Q5X2+2X=4
3 3 X2 = 2',1 4 x(x 4)=3

r r/ \o/\riu \ (C; - eL,J !U:u.r taf:6J @


Second \ Sotving lhe quoctrolic equoiion in one vorioble grophicolly

To solve the quadratic equation in one yariable graphically , \ye do the follo\ring :

'l Put the equation on the form : a r(2 + b X+ c= O

p rct11f1=aYz a5Y*" i 3 Graph the function f

'4 Detemine the points of intersection of the curve with the X-axis r
then the X-coordinates of these intersection points are the solutions of the equation
.f (X) =O i.e.aX2+bX+c=0

According to thqt, we hqve

The curve intersects The curye touches The curve does not
X-axis at two points X-axis at one point inte$ect X-axis

There arc two solutions There is a unique solution There is no solution
in lR in lR in lR
15" 5.5. = {l , ru} rne s.s. = {r} The S.S. = U

Find graphically in lR the S.S. ofthe equation I

x2 -2 x-3 = O lsing the interval [- 2 4]


Letf (n=X2-2X 3

x 1 0 I 2 3 4

J 5 0 -3 -1 -3 0 5
From the graph
fis 5.5. = {: '-t} .]V

a Pre-requirements

In case of the furterval is Ilot given , then we can $aph the function by findiog the vertex

of the curve which is (

*, t (*)), and then we f,nd some points to the dght of it ,
and the same numbd of points to the left of it.

Solve graphically in lR the equation :

4 x(x- l) - 5 =O, then verilf the result atgebraically "given ttra{fi =2A'

'.'4x(x-l)-5=O :.4x2-4x-5=O
. Find the Yertex pofut of the curve :

'. The x- coordinate of the vertex point = + 4_l

= 8- 2
,,t+l=,Gt' ot+l-,= u'"
.'. The vertex point of the cuwe is (j , 6)
. Form the following table :

x 1 0 (+) 1 2

v -5 (D -5 3

. From the graph we notice that :

The rcots are - 0.7 alrd 1.7 approxirnately.

Second IAgebrqicolly:

-t+"[P-+u" wherea=4 ; b= 4 t c=-5


- (-4) r1(- 4)'z-4 \ 4x (- s) _ _+.\Eo +=+1f_ tt\6_ r=2.+

2x4 -8-8-2-2
.'. The two roots of the equation are I .7 and - 0 .7 approximately.

Solve graphically in IR the equation :
x2 -4x+4=0, taking r( C [0 ,4] , then vedfy the result algebraically.

An introduction
in complex
. There are many problems that can not be solved by the use of rcal numbers alone. For
example r we are unable to solve the equation X2 = - I There is no real number "a" such
that a2 = - I Thus we must extend the set of real numbers lR to a Dew set of numbem to
enable us to find the solution of the equation J(2 = 1 -
This new set is called THE SET OF COMPLEX NLIMBERS , and before studying the set
of complex numbers in details r we will frstly recognize the imaginary number "i".

The imaginary number "i" is defined as the number whose square is - 1

e.' r-=-l I

Thus we can solve the equation : J(2 = I as follows :

','x2=-l :.x2=i2
:.x=!tF ..x=ti .ixi=i2=-1
.'. The solution ser = {i ' - i}
> The number "i" doea no, b"long ,o ,h" a", of r"ul o,r-b"r"
i.e. i f IR r so it will not be repiesented by a point on the real number line.
>The numbers 3 i r -2 i ,l[i i, ... are imaginary numbers.
> If a is a real positive number, then{-a ={a i

r Lesson One

For example :
,[u =,[rP =^[, t,,[u =^[i7 =,{1 t, t[-x =,[;i7 = s i and so on ...

The operations on the square roots can not be generalized on the imaginary numbers.
If a and b are two regative rcal numbers, tt
{a, r/U * f/u U
Yot eealiple "[t

-,[.f =fi=1
tnteger powe6 of "i"
The number "i" satisfies the rules of powers that you haye studied in the preparatory
luod "io""
[' = -r , th"o ,

.i3=i2xi= 1xi=-i ia=i2xi2=-lx-1=l

.i5=iaxi=lxi=i i6 =ia x i2= 1 x - 1 =- 1 and soon.
From this we find that :
The integer powers of "i" give one of the values i r- L - i or
This values are repeated if the power is increased by 4
Genemlly : For each n €Z r
. i4, = (i4f = t'= 1 1xi=i
.(n+2-iaaxi2-tx_l=_l 1x-i
. ian+a=iao x ia= I x 1= I ... and soon.

fhe remainder = 0 then

ln anothel way

To find i" where / w" nna ,r'" ..-ri,a". ni The remaillder = I theD
n is an integer
ftmai'uoor+lrir, The remainder= 2 then in=i2=-l
The remainder= 3 then
For eloarlple :
. = 1 .because 16 + 4 = 4 without remainder>
. i63 = i obecause 63 + 4 = 15 with remainder 3>
. i42 = - 1 <because 42 + 4 = l0 with remainder 2>
. i10l = i .because l0l + 4 = 25 with remainder l,
. i4n * 23 = - i where n e Z <,becatse (4n + 23) + 4 = n + 5 with remainder 3>

I We can express " l " using the imaginary number i to integer powem from the multiples
of 4 r and this helps in simplyfying some of imaginary numben r for example :
1 1 --in
- _-Iig izo
= = = 1

E in r in+ r.. in+2 + ia+3 =owherer.e.Z

For example : i6 + i7 + i8 + i9

The complex number is the number that can be wdtten in the form a + b i
wherc a and b are two real numbers and i2 = - 1
. a is called the real part. . b is called the imaginary part.

Examples for complex numbers : 2 - i t 7+13i t Sl. l ,t[i+l[ii

For any complex number [Z = a + b i '
then :

O If (!1 , then z = a and we say that z is a real number.

Suah as Z = 5 is a real number and it is a complex number whose imaginary number = 0
gIf e:g r then Z = b i and we say that z is an imaginary number. (where b + 0 )

awh as I = ) i is ur imaginary number aIId it is a complex number.

From the prcvious r every rcal numbe! is a complex numbe! whose imaginary number = zero
and so the set of real numbers is a subset of set of complex numbers that can be defined as the

The set of complex numbers C is defined asQ = {a+b i: aCIR rb €lR,i2=- I}

Find the solution set of each of the following equations in the set of complex numbers :

'l 2X2+18=O 2 x2+x+7-O

> Lesson One

2X2+18=O .'.2X2=-18 . w2- o

x=!t[4 ...x=!r[sf .. X= x3 i,

The solution set= {3 i,_3 i}

a=1 , b=1 , c=1
-t t{t'?-+ac - -r+{r'?-+'r,l _ tt{-r _ -r*r/:i - -1 rtr.
2a 2xl 2 z- z'
... rhesorurion"er={
] -9' .+ f t
Find the solution set of each of the following equations in the set of complex numbers :

15X2+180=0 2 x2-2x+5=o
Equality of two complex humbers
Ttvo complex numbers are equal if and only if the two real parts are equal and the two
imaginary parts are equal.
i.e. If(a+b i) and(c+ di) are two complex numbers andif a=c rb =d
and vice versa Ifa+ bi-c-d i . then a=c:b=d

Notiae that Order in complex numbers whose imaginary part not equal to zero has no
meaning , we do not know which is greater (5 + 3 i) or (- 4 + 7 i) ?

Find the values ofxand y which satisfy each of the followirg where xClR ,y CIR ri2 =- I :

1 Qx-3)+5i=1 + (3 -2y) i 2 x+yi={i',izz

3 x-3y+(2x+y)i=6+5i

'.'2x-3=7 ..2x=10
t .'3-2Y=J ..Y=-1

2 x+y i=2r+iao)+2 .'. X + y r = 2 i + i2 = 2 i + (- I)

.'. X+yi=-7+21 .'. X=-l , y=2
3 x-3y =6 (1),2x+y=5 (2)
Multiply the equation (2) by 3 ..6Jr+3y=15
By adding (1) and (3) : .'. 7 x=21 :. X=3
By substituting in (2) :

'OLVEofX and y which satisfy each of the following
Find the yalues :

I X+y r=3lt +4 I4x-y+(2x+y)i=5+'7i

and subtracting complex numberc
. When adding or subtracting two complex numbers , we add or subtract real parts together

and add or subtract imaginary pads together.

Find the result ofeach of the following in the simplest form :

.f (3+7ir)+(5-e i) 2 (r-{=),o

1 '. i13 = i . . The expression = (3 + 7 i) r (5 - 9 i) = (3 + 5) r (7 i - 9D =8 2i

2 .,,[-16 =a i

.. The expression = (2 - 4 t) - (5 - i) = (2 - 4 i) + (- 5 + i) = (2 - 5) + (- 4 i+i)= 3 3i

complex numbers

T$o complex numbers can be multiplied just as the algebraic exprcssions : considering i2 = -I

Find the result ofeach of the following in the simplest form :

1(4+3i)(2-5i) 26 21)(5 +2i)

3 G+21)2 40 i4
> Lesson One

'f (4+ 3D (2-s i) = 4 (2 - s 1) +3| (2- 5 1)

= 8-20 i +6 i 15 i2 = 8-20 i t6i+ 15 (where i2 = l)

= (8 + 15) + (- 20 i + 6i)=23- 14i,

Notlce that You can solve directly by using multiplication by inspection as follows :

(4+li)(2 5i) 8-14i-15i2 lwherei:= I.1

+6i = 8 - 14 i t 15 = 23 - 14 I

26- 21) (5 +2t)=25 -412

=1\+4 (where i2 = 1)

3 (3+2i)2=g+12i+4iz
-9+12t-4 (where i2 = I)
=b)2 =
* t2 ab +b2
4 (r ir =((r ir)-.2 =(r 2i +i212 = 11 2i ll=1 2itz=4i'=-4
(l a i)2i = (t 2 i)n where n €Z
. Proof: (1 r i)" = [(1 ! i)'?]'= [t a2i- 1]'=(t2i)i
. This remark is used to simplify some complex numbe$ as the following :

f {t r i)200 = {z i)r00 - 2r00 ir00 - 2100

E(3-3i)4=34(1 - i)4 =34 (-2i)2 =34 x22i2 =-324

Find the result of each ofthe following in the simplest form :

1tlfi*F-zs)*(-z-qi) 2 Q - i) (2 +1f-D 3 (2+3i2r)(5+i31)

4 i(s-3D 5 (1 - i)32

rrl\e/!riu\{C; .o.U-u.r laL:6J @


The two numbeN a + b i and a b i are called conjugate numbers.

llotg : Take care that the complex number and its conjugate differ or y in the sign of their
imaginary parts.

FOV eaample r The two numbers 3 + 4 i ,3 4 i are conjugate numbers.

The conjugate ofthe number 2 i - 5 is the number 2 not2ir5
The conjugate of the number 2 i is 2 i
The conjugate ofthe number 3 is 3

The sum of the two conjugate numbers is always a real number r and the product of the two
conjugate numbers is always a rcal number.

Yot exa |,4,ple The complex number 3 + 4 i its conjugaie is 3 4i rthen:

* Their sum = (3 + 4 i) r (3 - 4 i) = (3 + 3) + (4 i 4D=6en
* Their prcduct = (3 + 41)(3 41)=g 16i2=9+16=25ClR

Write the'OII,E
conjugate of 5 -4i r then find :
1 The sum ofthe number and its conjugate.

2 The product of the number and its con_jugate.

Simplify to the simplest form :

14 3i 2^q
- ]r+
3 2-5i 4'(l (2-ir(.1 -i)
+i)(3 2i,

Notice : To simplily the fraction whose denominator is a complex numtrer , we multiply its
two tems by the conjugate of denominator.

-4i+3i'z 4t 3
- 4-li. -i =-=_= r li
i' -( r)
> Lesson One

'.' The conjugaie of the denominator is (3 - i)

t0 t0(3-i)
". 3+i _
- (3+i)(3 i)-_10(3
i) _ l0 (3 - i) _ l0 (3 - i) _ r .

g-i2 - 9+ I - l0 -"
3 +2i (3 +2t')(2 + si) !I_1I:|]LL+ 10 i2
2-si-- Q-s1)Q+sn
= 4-BT
6+19i-10 -4+l9i 4 19.
- 4+25 - 29 -29'29'
(2+i)(t-i) _ 2-2i+i-i2 _2 i+l _ 3 i
(l + i) (3 - 2 i) - 3 . 2 i + 3 i 2i2-3+i+2- 5+i
J-i (3-i)(5 i)_15 8i l_ 14 8i_2(7 4i\ _ '1 -ll'4
5+i r5+i)r5 i, 25 t 26 26 B

Simplify 'OIVE
to the simplest form :

1:t+ o (2+i)(3+i)
' \2 i)13 i)

rf x={_iu,,ay=JU
Prove that : X and y are conjugate numbers, then prove that i X2 + y2 = 16

1 i r7 i)(2+i) 14+7i 2i t2 _14+5i+1_ 15+5i

''--. 2 i (2 il12+i) 4+l 5
t3 i fl3 i)14 i) 52 13i 4i+i2 52 t',7 i I 51 17i='^
' 4+j (4+i)(4 i) = 16+1 n '
.', X and y are conjugate nurn!s15 " I.lotlae tilat the signs of the imaginary parts are different."

; Xz = (3 + i)2 = 9+ 6i + i2 = 8 + 6 i
, y2 = (3- l)2 = g - 6 i+ i2 = 8 -6 i
... x2 ty2=(8 r6 i)+ (8-6i) =(8 r 8)+(6i-6 D = 16

'OI.VE r-2i .. 2-i
Prove that a and b are conjugate numbers if: a=
I tr anoD= ]li

the types
of roots of
a quadratic
. You have previously studied how to solve the second degrge equation (the quadmtic
equation) in one variable in lR , and you have known that when solving it , we have two
solutions at most but in general this quadratic equation has exactly two roots.
. In this lesson , we will determine the types ofthe two roots ofthe quadratic equation without
solving it.

. Using the formula in solving the quadratic equation: a X2 + b X+ c= 0 , where a*O

, we get two rOOtS :

-t*{ul+* t -u -{t2-+ac
2^ 2^
. Both of these two roots include the expresrion ,1G'- 4uc
. The expression : b2 - 4 ac is called the discdminant of the quadntic equation because it is
used to determine the types of roots of the quadratic equation as follows :

posiiive equol to zero negolive

(b2 4ac)>0 b2-4ac=0 (b2-4ac)<0
Two complex and non real
Two differeni real roots Two equolreal roots

A sketch for
lhe funclion
rekd€d lo
fhe equolion
t Lesson Two

Determine the type ofthe two roots of each ofthe following equations :

1xz 3x+s=o 2 xz + lO x+25 =O 3 3x2+10x=4

'l':a=l , b=-3 , c=5

... The discriminanr = b2 _4 ac = (_3)2 _4 x 7 x 5 = 11 (negative quantity)
.'. The two roots are complex and non rcal.

.'. The discriminant = b2 4ac=(10)2 4x1 x25=0

.'. The two roots are real and equal.

'.'3x2+1OX 4=0 .'. a=3 , b=10 , c=-4

.'. The discriminant = b2 4ac = (10)2 - 4 x 3 x (- 4) = 148 (positive quantity)

.'. The two roots are different and real.

Determine the type of tle two roots of each of the following equations :

1 x2 -i x+ lo -o 2 X2+4x+5-0 3 4x2 l2x= 9

Prove that the two roots of the equation : 7 X2 -

X + 5 = 0 are two complex and non

real roots , then use the formula to lind these two roots.

.. The discriminant = 6z 4as=(17)2 4x7x5= 19<0

.. The two roots are complex and non real roots.
1111/ rq _ tt a{Ei
2a t4 t4
. The two roots o[ the equalion are
tt +fro i lr 1ltei
- t4 ,q

lf x2 - 4 X+ 5 =O )then prove that the two roots are complex and not real , then use
the general formula to find these two roots,

Ifthe t\io roots ofthe equation: X2- kX+ 2 k- 4 X+ 5 = 0 are equal ,then Iind the
real values ofk and find these two roots.

Put the equation on the general form :. x2 (k+4)x+(2k+5)=o

.'. The discriminant = (k + 4)2 - 4x I x (2 k + 5) =k2+8k+ 6 ak 20 =kz 4
'. The two roots of the equation are equal .'. The discriminant = 0

.'. k2-4=o .'.P=q .'.k=t2

.'- atk=2 .. TheequationisX2-6X+9=0 .'. (x- 3)2 =o .'. X=3
at k = 2 the two roots are equal , each one = 3

,atk= 2 .. The equation is X2 -2X+l=O .. (r(-l)2=0

at k -- 2 the two roots are equal r each one = 1

Find the real value of k which makes the two roots of the equation :

4 x2 - I x + k= O equal and find these two roots.

'| Find the real yalues of m which satisfy that the equation : X2 - (2 m - 1) I + m2 = 0

tras ,ro real roots (IE|. has no solutions in IR)

2 Find the real values of k which satisfy that the equation : x2 + 2 (k - l) x + k2 = O

has two reat roots (IF. l- has solutions in R)

'. The equation does not have real roots .'. b2 - 4 a c < 0
.'.(2m 1)2 4m2<0 ...41.112-4'r.+t-4rrl<o
> Lesson Two

..-4m<-1 a *r+
. . The equation has no rcal roots if m €]+, -[
2 , The equation has two real roots .'. The two rcots arc either different or equal

.. b2-4ac>0 .'.4(k- 1)2-4 x 1 x k2 >0

.'. 4 k2 - 8 k + 4 - 4 k2 u 0 .'. 8k> 4 ''.r.-L
'- )
.'. The equation has two real roots if k E] - co , +l

'OIVE (2m -2) x+ I = O has no roots in lR , find the real values of m
If the equation : m2 X2 +

Prove that for all real values of a r there is no real roots for the equation :

The discdminant = (- tZ a)2 - 4 (4) (g + 4)

= I 44 *- | 44 * - 64 = - fl (is negative quantity for all values of a)
. . There is no real roots of the equation.

If the coefficients a r b and c in the quadratic equation : a X2 + b X + c = 0 are rational

numbers and the discdminant is a perfect square , then the rcots are real rational numbers.

Yot enanrple z

1 The equation : 3 xz 5x 2=O Q The equation : )(2 - zt[i x+ I =o

'-5 ,-2
. The tems coefficients are:3 . The terms coefncients are : L-2]/S ,I
(rational numbers) (the middle telm coefficient is irational real)
. The discriminant = 49 (perfect squarc number) . The discriminant = 1 6 (perfect square number)
. . The roots are real rational ._. The roots are real irrational

To verify thot To vetify thot

By substitution in the general formula.
By substitution in the general formula r - - -
the roots are 2 ,- (real rational) the roots are]/5 + 2 :]/5- 2 (real irrational)

although the discdminant is perfect square number , the.oots are rcal irrational because the

coefficient of the middle term is irational.

Ifa and b are rational numbers t

prove that the trvo roots of the equation : a X2 + (az + b2) X + a b2 = 0 are rational.


'.' The discriminant = 1a2 + b2;2 4xaxab2=a4+2a2b2+b4-4a2b2

= aa 2 a2 b2 + ba = (a2 - b2;2 is a perfect square

. . The coefficients are rational numbers and the discriminant is a perfect square

.'. The two roots of the equation are rational.

If a is a rational number r prove that the fivo roots ofthe equation :

l5 x2- (10 + 3 a) X+ 2 a = 0 are rational.

If the discriminant of the quadratic equation (of real coefficients) isn't positive
the two roots ofthe quadratic equation are two conjugate complex numbers.

Ifor eloanple :

. The terms coefficients are: 1 ,-2 '
2 (rcal numbers)

. The discriminant = 4 (not positive)

. . The roots are conjugate complex and to veriry that substitute in the general formula the roots are :

1+i,1 i (conjugate complex)


Relation between
the two roots of
the second degree
equation and the
coefficients of its

We know that the two roots of the quadratic equation : a ](2 + b X + c = 0, a * 0 arc :
b 1,['- 4 * .theD:
2^ ' 2a
t fu'-+* 2b _ b
l The sum ofthe
Zu 2u 2a

Coefficient ofX
Coefficient of X2

2 The product ofthe two roots =

b+ b2-4ac -b',[*-+ac _b2 (b2 4ac)
2a 2a 4i
-449- qa

The product of the

Coefficient of X2

In a symbolic form , we write :

IfL and M are the two roots ofthe quadratic equation :a X2 + b X + c , then :

.l r-+rra= ! 2 LM=+

r r/\!/riu \ (c; - -uJ oqlr-) ,Elr@Jl


Without solving the equation r find the sum and the product of the two roots of
theequation : 6 x2 ll x= lO

'.6x2-tx ..a=6 t b=-ll r c= 10

. . The sum ofthe 1rq 16615 ==!=
460 ,11) = 11

, the Droducl of the two roots = g = :-!! = -l

lf 3 X 2 + 'OtVE
5=4X r fi nd the sum and product of the two roots.

If the sum of the two roots of the equation :2 X2 +k X+ f =Oist',fienfindthe

value of k , and solve the equation in the set ofcomplex numbers.

If the product of the two roots of the equatiot | 2 x 2 - 4 x + k= 0 is 41, then find the
value of k r and solve the equation in the set of complex numbers.

... The
sum of the two roots =
7 ". -k2-2
.. k=3 .'. The equation is 2 X2 + 3 X+ I =O
..(2X+1)(x+l)=0 .. x= !2 or i(= I

'. --' - "-*

The oroducL of the two roots = 4J2 = 92 kq
, ,=i ... k=9
.'. The equation is 2 x2 -4 x+g =O .'. a=2 ' b=-4 , c=9
4+ C4)2-4x2t9 _4+1i-56 _, f ',\i14 .

2a 2x2 42

t ,=r*\, x=r-$t
> Lesson Three

1 If the sum of the two rcots of the equation :2X2-aX+6=Ois3],thenfindthevalue
of a , and solve the equation in the set of complex numbem .

I Iftheproductofthetworootsoftheequation:X2t3X+a=0is5 r then find the value

of a r and solve the equation in the set of complex numbers .

Ifx=- 3 is one of the two roots of the equatiot1,.2 x2 +kx 3= 0 , then find the
other root ! and find the value ofk
If x= 6 is one ofthe two roots of the equation : x2- 5 xtk = O ' then find the other
root ! and find the value of k

If - 1 and 5 are the two roots of the equation ; a X2 + b X - 5 =O' then find the value

of each of a and b

1 .' The product of the two roots = .. -3 xtheotherroot=;

... .Ihe
... the otner root =
? * x other root =
'. The sum ofthe two roots =
'. Ihe two roots are 3 , j
''. 25 = -k

Anothor solqtlon r

'.X= 3isoneof the roots of theequation:2X2+kX-3=O 'then

it satisfies it.

:.2( 3)2+k(-3)-3=O
..18-3k 3=0 .. k=5
,. The equation is : 2 X2 + 5 X 3=O .. (2x-t)(x+3)=o
.'.2 X- I =O ,tttenX= i orX+3=0,thenI= 3

... The other root =


2 '. The sum of the two roots = -b=_CO=5

.'. 6 + the other root = 5 .'. The other rcot = - 1

'. The prcduct of the two roots =; =


'. The two roots are 6 - I .'.6x(-1)=k

* Try to solye this example by another method as in 1

3 . The product of the two roots =;

..-lx5= 5

'. The sum of the two roots = =!


Anotheu solutlon :

'. - I is a root of the equation. .'. a(-l)2tb(-l) 5=0

.'. a-b=5 (1)

'. 5 is a rcot of the equation. .'. a(5)2+b (5)-5 =0

.'. 25 a+5 b =5 "Divideby 5"

..5a+b=1 (2)

Adding the equations (1) and (2) : .. 6 a= 6

By substitutingin (1) : .. 1 -b= 5

Find the other root of each of the following equations , then find the value of k :

1 If X = - 1 is one of the two roots of the equation : X2 + k X- 7 = 0

2 ff x= + is one ofthe two roots ofthe equation:9 J(2 -9 x+k=O

If (1 +{, i) is one of the two roots of the e qtation i Xz - 2 X + c = 0 where c C lR :

then Iind :

1 The other root. 2 The value of c

> Lesson Three

(t 2
... The sum of rhe two ,oot, - - 2 Nottce tkat
i) r '. Coefficients of the terms are
.'. ( I + {t rhe other root = 2
real and one ofthe two roots
is non real complex number
... The other root = 2 (l+{ri)
.. The other root is the
conjugate of the given rcot.

i'e.l tre other root = I i I'e' tt equas (t -12 i)

-{2 .

'.' The product ofthe two roots = c

..... (r riz;) (r ritri)= r'-(tDi)'- | 2i2=3 :, c=3

Anothen solratlon :

'. (f +{- i) is one of the two roots of the given equation.

.. It satisfies the equation. .. (i *r[,)'- z (r + 1E i) + c = o
. .)
- i+(V2
.. t +2'tl2 - i) -2-2V2 i+c=o :. t + 24zi 2-2-42i+c=o
.. 3+c=0 .'.c=3
i.e. x2-2x+3=o
We can use the general formula to find the required other root.

If ({z + i) is one or the t}vo roots of the eq tation : x2 - znfi x + c = 0 where c e ]R

l The other root. 2 The value of c

In the quadratic equation : aX2 + b X+ c

EIf a= LthenL+M= bandLM=c

Th" ,orn of th" two roots = the additive inverse of the coefficient of A r
the product of the two roots = the absolute term.

L2llf b=0 , then L+ M =0 . l.e. L L=- M

iF. | 6n" o1 11r" 1*o roots of the equation is the additive invene of the other,

lSIra=c,thenLM=1, EfLL=#
One ofthe two roots of the equation is the multiplicative inverse of the other.

Find the value of k, if one of the roots of the equation : 3 X2 + (k - 3) X + 7 = 0

is the additive inverse ofthe other root.
Find the value of k rifone ofthe roots ofthe equation:2 k X2 +7 X+k2 + 1=O
is the multiplicati\e inverse ofthe other.

1' One of the roots is the additive inverse ofthe other

b=0 ..k_3=0 ... k=3

One of the roots is the multiplicative inverse of the other

.. k2 2k+ I =o .'. (k 1)2=0 .'. k=l

{ Ifone of the two roots of the equation :.1(2 +(k 5) X-9

is the additive inverse of the other then k = .- .
2 If one of the two roots of the equation : x 2 + 3 X + c = O
is the multiplicative inverse ofthe other , then c = ...... ..
> Lesson Three

Find the value ofd , ifone ofthe t\yo roots of the equation: X2 + d X- 50 = 0 is double
the additiye inverse of the other root.

Let one of the two roots = L Theotherroot=-2L

, . the product ofthe two roots - absolule term

T. r 2I-r =:lQ
coefficient of J(2 1

-'- 2L2=. 50 .'. Lz = 25 L=t5

'.' the sum of the twe p6q15
= -1998@!!9II .'. L+ ( 2L) _ -d
coefficient of X2

.. d=15
ofk r if
Find the vatue one ofthe two roots of the equation : X2 -k X+12 =0
is three times the other root.

Find the satisfying condition \dhich makes one ofthe two roots ofthe equation :

a x2 + b x + c = 0 equal to the additive inverse of twice the other root.

Let one of the two roots be L .'. The other root = 2 L

, . the sum ofthe two roots = e


.r-, rr,-:! L=+ (1)

'. The product of the two roots = c r,i )Ii-! r2-:!

a a 2^ 12)

By substituting from (1) in (2) : Igl2- !

\ a,r 1a

". b2-
c .b2-
"a- 2
2b2 + ac=0 (That is the required condition)

'OIVE condition which makes one ofthe two roots of the equation
Find the satisfying :

a X2 + b X+ c = 0 equal to four times the other root.


the quadratic
equation whose
two roots are

Let L and M be the two roots of the quadratic equation : a X2 + b X + c = 0

By multiplying the two sides by 1 where a * O , the equation becomes in the form :

xz +f;x+i=o ".Lx'(*)x*i=o (1)

But---:=L+M , 9=LM
By substituting in (1) , we get the quadratic equation whose roots are L , M which is :

x2-(L+M)x+LM=o (z)

i.e.lx2 tth. .u- .rf the two roots r x + the oroduct of thetworoots=0i
form of the last equation which is (X-L) (X-M) =0

Form the quadratic equation whose roots are :

1 +,i z z +^'{i ,z -t[i ^ l+i 2

The sumof the two ro"t. =

J* f = |f ,the product of th"rn =
+' ; = +:
, .' the equation is X2 - (the sum of the two roots) x f the product of the two roots = 0

.'. The equation is )(2 f x * f = O fUy -ultiplying by 8)

.'. The equation is 8 x2 22 x + 15 = O

> Lesson Four

2 The sum of the two toots = 3 +a[, + 3 -a[, = 6

, rhe product ofthe two rooB = (3 +{r) (3 -{t) =7

.. The equation is X2 -6 x+7 =O

( l+i)i -i+i2 -i-,
r rxr i. -r
- 2 _ (r 2tl-i) _2-2i_2-2i_l
- i
'l +i-- +i)(l-i)- t= 2

.'. The sum of the two roots =I +i +I - i=2

the product of the two roots = (l + i) (l - i) = 2

.'. The equation is )(2 -2 X+2 =O
Form the quadiatic equatio[ whose roots are :

1 -4,1 2 z zi,l!
Forming a quadratic equation from the roots of another

Ifthe two roots ofthe equation: x2 -5 x-6=O areL 1M 2 frnd the equation whose
rootsareL+7 rM+7

The requircd in this example is forming an equation using a given equation wherc there is
a certain rclation between the roots of the trvo equations . There are ma[y methods for solving
this example and we will mention them in the following :

\ Ihe first method

1 Find the two roots ofthe given equation.

2 Find the two roots ofthe required equation.

3 Form the required equation.

..- x2 -5 x-6=o ... (x-6)(x+1)=o
. . 6 , - I are the two roots of the given equation.

r tl\r/rJiti\ \L; olrofru) rEtt€JI @


Let L = 6' M= -L the two rcots of the requfued equation be D, E

.'. D=L+7 =6+7 = 13 ,E=M +7 = - | i.7 =6
.'. D+E= 13+6= 19 rDE = 13 x6=78
.'. The requhed equation is X2 - 19 x + 78 = 0

\ne-cond nrelhod
Let D aird E be the two roots of the required equation
.'- D=L+7 ;E =M+7 .'.D+E=L+7 +M +7 =L+M+ 14
r'.' L+ M = 5 (from the given equation) .'.D+E=5+14=19
(L+ 7) (M + 7) =LM +7 (L+M) +49
; '.' LM = - 6 (from the given equation) :.DE=-6+7x5+49=78
.'- The requtued equation is x2 - lg x + 78 = O

\Ihe ltid melhod

l-et D and E be the two roots of the requircd equation
.'.D=L+7 , E=M+'l .'.L-D-'7 r M=E-7
'.' L is orle of the two roos of the given equation : X2- 5 x- 6 0
.'-L?-5L 6=o
t...L=D-1 - 7)2 - 5 (D - 7) 6=0
... (D
... Dz - t4D + 49 - 5D + 35 -6 = o ...D2-19D+78=o
l.€. l.- D is a root of rhe equarion : X2 - 19 X + 78 = O (which is the required equation)

The third method is used only if the relation between the frst root of the give[ equation
and the fiIst root of the required equation is the same relation between the second root
of the given equation and the second root of the rcquired equation.

tl trhe following ideltii:s-


EL2 +M2 = (L+ M)2 2 r-M E (L- M)'z= (L + M)2 - 4 LM

EL3 +M3 = (L+M) [G+M), 3 LM] EL3 -M3 = G-M) [G-+ M),
r.\ I I L+M
L!2lM -t- ;1!* ML -L2+M'z-
gM rL+Ml-2LM

> Lesson Four

If L r M are the two roots of theequation: x2 -7 x+g =0 where L > M r {ind the
numerical value o[ each o[ the following expressions :

I L2 +M2 Q Lz +3LM+Mz
3 L_M 4 L3-M3

'. L , M are the two roots of the equation : x2 1x+g=O .. L+M=7 and LM=9

1 L2 + M2 = (L+ M)z,2yp1 = 1'712 -z x9 =49 - l8 = 3l

2 L2 r 3 LM t M2 = (L2 + 2LM +M2) +LM = (L + M)2 + LM = (1)2 + 9 = 49 + 9 - 58

3 G- M)2 = G + M)2 -4LM = ('7)2 -4 x 9 =49 -36 = t3

... L M =1/13 rwhereL)M

4L3 M3=(L M)kl+M)'z LMI

by substituting from (3) :

... 1:-y: =1tiiiz2, r=^[B@s 9) = 401/13

If the two roots of the equation : x2 - 8x + 5 = 0 are L and M

form the equation whose roots are
f antl

'. L and M are the two roots ofthe given equation. .. L+M=8 and LM=5
'. and are the two roots of the required equation.
f S
.. Thesumof the two.oots =
+ ++= HL = +
, the product of the two roots =
+ x# =
.. The requiredequation isX2 -
$ X* | -O
i.e.l 512-g1611=6

If L and M are the tryo roots ofthe equation :

xz - 5 x+g = 0 r lind ttre equatiotr whose roots are L2 and M2

'. L andM are the two roots of the given equation. .. L+M=5 and LM=9
'. L2 and M2 are the two roots ofthe required equation.

.'. The sum of the two 1661s = y-211r,,t2 = (L+ M)2 -zLM=52 -2 xg ='7
, the product of the two roots = L2 x M2 = (LM;z = 92 = 31

. . The required equation is x2 - 7 x + 81 = 0

If L and M are the two roots of the equation :

3 X2 + 5 X - 7 = O s find the equation ryhose roots are L +
+, +

'. L and M are the two roots of the given equation.

.. L+M=-i3a and LM=J

, : f-+fr:M+f are the two roots of the required equation.

... The sum of thetworoors=L+++M+f =r+u+!ff

s r s 5 -15+15 20
= i' t=;'a 2t = 2t
t l)(M+ l)=LM+ I
,rhe Droducrof rh:rworoos=(L+ M,' \ LI LM

7 3.. 49 9+42 16
)t21 2l

.'. The required equat ion i" y2 -A y ', --J.9 = n

i.e. 2tx2+2Ox 76=O
> Lesson Four

If L , M are the two roots of the equation :

2 x2 -3 x-l =0 rfind the equation whose roots are L2 r M2

f r $ are the trvo roots of the equation X2 -6 X+ 4=O ;

find the equation whose roots are L , M

f ' fr are Ae t o roots of the given equation.

...2-,2-=a . 4 _^ .'. LM= I

,-LaL=d ...2L+2M _6 2(L+M\ - .. L+M= 6^
LM IM I 2'
r'. LandM are the two roots of the required equation , L + M= 3 rLM= I
.. The required equation is.l(2 3 x+ 1=O

Iff antl are the two roots ofthe equation : 6 X2 - 5 X+ I
lind the equation whose roots are L and M

the product of the two roots of the equation : X2 - 3 X- k = 0 r find the vatue of k

Let L and M be the two roots of the equation X2 -k X + 4k = O

.'. L+M=k , LM=4k

, '. the difference between L and M equals three times the product of the two roots of

the equation: X2- 3 X-k = 0 .., L- M =- 3 k

... M)2 = G + M)2 - 4 LM 6rom the previous identities)

:. (-3k)2 =k2 -4(4 k) ...9k2=k2-16k 8k2+16k=0

.'.8k(k+2)=0 .'. k=0 or k+2=0
Another solqtlon :

By using the law of the difference between the two roots :

... a1[n" ot."t,t ttnu* -4ac

a , = aa -4d and frcm the equation :

x2 k x+ 4k=O ' we found that: Remor*

L-M=t1jkz-16k (1) It is possible to deduce the law
of the difference between the two
, '. L - M equals three times the product
roots lrom the general formula
of the two roots of : i(2 - 3 x -k = O with the same method used for
finding the sum of the two roots
.. L-M=-3k (2)
in the previous lesson.
, from (1) , (2) :

..t{kl16k= 3 k , by squaring both sides

.. k2 16k=9k2 ..8k2t16k=0 .. k=0 or k=-2

'OLVEbetween the two roots of the equation : X2
If the difference + k X + 2 k = 0 equals twice

the product of the two roots of the equation : 6 x2 + 5 X + k = 0 r find the value of k

Sign of
a function

Investigating the sign of a function J in the variable X is to determire the yalues of X at

\yhich the values of the functioo J are as follo\rs :
. Positive , i.e..f(r>o
. Negative , i.e. _l (r) <o
. Equal to zerc , i.e. .f (, =0

Firct \ rne sign ot the conslont

The following Iigures represent the two furctions :

f I f (x)=c (where c is positi\e) f : f (x)=c (where c is negative)

We notice thot Wenotice thot

The function is positive for all x CIR The frmction is negative for att X GIR
- - - -
Fron the previous , we deduce that :
Notice that \
The sign of the constant function f :/ (X) - s
The symbol V means
,c €lR* is the same sign of c V i( e IR "for every"

Yot euatrr,ple :
.fff ()0= 5 r then the sign of the function f is positive for aI XelR
.If f (fO =-3 the sign ofthe function f is negative for all X e lR
Determine the sign of each of the following two functiotrs :

1f :f (xt = to Zf ,f @=-?

L m".ign o, the firsl degree tunclion (lineor function)

The following figures represent the two functions :

f(r=bx+cOispositive) f OO = b X+ c (b is negative)

We notice thot the sign of the function . We hotice thot the sign of the function ,

> is the same as the sign of b (positive) is the same as the sign of b (negative)

atx>f b
I is opposite to the sign of b (negative) is opposite to the sign of b (positive)

a1Y a--9
b b
> equals zero at x = :9 eouals zero at J( = I
> Lesson Five

Erom the previoue , we deduce that :

To 6nd the sign ofthe ljnear tunction J: J (x) =bx+c ,b t0 ,we putf(lC =0
.. bx+c=0 b
. . The sign of the function f :

1 Is the same as the sign of b at lf >

2 ls opposire to the siel ot b ar x <
3f (n=oatx=+
And we illustrate this on the opposite number line.

Determine the sign of each of the following two functions using the number line :

1f tf (x)=3x+6 2 f :f (x)=1 +x

': f (.x)=3x+6 putf (r=0 ..3X+6=0

. . The sign of the function / is :

. at X> -z
. negative at X< 2
.f (rO=O at x=-2
We illustrate the solution on the opposite number line.

2 . I(x)=- . x+ I pur.f (x)=0

. negative at x>2
. positive at x<2
."f (r0=0 at .**..*
We illustrate the solution on the opposite number line.

the sign ofeach ofthe following two functio s:
'l l: J (D= 3x+a 2l:l6l=z+Lzx
1 r/ r !/!rrL; \ (C; .r.: .+ru-r ,r-l-6J !!!]

ffif;f&, ne sign of lhe second degree tunclion (quodrolic funclion)

To determine the sign of the quadmtic functioD f: f (n=aX2 +b X+c , a+O
we have to obtain the discriminant ofthe equation I axz +b X+ c=O ) fiercare thrc€ cases :
ll Ihe discriminonl : b2 - 4ac>0

The equation has trvo real roots , let them be L , M where L < M

If a is positive

the sign of the function is as follows

r Is aatxelR [L,M]
the same as the sign of
. Is opposite to the sign of a at x€]L , M[
. Equals zero at ,,( e {L M}
And we illustrate this on the opposite
number line.

A fte disc minont:b2-4ac<0

There is no real roots for the equation and thus the sign ofthe function is as follows :

If a is positive If a is negative

The si8n of the function is the same as the sign of a V X eR

> Lesson Five

A lhe discriminont : b2 - 4ac=0

There are two equal roots for the equation ,let each ofthem be L

If a is negative

the sign of the function is as follows :

.ls the same as a at Xl L . Is equal to zero at i( = L

We can illustlate this on the opposite

number line.

Draw the graph of the function : J: f(r=x2 5 x+6 in the interval [O ,s]
, from the graph determine the sign of the function f in R

x 0 I 2 2.5 3 5

J(' 6 2 0 - 0.25 0 2 6

From the graph r we notic€ that the siSn of f ts:

. Positive at x€R - [2 ,3]
. Negative at xel2,3l
.f(x)=0 at xe{2,3}


I Pemork
If the required is investigating the sign of the function ir the given interval , then the sign
off is :

. Posirive at i( C [0 ,2 [U] 3 ,51 or [0 , s]-[z ,3) . Negative at xe ]2 r3[


In tle preyious example :

o The domain of the function I is the set of the rcal numbem lR
. The mnge of the tunction f is [- 0 .25 , -[
. The vertex of the curve is (2.5 , - 0.25) and the function has a minimum value equals - 0.25
. The syrnmetry axis equation is X = 2.5

Draw the graph ofthe function :

f :f (X) = xz +4 x- 4 in the interval [o , 4]

from the gmph determine the sign of the function f in lR

x 0 I 2 3

f@ 4 I 0 I 4

From the graph , we notice that :

. f (x) =0 at x=z
. The sign of
f is negative at x€lR - {2}
> Lesson Five

Draw the graph of the function :

f :f (X)=X2+2x+5intheinterval[ 3 rl]
, from the graph determine the sign ofthe function f in R

x -2 -1
3 0 I

f (x) 8 4 5 8 T- \
From the gnph , we notice that the sign of the
\ -4
function J is positive V XCR
i +-

Draw the graph of the ftrnchon :

I tf (n=x2 -2 x-3 in tlrc intervat [-2 r4] , from the graph determine the sign of J in lR

Determine the sign of each of the following functions , showing that on the number line :

'l l:f (X) = xz +2 x-Z I f :f (x)=Y2-3a*5

3l: l(\=4xz-12x+s 4 f :f (D=9+2x-x2

'. The discriminant = b2 -4ac =4-4 x I x (- 3) = 4 + 12= 16 (> zero)

.'. The equation )(2 + 2x 3 =0 has two roots.

By factorization .'. (x + 3) (r( 1) = 0

,', x= 3orx=l
'. a (coefflcient of x2) = I >0

. . The sign of the function J is :

. posirive at x cR - [- 3 , 1]
. negative at xel 3,1[
.J(r1=o at x€{-3,1}
'. The discdminant = b2 -4ac=9 -4x 1x5 =9 2O= 11 (< zero)

.. The equation:)(2 3 X+5 =0 has no real roots

'.a=I>0 X l-- .
/,x,1 ' --
.. The sign ol the function J is posirive V X CIR

'. The discriminant - b2 - 4 ac = 144 - 4x4x9= lM - 144 = O

.. The equation : 4 x2 - 12 x+ 9 = 0 hu, two equal rcots

By factorization : -'. (2 x-r2 =O .'. x= +

. . The sign of the function / is :

. positive at j(CR {;}

.f (x)=0 ar x=+
'.' The discriminant = b2 - 4 ac = 4 - 4x (- l) x 9 = 40 (> zero)

.'. The equation : 9 t 2 X-X2 =0 has tworcots.

By using the general formula

r,{io 2 t:21 n
x= 2 -; +\to
... =------L= t

' .'a(coefficiertofx')=-1.0 ,'. The sign of thefunctionIis:

. negative at ,( e R [1 {. , t *{. ]

. positive ar xe ]1-to , t +1fu0 [

.f (ro=o ar xc{l-1rlo , r +1rlo }
t Lesson Five

TRY TO toLvt
Determine the sign of each of the following firctions :

'l f :f (x) = xz x-e I f:f(x)=-x2 4x 4

3 f :f (Y)=x2-qx+S

lff tJOA=X-1 t gig(n=X2+X-6

, find the interyal at which the two functions f , g are positive togethery also the interval
at which f r g are negative together.

': f (x)-x-r :. f (n=0 atx=1

,f is positive atx> 1 i.e. l_ In rhs intervat lt . -[
, J is negative at X < I
. drY\=Y2tY-A-

We get the two roots of the equation X2 + X 6=0 as follows :

(x-2)(X+3)=0 .'- X=2 or X= -3

-e()0=o atxe{2, 3}
, g is positive at j( €R - [- 3 ,2]
,g is negative atXC] 3 ,2[
By noticing the opposite ligure we find :

. f , g are positive together in the interval

]2 , -[ which is the intervat represenring ]1 , -[ n R - [- 3 ,2]

rJ , g are negative together at I 3, 1 [ which is equat to ]- - , 1 [ n ] 3 ,2[

Determine the sigtr of each of thefunctionsttltf r(n=2-X and
f 2, ! 2(n = x2 - g x + 18 and when their signs are negatiye together.

Prove that for all values ofk elR the two roots of the equation : X2 + 2k X+k-2 =0
are real and different,

'.' X2 +ZkX+k-2 =O

:.a=l , b=2k , c=k-z

. . The discriminant = b2 - 4 ac = (2 k)2 - 4 k. - D=4P - 4k+8

ard the two roots are real and different if the discriminant is positive ,

thus we investigate the sign of the function

f : J (k) =4k2-4k + 8 as follows :

... The discriminant

= bz -4 ac= (- 4)2 4 x 4 xB = 16- 128 = 772 (<zgto)
.'. The equation 4 k2 - 4k r 8 = 0 has no real rcots , '. a >0

.. The sign of the function I is positive for all the values of k CIR

.. The discdminant of theequationX2+2kX+k-2=Oispositiveforallvaluesof k €lR

Thus the two roots of the eqnation x2 +2kx+ k- 2 = 0 are real and different for all values

of k €lR

Another sotution :

', The discriminant of the equation: X2 + 2 kx+k 2=0is4k2-4kt8

... 4 k2
- 4k+8=4 P- 4k +I+1=Qk - l)2 + 7 is positive for all vatues of k CIR

.. The two rcots of the el+]Pltior,xz +2kx+ k-2 = 0 are real and differcnt for all values
of k CIR

If L M are the roots of the quadratic equation r then we can form the rule of the function
which is related to the quadratic equation on the form :

f (x) = a(x-L) (x-M) where a e R- {0}

. Thecu e is open upwards if a> 0
. The curve is open downwards if a < 0

Prefqce ,

o You have studied before inequalities of first degree in one variable as :

X+3>5 ' 4 -2 X<2
. Solving an inequality means finding all values of the unknou,n which sarisfy this inequality.
. Wten solving an inequatity in lR , the solution set is an interval.

P.ot exatrl,ple t
When solving the inequality : - 2 X+ 6 > l0 inlR

'wefindthat: -2X> 4 .'- X<-2

.'. The solution set is the real numbers which are less than - 2
r.e. L rhe solurion set = l- - , - 2[ :--]--i--l--l--l
. In this lesson , you will leam how to solve the inequalities ofsecond degree in one
unknown (quadmtic inequalities) in lR , as tlle following inequaliries :

x2 -5x+6>0, x2+x>2, x(x-6)<-5
Sohing the quadratic inequalities in IR

To solve the quadrauc inequality in lR , follow the foltorying steps :

1 Wdte the quadratic function related to the inequality.
i 2 Study the sign of this quadratic function.
I 3 Determine fie intervals which satisfy the inequality.
v r/\r/r-iu \ (C ' !L.J -qlLr) r6t .OJl

Find in IR the solution set ofthe inequality tx2 -5 x+6>O

First : Write the quadratic function related to the inequality as follows :

f(x)=xz sx+a
SeoonA ; Study the sign off as follows :

'.' The discriminant = * 4ac=25-4x I x6= I (> zero)

.'. The equation : X2 5 x+ 6 = 0 has two different roots.
Ry f*lo,izing:
:. (x-2) (x 3) =o lx) +++++
:. X=2 or X=3
Third ! Determine the ht€rvals which satisff )C2 -5x+6>0(positive)

.'. The solution set=l -'2[U]3'-[ or R [2 ,3] ..-

Notice that 1
From the preYioG €xample :
The solutior ser ofrhe inequality : x2 5r+6<0inlRis12 '3[

Fird ir ts the solution set of each of the following inequalities :

1 x2 -2x-8>o g x2 -2 x-8 <O

Find in lR the solution set of the inequality : (x + 5) (rC - l) z X + 5

'. (xr5)(x-l)>x+5 :.x2+4x-5>x+5 ..x2+3x-10>0

Lesson Six
Ffi'st ! Write the quadmtic function related to the inequality as follows :

Seaonr{ f as follows :
: Study the sign of the function

'. The discriminant = b2 4ac=9 4x1x( 10)=49(>zero)

. . The equation X2 + 3 X- 10 = O has two different roots

By facto zing :

;. (x 2)(x+5)=O
^r Y- <

Thlrd : Determine the intervals which satisfy that:x2+3x 10>0

. . The solution set =

l-*,-slU [z'-[ o R-]-s,2[

Noiloe tkat 1
From the preYious example :
The solution set of the inequality : (x r 5) (x - 1) < x + 5 in lR is [ 5 ! 2]

Find in
lR the set of each of the follolying inequalities :

12x2+5x>3 2 x(x+6)<4X+15
.r?TtfiltrE .-
Find in lR the solution set ofeach of the following inequalities :

1x2-3x+5<O 2 Xz +2 x+ 4>O
3 4X X2 4<O 4 x2 -6x+g<o

1 By putting f ()0 = x'z- 3 x + 5 and investigating the sign of the tunction f , we find that :

The discriminant = b2 -4 ac =9 4x 1x5=- 11 <0

.'. The equation : X2- 3 x+ 5 = 0 has no rcal roots.
'. a- 1>0
.. The sign ofthe function f is positive for every X ClR

.', The solution set ofthe inequality : x2 3X+5<0kA

Byputtingf (, = r(2 + 2 x + 4 and investiSating the sign of the tunction f , we find that:

The discriminant = b2 -4ac=4 4xlx4=-12<0

.. The equation : X2 t 2 x+ 4 = 0 has no real roots

r'. a= 1>0
.. The sign of the function f is positive for every xClR
.'. The solution set of the inequality : x2 + 2 X + 4 > 0 is lR

By puttirg J (x) = 4 x - .i(

2 4 and investigating the sign of f , we find that :

The discdminant = b2 - 4 ac = 16 4x(-l)x( 4)=0

. . The equation : 4 X x 2- 4 = 0 has two equal roots

By factorization: .'. (X -2)2 =O :. X-2 t(

.'. The tunction is negative at xelR - {2} , f (x)=0atX=2
. . The solution set of the inequality : 4 x x 2 - 4 < 0 is R {2}

4 By pufting J ()O = x2 -6 X+9 andin\estigating the sign of J , we find that :

The discriminant = b2 -4ac=36-4xlx9=o

.'. The equation : X
2 6 X + 9 = 0 has two equal roots

By factorization : :. (x -3)z =O .'- X=3

'. a=1>0
.'. The function is positive atxCIR- {3} ,,f (n=oarx=3
.. The solution set of the inequality : x 2- 6 x + 9 < 0 is {3}

li'ind in lR
the solution set of each of the following inequalities :

1 x2 x+ 12>O
+ 2 x2+x-l>o
3 X2-2X+t>o 4 rc X- X2 -25 30
r Lesson Six

Enrich your knowledge :

If the quadratic equation'- a X2 +b X+ c = 0 where / is the related function with it , then :

L! ] Conditions that each of the two roots @ Condi ioo,1,u, only or" ofrh",*o l
ofthe equation is greater than a rcal roots of the equation lies be(ween
number k : the two real numben m,n :

.b2 4ac>0 .af(k)>0 .f(m)xJ(n)<zero

For example : For example :

If each of the two rcots of the equation If only one root of the equation
- 5 x + m = 0 is greater than 2,
,(2 then : x2-bx+t2=o
.25 4m>0 .=6- +
is belong to the interval ] 1 4[

.4 5(2)+m>0 .'. m>6 .'. (1 -b+ 12)(16-4b+ 12)<0

. ;:s--
>2 sahstred tor a[[ values ot m (13-b)(28-4b)<0
, then to satisfv the 3 conditions : (13-b)(7-b)<0
6<m<6f ...b€17,13[

(13 b) (? b)

3] Conditions tlat the two roots of the equation are lying between the two real numbers
m rnwherem<nare:
.b2-4ac>o .af (m)>0 .al(n)>0
For example :
If the two roots of the ?Alation 4 Xz -2 X+h=O
are elements ofthe interval ]- L 1[ , then :

.4 -4 x4 xh>0 .h=+ o
.4J( 1)>0 4x(4r2+h)>0 ... h>-6 @
.4J(l)>0 .'.4(4-2+h)>0 .,. h> 2 @
. fi . t satislies for all values of h
t . @
FromO ,@ ,, -Z stt<t
Unit Two

-- --f
Unit Lessons

,l Directed angle.

2 Systems of measuring angle (Degree measure - radian measure).

3 Trigonometric functions.

4 Related angles.

5 Graphing trigonometric functions.

Finding the measure of an angle given the value of one of its

6 trigonometric ratios.

Learning outcomes
By the end of this unit, the student should be able to :
. Recognize the directed angle. . Find trigonometric functions of some
. Recognize the positive measure and related angles of a special angle.

negative measure of the directed anqle. . Use calculatorto find trigonometric

. Recognize the standard position of ratios.

the directed angle. . Use calculatorto carry out special

arithmetic operations of converting
. Recognize the concept ofthe equivalent
degree measure into radian measure
and Uce versa.
' Determine the quadrantthat the directed . Graph trigonometric tunctions
angle in its standard position lies. (Sine - Cosine).
. Recognize the radian measure of . Use computer to graph trigonomekic
a cenhal angle in a circle. functions.
. Convert a degree measure of an angle . Solve life applications using
into a radian measure and vice versa- trigonometric f unctions.
. Recognize signs of trigonomekic . Find the measure of an angle given
functions in each quadrant. one of its trigonometric ratios.


. We have studied that the angle is the union of two mys with a conrmon starting point.

ln the opposite figune :

ff Ef , Bd are two rays with a common starting point B , then

sfUBd=zesc and the two rays Bf , Bd are called the
sides of the angle and the point B is the vertex of the angle.
r As we knew ordering the sides of the angle is not important.

We can write Z ABC or Z CBA to express the same angle.

. In this lesson , we will study a new concept which is "./ire.red drgle" al1d some related subje.ts.

Directed angle
If we take into account the order of the angle sides , such that one of them is the initial side
and the other is the terminal side r then the angle is written as "afi ordered pair" whose ffust
projection is the initial side and the second proiection is the terminal side.

The angle in this case is called " directed angle" , its agreed to draw an arow between its two

sides comes out ofthe initial side to the teminal side.

The dirccted angle is an odered pair of two rays called the sides of the angle with
a common starting point called the vertex.
> Lesson One

lf OA OB ore the two sides of on ongle whose vetlex is "O' , then:

The ordered pair (OA OB) rcFesents The ordercd pair (OB , OA) represents
the directed angle Z AOB , whose initial the directed turgle Z BOA whose initial

side is OA , and te-rminal side is OB side is OB ' and terminal side is OA

From the previous , we deduce that :

directed angle lAOB + dirccted angle Z BOAbecause ( OA ,OB ) I ( OB ,OA )

Cneck your unaersto rding Complete :


, (ED , EF) represens the directed angle Z . -.. ... ( . ) represents the dirccted angle / XOY

Positive and negative measures of a directed angle

The meosu.e ot lhe direcled qngle is

If the direction of the rotation from the initial If the direction of the rotation from the initial
side to the terminal side is anticloclo,,ise side to the terminal side ts clockwise

it/\-/JlE\\a; .Ll.L=-r,,lJat 6Jl @

Each non zerc directed angle has two measuresr one is
positive and the other is negative such that the sum of the
absolute values of the two measues equals 3600

l.e. L I Positive measure oI fte dLected angle I

+ I Negative measure of the same directed angle ] = 360"

8o that :
'| If the positive measure of the directed angle = 0 then the negative
measure of the same directed angle = 0 - 360'
Yot eaaw,ple ! The negative measure of the directed angle
of measwe 210" = 210" 360'=-150"

! If the negative measure of the dtected angle = 0
, then the positive measure of the sarne angle = 0 + 360'

Yot exa nple : The positive measure of the directed angle

of measure (- 120') = 120" + 360'= 240"

'| The positive measure ofthe dfuected angle whose measure is (- 170')
2 The negative measure ofthe directed angle whose measure is 320'

Find the measure of the directed ande e in each of the following Iigures :

> Lesson One

'. The rotation direction is clockwise

... The measure of the angle is neSative

..0=42" 360" = - 318"

'. The rotatioll direction is anticlockwise

. . The measurc of the angle is positive

..0= 53't360'=307'
trind the 'OIVE
measure of the directed angte e in cach of the fbllo\!ing figures :

The standard position of the directed

A directed angle is in tle standard position if the following two conditions are satisfied :

1 ks i tial side lies on the positive direction of the x-axis.

I Its vertex is the odgin point of an ofthogonal coordinate plane.

So that :
. All the following dirccted angles are in the standard position because they verfiy the two

conditions :


. All the following directed angles are not in the standard position because

The inirial side docs not lie on Oi its vertex is not the origin point (O)

. If we notice the directed angles in the standard position in the following figureli I

Yl s,
-n/ \ s.,
x-LM-x xfLA*x
I i V^ \g/^
Fie. (r) Fig. (3) Fig. (a) Fis. (5)

Ide notice the following :

1 The angles in the five figures have the same terminal side OE

I The measure of the angle in fig. (l) = 0 ,

The measure ofthe angle in fig. (2) = 0 + 360. ,

The measure of the angle in fig. (3) = 0 + 2 x 3600 ,

The measure of the angle in fig. (4) = - (360. 0) = 0 - 360" ,

The measure of the angle in fig. (5) = (2 x 360" - 0) = e - 2 x 360.

From this , we caa conclude :

If 0 is the measure of a directed angle in the standard position, then the angles whose
measures ate :

(e I
360"), (0 t 2 x 360'), (e t 3 x 360") ..., (e t n x 360.), such that n is
an positive integer have common teminal side.

These angles that have common terminal side are called .equivalent angles,.
> Lesson One

Several directed angles in the standard position are said to be equivalent when they have one

common terminal side.

Determine two angles I one with positive measure and the other with negative measure
having common terminal side for :

1100" 2 25O

An angle with positive measure = 100' + 360" = 460" Notioe that \

An angle with negative measurc = 100' 360' = - 260" There are an infinite number
of other positive and negative
An angle with positive measure = - 250' + 360' = 110' measues of angles having
common terminal side.
An angle with negative measure = - 250" - 360' = - 610'

Determine the smallest positive measure for each of the angles whose measures are as follorvs :

1-62" 3 530. 4 ',790"

1 The smallest positive measure = - 62" + 360' = 298'

2 The smallest positive measure = - 225" .t 360" = 135"

3 The smallest positive measure = 530" - 360' = 170'

4 The smallest positive measure = 790" + 3 x 360' = 290'

1 Determine a negative measure for each of:
{1) 72" (2) 1150'

2 Determine the smallest positive measure for each

(1) - 11s' (2) 405'
in the coordinate plane

We know thol lhe orthogonol coordinote plone is divided into

four quodronls os in the opposite figure.

The position of the directed angle is determined by

its terminal side when it is in its standard position.

If we draw the directed angle Z AOB in the standard position of positive measure 0 , then :

Ihe terminql sidE OE lies in q quqdronl os tollows :

Second quodront

Z AOB lies in Z AOB lies in Z AOB lies in l AOB lies in

lhe tirst quodront lhe second quodronl ,he ihird quodronl lhe loudh quodrcnt

0"<e<90' 90"<0<180' 180'<e<270' 270"<e<360.

If the terminal side lies on one of the two axes' then the angle is called "quadrantal angle"

l.e. i- The angles whose measures are 0o ,90' , 180' 270" ,360" are quadrantal angles.

Determine the quadrant in which each ofthe directed angles whose measures are as
follows lies :

1 2t3" I 132' 3- 310" 4- 12"

5 2',70" 6 964' 7 1010.

> Lesson One

1 .' l8O < 213' < 270" .. The angle lies in the third quadEnt.

2 '. 90 < 132" < 180" . . The angle lies in the second quadrant.

! The smallest positive measure = 310' + 360" = 50' Notice tkat

:lb detemme the quadrant
.'. The angle of measure 50" lies in the f,rst quadrant which the directed angle
lies we to flnd the
. The ansre ofmeasxre 3ro.arsoriesin lll 11:e
smuuest posluYe measufe oT^.tt,
the firct quadrant.

4 The smallest positive measure = 12" + 360" = 348"

'. 270" < 348 < 360" . . The angle of measure 348' lies in the fouth quadrant.
.. The angle of measure - 12' also lies in the fouth quadrant.

5 270' is a quadrantal angle.

6 The smallest positive measure = 964' 2 x 360" = 244"

, ... 180" < 244" < 2'70" . . The angle of measure 244" lies in the third quadrant.

, , The angle of measure 964' also lies in the third quadrant.

/ The smallest positive measure = - 1070" + 3 x 360' = 10'

,.0"<10"<90" .'. The angle ofmeasure 10" lies in the first quadlant.

. . The angle of measure 1070" also lies in the firct quadrant.

Determine the quadrant in which each of the directed angles whose measures are as
follows lies :

1 61' 2 220. 3 875' 4 -2020'


It depends on dividing tlrc circle into 360 equal arcs in length r then the central
angle whose sides pass thrcugh the two ends of one of the arcs, its measwe
equals one degrce which is symbolized by l" and the centxal angle which
subtends between its sides 30 arcs of this arcs, its measure equals 30o and so on.

\Ih€ unil of meosurement of lhe degr€e meosure

The degree is the unit of measuring the angle in the degree measure which is divided into
60 equal parts: each part is called a minute , and it is symbolized by i r also the minute is
divided into 60 equal parts , each part is called a second and it is symbolized by i
ie.l r'=eri , i=od
In this type of measuring angle , the prctactor is used as an instrument for measuring angles
in degrees.

Calculator can be used to convert parts of degrees al1d minutes into minutes and seconds
and vice velsa
Scah os
30 37
+ @)E)3/
* 70" 37 3O =70
> Lesson Two

Radian measure system

This measure depends on the following geometrical fact :

In the concentric circles , the ratio of the length of the arc of any
central angle and the length of the radius of its coresponding circle
equals constant quantity.

length of Ar Br length ofA" B, length ofA3 83

t.e. MA, W, MA. = coNtant quantity

and this constant is the ndian measure of the angle.

The ndian measure of a central angle in a circle

_ length of the arc which the central angle subtends

t.e. length of the radius of this circle

If Ood is the radian measurc of a cental angle in a circle
of radius letrgth r subtends an arc of length 1 , then

e*d =

and since the mdius length of the circle r is constant , then the ndian measure of the cenhal

angle varies directly as the length of the subtended arc.

\Ihe unii ol meosuremenl ol lhe rqdkrn meqsure

The radian angle is the unit of measuring the angle in the radian measure r and we can define
the radian angle as follows which is denoted by (1d) and is read as one radian.

The radian angle is a cenhal angle in a circle subtends an arc oflength

equals the length ofthe radius ofthe circle.

Noti"e,Ood=1 ...ood=-L=1*a
f I

Fol enanaple: The measure of the central angle thal subtends an arc whose length
equals double the length of the radius of its circle = 2d
I r/\o/riu \ (C, - ol.ij o+ru-r .r-trgJ @

In each of the following circles , find the required under each figure approximating to
the [earest tenth :

2 3

Find : m (Z AMB) in Find : The radius length Find : The length of AB
radian measurc. of circle M the greater.


O'ud=? ,l=8ficm. , r=12cm.

.. m (Z AMB) in radian measure = i = 8JI

e*o=1r =1n
r=? , 1=5lrcm. , 0"d=42
.=s n
.'. The radius lenpth = -l x
1=? , erad=f,n , .=s"-.
.. The length ofIE the greater = erad x r

1=0'"d'r =Jn"a=lofi=31.4cm.

If the length ofthe radius ofa circle is the unit , then the circle is called "the unit circle"

, where g"d
= 1

For exanple : In the unit circle , the central angle that subtends an arc of length j ,[
L unit length has a radian ."u.o." = * fi = 1.5'7r.d
> Lesson Two

I Find the'OIVE
radian measure olthe cental angle which subtends an arc oflength 15 cm.
if the radius length ofthe circle is 10 cm.
2 Find the length of the arc in a circle of radius length 8 cm. if the measure of the central
angle subtended by ir is # approximating the result to the nearest hundredth.

3 Find the length of the radius of the circle in which a cenhal angle of measure
T is
drawn subtending an arc oflength 24 cm. to the nearest tenth.

trhe relation between the radian measure and the deqree measure

you have known that , in Measure of the arc I-ensth of th is arc

' a circle :
Measure ofthe circle = Circumference of the circle

IlSUre: --=
mriBr Length ofAB
t.e. ln the ODDOStte
J60" 2fit
m (1 AMB) _ Length of AB
,. m(zAMB)=m(AB) _._
180' fit
Assrtxllrrg that Im (Z AMB) equah X" in degrees and equals 0d in radians
and the length ofIE = I
x:l '.e =Lr
180' JI r

t80" xf,
and lrom tt A'"" - v" L
' r80" , r=0 .. 180"

1 Find the radian mea.ure of the angle \rhose degree measure i.75'3j Iiapproximaring
the result to the nearest thousandth.

! Find the degree measure of the angle whose radian measure is 2.3Sod

1.0 =x"< 180' ...0^d =is" 3) ri * ffi= r.:rsd
q ... x" =0d x 180.
:lt .. x' = 2388d x Lqq = 135' 2l s6
'l Convert the measure ofthe angle 1.2'ud into degrees.

I Convert the measure of the angle 72" 3d into radians approximating the result to the
nearest hundredth.
There is another unit of measuring angles called (Grad) which equals
1fo ofthe measure
of the straight angle .

Ifx , e,y are the measures of three angles respectively in degrees , radian and grade

! then
X" H ,.o'
180" Jr 200

I If the radian measure of an angle equals Jf, (radian) , then its degree measure

=nx!!!i= lso' Itr in radians is equivalenl to

,3 x l8o'= 108'
'5 Jtr is equivalent to
! If the degree measure of an angle is known , and it is required to convert it into radian
measue in terms of rtr , then we use the relation , 0'"d = f x
# without substituting
with Jtr

For elarorple : . 18' is eqirivalent to ,* , r* = +

. 135. is equivalent ro f:S" x
ffi = f, r

Determine the quadra[t in which the directed angle of each of the angles whose
measures are as follows lies :

1 2.O2,,n 2 ,'t 3*d 3 In

To determine the quadrant in which the directed algle lies, we find its degree measure :

1'xl.. r = 6d x l8o. _2.02 x.!-qg:= 15" 4,i

. . The angle whose measue is 2.02'"d is equivalent lo I 15' 44 i i in degrees.
'.' The angle of measure 115'44 15 lies in the second quadrant
.'. The angle of measure 2.02d lies in the second quadrant.

9-1r.-. rc = - 7jd x l8o"--41s" li 3i

'. The angle of measure - 418" l3 3i is equivalent to

- 418" 15 33 + 2 x 360" = 3Ol" 44 27

I Lesson Two

'. The angle of measure 301'44 27 lies in the fouth quadrant

.'. The angle of measure - 7-3'"d lies in the fourth quadrant.

3 .f is equivalent to
; x 180' = 225'

'. The angle whose measure is 225' lies in the third quadmnt.

.. The angle whose measure is f lies in the third quadrant.

It is possible to determine the quadrant in which the dirccted

angle - whose radian measure is known in terms of lt - lies

without converting to degrees using the opposite figure : *.u*o.n o. o'ud. +

Yot exanra,ple t n< o*d< l 4


By using the opposite figure we can detefi ne in which quadrant

f, fl

the angle whose measue is in the last example lies where


,. The angle whose measure is

] n lies in the lhird quadranl.
'OLVE that each of the following angles lies in
Find the quadrant :

I The angle of measure

! The angle of measure 0.3xI

J The angle of measure 5.7'ud

4 The angle of measure 6..1'od

Find the tength ofthe arc subtended by the central angle whose measure is 152" 28 li
drawn in a circle of radius length 105 cm. approximating the result to the nearest cm.

... 0.d - r JI

.. I = 0'"d, r=z.oeo5 x 10.5 =28 cm.


Find each of the radian measure and the degree measure ofthe central atrgle subtending
an arc of length 12.6 cm. in a circle of radius length 72 cm.

, .16" = 1 .75'"a ; J-8Q1 166' 1i i'
JI =

Find the circumference of the circle tlat has an inscribed angle of measure 30"
subtending an arc of length 5 cm.

'.' The measure of the inscribed angle = 30'

.', The measure of the corresponding central angle = 60"

..0-o=00",.ffi=f ..,=p=s=(f)=f".
.. The circumference of the circle = 2 r[ r = 2 n x = 36 qm.

Tlvo angles tie sum of their radian measures = 3+*d , and the difference between their

degree measures = 30' r lind the measure of each of them in degrees and in radians.

'.' ,+* = ? '# = 180'^r,-ing the tlvo argles are A , B such that: m (z A) > m (z B)
.. m(ZA)+m(Z B)= 180" : m(ZA)-m(Z B)= 30"
By addirg :

.'. m (Z A) = 105"
.'. m (,Z B) = 75o

.'. m(1A)inmdians= 105" r#= l.S3'd

.'. m (Z B) in radians = 75' = I.31'd

" rS0"
> Lesson Two

In tie opposite fignre : AB , AC are two tangents to

the ciicle M whose radius length is 6 cm. IfAM = 12 cm.
, Iind the letrgth of the major arc BC to ttre nearest integer.

'.' AC is a tangent to the circle M ... McIAd

'.' m(zAcM)=e0', Mc= +AM .'. m (z CAM) = 30'
.. m(zAMC)=60'
, .' Mf bisects z BMC .'. m (z BMC) = 120"
.'. m (Z BMC) the rcflex= 360" 72O'=240'
.. r-
4'"d = -- , --L

'. 1=e xr
.. The length of6d the major=f x 6 = 8 Jt=25 cm.

Find the required under each figure :

The length of BC m(ZA)


We have studied before the basic t gonometric mtios ofan acute angle and we have

known that :

In any right-argled triangle ^""r'1 let


^ Adjacent
.( )r

lir the oppeslle lrgxre !

.l \, \

sincr= 9

1 ,a= !

cnA ltr we dtqw another trtangle sllrrllar to the previoras hlqngle , we ilhd that !

.r0=s=3 t""e=f=]
't \
cos0= t0
srn0=10:=i 6
tono=*= 4
> Lesson Three

From the previous , we deduce that :

'| sin 0 , cos e , tan e in the two triangles are equal.

i.€. The trigonometric ratio of the angle is constant and does not depend on the
area of the triangle .

2 sin 0 * sin 0 , cos 0 + cos 0 , tan 0 + tan c[ in any ofthe two triangles.

i.e. , The trigonometic ratio is changed by the change ofthe angle which is known
by "The trigoflometric functions"

The unit circle

In the orthogonal coordinate system

, the circle of cente at the origin point and

of radius equals the unit of length is called a unit circle.

Notice from the previous figure :

. The unit circle intersects the X-axis at two points which are (1 ,0),( 1 '0)
. The unit circle intersects the y-axis at two poi[ts which are (0 , 1) , (0 , - l)

If the point (i( , y) ethe unit circle , then

* X2 * y2 = 1 from Pythagoras theorem. \x.y

*xe[-1,t],vc[-t,t] ,/ )y\

The basic trigonometric functions and their reciprocals

If we draw the directed angle AOB in the standard
position and its teminal side intersects the unit
circle at the point B (X y) and if m (Z AOB) = 0

, then we can define the following :

\. r/\r/riu \ (C; - JLiJ rU-u,r r-t-,OJl @


f ttre bosic l gonomelric funclions of lhe ongle of meosureoore:

Co:r ne ot the angle - x-coord inate ol thepo;n,3

Sine of the angle = y-coordinate of the point B

y coordinate of the point B -iF1""

Tangent of the angle =
X-coordinate of the poilt B
=f = "' 9,whercx*o

Notiae that The point B (x

y) can be wrinen as (cos 0 r sin 0)

Ihe reciptocds of the bc8ic lrigonornetric functions ot lhe ongle of meosure 0 ore :

The secanl ol'the anele (sec) =

' x coordinate ofthe poinr B

IF.L*" g=1= t ;,wherexro

The cosecanl oI the ansle I csc ) = -------]-
' y-coordinale of lhe poinr I
lE I ,wherev+o
- "."e=1=
Y sine
X- coordinate of the point B
- |-
The cotanpenr of the ansle tcot
)-coordinale oflhe poinl B
IEI-"ote- j= :::: = r
- Y sine tane-

Find all trigonometric functions for an angle of measure 0 which is drawn in the

standard position and its terminal side intersects the unit circle at the pointAin each of
the following I

1^(+,+) 2 A( 1 ,0)

: r( ],v) ,wherey>o 4 A(-X,X)whereX>0

> Lesson Three

cose=+ , sine=1 , tane = 4=3

)5 55
i . c\ce=i . cnr e=
coso=-l r sin0=0 , tano=

'sec0=-l , ssq0=f(undefined) , cot e =

f (undefined)
, .,2
'.' x2 +y2 = 1
-(-i) *Y'=t
.'.y'=r-*= 3 {t

,'. Y>0 "t- {lz . ^/-r {l

r sin0= ^'1. , m,e=!*-]=-6
..coso=-j 2

,sece= 2 , csc0= 2
llt ' 13
4'.'x2+y2=1 .'.( X)2+x2=t
. v2 I

.. x=.1
, sin0=l , ll
.. cose=
!z 1iz
tano- ,E ,{r- '
,t""0=-{7 , csc 0 =E , cote= 1

Find all trigonometric functions of an angle 0 drawn in the standard position whose
terminal side intersects the u t circle at the point B for each of the following :
I D\r' )/
2 B(O 'X),wherex<0
3 B(-v, y)rwherey>0

' Remort
The equivalent angles have the same trigonometric functions :
iF. l- For atl values of n G Z (set of intege$) , then
. cos(0+2nJt)=cos0=x sec (0 + 2 n xtr) = sec 0 = L, whete x+ 0

.sin(0+2nfi)=sine=y csc (0 + 2 n x[) = csc 0 =1, where y *0

.tan(O+2nr[)=tarO=+ where X+ 0, cot (O.i 2 n rtr) = cot 0 = {, where y + 0

Yov exa>rl,ple :
. cos 420' = cos (60' t 360') = cos 6O'

. sec 840'= sec (1200 + 2 x 360") = sec 120'

r tan (- 15@") = tan (300" - 5 x 360') = tan 300"

Signs of trigonometric funciions

If Z AOB the directed is in its staldard position and its terminal side intersects the unit

circle at the point B (X , y) and m (Z AOB) = 0 , then

-4 AOB lies in one ol ihe quodronts os lollows :

Second quadrant

ee lo,f[ oell,xf eelo,f[ eel!,znf

.l(>0,!>0 X<0 rY >0 X<0r!<0 I>0,y<0
all the trigonometric sin0rcsc0are tan e cos0 rsec0arc
functions are positive and the positive and the positive and the
positive. other functions other functions other functions
are negative. are negative. are negative.
> Lesson Three

. We can summarize the previous results in the frgure and in the following table :

The interval that sign of sign of

Quadrant 0 belongs to sin : csc

First lr,+[ + + a*. TN

(+ve) x
Secold l+'"[ +

Fourfh l*'r"l +

Yot exanaple :
. tan 320' is negative , because :

The angle of measure 320" lies in the fourth quadrant 270" < 320' < 360"

. sin 160' is positive , because :

The angle of measure 160" lies in the second quadmnt 90" < 160'< 180"

The trigonometric functions of the equivalent angles have the same

Determine the sigtr of each of the following trigonometric ratios :

1 sin 970" 9 "o"!

3 tan ( 200") 4 *.( +")
sin 970' = sin (250" + 2 x 360') = sin 250"

,... t80" < 250" < 270"

i.e.l- This angle ties in the third quadmnt.

.. sin 250' is nesative. .. sin 970' is negative.


e cos
] n =.o. (J x l8O") = cos 420' = cos (60" + 360") = cos 60'

, ... 0" < 60" < 90.

l.e. LThis angle lies in rhe firsr quadranl.

. . cos 60' is positive. .. cos J Jt rs posfirve.

tan (- 200') = tan (- 200' + 360') = tan 160'

, ... 90'< 160. < 180.
l.e. L This angle lies in Ihe second quadrant.

.. tan 160' is nesative- .'. tan (- 200') is negative.

+ "* (- $ n)= "* (- t x rao')= csc 1 288)=csc( 288' + 360') = csc 72"

l-e. LThis angle lies in lhe first quadranl.

.. csc 72'is positive- .. csc ( t n) is positive.

Determine the sign of each of the following trigonometric ratios :

1 cos 620' Q sec ( 30') 3 cot


If f (x I {) is tf,e point ofintersection ofthe terminal side of the directed angle of

measure 0 in its standard position with the unit circle where 90' < 0 < 180' I
Iind the value of each of: cos 0 and tan 0

'..90'<e<180' .'. B lies in the second quadrant

, . for any point (X ' y) on the unit circle ,,wegetx2+y2=| a,,' ,\

.'. x' t (!)'? = t
+' x

. 12 _,t I
..^ l {.
4_ 4 2

> Lesson Three

'. tfre point n (x ,

]) lies in the second quadrant.
,I- /i
= t = Vl!
'=(+'+) ... cos 0

fiO€)+ r2fifrcos e = * : then find all trigonometric functions of0

Let m (l AOB) = e where 0 is in the 41h quadranr and the poinr B is (x , y)

.. X=co.0 - fi .y=sin 0 n here .in e <0
'.' x2 +y2 = 1
''' (fr) *
';n'e =
I x' 0,-

.'.'in'e=t #=4 .'.'ine=-# ,=(+,+)

v l')
, then we get: tan 0 =
csco=1=- rt ,.".e=1= l] 1t)
y 11 x 5 anacote={=

The lrigonometric ratios of some special

First\ fne quoarontot ongtes (0. .360. .90" . 160" or 270") :

The opposite figure illustrate the points of inteNection of the

terminal sides ofthe quadrantal angles with the unit circle , from

which we can deduce the ftigonomet c ratios for these ang]es as

shown in the following table :

0'in degree e in radian sin 0 cos 0 sec 0 cot 0

0' or 360' O ot 2 xt

0 undefined I undefined 0

1l 0 -l 0 undefined -1 undefined

lhe ongles of meosures 30' 60" qnd 1l5' I


x ,

0 in degree = 30' 0 in degree = 60" e in degee = 45'

e in radian =
* e in radian =
t 0 in radian =
The previous figures show the points of intersection ofthe terminal side of each ofthe angles

of measures 30" , 60' and 45" in the standard position with the unit circle , from which we

can deduce the trigonometric ratios of these angles as shown in the following table :

0" in degree 0 in radian sin 0 cos 0 tan 0 csc 0 sec 0 cot 0

,'1, I
30' fi I 2
6 2 2 G G
xI 'ita I 2
3 2 2 G tr
,15' t\
E tr
I t, ^,t, 1

Find the value of :

4 sin 30" sin 90" cos 0" sec 60" r 5 tan 45' + 10 cos2 45" sin 270" tan 30" sin 180"

rhe expression = 4 x ! x| - t x 2 + 5 xr + ro' (,Lf " t rl -rf - o = o

Prove that : sin2 60o + sin2 45" + sin2 30" = co.'z

f .i, f-{ t
f cos a + cos'z
f si,
> Lesson Three


rhe rert hand side = (f)' - (*)'.

(+)' = +
The right hand side = 30' ri, 90" -] tun2 60. cos 180" + cos2 60. sin 270"
^r: "
=(+)", - j ^ (r/:)', r- rr+ (j)". t- u= i
. . The two sides are equal.

Find the value ofX which satisfres : x sin cos'?f = cos2 :0" sin
f; *
Solrt on
. , .2
'. x sin 30" cos2 45" = cos2 30' sin 90' ..xrix(i| = (9)'.'

''z 3
^- z

If 0' < X < 90" r frnd the value of X that satisfies :

sin x sec2 45o = tan2 60" - 2 cos 360'

'. sin x sec2 45' = ran2 60' 2 cos 3600

... sin x x (t/zf = ({:f - z' r .'.2xsinr(=1

... sin x= j

If 0" s Xi 90' r find the value of Xwhich satisfies :

cos X = sin 30" cos 60o + cos 30' sin 60'

\\ r/\r/!9iL'\ (C; -Ll -u-u,r l-Lr.gJ @


They are two angles the difference betwe€n their measues or the sum of their measures
e4uals a whole numberof rigbt angles.

Yot exantple i The two angles of measures 30' r 2l0' are two related angles.

beaquse r 2l0' J0'- l80' i.e.l-. Two right angles.

The relation between trigonometric functions of related angles

Ifthe terminal side ofthe directed angle l AOB in its standard position intersects the unit
circle at the point B (X andm(ZAOB) = 0 such that 0o < 0 <90o ,then:
l\ Relqtion belween hlgonomehic funclions of relqled ongles of meosurer 0 , (180" - e) :

If B' ( ,( , y) is the image of the point B (x , y) by reflection in the y-axis

, then m (Z AOB) the directed = (180" - e) thus :

sin (180' r
- 0) = sin e csc (180" - Q) = 659 Q ra
cos (180' - 0) = - cos 0 sec(180o-Q)=-s6ag
tan(180'-0)=-tane , cot (180' - 0) = - cot e

Yot eaawrple r . sin I50" = sin { I80' - 30'r = sin 30" = *2

o cos 120" = cos (180" - 60") = - cos 60" = 2 -
. cot 135" = cot (180" - 45") = - cot 45' = l -
t Lesson Four

]\ Relolion belween higonomehic functions of reloled ongles of meosures e , (180" + e) :

If S'(-X, y) is the image of the point B (X , y) by reflection in the odgin point

then m (Z AOd) the directed = (1800 + 0) rhus :
sin (180' + e) =- sin 0 ' csc(180'+0)=-csce
cos (180" + 0) = - cos 0 , sec(180"+0)=-sece
tan (180'+ 0) = tan g , cot (1800 + 0) = cot 0

Yor exanaple r . sin 225' = sin ( I 80' + 45) = - *2 sin 45' =


. sec 210' = sec (180" + 30"t = sec 30" = -j

. tan 240" = tan (180. + 60.) = tan OO. =1/.

E\ Rehiion beiween l gonomelic funclions ol reloled ongles of meosures O , (360" - e) :

II B (X . - y) is rhe image ot lhe poinl B (X . y) by reflection in fie X axis

, then m (Z AOB) the directed = (360'- 0) thus :

sin (360" e)=-sine , csc (360" 0)=-csc0 ,v)

cos (360" 0) = cos 0 , sec (360' 0) = sec 0
tan (360" 0)=-tan0 , cot (360' 0)=-cot0 (x,-v)

flor example t. (in J00'=.in (1b0" o0', -sino0'= E

. tan 315' = tan (360' 45o) --tan45' =- I
. sec J30' - .ec (J60. - 30.) = 5sq 36. - 2


The angle of measure ( 0) is equivalent to the angle of measure (360" Q)

From this , we can deduce :

The relation between trigonometic functions ofrelated angles of
measures e r (- 0) as follows :

sin(-e)=-sine, csc(-e)=-csce
cos( e)=cos0 , sec( e)=sec0
tan ( 0)= tan0 , cot( 0)= cote

i ( .15.) 1
. (- I
sin = sin -l5o = cos 600) = cos 60" = 2

. cot ( 30o) = - cot 30o = l.

f\ Relotion belween kigonometic funciions ol reloied ongles of meosures 0 (90'- 0) :
ln the opposite tigure :

The teminal side of the diected angle of measue

(90' - O) in the standard position intersects the unit
circle at the point B (X , y)

From the figure geonetry , we find that :

.. CB =AO theny=1 l.e. L sin (90' - 0) = cos 0

,CO=AB thenX=y IFf- cos 1so" - g) = sin o

t-(eo. o)=+=+ .'. tan (90' - 0) - cot 0

Similarly , it is possible to deduce the relations between the reciprocals of the trigonometric
functions of the two angles of measues e , (90'- 0) as follows :

sin (90'- 0
0) = cos
' csc (90" - 0) = sec 0
cos (90" - 0) = sin 0 , sec (90o - 0) = csc e
tan (90'-0) = cot 0 cot(90'-0)=tan0
Yov enample : . sin 70" = sin (90" - 20") = cos 20"

sin 40" _ sin (90.= 50.) SS{9i

.- co\ 50' - cos 50' - -'
= cos 50' = r

. tan 10" - cot 80' = tan (90" - 80") - cot 80' = cot 80" - cot 80' = 0

E\ Relotion between kigonometric funciions of reloled qngles ol meosures e , (90" + 0) :

ln the opposlte flgune :

The terminal side of the diected angle of measure
(90' + 0) in the standard position intersects the unit
circle at the point B (X , y)
> Lesson Four

From the figure geometry , we find that :

.'.CB=AO ' theny=rC IEL (90. + e) = e
--) "in "os
rOC=AB ' thenx=-y l.e. L cos (90" + 0) = - sin 0

'. ran(90'+0)=i=I
x! .'. tan (90' t 0) = - cot 0

Similarly r it is possible to deduce the relations between the reciprocals of the trigonometric
functions of the two angles of measures e , (90' + 0) as follows :

sin (90" + 0) = cos e , csc (90" + 0) = sec 0

cos (90" r 0) = - sin 0 , sec (90" + 0) = - csc 0
tan (90" + 0) = cot 0 , cot (90' + 0) = tan 0

Yot exa yllple ! . sin 120' = sin (90" + 30) = cos 30" = 6
. -V3
cos I50' - cos (90' + 60') = - sin o0' =

. col IJ5" cot (q0' + 45') = - tan 45' = - I

f,\ Relolion between higonomekic funclions of reloied ongles of meqsures 0 , (270" - O) :

ln the opposlte ilErrle r

The terminal side of the directed angle of measure
(270" - 0) in the standard position irtersects the unit
cncle at the point B' (i , !) tx', y) d

From the figure geometry, we find that :

.. CB =AO r theny= ;g IEI.. .in 127s" - 6; = - "o. 6
,CO=AB r rhenX=-y l.e. [. cos (270' 0)=-sin0
,'.'tan(2'7o r,=+===+ .'. tan (270" 0) = cot 0
Simitarly , it is possible to deduce the rclations between the reciprocals ofthe trigonometric
functions of the two angles of measures e , (270'- 0) as follows :

sin (270'- 0) = - cos 0 , csc (2700 - e) = - sec 0

cos (270' - 0) = - sin 0 , sea (270" - e) = - csc 0

tan (270" 0)=cot0 , cot (270" - e) = tan e

Yot exansple: . sin 225' = sin (270' - 45') = cos 45' = -L

. tai24}" = tar (2:70" - 30') = cot 30' ={:
o csc 210' = csc (270" - 60") = - sec 60' = - 2

f\ nelotion betweer lrigonomehic luncllons ol relqled ongles of meosures e , (270" + e) :

ln the opposlte ilgr,re :

The terminal side of the directed angle of measure
(270" + e) in the standard position intersects the udt circle

at tle point e' 1i r );

From the figure geometry , we find that :

...C8=AO , theny=-rf 1.e. [ - sin (270" + 0) = - cos 0

,CO=AB ' thenX=y i.e. l. cos (270. + O) = sin O

".* =
'. tan(270'+O)=+=
x, -a tan (270" + e) cot e

Similarly , it is possible to deduce the relations between the reciprocals of the trigonometric
functions of the two angles of measures 0 r (270'+ 0) as follows :

sin (270' + 0) = - cos 0 : csc (270' + 6) = - sss 6

cos (270' + 0) = sin 0 sec (270" + e) = csc 0

tan (270'+ 0) =-cot0 , cot (2700 + 0) = tan e

Yor exatsple r . sin 300" = sin (270" + 10", = cos30"=-i
. sec 330'= sec (270" + 60") = csc 60" = 3
. col 315' = cor (270' r 45') - tan 45' -- I
> Lesson Four

We call sunrmarize all the previous as follows (Where 0 is the measure of an acute angle) :

Yot enataple t For eloatarple :

We determine the quadrant in which the
cos (180' + 0) given angle lies sin (90' + e)
(90" + 0) r
(180. _ 0)
(180" + 0) lies (90o + e) lies
(180' + 0) , (270" + e) , in the second
in the third
quadmnt (2',70" - e) (360. e) quadmnt

The function of The function of
cosine in the third We put the sign of the given trigonometric sine in the second
quadrant is negative function according lo rhe quadrant which is quadrant is positive
(-ve) we determined. (+ve)

In the case of angles In the case of angles of
-cos0 of measures 0 (90" +cos0
I r measures
(90. + e)
0) r
(180' - 0) r \
(180' + 0) , , (270' - 0) or I
The function as
it is because
(360" - e) or (- 0)' (270" + 0) The function is
the trigonometric , the trigonometric changed because
the measure of
the measure of the
the angle is function is wriften as function is changed
(180' + 0) angle is (90" + 0)
it is and convert the as the following :

angle of any form .sin=-cos

to0 . tan i2 cot
. csc sec
(180' + 0) and convert the angle (90' + 0)
... cos ... sin
= cos 0 of any form to e
a lunction of an anqle whose measure is

First \ If 0.<oc<360" i.e.o<€]0,2n[

1 We determine the quadrant in which the angle lies , then determine the sign of the

trigonometric function.

