Physics Model Questions
Physics Model Questions
Physics Model Questions
7. A diffraction pattern is obtained using a beam of red light. What will be the effect on the
diffraction pattern if the red light is replaced with white light?
A) All bright fringes become white.
B) All bright fringes, except the central one, become white.
C) All bright fringes become colourful.
D) All bright fringes, except the central one, become colourful.
8. In which one of the following diagrams the currents are related by the equation I1 - I 2 = I 3 - I
A) B) C) D)
9. A coil having N turns and cross-section area A carries current I. Which physical quantity does
the product NIA represent?
A) magnetic flux of the coil B) magnetic flux density of the coil
C) magnetic moment of the coil D) magnetic susceptibility of the coil
10. What happens to the neutral temperature if the cold junction of a thermocouple is decreased?
A) increases B) decreases
C) remains the same D) approaches inversion temperature
11. What is the point where the seismic waves start called?
A) epicentre B) hypocentre C) metacentre D) seismic centre
(a) Obtain an expression for the efficiency of this heat engine. [1]
(b) Under what condition does the efficiency of such engine become zero
percentage, if at all? [1]
5. A student wants to measure the magnetic flux density between the poles of two weak bar
magnets mounted on a steel yoke as shown in the figure. The magnitude of the flux density is
between 0.02T and 0.04T.
(i) Define Magnetic flux density. [1]
(ii) One way of measuring the magnetic flux density could be the use
of a Hall probe.
Suggest one reason why Hall probe is not a suitable instrument to
measure the magnetic flux density for the arrangement shown in the above figure. [1]
(iii) Another method of measuring the magnetic flux density for the arrangement shown in the
above figure is to insert a current-carrying wire between the poles of the magnet. Explain how
the magnetic flux density can be determined using this method. You are allowed to use any
additional apparatus. [3]
6. (a) Law of electromagnetic induction can be expressed mathematically as .
(b) (i) State what the symbols and [2]
(ii) Explain the significance of the negative sign. [1]
(ii) Two identical copper balls are dropped from the
same height as shown in the figure. Ball P passes
through a region of uniform horizontal magnetic
filed of flux density B.
Explain why ball P takes longer than ball Q to
reach the ground. [2]
7. Ultraviolet radiation of frequency 1.5 × 1015Hz is
incident on the surface of an aluminium plate whose
work function is 6.6×10-19J.
(i) Show that the maximum speed of the electrons emitted from the surface of the aluminium is
8.6 × 105ms–1. [3]
(ii) State and explain what change, if any, occurs to the maximum speed of the emitted electrons
when the intensity of the ultraviolet radiation is increased. [2]
8. (i) State Bohr‟s postulates of atomic model. [3]
(ii) The figure shows Lymen series of energy transmission in hydrogen
Calculate the frequency of a photon emitted by an electron jumping from
the second excited state to the ground level. [2]
(i) Sketch the symbol of a p-n junction diode and indicate the polarity of
its ends. [1]
9. Earthquake sets rocks and buildings in motion. When a rock is subjected to compression, a
restoring force develops inside it. This restoring force is given by an equation F= -Ax where x
is displacement and A is a constant.
(i) Prove that this force will make the rock vibrate
with simple harmonic motion. [2]
(ii) Show that the speed of an object undergoing
simple harmonic motion is given by the expression v
= ±ω√(A2-x2) where the symbols carry standard
meanings. [2]
(iii) Calculate the maximum speed of a building
shaken by S-waves of 21Hz and amplitude 0.05m. [2]
(v) Explain why tall buildings are more susceptible to
damage by S-waves which generally have low
frequency. [2]
10. The figure below shows the variation of emf and current with time in a typical LRC circuit.
(i) Explain whether the phase constant is postive or negative. [2]
(ii) Sketch a phasor diagram for the given case. [2]
(iii) Is the circuit more inductive or capacitive? Explain. [2]
(iv) To increse the rate at which energy is transferred to the resistive load, should the
inductance be increased or decreased? Justify your
answer. [2]
A student sets up a circuit as shown in the figure
given below to measure the emf of a test cell.
