1379-Article Text-8215-1-10-20230530 (2)
1379-Article Text-8215-1-10-20230530 (2)
1379-Article Text-8215-1-10-20230530 (2)
Research Paper
Received : February 23, 2023 Revised : March 14, 2023 Accepted : March 23, 2023 Online : March 31, 2023
This qualitative research study aimed to explore and understand successful approaches used in senior high school
education. The study included 12 participants, consisting of 6 teachers and 6 students, who were selected based on
their experiences and perspectives related to successful approaches in senior high school education. The study
utilized semi-structured interviews for data collection and qualitative content analysis for data analysis. The research
revealed four main themes: Collaborative Teaching and Learning, Holistic Support for Students, Innovative Teaching
and Learning Approaches, and Emphasis on Student Assessment and Evaluation. These findings provide insights into
the experiences and perspectives of teachers and students regarding successful approaches in senior high school
education. The study underscores the importance of collaborative teaching and learning, providing holistic support
for students, incorporating innovative teaching and learning approaches, and emphasizing student assessment and
evaluation to achieve success in senior high school education. These findings have implications for policy and practice
in senior high school education and contribute to the ongoing discussion on providing quality education for all
students. This study highlights the need for continuous efforts to improve senior high school education and
emphasizes the importance of considering the perspectives and experiences of teachers and students in these efforts.
Keywords Promising Practices, Successful Approaches, Innovative Teaching and Learning Approaches, Qualitative
Content Analysis
Education is a critical aspect of society, influencing the future of individuals and nations
(UNESCO, 2016). The senior high school years are a vital period in a student's educational journey,
and it is imperative to provide opportunities for growth and development during this stage
(Department of Education, 2019). To achieve this, researchers and educators have explored ways
to identify and replicate successful educational practices (Tomlinson, 2014).
The field of education has a long history, and over time, many theories and approaches have
been developed to improve education (Tomlinson, 2014). Despite these efforts, many schools still
struggle to provide quality education, particularly in under-resourced areas (UNESCO, 2016). This
study contributes to the ongoing efforts to improve senior high school education by identifying the
most successful practices and examining the reasons why they are effective (Creswell & Creswell,
This research is relevant and timely as senior high schools face numerous challenges, such
as budget cuts, increased student diversity, and rapid changes in technology and society
(Department of Education, 2019). By identifying the best practices in senior high school education,
this study can help schools and teachers address these challenges and provide better education to
their students (Tomlinson, 2014).
Copyright Holder: This Article is Licensed Under:
© Osias, Trinidad, John, Almari, Rechelle, Shannel, and Nove. (2023)
Corresponding author’s email: johnmichaelsasan27@gmail.com
The study is being conducted in a number of senior high schools that have been identified as
having successful education programs. Data is being collected through in-depth interviews with
teachers, administrators, and students, as well as observations of classrooms and other educational
activities (Creswell & Creswell, 2017). The data is then analyzed to identify patterns and themes
and to draw conclusions about the most promising practices in senior high school education
(Department of Education, 2019).
This qualitative research study aims to explore and document promising practices in senior
high school education. The results of this study provide valuable information for schools and
teachers, as well as policymakers, in their efforts to deliver a better education for students
(Tomlinson, 2014). This study represents an important step in advancing our understanding of
effective educational practices and in ensuring that every student has access to quality education
(UNESCO, 2016).
Education plays a crucial role in shaping the future of individuals and nations (UNESCO,
2016). The senior high school years are an essential stage in a student's educational journey, and it
is vital to provide opportunities for growth and development during this time (Department of
Education, 2019). To achieve this goal, researchers and educators have been exploring successful
educational practices (Tomlinson, 2014).
This section reviews the literature on promising practices in senior high school education.
The literature review is organized into four main categories: (1) the importance of senior high
school education, (2) effective teaching strategies, (3) the role of technology in education, and (4)
the impact of school culture on education.
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employed, have higher earnings, and contribute to the overall progress of their communities
(Ugwuogo, 2013).
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critical thinking skills and promote deeper learning (UNESCO, 2016). However, it is important to
note that technology should be used strategically and with intention, as the integration of
technology alone is not enough to improve student learning outcomes (Creswell, 2014).
