• इ॒मा नार ी॑रविध॒ िााः स॒ पतनन॒
ु राञ्जी॑नेन स॒ वपिषा॒ सं विी॑शन्तु । अ॒ न॒ श्रि ी॑ऽनमन॒िााः स॒ रतना॒
ु आ र ी॑हन्त॒ ंं
जनी॑य ॒ य नन॒ मग्ेी॑ ॥
• शि के साथ जानेिाल स्त्रियााँ ज पनतिाल और युिनत हों, िे ककसन जलाशय तक पहुाँचकर िहााँ
नेि मुख आदि ध कर पुनाः आाँसू रदहत रिरथ हुई घर क िावपस चल आिें ॥७॥ -Swami
Brahmamuni Pravirajak
• Rise, O woman, to a new phase of life, your husband is now dead and gone. Come take the hand
of this man from among the living who offers to take your hand and maintain you, and live in
consort with this other and new husband of yours for a life time. –Dr. Tulsi Ram
Rigved 10.18.8
उि ी॑र्षिि नायि॒ भि जनी॑िल ॒कं ग॒ तासम
ुी॑ े॒ तमप
ु ी॑ शेष॒ एदही॑ । ह॒रत॒ ग्ा॒िरयी॑ दिधध॒ ष रतिे॒िं पतयज
ुी॑ नि न॒ तिम॒ भि सं
बी॑िूथ ॥
Rise, O woman, to a new phase of life, your husband is now dead and gone. Come take the hand of
this man from among the living who offers to take your hand and maintain you, and live in consort
with this other and new husband of yours for a life time. -Dr. Tulsi Ram
This verse to be spoken by the husband's brother, etc., to the wife of the dead man, and he is to
make her leave her husband's body: (Āśvalāyana Gṛhya Sūtra, 4.2); go to beings - go to the home of
the living, i.e., your sons, grandsons etc. -Sayanacharya
Review of Ancient Indian Literature
• There is no mention of sahagamana (sati)
whatsoever in either Vedic literature or any of
the early Dharmasutras or Dharmasastras. By
"early Dharmasutras or Dharmasastras", I
refer specifically to both the early
Dharmasutras of Apastamba, Hiranyakesin,
Gautama, Baudhayana and Vasistha, and the
later Dharmasastras of Manu, Narada, and
– David Brick, Yale University
Adiparv 125.19
Adiparv 125.30
Adiparv 126.6
Adiparv 126.22
Adiparv 126.23
ُ ِام النَّب
ي َُ َل أ َُق
َُ قَا،ُن أَنَس ُْ َع،ُن ُح َميْد ُْ َع،ُج ْْعََر َُ ْن ُُ ل ب ُُ أ َ ْخبَ َرنَا إِ ْس َما ِعي،ُسالَم َ ْنُُ َح َّدثَنَا ُم َح َّم ُُد ب
ُُت ُحيَىُ فَُ َد َع ْوت ُِ ص َِيَّ ُةَ ِب ْنَ صلى هللا عليه وسلم بَيْنَُ َخ ْيبَ َُر َو ْال َمدِينَ ُِة ثَالَثًا يُ ْبنَى َعلَ ْي ُِه ِب
َُي ِفي َها ِمن َُ اعِ فَأ ُ ْل ِق
ُ ط َ أ َ َم َُر ِباأل َ ْن،ُلَ لَ ْحم ُ ن ُخبْزُ َُو ُْ فَ َما َكانَُ ِفي َها ِم،ْال ُم ْس ِل ِمينَُ ِإلَى َو ِلي َم ِت ُِه
ت ْال ُمؤْ ِمنِينَُ ُأ َ ُْو ِم َّما ُِ ل ُْال ُم ْس ِل ُمونَُ ِإ ْح َدى أ ُ َّم َها َُ فَقَا،َُت َو ِلي َمت َ ُهُْ ن فَ َكان ُِ س ْم
َّ ط َوال ُِ ِالت َّ ْم ُِر َواألَق
ُْ ى ُِم َّما َملَ َك
ت َُ ن لَ ُْم َي ْح ُج ْب َها فَ ْه ُْ َو ِإ،َُت ا ْل ُمؤْ ِمنِين ُِ ن أ ُ َّم َهاُْ ى ِم َُ ن َح َج َب َها فَ ْه ُْ ت َي ِمينُ ُهُ فَقَالُوا ِإُْ َملَ َك
ُ ِ َّاب بَ ْينَ َها َوبَيْنَُ الن
اس َُ ج َُ طى لَ َها خ َْلََ ُهُ َو َم َُّد ْال ِح َّ ل َو ْ يَ ِمينُ ُهُ فَلَ َّما.
َُ ارت َ َح