2 We convert the trigonomet c function of c( into the same trigonometric function of the

angle 0 and o C]0 ,

f[ as follows :

. Put o< in the form (180' O) if oc lies in the 2nd quadrant.

. Put o( in the form (180" + O) if o. lies in the 3'd quadrant.

. Put o( in the form (360" - e) if o( lies in the 4th quadrant.

g"cora\ tf* >:oo. i.e.q.>2n

'| Put c( in the form of (2 n Jt + O) where O e]0 ,2 ,I[ , n is a positive integer

! then the trigonometric function ofthe angle oc is the same ofthe angle 0

2 Find the trigonometric function ofthe angle 0 as in the first.

We follow one of the following two methods I

\Ihe ftsi method

Apply the rule ofthe trigonometric function of the angle whose measure is negative ,

that is : sin ( e)= sin0 tan (- 0) = - tan 0 and so on then we flnd

' '
the t gonometric function ofthe angle 0 as in the first and the second.

\Ihe second method

Add to € an integer number of 2 Jtr (i.e. add to oc the measures 360o n or 2 Jf, n where

n CZ*) to get a positive angle 0 C ]0 r2 7I[ r then we get the tdgonometric function of
the angle e , the result is the same trigonometric function ofthe negative angle c
> Lesson Four

Find the ralue o[ each of the following :

1 sin 240" 2 cosf 3 cos 570' 4 tan ( 150')


sin 240' = sin (180" + 60") = - sin OO" = - f
"o.f =.o, (ry, ) ="o. :oo" = "o.
(:lro" 60") =cos sa. =
" -"'I!I - 66,, (2 ,r r') cos n -L
3/ = '"" 3 = 2

cos 570'= cos (360'+ 210') = cos 210' = cos (180' + 30") = cos 30" = tr

4 tan ( 150')=-tan150'=-tan(180" 30") = - (- tan 30') = tan 30' =


Find the value of each of the following in two different methods :

{ sin 120" 2 cot 135' 3 cos (- 24O") 4 sec ll4

'l sin l2O'= sin (180' Otl)=sinOO"=F


or sin 120" = sin (90' + :0") = cos a)" = 6


cot 135'- cot (180" 45") = - cot 45'= - I

ot. cot 135" = cot (90" + 45") = - tan 45" = - 1

cos (- 240') = cos 240' = cos (180' + 60") =+ = - cos 60"

or cos (- 240") = cos 240' = cos (270" - 30") = - sln 30" =

."" f = *. (ry4 ) = sec 675. = sec
(360" + 3150) = sec 315.

= sec (360" - 45.) = s ec 45" =^[i

or sec
T= sec 315' = sec (270" + 45") = csc 45" =''[i
\r r/\r/!riu\ (C; -,-.1-l-u,r loloOJI @

Without using the calculator , find the value ofthe following :

cos (- 150") sin 600" + cos

+ sin 330" - se" ( jO ) t"" lOO"

'. cos ( 150") = cos 150' = cos (180" - 30") = - cos 30" = 62

r sin 600" = sin (360" r 240') = sin 24O'= sin (180" + 60") = sin 60'=

."ot 2f =qe" 120" =cos(180' 60')=-cos60'=-+

r sin 330" = sin (360" - 30) = - sin 30' = -+

, r"" ( -@) - r""

+= sec 225" = sec (180' + 45') = seg.tJ" = 1E

r tan 900" = tan (720'+ 180') = tan 180" = zerc

... rhe expression = (

*l t * I.,. t + )( ]) - (-o) r,*.r
Without using the calculator :

1 Find the value of: cos 210' sin 510" sin 330" cos (- 330")

2 Prove that : sin 600' cos ( 390") + sin 150" cos (- 240") = - I

If the directed angle of measure 0 is in the standard position , and its terminal side
passes through the point (* , -|t) , nna tn" fonot ing trigonometric functions :

l sin (90" - 0) 2 cos (180" + 0) 3 sec (90" + 0)

4 csc (270' 0) 5 tan (360' - e) 6 cot (- 0)

> Lesson Four

x, + y, = (+)'z + (#)' = # *# =,
rrle point (fr , -l])€unit circle

1 sin (90' 0) = cos 0 =

fr 2 cos(180"+0)=-cos0=-fr

3 sec(90"+6)=-65sg=-11 4 csc (270" 0) = sec O = -f

5 tan (360' 0) = - tan O = -? 6 cot(-g)=-c616=-f,

Ife is the measure of an acute positive angle in its standard position and determines the
point n ({ , y) on the unit circle , find :

1 tan (90'- e) + sec (90'- e)

2 cot (270'+ e) - tan (90'+ 0) sin(180"+0)

... X2 + y2 = l fot any point on the unit circle.

2= 16
2\' ''' Y 25

1 tan (90' e) + sec (90' e)=core+csco= trrtr=i-,
2 cot (270'+ e) - tan (90' + 0) - sin (180' + 0)

=-tane-(-cot0) ( sine)
4 I 4 t3
=-tanO-col 0+srn0- j *; - j = bd

tfcos O-5= -j $here OCl90' . 180'[ . find the value ofeach o[the following:

'! sin (180' 0) Q sec (360" 0)

3 cos( e) 4 tan (e 180')


l.et m (Z AOB) = 0, where e C190", 180"[

as shown in the opposite figure and B (X , y)

.'. 1=6es 6 ==1 ,y=sine,wherey>0

x2+y2=1 .-
t-rt2 tv_=l
! -' 25 1
"=( +,+)
l sin (180" - 0) = sin 0 =
f 2 sec (360" - 0) = sec 0 __5

3 cos(-0)=cosg=-+
4 tan (0 - l80o) = tan (0 - 180" + 360") = tan (180'+ 0) = tan e= -43

lf 'OLVE
the terminal side of the directed angle of measure e in its standard position intersects the

unit circle at the point (X , ]]) suct tfrat SO' < e < 180" , find the value of:
1 3 cos (360" - O) + ran 225" + sec2 3(]0' + 12 tM (270" - O)

I Note
We can find the values of the figonometric functions of an angle directly if we draw the
angle in its standard position and we draw the dght-angled triaflgle that represents it by

using the value of the given trigonometric function conceming the signs according to the
quadrant in which the angle lies as follows :

.,.1 I N.
l//\9 t I h .$\,
In the 1't In the 2'd In the 3'd In the 4tn
quadrant quadrant quadrant quadrant

If cos q = J rvhere o is the smallest positive angle, tan p =

, where P is the greatest positive angle where 0" P 360'
= =
Find the value of: cos (180' + s) sin (P 90") + sin (360' - cr) sin (180. B)
> Lesson Four

'. cosc,<0
.'. o lies in the 2nd or 3'd quadrant.

,. o is the smallest positive angle.

. . c lies in the 2od quadrant.

r'. cosu=]
... (MN)'? = (25)'z- (7)'? = 576

. . MN = 24 length unit.

r'. tanp>0
.'. p lies in the lsr or 3'd quadrunt.

,. B is the greatest positive angle. .'. p lies in the 3'd quadrant. a

.. tanP=; ... (oe)2 = (3)2 + (4)2 = 25

.'. OQ = 5 length unit.

... The expression = cos (180" + o) sin (p 90') + sin (360'- cr) sin (180" - 0)
= - cos a sin (270' + g) r (- sin cr) sin F
=( cosct)( cosB) sin0sinp
-1 l-4\ )4.-) 28 72_100_4
25 t5' 25 5 125 t25 t25 5

If sin oc = cos p or tan c( = cot p or csc c( = sec P

r then c( + p = 90o such that oc , P are the two measures oftwo acute positive angles.

Por eroanple : If tan 23' = cot c( n ttrcn 23' + o( = 90' i.e. o< = 67"

If sin (3 0 + 28") = cos (2 0 - 13'), find one value of 0 where 0" < 0 < 90'

sin (3 e + 28') = cos (2 0- 13")

3g+28" r2O- 13 =90 ..50+15"=90'

50=75" ..0= 15"
Notiae that \
Therc are other values for 0 such as e = 49' or 0 = 87' that satis!, the equation and to find
these values we have to generalize the previous rcmark to get a general solution for this

kind of equations.

\Generolizing lhe previous remoi(

I Ifsina=cosp , then sin c. = sin (90' - F,)

... o<=90" F or (+90' p= 180'

.. o(+p=90o ''' a F=90'
We can add the multiplies of (360") to the angle 90'

2 In the same way , we can deduce the same rules ifcsc x = sec 0

3 If tan o( = cot p r then :

tanoC=tar(90'-p) or tan oc = tan (270' 0)

.'. o(=90"-P ... oc = 270. p

.'. oc+p=90o .'.d+p=27Oo

We can add the multiplies of(360") to the angles 90" and 270'

So ; the general solution for any two angles c( , p could be wriften as follows :

G= cos B orcsc d = sec B ortan oa = cot

1 If sin o( = cos p

then c(ap=90"+3600n IF.f *1p= n 12xar vtherc nez,
': \
l.e. L The measure of angle of sine a the measure of angle ofcosine = 90' + 360' n
If csc o( = sec B

, then o(r0=90o+3600n i.e. [.. ocrp=]+Zxln whereneZ

tq+i:Jtr , ,. JI
B+(2n+ )
, then oc + Il = 90o + 1800 n l;L ** p=f *rtrn where n GZ
lxa(2n+ l! t B*nTt

Find the general solution of the equation :

cos 2 0 = sin 4 O, then find the values of O where e e]0, +[

'. cos20=sin4e .. sin40=cos20

.'. o(=40,p=20 ..4et.2€=4+2nn
Eirher60=++2fin . I,I
""-"- t) 3 -"
ot2O=!+Zfin ^n-
.'. The general solution;s S+f . o, f;.n,t wherenGZ

=Se]0,!l- e = !e)0, t
atn=o : ... e

atn= : ... ,=9l.+=;:re ]o,f[-e=f;.n=

at,=2: ... r=8.+= 1n+lo ,!l

l.e. L 15' ,45' , 75"

.. The values of6 are
'OIVE solution of the equation : sin 3
Find the general find all the values of
e = cos O , then
where g €]0 , f[ which satisfr ttre equation.

Find the solution set ofeach ofthe following equations :

12sine l=0 rrh"r"eC]0,+[

Z z
(f - o) *r,E= o where e e lo ,2 n[

I4cos26-3=0 where O C]0 ,2J[[

'I .2sine-I=0 ... sinO=

] (positive)

.'. O lies in the l't or 2'd quadrant. '.' The acute angle whor" .1r" =
] i. 30'
.'. g = :0" (equlralent to
or 0 = 180' 30' = 150' ("quirut"n, ro
f ) (."r.t"a u""uo." e e]0, f[)
I'.2"o'$-e)tr/:=o ...zsin0=-{l
rli (negative)
sin0=f ties in the 3d or 4ft quadrant.
.. .'. O

'. the acute angle whose sine = E is 60'

60" = 300' (equira"rt to
... 0 = 180. + 60" = 2,l()' ("qui,ur"n,o f )
or 0 = 360" - f )
'.4cos2e-3=o ...4cos2o=3
.. cos-U= E ...cos0=rf
... g11r", g= 6lpositive) ... O lies in the lst or 4ft quadrant.
,. the acute angle wtlor.
I is 30'

;. 0 = 30" (equivalent to
f )
or 0 = 360' - :o' = ::o' (equivalent m
tfi )
orcosg=flnegative) .'. O lies in the 2nd or 3'd quadrant.

... 0 = 180' - 30" = l5O' ("quiuut"nt to if ) or 0 = 180" + 30' = 210' (equiuntent to

f )

5 {l
a i
EI .E- a

Firsl\ Sine funclion: ! :! (o) = sin 0

To represent the function f :I

(0) = sin O graphically ,
we form the following table for some special values of e , where O e [0 , 2 x[] and the
corresponding values of sifl 0

;fil fl+l+1+ 511

AXt 9xl
lontlril 211
6 6
sin 0 0 0.s 0.87 1 0.87 05 oI 0.5 -0.87 I - 0.871 o.s I o

Represent all of the points that we get in the table on the coordinate axes and join them
to get the curve of the function f on the inte./al lO t 2 tl)

\\'rl\r/dru \ (c . oul JIrLJ) rElr.oJl lezl

r :1.! L'i..)'.:ide thqt peiod is 2 Jf, (i.e. 360') wherc the
: The firnction is periodic and its
curve of this function repeats itself on the intervals [0 , 2 fi] , 12 r\ ,4 It) ,l4 11 ,6111 ,...
and also on the intervals [-2fi r0] ,141r, ,l-6rl '-4xll '...
2 xll
The general form ofthe curve of the sine function is as shown in the following graph :

From the previous , we can deduce the properties of the sine function f :f (g) = sin e :

I The domain of the sine function is ]- - , -[

2 . The maximum value ofthe function is I =! +2ntl ;treZ
and ir happens when g

. The minimum value of the function is - I and it happens when e =

f +2ntt ,reZ
3 The range of the tu1s116n = [- I r l]
{ The tunction is periodic and its period is 2 ,[ (ie. 360')

Graph the function where y =2 sin O r where 0€[0 '2fi] , then from the graph find the
maximum and minimum values of the function , its range and its period.

JI 2tt 3fi 4fi 5x _ 7X 8fi 9xl t0 r[ 11 J[

0 0
6 66
v 0 1 t."l t.7 l 0 I L',l - 1.1 I 0

. The maximum value of

the function = 2 r

the minimum value of

. The range of the function

. The period of
the function = 2 fi (ie. 360")
> Lesson Flve

graphically the function f : J (0) = 3 sin 0, where 0 € [0, 2 rt], then from
the graph find I
1 The maximum and minimum values of the fu[ction.

2 The range ofthe function. 3 The peiod ofthe function.

Second Cosine tunclion : I :I (e) = cos e

To represent the function J : f (e) = cos e graphically , we form the following table for some
special values of 0 on the interval ,2 ,[] and the conesponding values of cos e


o -t 'oo +ToJT+f" [lill+I+JE l+'[,;]


Represent all o[ the poinrs tha( we ger in rhe lable on the coordjnut. *i, -d.join ,ha,
to get the curve of the function / on the intery al l0, 2 fi]

We notice that :

The function is periodic and its period is 2 fi (i.e. 360.) where the curve ofthis function
repeats itselfon the intervals [0 r2 ,lzTt,4Jtl ,14fi,6Jt],...andalsoonthe
intervals [- 2 ,tr , 0] , [- 4 Jr , 2fi),1-6xr, 4fi],...
The geneml fom of the cu e of tle cosine function is as shown iI1 the following graph :

Erom the previous , we can deduce the proPerties of tie cosine function f :f (g) = cos 6 ; --r
The domain of the cosine function is l- I - -[
2 . The maximum value ofthe function equals I and it happens when 0 = 2 n Jtr

t where neZ
. The minimum value of the function equals - I and it happens when 0 = Jt + 2 ,[ n
>wherc t€Z
3 The range of the fu1s1i6n = [ L l]
4 The function is periodic and its period is 2 ,I (i.e. 360')

Graphthefunction$herey=3cos0,whereg€[0,2rtr] from the graph lind the

, and

maximum and minimum values of the function ' its range and its period'

I t;l 2.6 l.s o T 2X1 3X1 4fi, 5JI 7fi 8rl 9X[ 10 rr 11

tt '[ 2T,
666 6 6 6 6 6 6

J- l.s 2.6 2.6 1.5 0 1.5 2.6 3

. The maximum value of the function = 3 , the minimum value of the function = - 3
. The range of the fun"1i6 = [ 3 , 3]
. The pedod of the tunction = 2 ,I (ie. 360")
Lesson F ve
graphically the function J : f (O) = 2 cos O, where O e [0, 2 fi]
, then from the graph find :

1 The maximum and minimum values of the function.

I Tle range of the funcrion. 3 The period ofthe function.

* Each of the two tunctions : y = a sin b e, y = a cos b e is periodic r its penod is and
its range is
[- a , a] where a is positive. ffi
Pot exa nple, t Thefunctionf: f (X)=3 sin 5 Xits [-3 ,3]
range and is period
x If range ofthe tunction f :I (X) = asin 5 r( is [ 3 ,3] , thena=r3

Use a graph program on your computer to graph the functiotr where y 5 si1 3 g ,
and from the graph r find :
r The range of the function.
. The maximum and minimum values of the function.
. The pedod of the function.

We will use Ge OGebra Program that we can download for free from the website
1 Write in the "input" bar the form of the function ,,y = 5 sin (3 X),'
2 Press "enter" and the graph will appear as follows :

. The range of the function = [- 5 ,5]

. The maximum value = 5 r the minimum value = 5
. The period of thefunction=ffi=2-E l=.L. rzo.

Note 11 ;5 p6s5i61" to graph the function y = 5 sin 3 O (in the previous example) wherc :

0's e < 120'without using the computer as follows :

Substituting in 3 O with some values of special angles :

0. ,30' ,60' ,90" ,120" , ... ,360'

We get the values of O by dividing by 3 , which are :

0. , 10" , 20' ,30" , 40" , ... , 120'

whrch rs equrvalent to , u . ^ Jr. 2n ' IlT l2n
tS t8 Ig '...' 18
Then we form the following table :

1l )n 3lY 4]f 5 lT. 6xI '7 ll 911 10 JI tln 12 tr

0 0 I8 18 18
18 l8 I8 18 18 18 18 18 1E

y=5sin30 0 2.5 ,1.3 5 4.3 2.5 0 2.5 - 4.3 -5 4.3 - 2.5 0

The gmph represents one period of the function where y = 5 sin 3 o which could be repeated
to get the graph that appears when we represent it by using computer.

< )/.

Finding the
measure of an
angle given the
value of one of ,,u
its trigonometric

* We have studied that if

y = sin e , then it is possible to find the value
of y if the value of 0 is known
i.e. L tf e=30.,Lben y = sin 30" = 1
* to"r" O - tu"r." ,o.- *t a U.o'*" ,rue of O if the value of y is known
which is "
r Q = sin-l y
iFt rr, = 1, then o = sin-, (1) = r.
Find the measure ofthe positive acute angle 0 which satisfies each of the following :

'l sin0=0.6438 2 cose=0.4517

Using the keys of the calculator in the following succession from the left :

, then the number 40' i = o"
:2.75' witl appear on the display. ... e ,i ::'
Using the keys of the calculator in the following succession from the left :

, then the number 63" d 49.i will appear on the display. .'. e = o:" a' sri

Nottce thai
We use the calculatu for the value of the tdgonometric function is neither for a special
angle nor a relative angle for a special angle.


of each function so.

Yot example t

,cosr (j) = oo" IEI (onin
,ru" e to ' nl)

So as calculating 0 where
0=sin I a,0 = cos-l a or 0 = tan-I a we use the calculator directly and the solution is a
unique value but as calculating 0 where 0 < 0 < 360"
, sin 0 = a , cos 0 = a or tan 0 = a we do the steps as the following example.

If 0' < 0 < 360' I lind 0 which satisfies each of the following :

1 cos 0 = 0.8177 2 cot0=-8.6121

I . cos0=0.8177>0(positive)
.'. O lies in the lst or 4th quadrant.
we find the acute angle whose cosine is 0.8177 by wdting cos 0.8177 using the keys of
the calculator in the following succession from the left :

.'. corr o.stlz = 15" 8 ai
.'. The lst quadrant : 0 = :S" d +i, ttre +ft quadrant : 0 = 360" - (35" d +il = :Z+" Si r0
> Lesson Six

2 '. coto= 8.6421 <0 (negative)

. . 0 lies in the 2nd or 4th quadrant.

we find the acute angle whose cotan is | -8.6421 | by writing cofl 8.@21 using the keys

of the calculator in the following succession ftom the left :

... i .ort g.6lzt =6 3i
.. The2ndquadrant : 0= l8o' (6" 36 )l = 173' 2j 5i
, the 4th quadrant : 0 = 360' - (6' 3B i) = 353' 2j 58'

Find0rvhere0"<0<360" which satisfies :
'l sin0=0.8 2 cot e = 0.4695 3 csc - 2.9 |5

If the terminal side of the positive directed angle of measure 0 in its standard position

intersects the unit circte at ttre foint f (- f, f) rfindgrvhere0'<0<360"

.' Tlre rcnt n (-f ,

{) tes in ttre z'd ouaarant. rf, r\B--
.'. The directed angle of measure O lies in the 2od quadrant. i ',\ e x
...sino=y=t ..0=sint1)
and use lhe keys of the calculator in the following succession ftom Ieft to right

stnrf=s:'i 48
0 = 180' (53' 748)= 126 52 t2

A ladder of length 8 m. rests on a vertical wall and a horizontal ground. ffthe height of
the ladder on the ground surface equals 6 m. , find in radian the measurc of the angle
ofinclination ofthe ladder on the ground.

\ t r/ \g/Lril., \ (C;-olroU-u,r t-to,Off @


The ladder makes with the vertical wall and the hodzontal grcund

a right-angled triangle ,letAABC bedght at Z C : m (l CBA) = 0

...'rn4=ffi= * = f rwhere0"<0<e0.

... e=.ioti
and use the keys of the calculator in the following succession from left to ll

riFhr ro find sin-'

f '
.. e*d = +s' :i z5
. . The measure of the inclination angle of the ladder on the ground 0.848rad

' Note
In the previous example :

g tin
= '? , we can get O in radian directly using the calculator as follows :

- Press r in succession , from left to ight to conveft the calculator from degee (Deg)

system into radian (Rad) system.

- Find 0 in radian directly by pressing in succession ftom left to dghr

U@EE@ .. 0"d = 0.848

Find 0 in radian iu each of the following right-angled triangles :


ff tn g =
# where 90' < O < 180" find O to the nearqrt second, then lind the other
trigonometric functions of the angle ofmeasurc 0

> Lesson Six

'. sine=fi ..0=sinrfi =zs".izi

, '. 90" < e < 180" .. e fes in the 2nd quadrart.

.. 0= 180' zs',izi=rsrsi:i
....ino=# .. let MN = 8 unit length , ON = 17 unit length.
, then (using Pythagoras theorem) OM = 15 unit length with a negative sign.

^ OM
.'.cosu=oN= 15
!IanU=MN 8 R
17 oM - 15 l-5

^oNt7 ^ oN 11 oM_ 15
t5 -t!
-17 .col
Irsine=t' ; <360270' <O

I Find : 0 to the neatest second. 2 Find the value ofeach of: cosO rtan0:sec0

If s11 s=
f rvhere 90' < cl < 180', tan p=
f where p e)!, z nt
, sin 0 = sin (180'- a) cos (p - 180') cos o
, frnd e to the nearest minute where 0' < 0 < 90o

'. (ON)2 = (5)'z- (3)2 = 16

.. ON = 4 unit lengrh with a negarive sign.

,. (oQ)2 = (12)2 + (5)2 = 169 . . oQ = 13 unit length.

.'. sin 0 = sin (180' g) cos (P 180') cos o

= sin q cos (180" + p) cos o(

= (sin (t) (- cos p) (cos u)

5 I-]
,.0'<0<90" .'. 0 lies in the lstquadrant.

Using the calculator , we find that : e = 10' 3d


lf 5 sin (180' - o) = 3 where 0' < o < 90', 5 cot (90' + p) - 12 = 0 rvhere 90' < P < 180"

Find the value of 0 where : cos 0 = cos (90" + o) tan (270' + p) tan (270" - o)
, where 0 €]0 ,2 n[

'. 5 sin (180' d)=3 ..5sin(r=3

.. s= where a lies in the l't quadrant
'. 5 cot (90" + P) = 12 .'.5( tanP)= 12
." tan p = where p lies in the 2nd quadrant.
cos 0 = cos (90' + q) tan (270" + F) tan (270" - o) t2

=( sin d) x (- cot p) x cot 0

=+5 t--=
/ +=
r'. cos0<0
.'. 0 €the 2nd quadrant or 0 ethe 3d quadrant
whose cosine = :
' . acute ansle
is 70" 32

..0=lso'-70"3i =109"2d or 0= 180'+ 70' 3i =250'3)

Second Geometry


z4 The triangle proportionality theorems.
Unit Three

,,**j r.,;i,*Jff.* ,iF;{-
Unit Lessons

Similarity of polygons.

E2 Similarity of triangles.

!3 The relation between the areas of two similar polygons.

E4 Applications of similarity in the circle.

Learning outcomes
By the end ofthis unit, the student should be able to :
. Revise what he / she has previously . Recognize and prove the theorem : (lfan
sludied in the preparatory stage on angle ofone triangle is congruent to an
similarity. angle of another tria ngle and lengths of
. [Jse the scale factor of similarity to find the sides including those angles are in
lengths ofsides of similar polygons. proportion, then the triangles are similar).
. Recognize sirnilarity postulate "lf two . Use similarity oftriangles in indirect
angles of one triangle are congruent to measurements.
theirtwo corresponding angles of another . Recognize and prove the theorem :
triangle, then the two triangles are simila/.. (The ratio ofthe areas ofthe surfaces of
. Know that : lf a line is drawn para{lel to two similar triangles equals the square
ofthe ratio ofthe lengths of any two
one side of a triangJe and intersects the
corresponding sides oflhe tlvo triangles).
other two sides or the lines containing
. Recognize and prove the theorem :
them, then ihe resulting triangle is simitar
(The ratio ofthe areas ofthe surfaces of
to the original triangle.
two similar polygons equals the square
. Know that: ln any right-angled triangle,
ofthe ralio ofthe lengths of any two
the altitude to the hypoienuse separates corresponding sides oflhe two polygons).
the triangle into irr'o triangles which are . Recognize and deduce the relaiion between
similar to each other and to the original
two intersecting chords in a circle.
. Recognize and deduce lhe relation between
. Solve problems and mathematics
i,,r'o secants to a circle from a point outside it.
applications on cases of similarity of two . Recognize the relation between the length
ofa tangent to a circle and lhe iwo parts of a
. Recognize and prove the theorem : secantwhere the tangentand the secant are
(lf the side lengths of two triangles are drawn from the same point outside the circle.
in proportion, then the two triangles are . Model and solve life applications problems
similar). by using similarity of polygons in a circle.

Similarity of
polygons iru T
Two polygons M, and M, (of same number of sides) are said to be similar if the following
two conditions satisfied together :

! lTheir corresponding angles are congruent.

i!]The lengths of their corresponding sides are proportional.
In this case , we shall write :

The polygon Ml - the polygon M2

That means the polygon Ml is similar to the polygon M,

ln tke opposiie iigure , iS :

1 nQA)=rn(LX)
tm(LB) = m (L\)
Then the polygon ABCD - the polygon XYZL

'Pemork If
On wdting the similar polygons it is prefer to wdte them according to the order of their
corresponding vertices to make it easy to deduce the equal angles in measure and write the
proponion ol corresponding side lenglh!.
> Lesson one

F.ot exauple :,

If the polygon ABCD - the polygon XYZL r then :

'l m(zt)=m(zx) ' m(zB)=m(zY)
,'m(L C) =m(LZ), m (LD) = m(LL)


i nemorr El
ff the polygon ABCD
- the polygon XYZL , then :

#= =;B =#= K (similaritv ratio or scale factor of similariry)

If the scale factor of similadty of polygon ABCD to polygon XyZL = K
.'. scale
t' The faclor o[ similariry of Dolvgon XYZL lo Dolvson ABCD = -L
, Remorr tr
Let K be the similarity ratio of polygotr Ml ao polygon M2
I . If K > 1 : then polygon M, is an enlargemenr of polygon M2 r where K is called the
enlargement mtio.
. If 0 < K < I : then polygon M, is a shrinking to polygon M2, where K is called rhe
shrinking ratio.
. IfK = I , then polygon Ml is congruent to polygon M,
In geneml , you can use the similadty ratio in calculation of the dimensions of similar

i Remort O
In order that two polygons are similar , the two conditions should be verified together and
] vedfying one of them only is not enough to be similar.
For elanrple r
. All rcctangles are not similar because although their corresponding angles are equal in
measure (each = 90o) but the lengths of their coresponding sides may be not proportional .
. Also all rhombuses are not similar because although rhe lengths of their corresponding sides
are proportional , but their coresponding angles may be different in measure.

\o l/ \e/Jil: \ (C; - ol.J rU-g.r f-f*arJl @

The congruent polygons are similar but it's not necessary that similar polygons are congruent'

t- If each of two polygons is similar to a third polygon , then they are similar.

i.e. l- ff potygon M, - polygon M3 , polygon r42 - polygon M, , then polygon Ml - polygon M2

Remork O
All regular polygons of the same number of sides are similar.

Fot exawple :. A11 equilateml triangles are similar. ' All squares are similar'

Show which ofthe following pairs ofpolygons are similar , showing the reason and if
they are similar , determine the similarity ratio :

'l t 6cn. x

2 OL

The two polygons ABCD , YZLX are similar :
Because : m (.a B) = m(LZ) C) = m(LL) ,rn(LD) =m(LX)
... m (1A) = m (zy),#=H=;P=*,',+= *= z =
.'. The similarity ratio =
> Lesson One

2 The two polygons LMNO , EFGH are not similar :

Although : m (Z L) = m (L E), m (L M) = m (Z F), m (Z N) = m (Z G)

,m (L O) =n (LH) (Coffesponding ang]es are congruent)

But:#+H necaus",f *J

In the opposite figure :

If the two polygons ABCD and XYZL are similar rfind :

1 The scale factor of similarity of polygon ABCD to

polygon XYZL

2 The lengths of the unknown sides and measures of x?

the unknown angles in each of the two polygons.

'. The polygon ABCD

- the polygon XYZL

* = H = B = H = the scale factor of similaritv.

..- AB 2.1 CD 't .'. *rne scale racror ot srmrtarrty = )t =
.l t.+ = l3=Lx
i7 i (First req.)

... 49 = lZ2.! = 4.5 , CD =.!-.ql2.1 - -

r'+ "m. |A-=ZlCm'
,- 1.4\3 ^

.' the polygon ABCD - the polygon XyZL

.'. m(L A)=m(LX) ,m (Z B) = m (Z y) ,n(LC)=n(LZ)
.'. m (L X) ='70o' m (Z B) = 650, m (L Z) = l35o

' . the sum of measures of the interior angles of a quadrilateml = 360"

:. m (LD) =n\(LL)=360' (70' +65' + 135)=90" (Second req.)

In the previous example rwe notice that :

'. The polygon ABCD - the polygon XYZL

X ='#=* =#= the scale factor of similarity

= H++H# (ftom proportion properties)

Perimeter of the polygon ABCD tz;l

'' Perimeter of the polygon XYZL = = j= me scae tactor of similarity

The ratio between the perimeters of two similar polygons = the ratio between
the lengths of two corresponding sides of them.

Two simitar polygons r the lengths of sides of one of them are 3 cm. I 5 cm' I 6 cm' I
8 cm. , l0 cm, and the perimeter of the other equals 48 cm. Find the lengths of the sides of
the second polygon.

Let the polygon A Ii i Di - the polygon ABCDE

rr,"f:1. =
The perimeter of the polygon ABCDE

ttre perimeter of the polygon,iB'idE _48_3

the perimeter of the polygon ABCDE 3+5+6+8+10 - 32- 2
. Arl=rii=iri=dE=iA-:

''. Ad=di=iti=di=i,i=1
3 5 6 8 l0 2
.'. Ae' = a.: cm., n'i = z.s cm., id =s c-., di = tz cm., iA = 15 cm. (The req.)
> Lesson One

In the opposite :

The polygon ABCD

- the polygon XYZL
1 Calculate : m r./ X, . rhe leng$ ol*L
Q Ifthe perimeter of the polygon ABCD
equals 25.8 cm. calculate the perimeter
of the polygon XYZL

ABC is a triangle in which : AB = 4 cm, IBC=5cm.rAC=8cm.

Find the side lengtls of anotler similar triangle if :

{ The scale factor of similadty = 2.4

2 The scale factor of similarity = 0.7

1 , The scale factor of similarity = 2.4 > 1

. . The requircd rriangle is an enlargement for A ABC

*e scale factor of similarity'
' # = # = aoa =
.xy YZ 7.X ^,
4 5 R -'
,, Xy = 4 >< 2.4=9.6 cm. tYZ= 5 x2.4 = 12 cm. ,
ZX=8x2.4=19.2cm. (The req.)

2 '. The scale factor of similarity = 0.7 < I

. . The required triangle is a shrinking for A ABC

ffi = r"IZ = ffi = tr'e scale factor of similariry.
...xy YZ 7.X ^-
.. XY=4 x 0.7 =2.8 cm.,YZ=5 x 0.7 = 3.5 cm. :ZX = 8 x0.7 = 5.6 cm. (The req.)

2 Z

Similarity of

Gases of similarity of t.iangles


Postulate (A. A. similarity postulate)

If two angles of one tdangle are congruent to their two corresponding angles of another
triangle , then the two triangles are similar.

ln the opposite Sigure r

and we deduce that:
S =E=#
ln The two right-angled triangles arc similar if the measure of an acute angle in one of
them equals the measue of an acute angle in the other.

A The two isosceles triangles are similal if the measue of an angle in one of them
equals the measure of the correspoflding angle in the other.

Any two equilateral triangles are similar.

, Lesson Two

In tle opposite figure :

AE and BC are two inteNecting chords at D in a circle

wherc D is the midpoint of BC

Provethat:'l AADC - A BDE

2 (BD)2 =45 ; Pg

In M ADC and BDE :

'. m (Z A) = m (Z B) "inscribed angles subtended by CE"

m (Z ADC) = m (Z BDE) 'V.O.A' AADC

' ...
- A BDE (Q.E.D.l )
: but DC = BD "given"
.'. (Bo;2 = 45 , P" (Q.E.D.2)

In the oppositu figure :
DEO is a triangle , m (Z O) = m (Z DXY)

r DX = YO = 3 cm. and DY= 5 cm.

Find the length of : --E

If a line is drawn parallel to one side of a triangle and intersects the other two sides or
the lines containing them , then the rcsulting triangle is simitar to the original triangle.

ln each oi the {ollowlng figlrres ;

Ii DE // BC and inrersecrs AB and AC at D and E respectively , then AABC AADE


In the opposite ligure :

og ll ec ,AD = :: , DB = 22 cm.
r DE = (2.1(- 3) cm. and BC = (3 X + 1) cm.
( 2-x- 3).n
1 Provethat:AADE-AABC
2 Find the value of: X

... DE // BC ... AADE-AABC (First req.)

..AB ''. 33 _2X 3 3 _2X 3
BC 55 3X+1 5 3X+1

.'.9X+3=7OX-15 .'. .r( = l8 (Second req.)

In the opposite :

Cr n SD = te) ,SC ttDE , BC = 5 cm. and DE = 2.5 cm

1 Provethat:AABC-AADE (3x+ l)cn. B

2 Find the value of: X

Ifl any dght-angled tdangle , the altitude to the hypotenuse separates the triangle into two
triangles which arc similar to each other and to the original triangle.

ln the opposite tigune :

If A ABC is a right-angled triangle at A and AD- -L Ee
and it is left to the student to prove this corollary by using
the previous postulate and its rcmarks.
> Lesson Two

Remorks on the previous figure:

1 From similarir) ol M DBA and ABC . *" iH=El
.. (AB)2 = DB x Bc i.e. AIi is a mean proportional between DB and BC

lE From similadty of M DAC and ABC , *" g"t

ffi = ffi
.. (AC)2 = DC x BC i.e. AC is a mean proportional between DC and BC

L3 l From similarity of AA DBA and DAC , we ger-DA= DB

..(DA)2=DBxDC i.e. DA is a mean proportional between DB and DC

1! From similarity of M DBA and ABC , we ger.AB = AD

cB cA

The preyious results are considered as a proof of the Euclidean's theory which we have
studied in the preparatory stage.

In the opposite figure :

ABC is a right-angled triangle at B ana eD -L AC

If AD = 4.5 cm. ard DC = 8 cm. ,
Iind the values of : X and y

AABC is dght-angled at e , BD f AC
(BC)2=46rP6 -'- (3 x+ 412 = 12.5 x 8 = 100
AABC is right-angled at n , eD f AC
(DB)2 = P6 ;a P4 .'-(y-3)2=8x4.5=36
y 3=6 i.y=9 (The req.)

\1 r/\o/.'ig \ (C; - ruj ol=rU),6lr€Jl [4

'OLVEfigure :
In the opposite

AABC is right-angled atA r AD -L BC Complete :

- AC ..,,, 4

-,,,,, AB g (DA)2 = .... x..........

" AB-
f (AC)2 = ....... x 8 AD= ;#
Second case
S.S.S. similarity lheorem

If the side lengths of two triangtes are in Eoportion ' thefl the two triangles are similar.

> Given InMABC,DEF,DE4C=#=#

> Const. TakeXeAB,whereAX=DE
Draw XY // BC and intersects

> Proof ... xY // BC ...AABC-AAXY "corollary < 1 >,"

.AB BC CA (1)
_EF_FD "given" (2)

From ( 1) r (2) we deduce that : XY = EF r YA = FD

andAAXY=ADEF "S.S.S- congruency theorem"


, ,.. AABC - AAXY "proved"

> Lesson Two

For writing the two similar triangles in the same order of their corresponding vertices fiom
the proportionality of their side lergths , we follow the following :
Let the vertices of one of the two triangles be A , B and C and the vertices ofthe other
tdangle be D' E ard F and we have the propo.tioo, $DF= $EF= S
We search for the verices of the triangle which are opposite to the sides AC AB
and BC respectively which are B C and A
and we search for the vertices of the triangle which are opposite ro the sides D-F , EF
and D-E respectively which are E D and F , then :

In the opposite ligure :

Prove that .I The two coloured triangles are similar.

2 BD bisects l ABE
3 ' BC16aACt)^
BD=it=5' oe=g=:
(Q.E.D. l)
From similarity : m (Z ABC) = m (Z EBD)

. . BD bisects Z ABE (Q.E.D.2)

ABCD is a quadrilateml ,ECAC-

.wnere_=_rnd CD
Provethat: t COZ gA 2 ADIBE
..' AC_AE AC
AD-BE " ne-Sr r', r
AB CD AC CD (2) /^E,/
AC AD CD 1/\
fIOm{lt !{Ztweset
.'. A DCA
- A BAE we deduce flom the similarity thar
m (Z ACD) = m (Z EAB) and they are altemative angles. cD- // BA (Q.E.D. 1)
, m (Z CAD) = m (Z AEB) and they are altemative angles. ao l sr 1q.e .o. z.;
In the opposite :

XYZL is a quaddlateral r in which :

XY = 30 cm.,YZ = 36 cm. > Z- = 16 cm.

r LX =X cm, alrd XZ = 24 cm.


Third case
S.A.S. similarity theorem
If an angle of one triangle is congruent to an angle of another triangle and lengths of the
sides including those angles arc in propofiion , then the aiangles are similar.


,//\ /1,
\H,/ tl------- \x
> Const. kt X C AB such that AX = DH - \
and dra* XT // BC and intersects AC at Y
> Proof '.. xY ll sc .'. AABC-AAXY "corollary" (1)
AB _ec
''. Ax -AY
,DHDO "given"

,AX = DH "construction"
. 4P _AC
" Ax -Do
.'. AY = DO
... AAXY=A DHO "S.A.S. congruency theorem"
... AAXY-ADHO (2)
From (1) and (2) we get : AABC - A DHO

ABC is a triangle in which : AB = 6 cm. and BC = 9 cm. Let D be the midpoint of AB and
H CBC such that BH = 2 cm.

Provethat: 1 ADBH-ACBA
2 ADHC is a cyclic quadrilateral.
> Lesson Two

In A DBH and A CBA :

'BA 3_ 1
6 3 BC 93 C H2cnB
..BA _ r '.' Z B is common.
... ADBH-ACBA (Q.E.D. l)
From the similarity of the two tdangles , we get that : m (Z DHB) = m (1 A)
.' Z DHB is an exterior angle of the quadrilatErat ADHC
.'. The figure ADHC is a cyclic quadrilateral. (Q.E.D. 2)

ABCD is a quadrilateral in which : m (Z B) = m (Z ACD) = 90"

Prove that: 1 AABH - AACD 2 m (z AHD) = 90'


. CD _CA

''.'m(ZB)=m(ZACD) CHB
... AABH - AACD (Q.E.D. t)
and hence m (Z AHB) = m (Z ADC)
,. Z AHB is an exterior angle of AHCD
.', AHCD is a cyclic quadrilateral.

.'. m (Z AHD) = m (Z ACD) "drawn on AD and on the same side of it"

.'. m (Z AHD) = 90' (Q.E.D.2)

In the opposite ligure :

AE = 4 cm. tEC=2 cm. r BC = 12 cm.

1 Provethat:AADE-AACB
2 Find the length of : DE

The relation
the areas of
two similar
. You know that the ratio between the perimeters of two similar polygons equals the ratio
between the lengths of any two corresponding sides of them.
. In this lesson you will learn the relation between the areas of two similar polygons.

Ihe rotio b€tween the oreos of lhe sulfqces of lwo similol lliqngles

The ratio between the arcas of the surfaces of two similar triangles equals the square of the
ratio between the lengths of any two conesponding sides of the two tiiangles.


The area of A ABC AB \2 49
> R.T.P.
The area ofA DHO
-f\DH' \HO'\'= f\ DO,/)'

> Const. Draw Ai I BC such that :

Ail a Bc - {L} f no-

u.d DM
su"r, tI,at DM I uo = {v}
> Proof
.'. m(zB)=m(zH)-d # ABL
=# =#
DHM '. m(zB)=m(ZH)
In the two dght angled triangles and :

...^ABL-^DHM lH = +k (2)

The area ofA ABC

]ec'el BC
_HO AL (3)
A DHO jno"ou DM

From (1) , (2) and (3) we get :

TheareaofAABc BC
areaof^DHO HO
HO =(ffir=(#)'=(#r (Q,E.D.)
> Lesson Three

' Remqrt O
From the proof of the previous theorem we can deduce tlat :

The ratio between areas of two similar triangles equals the squarc ofthe ratio between two
coresponding heights in them.

Ifthe mtio between the areas of two similar triangles is 9 , the perimeter of the smaller
triangle is 60 cm.
Find : The perimeter of the greater tdangle.

I-et the two similar triangles be A ABC , A XYZ where MBC is the smaller
a(AABC) / AB \2 9 AB I
a(AXYZ) \XY,r 16 Xy-4
The penmerer of AABC AB j
'. Thate".ereror A xyz- = xy =4 ''
The perimeter of A XYZ
. . The pedmeter of A Xy7 = 6Q :-t = 39 qm. (The req.)

ABC is a triangle of area 62.5 cm? Draw XY // BC to intersecr AB at X and AC at y

Find : The area ofthe figure XBCY

a(AA]<Yt /AX\2
''- \ AB /
a(^AxY) ( 2 i2
6).5 \5/
.'. a( AxY) =
+ x 62.5 = 10 cm?

.. The arca of the figule XBCY = a (A ABC) - a (A AXy)

= 62.5 - 1O = 52.5 cm? (The req.)

ABC is a triangle in which: AB =AC , n e fd, nf

EC ana H CaE, HeCB
such that m (Z BAH) = m (Z D) If the aiea of A ACD equals 4 times the area of A ABH
, tlen prove that : DC = 2 AC

In A ABH and A DCA i

and m (Z ABI0 = m (Z DCA) "Supplementaries oftwo equal angles in measure"

..,AABH-ADCA . atAABH) / AB \2
. 1=t4qt,
..4 \DC,' ... 2I _AB
.. DC = 2AB

, .'AB =AC .'.DC=2AC (Q.E,D,)

ABC is a triangle inscribed in a circle such th, ffi =3

Draw 16 to be a tangent to the circle at A to intersect Ed
at D

Find I The area of A ACD : the area of A ABC

In AADC andABDA: . ZDiscommon'm(1CAD)=m(1B)


The area of A ADC
Thc area of^ BDA
= (#r= B 9

The area of A ADC _9

" The area of A ABC + The area of A ADC

25 (The area of A ADC) = 9 (The area of A ABC) + 9 (Ihe area of A ADC)

16 (The area of A ADC) = 9 (The area of A ABC)

The areaof^ADC g (The req.)
The area ofAABC - 16

The ratio 'OIVE
between the perimete$ of two similar triangtes is 4 : 5 If the area of the greater

one is 150 cm? r find the area of the smaller triangle.

I Lesson Three

The ratio of the areas of the surfaces of two similar triangles equals the square of
the ratio of the lengths ofany tlvo corresponding medians of the two triangles.

In the opposite figrre :

If A ABC - A DEF , L is the midpoint of BC .Mrs the midpointof EF ,\

,*",ffi+ff+-(#)' D


r'. BC=2BLrEF=2EM
. AB_ BL
. AB _BC
... AB_2BL
(Because AABC - ADEF)
alAABLr / AB \2 / AL \2
... .. ;i;;r*;=( DE ) =(;;) r)
a (AABCI / AB \2
' a (A DEF) \ DE,' (2)

From rt r,12) : ... 314441= (

At )'z
a (A DED \DM/
IIl the opposite figure :
If A ABC - A DEF , AN bisects Z A and intersects B-C at N
r DZ bisects Z D and inrersecls EF ar 7

, aIAABC} / AN \2
'men *rup", =\ oz /
Proof :

.'. m (Z BAC) = m (Z EDF)

!^rz secl= ! m(zEDD
.'. m (z BAN) = m (/ EDZ)
,'. n(LB)=m(LE\ ." AABN - A DEZ
1(AABN) / AB \2 / AN \2
" DE, =\ DZ, (1)
a {AABC) / AR \:
' A(ADEF) \ DE ,,

\V r/\!/dJll.j \ (C; .r,L.U-U.r ,1-k6l @
The ratio of the areas of two triangles having a common base equals the ratio of the
two heightr of the two triangles.
In the opposite figure :

BC is a common base of M ABC r DBC

". (a(aABC),jec)<ax
DBq -Fc,D|Y -
Notice tiat : It is not necessary that dle two triangles are similar.

' Pemort( tr
The ratio of the areas of two triangles having a common height equals the ratio of
the lengths of two bases of tle two triangles.
In the opposite figure : ,\
AX is a common height for M ABC ADE
." a(aABC) jnc>(ax sa
a (^ADD -FExAx - DE

Notice that : It is not necessarv that the two triansles are similar.

ABC is an inscdbed triangle in a circle whereAC>AB :DCBC rwhercAD=AB:

draw AN a tangent to the circle at A ard cuts CB at N

Prove that : BN : DC = (trN)2 : (CA)2

..' a(AABN -+BNxAx - BN (1)

a (^ CDA) Dc
,...AB =AD .'. m (Z ABD) = m (Z ADB)

.'. m (Z ABN) = m (Z ADC)

.' AN is a tangent.
.'. m (Z BAN) = m (Z C) (drawn on6)
a (AABN) (AN)2
... - A CDA
a {A CDA) (CA)2

.'. From (1) and (2) : ... 95 ; p( = (AN)2 : (CA)2 (Q.E,D.)

) Lesson Three

Ihe lolio belween lhe oreos of lhe sulfoces of two similor polygons
Any two similar polygons can be divided into the same number of hiangles , each is similar
to its coresponding one.

In the opposite figure :

If the two polygons ABCDE and

,ie'iD'i are simita. and from two

corresponding vertices say C

and i we draw CA , CE , C,{-

aad dE , then each polygon will
be divided into dnee triangles
such rhar : AABC -aAdi .alce - aAiE una a eco - a Eid
' Pemorks
. The previous fact is *hut"r". th" *-bo ofriO". of *r" ,*o .i-ll& p"fyg.",
(having always the same number of sides)
. 1f the number of a polygon is n sides r, then the number of the triangles
of sides ofa triansles rhrr
the polygon is divided by drawing the diagonals from one of its vertices (n _ 2) triangles

The ratio between the areas of the surfaces of two similar polygons equals the square of
the ratio between the lengths of any two corresponding sides of the polygons.

> Given The polygon ABCDE - ttre polygon AdiDE

atthe _---_-= ABCDEI / AB \l
> I
ABCDE; \ [f /
a tthe poJygon

> Const. FromA ,d ,

drawAc , AD , AC, AD

> Proof '. The polygon ABCDE - The polygon ABCDE

.'. They are divided into the same number oftriangles each is similar

to its corresponding one "lhct"

a(AABC) / BC \2 a(AACD) / CD \2 (AADEI / DE \2
"'rwio'6r=\r.a / 'r^o'6;=t.5 / '^,oo6;,-\ 5; I

"from similar polygons"
a rA ADE) / AB \2
... "
a (A
a (^
t:p:) -"raArlEr-\
a (A ACD) Ae' /

From proportion properties :

a (A ABC) + a (A ACD) + a (A ADE)
= (11)'
a (A ABC) + a (A ACD) + a (A ADE)

. a (the polygon ABCDE)

- \2 AB (Q,E.D.)
;(,h. p" ys", A'IlidE, Ad /

The ratio between the perimeten oftwo similar polygons is 3 : 2

If the sum of their areas is 195 cm? r then find the area of each.

'. The ratio between the pedmeters is 3 : 2

.'. The ratio between the lengths of two corresponding sides is 3 : 2

. . The ratio between their areas is 9 : 4

Let the area of the lirst polygon be 9 x and the area of the second polygon be 4 X

.'. 9 x+ 4 x= 195 ... 13x=195

... y= 15

.. The area of the first polygon = 15 x9= l35cm?

(Thc req.)
, the area of the second polygon = 15 x 4 = 60 cm?

Prove that :

If we constuct on the sides of a dght-angled triangle , tkee similar polygons such that the tbree

sides of the triangle correspond to each other r then the area of the polygon constucted on the

hypotenuse equals the sum of the arcas of the two other polygons.
> Lesson Three

'. The polygonL- the polygon M

The area ofl- / AB \2 (AB)2
'' The arca of M -\ BC,, - (BC)2

r'. the polygon N - the polygon M

The area ofN / AC \2 (AC)2
-'Thg,aroaofM =\ = BC / (BaF

Adding(r)and(2) ####. #ffi## = #. #

The area of L + the area of N rABt2 + rAC12 {BC12
The area of M (Bcr (BCr
.'. The area of L + the area of N = the area of M (Q.E.D.)

ABCD ,AB'id are two similar polygons , their diagonals intersect at M , N respectively.

prove thrt . a (the polygon ABCD) _ (BM)'?

a lrtre potygon idid; giNy,

'. The two polygons are similar

.. AABC - AAIii and we deduce rhar I m(L l) = n (L2)

, AABD - AdB'd and rve deduce rhat m (L 3) =tn (L 4)

. BM_ AB

. a rlhe polygon ABCD)
,,-------. (AB.)2 (BM)'z
a trhe polygon AB'Cti) tAe-l ttito)

a (the polygonABCD) _ (XD)'?
a itrre potygon,{tiiDy 1vdy,

of similarity in
the circle

tl In the opposite ligure :

AB , CD are two intersecting chords at H

We notice that : A HAC - A HDB
because : m (ZAHC)
=m(Z DHB) (v.o.A)
,m(L A\=m(LD)(two inscribed angles subtended by the same arcCD)
Fronr sirnilaritv . }re deduce that :


@ In the opposite figure :

ABCD is a cyclic quaaritatera , AE O CD = {H}
We notice that : A HAC - A HDB

because : m (z HAC) = m (Z HDB) (properties ofcyclic quadrilateml)

From similtity , we deduce that :

> Lesson Four


the two lines containing the
two chords AB , CD of a circle
inteNect at the point E
Fis. (r)

AB and CD are two intersecting chords at H in a If AH = 3 cm.

circle. : HB = I 66.,
CD 5.5 cm. . calculate the length of eachof :CH,HD-

... HD = (5.5 - r0 cm.
'. AB , CD are two intersecting chords at H
HAxHB=HCxHD .'.3x2=x(5.5-X)
6=5.5X X2 ..2 xz tt x + 12=O
(2x-3)(x-4)=o ... x=) o, x=t
.. CH=4cm. HD = 1.5 cm. (The req.)

'OIVEfrgure :
In the opposite
CH = (x+ l) cm., HD = (x- l) cm.
Find the value of : X

In the opposite ligure :

aEncD=1n1 : HB=2cm.
Find the tength of : EC

. I .'. HD=k , HC=2k wherek*0
HC_ 2

, ... ,qE n cts = {n} ..HDxHC=HBxHA

...kx2k=2x9=18 ...2k2=18
:. k2 =9 .'. k=3 or -3 (refused)

.'.HC=2x3=6cm. (The req.)

In the opposite figure :

Yf nZ={u},Mx=4cm.
rML = 5 cm. ,LZ--1 cm.
Find the length of : tY

' Remork
In the opposite figure :

[B is a tangent to the circle at B

We notice that: AABC - A ADB

This is b€cause : m (Z ABC) = m (Z D)
(tangency and inscribed angles subtended by6C-)

From similarity we deduce that :
AB_AC AB is a mean proportion
i -.- ra.Br2 =AC , AD ]

@t EA is a tangent
If E is a point outside the circle ,

to the circle at A r EC intersects it at D :C r then

M is a point outside the circle , lvrc is a tangent to the circle at C. Mf is a secant intersects

it at A and B r where MA > MB If MC = l0 cm. rAB = 15 cm.

Fird the length of : MB

Irt MB = xcm. ... MA = (X + 15) cm.

,. MC is a tangent to the circle , MA is a secant to it

;. (MC)2 = MB x MA

(10)2=111*15; ...)(2+15X 100=0

(r( 5)(x+20)=0
MB=5cm. (The req.)

In the opposite :

ID is a secant to the circle at C r D

,IE is a tangent to the circle at B
l'ind the lenglh of : CD

If the two lines containing the two segments AB and CD intersect at the point E
(A,B C , D and E are distinct poinis) and EA x EB = EC x ED ,
thenthe points A,B,C andD lie on a circle.

In the opposite ligures

r then the pointsA r B : C and D
lie on the same circle.

\^ i/\o/uru \ (a; oL! olJtJ) Fl=@Jl @


ABC is a triangle in which: AC =9 cm. 12 cm.LetDe AC r where AD = 5 cm.

'BC =
Let E CBC ,whereS= 3 Prove that: The figure ABED is a cyclic quadrilateral.

'. CD=AC AD=9-5=4cm. .'.CDxCA=4x9=36

,...8E=3CE .. BC=4CE
,/ ,,4
+ f
.. cE= BC= x 12=3cm. .'. CExCB=3 x 12=36 (- Lr:". B

The iigure ABED is a cyclic quadrilateral. (Q.E.D.)

In which of the following figures r do the points A r B r C and D lie on the same circle ?

I 'rvf

..24\1 ,li .z

Fig. (1) Fis. (2) Fis. (3) Fis. (4)

If (EA)Z = EB X EC

r then EA is a tangent segment to the

circle which passes througth the points

> Lesson Four

Two htersecting circles atAandB ,letCG Bf and Cfi AB . let CD be a tangent to one of the
two circles at D ard C6 intersects the other circle at H and O such that CO > CH

Prove that : CD is a tangent to the circle passing through D , H and O

'. CB and CO intersect one of the two circles

..CAxCB=CHxCO (1)

' . CD is a tangent to the other circle and CB intersects it-

. . (CD)2 = CA x CB (2)

From (l) and (2) , we get : (CD)2 = CH x CO

. . CD is a tangent to the circle passing through D , H and O (Q.E,D,)

'OIVEligure I
In the opposite
ABC is a dght-argled triangle at B

:AB =4cm. rBC = 3 cm.,CD = 1.8 cm.

BC is a tangent to the circle passing through the points A , B and D

Unit Four
The triangle
proportiona! ity theorems

7= -_::_=.
Unit Lessons

Parallel lines and proportional parts.


E2 Talis'theorem,

33 Angle bisector and proportional parts.

Follow : Angle bisector and proportional parts

E4 (Converse of theorem 3).

5 Applications of proportionality in the circle.

Learning outcomes
By the end ofthis unit, the student should be able to :

. Recognize and prove the theorem "lf , Find the length of each ofthe interior
a line is drawn parallelto one side of and the exterior bisectors of an angle of
a triangle and intersects the other two a triangle.
sides , then it divides them into segments . Recognize the fact "The bisectors of
whose lengths are propodional" and its
angles of a triangle are concurrent".
@rollary and its converse.
. Find the power of a point with respect
. Recognize and prove TALIS' general
to a circle.
theorcm and its special cases.
. Deduce the measures of angles
. Solve problems and mathematical
resulting from the intersection ofthe
applications on Talis' general theorem
chords and the tangents in a circle.
and Talis' special theorem.
. Recognize and prove the theorem "The
bisector ofthe interior or exterior angle
of a triangle at any vertex divides the
opposite base ..." and its mnverse.

Beforc we study unit 4 (the triangle proportionality theorems)

It is useful and necessary to review the concepts of proportion and some of its properties
which will be used in our study in this unit.
.a,b,c,d,e,f ,... are proponionat if
+=+= j
. a, b . c . d, ... are in continued proporlion if = ...
+ = ! = +
and in this case b is called the middle proportion for a and c r where b2 = a c
Also , c is called the middle proportion for b and d where c2 = b d
.ltf =f where a rc are called the artecedents and b ,d are called the consequents , then:

l axd=bxc
2 ! = a (rle reclprocal of ratios are equal)
o a_bI The antecedenl o[ I"'ratio The consequent of l'' mtio 1
- The conseq;Giril ral'o /
4 uIo =. jo (*'*1ll'-l-:113"'' ot r,,.utio = -Ed,!!t.*,.,!Yo"n of 2d ratio)
atb - ctd (ant€re&llj-jglsequent of l"t rado = aftec€del!1jg!"q* of2d ratio)

then :
, / sum of anlecedents - \
o+d+l+... = ofle ol the ratros I\ sumol consequenl = one ol the mtios I
* * ng .rn. nf rhe ratios
!t9 '9
kb+md+nt =
where k, m, n are non zero real numbers


lines and

If a line is drawn parallel to one side of a triangle and intersects the other two sides , then it
divides them into segments whose lenglhs are proportional.

> Given ABC is a triangle ,DE /l BC

r R,T.P. AD_AE
Proof ..5Er nc
.. AABC" AADE "sjmilarity postulate'
AD AE (1)

,...DGAB ,E€AC-
..AB=AD+DB,AC=AE+EC (.2)

rrururr,-rzrwcgel: AD = Ah
-.r."" . 4D
- DE-4E- EC
. DB_ EC
From the properties ofthe proportion , we get :
AD AE (Q.E.D.)

From the preYious figure ;

AD=AE "Theorem"
. AD+DB - AE lEq
..DB_EC ( review the proportion prcperties )

..DB _

In each of the following figures : DE // BC Find the value of X

{t 21cr.

- -

1 '.' oE ll sc . AD_AE
54 .. X= 1.6
.48_AC 27
og ll ec .'DB _
EC " ir- 10
X2 =9 .'. X=t3
5 oe ll ec AE_AD
". Fa-DB "
12 l(+5
.'.X2+5X=36 .'.X2+5X-36=0
..(x+9)(x-4)--0 .. ,C= 9 (refused) orX=4

In each of'OIVE
the following Iigures :

Og ll SC , fina th" numerical value ofx

-."i r.
-'r'7 \,"'
> Lesson One

ff sfaight line is drawn outside rhe triangle ABC parallel to one side ofits sides , say BC
l-l^."-^ri-^ ABD and
intersecting ^-n AC at-] D --, EE respectively r as shown in the hgures , .'--
n and then
^ ^/- # = €;
From the properties of the proportion

, we can deduce that :


In the opposite figure :

to ttEs rrFC, ac n on = 1c1

,GC=6cm.,AG= 16 cm.

Find the length ofeach of: GF and GB

.. eozrc AG_DG

". 16_ 10
6 -cF ^- = 6^r0
ur ^--
l- = J. /) cm.
, .. eE // AD- CB_GE

". GB_ 3
16 - 10
..GB= 3x16
10 = 4.8 cm. (The req.)

'OLVEligure :
In the opposite
rAE = 3 qm.
rAB = 6 cm.
and AD = 2 cm.

Find the length of AC

\1 r/ \o/!rilj \ (Cl - orir -u-rr,.r f-kOJl F45l


IIf da sudtsll line xlur

straight nxE inte$ects two sides of a triangle
ararE aru urcrr [u
divides them
and urvruEs into sE$xE!6
segments whose

lengths are Foportional , then it is parallel to the thfud side of the tdangle.

In the opposite ligure :

ABC is a triangle DE intersects AB at D

,Id"te -affi=ffi,,n*$p=4ftl
l h6^.i 1.6
anEcedenr +
con\mueni antecedent + conseouent \
\ antecedent antecedent
..AD_ r '. 2 A is common.
.'. Z B = Z ADE and they are coresponding arEles.

... DE // BC

If a straight line (say DE) is drawn ourside the triangle ABC , intersecting Ii and Id at

D and E respectively

andif#=# ,rhenEE//Bc
In the opposite ligures :

,,DB=EC , then DE // BC

Ir the opposite {igure :

If DEilBF , eo= f onrAE=4.5cm., FC=14cm.

Prove that : DF // BC


'. AD=
."r ,
> Lesson One

, ... or il eF . AD_AT
..DB_EF 3_ 4.5
...EF=4'45=6"- .'.AF=4.5+6=10.5cm AF _ 10.5 _3
l FC 1.4
... AF _DB
_4D ... or ll ec (Q.E.D.)

'OI.VEfrgure :
In the opposite
OCnee={e} rAD = 2 cm. >AE = 3 cm.
Determine whether DE // BC and why ?

In the opposite figure :

ABCD is a quadrilateral , Y CBD , iX i. drurn

such that YX- // DA- intersecting AB at X
r YZ is drawn such thatYZ llDC tntersectingBC atZ
Proye that : XZ l/ AC

In AABD :. XY // AD ". BX_ BY

BA-BD (1)

InABCD: . VZttA . BZ _BY

..BC_BD (2)

Fromrt).(2) , . DZ=sz
.'. h\ L ABC I XZ // AC (Q.E.D.)

'OLVEfigure :
In the opposite
ABCD is a quaddlateral , its diagonals AC and BD are drawn
. X CAB such that,AX = J cm. . XB = 4.2 cm., Y€AD
such that AY = 2.5 cm. r YD = 3.5 cm.

, aru*fi, tt BC to irrtersect AC at Z
Prore (har : 1 XY , BD- 2 YZ ll CD

Talis'theorem \


@A tansve$als , then the lengths of the

I Gir"n ."n"rrl aopl*ar Darallel lines and two

corresponding segments on the transve6als are Proporlional.


I .,
Lx L2
Lr L3

L4 L1

In the aboYe two ligures :

lf Lr ll Lrll Lr ll Lo ard M r Iv[' are two transversals

In the following the proof of the theorem
> Given L, llLr ll La llLoard M , M are two transversals to them

> R.T.P. .le: BC: co =AB' ' di: iD

> Const. OrawIF// M and intersects L2 at E,
L. at r , BY tl li ana intenects L3 at X L4 at Y

) Proof .. rTlEE,,c.E//A-E L2
.'. arB'i is a parallelogram , then AE =.An' L4

Similarly : EF= B'i, Bx = B'i,xY= iD

> Lesson Two


...eE//cF #=#
(exchange the means) (l)

SimilarlvA !! = Bl,I!= q?
sov : .'. (,U
(exchange the means) (2)

From (1) , (2) we get :

AB B'i id
.'. AB I BC: CD =AB : BC : CD (Q.E.D.)

In the previous figure , notice that :


For example :
In the opposite figure :

such that AB = 24 cm- , BC = l6 cm.
r FX=20cm., XY = 35 cm.
,16614E=EQ=eQ 2L_ 15 _cD
EF FX XY EF- 20 - 35

: then EF =
20x24 cm. , CD =
= 3o = zs

In the opposite figure :

L, //Lr/t Lr Loand
M , l\,i are two transversals

Use the lengths shown to

calculate the length of each of XY and CD

"ttor. AB_CD_AC
'. L11/L2llL3llL4a,]d, M , M are two transveNals. ". xY 7I1 XZ
. 1.4 _CD _14+2.1
"xY _35 xy=.1113 = r .2 cm. (First req.)
2.4 3 3

,CD= 24I35
l = z.s cm. (Second req.)


In the opposite figure :

Find the numerical value of each of X and v

0engths are measured in centimeuEs)

'-' AE ll BF ll CZ ll DN and AB
ffi are two transvenals
. AB-BC-CD X 2y-5 3 4x=3X+9
"EF U Z{ X+3 y 4
8y-fr=3y 5Y=zo
.'. Y=4 (The rcq.)

In the opposite :

ABC is a triangle ,
AD = 9 cm.,XB = 3 cm. :BY= 2cm.,EY= 4 cm.

CE and DX

naro special ca9e9

If the two Iines M and M iot"r"."t ut
tie point A ard BB // CC
. AB AB.
and converselv if 49 =
4l , tr,"n E-d z td
Talis' special theorem :

If the lengths of the segments on the tmnsve$a1 are equal : then the lengths
of the segments on any other t'ansveNal will be also equat.
In the opposite ligure i Lr
tf Ll llL2llljllL4, L2

M and M are two tansve$als io them t3

and ifAB =BC =CD,uenAd =di =iD
t Lesson Two

In the opposite ligure :

eO- I Eg ll fC ana aC , DF * t*o

fansveGals inte$ecting at G
Use the shown lengths io calculat€

the length of each of GF , GA-

'. AD // BE // FC and AC , 5F are two transv"rsa.ls intercecting at G

"GC . GF_ 3 _ t0
.. Ur
6t3 --
^- =-= /.) Cm. (First req.) ,6a=2.4'10=3"-. (Second req.)

In the opposite figure :

AOttPrEttCF ,OB=EF=FM r find the value of each of Xand v

(lengths are measured in centimetres)
(rr-, C
(x.+) ts

'.'ADllBEllCF r DE=EF = FM .'.AB=BC=CM x2-2= x+ 4

... x2 - x-6 =o .'. (x+2) (x-3) =o X=-2orX=3
:.atX= 2t .'.BC=2cm. 'atX=3. BC=7cm.
r...BC=CM .'.atBC=2cm.: 2y -2=2 -.y=2
, at BC = 7 cm. : -.- Zy -2='1 :-Y=45 (Thc req.)

In the opposite :
Find : The length of YK

Lesson I


The bisector of the inierior or exterior angle of a triangle at any vertex divides the opposite
base of the triangle intemally or extemally into two parts r the ratio of their lengths is equal
to the ratio of the lengths of the other two sides of the triangle.

Figue (l) Figure (2)

> Given ABC is a triangle , AD bisects Z BAC intemally in figure r l)

and extemally in figure (2)

> R,T.P. BD_AB

> Const. Draw CE // AD and intersects BA at E
) Proof '.' ID bisects z BAC
, ... cp r e.o
.'.Z I = Z 4 (altemate angles) , L3=L 2 (coftesponding angles)
-. / 1:/ ) .'. AE = AC (l)
, .. CF, // AD . Eq_AB
..DC_AE (2)

I Prom (t) , (z) : .. BD_AB (Q.E.D.)

t Lesson Three

ABC is triangle in rvhich AB = 4 cm. r BC = 5 cm. r CA = 6 cm., draw

a ID to bisect the
angle A and inlersecls BC at D
Find the length ofeach of: BD , DC
'. AD bisects Z A . BD_BA
. BD_ 4 _ 2
"Da . BD _2
6 3 BD 3
.. 3 8D= 10 2BD ...5BD=10
.. BD=2cm. r DC=5-2=3 cm. (The req.)

ABC is at angle in which AB =6 cm. ,BC =5 cm. ,CA=9 cm. , draw AEtobisectthe
exterior ansle Z A and intersects BC at E

Find the length of each of : BE , EC

,IE bisects the exterior angle atA
'. AB < AC
... EF.E,EdBC , t,CE=!1 BE_6_Z
, AL EC- 9 - 3
BE -?
.. t+BF .'. JBE=lo+2BL (5cm| F-
.. BE = 10 cm. rEC= 10+5=15cm. (The req.)

ABC is a triangle , X is the midpoint of BC , i6 tisects z aXB and intersects AB at D ,

tE bisects Z AxC and intercects AC at E. Prove that : DE // BC

InAAXB: . X6bisects ZAXB

..DB_XB (l)
, in A AXC : '.' XE bisects Z AXC ... AE_ AX
From (1) , (2) and noticing that : XB = XC
. AD- AE
..DB - .'. ln A ABC : DE // BC (Q.E.D.)

y - i/ \ s/lriu \ (c; - oLiJ oU-l,r t-f;arJl []!Q]


In the opposite Iigure :

ABC is a triangle , AD bisects Z A and inteNects B-C at D , where

BD = 12 cm. r DC = 18 cm. r if the perimeter of AABC = E0 cm.

Find the length of each of : AC- , AB-

In A ABC : '. AD bisects Z A AB -BD _ 12 _ 2

.' the perimeter of A ABC = 80 cm. rBC=12+18=30cm.
.'.AB+AC=80 30=50cm.
AB 2
...AC ... ABAC
+AC _2+3
3 -3 (fiom the propenies of the proportion)

AC- 3 ..AC= 3x50 = 30 cm.

..AB=50-30=20cm. (The req.)

In the opposite ligur:e :
ABCD is a quaddlateral in which : AB = 8 cm.
, AD = I 2 cm. , AE bisects Z A and intersects BD at t
, EF // EC and intersects DC at F r if DF = 6 cm. r
then find the length of : DC

i Importont Pemorks
': _l
l.e. L The interior and exterior bisectors fol any angle in the t angle are perpendicular

E In the opposite figure :

If AB , AE are the bisectors of the angle A and
the exterior angle of A ABC at A respectively
, rten!Q=-4E,'EC
.'. The base BC is divided intemally at D extemally at E by the same ratio (AB : AC)
and we notice that : the two bisectors AD and AE are perpendicular.

> Lesson Three

@ If 6 tisec* Z nAC and intersects ET at D , then D takes one of the following :



r then BD > DC then BD = DC : then BD < DC
'; -_l '
l.e. L D is nearer ro l.e. ! D is equidisranr IF. .)- D i. n"u.". to
C than to B from each of B and C B than to C

3 lf E bi.ects the exterior angle of A ABC at A, uhere E( EC r then E takes one

of the following cases :

(!UAB>AC,r}|en BE> EC t.e.: ECBC

-::-------l \

l.e. L Tbe exlerior biseclor of fie vener oI
isosceles triangle is paralleling to the base.

TO If AB <
Ac , then BE < EC i.e.lr e -E t"'--..,

ABC is in which AB = 8 cm. : AC = ( gm. r BC = 7 cm. : draw AD to bisect

a triangle

Z A and intersefi BC at D , dmw AE to bisect the exterior angle A and intersect Bd at E

l'ind the length of : DE

'.' AD bisects Z A , AE bisects the extedor angle A

,.DC_CE_AC _..8p_BE_8_ 4 ...
rlr CD B
''. BD+DC_4+3
DC - 3 I irom rhe propertie. ol rhe proponiorrr

". DC-
. LC _7
"DC-3 1 _1 .. DC=3cm.
From(1):.'S= ''. BE_EC _4_3
cE - 3 (from the properties of the proportion)

.'7 _l
''. BC _-L
cE - 3
,.CE 3

.'. CE = 2l cm. .'. DE=DC+CE=3 + 2l =24 crr,. (The req.)

'OIVEligure :
In the opposite
Ai z BAC , Ai bisects z CAE
,AB - 7 cm. rAC-3cm. .BC=5 cm.
cx B

Find the length of : XY


lf AD bisects Z A in A ABC intemally and intersects Ea at D

, rhen AD =1/ABxAC-BD xDC

> Given ABC is a triangle , AD bisects I BAC intemally


> Const. Draw a circle passing through the vertices of A ABC

and inteNecting AD at E , draw BE

> Proof '.' m (Z CAD) = m (Z EAB) (given)

,m(/E)=m(ZC) (inscdbed angles subtended by AB)

.. aACD - a AEB
.. AD x (AD+DE)=AB xAC
..(AD)'?=ABxAC ADxDE
.. (AD)2=ABxAC-BDxDC
... AD =1iAB . AC - BD < DC (Q.E.D,)
> Lesson Three

ABC is a triangle in which : AB = 15 cm. ,AC = 9 cm. , AD bisects Z BAC and intersects B-C
atD rif DC=6cm.
Find the length of : AD

AD bisects Z BAC ... BD__ BA

\ -*
BD_ 15
.,. BD =
= 10 cm. /\ \
69 C 6cnD B

{AB ,.AC- BD, DC =1rls ,., 10"6='\f-=51Ecm. (The req.)

In the opposite figure :

If AE bisects Z BAC externally and intersects BC at E

, then AE = BE x EC -AB xAC

In the opposite figure :

ABC is a triangle in which AB = 8 cm.

rBC = 7 cm. rAC = 6 cm., AD bisects ZAextemally.
Find the value of each of : X y

'. AD bisects Z Aextematly ... BD_BA_

_ _ 8=4
CD AC 63
". 7 +y +2 _ 4
y+2 -3
. y+9 _4
" y+2- 3
.'.3 y +27 =4y +8
.'. DC=21cm. , BD = 28 cm.
. AD = VBD x CD-BA < AC = 28x21-8x6 =1G+o = e r/E",n.
.'. x= 6{ts (The rcq.)

ABC is a lriangle in \ hich : AB - 27 cm. rAC = 15 cm. , draw Id to bisect z A and
D r if BD = l8 cm.
intersect B-C at
Find the length of : AD

Follow : Angle
bisector and
parts (Converse
of theorem 3)

In the opposite two ffgures : ,\

.rDeBcGic. 1)
'_-.- _:DC
AC Fig (1)
r then AD bisects Z BAC \.
sucn ,nar :
Dd =
. -:-=..
Iti D ------- C
, then AD bisects the exterior angle of A ABC at A fig. (zj

In the opposite ligure :

ABCD is a quadrilateral in which AB = 7.5 cm.
rBC = 5 cm.,CD =4cm. rAD =6cm
, DE bisects Z ADC and inte$ects AC at E

Prove that : BE bisects Z ABC

In AACD: .' DE bisects Z ADC ... AE _AD_

.. AB 7.5 3
.8C52 ... AE_AB
.'. In AABC : BE bisects Z ABC (Q.E.D.)
> Lesson Four

ABC is an isosceles triangle in which AB =AC r D EBC r where BC = CD r draw the

bisector of the angle ABC ro interse( AC at E r draw EF // BC and intersects AD at F
Prove that : CF bisects Z ACD

In AABC : '.' BE bisecrs Z ABC

"EC ,butAB=AC,BC=CD (given)
..EC_CD (t)
... EF // CD AE AF
From (1) , (2) : .. AF AC
.. In AACD : CF bisects Z ACD (Q.E.D.)

In the opposite figure :

ABC is a dght-angled triangle at A , AD- I BC -A

.A-B =6 cm. .AC = 8 cm.,Af = 2 I clr. ,/ ;--t- \.

Prove that : -E bisects 1 ACD

Z--' A \

AABC is ght-angled atA .'. (BC)'z = (AB)2 + (AC)2 = 36 + 64 = 100

BC = 10 cm.
.. AD- I BC ... ADAC^-AABC
DC pc-
". 8
AC 8
AC BC 10
.. DC = 6.4 cm.
...ADBA"AABC ... AB _
_ AD
-.- .6=
108 .'. AD = 4.8 cm. .'. DE=4.8-2? =z+ crr..

AC85 AE5 "2

'' cD- 64- 4 ED 12 4
... AC _4E
- .. cE bi.""t. z nco (Q.E.D.)


ABCD is a quadrilateral in which AB = 20 cm. , AD = 6 cm. ,DC=9cm.,E€AB
such that AE = 8 cm. , draw EX // BC to intersect AC at X
Prove that : Dt bisecrs Z ADC

The bisectors of angles of a t angle arc concurent.

In the opposite figure :

,q.M , sM -a aM u." concurent
at the point M

In the opposite figrre i
ABC is triangle in which AB = 6 cm. rAC = 4 cm.

BC = 8 cm. , BM bisects Z ABC AM bisects 1 BAC

' '
Find the length of : AD

'. AM bisects z BAC , BM bisects zABC
. . M is the point of concurrence of the bisectors of angles of A ABC
. . aM bisects z ACB
...rn^ABC:**=#=* _1
". 6-N)=l2
AD .'.2AD=6-AD
.'.3AD=6 .'.AD=2cm. (The req.)

'OI.VEfigure :
In the opposite
ABC is a triangle in which AB = 5 cm.
,Ac=sj sm.'r"=ly
r AD bisects Z BAC , CE bisects Z ACB
Find the length of : AF CDB
.- 6.m.-


in the circle

Power of a point with respect to a calcle

Power of the point A with rcspect to the circle M in which the length of its radius is r is
the real number P, (A) where P, (A) = (AM)2 - 12

For erample :

In the opposite ligure :

IfA is a point outside

the circle M whose radius length equals 5 cm.

, where MA = 7 cm.
, thenP*(A) = 12 - 52 = 24

We can determine the position ofpoint A with respcct to the circle M if:
.PM(A)>o , the[ A ]jes outside the ci]cle

'Py(A)=0 r then A lies on the circle.

. PM (A) < 0 , then A lies ilNide the circle

rl r/\o/.rriu1(C; -U-Uru,r J-t*aJl @


IfM is a circle of diameter length 12 cm. ,A is a point lies on its plane , detemine the
position of point A with respect to the circle M in each of the following cases , then calculate
its dislance from the cenlre oI the circle :

1PM(A)=13 Q P*( l) = Zerc 3 PM (A) = -11

', Lrngth of circle diameter = 12 cm. .'.r=6cm.
'. P,(A)=13>0 . . A lies outside the circle

, '. P, (A) = (MA)2 - 12 ... 13 = (MA)2, 36

.'. MA= 7 cm.

2 '. PM (A) = Zero .'. A lies on the circle .. MA=6cm.

i '. Py(A)= -11<0 .. A lies inside the circle
Py (A) = (MA)2 - 12 ... -11 = (MA)2 - 36
.'. MA= 5 cm.

Determine the position ofeach of the points A r B and C with respect to the circle M
whose radius length is 5 cm. if :

1 Pu (A) = 11 Q P, (B) =Zero 3 PM (C)

Then calculate the distance of each point from the circle centre M

rote E
If the point A lies outside the circle M
: then P, (A) = (AM)2 - I
AB x AC = (AD)2
.'. I-ength of the tangent drawn fiom A to circle M = PM(A)

FoI example : In the opposite ligure :

If point A lies outside the circle M whose

radius leng* is 6 cm. . AD is a rangent to the circle ar D
IfAB = 4 cm. ' we can find P, (A)
> Lesson Five

with one of the following methods :

. Using the definition : P, (A) = (AM)2 ?=OO)2-G)2=el

. Using the previous note: PM (A) =AB xAC=4x16=64
From rhe previous we can get , eo
*n.. eo ={ errnt ={o+ =s .r.

Notiae ihat s-\

I[ the opposite frgure :
If point A lies outside the circle , AC intersects the circte at B,C

then P, (A) =AB xAC


And this can be concluded from the previous note , where :

P, (AD)2
(A) =
where AD is a tangent to the circle M at D

, ... (AD)2 = AB x AC .'. PM (A) = AB x AC

IfpointA lies inside the circle M ' then :
P, (A) = (AM)2 - I
= (AM - r) (AM + r)

= - (r AM) (AI!I + r) -
For examPle : rn tle opposite ligure :

If point A lies inside the circle M whose radius length is 7 cm.

and lies at a distance of4 cm. from the circle centre

, then P.a (A) = -AB xAC=-3 x 11= 33

Notloe that \
In tle opposite figure t
If BC is a chord in the circle M . A C BC ( ^i./ )

r then P" (A) = AB x AC \/

And this could be concluded from the preyious note as follows ;

P, (A) = -AD x AE (where DE is a diameter)

r'. ADxAE=AB xAC .. P,(A)= ABxAC

Summary ofthe previous as follows
IfA lies outside circle M then : IfA lies inside circle M r then :

P* (A) = AB x AC =AB' ,4i = 1aO)'z Py(A)= ABxAC=-AIixAi

A circle of centre M and its radius length is 3 cm., A is a point at a distance of 7 cm.

fromitscentre, fromAa straight line is drawn to intersect the circle at C rD rwher.eCeAD

. il CA = 5 cm. . calculale the length of Lhe chord CD

$o1r1;en .-
'. P, (A) = (AM)2 12=49-9=40
,. Pr(A)=ACxAD
... CD=AD-AC=8 5=3cm. (The req.)

A circle M of radius length 7 cm. , A is a point at a distance of 5 cm. fiom its cente.

The chord BC passes though point A where AB = 3 AC

( alculate : 1 The length of rhe chord BC

2 The distance between Bt and the centre ofthe circle.

> Lesson Five

'. Py (A) = (AM)'? =25 12 49 = -24

r '. Py (A) = -AB xAC .'. 24=-ABxAC


'. AB=3AC ..24=3ACxAC

... 8 = (AC)2 .'. rc=lt=z^,{ic .

: . AB=3AC .'. AB = 61rE cm.

.'. BC =AC +AB = 81Ecm. (First req.)

, let the distance between the chord BC and the cenffe of the circle be MD

, where MD I BC

. .. t\.,ID- r BC .'. D is the midpoint of BC

.. P, (D) = (DM)2 12=-BDxDC .'. (DM)z - 4s = -4^[, x 4^'[,

;. (DM)z = 17 DM =1/r (Second req.)
... = 4.1 crn.

'OLVE is a point at a distance 16 cm.
The circle M has radius length 20 cm.
from the centre of the circle , the chord BC is drawn where A eBt rAB = 2 AC
( alculale : 1 The length ol lhe chord BC

2 The distance between the chord BC and the centre of the circle.

Importont Note
The set of points which have the same power with respect to two distinct circles $
called the pdnciple axis of the two circles.

IfP, (A) = P,q (A) , thenAlies on the principle axis of the two circles M and N
For example :

lf P, (A) = P1 (A) , P, (B) = Pp G)

r then IE is the principle axis of the rwo circles M and N

Trrocircles \4 ond N are inrersecting at AandB,CeBf . Ce BA . draw dD to inrersecr

the circle M at D and E, where CD = 9 cm., DE = 7 cm,, draw EF to touch

the circle N at F

1 Prove that : C lies on the principle axis ofthe two circles M and N

2 llAB - l0cm..findthelengthofeachof: AC.CF

'.' A lies on the circle M ,A lies on the circle N

.. P, (A) = P* (A) = zero r

Similarly : P, (B) = P11 (B) = zero

.'. AB is the principle axis for the two circles M and N

, ... C €AB

. . C lies on the principle axis of the two circles M and N (First req.)

r'. P" (C) = CD x CE=9 x 16 = 144

r Pr(C)=CAxCB .'. 144 = CA (CA + 10)

.'. 144 = (CA)2 + l0 CA .'. (CA)2 + l0 CA - 1,14 =0

.. (CA - 8) (CA + 18)=0 ..CA=8cm.
'. C lies on the principle axis of the two circles M and N

P" (C) = P, (C) , P* (C) = (CF)']

(CF)2 = 144 .'. CF = 12 cm (Second req.)

ir oo1
Secant , iangent and measures of angles

1*"l"$l. r 'r: -- - r':.-: -:- =:, 0,,.,

J The measure of an angle formed by two chords that intersect inside a circle is
equal to half the sum of the measures of the intercepted arcs.

