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Multiple choice questions:

1. Which of the following alkanes cannot be prepared by Wurtz reaction?

a) CH 4 b) C 2 H 6 c) C 5 H 12 d) C 7 H 16

2. Which of the following halogens is least reactive towards alkanes in the presence of

a) F 2 b) Cl 2 c) Br 2 d) I 2

3. The chlorination of methane is an example of:

a) elimination reaction b) substitution reaction

c) addition reaction d) oxidation reaction

4. The typical reactions of alkenes are:

a) Electrophilic addition b) Electrophilic substitution

c) Nucleophilic addition d) Nucleophilic substitution

5. The main product in the dehydration of:

( CH 3 )3 CCHC H 2 CH 3

In the presence of conc. H 2 SO 4 at 1700 C is:

a) ( CH 3 )3 CCH=CHC H 3 b) ( CH 3 )2 C=CCH 2 C H 3

C H3

c) ( CH 3 )2 CHC =CHC H 3 d) ( CH 3 )3 CC H 2 CH =CH 2

C H3

6. Propanol is heated with conc. H 2 SO4 at 1700 C and the gas produced is reacted with
HBr. What is the formula of the final product?

a) CH 3−CH 2 CH 2 Br b) CH 3 CH −CH 2

Br Br

c) CH 3−CH −CH 2 OH d) CH 3−CH −CH 3

Br Br

7. Which of the following has the least boiling point?

a) n-Hexane b) n-Pentane c) 2-Methyl butane d) 2, 2-

8. Ozonolysis of an alkene [A] followed by decom position with water and a reducing
agent gave a mixture of two isomers of the formula C 3 H 6 O . The structure of alkene

a) CH 2=CH CH 2 CH ( CH 3 )2 b) ( CH 3 )2 C=CH CH 2 CH 3

c) ( CH 3 )2 CH CH =CH CH 3 d) CH 3 C CH 2 CH 2 CH 3

CH 2

9. The reaction of chlorine with propene at 500-600 0C proceeds through the formation

a) propyl carbonium ion b) allyl carbonium ion

c) allyl free radical d) vinyl free radical

10. A compound, C 7 H 14 , on ozonolysis gives ethanal and 3-pentanone. The structure of

the compound is:

a) CH 3 CH 2 CH 2 CH 2 CH 2 CH =CH 2 b) ( CH 3 )2 C=C ( CH 3 ) CH 2 CH 3

c) CH 3 CH 2−C ( C2 H 5 )=CH −CH 3 d) CH 3−C=CH −CH 2 CH 2 CH 3

CH 3

11. A Compound, X reacts with conc. Sulphuric acid to give an alkene. The alkene reacts
with bromine and subsequent treatment of the product with alcoholic KOH yields
propyne. The formula of the compound is:

a) CH 3 CH 2 CH 2 Br b) CH 3 CH 2 CH 2 OH c) CH 3 CH (OH )CH 3 d)
( CH 3 )2 CH Br .
12. Which of the following is formed when propyne reacts with chlorine water?

a) 1-Chloropropanone b) Propanone
c) 1, 1-Dichloropropanone d) 2, 2-Dichloroethanal.

13. Which of the following shows acidic character?

a) Ethane b) Ethylene c) Propylene d) Acetylene

14. In Kolbe’s electrolytic method, electrolysis of aqueous solution of sodium acetate


a) methane b) ethane c) ethene d) ethyne.

15. The oxidation of isobutene with alk. KMnO 4 gives:

a) CO2 and H2O b) isopropene c) tert-butyl alcohol d) butanoic


16. The main product in the reaction of: CH 3−CH 2−CH −CH 3 + KOH is:

17. Propene is more reactive than ethene towards HBr because:

a) Propene can more readily undergo a free radical chain reaction

b) Propene gives rise to more stable carbonium ion

c) the double bond in case of propene is unstable

d) The methyl group attached to double bond with draws the electrons and facilitates
the attack.

18. The ozonolysis of ( CH 3 )2 C=C ( CH 3 )2 followed by treatment with zinc and water will

a) acetone b) acetaldehyde and acetone c) formaldehyde and acetone

d) acetic acid.