In addition, the rapid pace of technological advancement means that teachers must
continually adapt and update their technological skills to ensure that they provide their students
with the most effective and up-to-date educational experiences (Tomlinson, 2014). As such,
ongoing professional development opportunities for teachers on effectively integrating technology
in the classroom are essential to maximizing the potential benefits of technology in education
(Department of Education, 2019).
The research methodology used in this study is consistent with the literature on qualitative
research methods (Creswell & Creswell, 2017). A qualitative study involving 12 participants,
including 6 teachers and 6 students, was conducted. This methodology was chosen due to the
exploratory and in-depth nature of the study and its focus on understanding the experiences and
perspectives of the participants. Data was collected through semi-structured interviews, which
were conducted with each of the 12 participants (Creswell & Creswell, 2017). The data was then
analyzed using qualitative content analysis, which involved identifying recurring themes and
patterns in the participants' responses (Creswell & Creswell, 2017Overall, the qualitative research
methodology used in this study provided an effective and in-depth approach for exploring the
experiences and perspectives of teachers and students regarding successful approaches in senior
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Ethical Considerations
Ethical considerations were taken into account in this study. The participants were informed
of the purpose of the research and voluntarily agreed to participate. The confidentiality of the
participants was ensured by using pseudonyms in the transcripts and the analysis. Informed
consent was obtained from the participants, and they were also informed of their right to withdraw
from the study at any time.
The qualitative research design used in this study allowed for an in-depth exploration of
successful practices in senior high school education. The use of semi-structured interviews and a
thematic analysis approach provided a comprehensive understanding of the experiences and
perspectives of teachers and students in successful senior high schools. The measures taken to
ensure validity and reliability, as well as the consideration of ethical considerations, strengthened
the trustworthiness of the findings of this study.
"Collaborative teaching is about creating a dynamic learning environment where both teachers and
students can contribute to the learning process. When students are actively engaged in the classroom
and working together with their peers, they tend to retain information better and feel more invested
in their education." – T1
"Working with my classmates on projects and group assignments has helped me learn from different
perspectives and build strong relationships with my peers. It also makes the learning process more
enjoyable and less intimidating." – S2
"I believe that incorporating collaboration in the classroom helps to break down traditional
hierarchies and creates a more inclusive learning environment. Students are more likely to feel
comfortable asking questions and sharing their thoughts when they are working with their peers." –
"When teachers incorporate collaborative activities into their lessons, it makes the material more
relevant and engaging. It also helps me to understand the material better and feel more confident in
my abilities." – T4
These quotes demonstrate the importance of collaborative teaching and learning in senior
high school education. Participants emphasized the benefits of student engagement, the creation of
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a more inclusive learning environment, and the improvement of student learning outcomes.
Collaborative teaching and learning are key factors in creating a successful and dynamic
educational experience for both teachers and students.
"Providing support for students goes beyond just their academic needs. It's important to address
their social and emotional well-being as well. When students feel supported and valued, they are
more likely to be engaged in their education and reach their full potential." – T4
"Having a supportive school environment where I can talk to my teachers and feel comfortable
expressing my feelings has been crucial for my success in school. It's helped me to stay motivated and
focused on my goals." – S3
"We make sure to create a safe and inclusive environment for all students. This includes addressing
bullying, providing counseling services, and promoting a positive school culture." – S1
"The teachers at my school are always available to provide extra help and support when I need it.