In the opposite ligure :

IE , tD are two secants to the circle , where

IEntD=1n1 ,tr,"n
m (z AEc) = jt- t6dt + - 6D;J
Por exampte If mf.(C-)=SO' ,ror6Dt= tz0"

.. m (l AEC) = +r50'+ 170') ll0'

2 The measure of an urrgt" fo.-""a ty t ro secants dravn liom a point outside a circle

is equal to half the positive difference of the measures of the intercepted arcs.

In the opposite figure :

IE , tE ur" t*o ,""ants to the circle r where

m (z E) =
(6At - - r6Dl]
For e.rar,rple If m ((e) = 120" , m (6D) = SO"
:. rn (LE) = *[rzo" - sol =

In each of the following frgures r find the value of X :

1 x= <n" + loo) = 70.
2 '. The measure of the circle = 360" , m (6d) + rn 60) = 70" t 1/{,. = 2lO.
.'. m 1io-)+ m 16iy = 360. - 210. = tso. :. x= I2 150"=75.
3 '. j {x* to) = rro" .'. X+80" =220' ... x = 140'
4 x= +(r30. so) = 40"
5 '.'!tx ss"t=+2" .. x- 55' = 84" ... x = 139"
6 '.jtrso'-r=:s' ... 150. x=70. .. x=80"

Find the value ofX in each of the following :

/-*, '"d(i<\\
( )4
'\Vr" / \'-'7r-YN
> Lesson F ve

Well known prcblen

The measure of an angle formed by a secant and a tangent or two tangents drawn from
a point outside a circle is equal to half the positive difference of the measures ofthe
intercepted arcs.

SE lf,Elll nt.t""u*rt.."""t -
> Given AB is a tangent to the circle M at B ,ffi16""16161,t={c,o}
> R.T.P. m(zA)=+[m(6Dr -t6dt]
> Const. nt^* BC ' BD
> Proof '. 2 BCD is an exterior angle of AABC
.. m (1 BCD) = m (Z A) + m (Z ABC) \L]
.. m (Z A) = m (1 BCD) -m (Z ABC) , .' Z BCD is an inscribed angle.

.. m (z BCD) = 1m{BD) ,. Z ABC is a tangency angle.

... m iz ency = ]m 16Di ... m (z A) =

]. 16Dl - ]- r6Dt
=*[..r6Dt--r6t, (Q,E.D.)

Inler.((,tion of t\r o langt'nl\ lo a (il cl('

> Given AB , AC are two tangents to the circle M at B and C

> R.T.P. m (zA) = +lm (BxC) m (BC)l

> Const, Draw BC

> Proof '. 2 BCD is an exte orangleofAABC \ll

.. m (1 BCD) = m (zA) + m (Z B) .. m(ZA)=m(ZBCD) m(ZB)
r '. 2 BCD is a tangency angle. .. m (z BCD) = 16its; j-
r '. 1 B is a tangency angle. ... m (z B) = (64)
.'. m (z A)=
im (BXC ) - im (BC) = f[,nt6xir-.rfi, rqe.o.l

In the opposite figure :

If AB is a langenl to the circle M al B . m fZ A) = 30'

,IMis a secant to the circle at C and D, m (6D) = : x'
Find the value of : i(
rr i/\!/sriu \ (a; lLil rqlLr)

'. AB i, u tung"nt to th" circle M AD is a secant to it.
...m(zA)=jt-rfDr--<6dr ..jt.r6Dt--<60;1=:0.
.. m (BD) -m (BC) = 60' (1)

r '. CD- is a diameter in the circle M .'. m (BD) + m (BC) = 180" (2)

Adding (l) z+0.

) (2) we get that i2 n(6D) = ... m(6D)= tZO"

,.'m(BD)=3x" ..3X'=12O" :.X=4O (The req.)

In the opposite figure :

If AB AC arc two tangents to the circle M

and at B,C
respectively, m (Z A) = y" 131" rof
,m (BC) minor = 140", m (BC) major = (3 X + l0)"
Find t}le values of: X and y

'.' The measurc of the circle = 360"

.. m (BC) minor + m (BC) major = 360"

.'. l4O'+ (J x + lof =160' 3 X" + 150" = 360"
.'. l x' = 210" x ='70"
.. m (BC) major = (3 x 70" r 10") = 220" '.' AB and AC are two tangents to circle M
.. n (z A) = +[m (6e) major - m (6d) minor]
,. y" = !1zzo" rao.l=ao. Y=40 (The req.)

Using the givens in the frgure ,Iind the value of the symbol used in measurement :

By a group of supervisors

u. S EC. -
LL 2024
Algebra and Trigonometry

Algebra, relations and

z1 functions.

z Trigonometry.


,c*B =
F li!
z Sim ilarity. ,;.'

''ilnt !. -- '-: -

F The triangle proportionality

l theorems. tIT

First Algebra
and TrigonometrY

Algebra, relations and functions.

Unit One
Algebra, relations
and functions.


. Pre-requirements on unit one.

An introduction to complex numbers.

Determining the types of roots of a quadratic equation.

Relation between the two roots of the second degree equation

and the coefficients of its terms.

Forming the quadratic equation whose two rools are known.

Sign of a function.

Quadratic inequalities in one varjable.

At the end ofthe unit : Life applications on unit one.

I ..-:!--f, "".'
7 (;${
-r\ T , ..


on unit one

From the e.hool book

Choose the right answer from those giYen :

r-, ) The solution set of the equation : x2 1=0inlRis '

(.da (b) 1 (c)rt (d) {1 , t}

The solution setofthe equation:.1{2 -6 x+ 9=0 hlR is '
(a) { :} o) {3} @)a (d) {e}
The solution set of the equation : X2 - x = 0 in lR is '

(a) {r , 1} (b) {o} (c) {o ,1} @)a

The solution set ofthe equation : x2 + 3 x = 0 in R- is '

(a) {0,-3} b)a (c) (0 ,3) (d) {- 3}

5 )Number of roots ofthe equation: X2 + 9 = 0 inlRis '

(a) 2 (b) 1 (c) 3 (d) zero

The necessary condition which makes the equation a X2 + b X + c = 0 quadratic

(a)a>0 (b)a<0 (c)a+0 (d)a70,b*0

The two quadratic equations : i(2 3x+2=oand2x2 5 x + 2 = 0 have common
solution is .....-
(a)x=2 (b)x= I (c) X=-2 (d)x= 2I

> Pre-requirements

r8) Il(y-4)2=36 . y <0.theny+4=.........

(a) 2 (b) 2 (c) 10 (d) 14
( 9 I If the cwve of the quadratic tunction J cuts the i(-axis at the two points (2 r 0) r ( 3 r 0)
, then the solution set off ()0 = 0 in R is ...

(a) {2,0} G){ 3,0} O{-3,2} (d) {(2 , 3)}

(10) Which of the following statements could be dght with respect to the curve of
the function J : f ()0 = X(a-A)?

@The curve intersects the X-axis at the two points (0 ,0) , (a , O)

,^ ^2
O The curve vertex is (f , | )
@ The axis of symmetry of the curve is : i( = a
(a)O,@only. (b)O,Oonly.
(c)@,@only. (d) All the plevious.

( 11) The curve of the quadratic function f :f (X) = a X2 + b X + c is drawn on the

cartesian coordinate and the vertex of the curve is (3 r 1) , the cu e intersects the
(a)-8 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 7

112) A rectangular piece of land whose dimensions are 6 , 9 metes. It's needed to double its
area by increasing each dimension by the same length , then the increased
length = .. m.
(a) 3 (b) 5 (c) 7

(1-3) If the opposite figure represents tlle curve of the function J

, then the solution set of the equaiton f ()0 = 0 in lR
ts ..........

(a) {3 , 1} (b) [2 , 8]

@)a (d) {0}

(1,1) In the opposite Iigure :

The S .S . of the equation J (x) = 0 in R

is ........

(a) {0 ,,4} 6;11 z ,o))

(c) o (d) {- 2}

(r : . )1
q/drc \ / (4Jrn) oLr-.q-r.., rElr€J f9 l
(15) In the opposite figure :

The S.S. of the equation I (x) = 0 in R

is ....

(a) { 3 ,1} G){ r,3}

(c) [ L3] (d) [ 3 ,1]

(16) The opposite figure represents the curve of the function

which of the following is rue ?

(a)a>0,c>0 (b)a>0,c<0
(c)a<0'c>0 (d) a<0 rc<0

(17) In the opposite ffgure :

If the volume of the cuboid = 40 cml

! then ,a= --..... cm.

(a) 1 (b) 6 (1+ 1)cm.

(c) s (d) 4

(18) In the opposite figure :

If the area ofthe rectangle = 78 cm?

then the pedmeter of the rectangle = . .. cm.

(a) 78 (b) 58
(c) 38 (d) 19

Find in IR the solution set of each of the following equations by using the general
formuln approximating the result to tle nearrst tentl :
(1) x2 -6 x+ 1=o (2)x2+3x+5=o
(3) B2 xz +3 x- 4 =o (4)Eg3x2 65=o
x <stfi*fi=z
Pre-requirements 2

Find in R the solution set of each of the following equations algebraically r then check
the alswer graphically :

(l) x2 -2x-4=o (Hint : draw graphically in the interval [- 2 ,4])

(2)3x-x2+2=O (Hint : draw graphically in the interval [- L 4])
(3)J(2+3=0 (Hint : dmw graphically in the interval [- 3 , 3])
[-t] If the sum ofthe whole consecutive numbers (1 + 2 + 3 + ... + n) is given by the relation
S =; (1 + n) how many whole consecutive numbers starting from the number
' I and their

sum equals :

(r)78 (2)111 (3)253 (4)46s


An introduction
to complex Isiee'l
n umbers
Test yourself

From the school book OApp[y .'. Higher OderThinking skills

Choose the correct answer from those given :

Which of the following is an imaginary number ?

(a) x\ (b) 1/ s c){_5 (d) i2

(a) I (b)ie (c) i (d) 1

The simplest form ofthe imaginary number i is
(a) i (b)-l (c)-i (d) I
(a) I (b)-1 (c)-i (d) i

(a) 1 (b) i (c) i (d) 1

(a) i 5a
(b) i (c) zero (d) 2

L *;21 =
(a) zerc (b)2i (c)-2i (d)-i
5i7 + 4i l
i: (a)9i (b) ei (c) i (d) i
> Exerc se 1

a (9) I +i+i2+i3+ia=.. ......

(a)4i+ I (b)-1 (c) I (d) 5

(l|t) lf teZ, then i

8 n-3
- ..........
(a) i (b) i (c)-1 (d) 1

a (ll) lf neZ, then i

4'* 42 ..........
(a) 1 (b)-l (c) i (d) i
(12) The additive inverse of the complex number (4 - 7 i) is ......

(a) 4 +'7 j. (b) 4+7i (c) - 4 -'7 j, (d) 4 't i

( l3) The conjugate of the number (3 i 4) is .

(a)3i+4 (b)-3i-4 (c) 3i+4 (d)3i,4

(14) The conjugate of the number (i - i 2) is .......

(a) 1 i (b)i+i (c)-i-1 (d) i 1

(l5) The conjugate of the number (- 8) is .......

(a)8i (b) 8i (c) 8 (d) 8

(16) The conjugate of the number (2 + i)2 is . . .

(a)2+t (b)(2+i)1 (c)3+4i (d)3-4i

o u)a{i"afn=*.......
(a) (b)-2i (c)4i (d) 4i
o (rs) @ r/-rs x{-D=.. ....

(a) 61/6 i (b) 6G G)-6G (d)-6Gi

0e)1_e "
(a) i
;= (b) (c)-1 (d) I
c (20) E (- 4 i) (- 6 i) = ..........
(a)-10i tb) 24 i (c) 241 (d) 24

(21) @ ( 2 i)3 (- 3 i)2 = ..........

(a) '12 i (b)'72 | (c)'tz (d) - 72

(22) g (3 + 2 i) + (2 - 5 D = ..........

(a)5+2i (b)5 3i (c)3-5i (d)5+3i

o (23) If x, y are real numbers and (2 + 5 i) - (4 - 2 i) = x +y i, then x + y =..........

I (a) 9 (b) I (c) 1 (d) 5

aRemember aUnderstand OAppry o'. Higher OrderThinking Skills

=1 rrz-si''r-(? {-sl)=
rar s-a; rb)-5+4i (c)5t4i (d)-s-4i
Ia (2s)2-(l 2i)+(4-si.) (l 3i)=
(a)4i (b)-5i (c) 7 i (d) 4
a (26) (4 - 3 i) (4 + 3 i) =..........
(a) 25 i (b) 14 (c) 14 i (d) 25
a (27) If X .' y are rcal numbe$ and ( I +ia)(1 i7)=x+yi rthenX+y=
(a) 4 (b) 3 (c) 2 (d) I
(28) If X ry are real numbers ard X+ y i = ia3 + Zn{i , then X.t y =
(a) 3 (b) s (c)3+2i (d)5i
(29) If X+ y i =1 where )( ry CIR, then X+ y = ........

(a) zero (b) 1 (c) I (d) 2

(30) ff 12+3 ai=4b-27 i :thena*b=
(a)-9 (b) 12 (c)-6 (d) 6

(31) IfX
are real numberc and 3 X- 2y i= (5 2)2:theny-X=..........
(a) 1'7 (b) 3 (c) 3 (d) 21 -20 i

("){?} o){+,?} G){3} rar{Ji,li}
I (33) IfrC, y are real numbers and X-2 i=3+y i , then the conjugate of the number
(a)3-2i (b)3+2i (c) 3 2i (d)-3+2i
i_l t3qfi x2 -2x+2=0 , rhen X=. ...

(a) 2 !21 (b)2ti (c) 1!i (d)112i

(35) The multiplicative inve$e of the number is ...............
(a)-2+i (b) 2-i (c)2 i (d)2ri
,i,. (36) If z1 is the conjugate of the number Zz , thenzlz2.r (Zt + Zz) is .. . .....

(a) a real number. O) an imaginary.

(c) complex , not real. (d) undetemined.

l-17) All ofthe following are imaginary numbers except...............

(")1F18 o)i1e (c)(2+2i)4 (d) (l + i)6

> Exercise 1 |a
(3E) Al1 the following arc not rcal numbers except .............

(a) (1 + i)a (b){- 8 (c) r- taltf-nf

(a) zerc (b) 3 (c) 12 (d) 12 i

(40)3x3ix3 r'x J r" = ...............

(a) 8l (b) - 81 (c) 81i (d)-81 i

(41)Ifa'b'c r d are four consecutive integers , then iu + ib + i" t id - .-........

(a) zero (b)-1 (c) I (d) i

I'ind the result of each of the follorving irr the simplest form :

(1)E(2+{-e)(3-4i) (2)(2-s12
(3) (3 -2 i)2 + (3 +2i) (4) (1 +i)a
r s r (r *t/-r )a (t) tr-t (6)E(1-i)10
( 7') (t + 2 i2) (2 + 3 is + 4 i6 )

Put each ofthe following in the form (a + b i) where a and b are real numbers :
(r)5: (z)@#n (3)ra#
(4)Er-# (s) (3+2i)(2-i) (6)EE
(3+i)(3 i)
3+i 3-4i
r?I ---]- (8) l+i+2i2+2i3 - G[r8
, n,
\1 +2 i)' 1 5i+3i'? 3i3
Solve each of the folkxving equatiols in the set of complex numbers :
(l)3x2+12=O (2) lN =75
4 X2 +

(3) x2 -4 x+ 5 =o (4'12x2+6x+5=0
Find the values of J( and y that satisfy each of the following equations where X and y
are real numbers :
( 1 ) qg (2x-3)+(3y+ l) i=7 + l0 i o (2) B (2 x-y) + (x- 2 y) i = 5 + i
I (3)3X+Xi.-2y+yi=5 o
(4\ Xz -yz + (x+y)i= 4 i
(s)#=x+yi I
i rzrese+!#3=x*yi
I ln"r"rO", aLlnderstand OAppry ... Higher Orde. Thinking Ski s

Ba If X ' y arc two real numbers and X = jt , t='i!r'

, prove that : X and y are two conjugate numbers.

If a, b are rwo real nu6bers and a + b i =
f r prove that : a
+ b2= 1

J Find the simplesl form o[ t he e\pression : r2 + J i)' t2 3 i]

Ahmed's answer Karim's answer
(2+3 i)(2+31) (2 31) Q+302(2-3i)
=(2+ 3 i) (4 gi2) =@+si\(2-3i)
=(2+3i)(4+9) =(4_9)(2_3i)
=13(2+3i) =-5(2 3i)
=26+39i, =-10.t15i
Which of the two answers is correct ? Why ?

Choose the correct answer from those given :

( 1) IfL 'M are the roots ofa quadmtic equations: J(2 + I =O , then L20r8 + M2018 -
(a)-Zt (b)2i (,)-2 (d) 2018

(2 1 Q + i)zon = ..........
(a) (l i)2020 (b) 21010 1c; 21010 i (d) i202'!
,, ,,tno
t3 )If l-l
\t+t, ) =X+vi 'lhen(x,v)=
(a) (0 , 1) (b) (- 1 ,0) (c)(0,-1) (d) (1 ,0)
{ 4 rThe conjugale ofrhe number 12 + i.1-l is .

(a)2+i (b)2-i (c)+ (d)+

( 5 ) Which ofthe following considering factorization of the expression : X2 + 4 ?

(a)(x-2)(x+2) (b) (x + 2't2

(c)(x-2i)2 (d') (x - 2 i) (x + 21)

> Exercise 1 p
(6) i + i2 + i3 + ia + ... + iloo =..........
(a) i (b) -1 (c) zero (d)ir+2t3*"'
(7) (l +i)(1 + i2) (t + t3) (t + ia) .... (l + ilm) =..........
(a) 2 (b) I (.c) zerc (d) Nothing of the previous.

(8) If im = f , then which of the following is always corect ?

O (m + n) is an even number

O (n m) is multiple of 4

(a) @ only. (b)@,@only.

(c)@,@only. (d) All the previous.
(9) Ifa < b < 0 < c where a r b r c are real nu-b"., -d{b (c - u) +t[i =Z+Zi
then bc = ..
(a) 3 (b)-3 (c) 2 (d)-5
(10) Which of the following is aue ?

(a)2+3i<3+41 (b)3-4\<2 3i
(c)1+i> 1-i (d) Nothing of the previous.

If7 i= (X+ 3 i) (y-i) 9 rfindthe values ofthe rwo real numbers X and y which sarisfy
the previous equation.

I IfX,y, a and b are

four real numbes '- 2-i , y =!!aura2x-y =a+bi

(r r )\ !/e. \/ (:,r..)er! -r.-r-, ,-tr.oJl faa

i,iii-l Exercise

/L. ii
li ---'

Determining $;e:-:r.SE"gj
the types
of roots of
a quadratic
I From the school book aRemember aUnderstand OA.pply .t Higher order Thinking skills

Choose the correct answer from those Siven :

( 1)The two roots ofthe equation: x2 5 i(+ 11 =0 are

(a) two complex and non real rcots. (b) two rational roots.

(c) two different real roots. (d) two equal real roots.

( 2 ) f,E The two roots of the equation : .i( (x-2) =5 are '

(a) two complex and non real roots. (b) two equal real roots.

(c) two different real roots. (d) 2 and zero.

( 3 ) The two roots of the equation :X+; =6are ..

(a) two equal real roots. (b) two complex and non real roots.

(c) two different real roots. (d) two equal imaginary numbers.

( 4 ) The two roots ofthe equation :6 X2 = lgx-15are--

(a) two non rcal roots. (b) two equal real roots.

(c) two different rational numbers. (d) two conjugate imaginary numberc.

( 5 ) Number of values of real x which satisfy the equation : 2 x2 - 7 X = 5 is

(a) zero (b) I (c) 2 (d) 3

> Exercise 2 flJ'
{ {6) ff," air..i^ln*t of the equation : (X + 2)2 + 5 = 0 is ..........
(a) perfect square. (b) more than zero.
(c) negative number. (d) irrational number.

? { 7 )The quadratic equarion : a 2 X2 + 2 a b X+ b2 = 0 where a €R', b GR........

(a) has two different real (b) has two equal real roots.
(c) hasn't any real roots. (d) can't determine the type of its two roots.
( ..cX?+aX+b=0arctwocomplexandnonrealroots
? 8 | The two roots of rhe equation
if ..........
(a)b2-4ac<0 (b)a2-4bc<0
(c)c2-4ab<0 (d)b2-4ac>0
(a)ab>O (b)a=O (c)a>0rb>0 (d)ab<O
rl0) Ifa X2 + b X + c = 0 and ac < 0 .lhen lhe two root\ ofthe equation are ......
(a) equal rcal. (b) different real.
(c) conjugate complex. (d) rational.

lll, If a,f 2 + b X + c = 0 is a quadraric equation, rhen which of the following inequalities
does satisfy that the equation has two real rcots ?

(a)b2+4ac>0 (b)b2 4ac<0

(c)b'>5ac (d) b2 4ac<0

i tlZl lt a Az ,6 y * c = 0 where a , b , c are rational numbers r a * 0 and b2 - 4 a c = 25

' then the lwo roots of the equation are
(a) equal real. (b) complex and non real.
(c) conjugate complex. (d) different mtional.
(a) I0 only. (b) l0 only. (c) t l0 (d) a 5
i .thenk=........
I (a) ,,ero or 3 (b) r I rc, zero only. td) 3 only.
| l5 ) If fi e discrimjnanr
of the quadraric equation : 2 X2 + 5 X + 4 k = 0 equal zero
ILthenk I

I tart 14 (brzero (oa

3+ rar jt
aRemember aUnderstand OAPply .'. Higher Order Thinking Skills

=1 lf
r16r the two roots ofthe equation: X2-4X+k=0 are real , then ke '

(")[4,-[ (u)]-*'+[ (c)]4,*[ (d)l--,41

(17) If the roots of the equation: X2 + 3 x+ k = 0 are different real , then k can not be
(a)-1 (b) 3 (.) 2 (d) 1

( !li) :J Ifthe roots of the equation: k X2- 8 X+ 16 = 0 are two complex and non real
, then ... .

(a)k>2 (b)k<2 (c) k cll ,10[ (d)k> 1

(19)Intheequation:75X2+'tkX+3=Oifk>5 r then the two roots of the equation '

(a) equal real. (b) complex and non real .

(c) different rational. (d) different real.

(20) lf the glaph of the quadiatic function f :f (.), does not intersect the i(-axis then
which of the following can be the rule of the functioo ?

(a)2X2+3X-5 (b)-x2+5x+1
@)4X2 20 X+ 25 @)3x2-x+2
(2ll I In the quadratic equation (X) = 0 if the discriminant is negative then which of the
, ' '
following graphs is the graph of the tunction f ? (,

(r) (b) (c)

(22) Each of the following figures represents the curve of the function f :

f (X) = aX2 +b X+ cwhich of these figures does have b2 - 4ac=0

t ): t
> Exercise 2/
(23) If the cuwe of the quadntic equation
I :f (X) = X2 - Z (m - 2) X + m2 - 8 touches
the X-axis rthen m ......--......

(a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 5

(24) The given figure represents the function f :f (X) = aX2 +b X+ c

, then (b2 - 4 a c) x J (3) = ..... ...

(a) 3 (b)-l
(c)-3 (d) zero

(25) The roots of the equation: J(2

= k-2 has distinct imaginary roots , then ..-.... .......
(a)k>2 (b)k<2 (c)k>4 (d)2<k<4
(26) If the roots of the equation ; X 2 2
+kX+k = 0 are complex and not real
; then k €...............
(a)R-{o} O)R-{o,li (c)lo,-[ (d)l-*,0[
(27) For the equation : X2
- 3X r k = 0 two unequal roots if k + ...-... . .....
(a) 9 (b) 3 (c)
i (d)-3
(28) The equation : x' - 1z m - t) x + o? =0 has no Ieal roots if m e...............
c)l+,-[ o)l--,+[ r"rJ+,-t
(29) The roots of the equation : X2 + k =
O, where k > O arc ............-.-

(a) conjugate complex and not real. (b) distinct real.

(c) equat and real- (d) rational.
(30) The equation : (X -3)2 + (X 4\2=0has...............
(a) two unequal real roots. (b) two equal real roots.
(c) two rational roots. (d) two non rcal complex roots.
(31) The two roots of the equation : (a2 + l) X2 -2a3 x+ aa =o
where a CIR - {0} are . .. ...... .. . . ..

(a) distinct ard real. (b) complex and not real.

(c) equal and rcal. (d) distinct rational.
(32) If a and b are real numbers , a + b , then the rcots ofthe equation :
(a- b) x2 - 5 (a + b) X - 2 (a - b) = O arc...............
(a) real equat. (b) complex not real.
(c) unequat real. (d) rothing of the previous.
aRemember aUnderstand OAlpErtIl & Higher Order Thinking Skills

=1 (33) The number of real distinct roots ofthe equation : x (-i( - a) = a2 in R where

a €R- {o} equals ... .........

(a) I (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) zero

(34) a' b, c are rational numbers' a + 0, then the equation : a a2 + b X + c = 0 has

rational roots if b2 4 ac = ....---------

(a) positive rcal number. (b) negative real number.

(c) perfect square real number. (d) zero.

(35) lf the two roots of the equation : a x2 + b X + c = 0 are I

, I where 1 e R. then .......

(a)a=c (b)c=l (c)b=0 (d) h2 =I

(36) If the roots of the equation a X2 + b X t c = 0 where a > 0 are leal and equal

, then the roots of the equation ax2 +bi(+ c i I =0 are " ""'
(a) real and equal. (b) real and different.

(c) complex and not real. (d) rational.

(37) The integer values of c which makes the equation X + 3 X + c = 0 has two real

different roots and the equation : x2 + 3 X + c + 2 = 0 has two complex and non real
roots are........

(a)2or3 (b)2or1 (c)-2or-3 (d)-2or I

Determitre the type of the two roots of each of the following equations :

lrtrEx'/ 2x+5=0 | r2rEEx2-l0X+25=0

I r I t G - x + s x - .to - o
2 (4rE!(x-ll) x(x-6)=0
*' l,u,rf, +r1 r=3
I rzr tf, tx l.)(x-7)=2(x l)(x-4)
fr Prove that : The two roots of the equati on : 2 x2 - 3 x + 2 =0 are complex and not real

then use the Beneral formula to find those two roots.

> Exercise 2|

S If the t
"o "oots
ofeach of the following quadratic equations are equal , then frnd the
valne of k :

k "4"
(2)x2+(2k+3)x+k2=O -- -t1 ..

( 3 ) EE x2 + 2 (k- l) -x+ (2 k r l) =0 ,then find the rwo roots. "0,1,1or4'-3,3>

(4) @ x2 -2k x +'t k- 6 X + 9 =o, then find rhe two roots. <0'3,3o.L4'4>

Find the values of the real number m that make the equation :

(m 1) x2 -2 m x +m=0 hasnoreal roors.

J Without solving any ofthe following equations , show which of them has two rational
roots and which of them doesn't have rational roots , then check your answer by

solving the equation :

(l)2x2-3x-2=o {2)x2+'[ax-s=o

Li If L and M are two rational numbers , then prove that the two roots of the equation :

L X2 + (L- M) X M = 0 are rational numbers.

I Prove that the two roots of the equatiotr :

Xz +kXtk= 1 are always rational where k Ge

Find the interval to which a belongs that makes the two roots of the equation :

(a+2) X2 +(2a+3)Xra 1=0 real numbers.

Proye that for all real values of a and b , the roots of the equation :

(X (.1( b)=5arereal.
- a)

J hove tlat for all real values ofa except (a = 2) the equation :

(a 1) X2 - ax+ I = 0 has two real and differcnt roots.

aRemember aUnderstand OAppry ,. Higher OrderThlnking Skills

Choose the correct answer from those giYen :

I r I rTherworootsof theequationx2-2{"5x+ l=0are '

(a) rcal and rational. (b) not real.

(c) real and equal. (d) reat and irrational,

(2)lf ax2+bx+c=0 , aClR*, bClR c CIR and (b2 - 4 a c) is non-positive ,

then the two roots ol the equation are .....-- .

(a) equal. (b) not rcal.

(c) complex and conjugate to each other. (d) real and different.

( 3 ) In which of the following quadratic equations the roots ale conjugate comptex ?

(a) x2-4 x-5 =o 61t[i xz +{i x- r =o

(c) x2 -2"[ix+q=o (d) 3 xz '1{7 x+ 5 =o

(4 ) Ifthe rcots ofthe equation X2 2'[i x+ a=O arc conjugate complex
, then a e ....

@)l-2,27 o)l-- '21

c)12,-[ (d) [2 , -[
If a , b and c are real numbers , then proYe that the two roots of the equation i

x2 + 2 a x+ a2 -b2 + c2 are real.

Prove that the two roots of the equation !

=l ]- + l
X+a= X a
*" ut" ays not real if a eiR* , xe {0 . a}
iiii Exercise


Relation between
the two roots of
the second degree
equation and the
coefficients of its
terms Test yourself

Ionememter aUnderstand
From the schoot book OApp0y .'. Higher OrdorThinking Skitts

Choose the correct answer from those given :

( I )The sum of the two rcors of rhe equation : X2 + 3 X- l0 = 0 is .

(a) 10 (b) - 10 (c) 3 (d) 3

( 2 ) The sufi of the two roots of the equation 2
3 = 0 is ...
: 5 .i( - .

+ o)+ (c) zero
+ (d)
1-l )The product ofthe two roots ofthe equatron 2 Xz -7 X-6 = 0 equal.. .

(a)-6 @+ (c) 3 (d)-3

l ( 4 ) The product of the rwo roots of rhe equation : 3 + 2 X -t xz =0 equals ......

tr'-3" rb) 12 rc) t2 rar j-

( 5 ) The product of the two roots ofthe equation : 3 X2,4 = 0 multiplying by the sum of
the two roots ofthe equation x2 - 3 ,(= 0 is ..........
(^) 12 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 3
(6) If the sumof the two roots of the equarion :3 X2 +b X+ 14=Ois
{,rmn t =.......
tu -'7 (b) ? r.r f --t4 {d)
,) ( 7
) Ifthe product ofthe rwo rcors of the equation: (k-2) X2 -6 X+ 12=O ts3 ,
(a) zoto O) 4 (c) 6 (d) 38

(::.)\n/drt\/(;,J6)sur -r"-"- J-lgOI f25 I

aRemember a Understand OAPPlli ,. Higher Order Thinking Skills

=1 IfM '(5 -M)

(E) are the two roots oftheequation: X2-kx+ 6=O
'thenk= '

(a)-5 (b) 5 (c) 6 (d) 8

(9)Inthequa&aticequation:bx2tci(+a=0 the sum of the two roots equal the

product of them rthenc= '

(a) b (b) a (c) b (d) a

(10) If X = - I is one of the two roots of the equation : X2 k i( - 6= 0 , then the sum of
the two roots =
(a)-s (b)6 (c) 6 (d)s
(11) lf(2 i) is one of the roots of the equation: x2+bx+c =0 where b rcCR
rthen(brc)= "
(a)(4,5) (b)( (c)(4,-5)
4,-s) (d)( 4,5)
(12) If L, M are the two roots of the equation: x2 (k+2)x-3=0andLtM=0
, then k = --........

(a) 2 (b)-3 (c)2 (d)3

(13) IfM are the roots ofthe equation: aX2 +b X+ 12=0 ,thena-
(a) 3 (b) 5 (c) 6 (d) 9
(r4) If (L+ 1),(M+ 1) are the two roots ofthe equation: I2 3Xt2=0andL<M
(a) zero (b) 1 (c) 2 (d) 3

(15)If L rM are the two roots of the equation '. X2 + X+ I =O '

(a) zero (b) I (c) -I (d) 2
(16) ff L, M are the two roots of the equation . x2 - 2l X + 4 = O , then :lli+{vt =
(a) 25 (b) 5 (c) 5 (d)!5
(17.) If the two rcots of the equation : X2 + b x + c = 0 are L and L r then b2 + 4 c =
(a) o (b) 4 L2 (c)8L (d) 8 L2

(18) The Foduct of the roots of the equations : a X2 + b X + c = 0,b x2 + c X + a = 0

and c x 2 t a x + b = 0 equal
(wherea,b and c are non-zerc real numbers)
(a)abc (b) I (c) I (d) zero

(19) lf L, L2 are rhe two roots of the equation'. 2 X2 + b X + 54 =0 r then b = .'

(a) t2 (b) 24 (c) 6 (d) e
> Exercise 3 ?
(20) Ifone ofthe roots of the equation: X2- 5I+ n = 0 more than the other root by I

(a)2 (b)2or3 (c) 6 (d) 8

(21) Ifone of the roots of the equation : X2 3 X + c = 0 is twice the other root
, then c = .... .

(a)-4 (b)-2 (c) 2 (d)

(22) Ifone of the two rcots of the equation : X2 + k X- 98 = 0 is twice the additive
inverse of the olher rool , then k =
(a) r 14 (b)t7 (c)i8 (d) 49
(23) @ If one of the two roots of the equation : x2
- (b 3) x + 5 = 0 is rhe additive
inverse of the olher roor , lhen b =
(a)-s (b)-3 (c) 3 (d) 5
(24) Ifone of the rwo roots of theequation: x2
-(b2 2b+l)X g=O
is additive inverse of the other ! then h = ..........
(^) zerc (b) 3 (c) 1 (d) 1

the other root rthenk=- .....
(a) 3 (b) 2 c)+ (d) t2
(26) Q If one of rhe two rcots of the equation : a X2 3 X+2=lis the multiplicative
inverse ofthe other , then a = ......-...
(a) 1 o)+ (c) 2 (d) 3
inverse of the other root , then the value of k = . . .

(a) 5 (b) 3 (c) 5 (d) 3

(28) Ifone of the roots ofthe equarion : 3 xz -1k+ x+k2 +2k

Zy = 0 is the
multiplicative inverse ofthe other r then k = ...-.-

(a)-3or I (b)-3or I (c)3or I (d)3or1

(29) The opposite figure represents the curve of the function
f :

(a) zerc (b) 2
(c) 4 (d) 8
aRemember aUnde6tand OAPPry .t Higher OrderThinking Skllls

(30) The opposite figurc rcprcsents the curve
firnctionl: J (.X, =Xz+kX+tr
of the
(a) (b) I
(c:)'7 (d) - 7

(31) The opposite figure represents the curve

of the turctionf : I (n = Xz +b x + c
and if L , M are the roots of the equation f (r0 =0
, then which of the following is true ?

(a)L+M>0, LM >0 (b)L+M>0,LM<0

(c)L+M=0'LM>0 (d)L+M=0rLM<0
(32) The opposite figure reptesents the curve ofthe function f :

rthenk= ...

(a) - 14 (b) 14

(c) 8 (d) 8

(33) lf)(= 3 is one ol the two roots ofthe egtatior :2X2 +kX-3 = 0 ,then the other
root equals ..........

tat 2 (b)l G)+ (d) I


(34) If x= 3 is one of the two roots of the equ ation.2 Xz -5 x+k= 0 , then the other
root equals ..... .----...,
(a) 3 o)-+ G)+ (d) 3

(35)lf X=2 x = 3 are the two roots of the equation : 2 X2 + aX+b=O

(a) 6 (b)-l (c) 10 (d) 12

(36)Ifone ofthe roots of the equation: a x2 t b I+ c =0 is one 'then the other root
equals.....- ..

ca O)! (") ! rd) ----:

(37) The roots sum of the equation : (x - a) (x b) = c is

(a)a+b (b)-(a+b) (c)a+b+c (d)a+b-c

> Exercise 3|
(38) hoducts of the two roots of the equation : { = c is
(a) (b)ac (c)ab (d)bc
(39) If L M are the roots of the equation : X2 + L X + M 0 where M + 0 ,
' =
then!=......... ..
(a) I (b) I rcf:1
'2 (d)-2
(40) If the X-coordinate of the vertex of the curve of the function
f: f QC) =aX2 +bX+c
(a) 2 (b) 2 (c) 4 (d)-4
(41) If the two roots of the equation : a X2 + b X r c = 0 are (m - n - l), (n - m + 2)
r then . ...

(a) 1=t (b) b =l (c)a= I (,1) b

aa a
=- t
(42) Ifone of the two roots of the equation : (a b) X2 + @ x + (c
- - c) - a) = 0 is additive

inverse of tlre o rer tlrcn = ...............

(a) I (b)-1 = (c) zero (d) 2

Without solving the equation ,Iind the sum and the product of the two roots ofeach
of tle following equations :

\l) 9.3 x2 =23 X 30 ( 2 ) (4 x + t) (x + 6) = (x - 2) (3 x - 4)

(3)+++=+ ( 4\ (a- l) xz + x - * x- I + a=o

of c , then solve the equation in the set of complex numbers.
"c=s,x=iorj(= 4"
f,E If the sum of the two roots of the equation :2 X2 +b X- 5 =Oisf , frnrl the value ofb
, then solve the equation in the set of complex numbers.
ft Find the other root of the equation , then find the value ofa in each of the
following where a CIR :
( f ) IfX = - I is one of the two roors of the equation : X2 -2 X+ a=O (3, 3r
( 2 ) If (l + i) is one of the two roots of the eq\ation., x2 -2 x + a=O "l-i;2"
z1 aRemember alJnderstand oAppI, .'. Higher Orde. Thinking Skills

@ U nira tn" "rf,res of a , b in each of the following equations , if :

| ( I , 2 ,5 are the two roots of the equation'. X2 + a X+b =O <<a=-7,b=10,


It2t 3 , 7 arc ttre two roots of the equation : a x2 - b X - 21 =0 (a=1,b=4>

I r:,-f . j are the two roots of the equation: ax2 x+b=o
<<a=2,b= 3,

Ir_r ,t { I i , l/ 3 r are rhe two roots of the equation : x2 + a X t b = 0

r <a= 0 ,b=3>

fr Find the ,alue of k in each of the following which makes :

lfltEEOneoftheroorsoftheequation:x2+(k-l)r( 3 = 0 is the additive inverse of

I th" oth". rootr. I"

I ( 2 ) E! One of the roots of the equation : 4 k X2 + 7 x + kz + 4 = 0 is the multiplicative

I inu.o. .,f rh" nth"r. .. I ..

| ( 3 ) One of the roots of the equadon : 2 x2 + k2 = 5 .l( + 2 is the multiplicative inverse of

Lhe other root. - =
2 '

fr Find th" ualre of u which makes one of the two rcots of the equ ation. x2 - a x + 2l =O
j exceeds double the other root by one. " 9.5 or 10,

0 In the equation (k - 4l Xz - 13 - kl x - 3= 0 . lind the value of k if :

I t I t The sum ot its two roots equals 5

I I 2 I The producl o[ ils luo roots equals - I


| ( 3 ) One ol ir5 t\ o roots equals lhe addilive inverse of the olher root.
r 4 r one ol ils lwo roots equals the mulliplicalive inverse of lhe olher root " ; '5'l'l-
O Find the value of k which makes one o[ lhe rwo rools ofthe equalion :

r_ ,u-l)x+(k2+2k 3) =0 double the other root.

fr Find the ,alue of a which makes one o[ the two roots o[ the equalion :

I x2 ax+za 4 = 0 four limes rhe other root. "I0or2+"


O ff the sum ofrhe two roots ofthe equation'. (a-2) X2 a .l( + b2 = 0 equals 3 and the

I product of the rootsis5 .find rhe value of each of a rb "3,16"


> Exercise 3?
@ Find the value ofc which makes one of the two roots of tlrc equation :12- 6 X+ c = 0 equals

I the square o[ Lhe orher root. - 27 or s .

the value ofa which makes one ofthe two roots ofthe equation:4 X2 aX-3 =0
lexceedsrheaddiriveinverseoftheotherrootbyl "4,

@ Find the value of a which makes one of the two roots of the equat ion:2 X2 - a X + 3 =0

I exceeds the multipJicative inverse of the other root by I

t_ "j,
$ nind the value ot c . ,r on.

I rhan rhe square ofthe other roor. - )6()12l -

@ If the rario between lhe two roots of the equation : a X2 + b X i c = 0 as the ratio 2 : 3 ,
I prove that: 25 ac =6b2

@If the two roots ofthe equarion:8 x2 bx+3 =0 are positive and the ratio between
I them is2:3.find rhevalueof b -lu.

[D Find the satisfying conditior such that one of the two roots ofthe equation
I ( I ) Is double the orher roor

I ( 2 ) Exceeds the orher root by 3 n 9 ac = 2 b2 , 4 ac = br - 9 a, ,


@ Find the value ofa which makes the sum of the two roots ofthe equation :

X2 (a + 4) X + 3 * = 0 equals rhe producr of the two roots of the equation :

2X2 '1 ax+a2=0

Choose the correct answer lrom those given :

( I ) If(2 i) is one root of the equation : x2 + a xr b=0

where coeffrcients ofits terms are rcal numbers , then all of the following are fiue
(a) the other root is (- 2 i) (b) sum of the two roots = zero
(c) product of the two roots = 4 (d) discriminant of the equation < 0
aRemember alJndersland OAppry .'. Higher Order Thinking Skills

(a) real roots sum = 6 only. (b) one of the rcors = (3 + i) only.

(c) (a) , (b) together. (d) nothing of the previous.

(3 ) lf the opposite figure represents the cu e of the function

(a) 3 (b) 5

(c) 7 (d) 10

{ r 4 r lf x, the roots oI tlle equation : aXz+bxtc =0and xr .0.X2

'x2are ,|
I ' , * , I > I x 2 I ' which oI the following statemenls
could be rue

I tutu.o (b)bc>o (c)bc<o {d) xt + Xz>O


I,. find the ,atu" of a which makes the two roots of the equatio! :

I I x2 -tzu. lrx+(a. 4)=0aredjfferentinsign. ""el -,a1"



the quadratic
equation whose
two roots are
o'. Higher Order Thinkinq Skttts

Choose the correct answer from those given :

( I ) The quadratic equation whose roots sum equals - 1 and the product equals 3 is ..

(a)x2-r-3=0 1byx2+x+3=o
(c) x2 xr3=0 (d)x2+x-3=0
The quadmtic equation whose roots are 2 , 3 is
(a)(x+2)(x+3)=o 1b]rx2-+x+6=o
(c)x2-x=6 1dytx2-zx+3=o
The quad.atic equation whose roots are 2 i and 2 iis.....
@)x2=a,1 (b)x2+4=0 (c)x1-4=o (d)ix2+4=0
] i una ] i i, .. ...
The quadmtic equation whose roors are 3

(a)4x2-g=O (b) 4x2+9=0 (c)4x2-4=O (d)9x2+4=0

The quadratic equation whose roots are (1 5 i) and (1 + 5 i) is ........ .

(a)x2-2x+26=O (b) X2 +2 x-26 =O

(c) x2 2 x-26 =o (d)X2+2X+26=0
If L , M are the two roots of the equation : X 2 4X+l=O rthen the value of
expression : L2 -4L+I = ..........
(a) zero (b) 4 (c)l (d)-l
(., r )\ a,/6rE \/ (r-,tj) rur -q-,,- J-lo@Jf la,
aRemember a .t Higher Order Thinking Skills

(7 ) lf Lis one of the roots ofthe equation: X2 +4 X+7 =O

, then(L+2)2=.......
(a) - 1l (b) ll (c) 3 (d)-3
(8) ff L , M are the two roots of the equation I x2 -'7 x + 3 = 0 , then the value of the

expression : L2M+LM2 =..--

(a) 7 (b) 3 (c) l0 (d) 21

(9) If L,Marethe two roots of the equation: Xz -7 x+3 =0 rthen L2+M2=

(a) 1 (b) 43 (c) 58 (d) 79

(10) If L ,M arc the two rcots of the equation : X2 - 8xt c = 0 and L2 + M2 = 40

(a) 8 (b) 10 (c\ 12 (d) 14
(11) If L, M are the two roots of the equation : x2 - 7 i( + 9 = 0 where L > M
,thenL3-M3=.. .

(a) 31 (b) 63 (c) +o{t: (d) e 1F

(12)If L , M are the two roots of the equation .x2 5 x+7 =O rthenL(M+1)+M=
(a)z (b) 2 (c) t2 (d)7
' (13) If L , M are the two roots of the equation : 3 .l( 2 -8x+2=o
+ (b) 4 (c)
(14) If L M are the two roots of the equation xz -'1 x+3=O then the equation
' '
who5e two roors are (l +M)andLMis
(a) x2-lo x+21 -o (b) X2+1OX+2I=O
(c) xz - 21x t l0=0 (d) x2 -21 x lo =o
(15) If L ,M are the two roots of the equation x2 -5 X+3 =0, rhen the equation
whose two roots are 2 L'2 M is
(a)2x2' 10x+6=o (b) xz-tox+t2=o
@)2X2-rcX-6=O (d) X2+lOX+12=O
(16) If L ,M are the two roots of the equation 2x2 -3 x 6=0 'then the equation
f; ls
whose two roots are ana .......
-3 x 6 =o
x2 (b) 4 x2 6 x-3 =o
(c)16.X2+6X-3=0 @)rcx2 6x 3=O
> Exercise 4 2
(17) If L rM are the two roots of the equatio n : x2 5x+'j =0 r then the equation
whose two roots are L2 and M2 is....

(a) x2 + ll x+ 49 =O (b) x2 11 X+49=0

(c) x2 -49 x+ tl =o (d) X2 + l1 x 49 =O

(18) If L ,M are the two roots of the equation : j( 2 + 5 i(+ 6=0 r then the equation

whose two roots are (L- M) and (M - L) is ..........

(a)r(2+X+ I =0 (b)x2+1=0
(c)x2-x+1=O (d)x2 1=0
(19) The quadratic equation in which each of its two rcots more than the two roots
of the
equation : X2 - J x+ 2 =0 by 2 is
(a) x2 -3 x+2=o (b) x2 +'7 x+ 12=O
(c) x2 -7 x+ 12- o @) x2 -7 x 12=o
(Z$ f l, fi arc *eroots of the equation : 4 X2 + 3 X = 2, rhen the equation whose two
rootsareLandMis ......

(a)3 x2 8x+3=o (b)x2-3j(+8=0

(c)x2-3x 8=0 (d)3-X2+8x-3=0
,. (21) IfL r L2 are the roots ofrhe equation '.2X2 +bX+54=O,then-3L2 b = ........
(a) - 12 (b)-3 (c) 51 (d)a3
(22) If L , M are the roors of the equarion : 2 x2 + 3 x I = 0 , then 4 L2 + 6 L = .. .

(a) o (b) 1 (c) 2 (d) 3

1 (23) The quadratic equation whose terms coefficients are real numbers and
one of its roots
is (3 i) is..............
(a)x2-6x-10=0 (b) 2 X2 + 6 x+ 10 =O

(c)x2 6x+10=O (d)X2+6X+10=0

a (24) If Lr M are the roots of the equation : X2 + 4 X+ 5
=0, then the equation whose
roors are (4 L + 5) and (4 M + 5) is ....... ... ...

(a)x2+16x+25=O (b)X2+6X+25=0
(c)x2-16x+25=O (d) x2 6 x+25 =O
aRemomber aUnderstand OAPP0Y .t Higher Order Thinking Skills

(25) ff L, M are the roots of the equation : r(2 + b x + c = 0' then the equation whose

rcots+,#is...... ..

(a)X2+bx+c=0 (b)X2+cX+b=0
(c)cX2+bX+1=0 (d)cx2+X+b=O
(26)ffLt I + l are roots of the equation: x2 + 4 X+ 2 = O t then the quadratic
equation whose roots are L ' M is '

(a) X2 + 5 X+3 =0 (b)i(2+5x+5=0

(c)Xz+4X+3=O (d)x2+6X+7=O
c (27) The absolute value of the difference between the two roots of the equation :

xz -4 x+2 =o eqrals...............
(a)2 <q{, (c) 8 (o{t
(28) IfL , M are roots of the equation : X2 -4 x+ 2=O ' then the equation whose rcots
L2-4L+7,2M2 8 M + 9 is ........ ...

(a) x2 -10 x+25 =o @) x2 -25 =o

(c) X2 +25 =O (d) x2 -'t x-9=o
(291 If L are roots ofthe equation: x2- 4X+ 5=O,then the equation whose rcots
L2,4 M -5 is...............
(a)xz-5x+4=o b)5x2 4x+l=o
(c) x2 6 x+25 =o (d)x2+5x+4=0

Form the quadratic equation whose two roots are :

(t)g-2,4 (2)7,'.l (3)-7,0
(4)s?,+ rs r 5) L-zl (6)E051/l,-21F
t7 ) 7 + 2.{a '7 2'[a (8)E-si,si (9)Eg1-3i,1+3i
(r)ttr+,!l ffi, ji
1 t:
0U Eq 3 - z'[, i ,3 + 2'[r 1 {r2)u
(1J) a2-b2 , .a3-bl -
a-D a'+ab+b'
If Land M are the two roots ofthe equation'. x2 -'7 X+ 5 =O ,
then find the numerical value of each of the following expressions :

(1)L2M+M2L tzrfr+|
(3)(L-2)(M 2) rlr(r-+f )(na+|) "rs,J ,-s,l! ,
> Exercise 4|

@ If t anO U are the two roots of the equat iol : X2 - 4 x + 2 = 0 : where L > M
. frnd lhe numerical lalue of each of the following expressioos
| :

Jrtrt-')+u2 (2)L M
tl|,1,L-4L+1 I ,5,2Ml 8M+t5

-,t.2V2.a, .i.tj..

If L and M are rhe two roors of the equation I xz 3 x- S = O , then find the equation

I rvhose roors are : L - 4 and M4 "xr+5j( 1=0,


@IfLand M are rhe rwo roots ofrhe equation..2 X? -S X 7=0 , then find the equation
whose roots are : I Land I M .,2xr+i(-10=0,
9a lf L and M are the two roots of the equati on : x2 3 x - 4 = O, then find the equation
I whose roots are : l: and f
"4xr+3j( l=0,,
fl tf f ana \4 are rhe roots of rhe equarion : 2 -X 2 5x+t=0,rhenfindrheequarron
I whose roots are : 2 L: and 2 M2
.2x, ztx+2=o,
@ EJ Find rhe quaarafic equation in which each ofthe two rcots exceeds one ofthe two

I x2 - 't x g=O .,t gx.

roots of rhe equation I t=o,

S Form rhe quadrari..oru

I rootofrheequarion'.4x: t2x+i=O "t6xi-24x+j=o,

UU [-] Find the quadratic equation in which each of its two roots equals the square of the

I conesponding root of the equarion : X 2

+3X - 5= 0 "x2 tgx+zs=o.

[ll *] tf luna M are rhe rwo rools olrhe equalion:2 Xr- J x I 0,

I thenlormrhequadraticequarionswhoserroroo,.*., !-,Y 2x +llxr2=0-
@ If L and M are rhe two roors of the equati on : X2 2 X - 4 = 0 , find the equation whose
|I ,oo,ru," ' 4".a*
T.' "roxr l2j(+1=0,

[D ffL and M are rhe rwo roors of theequationt3x2- 5X+2=O,formtheequatio[

I ar. , x'-:s x+ rz =0,,

whose roots
# -o * " t8
aRemember alJnderstand OApery .'. Higher Order Thinking Skills
@If Land M are the two roots of the equation: 10 X2 + 12 x- | =0, form the equation
M+ 32=o"
whose roots are : 2 L +
Ir_ # .2
+ "sx2-48x

[B tfL andM are the two roots ofthe equation x2 -3 x 5= 0 , find the equation whose

I roots are: L2MandM2L "r('z+Isj( 125=0,


[f,! If L and M are the two roots of theequatior =0 rwhereL>M r form the
I equation whose roots are : 3 L 2M,2L-3M

flo IfL * 2 -a u * z are rhe two roots of the equation : )(2 1lX+3=0,findtheequation
whose roots are : L , M " x2 I x- t5 =0,

fita tf L* 3 -al'l * 3 are the two roots of the equation: x2- 5 x+ l1 = 0 , form the

I equation whose roots are : L2 M and M2 L ".1(r+5x+125=0'


d rrf ' $.* *" ,wo roots ofthe equati on: x2 -3 x+7 = 0 r form the equation whose
I rooLsare:LM-? 'L+M+l
x: Jo o"

6 If L and M are the two roots of lhe equation'. xz -2 x- 5 = O r form the equation whose

I rootsare:L2+M r M2+L nxr-t6x+ss=o'


fr,. lr *" diff.r"r"" uelween lhe two rools of the equalion : 6 x

- 7x+ I = c is
I find the value ofc 4

@ g tf fi" aif"r"n"" between lhe two roots of the equation : x2 + k x+ 2 k = 0 equals twice

j(2 + 0 r then fi nd the value of k

i the product of rhe two roots of the equation : 3X+k=


fi If I ara u are ttre two roots of the equation:4 X2 6 x + a= 0 and L2 + M2 = 7 LM ,
find the value oI a - | ,'

@ ItL *a Il'l ura ttr" two roots ofthe equation I x2 -4 x- 5 =o r where L>M r then form

I the equation whose roots are : L - 7 , 2 M2 + 1 nx2 X o=o"


> Exercise 4p

g IfL + 1 and M + I are the roots of the equation : X2 + 5 .I + 3 = 0 , then find the
quadmtic equation whose roots are : L and M
Yousef's answer Amira's ansiryer
'. (L+l)+(M+l)=-5 '. L+M= 5
.. L+M+2=-5 ,LM=3
.'. L+M=-'l .'.(L+l)+(M+1)
,. (L+1)(Mr1)=3 =L+M+2=-5+2=-3
..LMr(L+M)+1=3 ,'. (L+ l)(M+ l)
.'.LM-7+1=3 =LM+(I-+M)+l
.. LM=9 =3-3+1=1
.'. The equation is: X2 +7 X+9 =O .. The equation is : X2 +3 X+ I =O
Which of the two answers is conect ? Why ?

Choose the correct answer from those given :

( I ) The quadratic equation whose roots are the dimensions of a rectangle of area 15 cm:

and its pedmeter 26 cm. is ...

(a) x2 -26 x+ t5 =o (b) x2 +26x- 15-O

(c) x2 l3x-15=0 (d)x2-13x+15=O
(2)lf a2 +3 a+ I = 0 , b2 + 3 b + I =0 where a ,b are real different numbeft
, then 1+ ! = .... . ...
(a) 2 (b) 7 (c)-s (d) 11

(3) If L r M are the roors of the quadratic equation : (X

- a) (X b) = k , then rhe
quadratic equation whose roots are a and b is ..........

(a) (x L)(x M)=0 (b)(i(-L)(r(-M)+k=0

(c) (x- L) (x- M) = k (d)x2-(L+M)I+k=0
aRemember aunderstand oApply .'. Higher order Thinking skills

( 4 ) To form the quadratic equatioD whose roots 4 L r 4 M where L r M are real numbers

it is sufftcient to have ....--

(a)L+M=5only. (b)(L+M+4)2+(LM-3)2=2e1qqdy.
(c) (a) , (b) together. (d) nothing of the previous.

( 5 ) Omar and Khaled are trying to solve a quadratic equation Omar miswrite the absolute

term of the equation and he got the roots of the equation 3 4 t while Khaled
miswrite the coefficient of x in the equation so he got the roots of the equation 2 , 3

then the right roots of the equation are

(a)2,4 (b) 2,-4 (c) .16 (d)-I 6

(6) If 2
the roots of the quadrutic equation : rC + b j( + c = 0 are two consecutive odd

numbers, then b2 - 4 c =.-........

(a) -1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4

(7) If the roots of the quadratic equation : X - b X + c = 0 arc two differcnt integeG and
b,c are prime numbers which of the following statements could be dght ?

O The difference between the equation roots is odd.

@b2 -cnumber is a prime @b t c is a prime number

(a)@only (b)O,@only. (c)@ r @ onlv. (d) All the previous'

(8) IfL,M are the roots of the equation: x2 (tan O) x- 1 = 0 and L2 + M2 = 3

where 0' <0< 90' . then 0 = '

JI (b) X {c)
IT ,".7
t2i 6 4 T
(9) If L r L2 are the roots of the equation : X2 + X+ I =0, then the equation which has

the roots Lr23 , L2oz is . ....--...

(a) rc2 + x+ I = O (b) x2-x- I=O

(c) x2 + x-l =o (d) xrz + x6 -l =o
i-:_ 1
',', )

r---' 5
Sign of
a function
Test yourself

:lj Fromtheschool book aRemember O-.-r:::, .'. Higher Order Thinking Skills

Choose the correct answer from those given :

( I )The function J : / (f,C = 4 is negative in the interval ..

(a) I - ,4[only. (b) l- 4 , 4[ only.

(")l--,-[ (d) l- 2 ,2[ only.

(2 )The function f: J (jq = 5 X- 3 is positive at

,J x,
rbrx<] (")
I (d)x.+
t 3 )lf f (x)=2x-4, then J is negative at xe .. ..

@12'-l o)l--'2[ (c) l2 , -[ (a)l--,zl

( 4 ) The sign of the function f :f (,=6-2xisnonpositiveat ......

(a)x>3 (b)x<3 (c)x<3 (d)x>3

( 5 ) The tunction J : f ()O = 3 - 1 X it non negative at X C ..... .

G)l -,61 o)l -,6[ t"l [e , -[ (d) 16 , -[

(6) If the function J | 1-a, :1 ......*p *n"rc f (n = x+2
, then f (, is positive at .i( C . .....

(")l--,-2[ G)]-2,-[ G))-4,-2[ (d) ] 2 ,3[

(1,.)\ -,/crr \,/ (,Jc)-Lr -+q, 1'-k@Jl @


= aRemember aUnderstand OAppry .'. Higher Order Thinking Skills

(7)If the function /: I S,OJ....-]R',"6"rcf (x)=x+3

then / C
tX) is negative at X .

(a)l s , 3[ O)]--,-3[ (c)]-3,-[ (d)] 3,6[

(8 ) The function f: /(D =c has a sign .....always.

(a) positive (b) negative

(c) like the sign of)( (d) like the sign ofc
1 9 ) The sign of the function f :f ()0 = a X + b onR is the same as the sign of b if ...

(a)a=b (b)a=0 (c)a>0 (d)a<0

(10) The function J : f(X)=aX2+bX+chasonesignonlRif ..
(a)b2-4ac>O (b)b2-4ac<o
(c)b2 4ac=0 (d)b2-4ac>0
(fl) IfJ (r{) = 3 x then the sign ofthe function f is negative in the interval ......
(u)l--,:[ (b)]3,-[ (.) I - ,o[ (d)l-3,-[
(12) The function f : J (, = X2 - 9 is negative at X €...
(a)R-[-3,3] (b) I 3 ,3[ c)l--,-e[ (d)]--,-3[
(13) The function J : I (X) = X2 + 1 is positive at X€ ...

(a) l0 ' *[ only. (b) ]1 , -[ only. (c) ]- - , 1[ only. (d) R

(tit.)The function f :f (D = X2 - 6 X + g is positive in the interval ......
tur lo,-[ (b)] -,31 (c) R - {3} (d)R {o}
(15) The interval in which the function J : / (X) = X2 -5 x+ 6 ispositive is ..

(a) [2 , 3] R- {2 ,3} G) (c)R [2,3] (d)R-12,3[

(16) lf f (X) is positive at x ef- 2, 5[ , then f (rO = ..........
(a) x2 3x-10 10 3 r-x2 (b)
(c) X2 +3 X 10 (d)10+3x-x2
(17) lf f (x)= x2 +b x+ c is negative atx€ ]2 ,3[ only , then the prcduct of the two
rootsof theequation : i(2+bX+c =0 equal.. ...
(a)-6 (b) 6 (c) b (d) c
(18) The sign of the two functions I : I ()O = (i( - l) (X r 2) and I : e (X) = - X2 + 9
are both positive at X C .

(a) ,3[U] 3, 2[
l1 (b) l- 2 ,0[
(c)13,-[U]--,-3[ (d) I 3 ,3[
) Exercise 5 e
a (19) The sign of the two functions J and g where f (X)--X-2 ,8l;/')=4- X2
are both negative in the interval

rul lz , -[ o)]-*,-2[ @)]-2,2[ (d)l--,-21

(20) Which of the following functions is positive for all values of XCIR ?

(a)f:f(x)=x2+4 (b)f:f(r=3
(c) f : J (S=Y2 2YaP (d) All the previous.

(21) The function f :J (X)=12+4X X2 is not negative in the interval ......

@l 2,61 (b)[ 2,6] (c)rR I 2,6[ (d)] -,-[

(22) The function f : J (n = - 6 - l) (X + 2) is positive in the interval .

(a) ll ,2[ o)[-1'2] (c)l-2,1[ (d)l -,-[

(23) The opposite figure reprcsents a f st degree function of x

First : The function is positive in

the interval ..---

G) [2,-[ (b) lr -[,

G) l-- ,2[ (d) l2 , -[

Second i The function is negative in

the interval ......... .

ra)l -,zl @1-z,z) (c) l- * ,2[ (d) l2 , -[

(24) The opposite figure represents a second degree function / ofx
First : J (X) =0 atXe... ..

(a) R (b) Nr

(c) [- L 3] (d) {3, 1}

Second : J (X)>0 at Xe......
(a) I 1 ,3[ o) [- L3]
(c)R-[-1,3] (d) R

Third:f ()0<0 ,(e ..........

(a)l 1,3[ (b)[ 1,3] (c)R-[-l ,31 (d) R

(25) lf f (x)=(x-a)2,thenJ(a+1)xf (a- 1)€ ...

(a) lR (b) R* (c) [- 1 ,1] (d)l-r,1[
aRemember aUnderstand OApp[y ,. Higher Order Thinking Skills

=1 If
(26) the roots of the equation : f (X) = 0 are L r M where f is a quadrutic function
L>M (L+ 1)xf (M 1) C...............
' 'thenf
rullo,-[ (b)] -,o[ (c)[-L1] (d) {0}
(27) If L is a root of the tunction : f (, = 0 wherc I (X) = a X + b
.rhen f (L+ l) v f(L I)€........
* (b) R (c)[-1,1]
(a) lR (d) [- 5 ,5]
(28) If the curve ol the function f , where J is a linear function , intersects the X-axis at
(3 r 0) which of the following statements is always tue ?

(a)I (2) > f (3) (b)l(4)<l(3)

(c)J(2)xl(a)>f(3) (d)f(2)xf@)<f(3)
(29) The sign of tunction f: f (f,1 = (X 3)2 is non-negative on ...............
(a) {3} only. (b) 13 , -[ only. (c) R (d) @

(30)lff(n=ax2+b-l(+c r a > 0 and the roots of the equation I (, = 0 are 2,1

, then the function / is non-positive at X € .. .-

(a){ 2'1} O)l-2,r[ (c)[ 2,1] (d)R-[-2,1]

(31) The function f: / (X) = * Xz + c where a + 0 > 0 has a sign............... alawys.
(a) negative (b) positive (c) Iike the sign of X (d) like the sign of a

(32) If the minimum value of a quadratic function y = J (JC) is 3 , then the function is

negative at X C
(a) [R (Da (.) {3} (d) l3 , -[

Determine the sign of the functions which are defined by the follorvi[g rules , then
represent your answer on the number line :

t.t );:f (x) = (x 2)(x+3) (2)g f (n=Qx T2

(3)f(X|=2Yza5Y-7 (4)gf (X)=xz 8x+16
( 5) f (X|=212 -3 Y* 5 (6)f(x)=4x-1 -x2
(7)f(xt=9-4x2 (s)af (x) =2 x2
> Exercise 5 ?
q Draw f :f (r1=2 x2
the curye of the function 3x+4itl , ,ri)
From the graph , determine the sign of f in lR

I Dmw the curve of the function

determine the sign off
f :f (x)=-x2+ 8 i(-
in lR and the solution ofthe equation
15 in
[l r7] From the graph:
(X) = 0
[l Draw the curve of the functionf
From the $aph
f (-xO = X2 -9 in the interval [-3 ,4]

, determine the sign off in that interval.

I From the $aph , determine the sign off in that interval.

Investigate the sign of each of the followirg furctions :

(1)J: [ 1,6] .....*Pv76e..;1n=3-x

t z t l:[-2,8] . *Plvhs1s;1x)=x2 5x 6

Dcterminc thc sign of the functions represented bJ the follo\ring figures :

(1) (2)

Detemine the sign of each of the two functions : f :J00=x-3 ; g:g(X|=12 51 6

and when the two functions are positive together.

lffl(x)=x 3 , f2(x)=5+4x-X2,determinethesignof each of f1 'J2onthe

number line and detemine the intervals at which the two functions are nesative tosether.

J lf f (x)=y2-5ya6andg(x)=2x2 5x
18 , state the two functions f ,gwhen
they are positive together or negative together.

J il=l Prove that for all the values ofk eR the two roots of the equation :

I zx'-t x,t -z =0 are real and different.

aRemember a Undersland OApp[y .'. Higher Ord6r Thinking Skills

I , determine the interval at which the two functions are positive together.

Yo$sef's answer Amira's answer

X=-lmakesf(al=0 X=-lmakesf(.10=0
f (, is positive in the interval ]- I '-[ / (X) is positive in the intelval ]- 1 , -[
,X=t 1, makes g (i0 =0, g (X) is ,x=tl,itmakesg(x)=0
positive inthe intervat ] l,t[,thus g (-)O is positive in the interval ]- 1 , [ 1

the two functions are positive together thus the two functions are positive
in the interval together in the interval
l-1,-tUl r,1[-]-1,-[ l-1,-tnl r,r[=] r,rI
Which ofthe two answers is correct ? Represent each ofthe two functions graphically and
check the correct answer.

Each of the following ligures shows the graphical representation of a second degree

function in one variable. Study the sign ofeach function in IR I then ffnd the rule of
each lunction :
(i l (2) (3)

Test yourself

@ From the s.hoor book aRemember aUnderctand OrApp0y ... Higher OrderThinking Skils

Choose the correct answer from those given I

( 1 ) The solution set of the inequality (,lt 2) (X 5)<0inRis..
(a) {2 ,5} G) l2 , sl (c) [2 , 5] (d) R [2 ,5]
( 2 ) The solution set of the inequality I2+ 3 J(-4 >0 in lR is.--.... ..
(a){ 4,1} (b)[4,1] (c)R I4,1[ (d)R-[-4,1]
( 3 ) The solution set of the inequality 7+x2-4x<oinRis .

(a) I 4 ,7[ (b)R [ 4 ,7] (c) R @)a

( 4 ) The solution set of the inequality 2X+X2+5>0inlRis ....

(a)lR-[-2,3] O) [-2,3] (c) lR k\a

( 5 ) The solution set of the inequality X2+ 9>6 xinlR is....... ..

(a) l- 3 ,3[ (b) R (c)R-[-3,3] (d)R-{3}

( 6 ) The solution set of the inequality 4 x-x2-4 <0 inRis..........
(a) lR (b) R* (c) R (d)R {2}
( 7 ) The S.S. of rhe inequality (X 1)2 s0inlRis..
(a) JR (uo (.) { 1} (d)R {1}
l ( 8 ) The solution set of the inequality :
- I (x + 2) > 0 in lR is ..........

(a){0, 2} G)[-2,0] (c) l- 2 , o[ @ l-z ,21
aRemembor aUnderstand OAppny .'. Higher OrderThinking skills

J ( 9 ) The solution set of the inequality .i( (i( - 1) > 0 in lR is ....
(a) {o ,1} O) lo , rl (c) [o ,1] (d)R [o,l]
(10) The solution set of the inequality x(x 2)<0is ...

(a) {o ,2} @)-2,21 (c) lo ,2[ (d)]1 ,2[

(ll) The solution set ofthe inequality xz <3 xis .........

(a) R- [o ,3] G) [o ,3] (c) lo ,3[ (d) R- ]o ,3[

(12) The solution set of the inequality ,(2+1<0inRis.
@)a (b) R (c) [ 1 ,1] (d)]R-l- r ,l[
(1-l) The solution set of the inequality X2+9>0inlRis ..

@)a (b) R (d)rR-[ 3,3]

(c) l- 3 ,3[
o (14) lf f (b=x2-6x+9,thenthesolutionsetoftheinequality:J(,<0inlRis........
(a) lR (b) {3} (c)rR-l-3,3[ (d)[-3,3]
(15) The solution set of the inequality : i(2 < 9 in lR+ is . .

(a)[ 3,3] O)R-l-3,3[ G)]0,31 @)a

I (16) The solution set of the inequality : x2 > 16 in the interval [- 4 ,4] is ..........
(a)[-4,4] O)R [4,4] G)a (d){-4,4}
i (17) which of the following answers does not belong to the solution set of the inequality
(a) I (b) 2 (c)-3 (d) s
(18) If the opposite figure represents the function
f :f (x) = x2 - Z x -3,then the solution
set of the inequality x2 2 x- 3 > 0 in R ir '.........
(a) l- 1 ,3[ (b)l -
G)13,-[ (d)l--,-1lu[3,-[
(19) If the solution set inlR of the inequality: a X2 + b X+ c > 0 islR r then .. 1......

(a)a,b,cClR+ (b) a , c have the same sign

(c)4ac>b2 (d)1ib']-aaceR
(20) If the solution set of theinequality:aX2rbxrc<0islR [L'M] then which of
the following is wrong ?
(a) The S.S. of the equation a x2 + b x + c = 0 in R is {L' M}
(d) The S.S. ofthe inequality a x2 + b x + c > 0 is [L , M]
> Exercise 6

(21) The solution set of the inequality : (X + 5) (x- 1) > (X + 5) is ...............

(a)h,-[ o)[-5,2] (c)R_l_5,2[ (d)R_]_s,rl

(22) ]- 2 4[ is the solution
..... .. set of the inequatity :

(a) xz -8>2x (b)x2-2x<8 (c)8+2x>x2 (d)x2-2x28

(23) The number of integers belong to the solution set of the inequality (2 X + l) (r( - 2) < 0
1S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

(a) zero (b) 1 (c) 2 (d) 3

(24) If 5<Xs8 :then ...........

(a) (x- 5) (x- (x- 5) (x- 8) > 0
8) > 0 (b)
(c) (x- 8) s 0 5) (x-(d) (x- 5) (x- 8) < 0
(25) The values ofx satisfy both : X2
-2 X-3 <0 'X-2 < 0 are...............
(a) l- r , 3[ (b) ]- 1 ,2[ (c) ]2 , 3[ (d) [- 1 ,3]

Find in lR the solution set of each ofthe following ineq ualities :

(1)@x2+2x-8>0 (2)X2 5 X-6 <O (3)4-3X-X2>-O
(4) gl ,(2- I <o (5) 4- x2 <O (6\f!x2 4 x+ 4>o
(7)6x-x2 g<o (8)x2-8x+16<o o) -x2 -rc x-25 >o
(70) @ 2 x- x2 <o

Find in IR the solution set of each of thc followfug inequalities :

(l)x2+5X<-4 (2)t!5x2+12X>44
(3)[Q3x2<11X+4 (.4) W x2 >6 x-g
(5)3-2X>X2 (6)@X2+5<1
(7)-X2 1<2 (8) (X-D2 >g
(9) g (x-Dz < 5 (10)@x(x+2)-3s0
(ll) g (x+ 3)2 < 10 - 3 (x+ 3) (12)85-zx<x2
Determine the sign of the function J : J (, = X2 - 5 X+ 6 and from thar find in lR the
solution set of the inequality : I (X) < 0

Detemine the sign of the function f :f (X) = 2 X2 +'7 X- 15 and frcm that find inlRthe

solution set of the ine qtality : 2 X2 + 1 X < 15

(v r)\-/cEr/(r&..)-," -1.-r-, !ar-*.c'rr Eg I

aRemember alJnderstand OAppry .t Higher Orde. Thinking Skills

@ Determine the sign of the function f : f (D = x2 + q

, then find in R the solution set ofthe inequality : J (X) s zero

Draw the graph ofthe function J: f(, = -x2 +2 x+ 3 ][I.the interval [-2,1] '
the graph lind in IR :
( 1)The solution setof the equality J (r=0 l( 2 ) The solution set of the inequality f (x)<O
( 3 ) The solution set of the inequality J (lC) > 0

i Find in IR the solution set of the inequality | (x + I)2 < 4 (2 x- 1)2

Yousef's answer Nour's answer

...(x+D2<4(2x 12 ... (x+ l)2 <4(2x-1)2
... r(+ 1 <2 (2 X- l)bytaking
... xz +2x+l <16x2 - 16 x+ 4
the square root to both sides ...15x2- 18x+3>o
.,.4x+x+2+l<O .'. The equation related to tlle inequality
.'. The equation related to
the inequality is: 3 X+3 =0 ... The solution set={1 ,+}
.'. The S.S. is { I } . By investigating the sign ofl where
. By investigating the sign ofj where
f (\= 15 x2 -18 x+3
f (x)= 3 x+3

... The solution ser = ]l , @[ .'. tre sotution set = IR - [1 ,1]

Which of the two answers is correct ?

Choose the corrcct answer from those given :

(I)Ef (x)=x2-'7 x+12 r x € lR ; then all the followiog are true except " "'
(a) solution set ofthe equation J (, = O is {3 ,4}

(b) solution set of the inequality f (x) > O is R - [3 , 4]

(c) solution set of the inequality f (rO < 0 is ]3 , 4[

(d) f ()O is positive in the interval lR ]3 ,4[

> Exercise 6 ?a
c ( 2 ) The sum of integeN belong to the solution set ofthe inequality
(x-2) (3 x t)<0 ....

(a) 1 (b) 1 (c) 2 (d) 3

( 3 ) The solution set of rhe inequality (x + 3)2 < 4 (X + 1 )2 in R is ........

r"rlt',t[ tu)R-]+,r[ r"r[t',r] (d)R [+,r]

(4) IfL , M are the roots ofthe equation: aX2+b.I+c =0 wherea>0 , L<M , then
the solution set of the inequality a l(2 + b I + c < 0 in IR is .... ..
(")l--,L[ (b)]L,M[
t"l lvr , -[ (d)R-[L,M]
set of the inequality a x2 + b x + c < 0 where a < 0 in R is .
(a) R (b\ a (c) lR* (d) R-
(6l If L, M are the two roots of the equati on : 2 Xz + (k - 2) X 5 = 0 and - 1< L<M r
(a) 1<k<0 (b)k>6 (c)k<-l (d) 1<k<6
(7 ) Ifeach one ofthe two roots of a quadratic equation: i(2-2 k j(+k2+k 5 =0 is
(a) [4 , s] G) [1 ,-[ (")l--,+[ (d) R [4,s]
( 8 ) If the two rcots of the quadratic equation: X2-kX+ 1=0 are not real r then...-
(a) k ez- (b)-2<k<2 (c)k>2 (d)k< 2
(9) If the solution set of the inequaliry : X2 4< x + k is [- 2, 3], rhefl k = ..........
(u) 6 (b) 1 (c) 2 (d) 10
c (101Ifrhe solurion set of the inequaliry : X2 tO<UXlr]-2,5[,thenb=..........
(a) - 10 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 5
c (11) Ifone ofthe roots ofthe equation: X2-b i(+ 3 =0 belongs ro rhe interyal ]l ,2[
, then b €.
(a) l1
(12)IfSt is the
,2[ (b)] -,3[ l:j +[r.r
solution setofthe inequality tX2 X 2<O
, (oR-13+,4[
and 52 is the solution setof
the inequality : X2 + X-2<0,thenSl i S, =.... ..
(a) @ (b) [-2 ,2] (c) [- 1 ,l] (d)R-l-1,1[
(13) IfL , M are the roots of the equation: a X2 + aX+ a+2=O and 2 C]L , M[
,thenaC .....

@)11 ,2) O)R* t"rlt',o[ (.)1i,fr[

(l.l) If the two roots of the quadratic equation 4 X2 -2 X + m = 0 belong to the interval
l-t , t[ ,tt"n..........
(a)0<m<2 (b)-6<m<{ (c)-2<m<{ {a)-0.-. z
on Unit One

1 : i From the school book

A diu"r rm (of height

.tunt.lr.ping from a platform
tform he ght 10 metles
I above water surface. If the heightt of the diver w
div, ' above) water

I surface "S" metres is determined .,t', rela on::

lhe relation
by the
I S =-4.9 r2+ 3.5 r+ l0,where "l' isisthe tl time
the ri Le in secor
I Aft", ho* .-y ,""onds lhe diver)r will
r'ill reach
rreac the water
rter surface? €NEl
. ._1\ k
,, +'..
-- -:\
Q LJ Th" di."rrions of a rectangularar plece
piece (of rc 6 and 9 metres
o' land are n , it is required to

I double its area by increasing each o[

off ils
its dir
dim osions
dimensions wi
with the same
sa magnitude. Find the
I additional magnitude. "
i metres ,

$ 1- estimat€
Population ot Egypl in 2013 isi estimate(
stimated i Z = nz + 1.2
relation'.: 2
rd by the rel
relation t + 91,
where(n) isthe numberof yearsand
md I (Z) isl
isi the
e rlation in millions
population rn :
| ( I ., wlat is the population in 20lJ ?
13 ? ((2)Estimr
:imate the population
2 ) Estir
Estimate p in 2023
I t J t Estimate the number of yearsI att whict
which re popul
hichr the ulation will be 334 million.
I 911 millioo
""91 m ,2t million 15 years
,203 i.e. in 2028
I '
d f,J Find lhe rotal elecric current intensily
ensity passing
.ntensity l tlro
hrcugh two resistances connected in
p rsing tlx
I parallel in a closed circuit . if the current
rent irintensiry
nsiry in
inl tl first rcsistance
n the n is (4 - 2 i)
+ Il i)
6.* li'
I u-o"." -d th" .""ond re"istance is i, (6
\ u-p"."
amperee (given that
thi the total current intensity
l-""'''-'""''o\lvrrvrluulgNriJ(2+' 2+l )
I equals the sum ofthe lwo current intensitie:s which
es trhich passes
pr through the two resistances).

(7 2 i) ampcrc "

Ll tfth..tect ic current intensity passlnS

I rcsistances
sistances connected on parallel in
assing in two rcsisl
$ passing IN
ir c(

I ,ere
a closed_cjrcuil equals 6 + 4 i ampere and,tl
e .r andI the curent intensity passing in one of them
ent intensit
te currer

I equals
7f ,lhen find the current
t inlensity
ntensityy vl
passing i
I the other
othe resistance .
(2 +:l i) ampere
r: m" n,oa*r.n-of agold-mine from
Q determined om 1990
l9s90 to 2010
191 l0 e
2010 r90
estimatec 0 estimated in determined ounce was
I by the tuncrion : t)=12r,'
/ /{nt =12I,2-96n+43
= 12 rl
r - 2
480 where'n'is the number of years
I and f (n) is the producrion ofgold.
| 1 I I lnvestigare tlre sign of the production
)duction f
uction function fJ
| 12 ,ld mine (in
I Find the production of lhe gold and ounce) in each of the two yeals
i thousar

I rqso-zoos
| 1: I ln which year ,lhe productionrn ofrhe gold
of the g
r was
was 2016
2016 thousand ounce ?

sands ounces ! 17:10 thousands ounces 2006 "

I '

Unit Two

Directed angle.

Systems of measuring angle (Degree measure - radian measure).

Trigonometric functions.

Related angles.

Graphing trigonometric functions.

Finding the measure of an angle given

the value of one of its trigonometric ratios.

At the end of the unit : Life applications on unit two.

i i--lii i
!-- 7
. angle


' From th€ s.hool book aRemember aUnderstand OAPE&7 .t Higher Order Thinking Skills

Choose lhe correcl answer from those given :

1 1 I The ordered pair ( OB , OC ) represents the directed angle
(a) Z OBC (b) z Boc (c) z BCO (d) z ocB
( 2 ) Which of the angles is not the directed Z ABC ?

1u;6f ,ndl (b)

(d) /,
,u ----a*
t J r If 0 is the smallest positive measure of a directed angle , then its neSative measue
(a) 0 o) e - 180" (c) e - 360" (d) 360" 0

(4) If et is the positive measure of a directed angle and 0, is the negative measure of the
same directed angle
then 0l - 02 = " ''
(a) zero (b) t 360 (c) 360 (d) - 360
> Exercise 7 )
(5) If e is the directed angle , then the sum of its positive and negative measure ..........
(where 0 is not zero angle)
(a) equal 360" (b) more than 360. (c) C] 360" ,360.[ (d) €]O ,360.[
In the oppositc ligure :

Which one of the following ordered pairs expresses

a direcled angle in il..landard posilion ^

G) (cA ,aD) tu)(oE,of)

c) (oE , od) (d) (of 'oE)
(7) If the directed angle is in standard posirion , which of the following is corlecr ?

O its vertex is the origin.

O its initial side coincides the positive X-axis.

@ its measure is positive.

(a) @ only (b)O,Oonly (c)@,@only (d) AII the previous.
(8) It is said that the directed angles in the standard positions are equivalent if they
have the same ..........
(a) initial side. (b) terminal side.
(c) veftex. (d) rotation direction.
t n ,. 160') are called
measures (0
(a) equivalent. (b) quadmntal.
supplementary. (d) adjacent.
(a) supplementary. G) equivalent. (c) complementary. (d) of sum - 360"
(11) The quadrantal angle measure is mulriple of .... .

(a) 360' (b) 180' (c) 90' (d) 60'

( 12) The angle whose measure is 60' in the standard position is equivalent to the angle
= measure ..........
(a) 120" (b) 240" (c) 300' (d) 420'
(13) @ The angle of measure 585" is equivalent to rhe angle in the srandard position of
(a)4s" (b) 135" (c) 22s' (d) 315'
(l,l) The angle whose measure is 950" is equivalent to the angle in the standard position of
measure ........
(a) 130' (b) - 130' (c) 235" (d) 230"
(15) All the following angles are equivale.t to 75" in the standard position except .........
(a) 285" (b) 64s" (c) 285' (d) 435'
aRemember aUnderstand O,A6[ry .'. Higher OrderThinking Skills

il (16) The quadrant in which the angle of measure 1670' lies is the ......

(a) first. (b) second. (c) third. (d) fourth.

l I trTtThe angle whose measure is (- 135") lies in the quadrant.
(a) first (b) second (c) third (d) iourth
(18) trl The angle whose measure is ( 850") lies in the... ..quadrant.
(a) first (b) second (c) third (d) fourth
I (n q) All the following are measures of angles lying in the second quadmnt except
(a) - 240" (b) 100' (c) 120" (d) 860'
I (20) The angle of measure 45' + (4 n + l) x 90" lies in the quadrant (n eZ)
(a) first (b) second (c) third (d) fou h
l (21) If the terminal side of angle of measure 60' in standad position rotates two and
quafter revolutions anticlockwise then the terminal side represents the angle of
(a) 60' (b) 120" (c) 150' (d) 240'
(22) lf the terminal side of an angle of measure 30o in standard position rotates three and
half revolutions clockwise , then the teminal side will be in the - quadnnt.
(a) first (b) second (c) thid (d) fourth

Which of the following directed angles is in its standard position ?

Explain your answer.

(1)EQ {2) (3)gl. 1


(4) (6)[A

(7)80 Yr (8) (e)

> Exercise 7 2a
a Find the measure of the directed angle e in each of the foltorying :
(t )ul

29d ao'

Q Show by drawiry , each of the followiug angles in the standard position :

(1)32" (2) 140" (3)-80' (4)-110" (5)-315"

J (1)824'
Determine the quadrant in which each ofthe fotlowing angtes lies :
(2)t!2ts (3)-s0' (4 ) -2r0"
(s)150"14 (6)89"59 (7) -180" (8)269.s960

Determine the smallest positive measure for each ofthe angles whose measures are as

follows , then determine the quadrant in which each angle lies :

(1)E-s6" (2)600" (3)p-215" (4)94o'

(s)8415' ( 6 ) -870' (7)1120"15 (8)-590" 18

Determine one of the negative measures for each of the angles of the followinS measures :

(r)83. (2\ t36 (3)e0"

(4)264" (s)964' ( 6 ) 1070'

E Find two angles one ofthem

witi positive measure and the other with negative

measure haying common terminal side for each of the following angles ;

(1)40" (2) 1s0. (3) 125" (4)-240 (5)-180"


(^ : r )\ q/eu \/ (i!Jri) eGJ-.q-'.- r-ft€,I f57

= aRemember aUnderstand oApFrry ,. Higher OrderThinking Skills

o - , Write the positive measure o{ the smallest angle and another angle with negative
measure sharing with the terminal side for the angle whose measure is (- 135") :

Karim's answer Ziad's answer

The smallest angle with positive The smallest angle with positive
measure = -135' + 180' = 45" measure =-135" + 360" = 225'
An angle with negative measure An angle with negative measure
= - 135' - 180" = 315" =-135"-360"=-495'
Which ofthe two answers is corect ?

Choose the correct answer from those given :

( I ) If A , B are two measues of equivalent angles , then which of the following
reprcsents the measures of equivalent angles , wherc C eZ'!
(a)(A+C),(B+C) (b) (A- c) , (B c)
(c) (ca) , (CB) (d) All the previous.

(2)IfAr A are measures of two equivalent angles r then one of the values of A is .

(a) 150" (b) 90' (c) 180' (d) z7o"

(3) If (3 X- 5)' is the smallest positive measure , (3 y 5)o is the greatest negative

measure ofequivalent angles , then X- y= .. .....

(a) 360" (b) 180" (c) 120' (d) e0'

(4 ) If(o + 20)' , (20 - 8 e)'are the positive and negative measures ofa directed angle
respectively r then the smallest positive value of 0 is .

(a) 20' (b) 10. (c) 30' (d) 40'

I 5 r If the terminal side of an angle in standard position passes through the point (- l 0)
then its teminal side lies in
(a) first quadrant. (b) second quadmnt.

(c) third quadrant. (d) otherwise.


Systems of
angle (Degree
measure - Radian
measure) Test yourself
ED From the $hoor book aRemember aUnderstafd OAFFIV o'o Higher Order Th inhng Skills

Choose the correct ans\ver from those giyen i

( I ) The angle of measue [es in the . .quadrant.
(a) first (b) second (c) third (d) fourth

(2) @ The angle of measure lies in the ... .quadrant.

(a) first (b) secord (c) thid (d) fourth

(3 ) EA The angle of measure fes in the . ....quadmnt.