(a) Explain why he is unable to find a balance point
and state the change he must make in order to
achieve the balance. [2]
(b) State how he would recognize the balance point. [1]
(c) He obtained the balance point for distance 37.5cm using standard cell of emf 1.50V. And
for the test cell, the balance distance AB was 25.0 cm. Calculate the emf of the test cell. [2]
(d) He could have used an ordinary voltmeter to measure the emf of the test cell directly. The
student, however, argues that the above instrument is more precise than an ordinary
voltmeter. Justify his logic. [2]
11. (a) Explain what is meant by quantization of charge. [2]
(b) In a Millikan‟s oil drop experiment, an oil drop of weight 1.5 x 10- 14N is held stationary
between plates 10mm apart by applying a p.d. of 470V between the plates.
Model Question -1
Grade: XII Subject: Physics (102)
Full marks: 75 (11 marks Obj+ 64 marks Sub) Time: 3 Hours
5) A closed organ pipe and an open organ pipe have their first overtime identical in frequency.
Their lengths are in the ratio
a. 1:2 b.2:3 c.3:4 d. 4:5
6) Which can produce maximum pitch of sound?
a. lion c.woman d. mosquito
7) Huygen’s wave theory of light cannot explain
a. diffraction b. interference c.polarization d. Photoelectric effect
8) A cell has an emf of 1.5 V when short circuited, it gives a current of 3A. the internal
resistance of the cell is:
a. 0.5Ω b. 2.0Ω c.4.5Ω d. 1.5Ω
9) When the temperature of a semiconductor is increased, it’s electrical conductivity
a. increases b. remains same
c.decreases d. first increases then decreases
10) An LCR series circuit, the capacitance is made one fourth when in resonance. Then what
should be the change in inductance so that the circuit remains in resonance.
a. 4 times b. ¼ times c.8 times d. 2 times
11) What are bosons?
a. elementary crew members on merchant vessels.
b. Subatomic particles that carry forces
c. A term in particle physics used to describe matter.
d. An electron switch used in nano circuits.
Group “B”
Short answer questions: 8X5=40
a) Describe angular simple harmonic motion. 1
b) Differentiate between simple harmonic and angular harmonic motion. 2
c) A particle executes S.H.M. in a line 4 cm long. Its velocity when passed through the
center of the line is 12 cm/s. Find the period.
a) State the law of flotation. 1
b) Establish the relation between surface tension and surface energy. 2
c) Find the work done in blowing a soap bubble of surface tension 0.06 Nm from 2 cm
radius to 5 cm radius. 2
a) State Second law of thermodynamics. 1
b) What do you mean by a heat engine and it’s efficiency? 1
c) A carnot engine whose high temperature reservoir is at 400 k takes in 100 calories of
heat at this temperature in each cycle and gives up 80 cal to the low temperature
reservoir. What is the temperature of the latter reservoir? What is the thermal efficiency of
the cycle? 3
a) Define Doppler effect. 1
b) Two vibrating turning forks have identical frequencies, but one is stationary and the
other is mounted at the rim of a rotating platform. What does a listener hear? Explain.