19. 2-chlorobutane was treated with alc. KOH and the product formed was reacted with
dil. KMnO4 to give the product B. The structure of B is:

20. In the reaction:

25. Which of the following is most acidic?

26. Acetylene reacts with bromine water and produces:

a) 1, 1-dibromopropanone b) vinyl chloride c) dibromoacetaldehyde

d) bromoacetaldehyde

27. In the reaction:

CH 2=CH −CH =CH 2 +Br 2 −4 0 C the predominant product is:

a) 3, 4-Dibromo-1-butene b) 1, 4-Dibromo-2-butene c) 1, 2, 3, 4-
Tetrabromo butane d) 2, 4-Dibromo-2-butene.
28. Which of the following compounds has maximum stability?


29. What is the major product in the reaction?

30. Carbon black, which is used in making printer’s ink is obtained by the decomposition

a) methane b) benzene c) carbon tetrachloride d) acetylene

31. Which of the following steps represents chain terminating step in the mechanism of
chlorination of methane?

32. Which of the following is the major product of dehydration of 3, 3-dimethylbutan-2-ol

using H 2 SO4 ?

a) 3, 3-Diemthyl but – 1 – ene

b) 2, 3-Dimethyl but – 1 – ene

c) 2, 3-Dimethyl but – 2 – ene

d) 3-Methyl pent – 2 – ene.

33. The C-H distance is the longest in:

a) C 2 H 2 b) C 2 H 4 c) C 2 H 6 d) C 2 H 4 Br 2.

34. When propyne is treated with aqueous H 2 SO4 in the presence of Hg SO4 the major
product is:

a) Propanal b) Propyl hydrogen sulphate c) Acetone d) Propanol.

35. When acetylene is passed through dil. H 2 SO4 in the presence of HgSO 4, the
compound formed is:

a) Ethanol b) Acetone c) Acetaldehyde d) Acetic acid

36. Acetylene can be prepared from:

a) Potassium fumarate b) Calcium carbide c) ethylene bromide d) all

37. A C ≡ C bond is:

a) weaker than C=C b) weaker than C−C c) shorter than C=C
d) longer than C−C

38. Ethylene reacts with alkaline KMnO 4 to give:

a) acetaldehyde b) ethylene glycol c) formaldehyde d) ethylene


39. 1-Butyne can be prepared by treating sodium acetylide with:

a) ethyl bromide b) Methyl bromide c) ethyl alcohol d) acetic acid

40. Sulphonation of benzene is carried out by treating benzene with concentrated

sulphuric acid at 330K in the presence of:

a) SO 3 b) HNO3 c) HIO 3 d)

41. Benzene on treating with acetyl chloride in the presence of anhydrous AlCl3 gives:

a) toluene b) acetophenone c) ethyl benzene d) acetaldehyde

42. PVC is prepared by the polymerization of:

a) CH 2=CH 2 b) CH 2=CHCl c) CH =CH d) CH 2=CCl2

Cl Cl

43. The product formed by passing acetylene through red hot tube is:

a) Benzene b) Cyclohexane c) Neoprene d) Ethane

44. In benzene, each carbon atom undergoes:

a) sp hybridisation b) sp2 hybridisation c) sp3 hybridisation d) sp and sp2


45. Marsh gas mainly contains:

a) CO b) C 2 H 2 c) CH 4 d) C 2 H 4

46. Industrially acetylene is prepared by the hydrolysis of:

a) calcium carbide b) sodalime c) ethyl bromide d) calcium


47. Ethylene is obtained from ethyl bromide by treating with:

a) alcoholic caustic potash b) aqueous caustic potash c) H 2 d) aqueous

caustic soda.

48. In Friedel craft reaction, anhydrous AlCl3 is used. Its function is to:

a) absorb HCl b) absorb H 2 O c) produce electrophile d)

produce nucleophile.
49. Acetylene reacts with HBr to form:

a) ethyl bromide b) methyl bromide c) ethylene bromide d) ethylidene


50. A hydrocarbon X decolourises bromine water and with HI it forms isopropyl iodide X

a) Propyne b) Propylene c) Ethylene d) Isobutylene

51. Paraffins dissolve in:

a) Salt water b) distilled water c) methyl alcohol d) benzene

52. Kolbe’s electrolysis method is used for the preparation of:

a) all organic compounds b) carboxylic acids c) alkanes, alkenes and

alkynes d) only alkanes.