(a) first (b) second (c) third (d) fourth

( .l ) lf the degree measure of an angle is 43' 12 , then its radian measure is ..........
(a) 0.24nd (b) 0.24 r1 (c) 0.28"d (d) 0.28 J[
( 5 ) The degree measure of the angle of meu.o." i. .. .....
(a) 540' (b) 820" (c) 150" (d) 480"

I 6 ) The sum of the measures of the angles ofthe quadrilateral in radian equals
(a)2fi (b) x[ 1g1f! (d) 3 ,r
(7) -i If the sum ofmeasures of the interior angles of a regular polygon equals
180' (n - 2) where n is the number of its sides , then the measure of the interior angle
in radian of a regular pentagon equals .......
, . ]JI
(u) * b)+ 5
aRemember aUnderstand OApp0y .'. Higher OrderThinking Skifls

( 8 ) ln a circle ofdiameter length 12 cm. , the length of the arc subtended by a central

angle of measure 60o equals ........ cm.

(a) 5 ,I (b)4fi (c) 3 ,[ (d) 2 fi,
( 9 ) The length of the arc subtended by a inscribed angle of measure 67 .5o in a circle of
radius lengLh 8 cm. equal .... .... cm.
(a)3fi (b) 6 ,[ (c) 1080 (d) t2 11

(10) fE The measure of the central angle in a circle of mdius length 15 cm. and opposite
to an arc of lenglh 5 ]I cm. equals .
(a) 30' (b) 60' (c) 90" (d) 180"
(11) The measure of the central angle subtended by an arc oflength equal the diameter
length ofthe circle approximately to the nearcst degree equal ..--
(a) 113' (b) 115" (c) 120" (d) 180"
(12) If the measure of one of the angles of a triangle is 75" and the measure of another

"3 {
angle is . t hen the rad ian measure of I he lhird angle equals .

tat 4 o)+ c)* (d)+

(13) The string length ofa simple pendulum is 14 cm. swings in an angle ofmeasure
fr fi
, then its arc length =
(a) 4.6 (b) 4.4 (c) 4.2 (d) 4.8
(14)ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral ,m(ZA) =60' , then m(Z C) =........
ia) lL (b)+ ,^.2fi (d)T
3 3
(15) The radian measure of a regular heptagon exterior angle equals .--

rq in rtt 1n tc)]n @+n

l16l In the opposite figure :

If AB , AC are two tangents

to the circle M and m tL A\ =a

and the circle cilcumference = 96 cm.

: then the smaller arc length BC =

(.a) 20 rb) ia (c) 28 (d) 20 x.
'a) (17) The angle whose measure 30o + 180' (2 n + l) wherc teZ ; its radian measurc
is equivalent to .

(")9 (b) rr (c) Zn

(d) 1n
> Exercise 8 y'
d (18) If the length of an arc in a circle equals ofits circumference . then rhe measure of
the central angle subtending this arc in degrees equals ..........
(a) 30' (b) 67" 3d
(c) 135' (d) 43" approximately.
D (19) In the cicle whose radius length is the unit length : then measure of any central angle
in it in radian is . ......

f its arc length. @) { its arc length.
(c) the length of the arc. (d) double its arc length.
(20) The radian measue and the degree measure ofthe centnl angle that subtends an arc
of length 3 cm. in a cricle of area 16 r[ cm? = ........
(a) (lmd ,180') (b) (l.5Ed , 86)
(c) (1.75'ad ,90) (d) (0.75*d ,42" sd)
(21) The angle of measure lrad is called ...... angle.
(a) quadrantal (b) obtuse (c) central (d) radian

Find in terms ofJtr the radian measure of each ofthe angles whose degree measures
are as follows :
( 1) 135" (2)e0" (3)@300" (4 )
(s )- 210" (6)112"3d (7) 81 390. (8)EE78o'

Find the radian measure of each of the angles tyhose degree measures are as follows
approximating the result to three decimal places :
(l)s8" (2)@56.6' (3)37. 1i
(4)115"386 (s)25'7" s4 (6)U160'5048
Find the degree measure (in degrees r minutes and seconds) ofeach of the angles
whose radian measures are as follo\ys :
1 1 1114 (2) @0.72fi (3)G0.49'd
(4)-1.67-d (s) w 2.27'e (6) a-3r*d
Determine the degree measure and the radian measure for the central angle that
subtends an arc of Iength (4 in a circle of radius (r) in each of the following cases :

(l\l=12cn.,r= 10 cm. (2)l=14crl^.,t=7 cm.

(3)1=2ficm.,r=6cm. (4) I = 15j2 cm. ;r =9.71 cm.
aRemember O \pphj t Higher Order Thinking Skills

e Find the length of

subterding an arc
the radius of the circle in which a central angle (0) is
of length (l) in each of the following cases :

(l)0=E,l=225cm. (2) e =O:761Qd,1= 38.35 cm.

(3 ) e= 139", I =24.325 cm. (4)o= 78' 3B * ; I = 43.92 cm.

Find to the nearest one decimal place of a centimetre the lenglh of an arc in a circle of
radius length (r) subtendi[g a cenhal angle of measure (e) in each of the following cases :

(I )r= 12.5 cm.,0 = 1.6'ud ( 2') r = 2O cm.' g

= 2.43'^d
(3)r=7.5cm.,0=67"4j (4)r=15cm.,0=104"586

Find the circumference of a circle which has an arc of length 12 cm. subtended by
an inscribed angle of measure 45" ,

" 'r8 cm.

Find in radian and degrees the measure of a cenhal angle subtending an arc oflength three
times the length ofthe radius ofits circle. " 3'"r r r7t'si lj"
J Ifthe measure of a centml angle in a circle equals 105" and it is subtending an arc of length
1+ cm. , find the length of the diameter of the circle. " 8 cm.

J In a triangle , the measure ofone ofits angles is 60" , and the measure ofanother angle is
Find the radian measure and the degree measure ofthe thjrd angle.

J In a quadrilateral , the measure of one or it, urst.s is (f)'d, the measure of another
ansle is (u and the measure of a third angle is 45"
Find the degree measure and the radian measure of the fourth angle (" = ?) " ^' , (f )'"' "

J) Two angles , the sum oftheir measures equals 70" and the difference between them equah
, fmd the measure of each angle in degrees and in radian.
"53' ,17' ,* "
^'# "
J Two supplementary angles , the difference between their measures is 4 Find the measures
of the two angles in radian and in degrees. .
f ,{ , r:o" .00" .,

J l,-: In the opposite figure :

If the area of the dght-angled triangle MAB at M equals 32 cm?
, find the perimeter of the shaded area to the nearest hundredth.

" 28.57cm."
> Exercise 8 ?

XY is a diameter in circle M its length is 18 cm., the chord YZ is dlawn such that

n (L XYZ) = 10o. Determine the length of the minor arc i7 approximating the result to
the nearest two decimal places.

[] In the opposite figure :

AB , AC are two tangents to the circle M,

m (Z CAB) = 60' : AB = 12 cm.

Find to the nearest integer the length ofthe gr"u,". u."6d

" 29cm.
ABC is a rightangled triangle circle ; if AB = 24 cm., BC = 12 cm.
at C drawn inside a
find the leogths ofthe three arcs into which the circle is divided by the veflices of this
triangle approximating the result to the nea-rest one decimel place.
12.6 cm. ,25.1 cm. ,37.7 cm.
" "
A circle ofmdius length 7.5 cm. passing through the vertices of the t angleABC,if
m (Z BAC) = 60' , m (Z ABC) = 54" , find the lengths of the three arcs into which the
circle is divided by the vefiices of this triangle. 15.7 cm. 14.l cm. , 17.3 cm.,
" '

Choose the correct answer from those given :

( I ) If an arc opposite to cenhal angle of measure 72o was cut from a circle whose radius
length 14 cm. and bent to form a circle , then the radius length of the resulted
(a) 1 .4 (b) 2.8 (c) 5.6 (d) 7
(2) In the opposite ligure :

Circle whose centre M , the mdius length 10 cm.

. ilrhe lengrh ol AB €15.61 .rhenrhevalue
ofx could be
(a) 90' (b) 60' (c) 28' (d) 34"
,. (3 ) lf the ratio between measures of angles of a quadrilateral is 5 :4:9:6rthenthe
measure ofthe smallest angle = .... rad

..11 _. 5r (d)+
1, o)+ (c) r2
z aRemember aUnderstand OAppry .'. Higher Order Thinking Skills
( 4 ) The positive measure of an algle that formed between the hour hand and the minute
hand at exactly half past two eqlrals rad

.It --i
. .7tt
(c) ...l 31r
r2 D4
(5) If the arc length opposite to central angle of measure 60o in a circle equals the arc
length opposite to cental angle of measure 80' in another circle then the ratio
between the two radii of the two circles is .....

@tr o)+ @+ (d)+

value for n is ... .

(a) 3 (b) s (c) 6 (d) 8

i ( 7 ) The distance covered by the tip of the minute hand whose length 8 cm. from 6 am till
quarter past three pm equals ....- cm.
(a) 592 fi (b) 148 fi (oTn @)+n
t (8) In the opposite ligure :
When the greater gear rcvolves one revolution
then the smaller gear revolves 3 revolutions.
If the smaller gear revolves one revolution in
the direction of the arow shown on the figure
... d
'then rhe measure of the cenral angle of revolving the grealer gear is
(a) -
2 b)+ {c)211
l @)2fi
.l (9) In the opposite ligure :

I ABCDEF is a regular hexagon of

I side length 4 cm. inscribed in a circle M
It^ . then the lensth ofG = "' cm.
I tarn (br
i ,r (cl 2 JI rar
,J in
f,l G {
A straight line makes an angle of radiar measure e with the positi ve direction of the
f ,-*,.,n in" r,*dard posirion"in rhe unit clrcle. Find3rthe equation of the shaight line.
El In the opposite figure : A

A quarter circle BCMD is a rectangle which is drawn
. drav n Dl-----J.8
II inside it . rvhere CD lO cm
t^ =
Find theleDgth of arc :ABE M CE
i :*, Exercise

'-i''' 9
fE Frcm th. *h@l Dmk aRemember aUndersiand OAppry ,. Higher Order Thinking Skills

Choose the correct answer from those given :

( I i If 0 is the measure of an angle in the standard position , its terminal side

inter"ects the unit circle ar Lhe poinr (!^r: ' j) 'Lr,"n tin e - ......

@+ o)+ t.rI
(2) If the terminal side ofthe angle whose measure 0 drawn in the standard posirion

inrersecr rhe unir circle at rhe poinr t ( ,t . ft .rhencor0=

a,* o): c)+ (d) 0.7s

(3) If e is a directed angle in the standard position its terminal side intersect the unir
? < l) \
circleatl\lJl, ll l,tlencos0
1+ ror * (c)
' 11

(4 ) A dnected angle in the standard position its terminal side passes through the point
(3 ,4) , then its iritial side intersect the unit circle at the point ...--

(a) (3 , 0) (b) (1 ,0) (c) (0.6 ,0.8) (.) (+,+)

(1 r )\ -/e6 \/ (;,-l,) -Lj -q-"- Fl*@Jl @


= aRemember aunderstand Ofuphl t Higher Orde. Thinking Skills

a (5)Iftan0=]where0isanacuteangleinstandardposition,thenitsteminalside
intersects the unit circle at the point ...

{a)(2,1) (b)(l .2) (.,(f, l) (d)

a r6)[Etfsin0=-t . cos e = 0 .lhen rhe m*r*" orXigt#=
{a)J (b) fi - . ]JI
tc, (d)2fi
(7) [EIfcsc0=2 wherc e is apositive acute angle the measure
' 'then
of angle 0 = ....... .
(a) 15' (b) 30' (c) 4s' (d) 60'

(8) ElItcos0= j, ,s;n0= r/J . rhen the measure o[ angle 0 =

(a)g (b) s4 (c) 51 161.M
, rfi
( 9 | Ifcose= j . sin 0 = -r- . then tan e = ..

2 (b)+
1 (c)+ (d)-{J
(10) If the terminal side of a directed angle in the standard position intersect the unir
. ^G.
circle at the poinr ( j . ! ) , th"n rtr" ."usure of lhis angte =
(a) 150' (b) 30. (c) 60" (d) 210'
tllt [E Ifcos0=i.where e isa positiveacuteangle,Lhen sin0=
rbrl n rll
@)+ (d)
(12) lf cos 0 > 0 , sin 0 < 0 , then 0 lies in the quadrant.
(a) first (b) second (c) third (d) fourth
(13) If sin 0 =
-! , sec O =rf ,tteneliesinthe........quadrant.
(a) first (b) secood (c) third (d) fourth
(14) If0 is measure ofan angle lies ir the third quadrant which of the following is
always true ?
(a) sin 0 cos 0 <0 (b) sec 0csc 0<0 (c) tan 0cot0<0 (d) sin 0tan e <0
(15) 2 sin 45' =

ra) sin 90" Or) @1, (d) 2

(16) cot2 30' - sec2 60" + csc2 45o =
(a) 1 (b) 0 (c) -l (d) 2
> Exercise 9!
(17) sin (- D n) -
(a) sin n f (b) sin 72' (c) sin 288" (d) sin Ln
(1s) [! cos2+ sin2E=..........
(a) cos2 fi (b) sin2 E (c) cos ,[ (d) cos
(l9l@ cos+ q6s6a5;nlg5in I =........
(a) zero (b) 1 (c) -1 (d)2
(20) sin 0" + sin 90' + sin 180' + sin 270"
(a) ,l (b) 2 (.) 3 (d) zero
(21) 2 sin 45" cos 45" cot45" .....
(a) cos 60" (b) 2 cos 30' ,[
(c) 2 sin
f (d) tan

(22) t n2 60 -tan' 45' =

sec'? 30' - csc' 4a
(a) zero (b) 3 lc) 2 (d) 3
(23) If ABCD is a square , rhen sin2 (z ACD) + sin2 (z ABD) + ran (z ADB) = ..........
i (b) 3 (c) 2 (a) r +r/i
(24) ABC is an isosceles triangle in which m (L A) l2}o
r thOn sin B + cos2 C = ... ..
(a) I +1/l G) 1+ (") 13 (d) 1+
(25) IfABC is a right-angled triangle at B
,then secA+csc C=...... .

(a) 2 (b) 4 (c) 6 (d) 8

(26)rfo€] o,+[ .cos 0- i .rhen csc 0sin 0 tan 0csce =
(a) zero (b) 1 t")j .2
(27 ) tf sin e -ff , e e] - sine+co\e
z n ,tnen_=..........
= I !' sin e
@)* @-+ .
.,. -it)4

o (28) rrx€ [0. , e0"] and cos x = !1![ -slJ# , ,* x =

(a) 30' (b) 60" (c) 0' (d) 90.

Q\tf eel+,n [,.in e = ]], trr"n1/"."O sine-iane -tO*-o?e =

I (a) zero G)* c)+ (d)1;
aRemember aunderstand OAppry .'. Higher Order Thinking Skills

(30) If the terminal side of an angle in standard position intersects the unit circle of point
A which lies in the fourth quadrant where the i(-coordinate of A equals +

c)(*'#) o)(*'*) c)(*'+3) (o(t, fl


(31) If 0 is a measure of an angle in staldard position and its terminal side intersects the unit

circle at the rcint (j, y) where y > 0 r then sin 0 =

ot j rurrfi r"rfr "t:
tar vj
(32) If the terminal side of a dirccted angle in the standard position int€rsect the unit circle
at (- x X) where X< 0 , then the sine ofthis angle = """" '
z (b) I
z rar-'1
(33) The terminal side of angle of measue 30' in its standad position intersects the circle
whose centre is the origin and its radius length is 6 cm. at the point '
(a)(3,6) o)e'+) rcr(:, :f) (o(3{r,3)
(34) The sine of a directed angle 0 in the standard position its terminal side intersect the unit
circle at the point ( I r 0) equal the cosine of a dtected angle x in the standad position
and its terminal side inte$ect the unit circle at the point '

@G,+) G)(-r,o) (c)(0,-r) rar(x,t')

j (35) sine of the quadrantal angle ...
(a) equal O) C]-l , 1[
(c) c{0 , L -1} (d) more than or equal zero.

? 136lA11 the following tfigonometric ratios are for the same angle 0 and lies in the third
quadrant except

(a)sin0=+ (b)sece=-lllt)
(c)cot0= (d)csc0=3
tr (37) If sin )( + cos y = 2, x, y el1 o 2 Jtr[, then )( + y = """'
(:a) 2 (b) I c)+ (d) rr

c (38) If the equation of a straight line : y =f x+I and it makes with the positive dircction

of the X-axis an angle of measure 0 r then sin 0 = -

rdtr o)3 G)+ (d)

> Exercise 9|
,j {.19)If AABC is right angled triangle atA , AD-L BC rAD = 6 cm. , and cotB + cotC = 5
then BC = cm.
(a) 5 (b) l0 (c) 3.6 (d) 15
(40) Ifo is the measure of a directed angle in its standared position where its terminal side

inlere.cl. lhe unitcircle in the point B {X.yrwhereX<0and tan O=

rthenl+ y = '

,)J -! {h) I (c) zero (d) I
(41) The sign of the function J : J ()C) = sec x is inlo,+1, i"l!,zxl
(a) positive positive (b) negative negative
' '
(c) negative , positive (d) positive , negative

Determine the signs ofthe follorving trigonometric ratios :

(1)cos350" (2) sec 265' (:)smf

1416s6J! (5)tan4l0' (6)cos(-165')

{7) cot !{ (8)*"(=?-_&)

:E Find all trigonometric functions ofthe angle whose measure is 0 drawn in the
standard position , its terminal side intersects the unit circle at the point :

rD13,f ) (r)(-+, -+) (3)(0,,1)

If0 is the measure of a directed angle in the standard position and B is the
intersection point of its terminal side \{ith the unit circle , then find all trigonometric
functions ofthe angle 0 in each of the following cases :

(1)B(0.6,y),y>0 (2)B (x ,-0.6) ,x>0

(3,8( "t:
v; ^r; .
'y) ' where 90" < 0 < | 80' \ J'
(6)glB( x,)0 ,x>0
(7)B( X, X),X>O ( 8 ) B (9 a, 12a) where 180' < 0 < 270'

( e ) Ea B (; a, -2 ),where 1A < e <z xl

aRemember aUnderstand OApp4,r .'. Higher Order Thinking Skills
@ Find the value of each of :
r I r ran 0' + tan 45" t tan 180"
I I r: r\in 180'cos45"-cos l80"sin45'
I r )sec-lanT T. Jt it II I f I + "in'Jo" - J rrn 45'cos o"
'' i-col icos; 2.o, o0' + 2 .in 45' cos 45"
|t_1 5 I EJ J sin 30' sin) 60'- cos 0' sec 60' + sin 270" cos2 45'
@ Prove each of the folloPing equalilies :
I i I )2 sin2 90'= 2 cos 180'

I r I r J cos 30" tano0"-2sec45' csc45"= i


I r -r r 3 cor2 45'- 2 sin 60' cos lO" = j "in'oO'


| I r sec 10" ran 00" + csc" o0 - ran" 45 = I


I t 5 r fE .in t0' cos lO'- co. t0' sin J0'= sin' T

t_r,,z"oJ]* 3'in2f; +4ran2l asinl= lo
I -
II r7r,sin
srn JU" cos 45" + srn 4.!" cos JU"
,..- ,'., 1.,,',., .sin90"
45" cos 60'+.os 45'sin 60"

O otxif :
Eilrd the value
I| r I t Xsin' Tcosrt=tan'r riniI <6>
4 J 2
I r: txsin*cos*cot|=p124-"orz+ .f"
d'i lf xg[0" , g0"] ' lhetr find the value of .r( which "u,i.i,". "*h of ,h" fouo*irg
equatiotrs i
I .,, on' ,'" n'
I I I rco'x -.in 90" .in+5'
l1:lsinX=sin30'cos60"+cos30"sin60' " eo",

g * o,gono-etric ratios for the angle AOB whose measure is g in each of the
I following cases :


I li.nl ..ino= ii
ee ,:,ee ll .nl .,uno= i
.. ecl".rf | .*.e= ? , r,0clr+.2n1 .sec0=2
fr,j'. lf rle rerrtnat sia" ot tt " ungt" e in rt " standard posirion interr*,, ,t* ,*
'i rhe point t2 a, 3 a), where 0 < 0 < r find the value of a, then find the value "r* of :
| ,tl ,.,..

> Exercise 9

E r e e)!, z xf, 5in s = -ff

cot 0 csc
, then linrl :

(1) 0
tan € sec e

(2)cose-cscetan0 _llo ,,
=_1 .
28 175

l-- The teacher asks the students to Iind the value of: 2 sin 45.

Karim's answer Ahmedts answer

2 sin 45' = sin 2 x 45' 2sin45'=2^!

=sin90"=l "lz.I-
- 2- , l1-tG
-^[r' ',F- "
Which of the two answers is correct ? Whv l

Choose the correct answer from those given :

( I ) In the unit circle whose centre is (O) if the length of6E = r,m"n
sec (1 BOC) = ..
(a);dl G)+ (")+ (d) 2

(2) IfA is the greatest acute angle measure in a triangle whose side lengths
are 5 . 12 r l3 cm. , then cot A =

@+ (b) + c)+ rar]l

(3 )Ifthe side lengths of right-angled triangle ABC are X-7 ,X , Xr 1 and BC is the
smallest side , then sec A= ..........

G)+ o) i? (.)
# (d)
(4) In tle opposite ligure :

All squares are identical

, then cot X.f cot y + cot z = ...

(a) 6 (o)+ G)+ (a) l/! + :
aRemembs aUnderstand oAppry .'. Higher OrderThinking Skills

( 5 ) In the opposite figure :

All squares are identical

# @)1 ("); (d)+
(6) In the opposite ligure :

rre (r ,r/i) ," (- r ,{r) acr,tr:t

then cot (Z AOB) =
(a) I o)+ t.t* (d){,
(7) In the opposite ligure :
O is the centre of the unit circle ,
IE is a tangent segment , then :

First : OB = ... .

(a) sin 0 (b) cos 0 (c) csc e

Second : BC = ..

(a) cot 0 (b) (sec 0) -I (c) (csc 0) 1 (d) cos 0

Third : The area of triangle ABo =

(a) jcos0 @) ]tanO
(c) j sin o (d)j sin 0 cos 0

(8) In the opposite ligure :

cot 0 =...-

@)? o)+ G)+ (o+

(9) In the opposite figure :
If ABCD is a sguare and
ffi = 5

c)+ tb) i (c) 2

(10) In the opposite ligure :

- nC
(r); (.b) 2 (c) I
1 (d)
i,_j..-,j : Exercise

_./ j i

Lni i'


:: From the s.h@l book aRemember auiderstand OAppBy .i. Higher Order Thinking Skills

Choose the correct ansrver from those given :

( 1 ) tan 42' = ..........
(a) cot 42" (b) tan 48' (c) cot 48" (d) csc 48"

sin 105'
{a) tbt tan lJ5" (c) cot 15' (d) cos 90'
cos 15'
c ( 3 ) tan (180" - e) =........
(a) tan 0 (b) an e (c) cot e (d) - cot 0
o (4) sec (90" + 0)= ........
(a) csc (180" - e) O) csc (180' + e) (c) csc (270' - 0) (d) csc (270' + 0)
o 1 5 ,) It sin 0 =] , then cos (270" - O) =

rarf (b)+ r"tt (d)-5

(6)cos (90"-0) x csc0= ........

(a) zero (b) r (c) -l (dr -

rz rIr'i"s,9! * !in]9L
.o< zu l- <rn lllr- =k,thenk=.
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) zero

(\. r )\ -/eE \/ U,.,)-i.r -l-". - Ft"o.ff FS I

= aRemember aUnde.sland OAppry .t Higher Order Thinking Skills

, I r tan (90' e) + ran tg0'+ 0)

(a) 2 cot 0 (b) 2 tan e (c) zero (d) tan 0 + cot e

(45. cor - X)
(a) -l (b) I (c) tan (90' + x) (d) cot (90' + )0

(10) sin (90'- 0) sec (360'- 0) - cos (270" + 0) csc (180' + 0) = ..........
(a) 2 (b)-1 (c) I (d) 2

(ll)IfA+B=90',tanA= ;thentanB =
G)+ o)? (c) 1 (d) 3

{t2tIfx+v=1,,h"n tbI thY

. 2 COS^-COSy =
(a) I (b) zero (c) 1 (d) 2

(13) cos 0 + cos (180" e) = ......

(a) zero (b) l (c) 2 cos 0 (d) cos e

(14) sin 0 t cos (270' + 0) = .......

(a) zero (b) I (c) 2 sin 0 (d) sin 0 cos 0

(15) The simplest form of the expression :

sin (180" 0) + cos (- 60') + cos (90'+ 0) + sin (- 150") = ......

(a) zerc (b) 1 (c) I (d) 2 sin 0

ll6rIfcose=-sin2 0 0 is the smallest positive measure r then 0=

(a) 60 (b) 150 (c) 90 (d) 330

(f7)If {3csc0= 2 where O is the smallest positive angle, rhen = 0 .....

(a) 60' (b) 120. (c) 300' (d) 240"

r l8r ll cos 0 =,' . 0 is measure ol the smallesr posirive angle . lhen e = ....... ..

(a) 60' (b) 120' (c) 240' (d) 300'

(19) If cos (90" + O) = € where 0 is the smallest positive angle , then O =

(a) 150' (b) 240' (c) 210' (d) 330"

(20)If tane=tan (90-0) where eis an acute angle 0 =... "

(a) 15 (b) 30 (c) 45 (d) 60
> Exercise 10 )
d (21) If cos (990' - e) = j where e is measure ofthe smallest positive angle

(a) 30' (b) 1s0" (c) 210' (d) 330.
o (22) lt 2 cos A +ii =0 where 180" < 0 < 270. r then 0 =

(a) 150' (b) 240" (c) 210" (d) 300"

(23) If 5 sin x - 3 , then sec (270' r i9 =

c): (b); c)+ (d)

o (Z.l)Ifsin0=-j r tan 0 > 0 , then 0 = ......

(a) 30" (b) ls0" (c) 210" (d) 330"

(25) If tan 0 =
, cose<0 rthencsc0=
c)* o)+ e)+ ..
(26) If 5 cos (90" - 0) = 4 r 0"<0<90' rthensin0=........ -

i 0 =-0.8
r h! ---::
where 180" < e < 270. , rhen 3 cor (270
G)+ (d) l :)

- e) =
(a)-3 (b) 3 (c)-4 (d) 4
o (28) lf 24 tal\ e +7 =0 t90'<Q<270" then sec (1080" + e) =

1^t? @+ '
G) A rar{
(29) If cot (90" + 0)+ 1=0where0" < 0 <90. :thencos4 0=
(d+ (b) 1 (c) zero (d) 1

(30) If cos (90" + O) + sin (90" - 2 O) = 0, where 0 C ]0, f; [, trren sin Z e =..........

@)+ (b) I (c) zero @+

(31) ff cot (90" + O) + tan (90' - 2 e) = 0, where 0 G ]0, f; [, *,". a, Z e =..........
rar L (b) (c) zero (d)1/3

(32) If tan B =
f, where n<n < !!L , then cos (360. B)-cos(90. B)=...
(")= (h\:: ,a, j ,5 ---:
5 5

(-33) If 13 sin0 S =O,whereOe]*,fi[ , then the value of sin (270. 0) xsec(90+0)

.12 rcrl
o)+ ' 1) '1)

= aRemember aunderstand OAPPry .'. Higher Order Thinklng Skills

(34) If (X , point of the terminal side of a directed angle in the

+) is the intersection
standard position with the unit circle where 90" < 0 < 180'
,then sin (90"-0)tan0= ........

G)+ G)+ c)+ (d) 3

(35) If the terminal side ofan angle whose measure is 0 in its standard position intersects

the unit circle at the p"",(+ , +) , tlen csc (f - e) = ..........

(") G)+ G); (d);

(36) If the teminal side of the dirccted angle (90" g) in the standard position inte$ect
(+ , 3) , then sin 0 = ..
(")+ o)+
the unit cicle at the p"a,
G)? (o3
r37) lf sin o( = cos P . t]len csc to< + p) = .

(a) I (b) (c) I (d) undefined.

(38) If sin a = cos p then cot (o( + P)
' = """"
(a) I (b)-1 (c) zerc (d) undefined.

(39) If sin 0 = cos 2 0, € ]0 ,+r ,thensin30=...


(") (b) (c) zero (d)

+ 1

(40) E If sin 2 0 = cos 4 0 where 0 is a positive acute angle

then tar (90'- 3 0) = ""'

(a) I (b.) L (c) I (d)1/'
(41) lf sin (0 + 13") = cos (0 + 17") where 0 is a positive acute angle' then tan 0 =
(u)F o)+ tct !
(42) The general solution ofthe equation tan 2 0 = cot 0 is '
1a)f+nn o)f +f n (c)f+2nn 1a;f;+nn
(43) For every n eZ '
the general solution of the equation : csc 0 = sec (30" + 0) is ---

(a) 60'+ 180" n (b) 30" + 360'n (c) 60" + 360" n (d) 30'+ 180" n

f ,thensinC=
(,14) IfABCD is acyclic quadrilateral and sinA= ...

i (o)-+ c)+ rar 4)
> Exercise 10 |a
(45) If XYZL is a cyclic quadrilateral , cos X
,r= = { then sin (270' -z)= '

(a) v'- vl
'-'2 1p,,-
2 '''2I
rcr (d)-+
(46) In a right-angled triangle and one of its angles is Xo ,ifsinx=+ , then
cos (90 - i(') = ........

(a) ..
tcl -4 (d)
+ lo)
- 5 +
(47) If A ABC is an obtuse-angled triangle at a , .ln A
= 4
,then sin (2A+ B + C) = ........
{a) + &); (c)l (d)
(48) ABC is a right-angled triangle at B r ifcos A
= ] : then the value of
sin (A i
B + 2 C) = . ... ...

@+ ft,1
,2 c)9 (d) zero

(49) IfXYZ is an acute angled rriangle and tan Z =1/3, then sin (X+y +22) =
(u) {: tt) + o+ (d)+
(50) If ABC is an acute-angled aiangle r then cos A + cos (B + C)
= .....

(a) I (b) zero (c) 1 (o+

(51) In the opposite figurr :

r (2 -.2
^= cor (180'
i/: ),s =(-z.z fi)
. then - m Z AOB )) = ..........

rcr ---L (d){3
o (52) In the opposite Iigure :

n €Bd ,aC = tO cm. rAB = 12 cm. ,then cot 0 =

{al I -9
c)* (d)-t
a (53) In the opposite figure :

ABCD is a square r CE = 2 BE , then ran 0 =

G) -; (b) ?
o+ (d) +

aRemember aUnderstand OApp[y .'. Higher order Thinking Skills

(5.11 In the opposite figure :

AABCisa ght-angled triangle at B ,tane=+,

+ G)+
e)-+ (d)-+
(55) In the opposite ligure :

ABCD is arectangle,ta" O-
l,Sf'I nc' D
then cot c( = ... ......

ra) I (b) 3

c) -+ (d) 2

(56) In the opposite Iigure :

ABCD is a rectangle ,
"o, = ? , PP -L PC ,
then cos g = ..... .

+ rur 1J
c)-+ (d)
157) In the opposite ligure :

cos 0 =..........

G)+ o)-3
G)+ (d) +
(-5El In the opposite figure :

ABC is an isosceles triangle in which

,m (Z EDF) = 0,DE =4 cm., BE= 3 cm.

r then cos 0 =
B 3.n E

+ G)-? G)+ d,\ !J

, then tan (Z ADC) = .. ...

(a) + o)+
; rd) i
> Exercise 10 |a
(60) In the opposite ligure :

, then cos C + cos (Z BDE) =
(a) 1 (b) I (c) xr (d) zero c

Find the \alue of each of the followirg :

( I ) [E sin 150" (2)sec2l0' (3)r^\240" ( 4 ) cos (- 150')
(5)tatZZ5" (6)EQcsc !18 (7)cot780" ( 8 ) cos (- 900")
(e)sh(-s) (10) sec ( :? fi
) (ll) sec (- 480") (12)si"(#)
Find the value of each ofthe following :

( 1 )cos 120'+ tan 225" + csc 330" + cos 420.

(2)Esinl50"cos( 300.) + cos (930.) cor 240. .. 1..

--- I lI3 - .o, I I6n- crc I1I

rI[ 25J[ /-lgIl
3 ,""
, .r , rM ?,n )5 Jr.
b6\tt ran I 2
Prove each of the following equalities :
( I ) cos ( 300') sin 4200 - cos 750. cos 660. = zero

(2) J! sin 600'cos (- 30.) + sin 150. cos ( 240") = _ 1

(3 ) sin 150" tan 225" + cos 315" sec (- 120.) + sin ( 135.) csc 210" = ]
If the terminal side ofan angle of measure 0 in its sta[dard position intersects
unit circte at the poi"t , (-f f)
, r"a ,

(l)Esin(180'r0) rz I q (f -e) (3)@tan(360'-0)

t+r ea *" (*-e) (5)sec(e+fi) (6)sin(0-J[)

If tlre directed angle ofmeasure e in the standard position , its terminal side passes

ty flre point (f ,
J) , trra tl" rolorring trigonometric funcrions :

( I ) [Q sin (270' + 0) (2)@sec(270'+e) r:1","(o**)

(4)t-(+-o) (5)cor(e-180.) (6)sec( e)
z, oAppry .'. Higher order Thinking skills
aRomember aUnderstand

@ IfO i" th" -"*o"" ofa positive acute angle in the standard position afld its terminal side
intersects ttre unit circle at tnewint n (x , t) , frnd tne value of :
sin (90" - 0) + tan (90'- 0) cos (90'+ 0)

d rr
l rnuere 180" < 0 < 270" 'frnd the value of each of

l(l)csc(180"+0) | r2tsect-O) t3, tan(360"-e)

l,+,"o,te go'l
t5 rsecl90'+O) | rorrant2T0'-01

S Find one of ttre values of e . where 0'< e<m" , which satisfres each of thefollowing:

I(l r@sin(30+15"t=cos(20-5")

lr2tEsecr0t25")=csc(0+15") (2s'"
I t 3 t E tan t0 + 20') = cot (3 O + 30") " 10'
l,o,ea"o.(q#q)=,'"(tu#) (60")

I rsr t* te + I 8' 2A) = cot (o + s2' ld) "

s' +i '
d El F no ,n" a"o"ral solution for each of the following equations :
'f rt r.in:e=.ose ( 2 rcosso=sine

fr Fird th" ""tu"" of 0 in the following cases ,rnere e G]o ' ! ] :

I t I tc.c(0+ 15")=sec42" I t: I sin{o+J0')=coso
IrJrGsin0 coso=o I , o r ru csc (e - I )=
I r 5 t tan t0 + zz') = cot z 0 I ,u I tan(0+ 10")=col {40- l0')
I t7 r sec t2 0 + 35't = csc I 3 0 l0') I tt)sece=csc(JO 90')
'I t 9 r sin t40+48't=cost0 -3J') I tlorcscSo=sec2o

satisrres each of the following equations :

fr rna
"l "utoo
ot 0 l where 0 €10 ,
t Iwnicn
Irtrruno l=0 I t2 r2cose-l=0
| \z o)
=r I ,o'2.i"(l o)=fr

fr firrd an" S.S. of of the following equations knowing that e '

2 :
"ach 't[
,zrseco {z=o
lrtr2coso+ro ] ,n)cose+l=0
l,r,z"lne-r/:=o I (6rtano+l=o
l,s,z,ine*r/-t=o ]
lrzr{:csco=-z I ,tr.in2o=*
> Exercise 10 )!

@:rt.o,('I-r)={j . ",,(i-e)= j

| , find rhe measure of the smallesr positive angle e " 300"

. r .rindrhe rarueore,unere0Clo.f,
+ r ::lljFi:"] [
, then fintl the vatue of: !!$ + sin (180. 0)
| ":0.,r]"
Q ti-Sl-U- = 1 where 0" < 0 < 90o .ffndthevatueofe , then lind the vatue of:
sinrtS0'-letcos(360" 2 e) + mn 2 e cor (0 - 180.)
I ":0,,:],
@tfran rO t5'r=cor 12e+ rS.rwrrere0G l0.lI
]| .findthevalueofo.theDprorethat:
- .. t*rir,z-20.,:e,
- -" =-l
I lfsin,s0"-20) l JU.

frnd the value of : sin II 80" - O i + tan (90. - e) tan(270"-0) "-+"
mea"ure 0 in its srandard posirion with the unir circle , lgO. < O < 270.
. find the value of : csc (90. sin (90. r + (270. + e) (- 4,
| O ) e) 12 ran

. find rhe rrigonometric functions tor each
ol the rwo angles a . p .
then find the value of : sin c cos - cos o sin p . *"

@ tf ,in o = J where c G . n[ . r :
]l p
"o, -
s = 0 where g c ]*,, "1,
find the value of : cos o( cos p + sin cr sin 0 . *"
$here I80. <o<270. .5 tan B+ t2 =0
where P is the greatesr positive angle , p e ]0. , 360"[ ,
frnd tlre value of :
( I ) sin (180" + ([) + cos (180.
- p)
( 2 ) csc (180' + o) cot (90' p) sec (360" + d) tan (360. _ p)
P) tan (2i0" - (t) csc (270" + p)
( 3 ) csc (90" + q) cot (270" +
"#3, ji,rj"
(\\ :. )\ n/*:r \/ (;'Jrr) !L'r -q-r., J-u€J fsT

aRemember a Understand OAPPb, .'. Higher Order Thinking Skills

If the terminal side of the angle whose measure is (90" 0) intersects the unit circle at the

p.ir, (fr , V) , find the trigonometric functions for the angfe e wneree€]0,f I

In the opposite figure :

ABCD is trapezium m (Z A) = m (Z D) = 90"

rCD =6 cm. rAD= 12cm.,AB - 11 cm.
Find : sin 0


In the opposite Iigure :

tr'ind : csc g

\l tl

fE In one of the mathematical competitions , the teacher asked Karim and Ziad to find the
your answer.
,uru" of .in (O -
f ) ' then who of them has a conect answer ? Explain
Karim's answer Ziad's ansrver

..(e f)=.i"(zlr*e-!) .in(e-f )='in t-(i-41

=.i.(Jr'e) =_., (*_ r)
= cos 0 = (-cos0)=cos0

Choose the correct answer from those given :

( I )cos45'xcos460 xcos4T6x xcos135"= -

(a) zero (b)-l (c) 1 (d) t/r

(2)sin75'xcos 12' x sec 15' x csc 78'=
(a) 1 +llz o)fi I (c) 2 (d) 1

( 3 ) The points A r B > C are placed on the coordinate system wherc

A(0,0) , B(4,1) , C(0' 2) , then sin (Z BAC) = ",'
? rb)7 (c) 4 rar*
Ti vt7
> Exercise 10 y'
.i |4 ':sllja?li-
' ' '| .* l' . .r. 2'i
ll!l!!:asec8e' =
I ta)7eto --","o)83.Ir "; 8,f
I I (d) 90

f , s, Irzx=!.,h",.1I1*4X *## = .

It^ rur .z (b)- I (cl I (d) 2

{6)lf cosz0= l.rhen0=......... wherenCZ
trtnn (b)tr rc)2nr[ (2n+l)fi
I l7,The oI number solulions ofthe equation: ran

X=_lF where 0s x<15rtis

@2 lot4 {c) rs (d) 30
| (8
) In the opposite figure
M ir rh.
of the circle
| ...
, th"n rrn e =

,u, ,u, o

(b) cor 0 (c) cos 0 (d) sin

( 9 ) In the opposite ligure
? :

I rro,o,3),c(0.4)
Lth.n"o.g=..... (

II ,", ,o rur f a.- \ /

l'(10)In =3
tct ,0,
the opposite figure :
AB is a dianererofrhe semi-circle M
and l3sin0=t2.rhencos(ZADC)=... .... BIV
I rur -l? rhr:l (c) (:d) - t2
| (11) " 13 * 13
? In the opposite figure :
U^rt".lrurion of lhe srraighr line
. 0 is an acute angle between
is y = -03 X + 5
It- the sraighl line and y-axis . rien . ...
I rarcoso=f rur.ine= j r.rrune=l (d)s ine=l5
El Fird the vatue ofeach of:
I I ) cos 20' + cos 40" + cos 60o + ... + cos160. + cos 180"
I f 2 rsin
l" + sin 2'+ sin l. + ...+ sin l58. + sin i5g.

Exercise "-

11 E' iI-


Fr.m the srhoolbook aRemember Higher Order Thinking Skills

Choose the correct ansrYer from those given :
The range of the function J : J (0) = sin e is "" '

(a){-1,1} (b)[-1,r] (c)l-1,1[ (a)l--,-[

If f (0) = 6q5 5 6 then the range of the function is '
(a){-s's} (b) [- r ,l] (")l s,5[ (d) [- s ,5]
The range of the function I : J (0) = 4 sin 2 0 where 0 C [0 r2 xll equal .
(a) [- 4 ,4] (b)l-4,4[ @l 2,21 @)f-2,2[
Iff (0)=sin0,oe[0 'Jt[ r then the range ofJ is '
(a) [ 1 ,l] o)[0,1] (c) [- L 0] (d) R

The range of the function f : J (! =

ef where X EIR is .

(dt-+,+l (b)[-1,r] (c)[-5,s] (o[o'3]

Ifthe range /: f (0)=2
ofthe function asin0 is [ 6
'6] 'thera=
" ."'
(a)3 (b)-3 (c)6 (d)aandbtogether'

The minimum value of the function h: h (0) = 5 cos 7 0 is "" '

(a) 5 (b) zero (c) - 5 (d) - 7

The minimum value ofthe firnctionJ: J (0) = 1+ sin 3 0 is '

(a)-3 (b) -2 (c) zero (d) 4

> Exercise 11 )a
( 9 ) The maximum value of the function g : g (0) 4 sin e is ..... ...
(a) ,t (b) I (c) zero (a) -
,. I i 0 I The function f :f ()O = 3 + sin (.fO reaches its maximum value at X
c)+ o)+ @+ |qT
L (11) The function y = sin ( + x) ms ma"imum value ar x = ......
f; .

\a) ) o)+ (c) ,l
(d) zero

(f2) If I (0) = 4 sin 3 e , then the sum of the maximum value and the minimum value of
the tunction I (0) = .....

(a) 8 (b) 6 (c) 2 (d) zero

c (l.l)ThefunctionJ: J (0) 2 sin40 is a periodic function and its period equals ..
(a) 2 xt (b) rl (c), (d)+
(14) If f is a periodic function and its pedod equds
f : then I (te could be ......

(a) 4 sin x (b) sin 4 i( (c)

f sin x (d) sin
{ 15 ) The opposite figure replesents the curve of the t gonometric
function y = l(, then the rule of the function
(a)y=sine G)y=cos0
(c)y=2cos0 (d)y=2sin0

(16) lf the opposite figure rcpresents the curve of

the function/ : f (X) =cos X
rthena+b=. ..

(a) 1 (b) zero

(c) ,r (d) 2It

(17) The opposite figure rcpresents one cycle of

the trigonometric funcrion y = f (iq, then
the rule of the function is ....

(a)y=2sinX tb)y=sin2X
(c)y =2sin2X (d)y=sinX
aRemember a Unde.stand OAPPhJ ,. Hiqher Order Thinking Skills

( I 8) If the opposite figure reprcsents the curve of

the function / :f (x) = 2 sin X
+ ,i A
, then the coordinates of the point

r"r (] n '- r) (b) (9 ,i ,

C "
o "\,/\.7
<o(|x'-z) <a>(ln, z) .t

(19) Number of times of intercections between the curve y = sin X with the X-axis on the
interval [0 ,2 n] equals . ..

(a) I (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4

Find the maximum and mhimum values , then write the range of each of the
following furctions :
11.iy=]sine 12.ry={sinze (3)y=2sin30

I Represent graphically each of the follot ing frmctions and from the graph determine
the mi mum and maximum values of the function and write the range I
( I )y=4cos0 wtrere0€[0,2n] (2)y=4sin0 where e € [0,2ri]
(f, )y=2cosO where0C I-zn,zx) (4)y=3 sin0 where0€ l-zn,zn)
Represent graphically each of the following functions , and from the graph determine
the minimum and maximum values ofthe function , and write the range :
(1)y=cos30 where0"<0<120"
(2)y=5sin20 where0's0<180'

graph each of the

f,E Use the graph calculator or graphing program on your computer to
functions : y = 4 cos 0'
y = 3 sin 0 then Iind from the graph :
( 1 ) The range of the function.
( 2 ) The maximum and minimum values of the function.

Choose the correct atrs$er from those given :

r I rlf2 tinX=m,rhen....
(a){<msl @){<rn<3 (c)1<ms3 (d)2<m<4
> Exercise 11

,. (2) If the two points (X, r cos I 1) r
(I2, cos X2) lie on the curve of the function
f : f (D = cos X, ttrcn the greatest value of the expression (cos X _ cos Xa) =
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) zero (d) 180.
range [-3 ,3] r the a + b = ..........
(a) 4 (b) 7 (c) 6 (d) 5
( 4 ) The opposite figure represents

the cuve y = sin X

, then l a I r I b | = .......

(a) I (b) 2
(c) ,r (d) 2 Tt

(5 ) In the opposite figure :

lf y = sin i(, then B -A=. .......

(a) fi (b) 2 xt
(c) 3 ,[ (d) 4 It,

( 6 ) The number of intercections of the cuve y sin 3 X with

= X-axis in the interval
[0 , z n] equas ..........
(a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d)'7
(7) If the number of times that the function f :/ (X) = sin a X intersecr X axis is
9 times in the inrerval [0 ,2 ff] , ttren a = ..........
(a) 3 (b) 6 (c) 9 (d) 4
( 8 ) Number of times that Ue function
f : f (, = sin 2 X+ I reaches to its maximurn
value on rhe inrerval [0 ,2 ,[[ is ....
(a) I (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4

il! Exercise
:iil a

l 12 f

Finding the
measure of an
angle given the
value of one of
its trigonometric

Frcm the school book
7 a Undersiand OA@p[y oi High€r order Thinking skills

Choose lhe correcl ans\trer from those given :

i! rIf0=sin rhen O = ......

(a) 60" (b) 120" (c) 2,10' (d) 300'

(2)Ifcsc0= 2 , 2'10'<e<360" :then0=

(a) 30" (b) 300' (c) 330' (d) 150"

(3)Irtano= , so'.e.tm" ;then0=. '

(a) 30"
iJ (b) 120' (c) 150" (d) 210'

r i I If tan e = 1.8 and 90' <e s360' ,then0= .....

(a) 60' s7 (b) 119" 3 (c) 24o" s) (d) 2ee" i
r 5 r lty=sin(90"-0).lhen 0='
(a) sln -y (b) cos 1 y (c) sin I e (d) cos- I 0

I r o r Itcsc e= .{2'theneachof rhefollowingcould bea valueof oexcept


I {a) 45' (b) - 4s" (c) - 135" (d) 22s"

lrzrsin-ro; =.. "'

I tur ++' zi :i ru) 13s" 3a 23* (c) 224" 2a 3i (d) 315' 3A 2j
> Exercise '12 )a
i ( 8 ) sin-1 (- 0.6) ..........
(a) - 36.87' (b) 143.13' (c) 2t6.87" (d) 323.13.
(9) If cos 0 = 0.436 , where 0 is the measure ofthe smallest positive angle
r then 0 =-
(a) 64' 9 (b) 115" 51 (c) 244' d (d) 2es. 5i
o (10) Ifsin 0 = where is the measurc of the smallest posirive angle , then
] O O =
(a) 30" (b) 30' (c) 210' (d) 150"
(11) If the terminal side of a dirccted angle 0 in the standard position inrersect the unit
circle ar (-f ,y) where y eD , then 0 =

(a) 30' (b) 1s0' (c) 210' (d) 330"

(12.) In the opposite figure ;

m (z ACB) = .......... A

("),""-'(?) O)s1n
_.4, )'
(c) csc 1
(#) (d)cor, (#)
(13) cos (+)" x cos I (+)=
(a) I (b)+ (c) 60" (d) cos 1

Find in degrees the measure of the smallest positive anglc 0 satisfyhg :

(1)EEsin0=0.6 (2)cos0=0.7865 (3) tan 0 = 2.45'1'7

(4)tang=-0.8227 (5)sin0=-0.4652 (6)cos0=-0.5206

(7)@cot0=3.6218 (8)cote=-1.4612 ( 9 ) sec e = 1.0478
(10)csc0= 2.5466 (11)sec0=-3.57 (12)csc0=2.9811

If 0" < 0 < 360' , find e li hich satisfies each of the follorving :

(1)sin0=0.86603 (2)cosO=-O.4752 (3)csc0=-1.2576

(4)tan0=1.5417 (5)[Ecos0= 0.642 (6)sec0=2.0515
(7)csc0= 1.8715 (8)cotg=-2.1012 (9)ttrtane=-2.1456

(\r, r )\ -/,rLj 1 / (:,-rt!) arrr -q-", r-l-@Jl ftt

z aRemember alJnderstand OApph/ .'. Higher Ord€r Thinking Skills

6 pointIfthe terminal
side of angle e in the standard position intersects the unit circle at
B then find m (Z 0) where 0' < 0 < 360' when :
,r,u(+,+) (2,B(+, L-) (3)B(t,-ro-!-)
'V2 \12'

I i Find the degree measure of the angle 0 in each ofthe following figures :
(1) (2) (3)

EE If sin 0 = I antt90' =O 3 180" :

( 1 ) Calculate the measurc of th€ angle 0 to the nearest second.
0, e,

( 2 ) Find the value of each of the following : cos tan sec 0

ABC is a triangle in which cos A = - 0.5807 r tan B = 0.4578

Find to the nenest minute m (Z C) " 29'


If 0' < e < 360" , find the values of e in degrees and minutes which satisfY :
tan 0 = sin 23" 48 + cos 84" 32 . 26" 31 or 206" 3l "

J Il0' < 0 < 360' , find the values of 0 in deqrees and minutes which satisly :

cos e = sin 70" - 2 cos 80" tan 75" " 110' 53 or 249' 7

J m,un O = * wherc O is the measure of the greatest positive angle O e ]0 ,2 ,[[

Find the value of o to the nearest minute if :
sin q = sin 150'sin (- O) t

csc (180" + e) tan 225' ,10' 32 or 139' 28
+ "

115;1 61= where 90" < q < 180' Iind from the equation :
t '

(360' - o) + cot (270" - 0) = 2 where 0' < 0 < 360' . 45' or 225'
J E! The opposite figure represents a line segment joining
between the two points A (3 0) , B (7 , 3)
Find the measure ol the angle 0 included between IE and
the ](-axis.

" 16'52 12 ,
> Exercise 12 p

J [q A pa]m of length 20 metres was broken due to the wind as

in the opposite figure r if the lengrh of t1le vetical parr equals
7 metres , and the inclined part is of length I 3 metres and 0 is
the angle which the inclined part makes with the horizontal
r find in degrees the measue of e
Karim's answer \ Omar's answer
....r.e=f ...seco=+
.. 0= csc-tE ... e = sec-lf
.'. n (L g)
=32" 34 44 ... m (z e) = 57" 2i 16

Which answer is right ? Why ?

Choose lbe correct answer lrom lhose given :

I I )csc lcos_'zerol= ........

(a)1 (b)-l (c)

(d) zero

21 sin (tan I
+) =

@+ (b) +
(c)# (d) 13

(3) In the opposite ligure :

ABCD is a parallelogram , its area = 40 cm?

, then m (Z A) = ..........
(a) 37' (b) 56. (c) 53" (d) 3,1'

{ 4 rtun r +cort fi =........

rar+ b+ (c),3n (d)+
(5)cos Ii(+sin 1
x=. ......
(a) zero G)+ (c)
t (d) ,[

on Unit Two

Lij From the school book

E One of the gymansts spins on the play device by an angle of measure 200" Draw
this angle in the standard position then find its measue in
radian. "

Q what is the distance covered by a point on the end of the minute hand in 10 minutes,
ifthe hand length is 6 cm. ? <2rcm )

El A satellite revolves around the Earth in a circular path way a full revolution every 6
hours , if the radius length of its path from the center of the Earth is 9000 km. Find its
speed in kilomete per hour. ( 9424.78 km/hr.
lii A satellite spins around the Earth in a circular path a complete
revolution every 3 hours.If the radius length of the Earth apFoximately
equals 6400 km. and the distance between the satellite and the surface of /
the Earth equals 3600 km. , find the distance which the satellite covers
during one hour approximating the result to the nearest km.
20914 km.
" "
@ A sundial is used to determine the time dudng the day
through the shadow length falling on a graduated surface
to show the clock and its pats- If the shadow rotates on the
disk by the rate l5o every hour.
( I ) Find the radian measure of the angle which the shadow
rotates from it after 4 houls.
( 2 ) After how many houls does the shadow rotate by an angle
2 11. ^
oI taotan measure I
( 3 ) The mdius of a sundial is 24 cm. In terms of Jtr find the arc length which the rotation
of the shadow makes on the edge of the disk after l0 hours.
<1.05 r8hounr20ficm."

EEIWhen the sun rays fall on a translucent surface

they arc reflected with the same angle of incidence but
some rays are refracted when ihey pass through this lncidcnr rav

sudace as shown in the opposite figure.

Ilsin 0r ksin0.,andk=li 3 -0r -60'.
find the measure of angle 02 "
30' "
' Life Applications 2a
E0 When Karim uses his labtop r the measure of the angle of
inclination ofhis labtop on the horizontal is 132o as shown in
the opposite figure.

( I ) Draw the figure on the coordinate plane such that the

angle of measure 132" is in the standard position , then
find its related angle.

1 2 ) Write a trigonomefic function you can use to find the value of a

, then find the value of a to the nearest centimetre.

L:The spinning wheel is commonly spteading out in the

amusement parks.It contains a number of boxes rotating in
a circular arc ofradius length 12 m.
If the measure ofthe common angle with the terminal side
ln the standard position is:1
( I ) Draw the angle of measure in the standard position.
( 2 ) Write a trigonometdc function you can use to find the value of a , then find the value

of a in metre to the nearest hundrcdth. " 8.,19 m ,

El It is possible for the ships entering rhe port r if the level of water is high as a result of
the movement of rhe ebb and ride . where the deplh of warer is at least l0 metres.
The movement of the ebb and tide in that day is given by the relation r
S = 6 sin (15 n)" + l0 where n is the time elapsed after rhe mid-night in hour according to

24 hours system.

( I ) How many times did the depth of water completely reach 10 metres in the poft ?
( 2 ) Draw a graph representation to show how the depth of water vary with the movement

of the ebb and tide during the day.

( 3 ) How many hours during the day ar which the ship be able to enter the port ?

EQ A ladder of length 5 metres rests on a wall .

If the height of the ladder from the ground is 3 metes

r find in radian the measure of the angle of inclination
of the ladder to the horizontal.
fil E There is a skiing game in the theme parks.
I lf th" h"ight of on" ofthese games is l0 meres
| , and ir. length is l6 melres as in the opposite figure
| . write a rrigonometric function you can use to
| find rhe value of the angle 0 , then find rhe value ot the
arSle in de8rees to rhe nearest rhousands.
" 38.682. "
fr Q r-i. a""..nas b) his car down a ramp ot
I leneth 65 m. and its height is 8 m. lf the ramp
I makes an angle 0 *ith the horizontal
.find mtz 0t in aegree measure. 1l
| "




24 The triangle proportionality theorems.
Unit Three


Similarity of polygons.

Similarity of triangles.
The relation between the areas of two similar polygons.
Applications of similarity in the circle.

At the end of the unit : Life applications on unit three.

i-'i Exercise
''', ]

e:i i'
11- i

ii'- '

Similarity of

from the school book aRemember OApp[y ,. Higher OrderThinking Skilis

Choose the correct answer from those given :

( I ) If K is the scale factor of similarity of polygon Mr to polygon M, and 0 < K < 1

, then the polygon Ml is ..... to polygon M2

(a) congruent to (b) enlargement (c) minimization (d) ofdouble area

(2) lfk is the scale factor of similarity ofpolygon Mr to polygon M2 and the polygon Mt
is minimization to polygon M2 , then K may be equal ..

(a) 1 (b) + t"t Z (d)+

( 3 ) lf K1 is the scale factor of similarity of polygon Mr to polygon M, and K, is the scale
factor of similarity of polygon M, to polygon M3 , thefl the scale factor of similarity
ofpolygon Mrro pollgon Mr is
K K.
Kt + K2 (d)j
(a) (b) K1K2 rcr
( rl .) The two similar polygons are congruert ifthe scale factor K satisfies
c)K= + o)K= I (c)K>1 (d)0<K<1
(5) IfAABC -A DEF BC = 3 EF , then the scale factor of similariry of the two
triangles = ..........

@? (o)+ (c) I (d) 3

(\r: r )\ a/@rLj \/ (j,!n) o.r - -"-". - rtrol lgTl

aRemember a Understand oApply .i Higher Order Thinking Skills

6 ) The scale factor of similarity between the square ABCD and the square XYZL equals
each of the following except .. ..-....
(a)AC:XZ (b) AB tYZ (c) (AB)2 : (xY)2 (d) BC : YZ

7 ) To make two polygons Ml and M2 similar , it is sufficient to have ..-..

(a) their coresponding angles are equal in measures only.

(b) their coresponding sides are in proportion only.

(c) (a) and (b) together. (d) nothing of the previous .

( I ) To make two rhombuses ABCD , XYZL similar it is sufficient to have

(a) m (Z A) = 60' , m (Z Y) = llQ" 611y.

(b) the perimeter of rhombus ABCD = 2 the perimeter of the rhombus XYZL only.

(c) (a) and (b) together. (d) nothing of the previous.

( 9 I Which of the following statements is not true ?

(a) each two squares are similar.

(b) each two equilatenl triangles are similar.

(c) each two rhombuses are similar.

(d) each two regular polygons with the same number of sides are similar.

(10) The true statement ftom the following is .. .....

(a) all the isosceles triangles are similar.

O) all the dght angled triangles are similar.

(c) all the squares uses are similar. (d) all the regular polygons are similar.

(11) Which of the following statements is tue ?

(a) all the regular polygons are similar.
(b) all the squares are congruent.
(c) all the equilateral tdangles are similar.
(d) all the rhombuses are similar.
o ( l2) ff Ml M2 are two similar polygons and the lengths of two corresponding sides are 20 cm.
, 16 cm rcspectively , then the pedmeter ofpolygon Ml : the perimeter of M2 =..........

(a)25: 16 (b) 41 :9 (c)9:41 (d)5:4

( 13) Two similar polygons , the ratio between their perimeters equal 4 : 9 r then the ratio
between the lengths of two corresponding sides is ...
(a)4:9 (b)2:3 (c) 16:81 (d)9.4
r Exercise 1 ?
(14) Two similar polygons , the mtio between the lengths of two coresponding sides is

3 : 4 , if the perimeter of the smaller is 15 cm. , then the perimeter of the bigger is

(a) 20 o)+ (c) 27 (d)?

(15) If polygon ABCD - polygon XYZL and AB = 32 cm. ,BC =40cm. ,XY= 3 m I
tYZ=3 m+ l rthenm= ....

(a) 3 (b) 2 (c) 1 (d) 4

( 16) Two similar rectangles , the dimensions of the fi$t are 4 cm. : 10 cm. and
the perimeter ofthe second rectangle = 140 cm. , then the area ofthe second
rectangle = . cm?

(a) 100 (b) 200 (c) 500 (d) 1000

a (17)IfAABC-ADEF, AB=3cm.,DE=6cm. :EF=8cm.,thenBC= .... cm.
(a) 4 (b) 3 (c) 2 (d) 15

o (18) The pefimeter of one triangle of two similar triangles is 74 cm. and the side lengths of
the second are 4.5 cm. r 6 cm. r 8 cm. , then the length of the greatest side in the first
triangle equals ..... cm.

(a) 4 (b) 64 (c) 32 (d) 16

I ls) li pollgon ABCD - pollgon XYZL . rfren

lBa =
la)xL ,..AD ..xL (o#
ta .-,AD
o (20) In t}le opposite ligure :

If tlrc polygon ABCD - dre polygon XYZL

and the pedmeter of polygon ABCD = 48 cm.
, then the perimeter of polygon XYZL = ..... cm.
(a) 48 (b) 36

(c) 64 (d) 32

(21) In the opposite Iigure :

, a"A
then the length

ofFE = .......... cm. ,'^* ,{ LC

(a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 6 (d) 8
aRemember a Understand OAPPh/ .'. Higher Order Thinking Skills

(22) Itr the opposite ligure :

using the lengths shown on the figure t
then ED + EA= ..... cm.

(a) 12 (b) 13 (c) 14 (d) 15

(2-1r In the opposite ligure : D

Rectangle ABCD - rectangle XBYL , t_ \

then the length ofYC = .......... cm.

(a) 6 (b) 8 (c) l0 (d) 11

(24) In the opposite figure :

Polygon ABCD - polygon EFLD

/-/ F \-
(a) 5

(b) 3 //""
f"I],*\ \;
(c) 7.5 (d) 6

(25) Ir the opposite ligure :

m(ZB)=3X+ 10"
'm(ZAED)=x+30" '
thenm(ZA)=" ""
(a) 50' (b) 40" (c) 30' (d) 60'

(26) The opposite figure shows three regular hexagons r the ratio

between their sides lengths is as follows

a:b=l:2,b:c=3:8 1\
if the length of the side of the greatest hexagon = 32 cm.
r then the perimeter of the smallest hexagon = .- cm.
(a) 12 (b) 6 (c) 36 (d) 48
> Exercise 1 |

al- Show which of the following pabs of polygons are similar. Write the similar polygons
in the order of their corresponding vertices and determine the similarity ratio :
rlr (2\

;l il *__:"
(3) (4)

(s) (6)

In the opposite ligure :

The lengths of sides are shown on the figures.

Find :

( 1 ) The scale factor of similarity of triangle ABC

to triangle NML

( 2 J The values ofx and y

"1,r"-.,0]"- "
aRemember aunderstand OApp0y ,. Higher Order Thinking Skills

@ -! In the opposite Iigure :

I Polygon ABCD - polygon f,l CH 'f-

l\r I Find : The .cale factor o[ similarily ot
I ' ;\3
I polygon ABCD to polygon EFCH \

t\ t
| , : , ri,'a ,t. ,rt,,"s or: x an.l v E 6cn

t_ "J,r0..".,;".".
"1 _
I In the opposite figure :

,z \2:
I Prove that : DE , BC ,

and trom rhe lengths shown on the figure . \

I oa:
I ^\ " l2 cm. ' 10 cm. :
t-.. tind the leDgth of each ot: BD and CE

In the opposite figure :


9cm..FD tocm. I
lf fie perimeter ol A ABC 8l cm.
I = ,f,
| fmd the side leneths of : A ABC
. '\ ,\/\
ID ,"
"24 cm.,27 cm. ,30 cm.

O' Two similar recrangle. . $e dimensions of the firsr aree6cm-

8 2cfi
and 1l2 cm. r and the
I perimeter of the second is 200 cm. Find the length of the second
sec gle and
rectanrgle t its area-

6t) cm ,2400 cm2.

" 60 l
O:t) - In the opposite tigure : l_

Pollgon ABCD - pollgon XYZL

//-r"'E {
I l tl
t I r Calculate : rn / XLZ.. lengr]l of AD
I /
r I r lf rhe penmererollhe polygon
ABCD = la.5 cm.
,L *
IArri et

Find : The perimeter oI the polygon XYZL 90' ,r 3.6 cm. ,26 cm.

O lf polygon 4 BCD - polygon XYZL , complete :

| ',AF=", rrrAB.ZL=Xy.

II i t,BC+YZ- +Lx rlr ygon ,, '

penmeterof polyg,
YZ LX ygon '
perimerer ot polyg, AB

' Exercise 1c
In the opposite frgure :

Proye that : The figure ABDC is a cyclic quadrilateral.
And if AB = 8 cm. r MA = 4.8 cm.
r MD = 2.5 cm.
Find : The length of BC

Triangle ABC has ; AB = 5 cm. ,BC = 6 cm. rAC = 9 cm. Find the lengths ofthe
sides of a similar triangle if :
( I ) The scale factor of similarity = 2.5 ( 2 ) The scale factor of similarity = 0.6

:l=: The dimensions of a rectangle are 10 cm. and 6 cm. Find the perimeter alld the area
of another rectangle similar to it if:
( 1 ) The scale factor equals 3 ( 2 ) The scale factor equals 0.4

In the opposite figule : A ABC * A DBA

Prove that : AB is a tangent to the circle passing though the
vertices of A ADC and that AB is a mean prcportional between
BD and BC and if AB = 6 cm. rAC = 7.5 cm. BDC
Fi[d : The length of each of AD- CD- ( 5 cm.,5 cm. >
: In each of the fotlowing figures : Polygon Mr - polygon M2
- polygon Mj
Find the scale factor of similarity of each ofpolygon Mi and polygon M2 with respect to
polygor M3
(l) (2)

In the opposite figure :

Rectangle ABCD - rectangle AEON
ProYe tlat :
Perimeter ofrectangle ABCD : perimeter ofrectangleAEON
- (AB - AD) : (Ar - AN)
Il I]

i.i Exercise
,') )

, ?' .''
J i j

Similarity of

; rrom the sftoor book aRemember l!ii:.ia-.i O4lppBy .i H igher Order Th inking Skills

Choose the correct answer from those givetr :

( 1 ) In the opposite figure :

:EC=3cm. rED=6cm.
(a) 9 (b) ls (c) 12 (d) 10

(2) In the opposite ligure :

X = .... cm.
(a) t2 (b)
(c) 36 (d) 48
. L---\ n

(3) In the opposite figure :

(a) l0 (b) 30

(c) 3 (d) 24

> Exercise 2|
(4) In the opposite figute :
AC = ....cm.
(a) 6 (b) 9

(c) 12 (d) 15

o ( 5 ) In the opposite figure :

, then
Mx = ........

+ G)+
G)+ (d)
o ( 6 ) In the opposite figure :

lfAC=9cm. rBD=4cm.
then the pedmeter ofA ADE
(a) 18 (b) 16

(c) 14 (d) 12

o ( 7 ) In the opposite figure :

If the perimeter of A DXY = 8 cm.

, then the perimeter of A ABC = ........ .cm.

(a) 18 (b) 24

(c) 36 (d) 48

(8) In the opposite figure :

If m(ZAHD)=m(ZC),AH= 14 cm.
'HD= 12 cm.

,CB = 15 cm.
'DB =4cm.
'thenAC+AD+AB =. .... cm.

(a) 625 (b) 48 (c) 56

(9) In the opposite figure :

If CN= Xcm.,NA= (5 X) cm.:MN=7 cm.

,m (Z C)=m(ZA)=50",m(1 CMN)=80'
, then AB = ..... cm.
(a) 2l (b) 35 (.c) 42 (d) 28 lJ

(\!,r)\!,/eE\/(JJrn).!,i -*", J-t -oJl [1Od

aRemember aUnderstand OApp[y ... Higher OrderThinking Skifls

(10) The triangle whose sides are L m , n is similar to the triangle whose sides are ........

@)l+2,m+2;r+2 b)l 2 ,r,1-2 ,n 2

@)21 ,2n ,2n (d)1+m,m+n,n+l

(11) Two angles of a tdangle with measures 50' , 70" similar to another triangle with
angles of measures 50' and --- ..."

(a) 60 (b) 80 (c) 55 (d) 40

j t l2 t If rwo rriangles , rhe first has rwo angles of measures 50. and 60. , the second has
two angles of measures 60' and 70" then the two triangles are ..........
(a) congment and notsimilar. (b) similar and not necessary congruent.
(c) congruent and similar. (d) not congruent and not similar.

; r I-r r In the opposite figure :

ABCD is a pamllelogram rF€-D

then BC = ....cm.

(a) 5 (b) 15 (c) l0

(14) In tie opposite figure :

BD = ...... cm.

(a) 5 (b) 6 (c) 4 (d) 7 C

( I5 ) In the opposite Iigure :

y = ,,,,,,,..' cm.

(a) 2 (b) 4.5

(c) 3.5 (d) 3

( I6) In the opposite ligure :

The ratio between tlle perimetem of the two triangles

ADE ,ABC is ........

(a)2.1 (b)3:5 (c)lt2 (d)l:4
(17) In the opposite ligure :

Ifm (Z DAB) = m (Z
, then i( = ..
(a) 6 (b) 18 (c\ 2l (d) 24
(18) In the opposite figure :

m (Z BAD) = m (Z C) 16 cm.
'AB =
BD I2 cm. r then DC - .........cm

(a) 16 (b) t2
{c) ei
( I 9) In the opposite figuie r

lf B is the midpoint of CE
r then DE = ..--...... cm.
(a) 4 (b) 5

(.) 6 (d)'7

(20) In the opposite frgure :

AC =........ . cm.
(a) 6.2 (b) 6
(c) '7
.2 (d) 7

(21) In the opposite figure :

If m (Z ADC) = m (Z ACB)
r then AB = cm.
(a) 12 (b) 16

(c) 18 (d) 20

(22) In the opposite ligure :

(a) 5 (b) 4

(c) 3 (:d) 2

(2-l) In ttre opposite figure :

If AB // EC
,,4 (b) 3
,,2 (d) 1

= aRemember aunderstand oApply .'. Higher orderThinklng skills

a (24) In the opposite figure :

EF = .... .. . cm.
(a) 3 (b) 6

(c) 9 (d) 12

(25) In the opposite figure :

DE = cm.

(a) 8 (b) 10

(c) 12 (d) 15

126) In the opposite figure :

If M is the point of intersection of the medians ofA ABC

,M eAD,ME-// AC, ME - 3 cm.

r then the length of AC = .......... cm. (' ED

(a) 3 (b) 6 (c) 9 (d) t2
( 27 ) In the opposite figure :

IfM is the point of intersection of

the medians ofA ABC
,MX-//BC rBC = 12 cm.
: then MX = cm.

(a) 6 (b) 8 (c) 4 (.d) 2

(2ll) In the opposite figure :

If m (Z B) = m (Z C) = m (z AED) = 90'
, then the length of AB = ....... cm.

(a) 12 (b) 8

(c) 10 (d) 15

(29) In ttre opposite Iigure :

(a) 3
(b) 4 9-a \
@zls (d) 5

> Exercise 2 ?
(30) In the opposite figure :

AE = .... ... cm.

(a) 5 (b) 6
(c) 7 (d) 8

(31) In the opposite figure ;

The length of BD = ... . .cm.

(a) 9.5 (b)'7 .2 !t\
=l N
(c) '7 .s

In the opposite Iigure :

(d) 8
t/ \
ABC is an isosceles triangle
where AB = AC r BC = 48 cm.
r-=7 rrhenuu=. cm.

(a) 12 (b) 20
(c) 24 (d) 28 . 43 cn.
(33) In the opposite ligure :

If DE=3cm. 'DC=4cm-
; then area (AABC) = ........cm?
lds \
(a) t2 (b) 16 c.._-ts_t_-.-r}....].\B
(c) 18 (d) 24

(34) In the opposite figure :

IfA ABC is a dght-angled triangle at A
',. l\
, AD- -L BC , then from the followints // )\
the wrong statement is ......... CDB
(35) In the opposite ligure : H

ABH is atdangle AB,m(ZA)=m(ZBHD)

'AB = l6 cm. 'BD=4cm-
D l6cm.
\ ,\
, then the length of BH = .......... cm. -
(a) 4 (b) 8 (c) 12 (d) 813
aRemember aUnderstand OAppry ... Higher Order Thlnklng Skilts

o (-16) In the opposite figure

If AD = (X+ 2) cm., B D=4cm. rCD =9 cm.

rthenX= .cm.
(a) 11 (b) 8

(c) 6 (d) 4

(37) In the opposite figure

x = .......... cm.
(a) 8 (b) 4

(c) 6 (d) 4.8

(38) In the opposite ligure

(x,y)=...... ..
(a) (4{r,4 o) (s ,4ilt)
o(+"[z,r'[1) (d) (8 , 8)

o (39) Ir the opposite figure

ABC is a right angled triangle arA ,
aP- 1 36 ,43 = 36 6m. , DC = 32 cm.
(a) 36 (b) 48

(c) 42 (d) 52 .\
o (,10) In the opposite Iigure :

YC= .cm.

(a) 9 o) 10

(c) l1 (d) t2
o (41) In the opposite figure :

IfBE = 2 ED
, then AE = .......... cm.
(a) 1 (b)2 /f,
(c) 3 (d) 4

> Exercise 2 ?
(42) In the opposite figure :

BD = . .cm.

(a) 8 (b) 4

(c) 16 (d) 2

(,I3) In the opposite figure :

If DA . DB are tangenrs ro

the circle at A and B rcspectively

:DA=DB = 8 cm. rBC=2cm.

, then AC = cm.

(a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 5 (d) 6

(4,1) In the opposite figure :

AD is a tangent to the circle

. then the lengrh ot DB
- "*.
(a) s (b) 4

(c) 6 (d)6+
(,15) A person of length 1.6 m. stands beside a light pole ifthe shadow of the person is
23 m. and the length of the shadow of the pole is 6.6 m. , then the length of rhe light
pole equals ... ... m.

(a) 4.4 O) 9.9 (c) 8.8 (d) 10.1

I r.16r By using the opposite figure :

Al1the following statements is true except ..........

(b) DBCE is a cyclic quadrilateral


aRemember aUnderstand OApph, .? Higher Order Thinking Skills

:- State in vhich of the following cases , the two triangles are similar,In case of
similarit) . stale nhJ lhe) are similar :

(r) (2) x (3)


/\ \ \z
/,:\ A

A / \ \..-*^

/, \A
,Y5 65n B

(4) (6)

(7 ) (8)

In the opposite figure :

ProYe that :

l--l In the opposite ligure :

ABC is atriangle in which : AB = 6 cm.,BC = 9 cm.,

AC = 7.5 cm., D is a point outside the tdangle ABC where
DB = 4 cm. , DA = 5 cm. Prove that :
( I )AABC -ADBA (2) Bi bisects Z DBC
> Exercise 2 c
In the opposite figure :

ABC is a triangle in whichAB = 8 cm. r

AC=6cm. 'De AB,


In the opposite figure :

AD-n BC = {E} :AE=7.5 cm.,EC = t2cm.,BE= 9 cm.,

ED = 10 cm. rAB = 6 cm.
Prove that: AABE - A DCE ,
then frnd the length of : -D

I In AABC,AC >AB, M €AC where m (ZABM) = m (Z C)

ProYe that : (AB)2 = AM x AC

L: In the opposite figure :

A.BC is a rriangle . D CAB . OE I BC ana inrersecr, A? ar E,
Af is drawn to intersect DE- and BC at X and y respectively
{II Slare th-ree pairs of similar rriangles.

I 2 ) Prove that : PI xE - DE
In the opposite Iigure :

nCnOe=1r1 ,AB=6cm.,
BC= 12 cm. , AC = 8 cm. , FC - 3 cm. ,
BD = 4.5 cm. DF = 6 cm. Prote (hat :
(t )AABC-ADBF (2 )AEFCisisoscetes.
.J In the opposite ligure : A
ABCD is a quadrilareral ,
p5ffi*6"rc@=!E,BD EB
/ e-..' /
ProYethat:(1)AD-//BC /.''-'----/
(2)AB-//aE DC

.)\ e/crc \,/ (sJtn) our--r".t -,€lt€J l-115l

, aRemember aufiderstand OApp[y .'. Higher OrdorThinking Skills

d ABCisatriangleinwhich:AB=4cm. r AC=3cm. , De BA such thatAD = 4 5 crn '

E €CA where AE = 6 cm.
Prove that : BCDE is a cyclic quadrilateral.

ABC is atrianglo,AB = r AC= 10 cm. r BC = 12cm.,
whereAE = 2 cm. : D €BC where BD = 4 cm. Prove that :

( I ) A BDE A BAC and deduce the length ol DE

{ 2 ) The figure ACDE is a cyclic quadrilateral.

XYZ is a right angled triangle at X , a.aw Xi I yZ and intersects it at L

p"n"" ttrut , (XZ) = l!t L
If XY = 12 cm. and XZ = 16 cm., calculate the length of each of :YL rXL
" 7.2 cm. ,9.6
In the opposite ligure :
C LDA -------n
ABCD is a parallelo$am r O €DC- -_'\,/
o7--u/-,' //

BO is drawn intersecting AC at H .
-7 CB
and intersecting AB at E
Prove that : ( I ) AAHE - A CHB (2)(HB)2=IExHO

-.I AB and DC are two chords in a circle , ein -D= 1n1 ' where E lies outside the
circle,AB = 4 cm., DC = 7 cm. and BE = 6 cm.
Proyethat: A ADE - A CBE , then find the lengh of: CE .12cm.>

AB is a diameter in a circle , C is a point belonging to the circle
intersecting the tangent to the circle at B at D
,Id i, d-*n

Prove that : (BC)2 = CA x CD

".: ABC is a right angled tdangle at A , AD I BC to intelsect it at D

, *4 = * and AD = 6{7cm.

I find the length of each of : BD AB- and AC-

' ' "6cm.,616"-.,6Gcm."
In the opposite ligure :
A ABC is a dght angled triangle at B r AC = 15 cm. r BC = 12 cm. r

E is the midpoint of AB , AD- // BC , where AD = 6 cm.

Prore that: aABC - a tAD and deduce lhar AC r' DE
> Exercise 2 ?a
@ In the opposite frgure :
ABC is a triangle in which : D eBC
where BD = 4 cm. ,
DC = 5 cm.If AB = 6 cm., AC = 8 cm
(l ) ProYe that : A ABC A DBA -
( 2 ) Find the length of: AD
( 3 ) Prove that : AB is a tangent segment for the c cle passing
through the verticos ofA ADC . s] cm.,

In the opposite figure :

LMN is a triangle, E € MN-, K C MN-

,OCLN,LM= 12 cm.,ME= 8 cm.,
LE=9cm. rEO=6cm. rEK=4cm. r KO = 4.5 cm.
Provethat : OK 7 LE . EO// Ma rrhen find thelensrholNK

{!- ABC and DEF are rwo similar rriangles , Af; I BC to int".s.ct it at X , DY a EF to
intersect it at Y Prove that : BX x YF = CX x YE

cm. r r ,
+ ABC is a triangle ,AB = 9 BC = 12 cm. CA= 15 cm. DeBCsuchthat:
BD = ; BC . DH I BC lo inrersecl AC ar H
Find tha area of the shape : ABDH ,, n* cml,

Jc ABC is a right-angled triangle arA , D €BC wrrere

ffi = f,|
Prove tbat : II ,A ABC - A DBA 1:1AD1BC
J ABCD is a quaddlateral inscdbed in a circle , its diagonals AC , Bj intersect at E ,


ili In the opposite ligure :

ABC is a right-angled triangle at A

, AD-,L BC , Op r ,A.B , Or r aC
Provetlat: ( I )AADE-ACDF
{2) Areaofthe rectangle AEDn ={AE g B xAF x F C
aRemembor aunderstand oApp0y ,. Higher Order Thinking Skills

@ ABC is a triangle, O eEC, AD is dra*n and point H is assumed on it' then HX is

rlrawn // IE to intersect BD at X , ana HY is drawn // AC to intemect D-C at Y

ProYe that : ( 1 ) AABC - AHxY (2)XYxAD=BCxDH

G In the oppmite ligure

ABC is an obtuse-angled triangle

at A, ,r\ -\
AB = AC , E6 1 AB and inre$ects BC at D ,//
Provethat : 2 (AB)2 =BD xBC

In the opposfte figure :

Ax .L BD ,H =:* Prove that :

(2) AC is a diameter in the circle.

ABC is a triangle in which AB =AC , ECBd, E#BC , ogeE ' DGCS

where (AB)2 = DB x CE Prove that I A ABD - A ECA

Choose the correct answer from those given :

( 1 ) In the opposite figure :


, thenAE =- cm.

(a) 16 (b) 15

(c) 12 (d) l0

(2) In the opposite ligure :

IfM is the point ofintersection

of medians in A ABC
, then the length of FM = " cm.

(a) 4 (b) 5

(c) 6 (d) 8
> Exercise2 )
(3) In the opposite figure :

r then BC = .. cm.
(a) 3 (b) 4
(c) 5 (d) 6
J. ( 4 ) In the opposite figure :

ll x2 -y2 = 16
rthenyxz= .... cm3
(a) 4 (b) 8
(c) 12 (d) 16

o ( 5 ) In the opposite figure :

Ifm (z ABC) = 120'

, A BDE is an equilateral rdangle
, then X = .. ..... cm.

(a) s (b) 6
(c)"1 (d) 8
o ( 6 ) In the opposite figure :
lf n (L l) = rD (L2) - i\ ( L 3) ,.4
,thenDE:EF:FD= ...
(a)7111 t12 (b) 12: ll :'7
(c) 12 :7 | ll (d) 11 : 12:7

1 7 ) In the opposite figure ;

xv tt ec ,oB ttec
r then DB = -........ cm.

(a) 2 (b) 3
(c) 4 (d) s
( I ) Ilt the opposite figure :
(a) 12 (b) ls
(c) 18 (d) 21
aRemember allndersiand OAppry .'. Higher Order Thinking Skills

(9) In the opposite frgure :

rfFx -L AB , OV r SC ,gZ t AC
,AC = 9 cm. >BC = 12cm. rDE=4cm.
, then EF = . .. cm.

(a)z (b) 3 CYts l2cn.

(c) 5 (d) 6 -
(10) In the opposite ligure ;
If ABC is a right-angled triangle at A
, DEFY is a square : BE = 8 cm. :FC = 2 cm-
then the area of the squarc DEFY
(a) 4
= "
(b) 16

(c) 20 (d) 36
(11) In the opposite ligurc :
nAB lA
r then EF = ...

(a) 2.s
(b) 2
(c) 1.5 (d) 1
(12) In the opposite figure :
w ttBlc.,DEttcA
If BD=6cm. rDC=8cm.
, then EF = ...--- cm.
\d, G)+
.. )l
tct a
(13) In the opposite frgure :
If m (Z ACD) = m (Z BEC) tr3r
then BE + BC = ........ cm. q\iE'\
(a) 16 (b) l8 .*vb\
k)m (d) 24
(14) In the opposite ligure :
ABCD is trapezium , m (Z ABC) = m (Z DCB) = 90"

, AC- a BD , then the area of the trapezium

ABCD= cm?
(a) 13 (b) 26
(c) 39 (d) 60

ti,i Exercise

( .-i ,,'
irl i


From the s.hool book aRemember aUnde*onO Oapdy ,. Higher OrderThinking Skills

Choose the correct answer from those given :

( 1 ) The ratio between the perimeieN oftwo similar polygons is 4 : 9 , so the rario
between their areas is ..........

(a)4:9 (b)9:4 (c)2:3 (d) 16:81

(2) * lf A A-BC - A XYZ . AB = 3 XY ,,t"n9rAxYl)=
a (A ABC)

(a) 3 (b) 9 c)+ (d)

(3) If the ratio between the areas of two similar polygons is 9 : 49 , then the tatio
between the lengths of their two corresponding sides is ...

(a) 3 :7 (b)9:49 (c)3:10 (d)10:3

( 4 ) The mtio between the coresponding sides of two similar triangle is 2 : 5 , if the area
of the fust one is 16 cm? then the area of the second one =.......... cm2.
(a) 40 (b) 80 (c) 100 (d) 120
(5 ) ill If the lengfhs of two conesponding sides in two similar polygons are 12 cm. ,
16 cm. and the area of the smaller polygon = 135 cm? , then the area of the greater
polygon cm?

(a)24 (b) 180 (c) 240 (d) 200


5 aRemember etsta OAppry .t Higher OrderThinking Skills

( 6 ) If the ratio between perimetem of two similar polygon is 5 : 7 and the area of the gleater
polygon is 245 cm? r then the area of the smaller polygon equals ...cm?

(a) 125 (b) 175 (c) 343 (d) 480.2

( 7 ) The ratio between two corresponding sides of two similar squares is 3 : 4 , if the area
of the greater square is 48 cm? , then the area of the smaller one = ...... cm?

(a) 16 (b) 12 (c) 20 (d) 27

I I ) The ratio between the lengths of the diagonals of two squares is 2 : 5 r if the area of
the smaller one is 4 cm? r so the area of the greater one is -- cm?

(a) 25 (b) 16 (c) 10 (d) 20

(9) If the mtio between areas of two similar triangles equals 9 : 25 and the perimeter of the
smaller t angle is 60 cm. , then the perimeter of the greater triaflgle equals ......

(a) 60 (b) 80 (c) 100 (d) 120

(10) -.1-:
If AABC - A DEF, a (AABC) = 9 a (A DEF) and DE= 4 cm., thenAB = cm.

@+ (b) 12 (c) 9 (d) 36

( l1) The mtio between the diamelers of two circles is 3 : 5 if the arca of the inscribed
square in the smaller circle is 27 cm? , then the area of the inscribed square in the
greater circle equals .. cm?

(a) 45 (b) 50 (c) 75 (d) 100

r 12 r The ratio between two coresponding sides of two similar polygons is 3 : 4 , if the
sum ofits two areas is 150 cm? , then the area of the smaller polygon = c-l
(a) 54 (b) e6 (c) '7 s (d) 52

(13) The ratio between the lengths of two corresponding sides in two similar polygons is
5 : 3 and the differcnce between their areas is 32 cm? : then the area of the smaller
polygon is .......... cm?
(a) 18 (b) 50 (c) 32 (d) 16
area ofpolygon Mt _9
( l,l) If the polygon Ml - the polygon M2 and
area of polygon M2 16
, then it means that . .......

(a) the sum oftheir areas = 25 square units.

(b) the ratio between the two corresponding sides = 9 : 16

(c) lhe scale factor of the similarir] oI M, ro tr.l. 1l
(d) the perimeter of polygon Mr =
] the perimeter ofpolygon M,
> Exercise 3 ca
(15) @ If the polygon ABCD - the polygo" AB'dD- ,
# = +
.lhen. a (he polveon ABCD, perimerer ol (ABCD)
... I
a (the polygon ABCD) perimeter of (ABCD)

? o)3 G); (o+
(16) In the opposite Iigure :

If AB = 3 cm. rBE = 5 cm. rED = 7 cm.