c) If a listener L is at rest and the siren is moving away from L at 30m/s. what frequency
does the listener hear? 2
a) What are coherent sources? 1
b) Does the interference of light waves obey the law of conservation of energy? Explain. 2
c) Two sources give interference patterns which are observed on a screen. D is distance
apart from the sources. The fringe width will be 2w. If the distance D is now doubled, what
will be the fringe width? 2
a) Write about Wheatstone bridge. 1
b) Show the circuit diagram with the balance condition of Wheatstone bridge. 1
c) The four arms of a Wheatstone bridge in figure have the following resistances, AB =
100W, BC = 10W, CD = 5 W, DA = 60W. The galvanometer of 15W resistance is
connected across BD. Calculate the current through the galvanometer when the potentical
difference of 10v is maintained across
AC. 2
a) What is a thermocouple? 1
b) Discuss the variation of thermo emf in a thermocouple with the change in temperature. 2
c) Generally, Sb-Bi thermocouple is preferred in all experimental work, why? Explain. 2
a) Write the expression for the force on a charge q moving with a velocity v in a magnetic
field B. 1
b) State and explain the right hand rule for finding the direction of magnetic force on a moving
charge in a magnetic field. 2
c) What is the force on a wire of length 4 cm placed inside a solenoid near its center making
an angle 600 with the axis? The wire carries a current of 12A and the magnetic field due to
solenoid has magnitude of 0.25T. 2
a) Draw a neat labeled diagram of Millikan’s oil drop experiment set up for determination of
charge on an electron. 1
b) What is the nature of the path for electrons in electric and magnetic fields? 1
c) An electron moves in a circular path of radius 20 cm in a uniform magnetic field of 2 X 10-3
T. Find the speed of the electron and period of revolution. 3
a) What is the depletion layer? 1
b) Why is NOT gate called an inverter? 1
Explain operations of AND, OR and NAND gates with a truth table and circuit diagram.
Group “C”
Long answer questions: 3X8=24
a) Define angular momentum. 1
b) State and prove the principle of conservation of angular momentum. 2
c) Does the angular momentum of a body moving in a circular path change? Give
explanation to your answer. 2
d) A ballet dancer spins about a vertical axis at 1 r.p.s. with her arms outstretched with her
arms folded her moment of inertia about the vertical axis decreases by 60%. Calculate the
new rate of revolution. 3
a) State Lenz’s law of electromagnetic induction. 1
b) How will you verify it experimentally. 2
c) Show that Lenz law is in accordance with the law of conservation of energy. 2
d) An aeroplane with wing span 50 m flying horizontally with a speed of 360 km/hr. over the
earth’s magnetic field is 0.4 T. find the potential difference between the tip of the wings.
a) What is meant by magnetic hysteresis? 1
b) Sketch a typical hysteresis curve and explain what can be deduced from this about the
magnetic properties of the material. 2
c) Can we have magnetic hysteresis in paramagnetic or diamagnetic subsjatces?2
d) A soft iron ring has a mean diameter of 0.2 m and an area of cross-section of 5X10-4m2. It
is uniformly wound with 2000 turns carrying a current of 2A and the magnetic flux in the iron
is 8X10-3 Wb. What is the relative permeability of the iron? 3
a) What do you mean by radioactivity? 1
b) Explain radioactive disintegration law and derive decay equation. 3
c) What is health hazard of nuclear radiation and what are safety precautions? 2
d) The half life of radius is 1600 yrs. What is the fraction of sample undecayed after 6400
yrs? 2
Model Question -2
Grade: XII Subject: Physics (102)
Full marks: 75 (11 marks Obj+ 64 marks Sub) Time: 3 Hours
Group “B”
Short answer questions: 8X5=40
a) Define Simple harmonic motion and state it’s equation. 2
b) The displacement of an oscillating object as a function of time is shown in figure:
Calculate its:
i) Time period
ii) Frequency
iii) Amplitue 3
a) Describe the Bernoulli’s equation and explain its use. 2
b) Explain the equation of continuity. 1
c) Air is streaming past a horizontal air plane wing such that its speed is 129 m/s at the lower
surface. If the density of air is 1.3 kg/m3. Find the difference in pressure between the top
and bottom of the wing. 2
a) Explain the meaning of work done by the system and work done on the system. 1
b) Describe how work done by gas during expansion can be calculated from indicator (p-v)
diagram. 2
c) A tyre pumped to a pressure of 6 atmosphere bursts suddenly. Calculate the temperature
of escaping air. Given initial room temperaturs is 1500 C and γ for air is 1.4. 2
a) Write Newton’s equation for velocity of sound in air. 1
b) What correction was applied by Laplace and why? 2
c) At normal temperature and pressure, 4g of helium occupies a volume of 22.4 litre.