53. A colourless compound X on treatment with alc. KOH gave a gaseous compound Y.
The compound Y decolourises bromine water and alkaline KMnO 4 solution but gives no
precipitate with ammoniacal cuprous chloride. The compound X is:

a) Ethylene b) Ethyne c) Ethylene dibromide d) Ethyl bromide

54. Ethylene is formed by the dehydration of:

a) CH 3 CHO b) C 2 H 5 OH c) Propyl alcohol d) Ehtyl acetate.

55. Ethylene is formed by the dehydration of:

a) CH 3 CHO b) C 2 H 5 OH c) Propyl alcohol d) Ethyl acetate

56. In the reaction:

Mg CH 3 Br
CH 3 CH 2 Br X Y + MgBr 2 Y is:
Ether Ether

a) Ethane b) Propane c) Isopropyl alcohol d) Propyl alcohol.

57. The reaction:

RX +2 Na+ RX Ether R−R+2 NaX is called:

a) Kolbe’s reaction b) Wurtz reaction c) Friedel Craft’s reaction d)

Grignard reaction.

58. The attacking reagent in electrophilic sulphonation of benzene is:

a) SO 42−¿¿ b) SO 32−¿ ¿ c) SO 2 d) SO 3

59. Which of the following alkanes cannot be prepared by Wurtz reaction?

a) Methane b) Ethane c) n-Butane d) n-Hexane.

60. In the reaction:

CH 3 COOH NaOH X Y , Y is
→ Heat

a) CH 3 CHO b) CH 4 c) CH 3 CO CH 3 d) C 2 H 6

61. In the reaction:

A HBr B C HCHO +CH 3 CHO the compound A is:
→ alcohol Zn , H 2 O

a) Ethylene b) Acetic acid c) Propene d) Ethyl alcohol

62. 2-Butyne on oxidation with alkaline KMO 4 at 298-303 K gives:

a) Oxalic acid b) 2-Butanone c) 2, 3-Butanedione d) 2-Keto

propanoic acid.

63. When nitro benzene is treated with bromine, it gives:

a) Toluene b) o-Nitrobromobenzene c) m-Nitrobromobenzene d)


64. In the reaction:

H 2 O , H 2 SO 4
HC ≡CH Na NH 2 X CH 3 I Y Z , Z is:
→ → HgS O4

a) CH 3 CHO b) CH 3 CH 2 CH =CH 2 c) CH 3 COCH 3 d) CH 3 CH 2 CHO .

65. Benzene reacts with a mixture of conc . H 2 SO4 and HNO3 to give:

a) Phenol b) benzene diazonium chloride c) benzene sulphonic acid d)


66. Friedel Craft’s alkylation of benzene is an example of:

a) nucleophilic substitution reaction b) electrophilic substitution reaction c)

electrophilic addition reaction d) free radical substitution reaction.

67. The electrophile in nitration of benzene reaction is:

−¿¿ +¿ ¿
a) NO 2 b) NO 2 c) NO 2 d) NO

68. Benzene can be converted into acetophenone by treating it with:

a) acetone in the presence of HCl. b) acetyl chloride in the presence of AlCl3

c) methyl chloride in the presence of AlCl3 . d) acetaldehyde in the presence of Fe.

69. Propene reacts with HBr in the presence of a peroxide to form:

a) n-propyl bromide b) isopropyl bromide c) 1, 3-dibromopropane
d) propane.

70. Which of the following has one isopropyl group?

a) 2, 2, 3, 3-tetramethylmethane b) 2, 2-Dimethylpentane c) 2, 2, 3-
Trimethylpentane d) 2-Methylpentane.

71. Acetylene when passed through 20% H 2 SO4 at 800 C gives acetaldehyde. The
catalyst required for the conversion is:

a) anhydrous AlCl3 b) Hg SO4 c) Pb d) Pt.

72. Markovnikov’s rule is useful in predicting the product of reaction between an alkene

a) HBr b) H 2 c) Br 2 d) O3.