. a(A ABE) m (z ABE) \,/rs
a (A CDE) m (Z DCE) D

ra) zii rb) id @* (d)

(17) In the opposite figure :
ll DE I I BC,DE = 4 cm. : BC = 9 cm.
- a aA ADE) = .....
t then
a (A ABC)
.-. 16
\",R1 rbr !!tr)
,^.65 ra, 6)

(18) In the opposite liAure r

IfAX : XB = 5 : 3 ra (AABC) =25.6 cm?

r then a (A AXY) = .... ..... qml

(a) 10 (b) 16 (c) 41

( 19) In the opposite ligure :

If BE // DC
the area of A ABE
. then
the area of trapezium BCDB

# rbr l
lc 16- (d)+
(20) In the opposite figure :
DE // BC , th" a."u ofA ADE = 8 cm?
, then the area olthe figure DBCE = .1
(a) 2'/ (b) 64
(c) 24 (d) 16

(1\ r)\-/air\/(oti)-L,r -q..- J-t -oI FA

aRemember aUnderstand OApply .'. Highsr Order Thinking Skills

i t21.)In the opposite ligure :

I tf rf,. *.u of rhe fisure ABED = 42 cm?

| , th.n Lh" ."u oIA CED = cmJ

| (c) 16
| (d) 20

i '"''l lilll""""u*"'
| ,.,; rurfr
? (23) Ir the opposite figure:
I If the a.ea of n lxY = to .-?
| . th"n th" -"u otthe shape )(BCY =. cml
I trt +o (b) 20

k) 30
rd) l0
I, (24) In the opposite figure:
I rr tn. o,., .,r.t ABC = 4s cm?
| , th"n th" *"u oIA AXY = .. cmi

ta) 22.5 (br90

I (c'5 (d)ls
? {25) Itr the opposite ngure :

I tf tle area of rfre shape ACDE = 3 times the area o[ A EBD

I .,n." r. = ('
| (b)8 (c)q (d) 10
26, In the opposite figure :

I a tA ADC) = 160 cm?

| ,thenatAADBt= cmi

| ,",* (br e0

I rcr 120 (d) 320

> Exercise 3 2
al (27) In the opposite figure i

A D is a tangent segmenl lo rhe circle passe. rhrough

the vertices of AABC, 3 AB = 4AC

a (A ACD)
a (A ACB) =
{at J (d)
(2ll) In the opposite frgure :

Ifthe polygon ABCD - the polygon AEFG

and the area of the polygon ABCD = 32 cm?

, then the shaded area = .. cIn?

(a)'12 (b) 48

(c) 40 (d) 16
(29) In the opposite ligure :

ABCD is a paralelogram rAE : EB = 4 : 3 DA

r a (A ADE) = 32 crn? , then a (A DFC) = .......... cm?
\ --.-\ E
\ \\-
(a) 18 (b) 98
\_ \----
(c) 24 (d) 42

(30) In the opposite frgure :

, a (A ACE) = 900 cm?

r then area of A DEB =

(a) 1080 (b) 1208
(c) t296 (d) 1218

(311 In the opposite figure :

ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral

in which : AB = 8 cm. r CD = 12 cm.

. then a fA AEB) : a (A DtC) = .. .....

(a)3:2 (b)2:3
(c) 4 19 (d)9:4
aRemember aunderstand OApph, .'. Higher OrderThinking Skills

The ratio between the two perimeters of two similar triangles is 3 : 2 and the sum oftheir
areas is 130 cm? Find the area of each of them. "socml,aocml,

The ratio between the lengths of two conesponding sides in two similar polygons is I :3
l€t the difference between their areas be 32 cm? , so find the area of each. . + cmi, :o cml "

J In the opposite ligure :

If AB//DC.,eCtOr,,
, *"u il ocE = ro
"-? B
,Iind the area of: A ABC

1.,,'ABC is atriangle ,D EAB where AD = 2BD , ECAC wh".. Ogll nC

If the area of A ADE = 60 cm? , find the area of the trapezium DBCE .ls cml "

J ABC is a triangle rAB=8cm. , AC=6cm. r D€ABwhereAD=3cm.

a (A ADE)
,E EAC where EC = 2 cm. Find: I
a (figure DBCE)

I In the opposite figurc :

ABC is a triangle where BC = 9 cm.

and D CBC where BD = 6 cm.
If m(ZBAD)=m(ZC),
C 3cd. D 6cm. D
then provethat : AABC - ADBA
and lind the length of : AB
Find also : The ratio between
the area ofAABC and A DBA . :r[cm. ,: :u

In the opposite figure I

ABCD is parallelog."-
a ,
i3 = +
Find : The area ofthe parallelogram ABCD "108
> Exercise 3P

o IJJ In the oppositc figure :

ABCD is a parallelogram

're,l'n*rrereS= ]
,DE n eE= {p}
( I ) ProYe that : ADCF - A EAD
t2 tFirrd, 25
a (A EAD)

@ ABCD is a parallelogram , X CAE,XfAB- where BX = 2AB ,YEai ,

Yf CB where BY = 2 BC r the parallelogram BXZY is drawn.
u (P*ull!]94I1ECD)=
Pro". rhrr,
a (pamllelogram XBYZ) -L4
i-l ABCD , XYZL are two similar polygons. IfM is the midpoint of BC and N is the
midpoint of YZ
prove that : a (polygon ABCD) : a (polygon XYZL) = (MD)2 : (NL)'?


M N are two touching extemally circles at A , the two secants from A are drawn to
.] '
intersect the circle M at B , D and intersect the circle N at C E
P".,r. tt rt ' a (a sD) 19!f
a(AACE) -

J ABC is triangle inscribed inside a circle , draw AD to bisect Z A and intersect Be at D


and the circle at E

Prove that : a (A ABE) : a (A ADC) : a (A BDE) = (EB)2 : (CD)2 : (ED)2

J If, A ABC - A XYZ , AD ,

prove that : BC x XL= AD
are their corresponding heights

J E| ABC is a right-angled triangle at B . The equilateral tdangles ABX , BCY , ACZ are
drawn. Prove tlat : a (A ABX) + a (A BCY) = a (A ACZ)

J Jj ABC is an inscribed triangle rn a circle where

the circle to inrersecr Aa ,t F
fF = j . Iiom B a rangent is drawn to

P.or" thut , u (A ABC) =
ABE) ]
a lo
ABCD is a trapezium in which AD // BC Draw *Y // AD to intersect AB at X and C-D
at Y such that the tmpezium is djvided into trvo similar polygons AXYD and XBCY

p.or" th^1 , u (Pol)gon AXYD) - a (a ABD I

i (pol)gon
a XB(-Y) a (A BDCI
z aRemember aUnderstand OApply .'. Higher Order Thinking Skills
A ABC is right-anglea at e , eD
nC intersecting it at D . The two equilateral triangles
ABE CAF are drawn outside the triangle ABC
Proye that : ( I ) The polygon ADBE - the polygon CDAF

,.,- a Ghe polygon ADBE) BD

a (rhe pofygon CDAF) CD

E! ABC is a right-angled triangle at B , BD -L AC to intersect it at D. The squares AXYB

r BMNC are drawn on AB , BC respectively outside the triangle ABC

( I ) Proye that : The polygon DAXYB - the polygon DBMNC

( 2 ) If AB = 6 cm.,AC = l0 cm.
, frnd : the ratio between areas ofthe two polygons.

q ABC is a triangle in which AB r BC , AC are corresponding sides to three similar

polygons X r Y r Z drawn outside the triangle respectively. If the area of the polygon

X = 4O cm? , the area of Y = 85 cm? t the areaof Z= 125 cr*

, prove that : A ABC is a right-angled triangle.

!-i AB, BC, CD, DA

ABCD is a sqr.rare, are divided in ratio 1 : 3 by the points

square XYZL) _5
Provethat: ( I )XYZLisasquare. (2\ a (the
a squareABCD)

In the opposite ligure :

AB . CD are rwo parallel chords

in a circle , AE Oi6 =
p",,r. rhrt , 3i4!E! = (xB)'?
(A a CYB) (BY),

Choose the correct answer from those giyen :

( I ) In the opposite figure :
Ifthe area of (polygon DYFC) = 40 cm?
, the area of (polygon FEBC) = 32 cml
, the area of (A AFY) = 5 cm:
, then ihe area of (A AEF) = ..... cmJ
(a) 3 (b) 4 (c) s (d) 6
> Exercise 3|

(2) In the opposite figure :

If the are a of (A AXY) = 40 cm?

r the area of (A DZM) = 13 cm?
, the arca of (the polygon XBCY) = 50 cm?
Then the shaded area = .. cIn?
(a) 7'7 (b) e2 (c) 104
(3 ) In tle opposite figure :
If AB = 3 AD , and the arca
r then the shaded area = ."-?
(a) 12 (b) 24
(c) 48 (d) e6
(4 ) In the opposite frgure :
If the area of the polygon DXYE = 30 cm?

, then the area of the polygon XBCY =- ..cm?

(a) 12 (b) 16
(c) 18 (d) 20

(5) In the opposite figure :

If M is the point of inteBection of medians ofA ABC

, MO // AB- ana *re area of A ABC = 36 cm?
r then the shaded area = .c-?
(a) 2'7 (b) 28
(c) 32 (d) 33

(6) In the opposite figure I

If the area of A DEF = 6 cm?

, then the shaded area = ..... crr.?
(a) 27 (b) 36
(c) 48 (d) 54

(7) If AABC'ADEF andAB=Xcm. DE = (X 1) cm. , rhe area of

r t
A ABC = (X + 2) cm? , and the area of A DEF = (X + 7) cm: , then rhe value
of x=

(a) 4 (b) 3 (c) 2 (d) I


= aRemember aUnderstand OAPpry ,. Higher Order Thinking Skills

(8) In the opposite figure :

If DErBC,ef Zer-,ffi=J
, ,\tea tLf
. tnen .-= DBFE)
; 0)*
(c) jit1 (d)
(9) In the opposite ligure ;

ABCD is a square of side length 6 cm.

. then the area of tpolygon XYFE) = .. ' "-?
(a) 6 (b) 8

(c) 10 (d) 12

( l0) In the opposite figure :

BCDF is a rectangle r the area of (A ABE) = 2 cm3

, the area of (A BEF) = 3 cm?
,then the shaded area =........ cm? l)

(a) s o)5+ (c) 6 @1+

(11) If the scale factor of similaity of the polygon Pl to the polygon P, is
J and the scale
factor of similarity of the polygon Pl to the polygon is , which of the following
relations is correct ?
(a) Arca (Pr) + Area (Pr) = Area (Pr)

(b) Area (Pr) + Area (P3) = Area (P2)

r",{er"u (P1* r@, rel ={Ar"", P,,t

ra r r/er* r e.r n { er"u tl,) = {Are, { PJ

In the opposite figure :

Two squares are dmwn , one of them is inside a circle
and the other is outside the circle.

Find the ratio between their areas.

Iiii Exercise
iil li

l-j ---'

' From th€ s.hool bo6k
LaRemember aUndeGtand OAppry ,. Higher Order Thinking Skils

Choose the correct anslyer from those giren :

( I ) In the opposite figure :

(a) 3.5 (b) 14
(c) 6 (d) 12

(2 ) In the opposite Iigure :


DM = 4 X cm. r then CD = .. cm.
(a) 3 (b) e

(c) 18 (d) 21

( -l ) In the opposite figure :

(a) 6 (b)-6
(c)t6 (d) 36

(\v: r)r r/siE 1/ (.,-J.")-ur -1.,,",- J-tr€Jl I1-l

z aRememb€r O Undelstand OAppry .'r Higher Order Thinking Skills
a ( ,l ) Ir the opposite frgure ;

(a) 6.5 (b) 13

(c) 6 (d) 36

o ( 5 ) In the opposite ligure :

If AB , CD are two chords in the circle ,
AB f ICD = {Ol .AO = (5 sin e) cm.
,Ql=(2 csc0)cm. rOC=2cm. rtheni(= cm.

(a) s (b) 10 ,d+ (d) 10i/3

o ( 6 ) Iu the opposite ligure :

ean CO = 1e1 ,AE = 4 cm.

rEB = 6 cm., DE = (i(+ 1) cm.
CE = (X 1) cm. r then X = ......... cm.
(a) 5 (b) 6

(c) 4 (d) 7

( 7 ) In the opposite Iigure :

The radius length of the circle = ....... . cm.

(a) 9 (b) 4.s

(c) 6 (d) 6.s

(8l In the opposit€ ligure :

(a) AD x DB (b) AD x DE
(c) AD x BE (d) AC x BD

(9) In the opposite ligure

(b) 7

(c) 8
/it M
(a) 5

(10) In the opposite figure :

IfAB = 7 cm. rBE =5 cm. :DE= 6 cm.

, then the length of CD = .......... cm.

(a) 6 (b) 5 (c) 4 (d) 3

> Exercise 4|
(11) In the opposite figure :
BE:. .cm.

(a) 6 (b) 5 (c) 4 (d) 3

( I 2) In the opposite ligure :

If DE =DC r EB = 2 cm. rAB = 7 cm.

r then the length of EC = .......... cm.

(a) 6 (b) 4
(c) 5 (d) 3
(13) In the opposite ligurt :

If DC = MB r then the circumference

of circle M = ........ cm.

(a) 15 ,I (b) 18 ,[
(c) 20 fi (d) 24 xt
a (14) @ In the opposite ligure :

(a) s (b) 6

(c) 3 (d) e

o (15) @ In the opposite ligure :

(a) 4.8 (b) s.6 (c) 4.2 (d) s.2

(16) In the opposite figure :

The area of the circle M = .cm?

(a) 6 x(, o)18n

1c12"{e x @l6n
II7) In the opposite figure :
BA is atangent rBC =9 cm. rCD = 7 cm.
, then AB = cm.
(a) 63 (b) t44
(c) 12 (d) 9

= aRemember O Understand OApply .'. Higher Order Thinking Skills

(18) In the opposite ligure !

If AB is a tangent segment to circle M

! then the circufiference o[ circle M =

(a)6fi (b) 9 r[
(c) 12 tl (d) 1s ,r

(19) In the oppo.site ffgure :

The length of the radius of circle M = ..... cm.

(a) 2 (b) 3

(c) 4 (d) 5

(20) In the opposite figure :

AC = .. ... cm.
\ M \/

(c) 4
tz (b) l8

(d) 6
B 3cm. A
(21) In the opposite figure :
In a circle M , If AB is a segment tangent ,--Vi
12 cm.
then the radius length of circle M = cm.
ratq"fi &) 16{l \,
t")s{t @)24.{,
(22) In the opposite figure :

AMB is a right-angled tiangle

the raduis of the circle = 3 cm. , AD = 1 cm.
at M
, then BC =- cm.
l i"- M

(a) 3.6 (b) 1 .4 (c) 5 (d) 3


(2-1) In the opposite figure :

(a) 6 (b) 4

(c) 3 (d) 5

> Exercise 4|
(2;l) In the opposite figure :

A , B , D are three points on a circle whose centre is M
If C is the midpoinr of AB
:D rM r C are collinear r
, then the radius length of the circle = . . cm.
(a) 9 (b) 8 (c) 12 (d) r3 E
(25) In the opposite figure :
ABCD i\ a c)clic quadrilaleral il
,., EA ,,. EA
(26) In the opposite figure :
l''\ B

a (AABC) = .......... cm?

(a) 48 (b) 42
(c) 40 (d) 24

(27) In the opposite figure I

BD - ........ cm.
(a) 6 (b) 8
(c) l0 (d) 12

(28) In the opposite figure :

If DE=2cm. rOE=9cm. r
BE = 6 cm. rAB = NE r
AC is a segment tangent , then AC = ,,,,,,,..,cm.
(a) 2 (b) 6
(c) 4 (d) 8

(29) In the opposite ligure I

AB is a talgent to the greater circle

ID is a tangent to the smaller ctcle
DE = .... cm.

(a) 4 (b) s (c) 6

z aRemember allnderstand OApp[y ,. Higher OrderThinking Skills

(30) In the opposite Iigure :

Two circles M and N are intersecting at A and B

. XY is a tangent to the circle M ' if AX = BC
then XY = . .. cm.
(a) 4 (b) 6
(c) 8 (d) e

(31) In the opposite ligure :

AII the following statements are tlue except -"" '

(a) (AB)2 = AC x AD
(b) (AB)2 = aP x eP
(32) In the opposite figure

oll o; z,[t
@zlt @) 4'{7

; i3-11 In the opposite figure

| ,*r= ",,'
I rurs (b) l8 (c) 22 (d) 31

,,,, (b) 5
| (d) 8
| 1-15t In the opposite Iigure

"= (b) 3.2
(d) 3
.:. 136) In the opposite tigure
,"r l (b\
i t+

I r.rt/: (d) 4
> Exercise 4 ?a

i.rl In lvhich of the fo[owing figures, t]e points A, B, C and D lie on a circle ?
Explain your answer,
(1) (2) (3)

(1) (s) (6)

::- In which of the fotlowing ligures , AB is a tangent segment to the circle which
passes through the points B , C and D ?
(r) (2) (3)

(4) (s) (6)



t/ \
The length of the radius of a circle of center O is 4 cm. Assume a point M such that
MO -ocm. Ler ME be drawn to intersecr lhe circle ar A and B . whereAe MB

tf MA = 3 cm. , so find the tength of : AB . ricm -

aRomsmber a understand oApply .t Higher Order Thinking Skills

AB and CD are two inteNecting chords at E in a circle. Ifthe lengths of AE , BE , CD

respectively are 5 cm. . 6 cm. . I L5 cm. . calculale lhe leEgths ot : EC . ED

In the opposite figure :

If AB is a tangent segment to the circle at B ,

C is the midpoint of AD ,

AB = 5 €cm.
, find t]le length of : AD

In the opposite figure :

Two circles are touching intemally at point Y ,

YX is a common ianeent to the two circles.

Prove that . il: = lll:

In the opposite figure :

Prove that :

One circle passes by


:.-l In the opposite figure :

L CXY where XL = 4 cm. ,

whereXM=6cm. |ZM=Zcm.
Provethat i ( 1)AXLM-AXZY ( 2 ) LYZM is a cyclic quadrilateral.

ii.tABnCD-={E} , AI.=+BE , DE =
} rc rr nn = r
u"d cE = 5 cm.

Provethat: The points A 'B rC andD lie on one circle.

> Exercise 4|

In the opposite frgure :

The two circles touch each other extemally at Xt
16 intersects one of the circles at A and B

and the other one at C and D

I-et the common tangent to the two circles at X intersect ID at N

psys 161 ; IE IQ
ill Two circles are intersecting at A and B, C €IE and C € AB-, from C the two
turg"nt ."g."nt. C-X and CY are drarvn to touch the circles at X and Y respectively.
Prove that : CX = CY

!:: In the opposite figure :

M and N are two circles touching extemally at E

, AC touches the circle M at B and touches

the circle N at C AE in&rsects the two

circles at F and D respectively ,

whereAF=4cm. rFE= 5 cm.,ED=7 crl.

Prove that : B is the midpoint of AC

A circle of centre O and its mdius length equals 8 cm., M is a point where MO - 1 2 cm. r

lrom M a secant is drawn lo inlersecr rhe circle at { and B uhere A CMB

If AB = l1 cm.

r frnd : ( I ) The length of MA

( 2 ) The length of the tangent segment to the circle from M . s cm. ,41Fcm. ,
ABC is a tiangle D C BC where BD = 5 cm. and DC = 4 cm. If AC = 6 cm.

, Prove that :

( I ) AC is a tangent segment to the circle passing thiough the points A , B and D

( 3 ) Area of (A ABD) : area of (AABC) = 5 : 9

(\^ : r )\ o/4:E \ / (i'-rri) lur -1.-", r-t*@Jl F 37

z aRemember aUnderstand OAppry .'. Higher OrderThinking Skills

q; Two concentric circles at M , the lengths of their radii are 12 cm. and 7 cm.
AD is a chord in the larger circle to inteNect the smaller circle at B and C respectively.

Prove that : AB x BD = 95

I ABCD is a rectangle in which AB = 6 cm. and BC = 8 cm. , BE -L AC and intersects

r I ) Provethat : (AB)'z=AF xAD
( 2 ) Find the length of : AF

AB is a chord of length 8 cm. in a circle of centre u , Md -L ,LB to intersect it at C and

intersect the circle at D. If CD = 2 cm. , calculate the length of the radius of the circle.

AB is a diarneter in a circle, C GAB-, ei I AB to irt .""ct the circle at X, DE is

a chord drawn in the circle passing through point C. Proye that : (XC)2 = DC x CE

J In
the opposfte frgure :
A is a point outside the circle M , AB- and AC arc tangents

to the circle AY intersects the circle at X and Y,

ProYe that : AX x AY = AD x AM

ABC is a triangle , AD bisects Z BAC and intersects BC atD

'ECADwhereAD =DE
If (AD)2 = DB x DC

ttrat : ( 1 ) AECD - AEAC


Choose the correct ans\ver from those given :

( 1 ) In the opposite ligure I

AsemicircleM,ME=ED,EC=3cm. rAE = 8 cm.

, then ME = cm.
(a) 2 @1, @)zli (o+
> Exercise 4 ?
(2) In the opposite frgure :

A circle M of diameter length l2 cm.

:MC=CB,AC=GC+ t) cm.
, then AB =. cm.
(a) 4 (b) 6 (c) 8 (d) 9

( -3 ) In the opposite ligure :

If AB is a diameter in circle M
. CX . DY are r$o tangenl segmenrso[circle\4

rAB = 30 cm. rCX=8cm. 'DY=20cm.

r then DC = cm.
(a) 2 (b) 6 (c) 8 (d) 10

( ,l )

In the opposite figure :

Two inteNecting cfucles at C , E /ro"-

, BE touches lhe lArser circle

IfAF=3cm. rFC=4cm.,CD =5
,r F
cm. E
r then BE = cm.
(u) 9 (b) 8 (c)'7 (d) 6

(5) In the opposite ligure :

Two circles touching internally at B , AE , A,

are two tangents to the smaller circle at B ,D
If CD = 1 cm.,DE= 2cm., AB =Xcm.
r then X = .......... cm.
(a)2 (b) 3 (c) 2.s (d) 3.5

1 6) In the opposite figure :

AD , AB are two tangents at D , B rcspectively

aE intersects the circle at E D
: then (AC AD) = ... ..... qm.
(^)'7 o)2li @)tli @)eli
aRemember aUnderstand OAPPIy ,. Higher Order Thinking Skills

(7) In the opposite Iigurr :

AB is a diameter in a semicircle M
then r = .... .--. cm.
(a) 9 (b) 12 (c) 18 (d) 24

( li ) In the opposite figure :

If Dy = 6.-. und IE = 2
r then CX = . cm.

(a) 2 (b) 3

(c) 4 (d) 5

( 9 ) In the opposite Iigure :

The radius length of semicircle M is 10 cm.

,thenED=.... cm-

(a) + (b):+ c)+ (o*

{10) In the opposite {igure l

AB is a tangent to the circle at B

r AB = 8 cm. ,Id is a secant to the circle M

atCandD the radius length of thecircleMis - cm.

(a) 5 (b) 10 (c) t2 (d) 8

Applications on Unit Three

t-!l From the school book

lJl The opposite figure shows rhe floor plan of .-56cm. 2 6.6.+
a house with a drawing scale I : 150 Find :
( I ) The dimensions ofthe reception.
( 2 )The dimensions ofthe bedroom.
( -l ) The area of the living room.
( ,l ) The area of the house floor.

A man of height I .8 m. stands against

a light pole , at a distance 2 m.
from its base. When rhe light is switched on
, the length of the man's shadow is 2.4 m.
Find the height of the pole .
+ z4n.- +26. +

:rj Find the distance X in each of the follorying

(1) {2)



A man wanted to know the height of a dinosaur in one

of the museums , he put a miror l0 metres away fiom
the foot of the dinosaur , then he moved back until he
could see the head of the dinosaur in the minor. At this
momenl he measured Ihe diitance lrom lhe mirror , F

it was 2 m. and the height of the man was 1.8 m.

Given that the measure of the incidence angle equals
the measure of the reflection angle , calculate the height l0n'
of the dinosaur.

"akm.,a1/; "

Unit Four
The triangle proportionality theorems

5 Parallel Iines and proportional parts.


6 Talis'theorem.

7 Angle bisector and proportional parts.


8 Follow : Angle bisector and proportional parts

(Converse of theorem 3).

Applications of proportionality in the circle.

At the end ofthe unit : Life applications on unit four.
i1- , Exercise
{' 5
lines and
- From the 5.hool book pnemember aUnderstand OAppry .'. Higher OrderThinking Skills

Choose the correct answer from those given :

( I ) In the opposite ligure :

First:rfffi=] ',r'"n*@=
c)+ to-, 9 c)+ (d) +
seconrl:Iff,l= f ',rc,ff= .

c)+ ror * (c) 2 (d)

5 +
rni"a'rrS=f ,*renffi=
+ (b) 1.5 (c) 2
(2 ) In the opposite frgure :


' then the lengrh of EC =

""""" cm.

(a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 5

> Exercise 5
(3) !l In the opposite ligure :

AB-// DE- , AE N BD = {C}

r AC =6 cm. rBC =4cm. andCD = 3 cm.
. then the length oI CE = . . .. cm.

(a) s (b) 4 (c) 4.5 (d) 3.5

( ,l ) In the opposite figure :

All the following statements are true except ........

,.AD AE .. AB AC
'.,AB_AC '"'BD - F.c
(5) In the opposite figure i
If BC // DE , rhen ...

(a) the shape DBCE is a cyclic quadrilateral


.,, AB BC
(6) In the opposite figure
If DE// AC ,BE =3 cm.,EC= 2crn.
, therAD = cm.
i\I \-",
(a) 6

(c) s

c ( 7 ) In the opposite ligure

(b) 4
I l\\
C 2o.E 3cm. B

AB + A(l 5
r then AX = ... cm.

(a) 3 (b) 6 (c) 4.5

(8) In the opposite ffgure :

OP llEC, tt""x=..........
(a) 4 (b) 9

(c) 12 (d) 3

(11 r )r n/eE \/ (:eu)olr -q.,,-,- r.au@Jf lttsl

= aRemember aUndersiand OApFrry it Higher Order Thinking Skills

( 9 r In the opposite figure


If AB//CD,thenx=
(:a) 2 (b) 3

(c) 4.5 (d) 6 it

(I0 r In the opposite Iigure
tt OE ll BC , ttren x =
(a) 12 (b) 7
vzl I
(c) 5 (d) 4 I

( ll ) In the opposite figure C

If AABC in which DE BC
,thenX=" '

{.a)2"[i (b)a3
(c) 4 t.a) t2'{i
r 1l r In the opposite figure
If AABC in which DE BC
, then i( = ...

(a) - 5.5 or 3 (b) 5.s

(c) 3 (d) 2.5

(13) In the opposite figure

xY ll ga , then
tr \-"F/\
AC = ..... cm. / \+"
(a) 15 (b) /\
16 BC
(c) l8 (d) 20

( I 4) In the opposite ligure

If AB- // CD- r then z =

(c)5xt5y (d)+
r 1 l5 ) In the opposite figure : $i
.{/ \
BOttsc ,AD:AB=2:5 EI-AD
(a) 8 (b) 6 t/
a/ \\
(c) 4 (d) 2 CB

> Exercise 5|
o ( 16) Ir the opposite figure :

IfM is the point ofintersection ,.1 s

ofmedians ofA ABC t?
:then2X+y=...... gm. I,
(a) 2 (b) 3 "..
(c) 4 (d) 5
( l7) In the opposit€ frgure :

If AB//CD,2AE= 3 ED
r then BC = . cm.
(a) 18 (b) 20
(c) 24 (d) 25
o (18) In the opposit€ figure :
r then HF = cm.
(a) 3.6 (b) 4.8
(c) 6.3 (d) 3.75

(19) In the opposite figure :

rf DE // BC ,W tt eE
, then AI x AC = ..........
(a) AE (b) (AE)'?
(c) (DE)2 (d) FE x EC
o (20) In the opposite figule :

If DE // BC , an<I DF // AC- , then

= ..
the length of EC .. cm. D

(a) 12 (b) 18
(c) 6 (d) e
ca m. t-(r+s).- I
(21) In the opposite ligure :
ED // FB , a (A AEC) = 9 cm?
, a (ACFE) = 16 cm?,AB = 15 cm.
l \
,thenAD = ... .. cm. l'
(a) 9.6 (b) 5.4
r.t g ! (d)6

aRemember aUnderstand OApply & Higher OrderThinking Skills

(22) In the opposite figurt :

If FD // AC and XE // AB

rBD:DE:EC=4:2:5 'AB = AC = 33 cm.

(a) 21 (b) 33

(c) 39 (d) 42

.-.- In each of the following figures , tu bE ll gC r

l'' ) (2)
iv 7\

, L I\
B l(3)


."/1, I r.m.,N

(-llcm I- 13.n,. :\



r.l) -

('I ,/f l\l;l\
l. l,/./


,1i ll-,
c!.m E ts !.

tl", R

E=4cm. 'CE=

rove that : AB
12 cm. and DE

= 15 cm.


xr ----
Elr:lxYnZL={M} twhereXZll I,Y aru =r.*,*r= tt "-*- -

Iind the length of : ZM "l 3.5 cm. "

t Exercise :5
Exerctse )a
B el For each of the following , use t]le opposite figure and the giyen data to find the

I value ofx (Lengths are measured in centimetres) : r

| , r , eo = + . BD = 8 . cE - 6 and Ar , x A
t,/\ tF
I a 2 ) AE = X . EC = : . AD = X - 2 and DB = 3
| 1 + 1 aO = x , BF = xr 5 and 2 DB =3FC=12 c1_1.,/
-, F

@ - XYZ i"a r'iangle in which xy= t4cm.,XZ=21cm..LCXi.whereXt=).6cm.

= 5.6 cm. ,

it-and M CXZ where X\4 = 8.4cm. prove tnat t tVl tt yZ

fl. . --
lntheLrangleABC,DeAB.ECATand5AE=4EC. tf AD- t0cm.and
OS = S
. ;s DE rr BC ? l.xptairr your an.uer.

fl elCO i" a irapezium in which A D- / BC . irs diagonals AC and ED are inrer,ecred ar M

)cted at
t, Il AM 2.5 .
cm. DB = 7icm. and MC = 3 cm.

i- ,, ,
-- figure:
@ In the opposite n\L
I If -DF//BC.AD=6cm.. "
I Z_-\,
i BD
^^ i//-'-'-= -
I = 5 cm. ' AE = 3.6 cm. and FC = 5.5 cm.
1 \
| . then prove ahat : DE t. BF l

$u neco i* qruo,',r,..u, .ffi
Af = f:.r..EC= l0cm.and ED=7.8cm..proverhat:ABCDisarapezium.
[0 ABCD is a quadritatera] . E. € AC . drau EF z CB ro inrer"ecr A-E ar F ,
t. __
J drau IiN // CD ro intersect A D ar N prove thal , nt't l, gD

gl L: Prove that : The line segmenr drawn between two midpoints of two sides in a triangle is

J parallel to the third side and irs tength is equal ro a half of rhe length of *ris side.

[A ABCD is a parattelogram . E e Bf . E( AB.dran ECro inrer.ecr AD-arF,BDatM

J Prove that : (CM): = MF x ME
aRemember aUnderstand OAPP0Y .i Higher Order Thinking Skills

is a parallelogram r E ECE , nG Cg , ara* og to intersect IB at N,

rhen draw BG // ED to intersecl CD at C

P.rrn" 11rr1 , 4\ = !Q
.-= ABC is a triangle, D eAB, where 3 AD = 2 DB and E €AC, where 5 CE = 3 AC

and Ii is drawn to intersect Bt at X , if AF = 8 cm. and AX = 20 cm. where F e AX

Prove that : The points D , F and E are collinear.

. D € BC . .r here
ABC is a rrianpte
1? - lanalenO'rvhere fl = j 'CEis

drawn to intersect IE at x , Dt // CX and intersects A-B at Y Prove that : Ax = BY

J In the opposite frgure :

ABC is at angle in which: DX//AC,EY//AB,

BC= 13.5cm., 4D = * .Ec= 1,cE YX ll
Find the length of ; XY
. 2.1 cm.

ABC is a tdangle , D is the midpoint of SC , N{ g AD , araw ME // AB to lntersect Ee

at E , draw MF // IC to intersect B-C at F
hoye that i D is the midpoint of EF if M is the point of intersection of the medians of
AABC then prove th.1 ' gP = '+nC

In the opposite ligure :

ABCisat angle in which DE // BC

The area ofAADE The area ofAABE
Provethat:The area of A ABE
::-:-= *- .-;--^
The area of A ABC

Choose the correct answer from those given :

( 1 ) In t]re opposite frgure :

lf ED // BC rm (1 ADY) = m (1 FDY)
and ED = 10 cm. r BD = 15 cm.

r then AD = cm.

(a) 20 (b) 25 (c) 30 (d) 4s

I Exercise 5 e
( 2 ) In the opposite figure :

If DE//BC,DE=ycm.
r BC =,l( cm. ,ald2x2-3xy 5y2=O
and AB = 10 cm. , then
EB =..... .. cm.
(a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 6

(3I In the opposite ftgure :

Two circles touching intemally at A
r then ED = . cm.
(a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 3.s (d) 4

(4 ) In the opposite figure :

If the area of (A AEC) = 1 5 cm?

r the area of (A EFC) = 9 cm?

r AB = 16 cm. r then AD = .... cm.
(a) 6 (b) 10
(c) 12 (d) 13

(5) In the opposite figure :

If DE // BC and the area

of (A EBC) = 9 cm?
, then the arca of (A ADE) = .... cm?
(a) 6 (b) 12
(c) 18 (d) 21

In the opposite figure :

ABC is a triangle : X is the midpoint of AB r

Y is the midpoint of AC , D e BX- ,

F€A'r .where 1P
DB !t
.CE . xylEc
Prove that : F is the midpoint of DE

.1i ABCD is a rectangle , its diagonals are intersected at M , E is the midpoint of AM ,

MC , DE is drawn to intersect AB- ar X
F is the midpoint of and DF is dmwn to inremecr
BC at Y Prove that : XY // AC
i .'l Exercise

[.-,i i'
i _r


Test yourself

From the s.hool book aRemember a understand OAPPry .i Higher OrderThinking Skills

Choose the correct answer from those giYen i

( I ) In the opposite figule :


(2) In tle opposite ligure :

AH = .. .cm.
(a) 6 (b) 7.5

(c) 10 (d) 12

(3) In the opposite ligure :

If DA=21 cm. rMC=5cm.,FB=4cm.

r then AE = ....... cm.

(a) 3 (b) s

(c) 6 (d) 4

> Exercise 6 ?
( 4 ) In the opposite figure :

CO ttE;P tt XY , CE = 20 cm.

then the length of CX = ......... cm.
(a) 48 (b) 64 (c) 44 (d) 2t

(5) In the opposite figue :

If AD- // XY // BC , then

AX = cm.
(") (b) 4 (c) 16 (d) 32
(6) In the opposite figure :

ffAD- // BE // CF , AB = 3 cm.

,BC= cm.,DE= (X+ 1) cm.

. tF, 2Xcm.,lhenX=....... cm.
(a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 5 (d) 8

(7) In the opposite ligure :

XL = 12 cm. , then XZ =
(a) 4 cm. (b) YL (c) AC (d) BC

(8) In the opposite ligure :

If BD = 14 cm.

r AC = .... . cm.
(a) 7 (b) 14 (c) 2l (d) 28
(9) In the opposite Iigure :
.i(=...... .cm. L.
(a) 10 (b) 20 Ll
(c) 15 (d) 8
(10) In the opposite ligure :
If X> 2 , rhen

(a)y=: (b)y>3
(c)y<3 (d)ys3

(i. :r )1
q/@,rc \/ (i,rr6)r.r--r.-L- JGI*€J [B
z aRemember aUnderstand oappry .'. Higher Order Thinking Skills
(11) In the opposite frgure :
Ifthe given lengths in cm.
,thenx+y ="" .."cm.
(a) 23 (b) 18

(c) 41 (d) sl
(12) In the opposite ligure :
If the given lengths in cm.
,thenlC+y = " """ cm.

(a) s (b) 7

(c) 11 (d) 12

(13) In the opposite figure ;

DN =,,,..,,,,,
(ar +t! (b);-
,] (d)
) +
(14) In the opposite ligure :

Ai = ...
(^) 4 (b) 8

(c) t2 (d) 16

(15) In the opposite Iigure :

r then BE = ...-- - cm.

(a) 5 (b) 7 (c) 10 (d) 14

(16) In the opposite Iigure :

ABCD is a square of side length 6 cm.

, then area of the shape XYFE = ..... cm?

(a) 8 (b) 10

(c) 12 (d) 6

> Exercise 6 )a
(17) In the opposite figure :
(x,y)= .......
(a) (s ,7) (b) (4 , 6)
(c)Q,a) (d) (11 ,7)

--- Write what each of the following ratios equals using the opposite figure :

..,8C DE ,.,AC

-MA (1)#=;
.MB .-.MC MF
AR DE AC ,,,

EF (8) DF
MF =+-
; In each of the following figures , calculate the numerical values ofX and y
(Lengths are measured in centimetres) i
(r) (2\

(4) (6)

(7) (8) (e)

aRemember aUnderstand OAppry .'. Higher OrderThinking Skills

In the opposite figure :
tt,qn / op ll rx ,
AD-6cm. rEX=4cm. r ""n
\ \\
FC=7.5cm.,CX-5cm. ""2
C 7.s.o. F D 6cn A
Find the length of each of : DF , BE "
6 crn. ,4 cm.
In the opposite figure :

lenco={ira},Ee MB,
F e MD- and AC- // FE // DB
Find : ( I ) The length of MF
( 2 ) The length of AM < 10 cm. ,10.8 cm.,

Itr the opposite figure :

AC=5cm. rCK = l0cm. r
KF = 7.5 cm-
'BE= l8 cm.
Find the length of each of : BD , DK- and KE-

"4cm. ,8 cm. ,6 cm. "

;- IEnaD= {E} ,x GAB-,y€cD , una xv / sn / ac

Prove that : AX x ED = CY x EB

I In the opposite Iigure

xe tt c.D ttEF ttxY tt zK

AC=2cm. r BD = 2.5 cm. r E n
FY = 4.5 cm. , FK = 7.5 cm. tCZ=12cm. ";/
Find the lenglh ot each of : E X . XZ- . CE and DF ^;l
,K I

. 3.6 cm. ,2..1cm. ,6 cm. r 7.5 cm. "

In the opposite figure :

If DE = 7.5 cm. rAX=4cm. C E7.5cm.D B

, find the length of each of : BD , CE and AC- (5 cm. ,12.5 cm. ,20 cm.
> Exercise 6 ?
q ABCisatriangle, D,Ee AB,tetDf ,ETbe drawn parallel to BC and intersecr AC
alXandYrespecri\ely.ilAD= I BE -DE-3AD.AC=24cm.
Find the length of each of: AX r XY and YC 4 cn. , t2 cm. ! 8 cm.,

In the opposite figure I

Lt ll L2 ll L3 ll La and. M , A.i are two transversals.

n#= + !BC = + cD andxN = 16.5 cm.

Find ahe length of eachof :XY.YZ ana ZN
'6cm '75.m "
ABC is a triangle , D €AB ,let E €B[ outsiae rhe rriangle such thar :
$$ = f
AE = + AB . let DX . EY be drawn parallel ro BC ro intersect AC at X, Y respectively.
If AY =- 14 cm. Find the length of each of :AXTAC " l0.s cm. , 28 crn. ,

In the opposite figure :

Prove that : (GC)2 = GA x GE

ABCD is a trapezium in which AB // DC- and M is the midpoint of AD r draw a straight

line passing rhrough rhe poinr M and parallel ro D-C to inter,ecr rhe diagonal BD ar N .
diagonal AC at E and the side BC at F
( I N, E, F are rhe midpoinrs of BD . AC
) Show that the points and BC respectively.
( 2 ) ProYe that : MF=
] ter * nCl
i-!i ABCD is a quadrilateral in which AB // CD , its diagonals inlersefi at M and E is the
midpoint of BC , EF // BA and intersects BD at X , AC at Y and AD at F
Provethat:(1)EY=+AB ^AYBX

LJ Logical thinking :

From the figure , find the value ofS l0

in different methods , ifpossible.

Did you get the same result ?


aRemember aunderstand OAppry .i Higher OrderThinking Skills

Choose the correct ansrver from those given :

( I ) In the opposite figure :

,thenX+y= . cm.

(a)'7 (b) e
(c) 11 (d) 12

,. (2 ) In the opposite figure :

A(0,6),B (-2,2),C ( 3,0)
,fr ttffi tG , EF ={Slensth unit
.. ...lengthunit.
(u)F @2.{i (c):6 (d) 4{t
(3) In the opposite figu€ :

(a) 9 (b) 11

(c) 13 (d) 15

(4) In the opposite ligu€ :

1") i @+
tc) i (d)
In the opposite ligure : x
J D-4
gnllsc,DB//Ex t'fr
[/ \i
r.o,ed'at: (ffi)'?=ff FBE

ABCD is a parallelogram, draw tE to intersect AC . IE at X, E respectively, dmw

DF to inteNect AC, BC at Y' F respectively. If AX = CY, proye that : EF // XY


7 H-t!l:a==,r:
bisector and
' ' F om theschoot book aRemember OApp0y .'. Higher Order Thinking Skills

Choose the correct answer from those given :

/ ( I ) In the opposite ligure

CD = cm.

(a) 4.5 (b) s (c) 4.9 (d) 6

9 (2 r In the opposite figure

BD = ... cm.

(a) 4 G)3 (c) 4.5 (d) 45 CDB

. l0.5cn. -

(3 I In the opposite figure

(a) 4 (b) 3 (c) 4.s (d) 6

4) In the opposite ligure

X= ...-....cm. (+,

(a) 6 (b) 5
(c) 8 (d) 10

aRemember,Sllnderstand OApp0y .'. Higher Order Thinking Skills

( 5 ) In the opposite ligure :

CB= . cm.

(a) 8 @41,
(c) 21i ls (d) 6

il I 6 ) In the opposite figure :

CDbisectsZC, /-'--\ D

AC=3cm.,BC=7.5cm. il-/----- -
rthenAD:BD= .

+ o)3 c)?
(7 ) In the opposite figure
IfAB:AC:BC=5:3 TrthenBD:DC=
i o)+ G)+
a ( 8 ) Ir the opposite figure

(a) 4 (b) 5 (c) 6 (d) 7

a r 9 ) In the opposite figure D 3cm. B

TheperimeterofAABC= ' '' cm.

(a) 123.5 (b) 37s

(c) 98.5 (d) 108.s

(11) ) :,1 In the opposite figure :

ffi bisects Z A , then AB x CD =

(a) AC x BD (b) (AD)2

(c) AD x BD (d) AC x AB

(l I ) In the opposite ligure :

BC =..........
(b) 2
c)+ (d) 3
> Exercise 7 )a
(12) In the opposite figure :

The length of DE = ... cm.

(a) 4 (b) 2

roli @31[,
(13)The exterior bisector ofthe veitex angle ofan isosceles t angle ..... the base.
(a) bisects (b) perpendicular to
(c) intersect (d) parallel

(14) The bisector ofthe exterior angle ofan equilateral triangle ...... the side opposite to
the veftex of this angle.

(a) bisects (b) congruent to (c) parallel (d) perpendicular to

(15) The measure of the angle included between the intedor and the exterior bisector
any vertex of angles of the triangle equal ...-
(a) zl5" (b) e0' (c) 135' (d) 180'

(16) In the opposite ligure

AB : AC = ...... .

(a)5:4 (b)5:9
(c)9:5 (d)9:4
(17) In the opposite frgure
cD = ...'.... cm.
(a) 8 (b) 6
(c) 4.8 (d) 5 -!
(18) Ir the opposite figure

CD = ......cm.

(a)2 (b) 6 (c) 4 (d) 8

(19) In the opposite figure

AD Z BAE , if AC = (X + 5) cm. ,
AB = 6cm.,BC= 3 cm. rBD =9 gn.r
r then X = ........ cm.

(a) 1 (b) 3 (c) 2 (d) 6

( r\ , r )\ - /crc \ / (elj) -ur -.r-L- J-lr€,I [i6i

aRemember aUndersland OAPPIY .t Higher Order Thinking Skills

(20 ) In the opposite ligure :

AC = .... cm.
6 ,,. \
R=----]--r +---l
(a) 3 (b) 4 (c) (d) 8

(21 ) In the opposfte figure :

,thenBD:BC= ..

(a)2:l b)tr @z (d)
(22) In the opposite frgure :
YL .
XL bisects the exterior angle X , then
t; = "" ,,.,2N
\al @# ,,, \\
n. LZY
lc) (d)*
rl-l r By using the opposite frgure :

All the following statements are true except "" -"' ,iN
BD -,.8A= BE
lD) gc E
,'t CD
AC DC- nc B

-.CA DA (d) Z DAE is a ght angle

'', AB AE
(2,1) In the opposite ligur€ :

DE =.. . ..cm.

(a) t2 (b) 24

(c) 30 (d) 35 CD I]

(25) In the opposite ligue :

X = ......... cm.
(a) I (b) 2

(c) 3 (d) 4

(b) 4

(d) 6
> Exercise 7|
o (27) In the opposite ligure :
\ \A
AC is the interior bisecror of(AABD) ar (1 A)
,,tg f eC :BC =4cm.,CD = 3 cm. ------ DC R
r then BE : ED = .......

(a) 7 14 (b) 7 : 3 (c)3:4 (d)4:3

(28) In the opposite frgure :

A ABC is a triangle in which AD and AE are rhe inredor *{ -------.\-.

and exrerior bisecrors of the angle at the venex A 4\
respectively , If m(Z l) = J6" . rhen m (Z 2) = .........."
(a) 36 (b) 40 (c) szl (d) 108

(29) In the opposite figur€ :

If a (A ABC) = 75 cm?
r then a (A ADB) = .......... sm-2

(a) 30 (b)3+ (c)sr (d) 45

o (30) In the opposite ligure :

If AC AB = 6 cm. r rhen AC = ... cm.

(a) 13 (b) 14 (c) ls (d) 16 c rocm. D

c (31) In the opposite figure :

IfAB xAC = 8,BD x DC =4and ADbisecrs Z BAC

,thenAD- ..... lengthunits.

(a) 2 (b) 4 (c) 5 (d) 6

(32) In the opposite figure :

If the perimeter of A ABC = 27 cm.

, then BD = . .cm.

(a) 8 (b) 10

(c) z1IiJ (d) 31ft 5

aRomember aUnderstand OApph/ ,. Higher order Thinking Skills

(33) In the opposite figure

AC ...... .. cm.
(a) 12 (b) l0

(c) 9 (d) 8

(34) In the opposite frgure

The lensth of AE = . cm.

(u) 2{rs (b) 6

(c) 15 @)2^[i Crcm B

(35) In the opposite ligure

AD=. ...

(a) 2 (b) 4

G)s6 (d) 81F D 15 C5B

(-161 In the opposite figure

AD bisects Z A intemally ' AE bisects 1 A extemally
, then DE = ... - cm.

(a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 5

(37) In the opposite ligure :

DC= .cm.
(a) 6 (b) 61I'
t") 3{o (d) 3

(38) In the opposite figure :

AD = cm.

(a) l0 o)4{;
C 3cn. B l:cm. D
(c) 66 @9'{,
(39) In the opposite ligure :
-.DE ,.AD
lal BC AB
> Exercise 7 ?a
(40) In the opposite figure

(a).)- rhr ])
tc)')] (d);
(41) In the opposite ligure

If AC = 3 AD EA
(a)3:1 (b)1:2 CB
," l/
(c)4:3 (d)2:1
(42) In the opposite figure

..... --ar \\R
ED = cm.

(a) 6 (b) 8
+ l5cm >
(c) 9 (d) 12

(43) In the opposite Iigure

The length of DE = ... . cm.

c);{t o) +{5
c) +F (d)
3{' . 3cm. +
(,14) In the opposite ligure :

If m (Z B) = 90' , D is the midpoint of AC

,AEbisects Z BAD r BE = 6 cm. , BD - 4 cm.
. then the length ol AB = ....... cm.
(a) 15 (b) 12 (c) l0 (d) 8

(,15) In the opposite ligure : A

AB -L BC , DE bisecrs I ADC ,{/e
-..-' \,/ l'
,thenthearea(AADE)= .. .. cm? C l5cm. D 6cn. B
(a) t2 (b) 14 (c) 40 (d) 24
aRemember aUnderstand OAPPry .'. Higher Order Thinking Skills

(116) In the opposite ligure :

CD bisects Z ACB ,
anrt CB =
9, Lhen Dt - .. cm.

(a) 8 (b) 6 (c) 12 (d) l0

({7 r In the opposite figuie :

Ifaibisectszc,xittsC 'DA-Z
, then EX = ... . . cm.
(a) 6 (b) 4 (c) 8 (d) 10

(48) In the opposite frgure :

If AC = 6 cm. ;AB = 4 cm.' then

@\Z o)+ @)? (o;

,.1 In each of the followitrg figures , find thc value ol x (Lengths are measured in
centimetres) :

(l) (2)

In each of the fotlowing figures , find the value of x (Lengths are measured in

centimetres) , then find the perimeter of A ABC :

(1) (3)
> Exercise 7 ?
I In each of the following figures : calculate the value of X and the length of I-D
(Lengths are measured in centimetres) :

(t) (2\

D .t+I C E

*i ABC is a tiangle in which: AB =8 cm. rAC =6 cm. rBC =7 cm. r AD bisects

a BAC and inrer"ecr' B-C ar D Find rhe length of each of : DB . DC
"4cm. r3cm."
In the opposite figure :
Ats('is a rriangle in which AD bisecrs rhe
exteiior angle at A and intersects CE at D ,
ilAB = 6cm. .AC - 8 cm., BC- 5 cm cm.ts D
Find the length of each of : BD ,AD- . ls cm. r 6lFcm. ,
i-.i ABC is a triangle , its perimeter is 27 cm. , Bi bisects z B and inrersects Id at D
IIAD - 4 cm. and CD - 5 cm. . find the length of each of : AB, Btana BD
" 8 cm. , r0 cm. ,21i ts cm "
In the opposite figure :
ABCD is a quadrilareral , draw Ai bisects
Z A and intersects Bj at X , then draw
XY // B-C and intersects CD at y
Proru thrt , !I = 4D
In the opposite figure :
ABCD is a qua&ilateral
in which Di bisects 1D ,
AE:EB=2:3 rAD = 6 cm. rDC=9cm.
, prove that : EX // BC

In the opposite figure :

ADbisects Z BAC ,BOtt eC
P.nr" thrt , !E = !4
and if AC = 9 cm. rAB=6cm. CDB
, find the length of each of : AE and BE < 3.6cm. ,2.4cm.,

= aRemember aUnderstand OAPPIY .'. Hlgher order Thlnking Skills

@ In the opposite ligurt :

AD is a median of A ABC ,

bisects Z bisects z ADC
Prove tnat : XY ll BC

In the opposite ligure :

ABCD is a quadrilateral in which AB = AD

Ai I BAC and intersects EE at X
AY bisects I DAC and intersects aD at Y
Prove that : XY // BD

[8 ABC is a righrangled triangle at B , draw I bisects .4 A

and inteNects B-C at D

Ifthe length of BD equals 24 cm. rBA:AC=3:5,findthe perimeter ofAABC <192cm.>

E ABC is a hiangte in which AB = 8 cm. r AC = 4 cm. and BC = 6 cm., AD bisects Z A

and interse.ts BC at D , AE bisects the exterior angle at A and intersects BC at E

Ftud aheletrgth of each of :DE 'I5and A-E -scm.'2{ocm ',\ilocm

:l ABC is a tdangle in which AB = 3 cm. , BC = 7 cm. , CA= 6 cm. , AD bisects Z A

and intersects Bt at D , AE bisects the exterior angle of the triangle arA and inteNects
( I ) Prove that : AB is a median in the triangle ACE
( 2 ) Find the ratio of : The area of A ADE to the area of A ACE "1"
-.-. In each ofthe fotlowing two figures , prove that ffi //EC :

(1) (2)
> Exercise 7 7
q ABCD is a parallelogram r X eAD r Ci is drawn to intersect Bf at Y and Z DCX is
bisected bv CZ which intersected I5 at Z Pror" thrt 4! = !Z
tx zx
Jt ABC is a triangle , AD bisects Z BAC and intersects B-C at D r rhe rwo bise(ors
AE , AF bisect the two angles BAD CAD respectively and intersect BC at E and F
resDectivelv. Prove ! !E x DF
that -ED - BD
J In
the opposite figure : XY // BC ,AX = 2 cm.
\B 4 cm. . YC = 3 cm. Find the lengrh of : AY
If AE bisects the extedor angle ofthe triangle at A
and intersects Ed at E r where CE = 18 cm. r

f-rDd the length of : BC

ABCD is a quadrilateral in which AB = BD r AD = DC , AE bisects Z BAD and

intersects BD at E , DF bisects Z BDC and intersects BC at F

Prove that : EF // DC

ABCD is a parallelogram r its diagonals intersect at M r draw AX to bisect I BAD and to
intersect BD at X , draw DY to bisect Z ADC and to inteNect AC at Y
ProYe that : XY // AD-

J A-B is a chord in a circle ,let D €the maior

"DBJa..ID so.h rhar 4P = ? and let E be the

midpoint of the minor arc AB , draw DE to intersect AB at C , find the ratio between the
area ofA ADE and the area ofA BDE 2

AB is a diametEr of a circle M r C €this circle , draw a tangent to the circle M at C to

intersect AB at E and to intersect the tangent to the circle M f.om A at D

p*n" thrt , 4U = !9
In the opposite Iigure :

AB = AC , BD is a tangent segment to the circle at B

Prove that : DB x BA = DA x BC

(Yr, r )\-/6jLj\/ (eu)-u -!-.-,- r-l-@Jl [i69]

aRemember aunderstand OAppry ,. Higher OrderThinking Skills

Choose the correct ansNer fron those given :

( 1 ) In the opposite figure :

tat i (b) 2

(c) 3 (d)
(2) In the opposite frgure :

BE = ...... cm.
(a) 6 (b) 8

(c) 9 (d) 10

(3 ) In the opposite frgure :

r BC = 17 cm. : then CD = ....... cm.
(a)'7 (b) 8 (c) 9 (d) 10 B

(4 ) In the opposite frgure :

lfll.r(LB) =2 m (L DAB) = 2 m (Z DAC)
, then AB = .. cm-
(a) 4 (b) 6 (c) 8 (d) e

( 5 ) In tle opposite ligure :

AC _ .....
i G)+
(c) @)4 C D
i. (0,0) (1,1) (3,3)

(6) In the opposite ligure :

-^ the area of (AABD)

the area of (A ADC)

, then AB = .. cm.

(a) 5 (b) 6
CDB 3cn.-
(c) 8 (d) 10

r Exercise 7 c
d ( 7 r In the opposite figure :

If the area of (A DBF) = 10 cm?

, then the area of (A DEC) = cm;

(a) t2 (b) 16

(c) 18 (d) 24

(8) In the opposite frgure :

rm6i)=m(f1) e

,BD =2.{z cm., AD = 4{3 cm. E

@) tnlz (b) 6

(c) 9 (d)

( 9 ) Itr the oppositc frgure :

The area of (A ABD) = ... . cm?

(a) 36 (b) 48
(c) 54 (d) 72

(10) Itr the opposite figure :

AC bisects Z BAD , D is rhe midpoi-nt of EC

' AC =16 cm. ' AD=3cm.

rAB = 6 cm. , then DF =
........ cm.

(a) 2 (b) 3

(c) 3.5 (d) 4

{.111 In the opposite fig,r.e :

IfAD=8cm. rAE = [ grn.

' then tafl 0 =

@)1 o)?
(ct (d) I
z, .
aRomembor alJnderstand O,!)," .'. Higher Order Thinking Skills
(12) In the opposite ligure :

BC =..........

{a) i @1
l (o+
, (l-11 In the opposite figure :

I Ifm(zA)=2m(zB ) , then BC = ..cm.

| ,",, rna b\2,[i
(d) 10

18 cm:,,

iri Exercise
-,r''i i
Follow : Angle
bisector and
proportional I
parts (Converse
of theorem 3)
a: Fron the 5.hool book .'. Higher Order Thinking Skills

Choose the correct anslver from those given : ,t

( 1 ) In the opposite figure

0 = ..........
(a) 10" (b) 20'

In the opposite figure :

(c) 40' (d) 80.
i vl \
If BE bisects z ABD aE bisecrs z ACD
r then ..
(a) D is a midpoint of BC
(b) E is the midpoint of AD
(c) E divides AD by the mtio 2 : 1 ftom the direction ofpoinr A
(d) AD bisects Z BAC

(3) In the opposite figure :

AB- -L Ae , M is the point of intersection of ,,4\
the bisectors of the intedor angles of A ABC
, then m (Z BMC) = . ......
(a) 100' (b) 120' (c) 135" (d) 14s'
aRemembgr a Understand OApp[y .'. Higher Order Thinking Skills
(4 ) In the opposite figure : A
which of the following statements is true ?
9/ l).
6J€m- D 42€m. B

(c) m (Z BAD) = m (Z CAD)

(d) AD =1/BD,. DC-AB,AC

(5) In the opposite ligure :

Which of the following conditions is

sufficient to prcve that AD bir""t,
the exterior angle at the vertex A ?
,.AD DR ,..A8 BD
(6) In the opposite Iigure :

Circle M in which , AB- is a diameter E e AB-

r ifAE = 15 cm. r BE = 20 cm.'AC = 2l cm.

CE intemect circle M at D r then m (AD) =

(a) 45 (b) 90

(c) 22.5 (d) 60

ID the opposite figure :

which of the following statements is false ?

(a) CE = l0 cm. G) BE bisects .a ABC

(c) BE = 4ll2t cm. (d) DE = l21i 2 cm.

(8) In the opposite figure :

If a (A ABD) = 30 cm? , a (A ACD) = 40 cm? ;1

(a) perpendicular to BC

{b) bisects / BAC (<


(c) passes ttuough the midpoinr ol B- (d) All the previous

> Exercise 8 ca

ABC is in which : AB = 6 cm. r AC = 9 cm., BC = 10.5 cm., D
a triangle CBC,
where BD = 4.2 cm. Proye that : AD bisects Z BAC

ABC is a triangle in which AB =6cm rBC=4cm. r CA - 3.6 cm. rDCBC
such that CD = 6 cm. Prove that : AD bisects the exrerior angle ofAABC A


- In each of the lbllowing figures , prove that : BE bisecrs Z ABC

(r) (2)

ABCD is a quadrilateral
in which AB = 6 cm. :BC = 9 cm. r CD= 6 cm. rAD =4cm.,
AE bisects Z A and intersecrs BD ar E

1 I ) Find the value of the ratio : !E

( 2 ) Prove that : CE bisects I BCD
:+- ABCD is a quadrilateral in which AB = 18 cm. r BC = 12 cm., E eAD, where
2 AE = 3 ED r draw EF // DC and inrersecrs AC at F

Prove that : BF bisects Z ABC

IIl the opposite ligure ;

D is the midpoint of BC ,
DE bisects Z ADB , EF // BC
Provethat:(l )DFbisects I ADC


ABC is atriangle r X is the midpoint of BC , BX = 6 ... r AX = 9 cm. , rhe bisector of
Z AXB intersects fB at D , take E €AC , where AE = 6 cm. siven rhat AC = I0 crr
t 1 ) Find the value of : 4?
DR "i"
( 2 ) Prove that : DE // BC
( .l ) ProYe that : XE bisects Z AXC
aRemember aL,nderstand OAPP0Y .'. Higher Order Thinking Skills

o In the opposite figure :

BX bisects Z ABC , XY ll BD

Prove that : aY bisects Z ACD

In the opposite figure :

AB = AD , AE hisecls ,z BAC ,

EF // BD

Prove that : AF bisects I CAD

[=] ABC is a rriangle' D C BC . De BC r where CD = AB, draw CE // DA and

intersects AB at E , draw EF // BC and inteNects AC at F

Prove that : BF bisects Z ABC

J In ttre opposite figure :

ABC is a triangle in which AB = 12 cm.

AC = 8 cm. , BC = 16 cm. r BM bisects Z ABC r

AM bisecr" z BAC Find the letrgth of: AD

In the opposite figure :

ZM and YM bisect Z Z and Z Y respectively

r XY = 8 cm. >XZ= 5 cm.

In the opposite frgure :

tfAC:cD :AB :BD= t5 : 10:9:6,

Prove that : AD bisects Z BAC

J ABC is a tfiangle in which AB = 5 cm. : AC = 10 cm. ,BC=9cm.,D€BC

such that BD = 3 cm. , E CCB where AE I AD
( I ) Prove that : AD bisects Z BAC
( 2 ) Find the length of: BE
> Exercise 8|

F In the opposite frgure :

BM bisects ./ CRx .
CM bisects z BCy

Prove that : AM bisecrs Z BAC

ABC is a tiangle in which AB = 6 cm. r BC 12 cm. r CA= 9 cm. rDCAB

a = r where
AD = 2 cm. . draw DE / BC and intersecls AC ar E , tind the length of AE , rhen
prove that : BE bisects Z ABC

[fl In the opposite ligure :

Prove that : AY bisects 1 CAD

[iTwo circles M and N are touching extemally at A , a straight line is drawn

parallel to
MN- and intersects the circle M at B , C and the circle N at D r E respectively.
rf BM n EN= {F}, prove that : Frbisecrs z MFN

lJ AB is a diameter ofa circle , AC is a chod in it , aD is a rang"n, d.urvn,o

th" .i.".1"
at C and intersects IE ar D. If E G AB , where qq - !g
Provethat:(1) ef bisects the exterior angle of A CDE ar C

(2) DA_AE

fE In the opposite figure :

ABC is a triangle in whichAB = 6 cm.,AC = 9 cm.


and BC = l0 cm. : D CBC r where BD = 4 cm.

BE :L AD and inrersecrs AD and AC at E Md F respecri\ely.
( 1 ) Prove that : Atbisects Z BAC
(2) Find r Area of A ABF : area of A CBF <2"
(rr r )\ r/e;r \/ (;,L") our -q;1,- r6t dl m
,- iiiii Exercise

t) ,t ,...i
,-y' i


in the circle
El Frchthe*hoolbook aRe member O Undersiand .i Higher Order Thinking Skills

Choose the correct answer from those giYen :

plane where
( 1 ) If M is a circle ol radius length 3 cm., A is a point lies in its
MA = 4 cm. , then Py (A) = ... '
(u)tr 7 (b) 9 (c) 7 (d)-7
(2) IfN is a circle of diameter length t6 cm. ,B is apoint lies in its plane where

NB = 5 cm. , then PN (B) = '

(a) 39 (b) - 39 (c){:s (d) - 23t

(3) Ifthe powerofa pointA with respect to the circle M is a negative quantity ' then
A lies .....
(a) inside the circle. (b) on the centre of the circle.

(c) outside the circle. (d) on the circle.

(4) If M is a circle , A is a point that lies in its plane where PM (A) = 0 rthenAlies '

(a) inside the circle. (b) on the cente of the circle.

(c) outside the circle. (d) on the circle.

(5)lfP*(A)=5 l,thenAlies the circle M

(a) outside (b) inside (c) on (d) on the centre of
> Exercise 9 ?
(6 r IIPrtAl=r.then thepoinl Alies. ...

(a) outside circle. &) on the circle.

(c) inside the circle. (d) on the centre of the circle.

( 7 ) A circle of centte M and radius r r p, (A) represents the power of point A with

re5pect ro circle V . then P, r M r . .......

(a) zero (b) r (.) 12 G)-?

( 8 ) If M is a circle,A is a point in its plane where MA 6 cm., pM (A) _
= = 13, rhen
rhe area ofrhis circte = ,1(n=!)
(a) 154 (b) 44 (c) 144 (d) 1

(9 ) If M is a circle of radius length 7 cm. , A is a poinr in its plane 25 cm. apafi from rhe
cente of the circle , then the length ofthe tangent segment to the circle M from

A is ..... cm.

(a) 5 (b) 49 (c) 24 (d) 12


, then distance between the pointA and the centre ofthe circle equal ..... cm.

(a) 1 (b) 14 (c) 3.5 (d) 6

(ll,ltPM{A,=9.lhen il means lhar .

(a) the point A lies on rhe circle M

(b) the point A iies inside rhe circle M

(c) the radius length ofrhe circle M equal g length units.

(d) the length of tangent segment dlawn from the point A to the
circle M equal 3
length units.

(12) If the point A lies outside the circle M , then the length of the tangent segment drawn

lrom rhe poinl A ro lhe cir.le equal ..... ....

, .2
(a) (AM)'? rb)(PM(A)) rc,pv(A) rdrl/prrAr
z aRemember aUndersland OApPry/ .t Highe. OrderThinking Skills

(If,) If M N are two intersectirg circles and Py (A) = 5 , 2 Pp (A) = 10

,thenthepointA€ '

(a) circle M (b) circle N

(c) MN (d) the principle axis to the circlos.

(t,l) In the opposite figure :

P, (C) Ps (C) =

(a) Positive quantity. (b) Negative quantity.

(c) Z.eto (d) Can't be detemined.

(15) In the opposite figure :

r then P" (A) = .. cm.

318 (b) 21
(c) 36 (d) 6

(I 6) In the opposite figure :

AC touches the circle M at C , MC = 6 cm.

Py (A) = 64 , then AB = cm'

(a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 5 (d) 6

(17) In the opposite figure :

P1'1 (A) =

(a) 81 (b) 2s (c) 56 (d) 16

(18) In the opposite figure :

It AE is a tangent . rhen (AB)2 = """"

(a) AC x CD (b) AE x EF
-,. AC
(c) P, (A)
(19) In the opposite figure :

P,(A)= '

(a) 15 (b) - 15

(c) 24 (d) - 24
> Exercise 9 e
(20) In the opposite figure :

A-B is a tangent segment to the circle M r if DC 3 cm_

I CA = 5 sm. r then P, (A) = . ....

(a) 2s (b)(AB)'z12
(c) 40 (d) (Au, - (AB),
(21) In the opposite figure :

P1a (E) =... .....

(a) 20 (b) 29
(c) 25 (d) 45

(22) In the opposite ligure :

rf m (id) =;0. , m (6D) = t:0.

, then m (Z DEB) = ...........
(a) 100 (b) 90 (c) 110 (d) 120
(23) In the opposite figure :

, then 0 = .. ...'

(a) 78 (b) 65 (c) 52 (d) 84
(2,1) In the opposite figure
IIAB_CD.m(AC), mrBDr=
(a) 45"


(b) 90.
(c) 180' (d) 27O"

(25) fE In the opposite figure
(a) 90

(26) In the opposit€ figure :

(b) 45 (c) s0 (d) 80 V-/'
A circle M m (Z EFB) =
(a) 30' (b) 40.
(c) 50" (d) 60"
z. OApply & Higher Order Thinking Skills
aRemember aUnderstand

o (27) In the opposite figue :

(a) 110 (b) 55

(c) 80 (d) 40

a (28) In the opposite figure :

(a) 60 (b) 120

(c) 180 (d) 240

(29) In the opposite figure

ffm(zA)=30',m(BE)=40" rthenm(CD)= .'
(a) 30' (b) 40'
(c) 70" (d) 100" {ts

(-10)In the opposite figure :

If m (Z A) = 70" r AB r AC are two tangent segment

(6i) major = x", then X= ,(-)'

(c) 500' (d) 21s'
(a) 250' (b) 110' C

l.ll )In the opposite figure I

AE is a tangent to circle M at B
, tt - 12 41 = 45" : m (BD ) = 150"
, then m (BC) = "
(a) 120' (b) 90" (c) 60' (d) 180'

( 32 ) In the opposite figure :

(a) 25 (b) 45

(c) 65 (d) 70

(3-i) In the opPosite ligure :

(a) 50 (b) 2s

(c) 100 (d) 7s

> Exercise 9 )o
(34.) In the opposite figUIe :
IfM is a circle ,IE cuts rhe circle at D and E
, AC cuts the circle ar B and C , AD
= DC
, then the value of X = .. .......o
(a) 40 (b) 30
(c) 20 (d) l0
(35) In the opposite figure :
(j(rY)= """".
(a) (60' , 120') (b) (120. , 60)
(c) (70' , 110') (d) (110" , 70")

(b) 75
(d) 250

'm(ZE)=80. ,m(LF)=7Oo
, ttren m fiD; m (rs=; =
(a) 5" (b) 10.
(c) 15" (d) 20"

qli Find the power of the given point with respect to the circle
M whose radius length is r :
( 1 ) The pointA where AM = 12 cm. and r 9 cm.
( 2 )The point C where CM 7 cm. and r 7 cm.
= =
( 3 ) The point D where DM ={1? cm. and r = 4 cm.

E Determine the position ofeach of the following points with respect to the
circle M , of
radius length l0 cm. , then calculate the distance between each point and
the centre ofthe
circle :
(r)Pr(A)=-36 (2)Pr(B)=96 (3)Pr(C)=zero

EE If the distance between point and the cente ofa circle equals 25 cm. , and the power
of this point with rcspect to the circle equals 400 , find the radius length of this circle.

" 15 cm.,

aRemember aUnderstand oAppry .t Higher Order Thinking Skills

d ffa pointAis outside the circle M , AD is a tangent to the cfcle at D where AD = 8 cm'
fr ln the opposite figure :
A B is a rangent to the circle \4 at B
It--i I \
v ar C "
| MA intenecr' rhe circlecircle
equals 12cm.
/l /
I Il lhe radius lenglh of the
l.ar,o,=r, .thenfind, ' B

( 2 ) The length of AC
I rl rThelenethofAB "ecn r3cm "
f,t iI The radius length of circle M equals 3l cm. The point A lies at 23 cm distant from its
cenrre. Dra$ lhe chord BC \\tere A F BC ' AB = J AC Calci ate :
I r I The lengrh ot rhe chord BC

| ( 2 ) The distance between the chord BC and the cente of the circle "
48 cm
19 6 cm "

O[n The radius length of circle N equals 8 cm The point B lies at 12cm distant from its
I cent.e . dra, a st.aight line passes though the point B and inte$ects the circ]e at C and D
It- where CB = CD Calculate the lenr,lh ofthe chord FE and its di'lance lrom the point N

I " zrrrlo "* ' s1'6" '

d In the opposite figure : 'f..
I V is a circle . AB is a diameter in ', I \""
| . CB i, u tung"n, Io the circle M al B I \
| , EA irt...""," ,h. "ircle M al D ' where L --\
l.r=,u"...DA=9cm.Find: l/ --T-
r I rThe lengrh ol rhe circle s radius
It\./ "[
I ( 2 , The area ol lriangle ABC
S In the opposite figure :

A is a poinr ourside ihe circle M - AB ( y A/
I .IFintersect,rhecircleal E 'F '
I rleclr.t.at D.B \a.- /,
I AC is a tangenl lo ihe circle at C .
lno=s"...1.F=l8cm. I
( 1 lf P, (A) = 144 , find the lenglh of each of: AC , DB , AE

" 12cm.,10cm- r6ct,n.,

( 2 ) If X eBD where DX = 4 cm., find : Pr (X) 24>
' Exercise I )a

q [E The two circles M and N are touching each other extemally at A ,IE is a common

tangent to the two circles M ' N . BC intersects the circle M at C and D. BE intersects the
circle N at E and F respectively.

( I ) Prove that : AB is the principle axis ofthe two circles M and N

(2)If P, (B) = 36 rBC =4cm.,EF= 9 cm.

Find the length of each of : CD , AB and BE . 5 cm. ,6 cm. ,3 cm.,

In the opposite figure :

M , N are two intersecting circles atA , B
, ED is a common tangent to the two circles M , N
at D ,E respectively.IE n 5E = tC]
( 1 ) Proye that : BC is the principle axis ofthe two circles.

( 2 r lf AB = l2 cm. . P\ (Cr =64.find the length oteach of: CA ,CD <4cm.


Ll In the opposite figure :

The two circles M and N are intersecting at

Aand B where AB IICD t' EF= {Xl .

XD= 2DC,EF= 10 cm. and PN(X) = 144

( 1 ) Prove that : AB is the p nciple axis to the two circles M and N
r 2 r Find the leoglh of each of : )(C and XF

(3 ) Proye that : CDFE is a cyclic quadrilateral. "61G"..,8"ln."

Using the giyen data in each ligure , find the value of the synbol used in measurement :

(1) (2) (3)


(\' :. )\ i /&j1 \ / (i,-r6) nr.r- -!-,,-, - J-t @J h 851

aRemember aUnderstand OAppry/ .'. Higher Order Thinking Skills

[D [:! I the opposite figure :

m (Z BAC) = 33' ,m (Z BDC) = 70" ,

m (AB) = 94" , m (CY) = 100" Find the measure of each of:

(1)XY (2)AX
(3)zBEC "
26' t11' t20' "

In tle opposite Iigure :

ABCDE is a regular pentagon drawn inside the circle M ,

AX is a tangent to the circle at A r EX is a tangent to the circle at E

wlere Ii n E* = {x} nina :

( r )m6E)
(2)m(LAXE) <'72' > 108'

Choose the correct ans\yer from those given :

( I ) In the opposite figure :

e =..........

(a) 45' (b) 50"

(c) 55' (d) 60.

(2 ) In the opposite figure :

If AE = AB , BC is

(a) 100'
a diameter
'rI (LD)=21"

(b) 104'
(c) 106" (d) 110.
on Unit Four

fl From .he school book

eD To detemine the location C,

surveyors measure and prepare the opposite scheme.

Find the distalcs between the location C and thc location A


i= A team ofpollution conffol determined

the location of an oil spot on one of
the beaches as in the opposite figure.

Calculate the length ofthe oil spot.


E Yousef wanted to divide a strip of paper

into 3 equal parts in length. He placed it on
a paper on his nolebook . as in rhe opposire
figure -and de(ermined tno pornt. o[divi.ion
Is the division ofYousef's strip corect ? Explain your answer.

Use your geomet c instruments to verify your answer.

[! Fertilizer packages produced from one

of the factories are transfered by sliding on a
tube that is inclined and carried on to trucks
to the centre of distdbutions as in the opposite

If D , E and F are the projections of the points A r B and C on the ho zontal respectively ,
AB = 1.2m.,DE= 80 cm.,EF= 12m.
Find the length of the tube to the nearest metre.

eS l" a luoO", of lengh 4.t meues resrs by irs
$ ^H
lupperendAonavenical \,all and with its lower
I lfrheto.lerend
end B on a horizontal rough ground.
I i" oO "r. up* from rhe wall , ca]culare rhe disranc. o---\t
which a man ascends on rhe tadder unril il becomes at
I i H

lr.4m.hlchfromrhesround. " "2'46m

eocm B
rree -,r0",.n..u0-r..7
Ei -
I1 o",".,., ,,0,. I li\\iifu--''
F t] \\l\]i\--,t
i Find (he length of eacb of : EY and CD lL l E---\ h-\\ h\l
I "
480 c,n. , 108 crn. ,

Q J The opposite figure shows a rectangular piece of D A

I land divided into four differenr pans by rhe rwo |\- 7

.ilAB=BE=42metres.AD=5bmetre. \< I

| ,/ \
I Calculate the area of the piece ABX in square c E ts

metres and the length ot AX . soa n.i ,za,{i ra.,

@ .- A ci..rlar saw for curling wood . the radius lengrh ,/
of irs circte eguats t0 cm. Ir rorares inside a proreoive
I tA
BD r = I55.
k( ( , \\)
container. lf mi z BAD) = 45' and m r
*" or rhe disc's saw outside the
| :::: :T ':,:"
protective container.
- 2a.a cm. -
@ Ll The signals produced from the communication rower lollow

I a ray in rheir parfrway , irs srarting point is on the top of the tow* A
I and it is a tangenr rothesurfaceolrheeanh.asinrheopposire ,/ l\
| figure. Determine rhe measure o[lhe arc included by the rwo / \
,ung.n,r.rppo,,ng rheiower rhar
| lies at sea level andm(ZCAB)=80" "+
I <100">

> Life Applications p

i:U A pulley rotates at the axis M by a sftap passing over

asmall pulley atA.If the measure ofthe angle between the
twoTarts of the strap is 40" Find the length of the major
arc BC , given that the mdius length of the larger

pulley equals 9 cm.

" 14.56 cm. "

[-E A sate]lite revolves in an orbit and keeps in during rotation on a fixed height above
the equator. The camera on it can monitor the arc length of 6011 km. on the sudace of the
earth. If the measure of the arc equals 54' , find :

( I ) The measure of the angle of the camera placed on the satellite.

( 2 ) The radius length of the Eafih of the equator. < 126' r 6378 km.
r- !l

By a group of supervisors

tn *
u. S EC.

) Accumulative quizzes.

) Monthly tests.
) School book examinations.
) Final examinations.

) Answers,
Accumulative quizzes
. Accumulative quizzes on algebra.

Accumulative quizzes on trigonometry.

THIRD Accumulative quizzes on geometry.


Total mark

on lesson 1 - unit 1

Ansvet the following questions :

Choose the correct atrswer from ahose given :

(1){-x{_8= ..

(.a) 4 (b)-4 (c)4i (d) - 16

( 2 ) The simplest form of the imaginary number i42 is ....... ....

(a) -I (b) I (c) i (d)-i

( 3 ) The solution set of the equation : X2 + 9 = 0 in e is ........... ...

(a) {3 , 3} O){-3i} (c){3i, 3i} G)o

(4) If the curve of the quadratic function / intemects the ,c-axis at the two points (3 , 0)

> (- I r0) rthenthe solution set of the equation: I (x) =0 inRis '
(a){3,0} O){-1,0} G){-3,1} (d){3'-r}
151 I +i+i2+il+ia+...+il6= ...

(a) i (b) I (c) 16 (d) 4

( 6 ) The opposite figure represents

which ofthe following is tlue ?

(a)a<0,c<0 (b)a>0
(c)a<0 rc>0 (d)a>0,c>0

lal Find in e the solution set of the equation :

lbl Find the values of r( and y which satisfy that :
(2+ i\ (2 i\
x+iY= :
> Algebra

Total mark

till lesson 2 - unit 1

Answer the following questions :

Choose the correct a[swer from those giveo :

( I ) If thetwo roots of the equation:4.1(2 12 X+ c =0 are equal , then c =

(a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 9 (d) 16

(2)IfX=- I is one of the roots of the equation'. Xz aX 2=0rthena=

(a) 1
-I (c) 3(b) (d)- 3

(3)If a=1r^[ii , a = t -"[i i , then a b =

(a) (b) I
1 (c)2 (d) 3

(4) If the two rcots of the equation : X2 - 6 X + k = 0 are different and real

, then k € ........ . ..

(arl--,e[ (b)]e,-[ c)l--,sl (d)[e,-[

(5) If the rcots of the equation : a I2 + b X + c = 0 are conjugale complex r which of the
fottowitrg is true ?

(a)b2-4ac<O (b)b2-4ac=0 G)*-4ac>O (d)b2-4ac<0

( 6 ) (2 + 2 i)x = ..............

(.a12m (b) 230 i

1c1220 (,1) - 230

[a]Prove that the two roots of the equatiotr3 X2 4X+5=0arerotreal ,

then find the solution set of the equation in C

[b] Find the values ofk which make the equation : k X2 - 4X+4= O have two

complex and not rcal roots.

Accumulative quizzes

Total mark

Quiz | 3 till lesson 3 - unit 1

Answer the Jollowing questinns :

Choose the corrrct alswer from tlose given :

(l)If one of the two roots of theequation: X2 -1m-Z1X+ S =0 is the additive
inverse of the other root then m
' = ..

(a) -5 (b)-3 (c) 3 (d) 5

( 2 ) The simplest form of the imaginary number i3l is ..... ......

(r) i (b)-i I (c) 1 (d)

of the other rcot then
a = ......... ...

(a) 5 (b) 2 (c)2 (d) 5

(4)lf the two rcots of theequation:x2+4X+k=0arereal the[ k €......... ..

(a) [4 , -[ (b) ]4 ,-[ (.)l-*,+l '

(5) If the roots of the quadmtic equation : a X2 +b X- c = O have differcnt signs
(a)b=0 (b)c<0 (")*<o (d)*>0
(6)If(1 +i8) (l -iu)=x+y i rthenx+
l,t) 4 (b) 3 (c) 2 (d) 1

1t e -"* tal 2 mark tbl 2 n Li . _]

lal lfthe two roots of the equation tx2-3x+2+L=0areequal

, frnd the value of : m

lbl Find the value of k which makes one of the two roots of the equation :

I2 +3 i(+ k = 0 doubte the other root.

> Algebra

Total mark

Quiz l4 till lesson 4 - unit 1

Answer the following questions :

Choose the corrrct answer from those given :

( 1 ) The solution set of rhe equation : x2 - 4X= - 4 in lR is ...............

(u) {- 2} (b) {2} @\{-2,2} @)a

( 2 ) The quadratic equation whose rcots arc i r - i is ...............
(a)X2-1=O (b))(2+1=0 (c)(x+1)2=0 (d)(x-l)2=0
( 3 ) The two roots ofthe eqr€'tion'. X2 -2 X+ k = 0 are real and different if...............

(a)k=1 (b)k<1 (c) k> 1 (d)k=4

( ;1 .) The simplest form of the expression : (1 i)4 is ...............

(^) 4 (b) 4 (c)-4i (d)4i

(5) If the two roots of the qua&atic equati on I X2 +b X+ c =O are consecutive odd
trumbers , then : b2 - 4 c = .. ..

(a)-1 (b) 2 (() J (d) 4

( 6 ) The product of the roots of the equations :

aX2+bx+c=O , bx2+cx+a=O t cX2+aX+b=0equals....... ...

(a) ab c (b)-1 (c) I (d) zero

[a] If L , M are the two rcots of the equation : 2 X? + 2 X+3 =0 t
ffnd the equation lyhose two roots are : 2 ,2

lbl Find the simplest form of the expressi o\ | (3 - 2 )z (3 + 2 i)

(Y: t) \ t;/5r / (o\rl-r'J! llrl'j+l) rtil s!}LJ r-t".J fgl

Accumulative quizzes

Total mark

Answer the folloving questinns :
till lesson 5 - unit 1

Choose ahe correcl atrswer from those giveD :

( 1 ) The tunction J : [- z , +] .+m , f (X)=4 -2 x is rceative i

the interval ...... ......

(a) [ 2 ,0[ (b) ]0 , 41 @12,4) @)2,4)

(2)If the two roots of theequation:x2-6x+k=Oareequal rthenk= ...

(a) 9 (b) 6 (c) 1 (d) 12

( 3 ) The quadratic equation whose two rcots ale (i + i) (l - i) is .........

(a) x2 -2x+2=O (b)X2+2X 2=O
(c:1 X2 +2X+2=O @)x2-2x-2=o
(4)If one of the two rcots of the equation: aX2 3 X+2 =O isthe multiplicative
inverse of the other root , lhen a =

@+ (b) 3 (c) 2 (.d)

- 2

(5) If f :f (x) = a x2 + b I + c is positive for all real values of i( r then ...... .....

(a)b2-4ac<O (b)b2-4ac>O (c)b2-4ac=0 (d)b2-4ac<0

( 6 ) Which of the fouowing are the factors of the expression (X 2 + 9) ?

(a) (x- 3) (x + 3) (b) (x + 3)2

(c) (x- 3 i)2 (d) (.x - 3 i) (x+ 3 i)

Determine the sign of each of the two functions defined by the following rules ,
representing your answer on the number line :

t1],f(n=6-1)(x+2) (2)l(xt=-x2+9
> Aloebra

Total mark

Quiz | 6 till lesson 6 - unit 1

Ans$'er the following questions :

@EEl r-.,r.. *"r'i,"-riiF

Choose the correca answer from those given :

1llThe funcLion / :/ tX) = - 3 is negative in.. .

(a)l-*,-31 (b)l 3,3[ (c) l- * , -[ (d) ]- - ,0[

( 2 )The solution setof the ine4uality: X(X-2) >0 inlRis .....

(a) {0 ,2} o) [o , 2] (c)R-[0,2] (d)rR-10,2[

( 3 ) The simplest form of the imaginary number i52 is .... ..

(a) i (b) i (c) I (d)-1

(4) Ifone ofthe two roots of the equation: aX2 + 4 X+1 =O rs rhe multiplicative
inverse of the other rool , lhen a =

c)+ (b) 7 (c) 4 (d)-7

( 5 ) The sum of all intege$ belonging to the solution set of the inequality

(x - 5) (3 x- 4) is.......... ..
(.a)'1 (b) 14 (c) ls (d) 9

( 6 ) Which of the following is an imaginary number ?

(a) xr (b)s-i G){- (d) i2

[a] If I tiisoneof the two roots of tieequatiol- x2-2x+c=0wherecCIR
find the other rcot then find the value of c
' '

Lbl Investigate the sign of the funcrion /:, (X)=2 X2 +7 X- 15 and ftom this find in lR

the solution set of the ineqiJality t2 Xz +7 X<75

SECOND Accumulative quizzes on trigonometry

Total mark

Quiz I 1 on lesson 1 - unit 2

Answet the followit g questior.s :

Choose the correct answer from those given :

( I ) The angle of measwe 50" in the standard position is equivalent to the angle of
measurc ........... ..

(a) 130' (b) 310' (c) 140' (d) 410.

(2 ) All the following are measurcs of angles that lie in the second quadrant except ...............
(a) - 210" (b) r20' (c) - 120" (d) 850'
( 3 ) The angle whose measure is (- 750') lies in the .. ....... quadrant.
ra) f,rst (b) second (c) third (d) fourth

{ { ) A11 the following directed angles are not in the standard position except ...... -.

,.+,,,,+, ,,+.,".#
(5) If the terminal side of an angle in the standard position passes through the point
(- I 0) , then the teminal side lies in the ... ........
(a) fiIst quadflnt. (b) second quadrant. (c) third quadrant. (d) something else.

