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UIC Transcript

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Name: Tan, Huining

University Number: 654430683 Date Issued: 19 - AUG - 24

Course Level: Graduate - Chicago Day/Month of Birth: 03 - FEB

SUBJ NO. COURSE TITLE CRED GRD PTS R Term Information continued:
_________________________________________________________________ Public Health (MPH)


Fall 2011 - Chicago CHSC 401 Behavioral Sci Pub Health 3.00 B 9.00
School of Public Health CHSC 446 Res Meths In Comm Hlth 3.00 B 9.00
Public Health (MPH) HPA 565 Datamining Public Health 3.00 A 12.00
BSTT 400 Biostatistics I 4.00 A 16.00 Ehrs: 9.00 GPA-Hrs: 9.00 QPts: 30.00 GPA: 3.33
BSTT 595 Biostatistics Research Seminar 1.00 S 0.00 ********************** TRANSCRIPT TOTALS ***********************
EPID 403 Intro to Epid: Princpl & Mthds 3.00 B 9.00 Earned Hrs GPA Hrs Points GPA
EPID 406 Epidemiologic Computing 3.00 A 12.00 TOTAL INSTITUTION 45.00 44.00 158.00 3.59
Ehrs: 11.00 GPA-Hrs: 10.00 QPts: 37.00 GPA: 3.70 ********************** END OF TRANSCRIPT ***********************

Spring 2012 - Chicago

School of Public Health
Public Health (MPH)
BSTT 401 Biostatistics II 4.00 A 16.00
BSTT 506 Design of Clinical Trials 3.00 B 9.00
EPID 404 Intermediate Epidemiolog Mthds 4.00 A 16.00
Ehrs: 11.00 GPA-Hrs: 11.00 QPts: 41.00 GPA: 3.72

Summer 2012 - Chicago

School of Public Health
Public Health (MPH)
CHSC 400 Pub Hlth Concepts & Practice 3.00 B 9.00
Ehrs: 3.00 GPA-Hrs: 3.00 QPts: 9.00 GPA: 3.00

Fall 2012 - Chicago

School of Public Health
Public Health (MPH)
BSTT 505 Logist Regr & Survivl Analysis 2.00 A 8.00
CHSC 447 Survey Planning & Design 3.00 A 12.00
EOHS 400 Environmental Health Sciences 3.00 A 12.00
HPA 400 Princ of Mgmt in Public Health 3.00 B 9.00
Ehrs: 11.00 GPA-Hrs: 11.00 QPts: 41.00 GPA: 3.72

Spring 2013 - Chicago

School of Public Health
******************** CONTINUED ON NEXT COLUMN *******************

RAISED SEAL NOT REQUIRED. This official university transcript
yimotuan@gmail.com is contained in a secured electronic file.
REFNUM: 20040336815

Christopher Sayre, Acting Registrar

University of Illinois Chicago (UIC) TRANSCRIPT EXPLANATION
Office of the Registrar
1200 West Harrison Street, Chicago, lllinois 60607 www.uic.edu Phone: (312) 996-4350

UlC is accredited by the North Central Association of Colleges and
UIC cumulative grade information includes total hours earned and grade
Secondary Schools and other agencies. For accreditation information, refer
point average based upon the level of the student: undergraduate, graduate,
to the UIC catalog.
nondegree, and professional. Beginning Fall 1991, a11 UIC cumulative grade
2. ACADEMIC CALENDAR/UNIT OF CREDIT information is recorded in semester hours, The cumulative GPA includes all
The academic year consists of the fall and spring semesters and a twelve-week courses taken at UIC in which a grade of A, B, C, D, E or F was reported.
Summer Session with varying length parts of terms. Each fall and spring semester NOTE: The Graduate College uses a Degree Grade Point Average, which does
includes fifteen weeks of instruction and one week of final examinations. The unit not appear on the transcript, to determine academic standing and graduation.
of credit is the semester hour. For academic calendar systems prior to Fall 1991,
The Graduate College Degree GPA is an average of grades earned in all 400-
see https://registrar.uic.edu/student_records/grading_system.
and 500-level courses taken while in a specified graduate degree program, as
well as any UIC (only) work transferred into that program from the nondegree
This transcript is issued on the condition that it will not be released to another student level or another Graduate level program.
party without written consent of the student, FERPA of 1974, as amended.
AH, BH, and SH indicates honors grading for grades assigned of A, B, or S.
For additional notations, see https://registrar.uic.edu/student_records/grading_
Official transcripts are printed on red security paper with red border and do
system. A notation of E to the far right of a course reflects a grade excluded
not require a raised seal. Parchment: Digital Credential Service of Scottsdale,
AZ, coordinates ordering and some delivery of UlC transcripts. For more from GPA. See catalog for policies describing grade exclusion.
information, contact the UIC Office of the Registrar at (312) 996-4380.
Alteration or forgery may be a criminal offense. 8. COURSE NUMBERING SYSTEM