Determine the speed of sound in helium. For helium, γ = 1.67 and 1 atmospheric pressure
= 1.05 X 105 N/m2 2
a) What do you mean by interference of light? 1
b) Explain the terms constructive and destructive interference. 2
c) In a Young’s experiment, light of wavelength 6 X 10-7 m is used, the set are 0.6 mm apart
and the bright bands formed on a screen at 0.8 mm apart. Calculate the distance of the
slits from the screen. 2
a) Describe principle of potentiometer.
b) The potentiometer wire must be long and of uniform thickness. Why? Explain.
c) When a cell of emf 1.5V is connected to the potentiometer wire, the balancing length is
found to be 650 cm, when a cell of unknown emf is connected to the potentiometer, the
balancing length is found to be 468 cm. What is the emf of the second cell?
Two batteries and three resistors are connected in a circuit as shown in figure. Find
a) The current in resistor R. 1
b) The unknown emf E 1
c) The resistance R 1
d) If the circuit is broken at point X, what is the current in the resistor R. 2
a) Sketch magnetic field lines around a straight current carrying conductor and long
solenoid. 1
b) Discuss force on a current carrying conductor placed in uniform magnetic field.2
c) A horizontal wire 0.5 m long and mass 50 g is placed uniform matnetic field of 0.2 T
perpendicularly. Calculate the current in the wire to make is self supporting? (g = 10m/s2)
a) State Planck’s theory of quantum radiation. 1
b) The plot of stopping potential versus, the frequency of light used in an experiment on
photoelectric effect is shown in figure. Calculate. 2
i) Work function
ii) The ratio
c) Write properties of photon.
a) What is Zener diode? 1
b) Plot forward and reverse characteristics of semiconductor diode including the concept of
Zener diode. 1
c) Explain the operation of AND, OR and NAND gates. 3
Group “C”
Long answer questions: 3X8=24
a) What is meant by the moment of inertia of an object about an axis? 1
b) A uniform circular disc of ( I)2 = mass 20 kg and radius 0.15 m is mounted on a
horizontal cylindrical axle of radius 0.015 m and negligible mass. Neglecting frictional
losses in the bearings. Calculate
i) The angular velocity acquired from rest by the application for 12second of a force
of 20N tangential to the axle. 3
ii) The KE of the disc at the end of this period. 1
iii) The time required to bring the disc to rest if a breaking force of 1N were applied to
its rim. 3
a) State Faraday’s laws of electromagnetic induction. 2
b) How would you determine the direction of induced current? 1
c) In figure, a rod with length L = 85.0 cm moves in a magnetic field B = 0.850 T. the emf
induced in the moving rod is 0.620V.
i) What is the speed of the rod? 1
ii) If the total circuit resistance is 0.750 Ω. What is the inuced current? 1
iii) What force (magnitude and direction) does the field exert on the rod as a result of
this current? 2
a) State the laws of radioactive disintegration. 2
b) Differentiate types of radiations coming from radioactive sources. 1
c) A radioactive element of atomic weight 99 has a half life of 6 hours. Find the activity in a
solution containing 1 gram of this element in the beginning, and after 1 hour. The
Avogardro’s number is 6.023 X 1023 mol-1. 3
d) Explain the meaning of natural and artificial radioactivity. 2
Model Question -3
Grade: XII Subject: Physics (102)
Full marks: 75 (11 marks Obj+ 64 marks Sub) Time: 3 Hours
Group “B”
Short answer questions: 8X5=40
a) Define angular momentum .
b) A plane revolves around a massive star in a high elliptical orbit. Is its angular momentum
constant over the entire orbit?