(a) supplementary. (b) equivalent. (c) complementary. (d) their sum is - 360"

[a] Determfue the quadra.ut in which erch of the fo[owing argles lie :
(1) 52' (2)22O" (3)1120'15

[b] Find two angles , one of them with positive measure and the other witi negatiye
measure haviug common terminal side for each of tle following angles :
(t) t32 (2)70" (3) 730.
> Trigonometry

Total mark

Quiz l2
Answet the followir.g questians :
till lesson 2 - unit 2
Choose the correct answer from those given :

tl ) The angle whose measure is 9p les in the quadmnt.

(a) tust (b) second (c) thnd (d) fourth

( 2 ) The degree measure of a centml argle in a circle of radius length 6 cm. and opposite

to an arc of letrgth 3 3tr cm. equals ...... .

(a) 30" (b) 60' (c) 90" (d) 120"

( 3 ) The angle whose measure is - 7.3d is equivalent to the angle whose degree
measure is ............-..

(a) 58" 1s'33' (b) 301" 4C 2i (c) 233' 1s'33' (d)211'44- 2i

( 4 ) The radian measure of the central angle subtenditrg an arc of length 3 cm. in a circle

whose diameter length is 4 cm. equals ... ..

(a) (?)'"d rtr( j) (.) 5"d (d) 6*d

( 5 ) The positive measure of the angle between the hour harld atrd the minute hadd at half
past two equals ... .

@+ (o)# tcr.7fi
D '4 i4

(a) 150' (b) 90' (c) 180" (d) 2'70'

@-4--r. r"r r -*k" rbr r -*t, l

[a] Find the length of the arc which is opposite to an inscdbed angle of measure 60"
, irr a circle whose mdius length is 10 cm.

[b] ABC is a triangle inwhich: m (ZA) = 70" m(ZB)=600

, find in radian measure m (Z C)
Accumulative quizzes

Total mark

Answer the folltwing questfuns :
till lesson 3 - unit 2

Choose the correct aDswer from those given :
( I ) The radian measure of the cerfral angle which subtends art arc of length 5 cm.
in a circle of diametd length 10 cm. equals .....- ..

G),, (b) l'd (c) z' (d) fi

( 2 ) The measure of the smallest positive angle equivalent to the angle whose
measure is (- 870') is ....

(a) 210" (b) 150" (c)

- 210" (d) 120'
(3) If 0 is the measure of a directed a[gle dmwn in the standard position where
sin 0 < 0 r in which quadrant does the teminal side of the angle 0 lie ?

(a) first. (b) lust and second.

(c) second and fiird. (d) third and fourth.
(4) If sec 0 = 2 where 0 is the measure of an acute positive angle, then e =
(a) 30' (b) 60" (c) 45' (d) 90"
(5) In the opposite ligurc :
ff tan B + tan C = ;
r then BC = . ....... cm.
(a) 6 8
(b) c'-------i
(c) l0 (d) 14
( 6 ) The length ofthe string of is 14 cm. and swing thrcugh an angle
a simple pendulum
of measurc
fi rf , then its arc length = ......... .... cm.
(a) 4.6 (b) 4.4 (c) 4.2 (d) 4.8

tal 2 narks tbl2 ltELs I

lal Without using calculator ffnd the value of :

3 sin 60' cos 0' sec 60' + sin 270" cos2 45"
30' sin2

tbllf sin0= 1 , ,=l*,J[[ , find all trigonomeaic functions of rhe angle

whose measure is 0
> Trigonometry

Total mark

till lesson 4-unit2

Ans$,er the following questions :

E@l'u."'0" e.h iten 1 m,rk


Choose the correct alswer from t]ose giyen i

( 1 ) The simplest form of the expression : tan (180' + 0) + cot (270'
- 0) is .... ....

(a)0 (b)2tano (c)2cote G)2

( 2) If sin0>0 , tan0<0 : then 0liesinthe..... ....quadmnt.
(a) fist (b) second thtd
(c) (d) fourth
(3 ) If 0 is the measure of an acute angle , cos (0+25o)=sin30" rthen0= ... ...

(a) 5' (b) 20. (c) 25' (d) 35"

( ,l ) The degree measure of tie cental atrgle which subtends an arc of length 3 trtr cm. in
a circle of radius length 4 cm. is

lal 3,I
(b) 45. (c) 135" (d) 2'7O.
( 5 ) cos 1" x cos 2" x cos3' x... x cos 100" = ...

(a.) sirl lo x sin 2" x sin3' x sin 4o x .. x sin 100' (b) I

(c) l'x 2" x 3' x 4'x ...x 100' (d) zero
(6) In the opposite ligure :

A ABC is a righrangled triangle at B

i (b),i
(o -+ (d)-+

[a] If the terminal side of an angle 0 drawn in the statrdad position inte$ects the unit
circle at the point (-l , -$) , nna io tt form the value of the expression I
cos (180" - 0) cot (90' - 0) + sin (180" - e) tan ( 0)

[b] Find the general solution of the equation :

csc (2 0 - 15") = sec (0 30') rthenfindallthevaluesofowhere0€]0',90"[
which satisfy the equation.
Accumulative quizzes

Total rnark

Quiz | 5 till lesson 5 - unit 2

Answer the Jolhwing questions :

Choose tle correct aEwer from those given :

( I ) The maximum value of the function f : f (0)=4sh2 0is .............

(a)4 (b)-4 (c)2 (d) -2

( 2 ) The angle of measure 620" lies in the ...... quadlant.
(a) first (b) serord (c) third (d) foufh
( 3 ) The radian measure of the angle whose measure is 120o in terms oflt is .. ..... .

r^tln @?xl (iJ) * ltr \d) +n

( 4 ) If sin 0 = cos 2 0 where 0 €]0', 90'[, then sin 3 0 =

,o'+ {b) I r.zero ,d,E

(5 ) The turction f : f (0) = 3 cos 2 0 is a periodic fu nction and irs period equals..... . .......

(a) 2fi (n)T (c)6fi (d) ,[

( 6 ) The number of intersections between the curve y = sin 3 X and X-axis on the interval

[o ' 2 n] equals ....... ..

(") 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 kl\ 7

[a] Find the general solution of the equation : tan 4 e = cot 2 0

lbl If the function f : f (0) = cos 0 I frnd :

> Trigonometry

Total mark

Answer the following questions :
till lesson 6 - unit 2

E] "--^
Choose the correct atrswer from those given :

11 1If 2 cos 0 =-{ 2 . then the measue of the smallest positive angle sadsrying
(a)45' (b) 13s" r, t225" (d) 315'

( 2 )The simplest form of the expression: tan (360'-0) + cot (270'- 0) is..... . .......

(a)zero (.6)2 (c)2 tatr e (d)2 cot 0

( 3 )The degee measue of the cental angle which subtends an arc oflength 6 r[ cm.
in a circle ofradius le[gth 9 cm. is

(a) 30' (b)60' (c) 120 (d)150'

( I ) Which of the following angles whose sine and cosine are negative ?

(a)50" (b) 150" (.c)210" (d)300'

15 y"o' (t--, f,) =

\a) T
o)+ c)3 (d)sin 1?

( 6 )ffsin2 , which of the following can rotbe atr approximate value of0
O = ] ?

(a)215'15 51.8 (b)- 35" 15 51.8

(c)70'30 50.3 (d)144" 44 8.2

[a] Find in degree measure the value of 0 which satislies : cos 0 = - 0.G2
[b] If the terminal side of a directed angle whose measure is e in the standard position

jnlersecrs fie unil circle al lhe poinl f .f . + I . find the value of : 0

(r: l) r tils\ /(eut*'r!/l}rrj+l) rl,l &lr-rLr J-ttdl F7

THIRD Accumulative quizzes on geometry

Total mark

Quiz on lesson 1 - unit 3

Answer the following questiorrs :

Choose the correct answer from those given :
(I ) Two similar polygons the ratio between the lengts of two corresponding sides in
them is 2 : 3 , if the perimeter of the smaller is 14 cm. then the perimeter of the bigger
rs ._............. cm.
(a) t4 (b) 28 (c) 15 (d) 21
(2) In the opposite ligurr :
C l6cb. D
If rectangle ABCD - rectangle AXYZ
,DC=l6cm. Z

t BC =ZY = 12 cm.
then AY = .... --........ cm.
(a) 20 (h) I IB xI \
(c) 15 (d) 18 A

(3 ) Two similar trianeles ,in which ffi = $ = ff , which of the following is false ?

(a) AABC"AXYZ (b\ m(L C) =rll(Lz)

(c) m(ZABC)=m(zYXZ) (d) AABC-AYXZ
(4 ) Which of the following is always true ?
(a) All regular polygons are similar. (b) All squares are congruent.
(c) All equilateral triangles are similar. (d) All rhombuses are similar.
(s) IfALMN-AX\Ztm(LL)=35"alrldm(LZ)=75" (Z M) = ...............
then m
ir) 110" rh) 35" ic) 75' (dr 70'
( 6 ) If k is the scale factor of similarity between two polygons Ml to M, where M, is
reduction ofpolygon M. . rhen
ial k>0 (bl k=l tc) k>l ' (dl 0<k<1
In the opposite ligure :
Polygon ABCD - polygon){YZL
( I ) Find the scale factor of similarity
.6J \
between the polygon ABCD and the polygon XYZL -LL
of: m k z (ata)y C l2cn. B
( 2 ) Find the value of each
) Geometry

Total mark

till lesson 2 - unit 3

Answer the following questions :

Choose the correct answer from those given :

( 1) f
Two similar rectangles , the two dimensions of the st are 12 cm. , 8 cm. and the
perimeter of the second is 60 cm. , then the length of the second
rectangle is ...... .

(a) 12 cm. (b) 18 cm. (c) 24 cm. (d) 16 cm.

(2) In the opposite ligurt I A

Which of the following expressions is wrong ?

(a) (AB)2 = BD x DC (b) (AC)2 = CD x CB
(c) (AD)2 = DB x DC (d)ABxAC=BCxAD
(3) In the opposite ligule t
If CX bisects Z ACB XD
- ll BC
r then XD = .-- .....cm.
(a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 5 (d) 6
( rl ) In the opposite figure :
lt 11r (L l) =lJit(L2) = m(L3)
then DE : EF : FD = ..-. ....
la)'7 .ll I 12 (b) 12 : 1l :7
(c)12:7:11 (d) 11 : 12:1
(5 ) In the opposite liguie :
If B is the midpoint of CE
r then DE = ..- cm.
(a) 4 (b) 5 (c)6 (d) 7
(6) In the oppsite Iigure :
YC = ....... .....cm.
(a) 9 (b) 10
(c) 11 {d) 12

In the opposite frgure :

ABCD is a quadrilateml />B
,Ee BDwhereffi=#,8*=;E
Provethat: ( I, AD// BC t 2 f nsilCE
Accumulative quizzes

Total mark

Quiz I 3 till lesson 3 - unit 3

Answer the following questions :

Choose the correct aDswer from those given :

( I ) If the ratio between the perimeters of two similar polygons is 4 : 9 , then the ratio
between their areas is . .

1x1 4:9 (b)2:3 (c) 16: 81 (d) 8 : 18

(2) In the opposite ligure

t5 (b) 2',7
(c) 14 (d) 10
(3) In the opposite frgure

1a) 4.5 (b) 4 C (2x+, m D ,rcn B

(c) 6 (d) 36
(4) In the opposite frgure
X+y + z= """ '."""
(a) l5 (b) 18.2
(c) 22 ld) 22.2
x' y'=. ....... '
(a) (x y)2 2 xy (b) ,2
lc) zy (d) zero
( 6 ) IfA XYZ - AABC ta(L,XYZ)=3 a (AABC) and XY = 3 cm.
, then AB

G){, (b) 3{3 (c) 1

(d) 3
ABCD , XYZL are two similar polygons. If M is the midpoint of BC
r N is tlre midpoint of yZ , AM=4"^. r XN=9cm,
, prove that : area of polygon ABCD : area of polygon XYZL = 16 : 81
> Geometry

Total mark

Quiz l4 till lesson 4 - unit 3

Anst et the Jollowing q estians:

Choose the correct answer from tlose given :
( I ) Ir the oppositc figure :

h) 21[ s (b) 36 (c) 20 (d) 6
( 2 ) In the opposite ffgure

x= '
1a) 5 (b) (c) 3 (d) 7
I -l ) In the opposite figure
ln semicircle M r ED = ........ ...cm.
13 ' ' l!13
rb) r"rlZ
rd I 19.
'l ) Any two regular polygons with the same number of sides are ...-

(a) colgruent. (b) equal in area.

(c ) equal in perimeter. (d) similar.
(5) In ttre opposita ffgure :
AD is a tangent to the circle
, then AC= ....... .cm.
t"){5 (b) 3 (c) 18 (d) 6
(6) In tle opposite ligure :
u (a ABE)
a (A CDE)
,,,.9 rh) 25 rcl
'.,6 49 ' -L
ra r -l-0

t!l2 mrks tbl2 marks

lal ABC , DEF are two similar niangles , X is the midpoint of BC and Y is tlrc midpoint of EF
lbl In the opposite figure : ffifi-A
Prove that : One circle passes by the points A , B , C and D \xl_-/

Accumulative quizzes

Total mark

Quiz IS till lesson 1 - unit 4

Answer the following questions :

Choose the correct ansser from those given i

( I ) InJhe opposite figure :
If DE // BC
r then i( = ..
(a) 4 (b) 6 (c) 8 (d) 10
(2) In the opposite figure :
If AD is a tangent to the circle
, then (AD)2 = . ...... . ..
(a) AB x BC (b) AC x AB (c) AD x AB (d) (AC)'?
(3) In the opposite ligure :
Ifm (Z ADC) = m (z ACB)
r then AB = ...... .. .... cm.
(a) 12 (b) 16 (c) 18 (d) 20
(4) In the opposite figure :
If AC is a tangent to the circle M at A
, AD is a tangent to the circle N at A
then AB = ..-- cm.
(a) 4 (b) 5 (c) 6 (d) 7
(5) In the opposite figure :
lf M is the point of intersection
of the medians of A ABC
, the length ofFM = ............. . cm.
(a) 4 (b) 5 (c) 6 (d) 8
( 6 ) In the opposite lisure I
If the area of A AEC = 15 cm?
, the area of A EFC = 9 cm?
,AB = 16 cm. r then AD = ..... ...... cm.
(a) 6 (b) 10 (c.\ 72 (d) 13

In the opposite Iigure :_
ABC is a triangle rDCAC
,Oe tt eS ,DF tt AE Proye that : (CE)2 = CF x CB
> Geometry

Total mark

Quiz 6 till lesson 2-unil4

Aflswer the follawing questions :

Choose the correct answer from those given :
( 1 ) In the opposite ficure :

The given lengths are in cm.

X+Y= .."
(a) 18
"-. (c)20
1b)4 \d)24
(2) If A ABC - A DEF, area of A ABC = 4 area of A DEF ard DE = 6 cm.
r then AB = ... .......... cm.
(a) 3 (b) 24 (c)t2 (d)8
(3 ) In the opposite Iigure :
Tf AB is a frnsent ro rhe circle M
, then (AB)'=
(a)AC x CD (b)AC xAD (c)AB x AC (d)AB x CD
(4) D 7.4, A
In the opposite ligure :
r then EF = .... .. cm.
(a) 9 (b) 11 (c) 13 (drl5
( 5 ) In the opposit€ ligure :

To prcve that ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral you need to prove that


(c)m(ZA)=m(ZC) (d)AExEC=BExED
( 6 ) In the opposite ligure :

AM=. ....- cm.

\',tJ 9 X {b)2x2+4 (c) 39 t.tl) 26

(r) harks
2 (2) 2 marks
In ttre opposite ligure :

xv ttogtttz
Finrt: ( I ) The length of EM
( 2 ) The length of MZ

Accumulative quizzes

Total mark

@E the following questions :
till lesson 3 - unit 4

Choose the correct alswer from ttrose given :
( r ) If AABC - AXYZ and AB = 3 XY

, ftg1qs-strsd4]Iz
the area of A ABC
r',f I
I I )
In the opposite ligure
tb) 3
+ (d)e

AD bisects 1 BAC
r then AD = ... . . ..... cm.
(x) 8 (b) 60 tct z^frs tt "{i

( -1 ) In the opposite ligure :

thepointsA,C,B andDlie
on one circle ifED = ..
(a) 5 cm. (b) 8 cm. (c) Ec (d) EB
(4) In the opposite figure :
BC =...............
rrr E9 rbr @
rc),EC r,lr 4E
(5) In the opposite figure :
lt tt (LB) = 2 m (L DAB) = 2m (Z DAC)
, then AB = ......... cm.
ta) 4 (b) 6 (c) 8 (d) 9
(6) In the opposite figure :
AC = .... ......cm.
(a) 4 (b) 5
(c) 6 (d) 7

4 *!!-)
XYZ is a triangle , Z XYZ is bisected by a bisector which intenects XZ at M
, then draw Mfr // ZY to intersect IT at N
Prove that : g = g and if XY=6cm. t \Z= 4 cm., find the length of rXN-
> Geometry
Total mark

Quiz I I till lesson 4 - unit 4

Answet the followiflg questions :

Choose the correct answer from those givel :

( 1 ) In the opposite frgure :
rthenX=.-.... - --.. cm.
(al4 (b) 5 (c) 6 (d) 8
(2) In the opposite frgure :
IfAB = l0 cm. rAC=12y- lrcm.
r then Y = """ "-.
(a) 35 tb) 25 (c)3.5 (d) 2.s
(3) In the opposite figure :
.)( = ........... ... cm.
(a) 3 (tr ) 9 td2 (d) r8
(4) In the opposite figure :
To prove that m (Z BAD) = m (Z DAC)
you need to know ... ...
(a) AB = AC (b),ql = zrl:o cm.
(c)3AC=5AB (d)m(zB)=m(zC)
( 5 ) rn the opposite figure :
rthenX+y="" ""'. sm.
la)'7 (h)9 (c) 11 (d) 12
( 6 ) In the opposite frgure :
The area of AABD = ...-........- c^?
(a) 36 (b) 48
(c) 54 (d) i2
ljiirlJiililllilJilll l ru.rs
In the opposite figure :
......-AC YD
Prove that : AX bisects Z BAC
( t : t) l tils\ /(
eu!'e!ti u,tlr
etJol=aLJ;-O.r' [2d
Accumulative quizzes

Total mark

Quiz I
Answer the following questions

till lesson 5 - unit 4

Choose the correct answer from those given i
( I ) InJhe opposite ligure :
If AD bisects extedor Z A
: then CD = .-- ... cm.
(a) 2 (b) 6 (c) 4 (d) 8
(2) In the opposite ffgure :
x= ...............cm.
(a) 5 (b) 3
(c)'7 (d)2
( 3 ) ID the opposite figure :
If AB is a tangent to the circle

(a) 60" (b) 30.
(c) 15" (d) 5s"
(4)IfAM=4cm. , r = 3 cm. , such that A is a point outside the circle M
r then P, (A) =
(a) t6 (b) 9 (c) 25 (d) 7

(5) In the opposite ligure :
Which of the following is not
equal o P, (A) ? x. --1"
(a) (AM)2 - (DM)2 (b) BA x AC \ -'zA\-/
c'<---l D
(c)-DAxAE (d) FAxAG
(6) In the opposite figure : --A
IfAE =AB BC is a diameter m (L D) = 21" f -?2-
-r-r I \\\
' ' DCMB
, then m (Z A) =
(a) 100" (b) 104" (c) 106' (d) 110"

The radius length of circle M is 7 cm. ,A is a point at a distance 5 cm. fiom the centre of
the circle , dmw the chord BC passing through A such that AB = 3 AC
Calculate : ( 1 ) The length of BC
( 2 ) The distance between the chord B-C and the ce[tre of the circle.
Monthly tests
FIRST Monthly tests of October.

SECOND Monthly tests of November.

Contents of October Tests Contents of November Tests

From Solving the quadratic equation From Determining the types of roots
in one variable graphically. of a quadratic equation.
To Dividing complex numbers. To Forming the quadratic equation
whose two roots are known.

From Directed angle. From Systems of measuring angles.

To Equivalent angles. To Trigonometric f unction.

From Similarity of polygons. From The ratio between the areas

To The ratio between the areas of two similar polygons
of the surfaces of two similar "Theorem 4".
triangles (Theorem 3). To Talis'theorem,
FIRST Monthly tests of October

f*"17 Total mark

fl Choose the correct answer from those giyen :

( I )1/Jx{-e =............. ( 12 marks)
(a) 6 (b)-6 (c)6i (d)-6i
(2 )If X2 -2X+ 4=0 r then X=
(a)la3i rt1/, (c) t rrFi
rt) (d) I ri
area (A xYz)
{ J )I'AABC-AxYZandAB=3X}'
r lnen -i--:- =
(n) 3 (h) 9 rcr.L (dJ -L
3 I
(4) If the teminal side of a[ angle of measure (- 30") in standad position is rotaled
anticlockwise one and half revolutions , then the terminal side will be ir
the ....... ....... qua&ant.
(.r ) flrst (b ) second (c ) third (d) fourth

(5) In the opposite frgure :

If the area of the figure ABED = 42 cm?

, then the area ofA CED = ....... ...... cm?

(a) g tb) 12
C 4cd. E
(c) 16 (d) 20

(6) In the opposite ligure :

Pn / SC,AE = : rEC = 4 cnr.

DE = 6 cm. , then BC = ... cm.
tn) 14 (b) 12
(.c) 21 (d) 8

- polygon XYZ- and AB = 32 cm. : BC = 40 cm.
Ifpolygon ABCD

rXY= 3 m 1'YZ=3m+1,thenm= ....

(a) 3 tb) 2 (c) I td) 4
> October

( 8 ) The simplest folm of the imaginary number i39 is ... ...

(a) I (b)-l (c) i (d)-i

(9)ffx+yi=(1-2i)(1 + i) where X r y € lR r then X + y = . ......
(a) 2 (b)-2 (c) 3 (d) 4

(10) The angle of measure - 60' in standard position is equivalert to the angle of

measure..-.... .-

(a) 60' (b) 120" (c) 300' (d) - 300'

(ll) In the opposite frgur€ :

Y= -- cm'
(a) 2 (b) 4.5 ,n

(c) 3.5 (d) 3

(12) In the opposite frgure :

X= ...... --..-crIr.
(a) 8 (b) 4

(c) 6 (d) 4.8

El Answer the fo[owing questions :

r I rFind rhe real values of xand y rhal satisry,, (2 marks)

( 2 ) Determine the quadmnt at which the angle of measure 30" + (4 n - 1) x 90" where

teZ)ies on (2 marks)

I3) In the opposite figure :

ABC is a triangle in which : AB = 6 cm. rBC=9cm.,

AC = 7.5 cm. , D is a point outside the tdangle ABC wherc

DB = 4 cm. r DA = 5 cm. Prove that : c

(a)AABC"ADBA (b) BA bisects Z DBC (2 marks)

1 I I AB, DCtwochordsinacircle'aE n CD= te]

wherc E outside the circle, AB = 4 cm., DC = 7 cm. r BE = 6 cm.

Prove rhat : A ADE - A CBE ' then lind lengrh ol CE (2 marks)

l\4onthly tests

T6st I Total mark

ll Choose the correct answer from those given i

(1) In the opposite ligure : (12 marks)

If AD : AB = 3 : 5, DE ll gC, trren x =............... cm.
(a) 5 (b) 3

(c) 4 (d)'7 (21*rcm A

(2) In the opposite figure :

BD = ...--. . ... cm.

(a) 5 (b) 5

(c) 4 ld) 7
(3) In the opposite figure :

ifm (z
DAB) = m
(z C)

9cm. D

(u) 6 Itr r 18 L, t21 tdt24

r .l , In lhe opposite ligufe : .,r1\,
ABC is a right-ansled triangle at A r AD- I BC r AB = 30 cm.
,/ l\,
C 32@. D Xcn. B

(el 36 (h) 48 tc) 42 (d) 52

( 5 ) The angle of measure 5850 in standard position is equiyalent to the aDgle of

meastue.... ...... .

(a) 45' (bf135' (d) 315"

( 6 ) The angle of measure - 870' lies in the ....... . ... quadrant.

(a ) first (b) second rl]l third (d ) fourth

(7) If X + y i = (l + i)a where I ry € ]R r then X- y = ...............
(a) l6 (b) 16 (ct4 (d)-4
(8) 2+ i ti2+ i3=...............
(a)2 (b) I 1.r- 1 (d) zero
> October

(s ) (rz -s ir1-(z-{-8r ) =
(a) 5-4i (b)-5+4i (c)5f 4i
(10) In the opposit€ figure :

ff enlf Os,CD =3 cm. ,AC = 6 cm. , tsC =4cm.

r then CE = ........ cm.

(a) 5.4 (b) 4.s (c) 8 (d) 2.s

1t| n X * y i= filwhere x' yeR,thenX xy=

(a) l0 (b) t2 (c,: 26 (d) 24
(12) T\i/o similar polygons , the ratio between the lengths of two coresponding sides
is 3 : 4 r if the perimerer of the smaller is 15 cm. r then the perimeter of the bigger
15 ... .......... Cm.

(a) 2I (b) 80
(c) 27 (d)?

El Answer the following questions :

(1) Solve the equatio1.. x2 -4 x+ 5 =O in the setofthe complex numbers. (2 marks)
(2 ) Write the positive measure of the smallest angle and another angle with negative
measue sharing with the teminal side for the angle whose measure is (_ l35o)

(2 marks)
(3) ABC is atriangle rAB=8cm. : AC=l0cm. , BC= 12cm. , EeAE
whereAE = 2 cm. r D e Be where BD = 4 cm. Prove that :
(a) A BDE - A BAC and deduce rhe lengrh of DE
(b) The figurc ACDE is a cyclic quaddlateral. (2 marks)
(4 ) The ratio between the two perimeteN of two simiiar triangles is 3 : 2 and the sum of
thei areas is 130 cm? Find the area of each of them. (2 marks)
SECOND Monthly tests of November

Test I Total mark

tl Choose the correct atrswer from those giYen ;

( 1 ) The angle of measure (f) radian has degree measure =

(12 marks)
t tt 225' (b) 210' (c) 840" G) 225"
(2) If one of the roots of the equation : X - 3 X + c = 0 is twice tlle other

then c = ..... ........-

(a)-4 (b)-2 lc) 2 G)4
(3) In the opposite figure :

A-B is a tangent segment at B , C is the midpoint of AD

,AB=5{icm.,thenAD= . cm.

\a)zli (h) s{6

(c) 5 @)2.5]fi
(4 ) Ir the opposite figure : D

IT EE // EF // CD
-s/ \" -4
, dren EF = ............... cm.
@)2.s (\2
(c)15 (d) t
(5) If L
are the two roots of the equation : Xz -5 X+'7 =O ' then the equation
whose lwo roots are L2 and M2 is '

1a|x2 + ll X+49 =o (b)x2-]]lx+49=O

G) x2 - 49 x+ 11. =o (d)x2+llx-49=o
( 6 ) The two roots of the equation : X (r( - 2) = 5 are '

(a) two complex and non leal roots. (b) two equal real roots.

( c) two different real roots . (dl2 and zerc.

( 7 ) The sum of the areas of two similar polygons is 225 cm? and the rutio between their
perimeterc 4 : 3 , then the area of the greater polygons " cm? = "
(ar 81 h)144 11:DBt (c1)96+
> November

(E)IfeC] 0'f [ ' -t e = 3 , then csc 0 sin 0 tan0csc0=

(a) zero (b) 1 tc) -3
(9) If L , M are the two roots of the equatioi.. X2 -5 X- 6 =O
the numerical value of the expression : L2 5 L+3=
(a)- 6 (b) 6 (c) 9 (d) 3

(10) In the opposite ffgure :

AB+YZ=.. .....cm. ..r).< \
(a) 5 (b)
^x-< \ \
tr"Z-\ \\
13 B r.scm. C
(c) 11 (d) e.s

(11) In the opposite ffgure :

A semicircle of centre M

r then X = .......... cm.

(a) 5 (b) 7 (c) 8 (d) 12
(12) In the opposite ligure :

DE Z nC, tlen X=..........

(a) 4 (b) 9

(c) 12 (d) 3 (r-r"-. D3".P

El Answer the foltowing questions :

( I ) Prove that the roots of the equation:X2 -llX+5=Oarcnonrealcomplex

numbe$ , then find these two rcots by using the general formula. (2 marks)
(2) If x€ [0" ,90'] , then find the value ofrc which satisfies the following equation :

sin X = sin 30" cos 60" + cos 30o sin 60' (2 marks)
(3) In the opposite figure :

p.,,r" rtrt , (E)2 = FX
19 (2 marks)

( 4 ) AB- n CD- = {E}, AE =

+ BE, DE = ? pc. rrsp = o "-. rnd CE = 5 cm.
Prove that: The pointsA , B ,C andD lie on one cicle. (2 marks)

(!: f )t 1,+/e\ /( euts)! !,o,rlrlr) er,J or+31-) r-t @Jt f3al

l\ilonthly tests

Total mark
Test 2

ll Choose the correct answer from tlose giyen :

( I ) If the ratio betwoen the areas of two similar polygons is 16 : 25 (12 marks)
, then the ratio between thefu two coresponding sides = """ " '

tn)2.5 (b)4:5 (c) 16 : 25 (d) 16:41

(2) Ifthe two rcots ofthe equation:4 X2 - 12 X + m = 0 are equal r then m = -

fe) 3 (b) 4 (c) 9 (d) 16

( 3 ) The length of ao arc opposite to a cental angle of measue 150' in a circle with
radius length 8 cm. equals " cm.

ot! n @+n (c) 8 ,I (d) 20

( il ) If L, M are the two roots of the equation', xz -7 x+3 = 0 ,then L2 +M2 =

(a) 7 (b) 43 (c) 58 (d) 79

(5) In the opposite frgure :

then AB = .....--- cm.
(a) 2'7 (b) 36

(c) 9 (d) 6

( 6 ) The quadratic equation in which each of its two roots more than the two roots of the

equarion : X2 3x+2=oby2is.
(a) Xz x+2=O (b) Xz +'t x+ l2=O
(c)x2-7 x+12=o (qx2-7 x l2=o
(7) In the opposite Iigurc :

ann co = {ri rAE = 4 cm.

rEB =6cm.,DE=(X+ l) cm.

, CE = (X 1) cm. , then X = .......... cm.

(a) 5 (b) 6 (c) 4 (d) 7

) November

(8) Irx € [0', m"] and cos x = $$- -ll-l!1, d,* x=

(a) 30" (b) 60"

(c) o" (d) 90"

( 9 ) Each ofthe followhg figues rcpresents the curve of the function

f: ! (X)= ax2 +b X+ c rwhichofthese figues does have b2-4 a c = 0

v' Y'r v'

(b )
(10) In the opposite frgure !

Ir DE z Ec , ttrcn

u (A ADE) ..........
a (A ABC) =
(a) * (o)?
L1 +
(11) In the opposite figure :

XY ll BC,XZ ll BY,AX = 6 cm.,XB = 9 cm. &,.

;AZ= 3 cm.: then rhe length of ZC = ............... cm.
(a) 4.5 (b) ls+
(c) 15 (d) 12+

(12) Itr the opposite figure :

Ifthe given lengths in cm.

X+ y = ..-...... cm.
(a) 23 (b) l8
(c) 41 (d) 5r

l\ilonthly tests

@ Answer the following questions :

( 1) IfL and M are the two roots of the equation'.2X2 -3 x-l =O ,

then form the qua&atic equations whose two .-t. ar" ,
ff , f (2 marks)

(2)H0 e]+, 2 ltl,sir g = -#,then find : cos o - csc o tar 0 (2 marks)

( 3 ) ABCD is a quadrilateml , its diagonats arc inte$ected at E.

If AE=6cm. rBE= 13 cm. l0 cm. and ED = 7.8 cm.

Prove that : ABCD is a trapezium. (2 marks)

(4) In the opposite ligure :

If (AC)2 = CD x CB

Provethat:AACD-ABCA (2 marks)
School book examinations

FIRST School book examinations

in algebra and trigonometry.

SECOND School book examinations in geometry.


FIRST School book examinations in algebra and trigonometry

Model l1
tl Choose the correct ansver from the given ones :
( 1) If Land M are the two roots of the equ anon x2 -7 x+3 =O
,thenl2+M2= . .

(a)'/ (b) 3 (c) 43 (d) 79

(2) If sin 0 = - 1 ard cos 0 = zero r then 0 = " '

o)! (b) ,r @+ (d) z xt

( 3 ) The quadmtic equation whose roots are 2 - 3 i, 2+3 i, is .

(a)X2r4X+13=O -4 x+ 13 =o (b) x2
(c)x2+4x 73=O (d) x2 -4 x 13=o

( 4 ) If one of the two roots of the equation : x2 - (rn t 2) X + 3 = 0 is the additive inverse
of the other rool , lhen m = """""""
(a) 3 (b) 2 (c)-2 (d) 3

El Complete the following :

( I ) The function I where / (D = (x-1)(X+2)ispositiveintheinterval . '

( 2 ) The angle whose measure is 930o is located at quadmnt.

I 3 rlfcosO=
,fiandsin0=-lr' .lhene= """ "''
( 4 ) The quadratic equation whose two roots are twice the two rcots of the equation :

2 x2 8 x+ 5 =o is .....

la I Put rhe number

i * ] i in
rr,. rorm or u complex number where i2 = - |

lbl If 4 sinA- 3 = 0,Iina : e, whereeE ]0,f I

0 t"l rr, , m..+m wherc f (x) = - x2 +8 x- 15

( 1 ) Graph the function in the interval [l ,7]

( 2 ) Determine the sign of the tunction.

X=I+2iandy=: jl
a 1i
' theD find : r(
[b] lf + y in the form of acomplex number.

@ ["] Find in R tn" solution set of the inequality : X2 + 3 X - 4 < 0

[b] If tanB = , where 180' < B < 270' , then fmd the vatue of:
cos (360' B) cos (90' B)

> Algebra & trigonometry

Model 12
ll Complete the folto$ing :
( I ) The simplest form of the imaginary number i43 is . .............
(2) fftle two Ioots of the equ*ion: X2-6 )f + L= 0 are real and equat , ttren L= ...

( 3 ) If 0' < e < 90' aud sin 2 0 cos 3 0 , then 0 ........ .....
= =
( 4 ) Tho range ofthe tunction f where f (0) =
f sin 0 is...............

@ Choose the correct answer :

( I ) The equation : x' (X L)(x+ l)=0isa..... degree equation.
(a) frst (b) second (c) third (d) fourth
(2) If the two rcots of the e4uation : X2 + 3 X- m = 0 are rcal differenr
, then m = .--

(a) 2 (b)-3 (c)-4 (d)-s

(3) Ifthe sum of measures of the angles of a regular polygon equals 1 80. (n 2) where n is
the number of sides , then the measue of the angle of a regular octagon by the mdian
measue equals .. ....
..n rht { ..3Jr .,.)T,
2 43
(4) If 2 cos 0 =-{?and n <0< ,then 0 =
.xt f
161 !! itlA
'l (d)+

El [a] Find the value of k which makes one root of the two roots of the equation :
4k X2 +7 x+f + 4 = 0 be the multiplicative inverse of the orher root.

[tr] Ifsin 0 = sin 750" cos 300'+ sin (-60.) cot 120" where 0o < e < 360. ,find: e

@ tul { I ) fioa tne t*o values of a , b which satisfy the e q.uatiot t 12 +3 ai = 4b -27 i
( 2 ) Find the solutiotr set of the inequality : i( (_,( + l) 2 s 0 in IR

[b] A central angle of measure 0 is inscribed in a circle of radius length 18 cm. and
subtends an arc of length 26 cm. Find 0 in degree measure.

O [a] If the sum of the consecutive integers ( | + 2 + 3 + ... + n), where n is the flumber
of integers is given by the relation S =+ (1 + n) ,how many consecutive integers
stating from number I to be summed 210 are there ?

lbl If sin X= $ where 90' <x< 180"

rlind : sin (180",0 r tan (360. -)0 + 2 sin (270" - XS

SECOND School book examinations in geometry

Mode! ll
fl Complete the following :
( 1 ) The two polygons that are similar to a third are-
(2) In the opposite ligure :
First : (AB)2 = AD x .... and (CB)2 = CA x
Second: DAx DC = ...............
Third : AB ; BC =.... ..... / ..... .. "'

@ Choose the correct answer from the giYen ones :

( 1 ) Two similar rectangles , the length of the fiIst is 5 cm. and the lenglh of the second is
10 cm.' then the ratio between the perimeter of the first to the pedmeter of the second
equals .......

(a) I :5 (b) I :3 (c)ltz (d)2:l

( 2 ) Which two triangles of the following are similar ?

A (l)
(2) (3) (4)
(a) (3) , (a) (b) (l) , (3) (c) (, , g) (d) (1) , (4)
(3 ) If the ratio between the perimeters of two similar triangles is 1 : 4 r then the ratio
between their two surface ateas equals "-""",'

la) l:2 (b) 1 :4 (c)l:8 (d) l:16

(4) In the opposite ligure :

All the following mathematical expressions

are correcl ercepl lhe expression .. ..

(a) (AB)2 = AC x AD (b) (AB)2 = AE x AIr

(c)ACxAD=AExAF (d) AC x CD =AE x EF

El [a] In the opposite ligure :

A ADE - A ABC Prove that : DE // BC

If AD=4cm. rDB =2cm.,EC= 1.5 cm.

. BC = 5 cm. ' Iind the lengths of: AE and DE
> Geometry

[b] ABC is a triangle r D e

BC where BD = 5 cm.
r DC = 3 cm. and E CAC- where AE = 2 cm. rCE=4cm.

Prove that : A DEC - A ABC , then find the ratio between their fwo sudace areas.

O [a] Ir the opposite figure :

m(lADE)=m(ZC) oA.,
,AD = 4 cm.,AE = 5 cm. r DE = 6 cm. and EC = 3 cm.
Find the lengths of: OB ana BC CB
lbl In the opposite figure : /z'\\e..
/ \E;rA
eE n FE= {n},AB = 3 cm., BC = 2 cm. rAF = 7.5 cm.
Find the length of : EF \-<6r-
@ [a] AD- is a median in the triangle ABC : Z ADB is bisected by a bisector to cut AB at E r
Z ADC is bisected by a bisector to cut AC at F and E-F is drawn.
Prove that : EF i/ E-C

[b] In the oppositc ligure :

rCE= 12cm.,CF=9cm.
(I ) Find the lergth of: BF
( 2 ) Prove that : FM- // CD-

Model l2
tl Complete the following :

( I ) Any two regular polygons lhat have the same number of sides are ...

(2) In the opposite frgure :

(Z ADE) = m <L ...... ..... )
r then m
( 3 ) If the two strai4l-_lines including
the two chords DE
, XY intersect at the point N r then
ND x NE = ..... ........
( 4 ) In the oppositc ligure :

IfAC = 3 cm. and CE = 9 cm. rthen AB =

(1 : l) l tr+ /..Lr / (eljl,elq /liLl,l-l) elij,LILJ r-t .Jt f41 l

School book examinations

O Choose the correct answer from the given ones :

( I ) Which two polygons of the follo\ring arc similar ?

(l) (2)

rr)Polygons (1) , (2) (b) Polygons (1) , (3)

(cl Polygons (3) , (4) (d) Polygons (2) , (4)

(2 ) If the ratio between the surface areas of two similar polygo[s is 16 : 25 , then
the ratio between the lengths oftwo coresponding sides in the two polygons
equals... ........
(a)2:5 (b)4:5 (c)16:25 (d) 16:41
(3) In the opposite figure :
Atl the following mathematical expressions are correct
except... ...... 7\Q
,.,'DB _ '"' DB - CB

,,,49=3E AB
," BD AC
1 J ) In the opposite frgure :
The length of MZ equals .......

(il ) 3.6 cm. (b) 4 cm.

(c) 4.2 cm- (d) 4.8 cm.

@ Ial ln the opposite figure :

Prove that :
BCED is a cyclic quadrilateml.If AD = 3 cm. r BD = 2 cm.
and AE = 2.5 cm. .lind the length oI: EC

lbl ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral whose two diagonals intersected at E r EF is drawn

parallel to CB to intersect AB at F , ffi is drawn parallel to CD to inters€ct AD at M

Prove that : FM- // BD

> Geometry

@ [al In the opposirc figure :

m (z BAC) = 90' , eo- -L eC
, AB = 4.5 cm. and AC = 6 cm.
Find the length of each of : BD , DC and AD
[b]ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral in which : BC =27 cm- 'AB = 12 cm. :AD = 8 cm.
r DC = 12 cm. and AC = 18 cm. Prove that : A BAC - A ADC and find the mtio
between thet two surface areas.

El [a] In the oppositc ffgure :

AB is a tangent to a circle , C is the
midpoint of AD and AB =3li" .
Find the length of : AC
lblABC is a triangle in which : AB = 8 cm. rAC = 12 cm.
r BC = 15 cm. AD bisects Z A arld intersects BC at D r DE // BA is drawn to
intersect AC at E
Find the lengrh of eacb of: BD and CE
Final examinations

Examinations of some FI
governorate's schools.

Scan the
QR codes
to solve

\. tests


> lVlathematics

Shoubra Educational Zone

Mathematics Supervision

Multiple choice questions im,

Choose the correct answer from the given ones :
( I ) The simplest form ofthe imaginary oumber i43 = .. ........... tests O
(a) I (b)-l (c) -i (d) i
( 2 ) The equation whose rcots are : 2 i , -2iis...............
(a)X2+2=O ft)x2+4=O (c)X2=4 (rJ) X2 = 2
( 3 ) The function f :f(i0=X2-4isnegativewhen:XC.............
(a)R-[ 2,2] (b)rR-l-2,2[ Ol-2,2] @)-2,2[
( 4 ) The smallest positive measure of the angle of measure
- 2i10" is ............... in radiatr.
(a)-I (.b)+ (c),JI t d) 2.Jl
(5)If 10 sin X= 6 wherE Xis the greatest positive measure ,Xe[O r2fil
: then sec (540' + I) = .... ........

(a)i tbt t ,ar I5

( 6 ) If A ABC - A DEF r BC = 3 EF, then the factor of similarity of A ABC to A DEF =

(a) 3 (b) I G)+ (.d)

(7) In the opposite figure :

rAD=6cm. >AC = 15 cm.
If the area of A ADE = l8 c#
, then the area of AABC = ....... cm?
(a) 225 (b) 30 (c) 54 (d) s0
(8) In the opposite ligure :

AD bisecrs
rAC = l0 cm. : then AD = .... ...cm. B 2@.D a6. C

roY'{i (b) 1/58 (c) 9 (d) s

Final examinations

(9) In the opposite ligure :

XY , Z are two intersecting chords at O IJ Oy ='[i n-

,OX=z'[icm. tOZ=4cm. 'thenOL=."" " cm.

(a) 4 (b) 2

(c) I @+
(101 Ifa+ 3 i , 4-b i are two conjugate numbe$ 'then a+b=
l -7 (bl 7 (c) 1 (d) 1

i11t IfL ,f are the roots of the equation: a x2 -3 x+2 =o ,t}lena=

,.,,fI (b)
(c) 3 (d) 2

r l:, The function f:f (41 = 2 x- 3 is positive when

,-lX>Z ri,l X. J @x>] 1d|x. )

ri-3; Therangeof thefunction: f (X)=cos( 2)0equals'
.,,I r,r] (b) l- L 1[ (ol-2,21 @)-2,21
(1a) sin (- e) +
gl* + cos (270' + O) = ."" '

,lLl0 (b) 1 (c)-l (d) sin 0

( l5) ff the Iatio between the areas of two similar polygons is I : 4 t then the ratio between
the lengths of two coEesponding sides of them is ..... ......-..

(a)1:16 (b)1:4 (c)ltz (d)2: i

(16) lD the opposite figure :


then the factor of similarity of A ABC to A DBE = '

(a) 9: 16 (b) 16:9 (c)3:4 (d)4:3

(17) In the opposite figure :

r then X= ' '

(a) 8 (b) 6

(c) 4 (d) 2
> l\ilathematics

(18) In the opposite figure i

m(zA)=50" D

m (DC) = 145'
- 16y = 1z x-sy A)
,{50'\ /
r then X= ....... ......
(a) 3s (b) 30 lc) 25 kl) 20
(19) ff one of the two roots of the equation : X2
-g- Zy X + S = g is the additive itrverse of
the other root r then k = ..............-

(a) 3 (b)-3 (c) 0 (d) 5

(20) If the product of the two roots of the equation : a X 2 + b X + c 0 equals
= their sum
r then ......... ..

(a)a=c (b)a=b (c)b=c (d)b=-c

(21) The measure of the central angle in a circle of radius length 15 cm. and opposite
to an
arc of length 5 ,[ cm.
(a) 90" (b) 120' (c) 60" (d) 150"
(22) The directed angle which its terminal side cuts the unit circle at the point (a
wherc: a<0 r b< 0lies in the..--- .........quadrant.
(u) 46 (b) 3'd (c) 2nd (d) 1't
(23) The aiangle in which two angles of measures 55" , 65. is similar to triangle in
which two
angles of measwe 55o ....-- ... ,
(a) 70" (b) 50' (c) 55' (l) 60'
(24) If the ratio between the lengths of two co esponding sides of two similar rriangles is
3 : 5 and the area of the greater triangle = 100 cm? : then the area of the smaller

triangle = ....... ....... cm?

(a) 36 ( 46 k) 64 ld) 26
(25) If the radius length of the circle M equals 4 cm. and B is a point on the circle

r then P, (B) = .. ........

(a) 4 (b) 0 (c) 16 (r) 12

Final examinations

(26) In the opposite figure : AsrN.xc

, then AB = .. .... ' cm.
(a) 42 (b) 3s

(c) 28 (d) 2t
(27) In the opposite ligurc :

Ad bisects z BAC extemally

,AC=4cm.'thenX= ... ....cm.
(a) 9 (b) 8 (c )'7

f@! e""av qr""..*

Answer the following questions :

f ('O =xz-x-12 then find the solution set of

ff Determine the sign of the function: r

the inequality : x2 - 12 > x

El In the opposite ligure :

AE touches the circle M at B

Find with proof the length of : IB

El-Salam Educational Zone
Math's Supervision

Choose the correct answer from the given ones :
tess @
( 1 ) The simptest form of the number 6 i5E is
(a) 6 (b)-6 (c)6i (d)- 6 i
( 2 , The conjugale of rhe number 9 is '

(a)-9i (b)9i (c)-9 (d) 9

> Mathematics

( 3 ) The simplest form of the number

' ] -{ is ...............
t"r{+l}i o)+-*i oj$*{i rarj$-$i
( 4 ) The quadratic equation which has one ofits two roots equal (3 + 4 i) is ......

(a x2+6X+25=O 1t1 -6 x-zs =o

(c) x2
x+25 =o 6
( 5)If3 X2 + 4 X+ m- 3 =0 is a quadratic equation , and its disc minanr 4
r then m =
(:a) - 4 (b) 3 (c)-3 (d) 4
(a)<5 (b)<-5 (c)>5 (d)>-5
(7) ff the prcduct of the two roots of the a quadratic equation : 2 X2 _ 3 X + k _ 3
= O
equals 1 .....
(a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 5
( 8 ) The sign of the tunction f (X) = 6 - 2 X is positive when X........ .....

(a)>3 (b)<3 (c) >- 3 (d) <-3

( 9 ) The angle whose measure 1920. liesinthe.. ......quadrant.

(a) first (b) second (c) thtud (d) foudh

(10) The length of the arc which opposite to a central angle of measue
: in a cide of
radius length 6 cm. equal ......... .....
tat,3tt (b) 2 xa (c) 3 Jl stT
(11) ff the teminal side of a positive angle 0 in standard position inte$ects the unit
at poinr (f . l) , where 0 < 0 < 90" , theo cor e = .... .... .

rar{5 (b) -{, (c)26 ror*

(12)3sin0C........ 13

(a) [- 1 ,1] (b) [-3 ,3] (c) l-3,3[ (d) l- 1 ,1[

(13) 2 sin 0 = - 1 where n <0< , then m L g) =...............
f (

(a) 130" (b) 210' (c) 225" (d) 240"

(r4) sin (e - 90') = ..............

(a) sin 0 O) cos e (c) - sin 0 (d) - cos 0

(v: t) I tilo1/ (!ul,*'y! !,lrr'itr) c1.] e*1,-),-t OI l49l

Final examinations

(15) In the opposite ligure :

The figure DHCB is cyclic quadrilateml

7 cm.,AH = 5 cm. rDB = 3 cm.

'AD =
r BC 12 cm. , $en DH = ....... cm.
(a) 14 (b) 9

(c) 10 (d) 6

(16) Ir the opposite figure :

m (Z ABD) = m (Z BCD)

AB = l2cm.,BD= 15 cm. :DC= l0cm.

'BC=8cm.rthenAD= cm.
(a) 13 b, 15.5 |

(c) 22.5 (d) 20

(17) In the opposite {igure :

the ratio between the area

of A DBA and area A ABC is ""

.2 (b);
(() i; rd) ii
(18) Two similar rectangles r the dimensions of the frst are 7 cm. t 4 cm. atrd the perimeter of
the second is 22 cm. r then the scale factor of the similarity is -- '

lrrT4 @+ c)+ (d) 1

(19) In the opposite figure :

rthenABDA-A '

(a) ADC (b) ABC

(c) CAB (d) DAC

(20) In the opposite figure :

AB n CD = {H} ,HB = xz cm.

,AH=15cm.,thenX= '
(a) 2 (b) t 2 (c) 4 (d) 14
> Mathematics
(21) Ir the opposite Iigure :

IE diameter on the circle M

, CD tangent to the circle at D
CD=4{5cm. :CA=AM rthenAB=... ......... cm.
(aJ 4 (b) 16 (c) 8
(22) In the opposite ffgure :

m(ZA)=90",nOf SC,BD= 9cm. ;DC = 16cm.

, rhen @ = ...............
.9 , q
{D); .^.
rc) 16 (d) 3
'o, tO ii T
(23) In the opposite figure :

x= ...............cm.
(a) 2 (b) 2.5
(c) 3 (d) 3.s
(24) In the opposite ligure :

es dittPtortxy
r then BD = ........ cm.
(a) 33 (b) 28
(c) 2l (d) 2'7
(25) In the opposite figure :
AD bisect Z A' BD = 3 cm. rDC =4 cm.
:AB =4.5 cm.'thenAC =......... ..... cm.

(a) 6 (b) 4.8

(.c) 7 (d) 8
(26) In the opposite figure :

AD bisect the exterior aDgle at vertex A

rthenAB : AC = ........ ..

(a)3:l (b)1:3
(c)4:1 (d)4:3
(27) IfA is a point outside a circte of centre M ,AM = 7 cm, and pM(A) = 24
thetr the mdius length of the circle equal ............. . cm.
(a) 5 (b) 4 (c) 3 Gt) 2
Final examinations

fl!@l E-ssay
Essay quest,ons
Answer the following questions :

O Find the solutiotr set of the inequality in IR: x2 + x - 2 < zero

@ In the opposite fiBure :

AD bisect Z BAC
.- locm. +
Find : the length of each BD and AD

El-Xhalifa and El-Mokattam Educational Zone

Mathematics Supervisoin

Multiple choice questions
Choose the correct answer from the given ones :
tests @
(1)The conjugate of (i i2) is

(a) 1-i (b) 1+i (c)-i-l (d)i-1

( 2 ) The arc of tength 2 Jtr cm. in a circle of mdius 12 cm. is opposite to centnl angle
ofmeasure . .. """'
(a) 2.l1 o) + (c)-= @)+
(3) In the opposite figure :

x = ...........
(a) 8 (b) 4
(c) 6 (d) 4.8
(4) In the opposite figure :

If AABC = l8 cm?
area of

, then area of A AXY = -""" -cm?

(a) 9 (b) 36
(c) 2 (d) 6
(5) In the opposite ligure : >\- ,-
CD= .. cm. ,,/t\
la) 2 {b)o D--c 6* B

(c) 4 (d) 8
D Mathematics

( 6 ) The sign of tunctiot f tf (y) = 6 - 2 x is non positive when

\a) x> 3 (b)x= 3 (c)x < 3 (d) x= 3

(Z )If sin O=#,Oisthe smallest positive angle

then O =... .......

(a) 30' (b) 150" (c)210' (d) 330.

(8) In the opposite figure :

BA is tangent,BC = 9 cm.,CD = 7 cm.

then AB = .... . ........ cm.
(a) 63 (b) 144

(c) 12 (o+
(9) IfJ( = - 1is one of the rcots of the equation i xz -kx-6=O
, theD the sum of two roots = ...............

(a.) 5 (b) 6 (c) 6 (d) 5

(10) Ifthe range ofthe tunctionf : J (O) = 2 a sin 0 is the intelvd [-6 ,6] rthena=
(a) 3 (b)-3 (c) 6 (d)t3
(11) ln the opposite Iigure :

, then m @D; = ........... .

(a) 30" (b) 40"

(c) 70' (d) 100.

(12) M is a circle, A is a point in its plane where MA = 6 cm.' Pr(A) = - l3
... -......
" (n= t)
, then area of circle = ?

(a) 154 (b) 44 (ct 144 (r) 7

(13) The solution set of the inequality : - x (x + 2) > 0 in R is ....... ....

(a) {o ,- 2} (b) [, 2 ,0] (c) l- 2 , o[ @l-2 ,2)

(14) If sin (0 + 13) = cos (0 + 17) where 0 is positive acute angle, then tan 0 = ..... ........

c)fi G)+ (.+ o\ --

{ l5) tf the ratio between areas of two similar rri-gtes bl 25 . and the peimeter of the
smaller triaogle 60 cm. then perimeter of tlle greater triargle equals . ......
(a) 60 (b) 80 (c) 100 (d) 120
Final examinations

(16) In the opposite figure :

If the lengths are approximated ro the nearest cm.

r then X+ y = .."""' e111.

(a) 5 (b) 7

(c) ll (d) t2

roots L2 and M2 is . ......... ...

(a) X2 + ll X+ 49 =O (b)x2-ix+49=o
(c\x2-4gx+11=o (di)x2+llx-49=O
(18) In the opposite figure :

Ofl tt P;C, AH =Z 3 cm. H

"m.,HC =
r DH = 6 cm. r then BC = ........ ... cm.

(a) 9 (b) 15 (c) 12 (d) l0

(19) ln the opposite figure I

AB =7 cm.'BH= 5 cm.'DH= 6cm.

, then length of CD = ....... .... .. cm.

(a) 6 (b) s

(c) 4 (d) 3

(20) The two roots of equation : X (x - 2) = 5 are ...........

(a) complex and not rcal. (b) real and equal.

(c) real and different. ((1) 2 and 0

(21)If sin0=-! r cos0=E rthenthe angle of measue 0lies in the ...- quadnnt.

(a) first (b) second (c) third (d) fowth

(22) In the oppositc ligurc :

BC = ...... ..... cm.

(a) 8 @41[,
o 211s (d) 6
) Mathematics

(23) If one of the roots of the equation : a x2 - 3 x + 2 = 0 is multiplicative inverse of the

other,thena=.- ..--
(a) + @+ (c) 2
(24) If the terminal side of angle 0 in standard position cuts unit circle at the eorrlt ( ,

,then0= ..... d+ ,;)

(a) 45' (b) 135" k\ 225" (d) 315'

(25) The simplest form of the imaginary number i45 is ........ ..

(a)i (b)-l (c)-i (d)l

(26) In the opposite figure :

AC is tangent to circle M at C

the. AB = ....... cm-
(a) 3 (b) 4

(c) 5 (d) 6

(27) The rhombus ABCD is similar to rhombus XYZL m (Z A) = 60o and scale of
srrulanly = +
,lhen n(L l) =--------- -----

(a) 30" (b) 120' (c) 60' (d) 150"

Essay questions
Answer the following questions :

tf If L and M are tlre two roots of the equati on : 4 x2 - 6 x + a = 0 and if L2 + M2 = 7 LM

, find the value of a

fl In the opposite figure :

M is a circle , AB is a diameter

, BC is tangert to circle M at B

and AC intersects the circle M at D

, such that CD = 16 cm. , AD = 9 cm-

Find length of the radius of the circle.

Final examinations

4I Giza Governorate ldath's lnspection

Multiple choice questions
Choose the correct answer from the given ones :
tests (4)
( 1 ) If X= 3 is a root of the equation : X2 - 5 x + 6 = 0 : then the otherroot is ..... .

l.^) 2 (b) 4 (c) 5 (d) 6

( 2 ) The simplest form of the imaginary number i2a =

(a) 0 (b) I (c)- I (d) i
(3) If the roots of the equation : x 2 + m x + 9 = 0 are equal real roots , then m = ......

(a) 6 (b) 6 (c)r6 (d) 3

the otherroot,then a = ............
(a) 1 (b) 5 (c) 3 (d) 4

(a) 0 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d)'7
(6) If L is a root of the equation : X2 + 3 X+ 2 = O t thenL2 + 3 L + 2 = ....... .....
(a) o (b) 3 (.c) 2 (d) s

( 7 ) The quadratic equation whose rcots are 4 alld 4is. ..

ta\ xz 16 =o (b)x2+16=0 (c)X2+2=O (d) Xz Z=O
( 8 ) The tunction f (rC) = x 2- 9 is negative at xe .....-........

(a) lR (b)l-3,3[ (c)l--,-:[ (d)]3,-[

( 9 ) The angle of measure 1000" lies in the .... quadrant.

{a) first (b) second (c) thnd (d) fouth

(10) If tan X= L wherc Xis a positive acute aflgle , then the measue of atrgle J(= ... '
(a)30 (b) 45 (c) 60 (d) 75

(11) If sin 0 > 0 , cos 0 < 0 , then e [es in the. ....... quadrant.
(a) lrst (b) second (c) third (d) fourth

(12) sin 30'+ cos 60'- col 45" =

(o) o (b) 1 (c) 2 (d) 3
> Mathematics
(13) If sin e = cos 2 e : 0"<0<90",then0=
(a) 45 (b) 30 (c) 60 (d) 7s
(1,1) The range of the funcrion f (0) = cos O is ...............
(a)[-1,t] (b){-1,1} c)l--,-[ @)a
(15) The two similar polygons are congment if the
scale factor K satisf,res ........ ....
(a)K>l (b)K=l (c)K< I (d)K=o.s
(16) If A ABC - A xyz, m (z A) = 50., m (z B) = 60., ther\ m (L z\ = ..............."
(a) 50 (b) 60 (c) 70 (d) 110
(17) If AABC - A DEF,AB = 3 cm., DE = 6 cm., EF = 8 cm. r then BC =.... .......... cm.
(a) 4 O)3 (c) 2 (d) 17
(18) If the atio between the perimeters of rwo similar polygons
is 3 : 4 r then the ratio
betweentheirareasis ........ ..

(a)3:4 (b)4:3 (c)9:16 (d)5:6

(f 9) If AABC
- A XYZ, 2 AB =3 XY, then area of AABC : area of A XyZ = ...... ..

(a)9:4 (lb) 4 :9 (c) 2 :3 (d) 3 :2

(20) If the ratio between tle corresponding sides
of two similar triangles is 2 : 5 if the area of
the frst t
algle is 16 cm3 , then the area ofthe second tdangle ....... . cm? =
(a) 40 (b) 80 (c) 100 (d) 120
(21) If the ratio between the areas of two similar
polygons is 16 : 25 , then the ratio betweetr
their two corresponding sides - . .
(.a)215 (b)4:5 (c) t6 :25 (d) 4:25
(22) A ABC in which D €AB-, EC AC-, Of, t t nC, Xt = Z cm. r DB = 4 cm.
and AE = 3 cm. r then EC = ......... .cm.
(a\ 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 6
(23) AABC in which D eeC , Ad bisects z BAC :AB = 4 cm. :AC = 8 cm.
and BD = 3 cm. r the CD = ... . ... cm.
(a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 6 (d) 8
(24) AABC in which D CBC ,16 bisecrs Z BAC rAB = 8 cm. rAC = 6 cm.
BD = 4 grn. an6 6p - 3 cm. , then AD = ............... cm.
(a) 6 O) 8 (c) to (d) t2

(^: f) I tpl.':,\ /( sul,e'r,,,,,r,'.;1r1ord oq-r,,r r-[.€J @

Final examinations

(25) The measure of the angle included betwe€n the interior and the exterior bisectors at aDy
veftex of angles of the triangle --""
(a) 30 (b) 45 (c) 60 (d) 90

(26) IfM is a circle of radius length 3 cm. is a point lies in its plane where MA= 4 cm'
, then Pr(A)
(a) 16 (b) 9 l.c)'7 (d) 2s

(27) If M is a cide, A is a point lies in its plane where Pr(A) = 0, thetr the point A
lies ....-- the circle M.
(a) outside (b) inside (c) on (d) on the centre

@ Essay questions
Answer the following questions :
ll Find intsthe sotution set of the inequality rx2-5x+6<o

@.mCD is a quadrilateral in which AB = 6 cm., BC = 9 cm. : CD = 6 cm' I AD = 4 cm'

, AE bisects Z A and intersects B5 at E , prove that : aE bise.ts Z BCD

Awseem Educational Directorate

Multiple choice questions

Choose the correct answer from the given ones t rII*"
( I ) The conjugate of the number (2 i is
- 1) " tests@

la) 2i+1 (b)-2i-1 (c)-2i+1 (d)2i 1

( 2 ) The angle whose measure is 735o in the standard position is equivalent to the angle

whose measure is '-- -o

(c) 245 (d) 385

(a) 15 (b) 753 -
( 3 ) The ratio between the lengths of two corespotrding sides of two similar polygons is 3 : 5

, then the ratio between their surface areas is """" "

(a) 3:5 (b) 5:3 (c) 9:25 (d) 25 :9
(4 ) In the opposite figure : A

AD=..... '

(a) l0 (b) 16

(c) 24 (d) 4
> Mathematics
( 5 ) The quadratic equation whose roots arc 4i , - 4i is .... ......

(a)x2=16i O)x2-16=0 (c)12+16=0 (d)r(2i+16=o

(6) In the opposite figure :

ta) J (b) 4

(c) 5 (d) 6
(7) In the opposite ligure :

cD = . ....... .... cm.

(a) 6

(c) 5
(b) 4.9

(d) 4.5
C D 2cm. B

( 8 ) 3 cos 30" tan 60'- 2 sec 45" csc 45" = ...............

(a) 2 o)+ (c) zero (d) 1

( 9 ) The tunction f (X) = 2X- 1 is positive when . .........

@x> + tDx<+ @x=+ (d) x> 2

(10) Iu the opposite figure I

(a) 40 (b) 7s
(c) 65 (d) 25
(11) IfL is a root of rhe eAnation i 3 X2 + 4 X-,1 =O
then the value of 3 L2 + 4L= ...

(a) zero (b) -7 (c) 14 (d) 7

(12) If the ratio between the lengths oftwo conesponding
sides in two similar polygons is 3 : 4
and the peimeter ofthe smaller is 15 cm. , then the perimete. of the bigger
is ... .....cm..
(a) 20

(13.) The measure

o)+ (.c) 2'7
of the angle between the interior and the exterior bisectors of an angle of
atriangle=.... ........."

(a) 45 O) m (c) 135 (d) 180

(14) The arc of length 2 ,[ in a circle ofradius length g cm. is opposite to a cental angle of
radian measue = ...-..........-

(a) 4fi (b) 2 xl (c) fi @+

Final examinations

(15) The solution set of theinequality:X2-5x+7<0inIRis '

@)a G)IR Gtl-a,'tl (d) rR

- [- 4 ,7]
(16) In the opposite figure :
X= .......----- cm.

(a) l0 (b) 2
#.s/ X'.--\
(c) 6 (d) 9 BD
(17) If the power of point A with respect to circle M is positive then poirt A lies ' the

(a) in the center of (b) on inside(c) (d) outside

(18) The two roots of the equatio[: 16xz-Bx+I=O?!:e '

(a) real different (b) complex non-real

(c) real equal (d) complex and conjugate

(19) If sin O < 0 and cos e > 0 the atrgle whose measue is 0 lies in the " . quadmnt'

(a) tust (b) second (c ) third (d) fourth

(20) In the opposite figure :

(a) 4.s O) 4
(c) 6 (d) 36

(21) In the opposite figure :

m (Z DEB) = "" ."''

(a) 100 (b) 90

(c) ll0 (d) 120

(22) In the opposite figure :

;thenEF=. BF
(a) 4 (b) 2 (c) 8 (d) 12

(23) If L atrd M are the two rcots of theequatioo Xz+X+1=0

+ LM = " . '
(a) zero (b) I (c)-1 kt) 2

(24) ffcos (270" - where 0 is the measure of the smallest positive angle
O) = ]
rthen 0 = ....... ..."

(a) 30 G) lso (c) 210 (d)330

> Mathematics

(25) In the opposite figure :

then 4q=.......

) o)+
c)+ (d)
---. sin 40"+ tan 35'
tzo, _- col5f
(^) zeto (b) 1 (c)-l (d) 2

(27) The function f (rO = a X2 + b X+ c has ore sign in IR when

(a1b2-4ac<0 (b)b2-4ac=0
(c)b2-4ac>0 (d)b2-4ac>0

Essay questions
Answer lhe following questions :

fl Find the S.S. in IR for tle inequality: X2 4x-12>O

@ In the opposite ligure :

ABCD is a quadrilateral in which Dibisecrs Z D

rAD=9cm.:DC= 13.5 cm.

Prove that : Ei / eC

El-Gomrok Educational Directorate

Mathematics Supervision

Multiple choice questions IEffiI.

Choose the correct answer from the given ones :
tests @
(1)(1 +i)8=...... ...

(a) 16 (b) 16 i (c) - 16 (d) -16i

( 2 ) The Iatio between two corresponding sides of two similar trialgles is 4 : 5 and sum of
their two areas is 410 cm2 , then the difference their areas = ....... cm?

(a) 90 (b) 80 (c) 50 (d) 20

Final examinations

(3) In the opposite ligure :

The points L rM rN ; O lying on the same

circle if xM = .... cm.

(a) 10 (b) 12 (c) 15 (d) 20

(4) If tan (90" + D = sh 390' cos (- 60") + cos 30' sin 120" r then tan X = '

(a) - I (b) 0.s (c) I @)+

(5) In the opposite figure :

length of MO- = .. ... cm.

(a) 3 (b) 4

(c) 5 (d) 6 OME

(6) If the product of two root of the equation L xz +m X+ c =0 equal zero
; then """" -""' = zero
(a) L (b) m (cl c (d)L+m
(7) In the opposite figure :

(a) 250 (b) 160

(c) 52 (d) 16

( 8 ) Measue of the central algle opposite to an arc its length 4 ,t cm. ilr a circle its
circumference 24 trtr cm. equals ...

(a) 30 lb) 60 (c) 120 (d) r 80

(9) In the opposite figure :

AD = .. cm.
(a) 15 (b) 9.6

(c) 12 (d) 4

(10) S.S.of X2+ I <0 inRis. ......

(a) lR (b)R-[-l,l] (c) [- 1 ,l] G)A
(11) In the opposite figure :

!>0 >)CY= """.""'

(a) 9 (b) 12

(c) 20 (d) 30 (y,-8) (4r.+l) (5r.-3)

> Mathematics

(12) If sec 2 0 = csc 4 0 r 0 is acute angle rthentan3 0=. ... ....

(a) 1
G)+ (c)-1 (d) zerc
(13) In the opposite figure :

AD = .. .....cm.

@12,[i (b) 15

(cl2{rs (d) 6
B4cm.C l2cn. D

(14)IftheproductofthetworootsoftheequLatjol- 2X2+7kX+4k=Oequalsthesumof
the two roots of the equation : X2 - (k + 4) X = 0 rthenk= ...........

(a) 1 lb) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4

(15) In the opposite figure :

If Pr(D) = 36 , then the cicumference

of fiecircle M equals.... ........ cm.

(a) ,[ (b) 5 ,r
(c) 10 fi (d) 36 r[
(16) The two roots of '7 X2+14X+c=O&aldiffercnrwhence ....

(a) R (b)h,-[ c) [7,-[ (a) l- - ,2[

(17) Ratio between two areas of two similar polygons 16 : 25 length ofside of smaller one
(a) 25 (b) 16 (c) 5 @*
(18) The maximum value of function / (X) = sin (* + X) wfren X
tat, o)+ @+ (d) zero

(19) In the opposite ligure :

A ADE ACB are of A ADE = 90 cm?

- A

r then area of BCED = ...-- .....cm?

(a) 20 (b) s0
(c) 160 (d) 250
(20) If e is an angle itr standard position and its termitral side cuts the unit circle

,E) then cos (90 - 0) + cot (2 fi - o) = ...............

(a)l '
(b)zerc c)+ C;;+
Final examinations

(21) In the opposite figure :

X .......
= cm.
(a)2 (b) 4

(c) 6 (d) 8
(22) ffL is one of the two roots of the equation'. x2 -3 X-28 =O
, then L2 - 3 L=... ....

(a) - 56 (b) 28 (c) 8

(23) In the opposite frgure :

EC = .. . ...... cm.

(.a) 2 (b) 3

(c) 9 (d) 10

(2il) The general solution of tan 3 e = cot 2 0 is

rof,+f , (b)++fin ofi+f . (d)++fin

(25)1(jx)=qx-Z X2 is non-negative when xC '

(a) {l ,3} (b)R-{1 ,3} G) h ,31 (d) R [1 ,3]

(26) In the opposite Iigure :

CD = .... .... cm.

(a) t2 (b) 13

(c) 14 (d) 1s
(27) The quadratic equation which one of its two roots e4uals i is " '

(^) xz -2 =o (b1X2+1=0 (c) 2 X2=O (rl) l-X2=0

l!!!@ qr.slon"
Answer the following questions :
tt f f ' 2 two roots of the equation : 4 x + 3 X - 2 = O, form equation its two roots L r M

@ In the opposite ligure :

Dd bisecrs z AcB
r AE= 12 cm.

Prove ttrat : OE // BC
> Mathematics

EI-Kalyoubia Governorate [rathematics Supervision


Choose the correct answer from the given ones :

tess @
( 1) Ifone ofthe two roots of: X2 - (k-5) X+ 10 =0 is additive inverse of
the other , then K = .- .........

(a) 5 {b) 2 (c) 2 (d)-s

( 2 ) The function / (r0 = 2 X- 6 is positive in the interval .............

(o)l -,3[ G)l--'2[ l2 , -[

(c) (d) l3 , -[
( 3 ) The quadmtic e4uation whose two roots are (2+i) ,(2-1)is.....-........ (where f =_ t;
(a)x2-2x+2=o (b)X2+2X+2=O
(c)x2-4x+5=o (d)X2+4X+5=O
(4 ) i + i2 + i3 + ia +... + iu3 =............... where i2 = - 1

(a) i (b) -i (c) I (d)-l

(5)If thercots of the equ,atton-. X2 -4 X+k =0 are real rthen....... ....

(a)k>4 (b)ks4 (c)k>4 (d)k<4

( 6 ) lt X - 2 - lO i = 5 - 3 y i + 2 i, then x+ y
(a)-3 (b) 3 (c) l0 (d) 11
( 7 ) The solution ser of the inequality : X2
- 6 x + 9 < O in lR is .....-........
(a:) @ (b) R (") I - ,:[ (d) l3 , -[
(8) If LandM are the two rcots ofthe equation xz 6x+ I = 0 : then numerical value of
G - l)fM+ l)(L-5)(M 7)=..
(a) 40 (b) I (c) - 32 (d) 40
( 9 ) The smallest positive measure of the angle 750"= ...........inradian.
(at5x[ 6 b\1+ lt fi . .. 13 Jr
(10) The minimum value of the function f (, = 2 sin 3 X is ....... ....

(a)-3 (:b) - 2 (c) 2 (d) 3

(11) The measure of the central atrgle which drawn in a circle its radius l0 cm.
and subtended arc of length 2 rt = ....... .......

(a) 30 (b) 36 (c) 45 (d) 60

(t: l) r Oilo! / (our.s)t, u,*,,rf,, o, rLrur r-,r.€rn @

Final examinations

{ 12) The directed angle in standard position which has teminal side inteNects the unit circle
atthepoint(a,b) where a>0 andb <0 ' then its lies in the quadrant'

(a) first (b) second (c) third (d) fourth

(r3) If 14 O = J[ , thon the numerical vdgs of !9++ 1 ta",

+ . ff|f+ =

(a)-3 (b) 0 (c) 1 (d) 3

(14) If tan25" = k,tn"oelfffi295'

205" + cot

(a) a- I tb, I *!k (c) 1-k2 (d) k2-k

(15) Two congruent polygons their scale factor is k
then '

(a) k< 1 (b) k> 1 (c)k=1 (d)0<k<1

(16) Tfvo simitar polygons , the ratio betwee[ two coresponding sides is 2 : 3 , ihen the rutio
between their areas = '

t^) 2.3 (b)3:2 (c)4:6 (d)4:9

(17) The interior and exterior bisectom of an angle of triangle include between them an angle
of measute. .....,....o
(a) 60 (b) 90 (c) 120 (d) 150
(18) ln the opposite ligure :

DE // BO and N is the midpoint of DC
rAD= 12 cm. rDB=6cm.;AE=4cm. yi€E
, then the length ofOC =.''''" cm.
(a)5 O)4 (c) 3 (d) 2

(19) In the opposite figure :

6cm.'ED = 8 cm.,thenAE =.X+ 2 cm.
'EB =
r then X= '

(.a) 4 (b) 3 (c) 2 (d) 1

(20) In the opposite figure :

EA is a tangent to t}le circle at A

6 cm. rEB=4cm.
'AE =
, then the circumference of the circle = - Jf,

(a) 5 (b) 6 (c) 10 (d) 15

> Mathematics

(21) In the opposite figure :

v =...............
f 1 o)+
(c) I G)Z
(22) In the opposite figure :

then m (Z AED) = ..............."
(a) 85 (b) 80
(c) 75 (d) 60
(23) In the opposite Iigure :

rAE = k cm. rDE=3cm. rBC=5cm.
ther the peimeter of AABC = ...............cm.
la) 12 (b) ls (c) 20 (.d)

(24) A circte has radius length 1O cm. r A is a poht in its plaoe where AM = lO crn.

, then Pnn(A) = ....... .......

(a) 0 (b) 25 (c) 75 (d) 100

(25) In the opposite Iigure :

m (Z ADC) = m (Z BAE)

, then the length of AB = -............'' cm.

(a) 9 (b) 12

(c) l5 (d) 16

(26) In the opposite ligure :

If the tength of CD = X cm.

: BC = 2 cm. and BD bise.ts ZB K\
tldrer X2 +2 X= ....-.----- Xd\
(a\ 2 (b) 4 (c) 6 (d) 8

Final examinations

(27) In the opposite ligure : i

uz=x+y /tp \
; then the length of BD = ..........." cm.

(a) t2 (b) 15 (c) 18 (d) 21

Essay questions
Answer the following questions :
tf It L ana Iu are me roots of the equation : x2 - 5 rf + k = 0 and 3 L + 2 M = 7

Find : the value ofk

g In the opposite figure I

and BC = 5 crn. , where E CCD
Find : the length ofCE AC . AE

El-Sadat Educational Directorate

Mathematics Supervision

Multiple choice questions
Choose the correct answer from the given ones :
( 1 ) The simplest form of the imaginary number i3e is ........ ...

(a)-1 (b) 1 (c)-i (d) i

(2) If the two rcots of the e4uation : x2 - k X + 25 = 0 are reat equal : then k =

(a) - 10 (b) 10 (c) s (d) I 10

(3 ) If L and M are the roots of the equation'. x2 - 3 X + 5 = O, then the value

of L2 + M2 = .--............

(a) -2 (b) 3 (c) 5 (d)-1

(4) If otre of the two roots of the equation : x2 (k+ 3) x+ 4=O is the additive inverse of
the other root then k
' = ..... .

(a)-4 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d)-3

> Mathematics

(5)IfLandMaretherootsof the equation: x2 -5 x+7 =O r then the value of the

exDression :
' -=---lL
(a) - 11 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 2

( 6 ) The sign of tunction f :f ()0 =-x+ 3 positive if xe. ....

(a) l- , 3l (b) l- - ,31 (c) l- ,3[ (d) l-- ,3[

( 7 ) The solution set of the inequality : J((X 1)>0inR .... .

(a) {o ,1} G)[0,1] (c)R 10,1[ (d)R [0,1]

( 8 ) The opposite figure rcpresents the curve of the function

(a) 14 (b) 14

(c) 8 (d)-8
( 9 ) The angle with measure - 120 in standard position lies in the . . quadrant.

(a) filst (b) second (c) third (d) fourri

(10) The measure of the central angle in a cAcle of radius length 15 cm. and opposite to an

arc of length 5 JI cm. e.qud .....

(a) 30' (b) 60. (c) 90" (d) 180'

(1r)rrec]o,f[ ,*,e= : , then csc e.in e- tan ecsc e =

(a) o (b) I k); (d)+

(12) If tan 0 = cot 2 0 r0" < 0 < 90''then sin 0 + cos 2 0 = ......

(a) 1 (b) I (c) 2 (d)

(13) The lange of the furction f :f (rC)=4sinzxwhercxt._ll,2r[]is..... ....
( l-2,21 @l-2,21 G) l- 4 ,4[ (d) [- 4 ,4]
(14) cos (270 - e) + sin (180 0) = ...............
(a) 2 sitr 0 (b) 2 cos 0 (c) o (d) 1

(15) In the opposite figu.e :

IfAD:AB=3:5 rthenX= ,r^\"
(a) 5 (b) 3 ,/
(c) 4 (d) 7 c (r+3) E (2r+, A

Final examinations

(16) In the opposite figure :

rm (Z C) = m (Z ADE)
, then DB =............... cm. .z--\
/. \ \
(a)4 (b) 5

(c) 6 (d) 7

(17) ln the opposite figure:

la) 4 (b) 8

(c) 6 (d) 4.8

(I 8) The .atio betweetr the lengths of two correspondirg sides of two similar polygon is 5 r 3

and the difference between their areas is 32 cm? , then the area of the smaller polygon
is.......... cm?
(a) 18 (b) 50 lc)32 (d) 16

(19) In the opposite ligure :

CD = ..-..-.. ... cm.

(a)4 (b) 5

(c) 6 (d) 3
(20) In the opposite figure :

AB is a tangent to the circle. If CD = 12 cm. ;AB = 8 cm.

then AC = ......... ..... cm-
(a) 8 (.b) 12

(c) 6 (d) 4
(21) In the opposite figure :

eD is a diameter
rAE = 6 cm.
, then the radius length of the circle M = ......... .....cm.
(a) 9 (b) 4.5 (c) 6 (d) 6.5

(22) In the opposite figure :

X+Y= '
(.,t) 23 (b) l8
(c) 41 (d) 51
> Mathematics

(23) In the opposite figure

eE bisects z ACD
cB = ........... cm.
(a) 8 \il4'^{,
t"tznfrs (d) 6

(24) In the opposite frgure

m (AC) = 100'

; then the value ofX =

(a) 30" (b) 40"

(c) 50' (d) 60"

(25) In the opposite ligure

CD = . ........cm.
(a) 2 (b) 4

(c) 6 (d) 8
(26) In the opposite figure

The area of A ABC = 45 cm?

, then fie area of A AYa = ............... cm?
(a) 225 (b) 90
(c) 5 (d) 1s
(27) IfA is a point m the plane of circle M of diameter = 12 cm. and AM = 10 cm
, then PM(A) = .... .....

(a) 8 (b) - 8 (c) 64 (d) - 64

f!@le"""y qr."tio.;l
Answer the following questions :

tf IfL ,lvt ur" tn" -ots of the equation : xz -z x +5 =o ' hnd lhe equation whose roots

A In the opposite figure :

BX bisects Z ABC
,xvleD ///\
Prove that : CY bisect Z ACD DCB

Final examinations

Central Mathematics Supervision

Choose the correct answer fron the given ones : ffi
( I ) The solution set of the equation : x2 + 9 = 0 in the set of complex numbers tests O
ts.., .......--.

(a){3i,-3i} b)a (c) {3 , 3} (d) {3 i}

(2) If the rcots of the eq\tation m x2 -12 x+ 9 = 0 are equal rthen m =...............
(a) 16 (b) 4 (c) 2 (d) 9
(3) In the opposite ligure :

;AB = \.17 >AE = 9 cm.
then X=.. ... ..-...cm
(a) 9 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 5
r 4 ) The simplesl form of ia2 is ......

-i (a) (b)-1 (c) i (d) 1

(5)ff2ard 3 are the roots of the eqdLation'.2 X2 +b X+ c= 0 rthenb-c=

(a) 10 (b) - 14 (c) - l0 (d.) 14
(6) If one of the roots of the equation : x2 - (k - 3) X + 5 = O is the additive inverse
of the other r then k = .. ......

(a) 5 (b) s (c) 3 (d)-3

(7) In the opposite ligure :

AD bise.ts Z BAC extemallv

: then BD = .- ........ cm.
(a) 10 (b) 9
(c) 15 (d) 4
( 8 ) The functionf :f (X) = X2 X+ 12 is positive in the interval ...............
(a)R-[-3,4] G) l- 3 ,4[ (c) R- {3} (d)l--,-[
(9) If the polygon ABCD is similar to the polygotr XYZ- and XY = 3 AB , ifrhe perimeter
of ABCD is 20 cm. , then the pelimeter of XYZ, = ....--.....- crt.
(a) 30 (b) 60 (c.t 90 (d) 120
> Mathemalics
(10) In the opposite figure :

AD- is a tangent of length 3,\/f cm.

rAB = 3 cm.
r then BC = ...... .... cm,

(a) 9 (b)'l
(c) 6 (.d) 2

(11) In the opposite Iigure :

cos (y -, = ..... .......

G'q, ,n,-1E
(c) + ,a, a-l
(12) The terminal side of an aagle 0 in standard position intemects
the unit circle

arpoinl ts (X.
i)whereX<0.rhen sin {90. +0}= ...

- 0.8 (b)-0.6 (c) 0.8 (d) 0.6
(13) The simplest form of the expression: tan (90. + O) +tan (90. O)is ...........
(a) 2 cot e (b) 2 tan 6 (c) zero (d) tan 0 + cor 0
(14) The measue of the central angle which opposite to a.n arc of length rtr cm.
in a circle whose radius length 4 cm. = ...............
(ar7 Q)+ 1c)2,t (d)+
(15) In the opposite figure :

Of ll gC- , tnen X = ..... ........

(a) 3 (b) 4
(c) 2 (d) 6
(16) If (2r0 =cos (4 r0 , where X is atr acute argle
sin , then tan (90" - 3 X) = ...... ..
-0.5 (b) 0.s (c) 1 (d) I
(17) In the opposite ligure :

cD = ...... .. cm.
G\3n[n (b) 6{13
A l8d. D 3d. B
@ a^frz (d) 12
(18) The function / : I (n = X2 - 5 X + 6 has two different signs in interval .. ........
(4[2,3) (b) [0 ,2] 1.1 1: ,s {J @)tt ,z +l
(! r : f ) I Qrl,91 / (otj!e)l..,.lA,.,\lD or.i sl."rb r-r.a, E
Final examinations

(19) The solution set of the inequality : X2 - 5 i( - 6 < 0 in lR is ..

(a) [-1,6] (b)l-I,6[ (c)R [-1,6] (d) R- l- 1 ,6[

(20) In the opposite figure :

AD = ............... cm.
(a) 27 (b) 18 "V\\
_\___\ D l3cn.
(c) 15 (d) 20

(21) The angte of measure

* fi tes in the quadrant.

(a) first (b) second (c)thild (d) fourth

(22) The range of the tunction f :f (, =5 sin (3 D" is "

[l ,3] (d) [3 , s]
(i) [,5 ,5] (b) [ 3 ,3] (c)

(23) IfM is a circle of radius length 3 cm. ,Ais a point on its platre where MA = 5 cm.
, then P, (A) = ..... . ......
(d) 16
- 25 (b) - 16 lc) 25

(24) In the opposite figure :

tettEF ttDC 'A'5=FC,BF=5 cm.

and ED = 4 cm. r then AE = ........ cm.

(n) 2 (b\ 2^{i
{c) s"'[i (d) 20

(25) In the opposite ligure :

eo tt sE rrcF , ec n or = {c}
EG = 3 cm. r CG = 6 cm. ,BG =24 cm.
and ED = 7 cm. then GF = . ............. cm.
( '7 .5 (b) 8.5 (c) 9 (d) 10
(26) In the opposite ligure :

AD=5cm. rBD=3cm. 4 cm. rHC=6cm.

'AH =
, the area of the triangle AHD = 16 cm?

r then the area of the figure DBCH = - cm?

(a) 64 (b) 48 (c) 36 (.d) 24

> Mathematics

(27) In the opposite figure :

4.5 cm.
'AE =
r then find the value of X..............
(a) 3.5 (b) 4 (c) 8.5 (d) 4.5

Answer the following questions :

f and
fr are the two roots of the equatio n i xz - 6X+9= O

r then find the equation whose roots are L and M

g In the opposite ligure :

AB =9 cm. rAD = 12 cm.

AE bisects lBADandBF:FC=3:4
Prove that : rrzco
Maths Supervision

@ Multiple choice questions

Choose the correct answer from the given ones :
tests @
( 1 ) The simplest form of the imaginary number i45 is ..... . .......
(a) i (b)- I (c)-i (d) 1

( 2 ) The discdminant of the quadratic equatiot 2 X2 + 5 X+ 4k = 0 equal to zerc

: then the value ofk = .. .....

(r\ t 14 r b) zero (c, r 25

( 3 ) In the qua&atic equation a X2
-bXr c= 0 , if the sum of the roots equal the product
of them ......
(a) -a (b) a (c)- c (d) c
( :l ) The quadmtic equation whose roots are 3 , - 5 is .........

(a) Xz +2X-
=0 15 (b\ X2 -2X+ l5=O
(c) xz -2x 15=O ((l)x2+2X+15=O

Final examinations

(5)Thesignof the tunctiotr f :f (r = 6- 2 xis non-positive at '

(a)X>3 (b)J(<3 (c)J(<3 (d)x>3

( 6 ) The solution set of the inequality : x2 + 49 < 0 in lR is .... .... .

6)a (b)R k\l 7 ,71 (d)R-[-?,?]

( 7 ) A11 function defined by the fotlowing rules are positive on lR except ....