73. The IUPAC name of tetra-tertbutylmethane is:

a) 3, 4 – Di – tertbutyl – 2, 2, 4, 4-tetramethyl pentane.

b) 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4-hexamethyl pentane.

c) 3, 3 – Di – tertbutyl – 2, 2, 4, 4-tetramethyl pentane.

d) 3, 3 – Di – tertbutyl – 2, 2, 5, 5-tetramethyl hexane.

74. Natural gas is a mixture of:

a) CO+ N 2 b) CO+ CO2 c) CO+ H 2+ CH 4 d) CH 4 +C 2 H 6 +C 3 H 8 .

75. The process in which high boiling hydrocarbons are converted into a mixture of low
boiling hydrocarbons by heating strongly in the absence of air is called:

a) Cracking b) Reforming c) Distillation d) Hydrolysis

76. The sodium salt of which acid will be needed for the preparation of propane by
decarboxylation reaction?

a) CH 3 CH 2 CH 2 CH 2 COOH b) CH 3 CH 2 COOH c) CH 3 CH 2 CH 2 COOH d) CH 3 COOH

77. Which of the following has highest melting point?

a) n-pentane b) n-hexane c) 2-methylbutane d) 2, 2-dimethylpropane.

78. The number of σ ∧π bonds in 1, 3, 5, 7-octatetraene are respectively.

a) 7, 4 b) 9, 3 c) 16, 4 d) 6, 4

79. Which of the following has most acidic character?

a) CH 3 C ≡CCH 3 b) CH 3 C ≡CH c) HC ≡CH d) CH 3 CH =CH 2.

80. Acetylene on ozonolysis gives ozonide which on hydrolysis gives:

a) glyoxal b) oxalic acid c) glycol d) acetaldehyde.

81. The typical reactions of olefinic bond are:

a) Electrophilic addition b) Electrophilic substitution c) Nucleophilic addition

d) Nucleophilic substitution.

82. The function of sodalime, a mixture of solid NaOH and CaO in the preparation of
alkanes is:

a) to decrease the rate of reaction b) to increase the rate of reaction c) to keep

the reaction homogeneous d) to get pure alkane.

83. Which of the following compounds will yield ethane on treatment with sodium in dry

a) C 2 H 4 b) C 2 H 5 Cl c) C 2 H 5 OH d) C H 3 Br

84. Electrolysis of concentrated solution of potassium acetate gives:

a) Ethane b) Ethylene c) Butane d) Acetylene

85. The products obtained on the ozonolysis of pent-2-ene are:

a) Propanal and ethanal b) Methanal and ethanal c) Propanol and propanone

d) Ethanal and propanone

86. The reaction:

C 10 H 22 770 K C 4 H 10+C 6 H 12 represents

a) addition reaction b) reforming reaction c) substitution reaction d)

cracking reaction.

87. The reagent used for dehydrohalogenation is:

a) alc . KOH b) aq . KOH c) sodamide d) NaOH + CaO.

88. The alkene which on oxidation with acidified KMnO 4 gives acetic acid is:

a) Ethylene b) Propylene c) 1-Butene d) 2-Butene.

89. The best catalyst used to reduce an alkyne to alkene is:

a) Molybdenum oxide b) Raney nickel c) Lindlar’s catalyst d) Zinc dust

90. When sodium propionate is heated with soda lime, the product is:

a) Propane b) Ethane c) Ethylene d) Methane.

91. Benzene can be converted into toluene by:

a) Wurtz reaction b) Wurtz fittig reaction c) Friedel Crafts reaction d)
Kolbe’s reaction.

92. The gas which gives benzene on passing through a red hot tube is:

a) C 2 H 6 b) C 2 H 4 c) C 2 H 2 d) C H 4

93. The dehalogenation of vicinal dihalides with zinc dust gives:

a) alkenes b) alcohols c) alkanes d) alkynes

94. According to Huckel rule, the aromatic compounds must have delocalized π−¿
electrons equal to (n is integer):

a) (4n+1) b) (4n+2) c) 4n d) (2n+2)

95. During the nitration of benzene, nitric acid is used in the presence of conc. Sulphuric
acid. The sulphuric acid is used:

a) as dehydrating agent b) as solvent c) to generate nitronium ion d) as

sulphonating agent

96. The function of AlCl3 (anhydrous) in the Friedel Craft’s alkylation reaction is to:

a) absorb water b) absorb HCl c) Produce a nucleophile d) Produce an


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