c) A string is wrapped around the rim of a wheel of moment of inertia 0.20 kg m3 and radius
20 cm. The wheel is free to rotate about its axis as in Fig. initially, the wheel is in rest. The
string is now pulled by a force of 2N. Find the angular velocity of the wheel after 5.0
a) Define simple harmonic motion and state it’s equation.
b) The displacement of an oscillating object as a function of time shown in Fig. Calculate its
(i) time period (ii) frequency and the amplitude? 2+3
a) Define the term centre of buoyancy and meta centre. Why should the metal centre lie
above the centre of gravity of floating body?
b) Explain the equation of continiuity and its application.
c) Fig. shows a liquid being pushed out of tube by pressing a piston. The area of cross-
section of the piston is 1.0 cm2 and that of the tube at the outlet is 20mm2. If the piston is
pushed at a speed of 2 cm/s-1. What is the speed of the outgoing liquid? 2+1+2
a) Explain the meaning of work done by system and work done on the system.
b) Describe how work done by gas during expansion can be calculated from indicator (P-V)
c) A tyre pumped to a pressure of 6 atmosphere bursts suddenly. Calculate the temperature
of escaping air. Given initial room temperature is 150 C and γ for air is 1.4.
a) What are the factors on which velocity sound in the open air depends and in what may
they do so?
b) It is notices that a sharp made in front of a flight of stone steps gives to a ringing sound.
c) Explain this assuming that each step is 0.25 m dip estimate the frequency fo the sound.
(Velocity of sound may be taken to be 340 ms-1) 2+1+2
a) Describe the concept of perfect conductors.
b) Distinguish them from superconductors.
c) A moving coil galvanometer of resistance 10 produces full scale deflection when a current
25 mA is passed through it. How will you convert the galvanometer into a voltmeter range
(0-120V? 1+1+3
a) Differentiate between solenoid and tofold.
b) Magnetic field lines produced by a current carrying solenoid is as shown in Fig.
Describe the nature of the magnetic field lines through and around the current carrying
c) A solenoid is designed to produce a magnetic field of 0.027 T at its centre. It has radius
1.4 cm and length 40.0 cm, and the wire carry a maximum current of 12.0 A. What
minimum number of turns must the solenoid have? 1+2+2
a) Write an expression for energy stored in inductor.
b) Soft iron is used in making core of a transformer, why? Explain.
c) The ratio of number of turns in the primary and secondary windings of a stup-up
transform is 1:200. It is connected at a.c. mains of 2 V. Calculate:
i) Voltage developed in secondary
ii) The current in the secondary when primary current is 2A. 1+2+2
a) Which property of a semiconductor did permits it to be used as a rectifier? Explain the
working of a PN diode whe is forward biased and reverse biased. What is a truth
table? Draw such a for two inputs AND gate. 1+2+2
b) Define radio isotopes.
c) A radioactive source has decayed to 1/128th fo its initial activity after 50 days. What is its
half – life? What are medical uses of nuclear radiation? 1+3+1
Group “C”
Long answer questions: 3X8=24
a) Discuss Huygen’s principle. Use it explain reflection of light.
b) Light travels through a pool of water in a parallel beam incident on the horizontal
surface. Its speed water is 2.2 X 108 m/s. Calculate the maximum angle which the
beam can make with vertical if light is to escape into the air 108m/s.Ans: 47.20
a) Write the cause of electric current thermo electricity.
b) Distinguish between seebeck effect and Peltier effect. Define inversion temperature and
write the factors on which it depends.
c) Thermo e.m.f. Cu-Fe thermocouple varies temperature at θ0C) as,
E (μV ) = 14θ − 0.02θ 2 . Determine neutral and inverse temperature. 2+3+3
a) Discuss series circuits contains combination of resistance, capacitance and inductance.
b) Describe series resonance condition.