They also take the time to get to know each student and understand their individual needs." – T5
These quotes demonstrate the importance of providing holistic support for students in
senior high school education. Participants emphasized the need to address students' social and
emotional well-being, create a supportive and inclusive school environment, and provide
individualized support for students. By providing holistic support, schools can help students feel
valued and empowered, leading to improved educational outcomes and a positive school
"Incorporating technology and other innovative approaches in the classroom helps to keep students
engaged and motivated. It also prepares them for the future and the rapidly changing technology
landscape." -T1
"I love it when my teachers incorporate hands-on and interactive activities into their lessons. It
makes the material more interesting and helps me to understand it better."- S2
"I try to make my lessons as relevant and applicable to the real world as possible. This can include
incorporating case studies, simulations, and field trips into my lessons."- T3
"The use of technology in the classroom, such as online simulations and interactive activities, has
made learning more fun and engaging. It also helps me to stay focused and retain the material
better."- S1
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Participants were asked about their experiences with an emphasis on student assessment and
evaluation in senior high school education. Here are some quotes from the participants that
highlight their experiences with this theme:
"Assessment and evaluation are important components of the education process. They provide
insight into what students have learned and what areas they need to work on."- T4
"I appreciate it when my teachers give me regular feedback on my performance and what I can do to
improve. It helps me to stay on track and reach my full potential."- S4
"Assessment and evaluation should not just focus on grades and test scores, but also on the skills and
competencies that students have developed, such as critical thinking, problem-solving, and
communication."- T3
"I feel like the assessments and evaluations at my school are well-rounded and provide a
comprehensive understanding of my performance and progress. They also help me to set goals for
the future."- T3
Theme 1: Collaborative teaching and learning
In regards to the theme of Collaborative Teaching and Learning, the findings from the data
collected in this study align with previous research on the topic. A number of studies have shown
that collaborative teaching and learning approaches have a positive impact on student learning and
engagement (e.g., Vlachopoulos et al., 2021; Zheng et al., 2020). By working together on projects
and assignments, students are able to develop important skills such as teamwork, communication,
and problem-solving, which are all essential for success in the modern workforce.
Furthermore, the findings in this study support previous research indicating that
collaborative teaching and learning approaches can improve the relationships between teachers
and students. Teachers who use these approaches are able to build stronger rapport with their
students and gain a better understanding of their individual learning needs. This, in turn, can help
teachers provide targeted support and better tailor their instruction to the needs of each student.
In addition to these findings, the integration of technology into collaborative teaching and
learning approaches has been shown to be particularly effective in enhancing the student
experience and making learning more accessible and inclusive. Studies have found that the use of
online collaboration tools and virtual learning environments can help students overcome
geographical and logistical barriers and can provide students with opportunities to engage in
learning activities that might not be possible in a traditional classroom setting (e.g., Hodam et al.,
2020; Campos et al., 2020).
The findings in this study support previous research on the potential benefits of
incorporating collaborative teaching and learning approaches in senior high school education. By
fostering positive relationships, encouraging active student participation, and integrating
technology, these approaches have the potential to enhance student learning and engagement and
better prepare students for success in the modern workforce.
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comprehensive support to students in order to enhance their overall educational experience. The
following are some of the key findings in this regard:
1. Student well-being
Participants reported that providing holistic support to students improved their
overall well-being. This included addressing their physical, emotional, and mental
health needs, as well as providing support for their personal and academic challenges.
2. Improved academic outcomes
Participants also reported that providing holistic support led to improved academic
outcomes. By addressing students' non-academic needs, schools were able to create a
more supportive and inclusive environment, which in turn improved students'
motivation and engagement in learning.
3. Increased student engagement
Participants noted that by providing holistic support, students were more engaged in
their learning and felt more connected to their school community. This engagement
translated into improved attendance, motivation, and participation in class.
4. Support for diverse needs
Participants emphasized the importance of recognizing and addressing the diverse
needs of students. This included providing support for students with special needs, as
well as those from disadvantaged backgrounds.
5. Collaboration between stakeholders
Participants noted that effective holistic support for students required collaboration
between various stakeholders, including teachers, parents, and community
organizations. By working together, these stakeholders were able to provide
comprehensive and targeted support to students.
These findings demonstrate the positive impact of providing holistic support to students in
senior high school. By addressing students' physical, emotional, and mental health needs, schools
are able to create a more supportive and inclusive environment, which in turn leads to improved
academic outcomes and increased student engagement.
Previous studies have also highlighted the importance of holistic support for students in
enhancing their educational experience. A study by Roksa and Kinsley (2019) found that providing
comprehensive support to students improved their overall well-being and academic success,
similar to the findings of the present study. Furthermore, a study by Miyauchi (2020) found that
students who received holistic support were more likely to be engaged in their learning and had
higher levels of academic achievement.
The present study provides new insights into the importance of collaboration between
stakeholders in providing effective holistic support. This finding is consistent with previous
research, which has emphasized the need for collaboration between schools, families, and
community organizations in supporting students (Yasuike, 2019). However, the present study
specifically highlights the importance of collaboration in the context of holistic support and
emphasizes the need for targeted and comprehensive support for students with diverse needs.
Overall, the present study supports previous research on the importance of holistic support
for students in senior high school. The findings of this study further highlight the importance of
collaboration between stakeholders in providing effective and comprehensive support to students.