(a)J(D=3 (b) f (x)=x+3

G)f(n=x2-3x+3 (d)f(X)=x2+x+l
(8) L , M are two roots of the equation )C2 -'1 X+ 3 =O, then the equation whose two roots
(L + M) , (LM) is ...............
(a) X2 - lO x+ 21=O (b)x2-2lx+lo=o
(c) x2 + lO x+21=O @) x2 -2r x- lo =o
(9) If 0 is the smallest positive measure of a directed angle , then its negative measure

(a)-0 (b) 0 180 (c) 0 - 360" (d) 360"

(10) The argle of measure 3

tfi res io tl" ......... ... quadmnt.

(a) tust (b) second (c) third (d) fouth

(a) first (b) second (c) tbid (d) fourth

(12) Ifsin (2 0) = cos (4 0) r where 0 is a positive acute angle r then tar (90" 3 0) =

(a) I (b)+ (c) I (d){l

co!I is
I l-lr The range ol rhe tunclion /: f {X) = where X €]R ..

,.t-+.+l (br[1.r] (c)[-5,5] (d)to,?l

(l,l) If the terminal side of a directed aflgle 0 in the standad position intersect the unit circle

at(- ^t;
!.y) wtrereye6.then 0=.. '
(a) 30 (b) 150 (c) 210 (d) 330

(15) If AABC - ADEF: BC = 3 EF

the scale factor of similarity
of two triangles = ........ .....
atzt o)+ (c) I (d) 3
> l\4athematics
(16) In the opposite ligure :

x= ...............cm.

(a) 12 (b) 24

(c) 36 (d) 48

c l5in. B
(17) If AABC - A DEF, a (A ABC) = 9 a (A DEF) and DE = 4 cm., then AB =...... ...... cm.
G) (b) 12 (c) 9 (d) 36

(18) In the opposite ligure :

x= ...............cln.

(a) J

(c) 6
(b) s

(d) 9
c-*.-re1 )

(19) In the opposite figure :

X+Y= "
(a) 9 (b) 18 /*o
(c) 22 (d) 31
(20) In the opposite figure :


r"t (+{T,s) G)(8,4{r) .tt[\t

C l2co. +".J
ct (+,{ z , ufi ) (d) (s , 8)

(21) TWo similar polygons r the ratio between their perimeters equal 4 : 9 , then the rutio

between the lengths of two corresponding sides is .... ...

(a) 4 :9 (b) 2 13 (c) 16 : 8l (d)9:4

(22) In the opposite ligure :

All the followirg statrnents must be true except .........

..AD _ AF,
.., ,r.' 4D _ DE El-------\o
BD EC .", BA - BC
,.AD AE ,tr. AB
!"/ AC CB

Final examinations

(23) In the opposite ligure :

CO ttFF tt XY , CE = 20 cm.
then CX = .....- . . cm.
(a) 48 (b) 64

(c) 44 (d) 2t

(24) ln the opposite frgure I

BD = ......... ... cm. ""v4--"t.-a---".-

(a) 4.5 (b) 5 C 3cn. D B

(c) 4.9 (d) 6

(25) In the opposite figure :

AB : AC = ..... ....
(a) 5:4 (b) 5 :9
(c) 9:5 (d) 9:4
(26) In the opposite figure :

X = .... . ....... cm.

(a) 7.5 (b) 10

(c) 30 (d) 40

(27) ff PM (A) = r where r is radius of the circle then the point A lies . ........ .
' '
(a) outside the circle. (b) inside the circle.

(c) on the circle. (d) on the c€rter of the circle.

@ Essay questions
Answer the following questions :

O Fin.l in IR the sotution set of the inequality rx2 3 x-4<o

f| In the opposite figure :

> Mathematics

1l Damietta Governorate Zr.' Damietta Eductional Directorate

@ Multiple choice questions

Choose the correct answer from the given ones :
( I ) The two similar polygons are congruent if the scale factor k satisfies
(a) k = 0.5 (b)k=1 (c) k> I (d)0<k<l
(2) In the opposite figure :

If DE // BC rED=9cm.
r then X= .....- . ..cm. (2x*a)cm.

(a) l0 (b) 30 (c) 3 (d) 24

(3 )1/_2 x{-8 =
(:a) 4 (b)-4 (c)4i (d)-4i
( 4 ) The mtio between two corresponding sides of two similar squares is 3 : 4 , if the area of
the greate square is 48 cm? , then the area of the smaller one ..--- . cm? =
(a) 16 (b) 12 (c) 20 (d) 2:7

(5) All the following are measures of angles lying in the second quadrant except
(a\ -24O (b) 100 (c) - 120 (d) 860
(6) ff the curve of the quadmtic equation J , f (X) = X2 2 (m - 2) X + m2 - 8 touches the
x-axis m
'then =........---....
(a) 2 (b) 3 (.c) 4 (d) 5
(7) In the opposite Iigure r

If circle M in which , AE = 3 cm.

, tien CM = , ........ cm.

@)li (b) 9

t.c12'{i (d){6
(8) In the opposite figure :

BA is a tangent rBC=9cm.
then AB =.........-.. . cm-
s (b) 12
la )
(c) lM (d) 63
Final examinations

(9)If M are theroots of theequation: a X2+bX+l2=O,thena=.... .....

(a) 9 (b) 6 (c) 5 (d) 3

(10) In the opposite ligure :

Ifm (Z ADE) = m (Z C)
;AD = 2 cm. rDB=4cm.
o then AE = ....... ..... cm.

(a) 5 (b) 4.5 (c) 3 (d) 4

(11) In the opposite ligure :

If AB // CD , then .l( = ......

(a) 6 (b) 4.5

(c) 3 (d) 2

(12) The circle of diameter length 12 cm. , the leogth of the arc subtended by a central angle of
measue 60o equals ............... cm.

(a) 5 rI (b) 4 Jl (c)3ft G)2n

(13) If one of the two roots of the equatiotr: G.-3) x2 -5 x+2k = 8 is the multiplicative
inverse of the other root r then the value of k

(a)-3 (b) 5 (c) 3 (d) 5

(14) ln the opposite ligure :

If the given lengths in cm.

rthenX+Y= """ 611.

(i) 5 (b) 7

(c) 11 (d) t2 3X+26

(15) The range of the function f: f (0)=3 cos20equal ........ .

t4l-2,21 (b) [-3,3] (c) l- 3 ,3[ @l-2,21

(16) If the terminal side of the angle whose measue e dmwn in the standard position inte$ect
ttre unit circle at (\:) , 4)
), , then cot 0 =

(o; o)+ (")+ (d) - 0.75

> Mathematics

(17) In the opposite frgure :

is the interior bisector

ofz BAC \

(a) 9 (b) 5 @t.[n rar{*

(18) The exterior bisector at the vertex of an isoscelos hiangle ............... to the base.

(a)parallel (b) perpendicular (c) bisects (d) equal

(19) The solution set of the inequaliry : (x
- 2) (X + 4) s O rnlR is .... ....... .

]R, [- 4 ,2]
(a) O) rR - l- 4 ,2[ in,l-4,21 @l-4,2)
(20) cos (90'- 0) x csc 0 = ............

(a) zero (b) I (c) 1 rdrij

(21) ffM is a circle of radius length 3 cm. ,A is a point lies in its platre where MA= 4 cm.
, then PM (A) ......
= .. .
b),{1 (b) 9 (c) 7 (d)-7
(22) In the opposite figure :

lf BA , BC are rwo aogenrs and m 16i) = 246.

.......... "
'thenm(ZB)= 2ao"
(a) 40 (b) 60
(c) 80 (d) 120

(23) (3 ri)2=6 i +. ...........

(a) 4 (b) 6 (c) 8 (d) 10

(24) The sign of the function f :f (r0 = 6 - 2 j( is non positive at...............
(^) X> 3 (b)x<3 (c) X< 3 (d) x> 3
(25) If sin 0 =7Lwhere 0 is measure ofthe smallest posirive angle rthen 0=. ........."
(a) 30 (b) 30 (c) 210 (d) lso
(26) In the opposite figure : D

(a) 6 (b) - 18
(c) 18 (d) 6
(27) If (1 +i4)(l-i7)=x+yi,thenx+y= . ........
(,a) 4 (b) 3 (c)2 (d) I
I : t) I |J, / Jr (!ljrp)! u,lrl'jlr eljj clrLJ g1 I
(t / ) r-,-a:f I
Final examinations

@ Essay questions
Answer the following questions :

fl In the opposite figure :

AD bisects z BAc and Ie // E-D

Prove that: ff;=S

@ ff L, U are the two roots of the equation : X2 - 5X+9=O

, find the equation whose roots L2 r M2

El-Tahrir Eductional Directorate

Multiple choice questions

the correct answer from the giYen ones :

( I ) The conjugate of2 i+5 =

is '

(^)2i-5 (b)-2i-5 k)-2i+5 (d)2i+5

Of[-z xt[-'zz =
(a)8 (b) 8i (c)-8 (d)8i
(3) ff the curve of the quadratic tunction J (rC) does not inte$ect the X-axis then the
discriminant of the equation, (rO is ...

(a) >o (b)<0 (c)=0 (d)>0

. -h
lJr-- (b)+ t");q (d)
(5) If 3 i is orc root of the equation x2 + b rC + c = 0 where b rc €lR ; then b + c =
(a) 9 (b)9+6i (c.t9-6i (d) 9

( 6 ) The quadratic equauon whose two roots are 2 atrd 5 is '

(a) X2 +'t X- l0 =O @) x2 -'7 x+ 1o=o

(c:) Xz +7 X+ lO =O @) x2 -1 x- 10 =O

0)fif (n=u 3)2,thenf (2)xl 6)e .......

(a) IR- (b) R* G){2'5} (d) {- l ,2}

( 8 ) The solution set of inequality 12 + a < 0 is ...........---. where a elR+

(a) lR (:qa (") lR* (d) R-

> Mathematics

(9) In the opposite ligure :

ME=. . ... cm.

(a) 2 (b) 6

(c) l0 (d) 12
(10) The arc which its lengttr 4 J[ cm. in a circle its radius length 12 cm. , opposite to central

angle of measure . . .....--

tx o) +,r @in rtr]n
(11) If 0 is the measure of angle lies in the third quadratic , then sin 0 x sec 0 ....... 0
(a) = (b) < (c) > (d) <
(12) ABC is right ancted triangle at B , st a = ] r then sin (B + C) = ..... . .......

) rbrJ
5 G)+ rdr-4
(13) The maximum value of the furction J : I (X) 2 sn 4 Xis ...............
la') 2 (b) 4 (c) 6 (d) 8
(14) If sec 0 = 2 ,ee1210",360'[ rthen0=...
(a) 60" (b) 120" (c) Z4O" (d) 300"
(15) If AABC - A XYZ :5 AB = 3 XY and the area ofAABC = 18 cm?
,then the areaof A XYZ=......... ...
(a) 10 (b) 30 (c) 25 (d) s0
(16) In the opposite ligure :

AB : AC = ....... ......

(a) 21 5 (b)7:5
C 2cm. B
(c) 2 .'t (d)3:5
(17) In the opposite Iigure :

BC= ...... cm.

(a) 6 (b) 8
(c) 10 (d) t2
(18) In the opposite ligure :

ACxAD=.... ........
I \?
(a) (b) 20
,/ )\
(c)2s (d) 32 B

Final examinations

(19 ) If the rutio between the areas of two squares 4 : 9 , then the rutio between theiJ
PnmeteN= -" '
(a) 16:36 (b) 2:3 (c) 16: 8l (d)4:9
(20) In the opposite ligurc :

(a) ll (b) 4
(c) 12 (d) 13

(21) If P, (A) = 7 r then A lies ........... .rhe circle.

(a)outside (b) inside (c)on (d) at the center of
(22) In the opposite ligure r

BC= ...........

(a) 5 (b) 2
(c) 8 (d) 10
(23) In the opposite figure :

XK=......... ...

(a) I (b) 20
(c) 6 (d) 36

(24) ln the opposite ligure :

m (z E) = ....... ..... '

(a) 50 (b) 75

(c) 100 (d) 150

(25) The triangle which has two angles v.ith measue 30' and 70" similar to the triangle which
has two aogles with measure 70' and .... .........."
{a) 80 rbl 100 (c) 60 (d) 40

(26) In the opposite figure : D

MC = ... cm.
(rl 15 (b) l1
(.)9 (d) 7.s

(27) The angle its measure is - 15" lies in the . ...... . ... quadrant.

1a) first (b) secofld (c) third (d) fouth

> Mathematics

!@l Essay questions

Answer the following questions :

tl tt t + 2 ana IU + Z is the two roots of the quadratic equation X2 - 1 Ix+3=0

folm the equation whose roots aie L and M

A ABC is right angled triangle at B : which AB = 12 cm. , AC = 20 cm.

If AD bisect (Z BAC) and intersect BC in D r find the length of CD

Education Administration

Choose the correct answer from the given ones :

( | ) The quadratic equation whose roots arc (l + i) and (1 - i) is ... ..

(a)X2+2X+2=0 (bJx2-2x+2=O
(c) Xz +2X-2=O (d) x2 -2 x-2=o
( 2 ) The simplest form of (1
- i)2 of the expression is . ....

(a) -2 (b)-2i lc) 2 (d)2i

( 3 ) The sign of the function : J (, =6 - 3 x has a positive sign if ...............
(a) x>2 (b) x>2 (.c) X<2 (d) x=2
( 4 ) The solution set of the equation : -).2 + 9 = 0 in IR is
(a) {t:} (b) {t 3 i} (o {e} @)a
(5)If i(=2isoneof the tworoots of the equarion X2 + 2 X r k = 0 rthenk= .... .......

(a)-8 (b) 0 (c) 2 (d) 8

(a)m>4 (b)m=4 (c)m<4 (d)m=1
(7 )lf (2 x- l) + 5 i =3 + (y + 4) i, then X+y =
(a) 3 (b) 2 (c) 1 (d) 0
( 8 ) If LandM are the two roots of the equ^tion: X2 +3 X-4=0 , then Lr M =.... .....-

(a)-4 (b)-3 (c) 3 (d) 4

( 9 ) The radian measure of a c€ntral angle which subteoded an arc of length 3 cm. of a circle
whose diameter lenglh equal 4 cm. is .. . .
c) (?)'"' o) (r)'"' (c) 6'ud rd)t+l
Final examinations

(10) IfXand y are two acute angles where tan i( = coty , then cos (X+ y) = '
(a)-1 (b) zero (c) 1 (d) undeflned

(f 1) ff f (rC) = 3 cos 5 X' X €lR r then the minimum value of the tunction f (X) =

(a)-5 (b)-3 (c) 3 (d) 5

(12) AII equilateral triangles are ...

(a) congment. (b) similar.

(c) equal in area. (d) equal in perimeter.

(13) If sinA=- LcosA=0,thenA=..... .."

(r)0 (b) 90 (c) 180 (d) 2'70

(14) If 25 cos 0 = 7 wh"* O €lT ,2 n[ , then tar 0 =. " '

at! b\+ @-+

(15) If the ratio between the perimelers of two similar tdangles is 4 : 9 ; then the ratio
between their two surface areas ...............
(a)4:9 (b)2:3 (c) 16:81 (d)9:4
(16) A rc-{tangle has dimensions 4 cm. : 2 cm. : then the perimeter of another rectangle
similar to it , if the scale factor of similarity equal3 r is ......."" cm.
(a) 4 tb) 18 (c) 24 (d) 36

(17) sin ( 180" + A) sec (270' + A) = ...............

{a) tan A ib) cotA (c) cot 45" (d) tan 135'

(rE) tf AABC - A XyZ aod AB = 3 Xy, rhe, I*'11+f=,:l

Area of (A
+ rur It (c) 3

(19) In the opposite figure :

X=..... .....cm.
(a)4.8 (b) 6
+3.6m.+- 6-4m.
(c) 8 (d) l0
(20) In the opposite figure :

AC // BD ,AM =..... ......cm.

(a) 1 (b) 2
(c) 4 (d) 8

121) If PM (A) = 0 r thenAlies . . the circle M

(a) on (b) inside (c) outside (d) on the centle of

> Mathematics

(22) If AD is a tangent to circle M , AB = BM

AD = 213 cm. , theo AB =
(a) 2 (b) 4
(c) 6 (d) 8
(23) In the opposite figure :

AE = 8 cm. tBE=2 cm,

rthenDE=..... ....

(a:) 2 (b) 4
(.) 6 (d) 8
(24) Any two rcgular polygons having the same Dumber of sides arc ......

(a) congruelt. (b) similar.

(c) equal in area. (d) equal in perimeter.
(25) In the opposite figure :

AD bisects the exterior angle at A

AE bisects tlle irterior angle atA
then m (Z EAD) = ........... ..."
(a) 30 (b) 45 (c) 60 (d) 90
(26) If A LMN .- A XvZafi,n(LL) =35' ,m(LZ)='15" som (Z M) =......... ...."
(a) 35 (b) 70 (c) 75 (d) 110
(27) If the power of a point A with respect to the circle M of radius tergrl 6 cm.
is equals 64 cm. r then AM =
(a) 6 (b) 8 (c) 10 (d) 100

!@l Essay questions

Answer the following questions :

tf Determine the sign of the tunction: J (iO =X2 +2X- 15, then rcpresent your answer on
the number line.

@ In the opposite ligure :

If bisects the exterior angle at A

AB = 8 cm. r CB = 4 cm. andAC = 6 crr.
Find the length of CD
Final examinations

Bani MazarAdmin;stration
lllath Department

Multiple choice questions

Choose the correct answer from the given ones :
( 1 ) ffX= 3 is one of the rcots of the equtio n x2 -'7 x+k=O r then the value of k =
(a) 3 (b) 4 (c) - 12 (d) 12
( 2 ) Solution set of the equation X2 + 25 = 0 in complex numbers is ..... .......

(n) {s} (b) {- s} (c)l )r'511 (.4

(3) In the opposite ligure :

X = .. ........ cm.
(a) 20 (b) 12
(c) 9 (d) 6
(4) In the opposite figure
X= ..... .cm. F',/.\-D
(a:) 7 (b) 6 ,d/ "* \
(c) 12 (d) 16
C (a+2)* B

( 5 ) The directed angle whose tenninal side intersects the unit circle ar (x y) where x >0
y < 0 lie io the quadraDt.
(a) first ( b ) second (c) third (d) fourth

( 6 ) Length of the arc of circle whose radius length 6 cm. and opposite centml angle of
measue 30' is equal to ......---...... cm.
(r)6fi (b) 4 Jt (c) 2 xt 1d) ,[
(7 )If (x + l) + (y - 2) i= 4+3 i'then r(+ y =
(a) 8 (b) 5 (c) 7 (d) 3
(8) ff the two rcots of the equation X2 - 8 .X + k = 0 are equal real trumbe$, then the
valueofk=... ......

(a) 8 (b) 16 (c)- 8 (d) - 16

(9) In the opposite ligure :

DE- // BC 4 cm.
'AE =
;EC =2 cm.
, the area of AADE = l2 cm?
, then area of the trapezium DBCE is ,.,......'".?
(.1) 6 (b) 15 (c) 18 (d) 2'7
> Mathematics

(10) In the opposite ligure :

AB -7 cm.,BE= 5 cm. rDE= 6cm. o/-1,'\ ,*.u

, the length

ofCD is ............... cm.
(b) 5
(c)4 (d) 3

(11)sin (90 - 0) sec 0

(a) I (b)zero (c) 1 (d4l
(12) In the opposite ligure I

IB- is u turg"nt ."g-ent of a circle at B

, C is midpoint of AD, AB = 1 l,
then the length of AD is ............... cm.
(a) 11 (b)7 fr)'lli @141,
the other . $en lhe value ofm = .........

(a) 3 (b)4 (c) 4 (d) l0

(14)If L ard M are two roors of the equation x2 -4x + 3 = O, then L2 r M2 =
(a)3 (b)4 (c)- 10 (d)10
(15)If 2 sin O-1/:=O, wrrere 0 elf ,rr[,tren 0=
(a) 135" (b)60" (c) 150' (d) 120.

(16)The sign of the function f :f (, = 8 - 2 -i( is positive if .........

(a)X> 4 (b)x > 4 (c)X < 4

4 (d)x
(17)If the ratio between arcas of two similat polygon is 9 : 16 , then the rutio between its
pedmeteris.... .... -
(a118:32 (b)3 :4 (c)81 : 256 (d)4 : 3
(18) In the opposite frgure :

AB-// DE, CD = 3 cm. rAC = 10 cm., BC = 6 cm.

r then the length of-E is ............... cm.
(a)5 (b)8 (c) 12 (d) 18

(19)If sin (2 0) = cos (4 0) where 0 is an acute positive angle , then tan (90
' - 3 O) =
(a)- I (b)zero (c)l @t[,
(\y: t) \ filr\ / (orjr-r'ru,,o,,rt,, or -,=o"r r-,,.ar, @
Final examinations

(20 ) Solution set of an inequality J(2 5 x < - 6 in lR is '

,,LrR-12,3[ (b)R.-[2,3] 1,rr]2,3[ (d) [2,3]

(2ll In the opposite figure :

CD llFE ll XY , CE = 8 cm.

rDF=6cm. rFY=12cm.
, then the length of XE is .... .... cm.

42 ih, 16 te t 24 (d) 21

If a function / :f (0) = 3 sin 2 0 is periodic and its pedod is

xl ,fi i t-.| 2:Jl (d) rl
(2f) In the opposite figure :

AX ll BY ll CZ ll DL , XL BC are two transversal


then XL = .. .... cm.
(tl 5 Lb) l0

ic) 15 (d) 30
(24) The two bisectors of the intedor and extrior angle at any vertex of a triatr8le make an
angle of measure ----- -

45' nr60" tL r 90" rLIr 120"

(25) ln the opposite figure :

In AABC : m (Z AYx) = m (Z ABC)

'Al{=4cm. 'AY = 5 cm, rYC=3cm. ,/ \9
, then the length of XB is .. ........ cm. B

i.i I l0 l,)6 ir'r5 td) 3

, :f'r A circle M whose radius length 5 cm. r if a point (A) in its plane r MA= 7 cm.
PM (A) = '
ih) 9 ic) 12 \d) 24
(27) In the opposite figure i

m (z A) = 3Oo , - (6r-) = +O' , then m (6C-) = """ "

(11 r 100 rhl 70
1. i40 (d)30
> lVathematics

Essay questions
Answer the following questions :

lllfl- and M are two rcots of the equation x2 -3 x+ 5 =O

then form the equation with the two roots
' f fr

A In the opposite figure i

In A ABC : Ad bisects (Z A)
,AB =9 cm. :AC = 15 cm.,BD =6 cm.
trind the length of :
(1)CD (2)AD-

Mathematics Supervision

Multiple choice questions

Choose the correct answer from the given ones :
( I )Ifone of two roots of the equations (k 2) X2 +3 X+6=Ols multiplicative inveNe of
other rthenk=........
lit)- z (b)2 (c)8 (d)6
( 2 ) Ttvo similar polygons the ratio between two corresponding sides is I : 3 r which of
following is not correct ?

(a) Ratio between their perimeter equal 1 : 9

(b) Ratio between their surface areas equal 1 : 9

(c) Ratio between their corresponding angles equal 1

ld) Similarity factor equal I :3

( 3 ) Function I where f (lO = 2 is positive in the interval .... .......

@[-2 '2) itrl -,z[ (cll2 , -[ tatl- - ,-[

( .l ) If the ratio bet\reen the surface areas of two similar triangle is I : 4 : then the ratio
between their perimeters equal ... ..........
(all:2 (b) 1 :4 (c)1:8 (d)1: 16

(s )If 2X-3Y+ (3Y+ 1) i=7+ l0 i r then XY = ...........

(a) 3 (b)0 k)u (d) 11

Final examinations

(6) In the opposite figure :

tx ttfr tt Cz ,e,+= 6 cm. , EX = 4 cm.

XY=3cm. r BC = 7.5 cm.
! then AB + ZY = . ......... cm.

(a) 4.5 (b) 9.5 (c) 5 (d) 9

(7 ) Generul solution of equation tan (3 0 + 10) = cq1 12 6 * rrr't

(a) 0=13't90'n (b)0=13"+72'n
(c)0=13"+36'n (d)0=13"-90'n
( 8 ) In the opposite ligure :

eS ttCI^ ttFjF ,AC = (X 3) cm.

rCE = (Y+ 2) cm.'BD = (X + 3) cm.

,thenX+Y= ...

(a) 3 (b) 8 (c) 5 (d) 1l

(9 ) If the two rcots of the equations : X2 -6 x + L= 0 arc two equal real numbers
, then L =.........--....

(a) 9 (b) 8 (d)-8

(10) In the opposite figure i

If the two triangles are similar NE

, then the similarity factor = .. L
tat i rb) j m
rd) i
(11) If cos 0 = -f,,,i"e=],*",e=
(a) 30" (b) 150' (c) 210" (d) 120"

(12) (2+D(2-D=...'.. ""'

(a) 4 (b) 3 (c) 5 (d)2i
(13) The degree measure for the cental angle in a circle r where its radius 6 cm. , opposite to
an arc its length of 3 ltr cm. , equals ....--

(a) 30" (b) 60' (c) 120' (d) 90'

> Mathemalics

(14) In the opposite figure :

AD bisecrs exrerior angle for A ABC ar venex A

:AC = 6 cm. 12 cm. rAB =9cm.
r then BC = ..... cm.
(a) 4 (b.) 8 (c) 6 (d) 3
(15) If
f [- 2, 4] p *1r"." 1, =2 - x, then sign of / (, is negative in the
interval ............
12 ,4) (b)12 ,4[ (.c)l-2,2) (.d)[-2,21
(16) Circle M' its mdius r' if PM (B) = { r, then point B, ties .............
(a) iNide circle. (b) outside circle.
(c) on circle. (d) on center circle.
(17) In the opposite figure :

(a) NKM (b) FNK
(c) MNK (d) FKN
(18) The opposite hgure reprcsents the curve

y=aX2+bXtc r which of
the folloqing is correct ?
(a)a>0,c>0 (b)a>0 oc<0
(c)a<0,c>0 (d)a<0,c<0
(19) In the opposite figure ;

If AE= cm. rDE = 13 cm. rAB =4 cm.


then BC = ...... ........ cm.

(a) 12 (b) 8
(c) 16 (d) 14
(20) In the opposite figure :

m (AC) = 165" , m (Z CEA) = 120"

, then m @D; =
....... .....
(a) 1oo. (b) 142'3d
(c) 60' (d) 7s"
(21) Angte with measure (- 850') lies in ... ........... quadranr.
(a) first (b) second (c) third (d) rourttr
Final examinations

(22) In the opposite ligure :

(a) 6 (b) s

(c) 4 (d) 3

(23) In the opposite figure :

,thenBD= '

(r) 4 (b) 5

ic) 6 (d)9
(24) If 15 tan A = - 8 : 90' < A < 180' r then the value of :

5sec(2fi-A)+4cot(2fi-A)= '

581 i xr 5El
(c)+ td r I-!

125) Range of function J where f (0) = 3 sin 2 e is .. '

(b) (cl (dl l- 3 ,3[

{x) [- 3 ,3[ [- 3 ,3] l- 3 ,31
(26) Tlvo similar rectangles the first has tength three times its wideth , if the second has
lergth of 12 cm. , then its width = ........ ... cm.
1.1' 36 ih)4 lc) 3 (d) 9

I 17 r If L and M are the two rcots of the equation xz + 2 X+ 5 = O , then the quadratic

equatiol whose rcots areL+ 2 rM+2is -

\r) 2X2+2X+5=O (b)2x2+2X-5=O

tt ) x2-2x+5=O (d) x2
-z x-5 =O

Essay questions
Answer the following questions :

O Find in IR the solution set of fouowitrg inequality: x2 + 2I- 8 > 0

@ In the opposite Iigure :

If AD- median of A ABC

DX bisect Z ADB
DY bisect Z ADC
Prove that : IY // EC
E EE o Eo -
}E A:i
-- E

r -1'r
E E; E"" -H

E EE 330 3 30
> iIE:;":
'ti'=rralZa, !.x
a "i*1"14:
;m ni i ni'-: nl:i
E inn: tnni
--i fi)
i * ir *
=:-- =:3
r! Eri: E

eo Ee a:O E EE : ao
-3 I

22 :d
9 l! il
:a llr I


E Ear: H liil
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ifit :a -: P

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: :r E: : 5 :. n :. s rri
xr e > <!
<t a>.r< >Err> u> !., Q Y N

et :rxty lstgr E" t9

i ir or
:i x
,iN^E !-
xtzgB !
themoti Bya group of supervisors

and TrigonometrY
of Unit One

t==[tgttiple ctroice queslim

:.=2 ,6=-5 , c= l0
. r- i.'[,5.r,.,,d - 5' {,0;
,, ss.= {3.3, 13}

(r).'3=l'b= 2 'c= a
2d@ z,[i ,,2L
@tE*vqoerrot a x= i;-=-; = --
o = 1r,i.
(1).',=Lb= 6 c=r
' "ss-={ 12,32}
t'rJt =a'zx-a
. \= 6,-b9-,-,a =c!'(, -r,2,[;
: ss ={5'3,o.r}
(2)',=Lb=3 ' c=s
- -r.r'@ -r.lEn

(3)'.'a=2,b=3 4
-r,,/6:iilg r. tili
:. s.s.- {09,,2.a}
(,r)...a=3 b=0 , c= 65
.,E-l^:;; +t5m-

.. ss.= {!.7 ,-4J}

s.s.={ 1:,3.2}rppniDrEIy
.'. r=l ,b=-3 ! c= 5 (.2)-.a= t,b='t,c=2
r*{,.* r. fit r*{i:ifu rrfi
.. s.s.= {a2, ss.={ 0.6,36}
,6,..-L* L=, urtrr.t=-t2+tx+z

>AlgebE, elal orc a.d lunclions

'.' The x oo inare of n're cwe vftx poinr ... rne lenex porn n ( 1,3)
- h-i-:.i 2 t1 3 I

r(*)=,0*)= 0i)'...,*.,=.i 5 I 1

Dm, ttu.rne d noD inc gr.ph

..n.,"ru"-i.,"ll.r-rl s.s. = {o-2, -,.,} aDpDximderv.

1}.: (@,niiply s by ?)
:.':+n 156=o i{n-12)(n+!3)=o
.'.n=12 d r=-13(etud)
:D ol ints.6 = l2 inrs.6.
(2).. =!o + o)

..;+;- r?r =0 rmurDprrusby 2)

s.s.={ 0.6,r 6} appmximdery
: Dr +D-342=o ...(n ts)(n+19)=o
(3). a=1 , b=0 , c=3 ...n=13 d n= 19 (rfu*o
=/-i ' ,/r .'. e. of i!Eg6 = 13

(3). rs=;0+i)
.:;+i- z,r =o rmdupr,rsbyz,

...n=22 d r= ?3 (Etu!.d)
... m. or h&c6 = 22 iftcm.
(a). a6s=+0*,)
!+S 465 =O im']lupDrcby 2)

---q_ ...n=30 d n= 3l (Etu.d)
.'. io. or inrs6 = 30 inrs6.

(4) ','a= z J b= 4 I c=l ansreE orE erEBe I 1

@tM;r'e'e ch;lce q*sti*l

..ss={0.r, r:} (1). (2)d 13)a (a)b (s)c
(6). (7)b ( 3 )b (9)c lr0),
Or)b oz)b O3)b Ga)a (rtc

=1 Grc (r3lc (19) c
122)b t 3td (L4j c . I ..tj4r= -r-4' =t_ a
<2D, C8)b (r)c ,

132) d (31) b (3.r) c

(37)c (33) a (39) a .". r+,+,;+!t - -!-, lr
'"'i;;;E -!+
-' . 15.r,/r, _6.s,6r.,,1
15 r{t, 1,].]F,
o __,_c6,

t2)4 ,4i+xl = ?l-m\ o

(r)...rx:+12=0 .-.tx|=-t2
(3) 9- 12i +4 i:+3 +2i = 3- l0i ,.,=.,{-
(a) kr + i)'l'= [r +, i+i]'=@r'=a l= a .. x='fl'
rs)k,.r'l'[(1 ,']' (2) ...4a:+ loo= 75
, r: ]l
(r +ri +i')'?-0 ri+i1:
=er'?-c2r:=41 4;=ao
(6) [o -o']J=(1 2\+if=\ 2n' -.-- rvirl a a' i;
17)0+( 2, (,+ 3 i*41) ".G,
= l (2+3 i 4)=2-1i .. -",[t.@ -6. '/

=ri L,

(r) . (2I 3)+(ry+l)i:7+roi
,',2x= l0
::1,=9 ..v:3
(2)'. (2x-y)+(, 2y)i=5+i
...|x-r=5lr) , x 2.!=t
Multply ( I ) 6y - .'. 4r+2 y =- l0
2 :

addins (2) ud 13) : .'. 3r= e

(3 ) .3 r +x i - 2 r +y i= s

... (31 2y)+(r+y)i-5

tAgebra, re alions and ilnctons

--3' 2y=5 (r) , x+r=o (2)

r+ 2 y = 0
Multiply (2) by
addiDs (l)
3nd (3) |
,., 2

i 5 x=5
(1lc (2)a (3)d (4)d (5)d
(61c (7). t8)d ( e)d o0)d
(4)'.' rr-y'7+(r+y)i=4i r,fu"6oN'o$heO.
(r)' LhiMrof rheequarion:rr+ l =0

:4 (r( y)=0 -x-!=2

i s, Lrr. = -lll,.h=]!!:{= 4 -, r
... LrLs+M'''=(_ D +( t)= 2

i ( r)(r +i)-= kr + r'l'"'"= (2r'"'"

6 x+ !i!r ^ !r= 6+'z' -4
' ' ',= ,r D"= kr ,1r'=( ,r"
." (r *ra=(r ,m
i' 4 i
rTrr H( _ornQ 5
t.r I t: t''=l c4 t"= I =l t"=,
i.,'r+ir =--L^ lji= lii= !i!
5c-ai) 1 .
_--is ', c..*,".f6.'..h..,*,,
,,. ?!
5 5'
..1 r,=r+,, a=1, '=:a (5)i'*a=r'r;=(r 2 D (r.2 i)

( 6) i+ 1: + ir +i]+...+irm
6.r= !axln is(5+i) rro+,-5-i Gum of each 4 con*orive rms = zcr)

., u"u_: ' zl-5 I (? )(l +, (r +i (l +l) (r + i)... (t + i'o)

.: r ! y m rwo.oijugde rumb€n. ,.o+l)={r-r)=--
o lrr i:!= a+ar+l
o + , (*-) o + i(1*i1...(r +io)=--
RHs = ( Br...i = f ... nn oor *.*"'y.=,

.."+b,=l+1, r=r.r={
oArd -e{5,hesm, oE b..rs Kmh
Dxpl}d s. evmsim 12 Ir L)r in . r,nic way .. m+ tr=2 (i +2 k) n.v.n.unbe!

{21)d (22)d (23)b i24)d (29b
=1a,b&o.8div. dl nuob.r
(2O i lm. (23), (2e) a (30)d
(3r) b 132)c (3)b (3)c (39d

,...c>0 :b.<0 , ba>o

. . i.-l =trt. -t. " - -"e.,.y -,"t-.
tn @ta;.yq,*n*l
...[.t-z --. ,b = l ,{t" -ru =: i o
(r)Dndnimnr=( 2)'?-4x I x5= 16<o
.'. The Fo mr re ortpler ,nd d tul bDfba.
(r0 . Thm is no dder io rh. sor ol non Esl a2)Dis6nin0l=( 10)'1 4r I !25=0
.'. The c@t mser is (d) (l)Dis{imimt=(5)' 4( l)( 30)=-95<o
o (.1) . x- ll -I' +6 x=o
... r* d,*,i-i"-, = ( 7f-a, r r1=5,0
= (xy-6)+(-x+3 y)i '. 11& re @6 m Hr sd difieEnt.
''.:lv=6 rst., f=+ nuhpryina by (r r)

.-.!t3y 7)=6 --31 1y=6 4 -,-,:5x+7=o

." (v r)Gv+2)=o
: The dis;niirt = ( ,' a 1 r = 17 > O
" '
: Trle eo m6 m u1 and diflftir
,tr -l* !=r
-,= +
x k ^ 11]- !+lilr =lllr=l+1, ,.2x2 -3x1 1 ...r:
=, :=o
., =4ir^t1=llllli=i!r= z + 1, ,,, Ttediginin t=(q,
.'. nr No @b m rd 0d difiemi
11 t-.- l, t)lr'1)/2lx-.)1, 4)
9-:,-+ +,=,+bt
l+1,=s+bi . '=-!, b=9
-(+)'=*.*=' .1 t]! dtqimiizir = ( 6f 4vtx11=-32<0
';-"'=,( +)

anr disnninmr
... ( 1)1 1"2"2- t<o
EE uNple cholce qu.Erlons =

(r)a l1\. (r)a (4)c (s).

(6). (7 ) b ( 3)b (e) d (r0) b

d (r7) b d d (20) d
r* \q, r Jr'
06) u3) 09)

t,{gebc, relalions and tunclions

TledisiDjret:(-2d'-4 x(D Dx m
: (-r'-a, r, (r-i)=o , : the eqdid h4 m f.l l@
.s++=, .+=, ,'.4n<O :m<o .-eI -,0t
o e
( I ) '.' ftc cerflcj.Db nrionzl numbeE

: (r.+ 3f 4xi xk'?-o ,rh.disiDin r=( ,: ax2x-2

= 25
(a Fdd sq@)
.t=-? .', Th. two @$ m EridEl.

..1,ft r)l a.r.,.2k+r=o ... n" v.m* z*-!moo",tr
.-.4f 3k+4 3r 4-o (2). Oe oa dE @rncidb nDt a dional
..rh"d,*d=('ri5) -a' -5
...4k(k 4)=0 ." t-0 d *=4
= 25 (a p.rrEr se@)
'.' Th. No ld @ .qud ,nd *b orrbd : Tll tu ots m El and mt d;oo,l nmb.r
2t+2+'ln 2r+7 _*+t
,,, Atk=0,dutheso,dmalu.] ind
_ ,_ l5rt/zs s rC .. s rG

(a) :Ih..qui@js:.x': er+Or+Pl+9)=o i,. nEy m ftd dd nor dional nmb6

'.' Th. eo ,@ G .qn l l3) .2,-+6+x1-x=s
:4P+14r+36 ?3r 36=0 :flEdisjninor=(D'? 4xrx 3=13
:4P,4k=O ..,4*(r-D=O
:Tt M ]c :gBl and od dioEl ounheE

cr*6r+ 16 ..,,-;_,=" .1- r.d"

r.fi rfi
iz. Ttiy E Hl rnd mt did.l.
, ii.r tl, Ho @ e.qud ol rh.r =3
rbeD rh. M l@ @.qu,r md ach ord,a =4
'.' The ccmcih6 4 ntimsr nudb.6

rne dnainio r=la M)r '1xLx M
=L'-2LM+M?+4LM , : rhe c&6cienr or'rc n idioi,r DMb6.
=L: rLM+Mr =(!+ Mt
+ (a pedec, squm) ... T1r l* e Ral but idio,
(2)... a, c) i. nd p$inv.

o : Eidid(or 4 i O is Esnive
of rh. eqErior @
and $ dE ,s
mpLx ad onjusar o.
.'. TIE ccmcien6 e dtionul
: Tb. Id G E:r ,'d cqud
.'. Thcdisimimr=k?-rx I : (k l)
=t *+a-q"-ef : 'Ir1e ns e @dplex bd oDjuse-
G ped€t squc)
: Tr,. M @b @ ntional
,dini-itur, ( af 4xr:-5=16>o
3)'i 4 x(a+2) x (a, r)
: 'llE tu m6 e ft:l and dirldul
=ar'+r2a+9 a(a:+! 2)
.'l;a'.'t;, t=o
=4a:+ 12 r+9 4,:,4,+B=Br+17 ,djsinin,r:5 -a.F, r =5 +al3>o

+ e
'.' 'fte rvo tu6 Eal .,. Ite eo @B @ rrl rrddi6a6t.
... '.[-*'-[ 'x'rt[x.4=o
."**-,,( ,rEI .. ,,.=,,"
o .'. T1E No lffi ft Mr rd diEeEnr

... x:-(r+b)a*!b 5=o

,., rr. disinimt (, + b)':- a x I x(ab-5) ,didiniM:7 4x3x5=-53<0
2.b+b: aab+20 , r 0E 6.fnciat m rnl trmba
(._b), + m : ft. $o nft G non Eal onjwar
is ! posiriv. qumtity for all rbe r:l valud or r , b
{4). Th. so M6 & €ojuse cmd.x

rr.dn-i-i*t=(,t a"t, r)"r .'. ( !i,) -4 , ,.0
=^' a^+a=<^ 2f ,,, -4.5-3
'..2,2 : (a - 2)'?> o lc every v.le ol a
: "etr,-I
@lTrshe,3kmil o
(2)c (3)d Th.djsinind=esf a'l'G' b' .1
Ottta (.r)d
-a (6'+ c1:o
rrr.***-q ,6f .oror ( fo. .Ys, E,l r€ruc of b , c)

rAlgebra , rclations and iunclions

o__L t-l g
. .I1Epl.drctolll t-o@E=a
. !-r!

,=3 -,=-^
...'Itrdisirnd=f -4 x I x l=-3 /<0
rtr.v.,y s e e' o
Anffi or Bercise 3
,. T},"
"...1'b..".."* = +
(1)d (3)d (4). ls)c
(6)b (7)c (3)b (9)d 00)d
O1) d (12) , (13) c Ga) a 05) a o
O6)b Gnd (r3)c Oe)b (20)c
0r) c (22) b (2.) c (24) c (25 a .'. I + the orh6@r = 2
(2Oc Qna (x)a {29), (30) b
Qr)d Gab @)c (3)b (3rc '.' The plodrc. ofrh. t*o @6
(3Ob (37) r (33)c (3e)c (,r0).
-.d. l-"
: r =.3
f{it.f E*"y q*t';;] emcidol!=,
o '!,,,TrrffiddEmd=
: (l + i) + th. o$4 tui= 2
( 1)'.'3i.':-zr.+{ =o
: fe.h of$. twoso6 =
.'. Th. prodEr ol $. Mo tuts

\z)... tx' +zsx+e=t x'1 rox+e

L.c]r. of
(3 ) Multiplyi4 bolh sides by
deoonimroB *hich i. 2 x {r) . ft.morlh. tud=:q*s:,9f9=-!

.'. It 3mofoEM,*-3 : Tt? ptunld of 6. M mb

= ri='
(,1)'.'(. l)rr+{l - a?) r+a- 1= o ..2r5=n -. b= 10
..Th€s.nofi,EMl* l:l ftfudhMn - etbuEti!]
-rr-a\ arr h r,r+r,

r2 r',' Tn Dr.drtorhMlm=il= -r
,., t 4=r :L=5
-.- -1+1=b ., b=4
,,, ] k=0
i. r+l= r
:TlEgoduofd.lMd6 (4) r Oeof rh. M @rs & rhc Duhiplidis

dtr.idiof:r z .,, 3=t ! it=l

1-r':=+ b=-3
(1) lteffiof'hMd=
cffic@'orl= r
. {;,- ( 1;,)=-.
.=" .. rt.
"-.t,r'" '".
* =!l= rr

..trr"f{:r)=t..t-: -2L2
(r). otr. orthe so mt is dE addjijk irv.e ot
r:+2! !_at P ,k+r I
.. e1+ rBr-r=*:-rr+ r
(2)'. onc or th. two I* t rhe n ndr{irc
...3k'?+20*-28=0 .-.2ll+5k-7=o
,,(2r+7)(r l)=o :*=-3J or r=l
: (r-2f=o
<3).-.1t2 5x+i:-2=o
oE oflh. eo ll* i! rh. nrnriptidiE
.L=+" o)
,rh.pl.dctorrb.ie@6=2'-a-4L: (2)
..,"-a=a(+.)' :.,^ 4= *t
-'- Ll2L+ 1) =2r
:(r r0)(2r 5)=o t,-n-"=r+
. Tn tum of or so mts = 1;=3
o trEMorrh.$om6===5
(r ) ..

-.,,"d*.f ,,,.*-"=*='
.,=? .'. br=5 ,, b-.{t
> Algebra , re ations and tunctions

.. L= (te oe8a!resrubo, r ttuei)
'.' ThesnmoloEMm6=L+L: =6 n.o* orm uo mos= s r =*
. r=f uy -t,tiuri* uy I- = f
: (L+:r)(L 2)=0 :.L- !tL=2
: 'I]E plldDd ordE so mb = L x L2 = c
:..=(-\)3 = 27
^tL=-3 ID
ArL=2 :- c =23 =a
( r )r2i6.MolI*b.L,2L

"Tt,*ofrb.Mm6-1=3L ' u,
,drcpEddoftn Mmb=9=2L'? (2)

r.,'r"*.-o *r-,1* r
-:=,(rJ' .+=',;;
.. rb. e'.dd or d'. N. = L(i* ,)=: : Ttrr js ln. d;Iying onditior.
.,-r ^*.'=L
I (2) rddrtuIdb.L,L+3
*."-.,**.-"=".+.,=; .. rte sm of rhe rro @B = 1=
,'=ic, ' 2 L + l
,$. p'ldnd of drM11* =1=L:+ 3L (2)
.:=+c r'-;c-,
=iC-.+., + ?
6:,rb,9 rb 9 d
.''Tn.p.dmlofdrNofus=Lj2L=c -i?-n-i nl r,

m ,,,Tt,lislI.sdffying@ndj6o'
rr ln. rro @b b.2 L ,3 L
.. Tllc M orln.,vo mts =:!= s r @
'.'TrE sMofd,etrtuof rtE 6d.qdid- r+ I
, lrf pmdu(of lI.MmG=l=6r rb. s.dEt of dE M m6 of rhe lond

.i=.(*)' ,."-*=+

t rrh.Mmbbe2L,3L @l H'sher stittts I
. T* p."d&t.r d'. r*. d =6 L'=
t flrrt" (2)b (3)a (.r)c

(r1)c GOc Orb O4)3 Orb
(lod (lrb (13)d 09)c (20)c
( I ) *fi ci.nBm Ell n@b6ud m. of
.. Tne
dEeo,dn2i,rL.oEdherdn 2i l2Db @)c <liJc Qatb Qrc
(26)d i2?d (a). (r)c
, prlducr of rbe so
= 2 x (- 2, @lfsssayq*u.*-l
ind rh. disiblmt <0
= -4t- t=4 o
( 1) '.' The sm of Lt€tuele=2
(2).. b,c@€.1nunb.n.
.. r orc of de roo$ is (3 +, 6e oud
mr (r i) bd rhsr h sltncid.'lhetr
b 6nd b dd c ... T1l..g'.ds r'? 2 r s=o
is :

(3 ) F,m rh. gEph,oE ld ofihe equarid m 5

(2) rhe sm ofrh. MoId: 14

.'. Th. sm of rh. rffi =:! =7 : TrE.gusnon ir: r',14x+ 49 =o

(f, )'.''Ih. sum orrh..eotu=-7

:. n .4uri-;. r: +; r= o
ro n.*-a,p-"-"=!l '

.. n""q*d-b, r.- f x* r =o
i2.6x2 )ra+6=o
rs, t.-..,rm*"-"=:!
aDsiminan. m*--",r, jr, ll =o
'.' = (2 a If 12(a 4)
i'.25,2 +an' }.]=o
=4a?-4r+ l - 12 a +43
=4a?- 16. + 49 (6). rr. --.rb. *" * = 315
= a @- 2)1 + 31>o , rr..q,,"'t
"t",x' 3{tr ro=o
(7)'. rh. sum ofdr Bo ltfu = la
.. Tni' €qdio ba tu difedIm EdtneM
haEditr* sigE iartE s!.id oa6. D& < 0 : Tt .quri6is : r':- 14x+29=o
(3) .. rr.sunof rhcvold=0
: a€f-,4t
Answerc ofExercise 4
(9): Th. sum of rh..M tu =2

(r)d (2)c (3)b (4)b

(6)a (?)d ,I}. .qDnid ir : r'?-
(3)d (9)b ... 2 r + l0 - 0

tAheb€, rclatons aid tunclions

(1o) 1' rt $m orrh. t*o ma =6 (3 ) Lr+ Ml = G + i.{) ftL * Mf - 3 LMI

= 4 (16 - 6) =,t0
.'. Th. rqurio is: r?-6x+ l?=o (4) Lna@tfelne.qu.lion:r: 4r+2=O

(l1) . n smor6.Mld=:+!]i ...L':-4L+2=o :.L1-4L+1=5

(5)'.' Mi3adf@rE.qdioD :x' 4a+2=O
.-.rt-aM+2=o i2#-sM+4=o
: Tti..{uim
is: t2+9=O
let D E b. rb. Mo ol lle EquiEd eqdion
' ' '@
.b.trpdud=--i;; "
2_i ...D+E=L-4+M-4=(L+M) 3

--l -- -3-3--5
rDE=(L 4)(M 4)=LM-4Or+L)+16
(B) '.' 'It suo.6. M tu =-5-4(3)+ 16= I

= ,-__;r:;;;_ : Ti. (4Dlad.qdion n : r':+ 5 x I=o

,tuir,l.dd=G+b)G b)=i br
:TlE.{rrioois:r' 2^\.+ } 6'1 =o
and ld D , E b. $e M tu ot 6. cquiEd .quid
lT+M=l , TLM=n ... D+E= l L+l M=2 (L+M)
( I) L,M+M? L=LM(L+M) . i.-,
,DE=(r L)O -M) = l -(L+M)+I-M
'', --r--i:r-3 =I -i+.'=-5
(3)(L 2) (M 2)=LM 2{L+M)+4
: nE F{!id.eDdon n: ).'z+
+ r-5 =o
=5 14+4= 5

1. ) (L++ ) (M - aJ = -, +!Mr

=5+'*!=7! o
o , Id D , E b€ he M ,d of ee EquirEl.quriod.
[--.M-,,fLM=,l , D-i,E=+
( r) L'tr"f=0,+Mf 2LM

r 2)... (L l"f)z=(']-+Mf 4LM ,DE=i,;=Nr= +

: r,*c{und.qd*is: x'+ ?,- + =o
: L-M=,{r,whftL>M

o D+E=f +M'1=(L+Mf 2LM
'.."=; ''"=+
,LrD,Eb.0EsoMbof dEEqniEd.qmrion

,D E= (Lr M1= 0LMf - c 5):- r5

: D + E = 2 L'1* 2 Mr = 2 Gr + M1 : Th. EquiRd eqdio h : x? - t9 ,a + 25 = 0

=2Io- + Mf 2LMj =, [+ - tl = + TD
..1+M f,r M= !
! rd rh. M Ifu of !\. Equi.d atuim b. : D , E
.: rn.l.qDiEn?4ution : a, ? x+ I =o .. D=!,E=.14
o -''
let rhe so mr or rb. equiiu b. : L M
' - \r/ r . -2E
d dre No @6 of rhc rquftd cqudiod b. : D , E

0) : rhc EqdEd equdo i' : x'+ f -r + I = o

, L n on. of nie rc of nE equ.rioo :

,fEoO):.'. (D l)']?@ l) 9=0
... D' 2D+r-7D+?-9-o , Lr D , E be the eo mb or dE EqDiat .qdlon

i. Dn r mr ortu eqdion:
a:-9r-r =OwhichisntEquiEd.quariotr.
G+Mr rI-M =l-1ll= l
(LM' (LM,
, D F = L^ L= L=1
No mts of rh. giva eluarion b€ : L ,M

...L=zD (D :. n.,.q,r,.d.q-6-t", a'

: D=+ L,E= +M * x+ * =o
, '.' L is on. of rh. m$ ot rh. .quarion :

nlm 1p D):, l, p +?=o

a. L+M=: rt,M=.1
, o): .: D)

.'. D brdof &ee{uio: 16ar 24r+7=0 ... D=u,E=!t
*hich ir rh. ,quin'd eqMjm.

odr No
I.r @ts of rhe givd e4udid be : L ,M
5 r25 ,t
-- :-z l!

re ations and tunclions
,DE=!^{=r_M=" ,DE-{3L-2M)(2L 3M)
: DFqriEd.qldieis : r: ;ir+ 3 =o
=6L'-9LM 4t,M+6M'?
L+M=+ =-t
,. =6(L+M),25LM

,LM=+,'"'h.w".d",,b.,.c.,..d :n G{ut {.qu.nu is : r'? slEa+?e=o

... D=r r-+-L.E=,M+a

o..L+2+M+2=11 ..L+M=7
... D+E='r+++'M+1
=rr1+M'+!a! :.LM+2y1+4=l ... LM= 15
t ft. EquiEd equarion js: r':- 7I 15=o
=rl:jt*J= rl.,,=4

,D E= (' r.+) ('M.1J =4 LM.4.u1

o '.' L+ LM+ r e uE M'sof d.Biwo eqdim

... L+3 +M + 3=s l:.t+M--il
'o=+ ,'.'(L+l)(M+3)- u : LM+3(L+rO=2
.: rx.E{uildequa,,oi,s :,.'- +x + =0 :LM+1(-r)=2 l--M=51
edLrrh{tutuorln Eqnicd qdiM b€: D , E

,ler rh. No Mb of h. Equi':d .qui.o be : D ,E =LM (L+ M):5 ( l)= 5
,D E=L:M x M':L = (r- Nr)r = 5r - r25
,', D+E=L,M +M]L=LM(I-+M) .'. Th. rsiuiid e{uioo is : I':+ 5 x + I25 = o

=cM)i-(-5r= rr5
.'. TlEr{uiEdqDrdoi i3:.x:+ t5a 125=O
@ ,,in ,

[-aLM =T]
! rd rb. No @6 of rh. cquitd atdion b€ : D !E
Frm O) , (2): .'. L+M=3
Ia dE M @r! of thc Equftd cqMn6 h. : D ) E
: D+E=sL 5M=5(L M) '
,... (L M)'=(L+M): 4LM=e+4= 13

: L- M={E(whmL>r.{)
.'. D+E=5 G- r\O = 515] ... TrE Eqnitd.qDrdon is: x, 16=o

(r I b
0 @

,,, D=L] +M,E-M:+L

.. D+E=L'+M?+M+L ; IlE .*o ]M of dr EqniEd .ludiotr m : - 2 3
-G+M)']-2LM+(M+L) : DF.qEnonh: (x+2) (x 3)=0

=(LMf+Lr+Mr+LM Yousfs Dssd n $. cotrr.l b.6e he ned lh.
=r5 5+(L+M)kL+l,f):3LMl eo os ort. 6d.4mim b tud rh. m6 of
=20+: [2':-3 x 5l=s3 nE@ndeqdid '
rhd h. fdnd rh. unh(]m
.. The requiEd.gudion k : ,: 16x+53=0
a @@'**--
ld &e rwo ots of rhe sivs eq@io b. : L , M (1)d (2)b (3)b (4)b
(6)d (7)d (3).
,'' L-M= t (e)a

., M-+ ( I ) r.t tu mG of ln. .quatioD (dE @691.

dinensio, b. L md M
O),(,: .. , L= + lr{=15 , 2(L+M)=26
, by addins
"=i ...

."=+-?= +
1 quddic.4urion k tr lrx+
... TrE : r5=0
, sbsriuriig in A) .. *=+ l2). i:+3!+l=O , b:+3b+I=O
: ! ud b m rhr rob ot rh. .qudion l
j L-M =+1rk? sX
, let rhe MoIffi ot th. s@nd eqdion h. : D E

.'. xtr (a+b)x+,b k=o
.. k7-3t=4kr
L+ M =!+b ' LM=ab I
.'.kGk+s)=o "="--=+ .'.

a... L ! M m rh. isa m6 or the siven eqDarion.
Th. q!r&,rlc .quarid
a' G+M)x*LM*k=o
vh6. m$ m a ,b

... (x L) (r M)+k:O
r,l ..rr-*v *lf+ o-r,a o:=-,o
.. (L.Ml=,LM
(iI=""+ sndLM 3=0dd30LM=l

) Alqeb6 , elalionsand tunctons

.'. To rod quldEric .quarion yho* I!ffi ,E (9 ) ... L , Lr m lh. eo e6 ot !h. .quarion
: L+Ir- l,LtL)=l
TIe sum ofrh. ryo mls 4 L + 4 M
... Lr= I dlerE,F@@lsof lherquiEd
=4(L+M)=4( a)=-16
adftenpNducr4L!4M = 16LM= t6 (3) .,. E+F=L i+Lf =L@(L+Ll
_ =43
= G16?1G + L,)
.'. I1r. sufhcimr condiiion b fm lne equen.n
=rx( l)= r
,E: F= L''r x Lz = (r)'!s: r
(s ) o,m md. . min*e in rh. sbelu& rm od : rcqniEd.qDlrion na:+i+ 1=o

, . Khared mad. a nilat. in rhe cerfr.iei! of

aaldihelMoldE.qmrion vft 2,3
. - Tt. pnnud of dr No @b k 6
@i!!!t!r'.."",". "!*l
(1). (2)r (3)b (4)d (s)a
(6)d t7 )^ (3)d (9) b o0) b
3ndir@6e6,1 {rr)c O2)b O3)d O4)c Os)c
(6 ) Lr lne l@ ot rE e{nitiob b.L,L+ 2 (16l d o, b (r3) a 1|9) b (2o) d
." rte sm or &. No mr ( b)=(2L*2) l2t)b t22)c (?.1rid: d sEondrc
,$enpmdd.=L]+2L (2!l) Fi6.: d s@nd: c Ttird: i
:.b1 ae=QL+r'1al[)+2L) (x)b lN)^ (2\b t.a)d Ogtc
=4C +aL+4-4L1 sL=A (ro). (3Db (32) b
qu8trois i
rltr=, @-$ay
(7).. rle pnn&! of rhe mts =. md i6 priD.
(r) rJ(r=(a 2)lx+3)
.'. '&. 106 or rhe .4mion :
,: Tn.ir slm=b (*hcE bisapritr) l(r=0 ft r=2,r= r
.'. b , c ,E &o cmsuriv. prines

: b-c= I (odd nunha) ./nFsi,iv.dxe i r ,21

,b: c =s- 2-7(pdmnunbn) .r(x)=0 a' ae { 3,2}
,b+c=3+2:5 (pnfrc nMbel) .rirnaafi€ dx€ l-3 ,2[
t2)'.'ttn-<2, r)' ... *henr(r=o
L,M m n4of rh..quriion ,.\rx 3l=o , x=*

,', L'+ 2 LM + M'= lan:6

,... Ltr+M, = I : l+2(- l) = rd,€
..rr"F"t,t".vr6e {+}
,.0<0<90. ._60=l (3).--Ilt=zx'+5x -l
f,bs ri, =o

=1:(2x+7)(.x r)=o .r=-i - ,=,
. x=i d x= i

. Ttc sign offn d. s@ 6 a(wnm a - 2 >0)

R-[-:, 4
rhusrisFsiiwdre ., h.s sis, s ee 3s ofr (sbeE a = - 4 <o)
lbusri.r.sdEdree [ ;,?]
'r(r=o dxe { +,r}
.J(r)=o ar r€ {-+,;}
.n.s,e,orrr"*cs!rcd1€ l1 '
<4) . 1<n=x2 3\+16
wb6l(r=o : x: 31+ 16=O t3r-.-J\g=212 :J(r=oda=0
.'. (r.- 4)'? =0 ... a (c6cienr of x':)=2>o

. rlE sisn orJ n &e ffi a a (vhcc a = I >0) .. r i! posidrc v le R {0}

.. r is posi,ive d xE e- {4}
(5)-- J\\=2\'1 tr+5 L ,L ,}
,-, Tlrdisnoimr=br-4r=( 3f 4r2x5
=9 .lo= ll <0
." fteE\ no E,l zlB ro lh. ntrtioo.
'. Tle equation hd no G.l @6.
... a (cfrncient of II =2>o

.'.lispcitiveVi€ B
t6\-.-lt = x1+4x 1
.'.'nrednaininDr= 12<0
. . fteE s no @l ,.fts b $e frindiotr.

'. aGcmcidof ri= I <o Fmn in. qnDh : J is Fsnivs V I EE

Elro= r'*3, 15

. . , is nesariv. v Ie ts

.'. , (ri =o ar 4x:-e=0

>AlqebE, elalon6 and tunclions


.J(,=0 d r(€ {3 ,5}

tJisftc,6w,x€ ts [r !s]
r,nposirircdre 13 ,5t
... re ss. of rbe eqmdon J (!
= o ir {3 , 5}

OtLn-,'" .J(ri=o { ).€{ r.r,3r}

.fisrs v,dr€ t,3, r:tUl3r,5l
Nobe Er : 3' , 2 e appoxinrrd vatu.s fo.
fte ms or rh. .qDarion
' elaln h dE turcrid.

! , n ro.irive *heo r r>0

: J is poliiw in n're il@al I l , 3[
r J n ftcdiv. *h.n 3 - r <0

: , is rega,iE in dE inrd,r 13 , 6l

.'IXe IG of0E.luarion xr 5r.-6=o

." (x+ r)(x 6) =o

.lnrcE Edx€ I r'3t .rbpo.i,iv.vh.ixE [ ,,8] t r,6l

.r(r=o d x€{ 3,3} .f (r=o
.rnpodidre{x€ F,4t "r,a).€{ L6}
.risres EwboaeI r,6[

(r ) tnc cEph ,,e ge. :
!J(ie =0 d xE{ r,5} w.gddl.Mmo''tE€quto:x,-5I+6=o
!JhieedredleR I r,5] : (x-2)(r 3)=0 :-x=1 x-t
.l is psniv. d r€ I r ,5[
(2 ) roD the smph , sc ed:
!J(r)=0 d r€ {r ,3}
.risP.siriwdaer u,3l .r(i1=o when x€{r,r}
.,nEsadE i€ lr ,3t rJ k p6itw whenI€ ts- [2,,
.J is relanE whm a e l,,31
w. ser $. No mb ol $e .quanm ;
.l h pGiriredr>r ..I is n*arive 4x<3 : (?x I (a+ a=0
(), = Ir rr 6={x 6)(r+1) -,=i - ,- .
.s(r)=0 n ,e{ r,6}
.gi.rc.nnrdreE t r.6l
. s bresanwdxel r ,6t
Irrc r& rd.tiois m pditik roserher d a>6
.shposi,ryeBhenx€N [-,,
/, (i1=i 3 ! ,r (x)=0 ar I=3 .sr" *s"tr,. *h- xE l-,
.'. Th.$otunctiormb.&po iv. *h-r:
r€t--, ,t u ,-[ l;
rl,,,x€rR [-,,:]
. Ite Bo fuElid! e bdn n c,iiv. *hen l
x€ l, ,31
we rnd the rqo ol rh. equdion :
: Th. Mo @b offie eqmrioo ft 5 , I .'. n.di$dminmr=( k)': .1x2x(k 3)

.'.Invatiselne sisnorl: lG) =k? 3r+24

" rh. di$riminmr ( 3):
.i(r=o d x€{ r.5}

.Jrisrs,rE da€ ts t r,5l ib so mb c no! Eal numbefi

.11;Fiic{x€ I ,5t
,j !r,ercsdrcbgc&rdael -, rl .'. rtc iisn or I t Fsitiv. .o rl v,rEs or * ER

>Ageb6, €lElions and functois

: Tb. disiDimr or rh. .quarioD l .' n'e cude ps*s doush rb. poiot (- t , 2)

2x'?-kx+k 3 = O (r6itiw ld all v0ru6 t ER) :2 =- t(- I +3) ra= I

. The so e rd ud difreMl for .ll 1€ B ..J6)=-a\it+r)= x1 3x
@a.-*-dhr-h-*i .l k posi.ive*henI€ R [l ,t]
.l(r=0 rh.ix€{r,5}
., is rcsdiL sbs aeIL 5[
r l(r=a(x- I)(r 5)
'.' Tn. cun. pss rb6ug}l rh. p.int (l , 4)
-- a=i(r l)(r 5) .'- .{=ax2x 2
: r(r= (r- l)(i.-5)=x1 6x+5

answers or Ererc'se I 6

i u.tt'p'".F'." q,..i'
(r)b (2)c (3)d (a)c
l6)d (7)c (3lb (9)d
(ll)c (12) a (1O b (r4lb
(16) c On t G3r d (rq c
(21) c (22) c (23) c (2,1) c
rhe ,*o tur'iotr , Td s G bodr posirire in $.
@lHrsn{3ktlls I
r, n p.sirive *hm r € m- t-I.rl
tJ(11=0 whcnx€{ r"}
t f6Esarre *h x€l 3 ,rl

'. /(x) = a(x 2)(x+r) : rnposnive wbsae n i 4,rl

... 'Ih. cN. p6cs droush &. poinr (0 - 6) :.ss =E t-4,4
t2)Jtr=x1 5x
... r(, = (x-2) (r( + r)=r1+r 6 : (x+l)(1-6)=0 i.x=-l or )r=6

.Jn resad@ whenrE I [ :],01

./(r=o qhmr€{ r,o}
.lip6irw,heox€l r,ol
: rnmsarw*h.nrel r ,6[
: s.s.=l ,6t
-: rnEs,nE*hiE r-{3}
.'. S-s.=e-{3}
(s)r(r=a'?-sr+16 I*r'-3x+16=0
1$-af =o :.x=4
.. risposinwsh{1e I 4,rI
whdr.E { 4,1}
: ss.=I-4,,1
t4)Jt =a2 | ktr': r =o ..,isposidrc*trx€ B- {1}
: (r+ l) (r- r)=0
(e)!tt= a1 tox-25 rd-11-rox-25=o
i. x':+ lox+25 =o i(a+r?-o

..1is nesariE vhm le I r,rl

..ss.=l e- {-5}
t5)t t,,=4 11 ld4-r.'1=0

: rnresarire*heor€ ts- [-2,2]

:ss =e-[-2,4 .'. r k rcFdE shm r.e a [o ,2]
tG)!tt= x'1 4\+4 lerx: 4x+4=o : ss.=E- [0,2]
.. (r ,f=o :.x-2

*h rets {r}
.. 1is eosinE

'r(!=0vhen.x=2 .'. sl =R
(7)t<r=6, ,1 e hr6a x'1-e=o
... r?-6a+9=o ." (r rt=0 ...rismsaiiEvheirEI4
,, s,S,= ] 1, 't

tAlgebE, e aiions and tunctions

... J lxr-sx' +,,x-41

l,,5x2+12x-4=o ..,isrcsdv.yh.ixel-3, ll
Il5x+Dttr-D-o ,f(r)=0wbhr€ { 3,1}
'.x=f - x=z
.'. S5.= [ ],4

:- J lt=,2 +a
.'. 'nr disdriD r=b'? 4&
:, eh.i a€ L- =0-4x I x4= 16<0
G poddrc [+,r] ,', Tte cqudion h8 no E ltu6.
,r <x,=oall}ax€ I+,2j
"* =, 1+,,t
\a)-.-3r's]nr+a :3r!- lr r-430
:-!<xt=3x1 i, a

: 1h. .qnarion h6 m rul mb.

. r; *ea:* *r", x e lj,.r[

'r(r=o*he"r€ { + 'a}

(4): x::6x-9 -'-xz-6t+9>o

:.1lr=a1 6a+9 laxl -6 x+9 =o
: (x 3):=o

: rispcitivewbenr.Em [- r,,
,J(rl =0uhenj(e { L5}
: s.s.=R-l- r ,51
: , is F6iriv. uhd ,€ ts-{3} ,', ss. = ts le) : (r 2)'1. s
(s):32r:1r ..x'*zx-tso
:.!1,)=a2 +7a ! li)t'1+2x-r=o .fln=x1 ax+e I.rx': 4r+9-o
:(x+r(a l)=0 :1--3 d x=l .. nt drsiminmr =br 4ac
=( 4, a"i"r= m<o


(ro...r(x+ 2) r<o
- ! (t= ri]+2 x- 3 le..r'1+2:(-3=o
: (x+ r) (1 o=0 :r--3 0I=l
: r is posniv. $h xeR 0,,

,rix)=o *hs a€ {-3 ,l} o
ss..t r,1l

OD. (.x+ 3): < lo r(x+r) .'. (2I 3)(.t+5)=o ,r-i*r= t

.. r(r=i1+ e x+ s Ldx'?+sr+3=o

: r r" p",i,t* r ER - [- 5 ,
ls' ,t ,r"*s.,'.*h""rel s,jI
."st.-l 3, rl

: Th. .qunion ha no ril mb

... rirp6i,i*qrE x€n1 t, 1G, ,.rAl

'.11e=0,:e { t {;,,-1Io} @t<n--x'tzx*t
..ss.=E I rG, r*G[

r Aseb@, re ations and tunclions

. . r. -t.ri". "r - [J , r]
.'. The sm of inbses belonE ro rhe sdlurion $r

'Ihe fumtion Ehred b L\e ineqMli9 is
(l)Tless ordEtgusrigJ@=0is{ L3}
(2)nrss.ortubequarityr(rronR I r,d J:f(9=ax1+2x'5
( 3 ) Thc s.s. ofrte inequdit (! > o is I I
'3[ : (lri+5)(I- r) -zo
oN.,,?".""-..l, rh.."*.r.

(1)d (2)d (3)d
(6). (7). (3)b
Gr)c G2) c (13) c
(,r ) '. L,M mtn lsorn*.qDrnon

r,i, (, =
).'+ h r+.

,,, Tte glunon kt of dE [e!ud,iy = ]L , Mt

(5 ) .' The discininant n nesative , a < 0
.'. Tlre tuodion Elared b n\e inequali9 li.s
bdow r. uis (iesrdv.)
.'. 11'e soluri.n *t of rhc in 4n,hy =e
,(r=on{3,4} ha No ftar mo6
(6 ) '.' Tne equauon
, s.s. ofrhe in.quarity J (, >0n B [3,4]
,ss or dr ii.qmriry J (ro < o n 13 ,4[
: Thc wng cn ie n (d)

(2 ) rh. frMrm daed b $. jftqu,liry is

Jlr(r=(r 2)G r r)
Pu. (.I- 2) (3 r.-l) =0 , . eEhot$.t*oroosis glls&tr I
: Gerfr.ien!or:!1 ! J ( r) >o

.'.2(2-(h-2) 5)>o ., 2{ k I)>o GD ... only .nc ot nt rM t@6 of da e{u"doD lis
.., -k- I >0 (2)

:(l b+3)(4 2b+3)<0

( r )'.' rte lIfu orn\e e{MioD e F:l
.."€h+ ,.t
(-2t)2 4 d+t t>o
02) T1E frtrdiotr Elar.d b ln. inequrit is
---4t1-4t2 4k+2Dto
:4kr20 ,. t<J (0
, ... ln. No eB l.$ rhu 5
: r(5)>0 ...25 lOk+k':+k 5>O
: (r 2) (x+ l)=0

l") (")
:.tl. 5)(r 4)>0 :k€o [4,, :D,=t
F'mO),(D: .'. kef -,4[ , dr
',dd,r.d b rh. ii.4u.li9 is

(a) " IE ,* ot dE.quiaD ftm.r:l

.'. Tnedisimirmt < zo
... ( k)? (4)o)(r)<o ...1,_4<o i. (r.+2)(x"r)=0 -x=-2 0t )i=t
, rb..quarim Ehr.d b ih. in qudaE h

(13) '.' L M e 6. tu of rhe equrioo :
:Tt slurim ol rb. i.equ.lity n : 2<k<2 '

(9):x:4ir+t , rh. fimti@ alrr.d 6 rh. .quid n

'.' iE $lu6d d ordE iEiu.liy is [ 2
: The]cofrt El,r.d eqdi@ @: -2
-'- \-2f -,.2)-4 L=o
: J0(,)<o .-. <2t1r+71+L+7<o
o0) ...
x1- to<b, ..,.;(.6*d)
,: dE sludd sorll io.qul,it,js] 2,5[ ddiri<o,rell,Mt
.-. Tte M ot rh..quion Elar.n 6 dE
.. t(2)>o -'- 7 t+2>o

: b=1

ralgebd, relarions and functions

(1,1) ..T6.soE6orln..qdjmh.lmsbrh. o
Todl mt inledig =4- 2 i +!l1r
..r+{a 16 m.s .{a-16B<6
i0r4-t6m<36 :. 43-l6D<32
,uf "' "& ' "-'+ =u ,ot 3t
Answ€rs of Lile Applielions on Uiit One
=1l! =o 7 a*.
o Eldid
By sub6tidri4 in rh. :
rlE inEmi, ot rh. .ftnr pdsins ibsush lh. ol,\e!

: ro=-arl+rrr+ ro , 17 (6+4i)(! i) r,
_,a+,ot-al-17 tmi
'-' Th. pe*d ,E or lud x6=5aD:
.'. Th. aE of th. land .&d ddbling (nc @
oI )...r(n)- 12f-96n+4ro

: (r(+o(r+q=los .,. x':+ 15x+54= Io3

:.x1+t5x-54=o .'. (1 3) (x+ l3) =o =( e6): .rx12x4m
:x-3 u x=-13_Etu.d"
: flEMmBe ndail
: T!. inclEe nrgnibne - I m.

@ : , i. p.siriv. ftr ,x vdu6 r € R

(1)ArD=0 ( 2l In rh. r{ l9ro: D
= 0 .'. r(o)=.43o
i Thc nin. pllduaon =.130 $Mds ou6.

... z= oo):+ 1.2 lo +91=203 hillion.

. rn dr,er2m5 : d- 15
J05)= 12, O5f-96 x 15+a3o= ra70
|3 t = 314 :. 134 = n1 + r2a + 9t
^tz .1 Tt. rin. Plnddnri = 1740 rhd6!r& ou]1B.

(3)'. f (i)=ml6 .'. l2n:-96tr+430=2016

- ,, u'i,.&{'r*,ar :1,n,-%.1536=o
.'. tr= 15 u tr=-162 (Efrr.d) ,, lr3=o :(. 16)(.+3)=o
. . P@uLrio E 16 3l4 oilli@,IiE 15 teE "-3'
...n=r6dn= 3 (Elusd)
.'. The Equin<r yd it ?106

of Unit Two

A.swerc orExercise 7
tr@'rurrtipr" "r'r*
(l)rN (2)drid (J)rotrd
(a) sond (5 )seond 16)6nt
(7 ) quadmr,l (3) qudnner
E@C*yq,*t-El o
( 1 ) The diEtd dgle isn'r in shdaid posilion
(2 ) rt. dirded msle sn r in $nM p!!{ioi ,
b€.,u* i6 inili,] sid. dGn\ lie on ox
( 3 ) Ttrc di@rcd msl. js iD sbniltrd pGitioD.
(4 ) nr diEcred sle n in send"rd pGition t1J n1. t2) 2u" (3) z1tv
(5 ) nE dieEd usl. *n't in sbdrd posiiion , (4) %' (5) 116" (6) 10"

{6) Ite diEded m8k no't in shdad pditid

beff. i! initill sid. dcsnl lic on OX
I 7 ) fte dn{Ed EIe n in s6ndad p6ition.
( 3 ) rr dinded bsl. isn r in studad pcitioo
b{ar*ir5 inn t i& dc.n1li. m Ox
(e ) rhe didtd sgle is ii posinon. o zr"d!-*-r"d,.-*,-**
o @[rcutsgai
(1)d (2lc (3)c
(5)245" (6)-69.24

o (1). A bd B m.quivdcnt rngl6.

(2){ ... B=A*160.n ... B+C=A+C*1&)!n
.'. (B+c) t (A + c) E medms or rwo

,B C=A Ca360"o
.'. (B c) , (A c) e nr6uB oftrc
,cB=cAa360"Cn , CeZ

iqr r

-'- (cB)
'(cA)edsreottu 1'
e"=r '*4
(l)dn=5s'x 14=
P[r=1: A=-A+36{f (2 ) d'= 56.6. ,
rlf =OgSdr

(3)'.' (3I t' =(3y-5)"+360, (3)d''=3?'tj x

rxr-L =
:-1' ).!= )O0' :. X-y = r20. (r)dd= ri5.3s'4,
#= rord'
(4) (0 + 20') = (20 - 8 0)' + 360'
..90=360P : g=,to.
(s)6-=2r? 5i,#=a..€5-
( 5)rrEdirlsid.Fstoecb rlEpoid(- t ,0) (6)#= 16(r $ai,#=r.sof
.,. Tle gib diuLd b€t i! ! qudoLl
(r)x'=+ 'rm.='3,.
Mulliple.noice questions
(2)x.=o-72 r l30p = l29o 3a

6)x"=ore,+=rs.,i 3,i

o)b (. ).r. = - t6?,+= i

- e5. ai

Lstt. =zz,$=vriai
GEE|E*vq,*tr@l (6)r"=-3+,f =-rm,3,i
o o
F=-"# o"=+
.. x'= I2
'+-6s'ai r;
t2)6" =+ -/"
(3) d-=rsel99!ft=
ir .r'=u "$=ra:3:,i
r a, €d = =?rrtr =_!l n
,sro-=llqr=!r . r= r|,$=er,; ri

o o
-_L T!.d.cE@bdEeqL=+x1& =4Y
,', ft. ,x.@ot6. eid eeL

: ri.ndtu@=?s"x#= t,r
(r)'=]fl=50cm. o
(3)ed= r3y r
#c2,425d $"e.,'r...i'S=ros'
(a)dn=7s.!6'2; x l3fd .'. Th. d.3E b dE foonh irgl.
tso.-4= '@e
= 360. - (105. + 1,(r + 4D = m.
z2 _ _-d
( r.6 r r25 = 20 @.
.'. Tt EdDrc= 70'x
(2 ) l-dn r r- 2,r3 r 20cas.6o. Latt re ofth. M 0816 hc I !y ,I'> JP

( 3 ) l-dd x r- 67' 4{i rtsll: ?5

-ss @, :Ir+y'=70. O)

(a)l=d*xr- lo1. is'a !#x 15rr-'{. :r.-r=+x l3e=36. (2)

byrdiios(r)'(2): : 2ac l06t

:Tt @r of rh. irerlh.d eal. - 41,! . xd sr. , ri
= rso-4 = r!o9
: Tb. of ino @lt!l duL $bMd.d by rb.
. F=ro. ^-4=E
d" ,tr Irt 6. m ofrh. M ud.. h. I

... rD. drur.tue E, a r= 2 r x ?=43m.

-, +y!i=r ,,d-/i-+
r l=: r : d'r-!-3d ":r-=fa ",*-?t
... a" =3 x!!q= rTrsl )i '/*= + "
,r.=+,r30.= r2o., r.=+ xrm.=60.
.0d=105.,-L=la IE
.. r=-= +E++- + rrr==4m. ft. !Eo'^AiB = +
xaM x BM

,r'AM-BM-r :.
+? 47

(r: o r fFl!1/(!Lr.D4crrL.Flrel@
.. r",gtl.rG =ro'"* "
a= rzsz
- '.'ft ; opp*it o rt" *tur -gr" or * Izn
.,,ftcpdimcdoflneshaddpd : fte LiErh orft = lro' x rscp ' 1, = ,5.1 m.
:G i".pp*iG 6 -'r.r ""gr..r * rao"
: ljs6of6 odf ih.cirunf@)
. ,-\,
Cotrst,: DB*MZ ,ffi. = rro. ",*!" rz=:z.z-.
ntLzlrlx\=z0" \,_,,
.. r.,s$ or2 =2r,,#,e= r.ra.- d(z BMc) =
ktrgll oi6d
2n(zA)= l20P

ID = rro" ^ L^75=rr,-
n(zAMc)=2n(z B)= 103'
P.-r, . ii,E : rdsrh orft = ror x # x 75 = 14.r cm.
., h(zAMB)=36oP 020" + rftl= 132'

.'. la$n ofG = lr2" i@ i ?5 = I?3 m.

.'. b (Z M) - (90' + 90' + 60P) = I20P
= 360! @lHlrt'.r.t lnt
," D(End!'{)=
r60e l2r'= 240P
ll)b (2)d (3)b (a)c (s)t
(6)c (7)b (3)b (9)b
IEEucdoBbsn O:
lo AABM n,isrrmd.d dB
(r )m. ldrrh01ln.m=€dr=-lLxrix 14
:. enl =? +a2f :.r?= a
. r-a"r*ft =xop ^
L^r{i=zqo. . . n'. .*,-r.-* .t ,r,. .*t = f I
'.'.ci'nsh k--'..
/ld'..\ \
.. es".d,-*. BE-+:-r{+l^ (2).5<rh.rmslhorm;B<6
=t n. \ __/
-. zci",tSbt,Bc= x< a'
,n(zA)=30. ,r{zB)=60"
iAB "i<ffir<t ,-.2sn'
(3). r]lc 6tio b.rw@ r@Dc
< 34

or an8ls or Ire
, *hd M h rh. enft
Dr?* MC- ol de cirL ind qsdJilltral=J:4:9:6
:5 x+ 4 x+9 x+6x=')$"
.., n(z BMC) =2 m (zA) =60" ... x - 15'
^e r\ino =2i(18)= t2tY .'. Metrm of rh..nall.s Mgle jr rhe
: 6a i: opposi! 6 rh. 6!:l st orIIEsuE 60' quadilacial =4 x l5'=@'
, r".grr' orf,d = eoo
' *4 " ru = rzr *

(a ) Nuta ofhoN
hou h,!d !r
b.l*d .i. Ei,uL h,.d ud
tu = 3J nM.
.',IreegLt lv@d€ridEht dtnd hou DF-nB
Prool: BM
= CD
(s) nc!adh' Me or6tr - 6tr r #=+
Lr lb. idiu L.gl[ ofib cirL b. rr

"Tn..hc6=','+ . Ivt.!roloEendd snsre= A

,t"'*i'"*ore(f =ef 'rsrg-f, r
l, 6. adiB lmg.[ of ib ciEL b..,
.. looerrra6b=on'r=I, ro=sro..
:ft.*l-g6=r,,f,a Answere ofExercise g
..,'*=".i,.1=i @ itutitptilre qu..tloE-l
(6)(rn tlElm or r ci.L)d = 2,i E 618 (r)r (2)d (3)d (4)b (s)d
r --' 613 > ! *ha! n is 6. s,Ed pcsibL yth! (6)c (?)b (3)a (e)d (10).
or)a o2ld (r)c G4)d otc
(7 ) Nub., of Mim ovdrd by .i. ohe hud
b.rla 6 d&n qufupdM pr! OOa GAc GEd (19)c (2r)d
(2t)c 122)d 12.)c IA)d l2s)b
:Tt 6vErd dirle by 6. tiD or ln. miN! (2gd (27)a Ga)r (2e)b (!0)a
h6d=el,2n,e- ras @. (3r)d(32)d (3)d €4)c (!9 c
(3) Wh.r rhe !tullr g{ Ew,E @ Evotlrid
(3Od i3nc GOb Oe)d (r()) r
diclcl*is rllcslegdEvdB
+ cwlud@ cld*ig E@yq!6tto l
;'ft. 6Ed r!gl. of Erclodmor6c @
s.og*=],:t=4 o
{ 9 ) '.' ABCDEF is . E8de bdta@. .'. 350P Ii6 ir rhc fodt quad.