c) A 100 V a.c. source frequency 50 Hz is connected to a LCR circuit with L = 8.1 X 10-3
H, C = 12.5 μF and R = Ω, all connected in series. Find the potent difference
across the resistance. 3+2+3
a) State Bohr’s postulates for atom model.
b) Calculate the energy of electron in nth orbit of hydrogen atom.
c) Compare the velocity of the electron in the 9th B orbit. How many times does the electron
aroung the orbit in 1s? 2+3+3
Model Question -4
Grade: XII Subject: Physics (102)
Full marks: 75 (11 marks Obj+ 64 marks Sub) Time: 3 Hours
1) When water is heated from 00C to 40C then
a.C P > CV b. C P < CV c. C P = CV d. None
2) An ideal gas is taken through series of changes represented in the diagram below. The net
work done by the gas at the end of the cycle is equal to
5) A string has mass 0.01 kg and has length 1 m. if the tension is 1000N, the velocity of
transverse wave in the string is
a. 316m/sec b. 340m/sec c. 336m/sec d. 366m/sec
6) When both source and listener move in same direction with a speed equal to half the speed
of sound, the change in frequency of the sound is
a. zero b. 25% c. 50% d. 100%
7) What happens to fringe pattern when the Young’s double slit experiment is performed in
water instead of air?
a. shrinks b. disappears c. unchanged d. enlarged
8) To send 10% of the main current through a moving coil galvanometer of resistance 99Ω.
The shunt required is
a. 9.9Ω b. 10Ω c. 11Ω d. 9Ω
9) The time period of a freely suspended thin magnet is 4 seconds. If it is broken in length in
two equal parts and one part is suspended in the same way, then its time period (in
seconds) will be
a. 2 b. 4 c. 0.5 d. 0.25
10) In a semiconductor crystal if the current flows due to breakage of crystal bonds, then the
semiconductor is called
a. acceptor b. donor
c. extrinsic semiconductor d. intrinsic semiconductor
11) Analysis of what particles began the search for the Higgs boron?
a. up and down quark b. neutrino and photon
c. mesons and baryons d. w and z bosons
Group “B”
Short answer questions: 8X5=40
a) You are provided with a light spring, meter scale and a known mass. How will you find
the time period of oscillation of the mass attached to the spring without the use of
clock? 1
b) Why the mass of spring is usually neglected in such type of problem? 1
c) A mass m attached to a spring oscillates with a period of 2 seconds. If the mass is
increased by 2 kg, the period increases by 1 second. Find the initial mass m, assuming
htat Hooke’s law is obeyed. 3
a) Define thermoelectric effect. 1
b) Define inversion temperature and write the factors on which it depends. 2
c) The temperature of cold junction of a thermocouple is 100C and the neutral
temperature is 2700C. calculate temperature of inversion. 2
a) The mean or average value of a.c. over a complete cycle is zero. Explain, why? 1
b) Define r.m.s. value of alternating current and write the importance of r.m.s. value.2
c) The natural frequency of a circuit of negligible resistance, capacitance C and
inductance L is 1600 Hz. Calculate the frequency if the values of C and L each are
doubled. 2
a) Write properties of photon. 1
b) What is photoelectric effect? 1
c) The plot of stopping potential versus the frequency of light used in an experiment on
photoelectric effect is shown in figure. Calculate
i) Work function
ii) The ratio h/e
a) Define excitation energy and excitation potential. 1
b) The life time of an excited state of an atom is about 10-8 secs. Calculate the minimum
uncertainty in the determination of the energy of the excited state. 2
c) In 9th Bohr orbit, how many times does the electron go around the orbit in 1 second? 2
Group “C”
Long answer questions: 3X8=24
a) Define torque. 1
b) A wrench of longer arm is preferred than a wrench of shorter arm. Why? 2
c) Establish the relation between torque and angular acceleration of a rigid body.2
d) Forces F1 = 7.5 N and F2 = 5.3 N are applied tangentially to a wheel with radius 0.33
m as shown in figure. What is the net torque on the wheel due to these two forces for
an axis perpendicular to the wheel and passing through its centre? 3
a) Write an expression for energy stored in an inductor? 1
b) Soft iron is used in making the core of a transformer, why? 2
c) Discuss the sources of energy loss in practical transformer. 2
d) A transformer connected to a 120 V (r.m.s.) to a portable electronic device. The total
equivalent resistance of the system is 5.0Ω.
