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Abstract & acknowledgement

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The researchers wish to express their deepest gratitude to the

special people who have extended their assistance for the success of

the study.

They should like to thanks Mrs. Jane M. Bañaga for her approval

to conduct the study.

The researcher would like also to express their deepest gratitude

to their research adviser Mrs. Rachel M. Cuevas for her genuine

apprehension, encourage, patience and guidance and whose expertise

and knowledge were generously shared.

The researchers want to extend their thanks and gratitude to

their panel Ms. Regine Hycinth A. Montecillanos for sharing their

knowledge and idea and for helping us in their study.

We would like to thank their beloved parents and guardian, for

their undying love, patient and supporting them financially throughout

the study.

And above all, we would like to express our sincere thanks to

our almighty God, who is the source of life and strength of knowledge

and wisdom, for protection and for guiding us throughout the study.

We thank you



This paper examine the problem on the effects of Students

Indolence toward their Academic Performance. This study aims to

determine the following question: (1) What is the level of students

Indolence (2) What is the Students Academic Performance? (3) Is there

a significant relationship between the effects of students indolence and

academic performance? To achieve this method, we need thirty

respondents were drawn from Lampitak National High School. Our

thirty (30) respondents came from Grade 8 and Grade 9 students from

Lampitak National High School. We will be using the random sampling

distribution method to choose respondents to answer the given

questionnaire. The data that will be gathered of this study will be able

to gained are following: (1) The students will help them to be

encourage to change their Indolence habits for them to have a good

grades, (2) The study will be teacher’s basis for encouraging to

students not to be indolent, (3) The parents would be aware of

different factors by their children or sometimes indolent, (4) Other

reseacher, help the other researcher to understand the effect of

students indolence toward their Academic Performance. The

conceptual framework of this study, the independent variable is the

purpose of students indolence/laziness, this were correlated to the

dependent variable which is the Academic Performance. This study will

utilize the comparative method between research design is a scientific

method of involves observing and describing the affected levels of

performance of students to the academic performance of the students.

This utilize one set of questionnaire, the purpose of the effect of

students Indolence toward their Academic Performance adopted from

UCHL, it’s categories twenty (15) items. Before this study was conduct

the researcher will send a letter to the principal asking permission to

conduct the study. After the principal signed the letter, the reseacher

will sent the questionnaire to the respondents and the researchers

asked permission to the students who were there during the conduct of

the researcher will collect it for tallying and to apply the statistical

Treatment to be use in the study.

The following tools will employ in this study, to determine the

level of students Indolence mean was used. To determine the

Academic Performance of Grade 8 and Grade 9 students mean was

used. To determine the significant relationship between the effect of

students Indolence to academic performance, correlation coefficient of

r and p value, was used.

The following were the findings of the study . The effect of

students Indolence, students strongly agree that they like to get their

room in excellent order before starting on their assignment. The

students also neither that they have been too tired, nervous, or upset

to get started on their assignment.

In line of the findings and conclusion of the study, the following

recommendation are made. Students the most significant strategy for

avoiding laziness at the time of studies is to eliminate any and every

kind of distraction in any way possible. It is tough to get back into a

studying mood after scrolling through the news feed of various social

media platforms. Teachers in order to monitor and adjust teaching

strategies and delivery, educators often ask for feedback from their

students. Gathering students feedback from students is instrumental in

teachers changing their instructional strategies. Parents kids would be

easily inspired by their parents do. So it would be good to be a role

model in their learning phase. Parents are a kid’s first teacher and so

learn the first things together at home. Show them how exciting and

meaningful a school life can be if they give out their best.


1 Students Indolence toward their

Academic Performance ………………………..……………………….…………


2 Students Academic Performance………..……………..


3 Relationship between Students Indolence and their Academic





Conceptual Framework…………………………………………………………..17


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