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importance of innovative teaching and learning approaches in enhancing student engagement and
achievement. For example, a study by Bara and Xhomara (2014) found that student-centered
learning approaches, such as project-based learning, can lead to improved academic outcomes and
increased student engagement. Additionally, a study by Liang (2021) found that technology
integration can enhance student motivation and engagement in learning.
The emphasis on experiential learning and interdisciplinary teaching in the summit
findings also aligns with previous research. For example, a meta-analysis by Turner et al. (2018)
found that hands-on, experiential learning approaches can have a positive impact on student
achievement. Similarly, a study by Ivanitskaya et al. (2002) found that interdisciplinary teaching
can promote student understanding of complex topics and lead to improved learning outcomes.
The findings also align with the idea of flexible teaching methods, which has been
emphasized in the literature. For example, a study by Siyabi and Shekaili (2021) found that
differentiated instruction, which involves tailoring instruction to meet the diverse needs of
students, can lead to improved academic outcomes.
The summit findings provide further support for the importance of incorporating
innovative and student-centered teaching and learning approaches in senior high school education.
By incorporating technology, experiential learning, interdisciplinary teaching, and flexible teaching
methods, schools can create a more engaging and effective learning environment for students.
Research in the field of education supports the findings from the first senior high school
summit that emphasize the importance of using multiple forms of assessment to accurately
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measure student learning. In fact, there is a growing body of research that suggests that traditional
forms of assessment, such as written tests, may not accurately measure student learning and may
even perpetuate inequities in education.
The use of formative assessment, which was highlighted by participants, has been shown
to improve student learning outcomes by providing ongoing feedback to students and informing
instruction. Research also supports the use of self-assessment as a tool to promote student
ownership of their learning and to encourage reflective practices.
Furthermore, the emphasis on assessment for learning, as opposed to assessment of
learning, aligns with current research that suggests that assessment should be used as a tool to
support learning rather than as a tool to judge or rank students.
The findings from the first senior high school summit on the theme of Emphasis on Student
Assessment and Evaluation align with previous research and support the importance of using
multiple forms of assessment, including formative and self-assessment, to accurately measure
student learning and promote student ownership of their learning.
Summary Findings
Based on the results of the 1st senior high school summit of promising or best practices, it
was found that schools were showcasing innovative and effective approaches to teaching and
learning in various subjects, including TVL (Technical Vocational Livelihood), science, research, and
others. In terms of collaborative teaching and learning, schools emphasized the importance of
involving both students and teachers in the learning process, creating a more engaging and
interactive classroom environment. Holistic support for students was also highlighted as a key
component of successful education practices, with schools offering various resources and support
systems to help students succeed both academically and personally.
Innovative teaching and learning approaches were a common theme among the schools, with
many incorporating technology and hands-on, project-based learning into their curriculums. These
methods were seen as highly effective in engaging students and helping them develop critical
thinking and problem-solving skills.
Finally, the emphasis on student assessment and evaluation was a central focus of the
summit, with schools exploring various approaches to assess student learning and provide
feedback to both students and teachers. This included traditional methods, such as exams and
quizzes, as well as more innovative methods, such as portfolios and self-assessments.
Overall, the findings from the 1st senior high school summit of promising or best practices
highlight the importance of collaboration, student support, innovation, and assessment in creating
effective and successful education practices. These findings can be used by schools and educational
institutions to inform their own approaches to teaching and learning and improve student
In conclusion, the 1st senior high school summit of promising or best practices was a
successful event that showcased the innovative and effective approaches that many schools are
using to improve student outcomes and the quality of education. The summit provided an
opportunity for schools to share their best practices, learn from each other, and identify areas for
The findings of the summit highlight the importance of a range of factors in promoting
student success, including collaborative teaching and learning, providing holistic support for
students, embracing innovative teaching and learning approaches, and placing a strong emphasis
on student assessment and evaluation. These findings can serve as a valuable resource for schools
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and educational institutions looking to improve their practices and better support their students.
Overall, the first senior high school summit of promising or best practices demonstrated the
positive impact that can be achieved when schools collaborate and share their experiences and
approaches. By continuing to bring together educators, students, and other stakeholders to discuss
and share best practices, we can work towards a brighter future for education and student
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