i) What should the ratio of primary to secondary turns of the transformer be?
ii) What r.m.s. current must the secondary supply? 3
Model Question -5
Grade: XII Subject: Physics (102)
Full marks: 75 (11 marks Obj+ 64 marks Sub) Time: 3 Hours
a. Carnot cycle based carnot engine
b. petrol cycle based petrol engine
c. diesel cycle based diesel engine
d. All of these are equally efficient
3) What is the phase difference between two successive crest in the wave?
a. π b. c. 2π d. 4π
4) The variation of speed of sound in a gas with its pressure is best represtened by curve
5) A closed organ pipe and an open organ pipe have their first overtone identical in frequency.
Their lengths are in the ratio
a. 1:2 b.2:3 c.3:4 d. 4:5
6) Quantity of two sounds is different because
a. their frequency are different
b. their intensities are different
c. their amplitude are different
d. different overtones are there
7) If in the interference pattern S2 P – S1 P = 1.5 microns and wavelength of light used is
6000A0, then point P is
a. second maximum
b. second minimum
c.third minimum
d. an intermediate point between second maximum and third minimum
8) Electromotive force is most closely ranked to
a. electric field b. magnetic field
c.potential difference d. mechanical force
9) Two straight parallel conductor carrying current in opposite direction
a. attract each other b. repel each other not experience any force d. cancel Is each other’s force
10) Which circuit element opposed the change in circuit current?
a. resistance b. inductance c.capacitance d. impedance
11) The area of hysteresis loss is a measure of
a. Permitivity b. energy gain per cycle less per cycle d. magnetic flux
Group “B”
Short answer questions: 8X5=40
a) State and prove principle of conservation of angular momentum. Give any example of
conservation of angular momentum. 2+1=3
b) A disc of M.I. 5 X 10-4 kgm2 is rotating freely about an axis through its centre at 40 r.p.m.
Calculate the new r.p.m. if some wax of mass 0.02 kg is dropped gently on the disc 0.08 m
from its axis. 2
a) Define angular momentum. 1
b) A planet revolves around a massive star in a highly elliptical orbit . Is its angular
momentum constant over the entire orbit? 2
c) A string is wrapped around the rim of a wheel of M.I. 0.20 kgm2 and radius 20 cm. the
wheel is free to rotate about its axis as in figure. Initially the wheel is at rest. The string is
now pulled by a force of 20N. find the angular velocity of the wheel after 5 second.2
a) Define molar heat capacity of gas at constant pressure (CP) and molar heat capacity heat
capacity of gas at constant volume. 1-1=2
b) Why CP > CV? 1
c) Prove CP – CV = R 2
a) Write down Newton’s formula for velocity of sound in gas. How Laplace corrected
Newton’s formula? 0.5+1.5=2
b) The velocity of sound is generally greater in solids than in gases at NTP. Why?2
c) Why is the sound produced in air not heard by a person deep inside the water?1
a) Differentiate between interference and diffraction of light. 2
b) What is the cause of diffraction? 1
c) A screen is placed 2m away from the sinlge narrow slit. Calculate the slit width if the first
minima lies 5 mm on either side of the central of the central maximum and incident plane
waves have a wavelength of 5000A0. 2
a) State Kirchhoff’s laws. 1
i) Draw the circuit diagram of Wheatstone Bridge circuit.
ii) Write down the balanced condition of Wheatstone Bridge circuit.
c) Find the value of I1, I2 and I3 om the circuit. 2