PR2 Q1
PR2 Q1
PR2 Q1
Department of Education
Region V, Schools Divison of Sorsogon
Gubat, Sorsogon
Practical Research 2
1st Semester MIDTERM EXAM
DIRECTION: Read each statement carefully. Write the letter of your answer in a separate sheet of paper.
In a certain study, a group of students was subjected to aroma therapy using essential oils while reading
and another group read under normal conditions, then after a month both groups took a reading comprehension
test (Faltado,, 2016)
For numbers 11-13:
11. In this case, the reading comprehension test score is the _________________________________.
a. Compounding Variable b. Dependent Variable c. Extraneous Variable d. Independent Variable
12. On the other hand, exposure to aroma therapy is the _____________________.
a. Compounding Variable b. Dependent Variable c. Extraneous Variable d. Independent Variable
13. What kind of quantitative research does the author used in the study?
a. Causal-comparative b. Descriptive c. Experimental d. Survey
For 25-28
The main purpose of the study is to provide information regarding metro-sexuality and how being a metrosexual affects the
lifestyle of the student. The study considers the student’s personal information such as name (optional) gender, age and section.
The researchers limited the study to 80 male and female secondary education students enrolled in the second semester of
school year 2015-2016 of the Technological Institute of the Philippines. Each of the respondents given a questionnaire to answer. The
students selected came from four different sections to prevent bias and get objective perceptions.
25. The text above explains what part of the research study?
a. Background of the Study b. Scope and Delimitation c. Significance of the Study d. Statement of the
26. Which of the following research title below best describe the text above?
a. Technological Institute of the Philippines c. The lifestyle of a student
b. The lifestyle of Metrosexual d. Perception towards Metrosexual
27. Which of the following statement of the problem appropriate to the above text?
a. What is the lifestyle of the students in Technological Institute of the Philippines?
b. How being a metrosexual affects the lifestyle of the student?
c. What is the relation of metro-sexuality to the personal information of the University?
d. What is the importance of metrosexual in the second semester school year 2015-2016?
28. What type of quantitative research does the author used?
a. Descriptive b. Experimental c. Correlational d. Quasi-experimental
II. Read the sample text below and identify the Related Studies and Literature based on the text. Choose the letter
inside the parenthesis and write it on your answer sheet.
Reaching the Unreached: A Challenges for Filipino Educators
Helen Bihag-Boholano & Mary Lou C. Go Puco
Education is one of the necessary elements for progress, a means of rising above poverty, bridging the social
gaps, improving living conditions and health, and promoting wellness and a better life. It is required so that positive
contributions to the global community may be addressed. (A) Globalization is seen by teachers in the effects that it
produces by following and economic business-oriented model of the world that changes the classroom environment
(Barron, Odell & Mercier, 2006). This oversight is a source of concern since the
(B) Philippine Constitution of 1987 expressly provides for free and compulsory elementary and secondary education.
Education for All (EFA) recommends working with international agencies like the World Bank and International Monetary
Fund to devise programs to reduce poverty- related barriers to learning (Goldstein, 2004). From another perspective, (C)
Sparkes (1999) posited that the ability to participate effectively in the labor market, and its inverse – unemployment, are
strongly affected by the realization of basic literacy and numeracy skills.
(D) In terms of labor market access in the Philippines, only one in every 50 jobs is open to those without basic entry-level
skills and only 50% of jobs are open to those with skills only at entry level (Moser, 1999).
38. Foreign Studies 39. Local Studies 40. Foreign Literature 41. Local Literature
Prepared by:
Rona A. Melgar
Teacher III/English