001-099, Academic preparation

Effective Fall 2004, UIC changed from a 5.0 GPA to a 4.0 GPA scale. In the 4.0 100-199, Undergraduate Level
scale, all courses taken, quarter hour or semester hour, arc converted as follows: 200-299, Undergraduate, Intermediate Level
Grade Grade Point Value
300-399, Undergraduate, Advanced Level
A Excellent 4 points per hour
400-499, Graduate Level and Advanced Undergraduate. Graduate students
B Good 3 points per hour receive graduate credit,
C Average 2 points per hour
500-599, Graduate Level
D Poor but passing I point per hour
600, Intended for graduate and post-baccalaureate professional
F Failure 0 points per hour
degree students or for students in post-baccalaureate degree,
FR Failure by Rule 0 points per hour Certificate, and special programs,

Other Grade Symbols (Not included in GPA computation) For the course numbering system prior to 1991,
see https://registrar.uic.edu/student_records/grading_system.
W – Withdrew. Officially withdrew from course without penalty.
DFR- Deferred (prior to Fall 2004 was OF). Used for thesis courses,
continuing seminar, sequential courses, certain study-abroad courses, and 9. TRANSFER CREDIT
certain courses that require extensive independent work beyond the term. At The amount of transfer credit applicable toward a particular degree is
the end of the continuing course sequence, the DFR must be converted to a determined by the University college and department concerned. Transfer
letter grade, to an I, or to an S or U. credit is awarded for certain standardized tests For further information,
S - Satisfactory; U - Unsatisfactory. Used in graduate thesis research courses refer to the catalog. Transfer credit appears in summary form based on prior
and graduate courses given for zero credit, and in specifically approved courses. institution(s) and dates of attendance, and in some cases, prior to Spring 2003,
S* - Satisfactory. Credit does not apply toward earned credit hours or graduation. as Pre-System Transfer Summary Hours recorded as a total of transfer credit
CR- Credit (prior to Fall 2004 was P). For courses taken under credit/no
credit option. CR is recorded if the letter grade of A, B, C or D is assigned, A 10. HONORS COLLEGE AND HONORS RECOGNITION
CR will not be recorded for graduate students assigned a letter grade of D. A. Beginning Fall 2009, Dean's List is recorded on the transcript as
NC- No Credit (prior to Fall 2004 F). Used in courses taken credit/no credit. determined by each college.
NC recorded if grade of F assigned. NC recorded for graduate students
B. Latin Honors designation became Effective Spring 2005, P lease refer
assigned a D or F.
to the Latin Honor Policy, please see
NR - Not Reported (prior to Fall 2004 was M). NR is assigned when no grade
is submitted by the instructor.
C. Prior to Spring 2005, University Honors were awarded to the top 3
1 - Incomplete (prior to Fall 2004 IN). Course work incomplete when a student
percent of the graduating class in each college.
fails to submit all required assignments or is absent from final examination.
Incomplete course work will normally result in a failing grade if it is not D. Membership in the Honors College and in honors societies are recorded
completed within the designated time limit. on the transcript.
PS - Pass (Prior to Fall 2004 was P), Awarded for test-based credit applied E. Honors College participation each term is indicated on the transcript by
toward passed and earned hours. the course HON 222, Honors Activity.

F. College Honors are awarded by each college to its outstanding graduates.

For the grading systems of students enrolled at UIC prior to 1991, UIC John
Marshall Law School grading system, and the UIC College of Medicine grading G. Departmental Distinction is awarded by academic departments to their
system, please see https://registrar.uic.edu/student-records/grading-system/, outstanding graduates.
revised 07/24/2024

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