''' D(zAr@=2L=+
. - A AMB is o .qudrhl dn,8r.. (2)',. l3O' <26J" <270" : 265.1i6ir3dqud.
.'. s 265" d lesdire.
i rr.lds6 of (A) =+ xa =!ad. ,:, !I=l ]!!:=rx.
mtrBnJ qu@. ."il
o d.gE
I]E 01ln. ugl. ehicb rh. higbl r $ lI=l:-Ml=rr-!

h dlelB *irh 0. x*is = lq = 60.
:Tt sloF of n\. shishr liEl= tu 60. ={t
. fto or$" .doigbt ri- , y =rrx * . (5) : b410.=tu(50. +360.)=M5{.
." 'IX. ueL h rh. @d!rl pcition-
: c=o . v="[i,

(5)... @r(- 165.)=os( 165'+360')
= c 195" ,. xt + t-o,ol'= r :.11=ona
... r95. li6 in 3n q!rd. .'.t=0lsu.trt!I>0 :E(01'-05)
: ms (- r€,51 n Esrirc. ...60=o.3 lin0 =-0.6
e) . ,do-+,so=i
=o20.+sx160.) ,"*o=+,"d0=+
... r2oe li6 in 2d qu.d.
,.,,'Ij.{=' '*-r='
...-,f"-e"*. r= { -o ueo'. s. xo"
(B) . :.3!-E=-5 lr8lf --750. "
=(-75i1,4 +3 x 3foP)

= 330" .. *e=-f ,,-e.1 .-e=,f

... sioP li* in 46 qurd,

...*(ir)"e."rr*. ,oe=?.* e- z.*e=-,t/J

l.)..-x'+r'-t *.i-,
tt),x=?,y-+ ,x'1=, *|'x<o
".""=f,,-,.=3 ..-e=j.,.e.f
,t' '-e-f
,"-e=4,*e. ! 1' ,1,
lt, ta).: x'+f -t :.t+f.t
trt:t+,y=+ rf-o r y=o
,;.e=;t '*e-t' trB(-t,0)
..u,e-{,-re=} ,,60E- t iino.0 'd0r0

**e.|,*e-j 'd0c- l'*6nud6d'..aOhuiltu,

inne;-t'66-0 -2r1=t ..x=!'x,o

s/-!.!\ 'tz

'@O--l,E0burd.6r.d, ..-o-d,."0-#,bo=-'
(r) ..x,+l-r :.@nf*l. t , Be. -'{, ,cE o ..[i ,6 o -- |
:,t?-oia ry=orrEi6ar>o
... x' +r2 -r tf-t
.r r=I: r>o .,r(-+'-al
be- * ,-o=; ,*o= t,do- ? {r ' {: 1:'
* o
.Lro=40=l,so=e0= l5
(8)'. RxS= 2x( l)=2 ..LIiS=R,H.S
0liB in lh.3d qu.d.
:9.,12ai!c8{i$...a<0 rss = r, .,/r- z,t/u,,/:
,-..x1+t1=r j.3li,+144J-l
r r r
=: -a= + =Rxs
:Be,:s,5)=e,r5) "4,
..60=+,lb0.+,tu0=+ ,ras=]"r=] : Lrlr.-Rrr.
l= (lf
,so=+,eo=+,oro=? r 4, Lx.s==,11+
Yr '1r'I
(r): o li6 itr e. ai qurd. =,.i,=l=*.
..;.>o. z.<o ...>o
..1'rr=, . :,,-4 r= r
rrt.""=!,f. t,t=t,
'.T.'=, ,,(?,+)

(6)LIls =2@'@. +3 6i0145"

.. *o=?,.t,o=+,ho=+ + l o'ro. l cff
,*e=|,*e=t',-te=J "io
( 130.=0+ l +0- l
-L,r- L, E
(2 ) si! 130'6s 45'-
=o.I-e u.I=I
6 l3f d, 45'
l, 12 12 'li 'z 'lt
(3)d+h+ d+s+

=e3es@'-d6fd3e = :l; ,! =r=.r"so.=Rxs

'tt +"
\t ' + __L-_Ja
,.8 ,1,

oI) ,,,,rn:45.6
1,(+) -r,'.r ,_1
( r Soi - o"'60. rio 2?0"

;T;;;===---', ..xl+)
.( r)"(1irl'{-,)
(5) r rio !o'-- 60'- o" o 60. ,-\x=-t
+tu21c. d 4s, lrl : xtiti,s'61,5'd?r, =d 4v -d (i
444+l -,,,.GD,(il "'(5)'(6)'({; )'or-(*)'
.{;- 4r

(r). *a=(+.r-o
G):s=+=2 '.' x= [ 't't
*'=+ , +-f =,
. "-, = i.;-,
...*i- j,,',.=.f ,*.= l.
o t2
{r {r
,,^ -i6-'

,=+ .,(;,i?) --
.. *o=+,3t"0=+i,ho=+
,:6=+,c*o=l+,do=; .*e=f ,*e=]
(2)r=ms€:a<o,y=sin€:y>0 y .*'e-u"e=f; ]=r
o v'.
y=th€=z * /..1-,,\-,
j a!+ I ,x=@s€..x>o \ \i,/
161x2= ...x:+y'=' ::|-'t'*'
..l1r,= r
,'.#=, .,'=*
-,=?.f=? ""(*,?) ..*--,0=.& ,B(+,+)
. - .-.-*6 =-?+
7-l zi, =E
-'o=+,,i,€= ?,@e=?
,:o=+,.*o=+,-.0=+ "'--"*'
[0Ah.d's s*andre@tb@ueh.e6

(1)d (2)c (3)c
..*e=f,,"-e=f ,oe=]
(l)b (s)b (6)c
( 7)ild: d s€ond:h Thnd:b

,*e=j,*e=j,ae=l i3)d (e)a Oo)b

Sdnd: BC=BO oc=so I
Ill" Itelmdnof(fer=1I
n-a,r}e*"raaao= j,ro"er

' d(Bc)=-#^ (+,)

360'= 60'

+, ",,"0
.. * rz soo = --1: = -.1= = -2
(2)'. gret @e a!€L i! th. d@gl.
4 is nE
sh@ sid. Ld8rh! 5 ! l3 ,_\
12 ,

, r (13)'z= (5)2 + (12)2

... rn d,ncr. L 4hr 8nsr.d
(e) D'.. ft,L n BD = {M}
(3)',' (x+ D,!t 1o86$id.
.. DE=21 , EB=5x
... (t+ Dnin hylot Dr

... tx+ t)'= qf + q-T'

,-, a1+2x+ l _ x, +)1, - 14 )l+ 49

'CM-35t ' ME= 15I

... a=12 d r=4@nls.d)

e 5 , 12 ! 13
.'. TlE si& lagrhs (r0)', 2 ADB b ddBid.4lc of AADC

,. SCi,lb"."d:a,id' .. nc=s*. i n(1DAc)+b(lDcA)=o

:. cA=---L=--L= !1 . -trO=t
\Ti./ IiAABD: b(Z B)=90' , tuO= +
(.)cdx-@ry-caz= + - + - I
tsror=|, or= j ..cD=Iiilr;67= s -
^o=.,[Lor'-([r lz "^*.,*+='i.;'=,
.oB=i, ,),. (1r ) =,
,AB={'r + rr+({r vr )=2 @tfi't'e'..h"'.. queifin
(1)c (2)b (3)b (4)h (s)b
(6)b (r)b (3)c (e)b o0)d
-i.ros'=--L=-L 01ld 02)a (13)a (14)c (ls) a
(7)1116r: . Tb. cirl. i r un circl. (16) c (1?) d (13) b (r9) b (2n c
.-"6=--! (21). (22)c @l)a (14)c es)c
(2O c (?rd (23) d (zrd €0)d

(3r)d (32) d (33)3 (3) a (35)a o
(3Oa (Y)a OO)c (3r)b t4)c (r)@ +s 42o'
120'+@ 225'+ q 33Y
(41) c (r2) b l,lit) d (,rO i (4, c
=s(t3o"-60")+tuOm +{")
(aod (arc (43)b (49)d (50)h + e (360'- ?o) + 6 (360'+ 60")
Gr) c G2) d (s3) ! (tl) d (s, c
=-d60P +b45'-ce lO'+660'
(soc (57) b (53) b (59)b (6r,)d
G@l=iriy q*.tio". (2)',' 6930P=@ (2 x3dr+2lf)

o = 6s 2t0"= 6 (lm. + lop) = -@ 30'

( 1 ) sin l5o' O3r - 30) si! ro'= ... sh 1s0.6i 3o0.) 6 ro.d24o.
= sin = +
( 2)s zle = s(rs0'+ 301=-sro'=+ =an(l3r 3r)6(360" 60")
1l -@30PdOm.+m.)
(!)h 240'=6 Oso'+ 60') =660'={l = sin 30. @s @" - os 30. clt 6a
I4)6(- l5o') =c6 lsop
" r-.[-
=-L !=-i4
o5 r r30. - - c6 r0. =-+
= 3opr =

(5)h225'=tu (130P +45') =b45'= I

r 6,ck.L.ra=&r]2r-! j =-c<E= , +hE-4@l:]!-E)
r 7 ) cor 7SO" = or (7r' + 60') = 61 60'= + =-("-+)*(+-+)
(3)c6( 90o'l =ms (
1l * * r.!.r-E *Z!\
-,I !-E--4I
=6s 130" -- I ** f 4-!*4\*/:r.! !l
,o,.hr:s)= .r./!-4) =-hr*4-dl4\ * /r* f r)
=-"-ttr.+, --+*(+)
=",.!=6 =-bas4+d4e{ u4@!!
.l0,*f :.?a\=*f ^ Lso") =-,/j.t*,ll,t-r=,L=-?
1I3 {3 l
=s( 12tr) - e 120' o6
=s (130. -(o.) ( I ) (- 3m') = s 3o0P =6 (36(f - 6tr)
= s60p--2 =*o'+
( ) s (- 4lre') = s,l30P = s (160'+ l2O') s
.!n 4l!' =!h(@P + 3@1=lintr =
' ,6 ?5e = 6s (30P + 3@' x 2)
d,|!b /.I)=srf:Lrqr) =sb, rs"l
=* ro.=+,
6s 660' = cd CooP + 360!) = 6s 3m'
=sc60, 60")=*to.= +
... Lns=+,+-9, +=o=Rrs

( 2l,o 60f = s (360e + 2a0, =u 240.
tor*(f e)=otm' er--,e
=''..,*-*,=-*.,"=-+ !5
r ,"15
,6 (- ro"r= 6 roP =
,sin l5f (l3O' 301=.it30'= !
=sin rs,-'(o-i30.)=o'o=+
,6(-2,()')=@2,lf =6 (130P +6r)
=_660.= +
*.= 9.9.j.t+r
(3 ) ri! 150'= d. (tsr - 3o') = :ii ro'= +
,h225'=6030' +45')-@45'= I
,osrrs = 65(360'-4t")=645'=+
,s(- 120') = € l20P =€ (1800 - 600) : sb{eo"-€)+h(eoe 0) @3 (eo" + 0)
=-s 60P = 2
,sin( 135')=-si.l35'= sin (130'- 45')
= *4v=-+
=i. i.?=.
r.{ 2roF =N r l3o" + 301
.. rgs = z r+I.
r. 12rz,+(--!).r:,
= ,lzL
-! =rxr
. t,".ltgo. - e' = *e=!
o ,rr*Om'e,= *e=J
t rt.tioo" *.1=1* r=+ rlr-rre x"r=-o,oo.-er= me= {
t s t: rro"-O=-"* 0=;
(,)*(+ 4=*oo"-o)=-€=3 (6)h(27tr o)=6.0=?
(r)hc6o" o)=-bo=-+= +
(5)s(o+ri)=s(€+ lso.)= s o- :
t ( ) '.'
15"):6 (2 0 -5)
sin (r o +
(6)sin(0 Jr)=sin(0 l30P) = ri, (130' + €)

=-r.a=? ...5€=30" :0=t6.

(2)'. 8(3+5")=c$(0+15')
:0+25'+0+ l5'= gop
'*,0=f ...20+40!=q00 .,.20=50o :0=25!
, r,*,zl0"*O= -"e= f (3)...h(0+2[P)=d(3 0 + 30')
(2 ) s (27o" + q=ee=; ,',0+20'+3e+ roP = 9tr"

r : r.* (e. { )- * re r eo'r = * =fr e :40+5e =90p :4 0=lrop :0-lop


ra).6!f !l?q)=srnl9!ql
. 0+2!' .6+4{P -. :0r0=m'+3@.t
.'.0+2e + 0 +404 = l3(I

:26= l20P ...o=ftP .. fo-!).e =offritr,

{5)'.'h@+ rs" zi) =d(€+52.Id)
: o+ le.2i +e+52.Id=9'o' :20=r2n" :.e=tr
.'.20+lrli=9r0" 15)'. l!,(0+27')=d2e
..- ze=D"2i . o=9"ai ... €+27 +20=qr + 130. tr

..2 erO=E+2fin*ktr€U
.,*-1a*a=L*ri" (6): tu(6+ lop)
...ro=a+rf,. -.-6=E+?!, : '0.)=d{4e-
(0* l0o+(a€ ro) = e0. + 130. n

:rn ktud"..4*?4. - 4*2r. (7) | s(20+35')=eG 0 r0")

(2)...6 5 0=sir e id,0-650 j e(3 0 l(r)=a(20+35)
: (3 0- l(f)r(2e+35)=90"+360"n
.irE6+lo=4+2rr :30- le+2€+35"=90.
:-6a=!+2n" ..e=.4*4"
.r I0- lop +2o+35. =9'(r + 36(f =450"
:-3e=425. :6=35.
.r -ao=E+rn" :e= 4 4. (3).. s3=B(30-90)
... rt s.l[idi..I+4" tu:! q" .'. cs (3 o- 90P) =s0
... (30 90")+0=9f+3@..
(r ): s(0+ r5')=s42' :4 3 = 130.
: (0 + l5') r (42") = e(f + 360. r d3 0-90" o=90. i 20- 13tr
=90e :0=33.
,..0 + 15" +42!
(2)...si,(6+301=60 (9)'.' sin(a0+,rt:)-6 (0 33.)
: (0+30).0-goe + 360. n
i (40+.44')!(B 13)=90.+360P.

:0=30" :5 :0=
0+ 15 =9f ls"

650+15"-450. : €=3',7. ...rl, d@ osh ebc. 6iE + i. 60.
d40+,la'6+33'=9f ...6= r30P -6lr - 120.
..30+8lo=90' i 0=3' E0=1300+@=2,|(P
: Tr. ss. = {r20 , 240'}
, (3 q 1C 0) = e0" + 360'n
12) : s6={,
: o ti6 in lh. rr e lh. 46 qud.
. rt @cdsL wbG6m=+ ts45"

'ino=+ o6ibE,
o : o IiB in6. f cturdq!!d.
,. b n Posiiv. in &c fisr,nd rhird quad. rt ll*msre vt Esu 5.60'
: 6 = 45' or 0 = t30'+ 45' = 22s' , : e =60P 60 = l3oq - 60'= l2oc
.. oElo,+[ :rn s.s.={60', r2o'}
(.):60=-r ..Ti.s.s.={t8{f}
oso= + i
.. 6 n Fcirire b ln. fd d furb q!rd-
'5'.so= f (mFNd
',0-m.d0=360.-60.=300. , .. o Ii6 in Ib.3d d 6.4d qurd.
,.h,+l . rt ae uek whe 5ii =+L60"
: si! o=
E-' .*(+-4=+ j0=l3f+60P-240"
@6=3dr 6{r = 300
'-' sin;p.oirircirrh.6d,nd6.saldqud. : Tr. ss. = {24op , 3e+
.. e=30"00- t30r - 10. = 15(r (6).. d0=- l (EediE)
" : O li6 i, dF 2d d th.46 $rd.
"eh,+t '.' Ite nt usL ehe h = ) is a5'
(4'...'i"(+ 4={l ,,0= 130. -45' = l3s!
ul,e-e,=5..6o=5 ds=360" 45d=315i
: rn'ss.={r35",3lf}
6 n posiri". in 6e 6.. rrd fourh q!.d.
0=3f tr 360. - 30. = 33O. , i d,o=+(*sdi*)
: O lns in ln.ld s l}.46 qu:d.
"€1",+t d,
. rh. rc fc'. whoa sb 0 = 5 k 6tr
(1). @s€= + Gecadw)
.'. o li6 jn ln. 2d o' rhe 3d qud.

(3): in:6= + ..sino=+ .'. s,n(130'-30)c(360" 20)

. . 6 ries ir dE f o.lh. 2d qurd. ,

=sinqr@6(].+h60"d( 150)

. rL &e ancre whos sin = + is 3oe

=ms60" tu6trd(tmp $p)
: 0=30P d0= 130' loc= ls{P

"."i€=( 1)*c.d,. = +
... o li6 ir lnc 3a or 0E,P qud.
: €=,30p + 30p =2r0.
'. h(0- 15")=ot(20+ 15")
tr0=360c aoc = 33oc
:(€ 15")+(2€+ r51=eo. + r&)dn
. . rre s.s. = {30! , lsoe , ,rlr , 330.}

*,1?r ei=E -.,,,"" ",='/r ".1+'i(2?o'+20)
r + sin(27o'+ o')

."."=9 .,'.=+
t +sii(s'+20) 1+5h(s'+01

- r-"pr o l i r
'.' sin (rcs.riv.) dd 6 (p6itive)
-.,= ?

n.*" -s,. -b*'.=f "60"

... sh om. €) + b (90! - 0)
h (2?O'-O)=sine+dO d0=sin0=+
(D @

: sin(36 251= c6 (2 € - 35)

: (3€ 25")a(2€ 351=m.+3dr.n
-'-'tg-25'+20-35" =W

.. !!+ + sii oso. - o) = eql + sin o .'. cs (eo" o) sin (eo" + 0) + 12 b (27r + 0)

=,-*,""=,+ =s0@s6+,2i-d0)

=-f ';-',',,'-' '= '
:0+20=90' ,,, 30=qr
j. F lis in tl€ 2n 6 46 qu!d.
r P is 6. Epd F.idE .,slc '
. 25 sin E,4 @1 d = 2l ' i 4,7

a 'l
=E- r- = i-
(2 ) rli.rp{sd= sdhB sd( bP)
,,,djslb.sd,ndpGmw&gl. =-(#x+)-(+x+)
.,-'= 3,-,.=
i (3 )lnc.xs6sim = s a (-h 0 (d o) c s


.*"=+'*"=* @
. tu8-+,rso'.p<r70" '.0n@mpl@nbryofcro" 0)
.', m. hin l sid. or rhe agle whoe lll..sE h €
rnc64,h","t,"id. {n p.ir(y, ;)
,.f .a-,
. ..- tz
: o,ur6 dE eotu (13, r31) m lh. mit.irr.
=I - :l-l - -! , -! =.1!. ?q =:.1! :6e=l?,!,'€=13:
I ,"*o=€,-,o=+
6E=13: Itsl: In lllc qurdiilftr"r ABCD
sEc a s , gc =li;;;rt= 13 *.
: sio B =sin 030p o=sbo=-13
=:-1,1*1,_.r.1 @
= 4_E= fi. '.' r (z AnE) = m (1 BFq (,r@ derco

@ .'. n(z BFc)= lEo" 0

,",=+ ,w <a<21e in rh. dsFauled tiu8l. BCF, C:

BF=16; =rEh"c,h ,"r,.

. *tz sFct=*om'-el="* e=+'


Krim i mswd is 6@r beause

"i"(+ 4=-"0 :0=e6rfi6124rJ3 ac...
(1)r (r)d (3)c
.'. I b.loo€r 10 lb. &d qurdd d louin

(s)d {6)a (7)c : Tlre ir . $ldim b 6. 4uim .q h,r

(e)a {10)b (n)c
, ... 0 rx< 15 a i4hd6 )5 h.if ftludm.
: N,mb.r ol duim = i5 .ol{i6.
: ms45! x ms 46. x @r 4?. x... x c690p i
(2 ) : sin 75": sitr (eoP l5')=es15!
, ms t2q = 4s (90P - 7A) = .in ?3i

=615c x sin 73. :s 156 xcs?3.= I

i 3 )AB -1Gt;iit=1t

,@s€=cc (ro'+ - (1c30,

= sin(zco)= +
(10) : ADCB is ! cycric qudrjr@"I
." oIZADC)= l30P 6
." 6 (z ADC) = cc OsLf 6)= G0
, I E i5 r di@6 in rh. Mi<ircle M
cF 11!eff-r), xqltf-Dx60ej1 ,,, Zoisdsted. t
. !na= l? /l
tt ./ t,,
..@50=t / I
. s,!4!rfrlli m5 (z aDc) = -i
-.. Tt. eqMion orrh. sdigh. Iin.
- Girx r, - d(? r-r, Or) is :

o B
1r ): d03f -r= @x
By gvilglo1 0crev tcslo5@s@id
,61,m'= -6,ry - d L,!A,la,!!,.-....2n
.'. rnc .xFBr,o (as m'+ 6 160') o.
+ (6s 4{I + 6 l{D + {6 60'+ 6 l24p)
... a =o L ,2a )a ,!.a , .-.. ,!2a
, ,
+(Ge0'+@ r00P) +.G 13tr
=(@.20.-620.)+(6srf G40.)
+(@60!-660P)+(c63o' 6304) fm dEDble, thltrdEs &. lEph by ydrs.,f
+6130. m l[a eDp{ rc ga dE M, vdu. = I
=0 +0 +0+0 + G r) =- r
(2) ...!i, (360'-,
= sur ,rb.Db.v.r* t.nd&ds.=t- r, rI
(2)','0'.0r 13tr tr 0'<20<360'
, sin 353'= - sin l e..
Bygiving 2 0 sm YrlE b sI)D spci.l
j TL.xlBsim (!i! f + sir 35f)
+ Gin 2'+ .in 353') +
..-..... + sin lac *k.o,E,?4,1{,-...,!tr
,. o =o,L,2a,24, -.-.,1i

rlm6. dlL,rha da* ln. 3n h bytmr

EOtM!ltler" "h.'." q,""n;n '
iioo d. srrh * ga lh. dn. de = -
mA. vslu. = I dd rh. Err! = [- 5
5 dE

Dav by rcrelr , from nhe Fpb *e set lI. tugc

,$eIrE.li@=a dE frin. v,lue = -4

@l-E"*yq,""ti""ll , rb. tugc tu fiDcrion: y = 3sinon
or [ 3',
, rhe ]re. value - 3 rh. f,in. v,lue = l
o '

(r) L -L t'i '+l @tHrs,*stlll;l

(r)1 (2)b (3)d ({)b
1 r+,+1
I 2,,1
a Fomrhe ktl. ddEP byyowrf ,ft.m,ir (r ) ','- 1<sbar t il: sin.l! I
.. 1r- sin rr I

(1) I4'11 [r
i ! ) lXe s..kst vsln. ot expEsio.
t-4 '41
I 2,,1 wnd cos xr =I ud@ r,=- I
t i,, ,.65).,-@sr.1=r ( l)=2

(a).. 0=Ln_' (-0.322?),-0.322?fcdiE.
.'. O li6 i! 2d 6 46 qud-

.., o = ) sop - {39'2e 36)

= l40. 3j zi
(s ) ... ( 0..a652) , - o.a6s2 (us!i!.)
0 = sir I

: 6 li.. itr 3d d4d qud.

,.,!=*iD4= L h=",.f 1-4'l=-r : o = leo'+ (27 4l d) = 2or 4J 2J
r.lrl+Lb =lrl+ rl=2 (6) i O=@s_'( 5206) , - 05206 (psaliv.) 0

,', li* io l @3dqud.


..B \ A=!fl ... € = r so'- (5r 3i 3i) = r2r d 2i

^=2n. t5.lil
(6)nFmmbaof poift nhd.ffi y=sirIt \7 )
hM r un = 2 x nnb.. of Fio& + I (3 ) -.' o = oar (- 1.4612) ,- r.4612 (ne8dirc)

, ... lh. nEiion v = rn 3 ho ciod ffi ]I : O lies h 2d c 4b qu!d.

..- NDnn r of Fdodt in rh. inby, :6=rso" c4.2i rr) = r45. 3a 4i

Io,rrl=rr+4= r (e) 17'2i2j
: NDnh..of intMidgpoin6-2x 3 + I =7 GO) . 0=e '( 2366) r-2j4r6(rcsaiE)
(7): rr'. cN. y = sir (r, : o Ii6 id 3d G 1t6 qud.
: It m!*.s a conpLE paiod for.!.h ?! , o = lso" + (r3. i ti) = 203. i r,
:Tn nrb.r of ln. cdnplc! Fiod in rh. 01) ... o
= s-1 (- 3J7) , 3r7 (ressrirc)
in@ar [o ,2 tr] is a
.'. o li6 in 2d or 3d quad.
... o= rBoe-(r3'aJ5i)= 106" r; i
(3)... ftecwer(r=sin2x+ r oa r9e 3i 56

n,les a cdtple paiod for acb ? = ft

... 'Ite in tl*
'mbaotcmpl& Fio&
ii&o.r n];2 (r ) : o=sin I o:6ml,0.B6603 (r$i!iE)
[o ,2
: Tbe number or Equi'Ed rilB i O lid in l! or 2* quld.
. o=6oadido= rso" 60.6 i = 1r," ii 5i
( 2 ) '. 0 =
@a (- 0.4?52) , 0.4752 (..srnw)
.0 Ii6 in 2d 6 3d quad.

@ti.rtei".h.r"" ... € = rsop -(6f 3i 3i)= r ls" d 2i

(l)a (2)c l3)c (a)c (s)b -o= r!0. r (6f 3i 3i) =rar.ri 3l
( 6) a (7), (31a (9) r (ro)c (3) .. o=cs'( 115?6),- 1576Gesrdvc)
.. e r*;:" o. n" quaa.

@l=;".yq.q,ront . o = rm. + (sr. ad r!) - 12" ad rj

do=360" ai ri) = ro7. ri ai
(l)36'5ir) (4)',' o=d'

1317, 11417 (uirive)

e!6in lrr3dqu.!. :.0=57"i5i

-o= rm."rsr. i ir=zrr i s)

(5)... S=6_r {-0.6'rn)' 0.642(rynre) (r) . 60= 3 ..O="* ' +
: O Ii6 in 2d or 3i qutd. ... 0-3s' 5d 3i
:o=t80. (5tr 3'3i) = 119.5i d (3). !bo= + ,,0=sin 'i
qo= lsoP + (5{P i3l=230'l3i
(6)... O=s I {2r51r,2!515 (sirirc)
: O liBin f d46 qud- o
d € = 360. - (60" 4l ,) = 2r. 1d 2i
(7) 1O=@-' (- 1.3715) 37ls (Ess6E)
'- r

: o u6 d 46 qu!d.
in 3d

: o= ts0. + (32. rr 5j)=212" lr5i i o=rstr-OY2d rB) = r6op 3i 4i

c o = r60P (32. li 5l) = 3r'4i i t!)60=:-!i,tu0-:!
(s)...€=@.'( 2-7012) , - 2rol2 (rcsdirc)
t 211
.. € lis D 2d 6 46 qDrd-

tr - lso. - (20p ls'55) = 159. 4i i


d o = 360'- (ro' 1i 5i) - 339 4i i

,,, b (z A) = 125.3d
(9) : O=tu-' (-2.14rO, 2.1456(DsdiE)
...tu8-0.4t3 r D(z B)=z'li
i o U6 in 2d tr 4u qu.d.
.: e= im. (65" d 4d) = r 14" 5i 2i
: n(1^)+o(zB)= 15op e
0e=36tr (65'd 4d) = 2e4'5i 2d : E(zc)= l3r- r50'; =2e'5.i
o). B(+.})u6trr'q,d. o
: O !6 in rh. 1r qutd.
.. 0.499 ... o = 26. 3i
."-,(+)=*i o=3{r
0 =

oro= lso.
ri = 206" 3i
+ 26.

(,). BC#,#)16-dq,.d. o'.'cc 3= 03564 (egalivo)

'isr-'i;=4' :o=rs{f-45"=r35'
b6o=03564 :0=6r'i
(3) . B(*,+)tuii,hc4!qud. : o= rso. - 6e" i = llo'5i
.'. € li6 in iL 4u quad tro= ts0. + 6!p i = ?4e4 i
:.6=160. (3. ) 4b 5, rj
= 306.

o .'. 0 li6
'.' € is de
inli quld 0 3d qn d.
sltet psiriE ege
,o elop , 360{ : € rs in 3d qmd.

( t : r)
r;/et / (!!qD !u s!,Ltr rElt€J @
.. sid a. sir (t8tr - 3(l,) C lia O) +
( Bo) m-'($)=*rzmr
, 6 oso.+ 45) = ll! 30, (+) +
+(;) & 4y
: sio (z AcB) - ;
=+"+.i=#=# (3)...Tt * or p,,'lLlogm aBcD = ao.-?
: si,a= +Qcidw) :dr6i'fe/ qd a1 /
..=-'# ... a=(tr 3) .*^=; / /a
ffa=,ur-40p 3i=
139 2i

(.).b(*)=t .*-,(#)=*
-"= 3 , *(+)=,/. .-.,(,r/,)=f
, *-'(i).*'(f)=*.+=+
...f *60o. 1zzo" - ey = z
"1* "ot

j'?+Mo=, i.,+ho=,
: M€= I lposirive) .'. 3 li6 in l"or3dqu.d. AEwers of Lih Applications or Unil Two
: h45"= r :0=45. or0= 130. +4s" = 225c

o o \

:tu0=* o
@ddE d& ltiri e bl.d bd. rna
:0-36'5i rt
ID .'. T1E ovsld ditu by 6. Fi.t
rsiil mwq b !\e rtht beans

o dnlrc
@li'sh*.kral Thc @EEd durins m @ltrdo
(r)a (2)b (3)h l4la (5)c =2ft x 9000 e s654367 ro
i lte rEd of 6e saErrib = M$il
= 9424.73 h/hou.

'*(+)=;fs', Ti.Ediulengrhofrt cid. ofrhe Eerit pdn

.', TL dislre @r@d duirg tu tulariod

, ac -{ilfiiiiF= rr *.
:Tt ditu ovs.d dri4
@r$ .20944r-.
oe bdt o

o ]lMw of rh. oelc f,inch $. shadop

{ 1 ) The

{ 2 ) Ihe d.se ,E6E of tne ansle

=?4,!!!!= rznp

.'. The nuber of hom = 12r'+ 15" = 3 hom.

(3 )'nP Edi@ 0ffi orrhc dd. -hich i trDde
by th. sbdow afier l0 boE
=,5. ^ r L=ja

r Th.lddnoI E =l!^24=20rm.

rte ship dre6 $. pon ar n e [o ,
o \1

l -r4l:
Cn E m orhd solurioG)

. e=so

d" = 36.
52 t2
5, ri , #= o.6aa-

"t<a I


o . O= rir, '+
( )

* @

Second Geometry
of Unit Three

AnsweE or Exercise I t (5 ) -.' PoI*@ ABCD is . rlelff-
@tM.rt-'e'" q,..timl ^t=ntLc|-5s]4'=te
,- rlL'o=ntLz|=xf -2,f =7e
,... D(z^)-m(zY), n(zB)=o(zD
,m(Zcr)=n(ZL), a(Z D)-n(Za (t)

'vx=n= tz=i= a
.'. Rlmbu ASCD - rlE06ur YXLZ

@fE.3.yq@uocl (6) .. 6//E,;Ei.rro'E.r

o :.o(z^)= 13r -o(z B)
, . Yztt x-,ii.",t*,,-t
,n(Zc)=n(Z1), \LDr-d\zz) :-r\L4=tai r\LLt
,..' o(z B)=E(zL) :- r\L n(Lq
:r ^)=i
...1C ES -q 4S= 1 (2) r (L = n lL D, D <L B) = <L L)
.'. Polygon AlcD - p.lyson IxYz ...fq=!q=q=1q=: (2)

(2)'. Polyson Fc)c is a sque : Pol*on AIo - polyson z-xY

, polycon ABo sque.is a

: Sql@ FG)G- 3qumAlCD

'..!4'!9 ' 1C= Eq=-4S=*r".,fu
:Tn M polygpB e driol,r
({)'. PolysdAlo n r!€..ltlogm :i6=r=T
: m(ZB)= l30P - 7f = ll0. :s.!'.fau= i;.=;
, '.' polysm cFEx i: r p€nldostu
: E(za)=l3lr llop =70P
!. D(zA)-d(zc) 'b(z B)=o(zF) o
,E(zDl=D(1x) O) . 4q= Eq=!q= @=-d.md"'

: Pt Lio8m ABCD - !.e[loslo CFE(

o o
i m(zADE)=r(z B) &d ey c .. o (aA) = s (Z C) OlEy @ dsM @ ED
and otr lne slE sid. of it)
,.or-zE Gnnlq) ,,,fu6rA3Dcil.cyclicquldiilrE'l
645 (FnrEq )
E-i--F E li =f
..AB=13m. :BD-12d. -F-a-E
,AC- l5m. : CE= rOE. (S@!dq) :''F 6-6
. -4E = -!S =
1S -ry99941!q
DEFsFfuo.lDF = (r ) dE rqni!:d riasle
Ndie dt, is 4 6lsr!.m.
orAABc ud 14aA d i -
''-T----]n -zi JH Bi Ad ^Anc
taB=24d.,8C-n .
Crt. Eq)
.'. AB= r25c-.,8 C= 15.-.
L ln. No dieBim s@ld lEdgL b.
of rh. (2) Norierb rhe Equftd rimsL h 3 lhrj,*iis of
B i -^Arc
:TlcMl*igl6Esiffu. ^ABcrdr.rAA
. lE-!q-&="-,.r,.*
j AE or :@!d lfugr. = rO : 60 - 2,()0 o? : A B=3cm.,B i=16m.
,AC=s.a-- 0xeft{)

o p.lygo XrzL
( r ) Nolie dd rb. r.aui,.d Etusre i!
'.' Polyson AACD - m dlarEmd of nle giwn Ehste d ler
: D(zA)=,(z x)= l15" Ebsh ABCD - M6gle ABCD
- a(zx2l= 34ff Ol5'+35'+7n=qr . AB _ Bi _Ftuor@sreABaD
, : lolysm ABO - polygd XYZ-
E- Iz - !.r*&dFrF xra. . An _ ni _FiEeEorEbgt.Aiad ,
.19 o l0-5-
, pcriBed of Ehsl. AtsCD = 96 m.
, pqitutr of polygon XYZL = 26 cm. (Scord Eq.) @ oi eEngle ABaS = 30 x 13
= sao ml
o (2 ) Ndjc rhar dr r.qtrifn Ebgle i a slnintins
of dr sivo Mgle dleiMsLABCD
,, A' - Bi FfuOIEd+ABC} , rb. sk r,fu or sibilirity orpoly8s M,
'ld Rc FuEEorElqraidd *' ^.
^6 6 ---------- l-
, ,.riftd ortMeL dBcD = 12.3 cr.

, sg of tusl.,{BCD =a x 2.a = 9i ml

'. AB = 3 mi. Ln31h , CD = 12 uni.locrh

.', ae ; u urg*r o d. pu*ing d*u€r, nt
vdi&sof^ADc "i.1" (FidEq) .'. rhe sale tudu of sinilait or Flyson Mr
. !E=-!g
: lr@ pop.iiod,l bdcEn ud BC , &e sc,le facd of sinnaity of Flygen ,12
AB is , BD
(sEodEqJ bP",ygoM,=B=f =+
-#=;i=# @lH'sh"..k"'.1
. L=2=E
'. Rtusle alcD " Ebd. aEoN

(E =4q=lq= 8-p
ld td. leng$ of sq'ft or d = uil knsd.
.'. lserh ordr,s,Bl orsqm =16unir leos6. answeB or Exercise | 2
(r) M,tttet".h"t." q@stcl

. . es =f -h L"c'h , cD = r1lid, r*c,r.

. . Tne scale ldr oI sinileiq ofpolrgo M,

--r,- u =e=lE=r
@l=*"rq.*tfil : m (l m (z ABC)

o We d.du lnd aBD) =

n (z A) = 130' - (30" + 5s') = 45'
n(zA)=a(z D) =45'
,m(zC)=, (z F) = 55'
er=o z=r*. :f=f ={,f=}=}
. zAi'-*",#=#= +
m(zB) = lstf (65"+rop)=35' : (Q.EJJ
m (z x) = lm'- (?5'+ 65') = 40'

o.lyh(za)-a(21.) raaere,oce,S=S= ]
: ft. so tianclB e d.imil6, n (z AEB) = o (z cm) go,a)
r:t-..ltrEi : aaEc-aBED
-L 1
( ., ) '.' MABC r DH m No .quil,hd riansles

(5) ,'AAABC
B) =
)<ZY @
no&d6 tioCla
z) = 70'
ro. $*S ... aa mr ,erc *' ,
(? )
-^Nr-rrb6e #=#=NlrE= |
; / \.t
,s r^AEc_^BDtu 4E=.q= -L
,m (z AEc) =D (z Bm) ry.o"{J

o o
. tq-!!,rY 'AADX

(Qr.D.l) -E-;a-E
. @=!!=4r
.Eti"*resx ,.,AAJ(E-AAYC
B . a!,E-!4
..4E- !- -1 ..ES-.1- f . 1q=_E=1
'' 58-Er-5r '';7 E-F
o IE
4q-_L= 4 . qq=.l.l = 1 .1q= S=1
..5E - EF -5F
(Q,E,D.I) txd-n
: m (z BFD) t (z EFc) (vorJ ,-.- (Yo'1 = cKY)2 + oo)1 - ua + zs = an

.. !s=!g a
... aBcD ,s a p,$11&e@-
.', A DBA- A BEC w. d.dE 6.r
: (aED.l)
n (z ADB) = n (z cBE) md yc3xanetlr6 . ^aHE-acHB
... eo / sc (Q.E.D. r)
n (z ABD) = m (z cB) ud e 3lcfu msls ,. iE//co
.. ,qe // cE (a.E-D.2)
@ r.-or,rt,.S-f,fl

m(ZF-AD) (vo.tr)
tll ^_

w. d.du& thd m (z acB) = n (z ADE)

!d dry @ dM 6 B-,nd o s. s@ ii& nm n
..BcDEisacycli.qudrilatnl. (QlD.) .DE ]L
o BAc
"iE-E ,
.. rosrroei=eo

,z,/ / \\
rn a,r BDE .

, c-,-9 j13
: (DE+ 12) (DE 5)-0


w. d.d@ rh, ftom ei0ilui.y : AB -L;6

.. ACDE b. crlic qudril,Erd

, Ea-LAD .. E{1o(9 -n (z I,EI{)
aid dEy @ @Fndi4.ngt6
.OXltlr (EntEs)
: DC=2BD
n {z oE() = o (z u|lE) ud lhcy e

,. ,-etor
.. (61r ) =DB''DB ..8-E-T ,, -,
\( +4

: Ee //AD,iEi"tu..d. A
: d (z A) =m
(u B) = 90! (dG@ dul6)
4c= 2 =2 8*- E r d. -e-r "r -ABr
: D(z B)=m(z E) !m(zc)-r(zD
W. dsnie tb! : o (Z BAC) = m (Z AED) D (z BxA) =D (1 EYD) = 90P
:.retfr .!!=3I!

m-,n.,:r,. !!=l!9

Fr@ rihihrity rc d.riie n (z BAD) - n (z c) a

rtmshrt di6ol^ADc :t,4


. -48
..rD=6?-,BD=r"+=3* = -Eq

: ft@ ABDE is a trapaim of @. ,. nxl,q.s

s;E ,.ji ,3 =,3i *,
"BD= Ih,r',r>,,.@=!9
(a-E D.2)
DrA* AE--LE'
(QrD. r) . AX=AC,AE-IBC .. BE= L Bc
w. dlnue 6ar : m (z ADB) = m (z cAx) = eo!
,,, AD L BC (Q,EJ)

@ ti
LllBXA,CDA' raDq=#
..4q= !E
so n'cit d dSl4 ilblan d b, 6
Mo iMiD.n b3l6 st .nd.d ty BC
.,. r (z = d (z DBc)
^BD zesc
. i6b-l (Q3.D,2)
i, AC- n. di.@ h 6. cid.
.: zcd'*tu3 zD^c @
:t(zABc)=n(za(jB) E .
, n lZ DEA) = d (1 DFC) = 90' :s(zABD)=r(lacl o)
.. {DEf = AE , EB : DE =,/E; EB . s! =4q .sc=4E {2)
,(DFl=A!"Fc : or={F,rc Ftm (1) r AABD-AECA Q,E,D )
,,, Ag of Ebgl. AIDF = DE x DF '(2):
-{AE , EB ,,F, Fc

,m (z c) =m
(z IrYD (c&Eqmdio€ dsr6)
:A^AC-^IDff (Q,ED- T)

r'.OetFrc iA^BD-AACB .2-L
. 4E=!s . --4!- -.1! - l
AE+3 I 9
(6) . zEDFnod6i.rElLof$.liu8b,rDc
:. !(zoF)-r(23)+r(,acAD)
(2), Mirln.Fi of ....Ilfuof E di@
,', n (L BDF) = B(1 t) + EILcAD)
..$=],6i.*ah!ramc SiDiLrly: E (Z DFE) ED (Z Alc)
: D ir rb. didFir, or E
,..eolec ... @- + Ac-eo- ,, DEr EF:FD=AC:CB:BA- 12: l, r?
,inAlEDr', FM//ED (?)InADAE:,F//E
alw-aem ..
,,-i-f . __DL = !. _:.
, , 3 DX E 2 DX + 3; DX = 3 m,
', n(z BAc)=D(z D),zB it @@. rnaABcr', DB-//E
.:6^D8-A^Bc i#.8
:,X=S*.+Wl .n=ii
,'.(Bcr+rBc-36=o DB. 12,16.
:. t6 -
,'. (BC-4)(BC+9) ; 3CEam.
0(z^cD)=s(z B),zAn"r--usr.. r, Alac I o (z 90'
jA^cD-a^Bc,#.8.# B) =
; m (z AcB) + E (z cAB) = 90'
:.__L=L ..,, "n +v : o (z c{B) E 0 (z EcD)
(!)',' ABDELE.quiLklttu .,
x'.1, xt.lzt
,, 6(zBD€)E,(zBED)E6(zDBB)-60" '.
:. n ILBDA'). $(LBW E tt
j E (Z ABD) + d {Z CSE) . 60' : x+y r5 + l0.lr6.
r','D(Z BAD)+EGAaD). r8n - l2t (, ) I! rb.q!.driL nlAXU;
= 60' ': 6l/- ll(F'' + 6lL l,ZF . lW
, d (Z BAD) . d (Z CBE) i AXYZ i, . orolie qur,liLrerl
In dd DA! ElC ; :. n(L DtE).i{L A)
BIL - b(L E@) = ra sn !,ly: 6 (z DE) -, (z B)
,6 (z^DBr
BAD) = o (z cBE) :A BC-aPDE,*=#-#
:aD B-aPtc ,B-B .E-L

(10) ID d,4lc: i m (zA) =9(r' i CB = 12@,
= 16m,
bAYrc: ','E(z D=90' i BE+BC= 12+ 12m.=24m.

: n(zB)=m(zFYC)
..- d (z DEB) = - (z r.FC) = 9oc
,n(1B):n(1FYC) , : AABC ir dgnl 6Eld tialleL d B
, -L=ES
"r"*=B=B -- 16=1a\11x :-X2= A
,(Bcf =cE,ca=9i, 13x=e, 13r'
.'. Tt rg 01ln. sqDm DFY = 16 ml =,,
'3, ij
. EF//E
.. fte !d of lne r.pedu aDcD =
? x6

'. EF//- iE=-i =:g -1

Answers or Exercise 3
''E----- choico quostions I


. rezOS
'';E-ri--- ..E=r 1=1
"re= f
*. @tEsayq,r".t'Nl
(tr) '. zAll $ppL@b
, z ACB .uppl.@6
Z ACD o 0It[. l" .
Am lnec /r \I I
r r r(z BEc)=o(zacD)
.. b(zArc)=E(za@)
;;;;;;;-\,r n
ldaEof &e f tiusre=ea
.'. Aa ofth.2d riogl. = 4I
'. D (Z r (Z ACB)
AX-C) =

: !E =!S =4S .'. aE or &c frriecL cn3
= 90
E-cB-^! , e .f i\. ,"d ti-gE = ao ..?

'.' Rdio bd*a ldsrhl ol so om.rpuding 6ina
= l:3 .'. AE oI ngw DBCE 4I-I= 3I
. R{io tel@ @ of 6. No polyS@ = I | 9

rrlneseofrhe lr potgld=a
... ---4e!l4.4L =
t= 1 Crhte.)
i AM of.[. 2d poly8d = 9 x
:-9x x=32 :.ax=32 ,',r=4 o
i. A€ or d. f porysotr = 4 03
l Bir@,n(zc')=n(zDAB)

o ,4E =!9
. eSzDC
: n (1. B) - d (z Dc!) (dEsFldi4 rylB) (l)
, .. ecrroe
: r (z BCA) = D (z E) (cl]Elpddin8 ost6) (2)
... *uom =1aqt' -(hl-+
Em(l),(2) | i AABC - A DCE
,,^6d^ln \m/ \2, o
'----i--4 . r-.rraeEor rgol rr\1-ir
;;;[ffi;- r;6, -\r,
o :aEof(a^Do)=9 !4=36d: O)
, DE//BC

E4 _ \
*::""Hi ( * = r = (*I= (+t =
=(+)' ' ,, AEof (ACED)=9 x9=31 m?
, G;E;'- 9 .l ABofporysotrmDc-3r 9=12 ] @

.'. Ara otA AxC = 135 cml

: As ofpsEndosro ABCD = lo3 @?
: AEa orhpeziuDBc = I35 60=75m:
Gr," -q)
o o
. rcllP,6Fi""m*""4
...n(zD=n(zADE) (alEr@Dsre,
AC_6-Z ' :n(1c)=s(rA)fuilFni6olspoln.bse)
';-s-7 . hor(aD.F, rre/
Dc i / AE \: ,5
;;;1^N; -\ ,-,

o '
N {Z AEB) = D (I, ACD) = E (Z BD)
=(BB) r0Dc)'i@Bf (Qa.D)


: Pmuelo8m ABCD - psE]leloslh )GYz
.r^aB{:r +Bc. AD
. luddorscDr / I \)- r i;;6=r u ' I N';; x% = yz.
;b,.nd"runrzl- r:' {Qs.D) )<I-

'\E) w- e tu
0 (aI,D)

'.' Th. so polrg@ E siDilll.
r aMDc-aNrz :.!q.Pq
r {DryFtr^mr') /rJ /m\, rr^^ca \Ac/ iAc)'z
r(Fly@xyz) \lzl \Nl ' ",^Bo ?rci @c)':
: r (lol,td ABCD): ! (!.1y3o XlzL)

o ''
= i;-=Gc,
: i(AABx)+i(ABcY)=i(aAcz) (Qx.D.)
: n(z r)Eb(z
'r(z =n(r
2) 3) 4)

, .'E(z!AD)-n(1c B)

r6^BE} t^E/ ro
";aG',ci (QA.D.)
:r(aBcB):9I i!(AADB)=16t
IE i r @AAC) =. (A ABB) -. (A BCE)

@ = 16x-9r,-1a

G : Polygor DAXYB _ PolySoo DBMNC (FiBr rEq.)
.!c=1/roo 36=s-.
,OotysoppAXYBr /6\:_ 16 _ 9
i(F&@Af,b) (ADf a(mlrrmDBlvorc) \3' 64 -ro
(edysedxcY, -at (rcotro

rd 6ih .tnide !9 =.:q @
_ ! cprypi x)
. r(dxoaxYp) _ (ADf _aD
rlF\!@YJf'D ADIBC Dc
.. !g-t!!I = !9
r(,dyrY) /rc\'? (Do')
. j-@rye!4ryl= {41!D (Q,ED) ' =t Ac =
scY) , (! Ebc) "t!"iv:.4 ' ,^ctt
, @ryFn

(Frs- x) * @ryp., toi*oci

". "
1".. l'\/
o.s _ r,mr'.qql

.'. ABc is a nsntusled diu8l. d B (Q.E-D)
: Iagrhr of 4cponding .idA in rh. No la

9.lrg@ ADBE , CDA! m pr.pdim,l.
, '.' EslG oloEspondtus &gLr in ti€ No
polygos ADBE CDA! @.qnd (wbr) ?
,,,Pol,g@ADEE-Pol,gmoAI (Q-E,D',
/ Ar, \: rst
. ruotysrDDE,-tcD'-rcDl
'Bx= +k."i,'"'c,h,By= +'..-,'*gd,
T =!q (orrr)
= (cDl cD

a . . M A)o- , BYx nshlosled ti.n3l6 b.w :

, , a prw th! :
xI = xY ,.i6ila rc
t2=Tt ,nlLt)-nlL3)
, : n(Lt)+s<L2)=e.Y

.'. laBns orcmpooding nd6 in oE so

polygos DAXYB , DBMNCm Dmpdimn. : xYz-isalqle. (a.ED.l)

, : I]BUB of
poly8 s DAXYB
cmponding msl6
in rh.
m au,l (Y&y)

(., r)' fr/11/(.,.E .d-guFr'@Il@

ts + ! arac qudLrd AlM)
/ {m! :
', 13 + a (lne quadilnrenl AErrZ = I 17
... , (d. q,dirfrr AE\E) = I 17 - lr = ro+o:
... n (1 CB tl =m (z CDY) '.' r (z AED) - m (1 AcB) = eop
(No insribcd usr6 on sme m a) ,D (Z DAE) =fi (Z CBA)
, m (1 cDY) = m (z x)
GmspondiDg bsls) "t6aEp, =t as \,

(z BDx) (z BcY)
. !r4@l = /-Li = l
' m =m
. ! .,i^acB,=5a.-l
Exrdor of dE cycric quadrilacEr Bc\D ----L- =
: Th. ma or rh. shrdcd rgio = 54 -6
. 1!4!9! !!' = a3.-:

@i!E!q!!!q : XVl
. "(aoe,-r*f-/2\'

(t)b (2)c (31. (4)c
A\ , -\ar -

(7)c 13)c (9)a (10)b
*Ig*j:t[l, 16 a( ADE)=a(^ADD+r0
rt; rv /crr 15 a( aDE) =30 .."( AnD=r.-:
.i^;aDj=\ {- / '\ {, =5{=i
. xv/ec
'.. .r6aErr
I \F \' . daEF _ | ";i;tu6=llci'"6Mr=lror
. ! {r ABq - .:iii.:l - 50 .*:
,,,( a(^AlD
8c)-"(r€F)_9 r-T .'. In. m! of ngurc XBCY = 50 - 32 = l3 cm
(2),,XY/]BC .,,AAXY.AABC
rt6 ax)r /.gtl eaa e

rrvl - o _O .. M n lh. poibt or indddo or @di sot

' 4c/ {+tu
,..tzrra .#=ffi .'. Cl ;, . -.ai.".
.. ar^aEc)= l atAABcr=l " 16= rEcm.:

,.-zMt AE ,. MD/iE ...^cMD-^cEA

..,rozu, 7pq1: . "i^cuor 1o 1:

=a(aArc)- (r(^ADE)+r( cFE'
: Tn. er oI rh. shad.d sgion = 36 -8 =!( Alo (*ra(AABq+*,(^ABq)
=,3c l = * ,, (AArc)
'-' m (z FDE) = m (z Aac)
-;6^!.r - zs
, n (z Fo) = n (z AcB) (@Gpoidn'e msl6)
( 9 ) Thc @ ofihe sql@ABCD= 6 x 6 = 36 cml
aq= I !E )'z
. l.j4
... Mof
rne j r16= r80l
. s(dABo I BC i ^DBc=
6 ,.. FY // BC
/l\' I
' .6M,-rg, . lAStrr- / SEl . "rrorvr i21'

: T1E maolln. shadedEsion=54 6

=43cml .,aoer, 1pg1: . "raor.xr 11f
17)..aABc-ADEF^ .fiffi-(#,
. "9f --! l'
=r .'. Th.@(fiS@XYFE)=3-2 =6ml
'' N- iN
er , gr * r*
''. (x+7)-1r+D
(,r+2a+ r) xr
"* "ttgr"
". !(aErO sE
a(dNE) lE z
. 3-!-? -
-r- ,
.'. tx+2) 12x+ D=5 \'1
:2.r:+5 x+2-5 r: ..,^aqs,_/M\,_rzl_a
', !t^D)-\ -1,, -, F:,
;#!Dt =+ .: a6rED=4icml
, rh. @ orl CBD = rhe ma of A Bm
:x= +
(rch,sd) - i=, =]tal =?l-:
.. oxttrr -5+.-:
llr) : Tt. *ale fatu of similery of p.lyg.n
Pr bdEpotysuP:is
".ra-86=lir =E 3
,,a rnr'= a ^,, rrnc, MiF tl, E
,. EFl,qB . &e $1. red .r sinilrity of polygon P. ro

,,..j(A-=lu/ C, polyeoi Pr is
. ,raer /l\' 1 eiL=trf = r
.. ,r* 1rl , a* s1 , e.n e,r
ra crr = { ,, ra cner

loz l

' {A'"" (PJ -1f*(P, =,i.r k

",lk = i,l[ (s )...AEx BE= 12x 3 =36
,,1*",rpf=tr; r= rrt ,cE:DE=9x4=16

otuy eo
'.- Egule polygons hovirg
{6)'. AE: BE-6x
,(E\DE-7 2\23=2016
3.6= 21.6

.(ryi:::, , : d d*
't[ 'IlE F.im A ,B ,C ,D @ li. ciEL.

Lr rtE LnBh ofrb. ddiur of ee ciRle - A(1),(a),(6)

.. er = .'y'io** ,r. ai,g.,"r or aBco
"q* o
, id - , (b*** $. r*sin .r rh.
' "id.
.r ,q,*.$arj d. d,,,fu or d"
"q,,r" "^h).
.(***ol -
(nir)'- r
.(q,*idarj) ao': , r. . r0 =61...
M3 =2 M.B

AnsreE or Exerci* I 4
* =,j '*. * ,

@ n'rttat"
qu" torc o


... 'rhe Lnsrhs oi cE , ED e ?5 cm. , 4 m.


o ..(51r)=J aD AD
@G@v qu..o.N I
. . so = j (AD) ... (AD)1 = roo

(I -6x 7-42

Fon nrc maior cirle : (x_D: = xc x ,o
Frcn rne miru ciEl. : (x!1 = r.A x )G
F6n(l) ,(2):: xc r /\D=xA x )G

(4)...aExEB =5 x20= l@ o o)
,CE x ED= l0 x l0= lC$
..Ia: MA=Mc xM
Fmm O) , (2):
.'. Th.poinbA,B ,C !Dlnon sam circle : A,B,C,Dli.mon.circl.. (a.E.D )

o (B_

, ta=t94 . n,xv- ru, z

.'. FisaE LIZM n a cltlic qudilatral (Q.E-D. 2)

o gs
: @cf =r{D: },c=4 x20=30
"'s= "''
rza 'sE=e . Mc=,/ao=1,6*. (s.-dEq.)

,. DE= ? e,m=5- ID
r. (Ac)':= cD x Bc

'.'Al xBE= 25 x6= 15,DE xEC=3 i5- 15

.'. Th.poin6A,B ,C,D li. oD lne s.m circle.

(bseDry 3nd iErib.d oEl6 subr.odd bv6)

'.. (xr: = nts x NA , 0{xf - Nc t ND
r^ acpr
_/ !q ),=I4t,= 4
.. "
.#=P. (a!D) i a(AAo)=ak,r( BcA) =e L

tD lgi!2-r!
. -5

(arD) DEw d.GE xY

mrn tuorcEl.. I L,/"4
.*"**-.*."" \.Yjl/

P,-f,. ADnxY={B} l --/

@ ... AB xBD=)c xBY=5 x re=es (arn)
: (AB):=ArxaE ... (Alf =axe=36 @
'.' A Alc is ;cnr'mgLd sr B ,

In ciEleN = (Acf =AB x aD =9 x 16= r44 BE 1AC

(QID) (brmsD E (z D) + m (z FEc) - 130.)


m(1 2)=n (z 3),zEnacomnasre

F.-'',1" cd. ;i= B
"t,,jl,,t.r, ""
,,, €cf = EDrEA=ED x 2 ED
=r(ED): (Q.E-D.2)
,--\ @ti'st*";E'"1
(1)c (2)d (3)c (4)b (s)a
(6 )c (?)i (3 ). (9 )b (r0) b
Dnv DE a dl@d in l]1c ciElc.
Lr Ltrc Edins lengd of rhe cialc = t (1)[-ED=EM- .X----\
/,i\-re- \
,., EC = DE- DC - (2 r- 2) cn.
\.; 7
-', 4 x4 - 2l2r - 2) -'- 1 - 5 n- .'.3i3=rr3x -'-3x1=24

'.'z,q-xBnariehi sle ('Nnbed i. a smicncE) : (6+r (6 r=(r+ l)(,


, x= Jrr."o-ar *r=r
: AC=4+ I =5 , CB=4
DEg MB o I ..- iI i"
me-r *c*r
P.oor: '.' n (1 NBA) = eoP
,E-LMA- : (s):=cs " (cB + 30)
: (ABf = AD x AM but (AB), = AX x AY
: (cB)': + r0 (cB) 64 = 0
QI,D,) . (crt r)(crt.rz)=o
: cB =2.ndcB = 32(Efrrcd)
@ , ...
5ii., og*t *s*r
: (rof = DB (DB + 1o)
. (DB)'*1l](Ds) a.o=0
.'.n(11)=h(23) : (Ds) - l0) (@B) + 40) : 0
DB= ao (Retused)

(4).'FEisadse b rhe bissr.irle ar E (9)D.r*AC
... (rE)'=FC'rD,., (FE)'z=4x9-36

,'. FE xFB=FC x FA .,. 6 xFB =4r 3

,,, BE=2+6=3cm, In AcB : Ac =1EiL r5:-
( s) . ;E,i6e.-o6u.nrb,ir!'dr.r h
AcE : aE =1E-r=
: AC=r L At=r+2
. r (Anf=Ac:^r ...x1=(r l)(r+2)
.. ii'=x1+ \ 2 ..a'2=o

(6 ) . CBisabc.nirodEcircle

: (cBt = 3 x(3+ r3) - 63

.. ME-aCD- ... e ;"r"aapoatordD
.. cs ={er =af"-.
:EC=6h. ...r=BM=4+6-10m.
, - Ar =AIr (esobsdb)
.. ec eo =ac -ar - cn =:f m.
, .' AB i di ft. iD $. hicirck O\,r) oIlE eile
'.' fac6r = dn*inc ...1. of dE boE

i n-^
. . Tr'e direBiom of
5.6 x r 50 = 340 cm. = 3.4
E :

: AABEn d n6el6 rim8l ,3.4 x r50= 510m.=5.1m. (FdEq)

, rh. dimaim of lne bedDm G :

.., EC XE'A=ED XEB 2.6 x 150=r90cm.=19n.

' ,3.4 x 150= 510m.=s.r m. (smndEq.)
.'.4xEA=6x 12 : EA= 13ctu.
: r= 13i2-9cn. , &e dimrim or rh. riviDg mn I :

2.4 x 150 = 360 m =3.6n.

.. )aE=2k , EY=3k . . 'Ite um of rh. livirE IlxD - r.6 x 5.a = l9,aa n:

",EAXEB=EXiED 'Ite Lnsrh or rh. hath mn , lh. rilched ,nd rh.
:EAxEB=2lx(3k+6) O)
,'.'EAxEB=EYxEc livirs ll)m = (2 6 + 2.6+ 3.6) x r50 = 1320 @.
:EA:EB=3k(2k+(oq e) ,nd itE vidt\ orthn pd tu. = 35 n.
= 2 4 x ,50 = 360
. Tl* ,@ ol d,is p.n = 3.6
" 112 = a7J, .l
...2k(rk+6)=3t (2 k + (cx)) 'Ire lmgln of b.dmD and dr eipdon
...6kr+ t2t=6k?+3 k (cyi) =(2.6+5.6) t 150= l2rom.= r23 n.
... 12r=3r(cx) , lhe wafi offiis par = rr4 x l5o = 5t0 m. = 5.1 m.

.. The @ of this pd = 123 x 5., = 62Jl r:
baEofibe hNs =4752+623 = nO5 D.': ,(Bc)':=BD, BA- 3 x ro=30
: Bc-41Fh.
'. orlen
'.' C ir .h. EiQoiIr of Al ,
!q =_14
" 5F- Ec

n<L^J-i<LD)-gtY :DE=10+21=125m.
i Tr. Iad ol h€ Ediu ofd. di$

'';r- DE '';-T o
,, CD-Li;
(, ) ... DE // BC

. -Pq = 4S
,,;- ro

o : Iostn of lne EdiB of rh. d h cirle

3 jr' ..rr{r
,', nE fou@n h d a disbc 3 n.fts ftor
oElr Efiadon usL).
'@e ot

.A! !q
: AB=9n (nEEq)

o or,r,"*a7C,ao-

: icor:=ro, *tecl
os =z
' i= re

of Unit Four


AnsweG ofBercise 5 @
@rnu'r,pr. cdrc. q..stlcl
(t)Finr:b seond:d r'bird:b (2)d
(12)c (r3)c (14) b

09) b
(16) d lr7)b
(201d {21)b
G3) d
o __
(, )... DE//BC
. @=4E

o (2J:frtfr ,39 =4!
,r,... r'F-l?-7

!4= 4i (3)-.'5:F//L

q4= -1
'{ T 4
! =!1 ,, DE ]i BC , DF//AC- ..4S=q
.4P=4! . oezsc i x=-3 (€h!.{l) o
'_"Dnlg = 2c r . 4E = !! = -1
20= 5 F.24 4 6 ./.e
-. l!,4E .. DE
b Bc
( 6 ) Id rh. ;ebr msLd nian8le AED d E:
(aD)'= (AEf * GDf = r25 + am = 625

-..4! D !.19=?1=:
. 4C=4s .. DE//BC
o ''r-i
_=E=f .r=lf =i 'D3.
.1!=!9 ..,qB-rtt (e!.D.) . 6E n .d p..,rhl h Bc

>The idangle propoftona ity lheoems

o r.-r, . 4!= r ,4E=r

, AD//BC
..l!=l!..oe/BC (QT,D,I)
. v4=!q
'' EFlAB,En$enidpoinrof AC
. :L !!q : FiB$e midpoidofBC ..BF=+BC

'i:i::i* 19"1
IN^ABC:, D:F//B-
...4q= 4i '' 3 -;:
.4S=@ : DE//EF

o @
,, AD // BE
,. NB-//CD-
. a=!q
, . BG-/DE . !q=!q

.. 4E = ^d\
,. rco
,/i \
irlsx (r)

GiYen r dABC D is the midpoinr
''G- i
" F --it-l . ,{c lI
of AB, E n lnc midPoirr oa Ac-
R,Tx,,(l)DE/1BC .. rezxc
(,r Bc \ Frcn(1) (2):: DE// BC
Dnu EF // AB 6
_ ifued BC r! F .'. The poin$

D !F md E m colline (Q3.D l

,.4>.- @ Hrsh...'.rntl

z4:L>< o
(r)c (2)c (3)a (4)b (5)b
(r ) '.' m (z YDD = n (z YcB)
FmnO),(2)::4I=!I {coGpondin8 6g16)
, '.' m (z ADY) = m (z cDB) (vo"{)

G __ , ,,. n (Z ADY) = m (Z FDY)

.'. n (z cDB) = n (z DcB)

sc-M h_5 InlABc:'.'DE//BC

'. SYaAB,q=q . p -!q-2
,', XY=BC-(BX+CY)= llJ-(5.4+6)=2.1 m
12)-.'2xz-3 xy-5f=D
tD : (2.I- 5 y) (i+y)=0
ME // AB *.+= ?
, , MF//AC
h Anc,. ED//BC

!,,DB =DC ,,, DE = DF

,, ro -t- 5
.. ni",r*.upo'.rEF (e.ED. r)
, '' o is rl'c riapoi"t or aC 1o;o,.*,1'."*-*9*F,
.r i5i6!nxlimof a^8c .. DM=
AD .,.FAB, =-izADBr Fl ,-_:tf-

,indACD: DF= DC
lmqr. orormv,aa inqiua
--..,,."***G, .&//,
14 \
I .. .(1rAc,=.11AEc, w/-'l
By.ddr"s , .. DE+DF= j (BD+ Dc)
( i
.*=+* ase
9e ol l,nsency
sbe €drhedia)
bd insib.!

o .'. m (zADB) = r (z aEc)

(b€c€us dry hav. rhe sam hei9r )

.. oa // Ec '';d - D-E
,6.m:ofa$E =4!
cftens dEy h,rc tu s2m heishr)
'' AE,EF moDrh.sme shishrline d
, 4e=!! ro.,* 6E a sc,
:!+!!44lpq= tumdf^AlE (oir.)

> The ldanqle prcpodionality lheo€ms

-4E 5
EF-, 1 _
lnAABF:. DE//BF . @-4E Fmd rl),(2t ..q=g IIis r rhc heck ABc
.. xv /,t c (Q.E.D.)

AnsweE ol Exercise 6
. C-f Sr-* -
, rl" *.hishr Ii.. -a
. a.(rsE) [ EE)-a-i
"...( e 4 2

In : '.' E:E // B-

s!ft tuiglt'ABE::6
ljE,nd hrk
wtu E.
E@lE-"v q,,€ttlo"s I
. ,.(^oE) 2 o

o a
..4! =.!9 rrr.. es-//iE,se-Ec .AD=Dc
.4! = eE (t) :.2y +7 = 13

, . E6//s-
:4!=!9 ... AD=BG
tut. eozsE//cr, os=EF=FM
:_ x1_1= \ L+ t
..(x 4)(.x+l)=o
,,, AD AX=BG BX ,,, DX=XG cI=- I (Ehi*d)
In A DEc : '.' x is rh. Didloint or DG- ,IF // GE- .'.2v I= 13

,r, rnancae+ ' !I=!q=!I
''i7.:1-: -zxn
D-* BE , BF
. !1=Z
'.' M is i\e midpomr of *ch ol LrF
...y 4=10 _._y=14
. . The ngc BEDF is a prallclogm.

,tnlBcE: . FY // EB -y+3=6 .y-1

O) ..*tcDtrPF
, r-3-y+2 t2) .49=!!-ri-r:
by iubtutios (l) 6om (2) :

.'. y=r , by subsritodng in (2) I . L=!-J2-4:

.., aD=4cn.,DK=3cm.,r,E=6cn.(Thereg)
(6).. 6E//Ea , AD=DB ...AE=Ec
:.x+6='tx 2 .-.1x=a :.x.=4 o
lnAABC: . xy rt not tc "-

D,E @ dE midpoinb of

..rv r=l,s! 1,
.'.6y 4=5y-l :y=3
;E,LBF.dEry . !!=!p
x2 -3 x,1=o
... a? 5=3x I

... (a 4)(x+D=o
... x=4 or.r= I (Etus€d)

: c€= 12-(3.6+ 2.4)=6cm.
:- txl't x+2)= t512 x+4)
Onc eq)
.. r= .!t ... v= rrf o
,-,= ? = -i ."=r+
',=+="+ : BD=5cm , EC= r2.5cn
o;n / 5E
// iF
,ti,ne-*u.m*"""r". : AC=2Ocm. Oh".,t.)
. !r=4=!c . L-1=!q
... m=6cm. , BE=4cm. Gr,",!c) .
o /
'. eczFEzo-s . {!=!E ,41=4=rq
.6 a

tThe tnangLe prcportonaiity theorems

. M,EEdEn dpoiJBotAD ACEspectiwry
','AB;BC:CD '
lllr= oc
] (l)

.. E,F@ rtu nidpoinb of ;a,E Gr.nrdy

.*=;* \1)
Fo- a) ,e),. rrG+EF= @c
+ aB)
... MF= (Dc *AB)
l6J +
, xY Yz zN xY+YZrzN-n-
xN 3
1-7-5- M | z (E

'. E is th. midpoid ot B-

TD . v ;"
tap.-' .tii ,

, AB//FE// DC ed AC , DBar NoturG.ls

. 4{=!r =lg .lyLtq=]qlE
, BC//DX//EY
... !!=r4= 4t :1I=!! (o.Er. z)

r' ," p*"u. r. nr 19 oy rr* ..rr,"a" ,

Fid nerbod : Using rhe dntuc. bdwo tuo

ID pobb in dre cdesim plane :
DC//FE !q= !q
" . . AB ={t:rrli!= =fi:l.,Bh uin
!q=19 ,Bc={x 5tnr= = ,1rii b.Bn *i
'' Bc -
4iB U


rh.midpoi orACadFis

B!*ie ii . dskngr.d di.Dg.
M,r.lE s r

rDlbarDor ,, ,deddEe EE//CD- haAr'c:.- a//5

hAADC., BE/CD '';a 6- 6 7 :EF-3r+!2=13d.
(,t) Dnw Ac-bi,aleEFaz hEz-,
''E-,i; _ _
Byddt c0),@,..#.ff=;-?
6 in dr pavioB bu. {t w BK//ADbiol.E.
h^Am, ux,AD . 4q=pI=?= L

...aE=-q=].i=a .3E 1
fl( 1)b
(3)c (t)d o__ __ e
... BC// ED,nd FE t FD tu tusGats
(r) iE//td//Ei 'Fm
..xv-,, , .. rorex- -a E,Fi * w. u**"a"
,(x +.t)'.= a2 +y1+7xy=51+2t tz=sl
tum O), (2), by ndtiplyinc
(r) ={o. r*(6-rl = r{tL"c,h -ti

, Bc ={=lt - (,ir- =1/.h"gd,.",,

.. Ar // cD
r r=r15
15- lG
EI *z
l3) Dnw AC b inbnst
,. cJrlo !r=q
, by addine xY ro baln sid6
,,5 --rc !L=g
.. gerxv

> The hangl€ pDpodon.lltY th@Ems

, .-IE oi* z oec

DA 30 3
Filsl Multiple choice questions '' Bc 5 Bc - 5

(t)d '' -7- 3 ,,,

,lo 3

,AB='{DA,^c BD'Bc
-. n"p"'r.*.raerc = rsG*so*x
=05+ 151l;)m

;- x'3

@G;.yq.."tml o
(r)...6bisbzBAc . !q =!4
a .11
trr . Edu"-"zesc . ,,r=s1
. AD=,/e{'^c BD'DC
(2):6bisbzsAc.'. !q= !4 (z ). aEu* z r,rc,eo--riE
'' ii-1an
... 6 r{9 1+ 2) = 5 x(10 r+ 4)

:.54 x1+ na=!,nxz +2l,x

:x-0 {dpn) d r=2 .AD={BD,cD BA,ac

o ={1,r-,,'6=r{'o -.
,...I6u* z gec
. L=l . !!=!!= q=4
,.,TheP.rifurof^ABc=7+743=22c( Ep+pc llf
( 2 ) InlADc ubich is righlangl.d at D
(Dc)'1 = (50)' (ro)'] = 600 r ia-l x 3

,' .,,;,r, r,.,,"1r.r"!"qr-t"€r@

. _!L= !
AD bner $e earerio, msl. 3r A i l5 BE-36
:-BE-2!cn. ) !\E=6 2!-!5c -

" r- 5
... 5i ti*s z nos .4I =4!
.. AD =1tD DB -Ac * AB =1!o 15 s"6
' "

... gD ri*"s z s ... xY //BC- (Q E.D )

''Bc Dc-5 o
a+Bc -ti .;iu*"zr,rc !9-!I
: rhcFdtu(of $eti sl.=27m.,AC=9m 1S=pr
." AB+ BC- 27 9= 130.
.#=3 .qx qY

.. BD =18;c -AD, Dc =15t B-4- 5

. XVl gO (QED,)

= 2't/ 15 -{rh . ;6 u*" z sec
a ryo Dc-{_5
'. e*ti*z ner xs-s
,. xvl oc .!I DY ;a- 5
. !r= 4! ...19 l
Fmm phldugoEs d,6fn :
o : ... Bc m

. Di ui"*" z aoc by $b6dturbs : .'. AB = 3 r 16 = 43 cr.

.. ex ir sc
o a
'. adoi*t ze,rc ... !q=4q . iEtiozc.cr

c! -"-T

> Ihe tiangle pDponionalily lh€orems

Ioa,roc,'.EFu:su eoc
,.6bi*dzlAc .. !1= !q

j !L!q=!j1 ,: =AD,BD=DC
;-i At (3)

. !q-r?
haeoc,.er//E . er/ sC
... DE=CE+CD-6+2= 3cm

. ,ro =./ne - ro, oc ={a ,, a - a , ,
=,.{i ^.
, AE ={BE, cE- &{,Ac =11r,6 - 3 , 4

= 2lirom Gt. Ec,

F'm(r),(4: ,'.'aB=Dc
B-*-5 " ,,,4=v
...Eus zg,ro
rB u*z nnc .'.!9=!4=f =f !l =4!
sD=l*,D.=!*,BE=7*. Ilu O) , (2) , by nul.iplrins :

''. -tEle-{e4q !q a= 2 .. !4=!q
rE.or(a^c9 = ca= l4 3
Oe!@th.yhaEin rcbctbt) (s@dr.{) (Q€D)

E (D
(r) .cEbhe6zAG .4.I AY
.xv/ sc ..xE-rc
,14 .'. AY= ll m. (IiBr,r{)
. !q =!i ,.' AnLlis.rtlnccx&ri6eglco,irEiogl.aIA
:.Er tBa .. q=!!
(2)lnAAlD:'.' BE bis z AnD

@ . it!=49
'.. ait;oo z sAD
.4C =!q ,44 =!q
... !q=!t ntLt)=n(L2) 1

(insib.d ud bE.icy

,m (22)=m(. r) OMuscAB =AC)

... !4=!q

. AX- bis6 z BAD
(r)(b) (2)(a) i3){c)
roh (l) .'cD=BA (5)(b) (7)(c) (3)(c)
'(2):, (d)
,, BC]iXYlAD or) 1,) 02) 03) (b)
( r )roaerc,.. lrbiee z rec
, E
tl" -dp",l.f;} ac-E {-; mr"
oE*-".em ; I"^ACD..,. cE-bl:BZAO

.. 'n Dor(dArc) tu!Ed(^^Ec) (z) raerc,: tdu* u erc

dEuof(aBDc) tu,dd( BE) ..4C=1q 1=f . F. 6.- =
=49 ,inl ABC: AE bi6
... tuiodncrearA
. a= !L
tuDor(6BLr)+hmdr.3E 1 G J
. Tn.@ot(^aDE) . !!-= I
@ (l )Ioaeoc, ...DEu* z eoc
DN* Dfr

,,,DA-'Dc.*.bE-6 --E-Fr_f
"dd-" 'r,,,r,,
..!q*a= -u * l
> The triangle popoddalt rneens

AD -12 '';5-E
i o(ACDD=m+ r0=3061

l It' 6ACDB, cDA i 5E,D-Aeon 6. 3@

,6!m ,. e! = s4nl li& and bm o'@ vdicr C
{4)bAABc:'. d (l DAB) =n (1DAc) . !(acDB) BD c 2
.'.I6u* zccB '' nacD )- 61 6 5
,,iE-a- r ," (.oA) - 5
,'. D (18) =2 o {a DAB) =2 i (z DAc) InAABC::DE//E
... n(zB)=n(z cAB)

'D^=c^ ';=ro.=i
,ftomrlr..'.!=f L AADEC ,DAc: .. E,Ledlh
rsr eo =lit:ir;I:F= z{rkogr uir TADECI FI J
,Dc={G;t;(! o, =,/, r*sti uit r( D^c) 5
In : AD bis* z 3Ac
4s=pq .4q=-ta f (3): m6i)=6(fr)
,., n (z Bc)o b (z xcY)
!D-&d ft on d. s,tr
(6 ) rn^ ABD,ADc :

frjstnlin.,&dbE"r--lfuA .. dBti"*zsc,{
. r( ap)_ BD - 3
ca -DA 4i-
Ei 4,62
taBc=x , ca=2a
rn : ...
a (z arc) = 90r
.p-l ,',
(acf- (Bc)'= (ABf
, .. a, bjs6 z BAC .4c=!c= 1
-.' A ABC i! iighr dgld tibsl. ar ZB
... (BC)'= (AC)'- (aB)'i
, . ,eE ir
rslr o rh..i-t r,{
(1r)' ..(ABf =AYxAc "t",Et'*","
" @q:=(ix)'
:.ts)1=25x2 sx'1 .-. t6 a1=64
:x=2 (e)b^alc:: n(z BAc) =90P
. . Bc ={6, + (Br =
'o "-.
(?)InaDBc:.. Diti54 z BDc ,.i^aBc1= -6" s=ra -l f
--Dc-Fc-r-7 , . 16 h"*dr" oa:- -g" or a *
6high lin. md ha!. ml.md v*r D
. ,6FDo
{^FE) = rc =, =;

.. ED,aE*-rt.*tuidrr*.d ,. (An)'=A! xAc BD* Dc

..{ sp)_p l . a,=a 1,' .1,'=*

: i (aABD) = 3 x 2a=72@? r,lr

In AADB : -,, ft Us4 Z DAC

i CB=2,
a4 . _1 1=1 =-4,*,-"^
,-..(acf-^D'Aa-cD"e g
.. (16) =r.6 r'rx
:.2xa-B-6=12 :, xz =6
.. x=,t; .. DE=CD=.I;
.. !!=!q : AD 36*?
. 3 . DF =./a '1G r. r.@oraABc= +Bc,aD= + ' 36= tB-1
or) ...EbiEd z lac ,6bi..6,h. *di- 'q)
o8L of AABC a th. @ A
Answers ofErercise 8

...60= @o3op 6)= b(lAED) EE Munipre.hoice quesiig!! l

(r2) h :... 6 bis* z BAc
^alc E!!!EJ
''- 16_z essav quesrions I

,, M -.i o
,aaese,. dti6zsaE
''E-E ^c-t-5
,. xrzec ...49=!9 : Arbi34 z BAc (Q-ED )

''E- F-T " m-l @

i: ;t= 3 + .. !4= q=5

O3)D 66s$zBAcidii&lg3EuD
,!q= tc =:

rr rrreoc, ' 6Eti"*zmc
''A D;-4-r
> The hangle p.opodionalittheo.ems

..BC 15 2 F@rl,,12,:, BD =Dc .S4=g

' M-B-i a-M
: iEbi..cr lAEabaaBc (QED) .. SFbisBlADc (QrD.l)
(2 )
... A ABC i! dgn! bSLd d A
,. iEu* u mr,DFu*r" z,rnc
: @cJ (AIf + (AO'7= (3o)':+ (40)'?= 25m
.. roroE
, ..aorsc o
. eo =!4:19
'.' XO- u;*s z og

...4q ! - 1
.. os-// EE
, . 4I= ! ,}3=xc .4!=l
. !E =!9 .1r=49

o..IEti*zo,qs o
/ )Nu .. iiu* @=4I
,. xvzco 4r =4r
.4q= 4{
6-a-z .4q =41
eEti* z scD
o . ;Eu* z sec

.4E-I ,. EF//BD ... !q=q

, . EFzoc- '' rc -ED- z
,,AI 13 ] .AF AB

... EF l:** z eac ; a lnc IE

In A ABD : '.' CE // AD
o mu,,,
. DEti* z,ros . p4= 4!
,. E-//E ... -89=!E

q L AID:'. BMbiszDBx
... !q=

.'. BF bists z Atc in a ABc (arD) "!4=PE

in AACD :. CM bisa z DCY
. bi,-t zg o)
..!E=!4 ...ffir*zeec ro-E.o.r
r DE-//A-C .-/ -..\
.!q 4q !2 .4q= 4q
CIb. Rc)

.4! l
.. ZM u.*" z >rz , iM ri*"" z xrr ..4!=4C .'. EEu*ezesc
: M is dr po,'i of rbdion oI rbe inbrior egl6

. ifiu* zzxv E]
.4.=1 . sD tlxv lt Bc . !!=!r
tB ... !!=4q
F-_fl) ,12) ... !I-!9
:49=!9 .-.6bi*dzB^c
a: 0
a=r9=: 5i
'iEl '1\
'6;-l' ;..}f
. vt=a
.'. ADbi@ZBAC (Fi6iEq] L/
','AE FC ,AD bJg6

... !q =!!
,'. AB h ! dieed of rhe cinle
.'.0(ZACB)=9tr ;AC1!C
Fmn o) , e) : ... ai biseb z FcE

> The lrlangle prcponionality theorems

(rsle bidoB m p.eendic'nr) (a.E-D. r) :. 36

(r\r f-rm :(AM)'z=6a
4S= !q (r) r P!(B)=96>0 .. BliBoti&n cid..
BE CE , : PxG)=or,B)' L. 96=GrB)z- lm
: !4 =14 Q.ED,2)
... Ga)'=le5 .., BM-14d.

E6lac9l o
. !S=E . PM(A)=O,{A)r-l .'.,$o=625-l
Ai;b,*c zBAc rr^Lq)
:.?=225 ...r=lscm. Cft.'q.)
r,aesr,.. iiurss ze, AErBF
Fr@ llr @ngn.@ of AA AEB ,AIF o
... ABF ir D i3@te rio8le '.eP;.*e*,.rL..n a*P
,.,,ragal,nob*..*".ms,re;. . PM (A) = (AD): =
. c): = 64

. ,r I* *",* rt. .^1. , ,CB i" , mc-, . rh"

GGEI Murlipre choi.e qu.stions I

.. ar =J s.m PM (FiErqr
,...Px(A)=(MA)':-l -.u=(MAf-ral
-.- oral =28 ... MA= r5

= (23): (I):= 432

f+'+,! E*y q*rr.*l

(1)63 (2)zeo (3)r
(r) suoiis 6d rh. ditbe b.@n &e chod Bc
. P (A)= 16<o :Ali6iBidcdrecirL.
sd rh. .d@ of nr ciEL n MD , sbft :
,... PM(A)=@Af -; lao r ec

, r PM I =-!D, Dc
@) - (MD)z - .'. AE = 6 cn. (Finr tq.)
: (r,D)': (I)'= 24"u -.-ntD1=n5 .:PMaO= Dxx)c= 4x6= 24 (sondEc)

= 02)'- GI = so : PM(A)=PN(A)=o F

... cD = ,./ .-. [*, .q I

'o ,'. iE i. n og*r o rr" u a
(B)=(AB): .,."i.t
suming rhar lhe dis6.c 5elwen chord CD md "
.. P^ PM (B) = Pr (B)
L\e enft or$. crck n NE *heE : NE LCD
.'. L is lhe pdn.ipl. axn or l'. rvo circl.s M , N
PN (D=(EN)r l= Ec,ED (FiEi Eq)
' G$r (s)'= I ro "1rio
' '' PM(B)= BC xBD :36=4tBD
... Nr=3,rC"- cecoidrr )

, .. it_ ; . ug.r r
.i-r" u.
Pv (C) = CD, CA = 16 x 25 = 4{X) .. aB =-lP" rB' =V16 =6.m
,... PM (B)= PN (B) , PN(B)= BE x BF
,Ca i". t"e.n t rt..i.t., s
.. 36-BEr(9+BE) 36=(BE)r*9BE
.. cB =.lPM ro = Y1uu = r0.m (BEl*eBE
.. 36 =o ...(BE+r2r(BE-r)-o
: (AB):= (Acl (cB):=c5t co)'=rrs : BE=3 cm. (s.cond rcq.)

,rr,.*.r^ABc= I 15 ro= " Ali.son rh.circl. M,A liesodE cirl.N
^ ^

simihrly : PM = P" (B) = 0
... AB h, *n or lnc r*o.i(rcs M !N
, . C€i6
. ;6 h ,h. r,..,ph *," .r,h. ,-. .,.,- M , N

, PM(A)=AD rAB ," (cAf + lrca

... 6a = ... (cA)'*rzcA 6a=o
i (CA+ 16)lcA a)=0 i CA=ac0
!.. PM(a)=aE r AF ,.,
!. c6lhe pnncDleaxis orrhelwo circlei
.. ter): + taA! I+=o
> The lriangle popodionaliiy heo@ms

.. d6;.
*c.. o
'b. "i'd"
r r ,r!'= 00e + - @) + ea.)
.: n{fi)=26'
.: cD=i P rcl:164=8cm. rs@.d Eq.)
,.6t) =2. (z rrq =tr'
@ : m (a) = 360'- @l' + 66'+ roo" + 26") = 74'
'. A lie o 0E.irL M a lia or dE cirre N (seond F4.)
- qzsecl=
| [-rtrdr--<iv-r]
= + 166"
16"1=ro" (rhid*{.)
,'. ir_ i, n'" p,i*ipt" -ir or u* * u ,x
,. x€iE ,. Px.x)=PNG) ,,' AB
(prcp€nis ol Esuld Fniae6)
. )(D=2DC .:144=2DCx3DC m (6)=m6a)=.(6D)=D(58)
, n (AcE) = 160' 7? = 233"
,-. PN(x)=)cx)c .. 144=)Gx()c+ 10) .. -(z,A-'c)=+ [-(G) .G,
: (:s):+lol(I-144=0," ()s+13)Q<F-3)=o -+t$"1,?l=m6.6*-d*q.)
@ t[lrhe*Lt"" ]
' FisuE CDFE n ! cycli quadnl&dl Ohnd rcq )

ts (r)'. AB is r dime b 6. ckL.

( 1) rs'= + ti 60l .'. n(G)*-(z EB) = rm.
, m (z mD) = l5o" :m(zEcA)=30'
+ t,6!-) -Gnr=3{'
.'. y = 160' -(130' + 60' + 9o') = 30'
..= + t'ro.- sol =,5. . - (G) - (6!=) = m' Q)
(,)y=rm. ,x,x=+ [G6o" ,r-,r] by addins t'e No equario.s (l) , (2) :

_._2X=3Ay 4). ,-(G)=rao" .-(G)=rro"

(3 )...-(/A)= + (3r( a, tu I . s- i"
di*,- i" d. .i'.r.
,-tLN=+\5t-ztt) ." 2x+r= r30' ll)
,-,a, 4x=5x 2ly'''x-,1.
jt, vr=,r' a':i<f-.:a>\',';-
IB i ,=o"
... n (zcDx) = 130. -?0. = 110'

,. -tz ] [-r6ir*-tGrJ
cDx)= ...ntLq= + rla', ]l'l=51'
+ ['oo.--(fr)",aj li aABD: n(ZA)= r3(f-(53'+2rl= 106"

AftEE ot LilE Aprlicall.ns on Unit F.E o
o ... 4q=!q= q ... !!q=!q= q
and dEy @ rlhot ,rg16. ... BC= l!4cm. !CD= r03 cm

,: AB//DC . !E =!q ,. tsltBF tcxllDv

qq= q .. !r=4! . E!=
.'. I1E ditu€ b€eeD $. lmtim c d rbc

'D {Z
B) = 90'
. sE//cD .4q=4q ...4q=]{ : D(zBAE)=45" O)
= eo.
... D (z BAD) .,.D(zDAX)-45" (2)
Thc leierh of lhe oir spot = l l0 m. F6b(r),(2): .. D(l BAr=b(z DA'
Yd , You:€ft diyision offir stip
-: AX- bi€6 z A itr a ABD
or the is
'-6-6-56- 4
'. Tn. Frlodi k dntue b.lreo dh eo
liM of $€ p:per is equzl. ''M-k .;; 7
: wn phen nE M en& ol $e p€ps on *o
n he :A^Bx'AABDharc$.ffib.igbt,
liB of d ! prps ud th. .dge of rhe plper s a
sur orthe lim , tun rhe i{lud.d p,G e rk*"f 6,*i= m =;
... rn
o '*"(^^n!= +,lh"*or(aABD)
. eo tsqllcF
= + "+"",*
=5o+.i (FiEt reqJ
In lh. nshLmsLd rimslc BAD d A
. . Tlre lensln or lnc tobc = 19 fr. : (BD)':= (AB)':+ (ADf = (arf + (56f = aeoo

GI . !I= 1 .Lx 3

.. Ax =1EA"aD-Bx,xD

... Eq=
q ... !q= ?a o
. -rzer=j[-dDr .6nrJ
.ar=+05r m6t,
.. so. = r5s.--6c*r

> The liangle propodionalilylheo.ems

: d (6'C) 65' .-GE)=ra.e


: s(ft)=36(f -O55' +65)= l4[f ... - 6c-) *i". = 360" - raoP = ,rr.
.. t"ieihor6t)mic=#r2 re xri
.. taet or@) =
#,2, r0 *,I
=3456m. G1E r.{)
:l'o' \
.(zA)= + I.6a)tujoi-m(6a, cA
= j lF6.r
^ rBol/,/
-n(Boi- ^.,/
m =I D6o. 5a. s{, / , '
. srP=+[]6r-r'6ti =lx. (Fi^r@J I
. LtncdiBc'=#.. ,nr
...160.=160' ,m6C)
...2n(6C)-2oo' ,. -dC)= roo'
.._60 .160_dtTRko rsaondM.)

=jl(360" -64, .6c-)l

..ao'=+[]60.-rm6a, y'" ----\
.-.a0,=n z-6rt ./ \ , l

.. r-(fC,= rso"'=----\--l

Exams 2023

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