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Soil & Tillage Research 96 (2007) 19–27


Stratification of nutrients in soil for different tillage regimes

and cotton rotations
Alan L. Wright a,*, Frank M. Hons b, Robert G. Lemon b, Mark L. McFarland b,
Robert L. Nichols c
Everglades Research & Education Center, University of Florida, 3200 E. Palm Beach Road, Belle Glade, FL 33430-4702, United States
Soil and Crop Sciences Department, Texas A&M University, 2474 TAMU, College Station, TX 77843-2474, United States
Cotton Incorporated, 6399 Weston Parkway, Cary, NC 28513, United States
Received 7 September 2006; received in revised form 9 February 2007; accepted 13 February 2007

Crop management practices, especially tillage and rotation, can impact soil nutrient stratification, crop growth, and yield. The
objectives of this study were to determine the soil-profile distribution of plant-available nutrients in four depth intervals from 0 to
90 cm for different cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) cropping systems, tillage regimes, and N fertilization rates in a south-central
Texas silty clay loam soil after 5 years of treatment imposition. Distribution of nutrients in the soil profile varied between cropping
systems (continuous cotton monoculture and cotton–corn (Zea mays L.) rotation), conventional (CT) and reduced tillage (RT), and
N fertilization rates (0, 80, and 160 kg N ha 1). Plant-available P showed the greatest stratification and was 426% higher at 0–15 cm
than at 60–90 cm, while SO4 had the greatest increase (42%) with depth. The percentage decrease from 0–15 to 60–90 cm was 47%
and 147% for NO3 and K, and 76%, 12%, 43%, and 232% for Mn, Fe, Cu, and Zn, respectively. In contrast, Ca and Mg
concentrations increased 22% and 15%, respectively, from 0–15 to 60–90 cm. Increasing the N fertilization rate increased plant-
available NO3 and SO4 but decreased K, Fe, Cu, and Zn concentrations. Inclusion of corn in rotation with cotton decreased plant-
available Mn, Fe, and Cu from 15 to 90 cm relative to continuous cotton at 160 kg N ha 1. For unfertilized soil, rotation increased
micronutrient concentrations at 15–60 cm compared to continuous cotton. On average, CT cotton–corn had significantly lower K,
Ca, Mg, Na, and SO4 concentrations than CT continuous cotton. Reduced tillage and diversified cropping systems altered the
distribution of plant-available nutrients in soil relative to CT and continuous cotton. In fact, RT increased plant-available P and NO3
in surface soil, which may have contributed to higher lint yields than CT continuous cotton.
# 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Cotton; Macronutrients; Micronutrients; Nutrient stratification; Plant-available nutrients; Reduced tillage; Soil-profile distribution

1. Introduction on soil fertility and nutrient cycling. However,

conservation tillage practices may alter the soil-profile
Conservation tillage and diversified cropping distribution of soil nutrients compared to CT (Ishmail
systems are gaining popularity because of their et al., 1994; Morrison and Chichester, 1994), possibly
potential for C sequestration and beneficial effects leading to nutrient deficiencies or altering fertilizer
requirements and placement (Holanda et al., 1998).
Reduced or no-tillage regimes improve soil physical,
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 561 993 1500;
chemical, and biological properties near the soil
fax: +1 561 993 1582. surface and in the rooting zones, where crop residues
E-mail address: alwr@ifas.ufl.edu (A.L. Wright). persist longer than subsurface placement occurring

0167-1987/$ – see front matter # 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
20 A.L. Wright et al. / Soil & Tillage Research 96 (2007) 19–27

under CT (Franzluebbers et al., 1995; Zibilske et al., Three cropping systems were established in 1998
2002). Nutrient distribution in soil is more homo- and included a continuous cotton (Gossypium hirsutum
geneous under CT due to the mixing of soil, crop L.) monoculture under RT and CT, and a cotton–corn
residues, and fertilizers (Holanda et al., 1998). (Zea mays L.) rotation under CT. Both cotton and corn
Similar to tillage, crop rotations alter the distribution were grown every year. Cotton received three N rates (0,
of nutrients in the soil profile (Morrison and Chichester, 80, and 160 kg N ha 1) as NH4NO3 subsurface banded
1994; Holanda et al., 1998), which is affected by crop preplant while corn received one N rate (90 kg N ha 1)
nutrient requirements, nutrient removal by grain or subsurface banded preplant. No other fertilizers were
stubble harvest, decomposition of crop residues and applied. Cotton was planted in April and harvested in
roots, and leaching (Zibilske and Materon, 2005). In August, while corn was planted in March and harvested
addition, crop rooting depth influences nutrient strati- in July. Field plots encompassed four rows and were 4
fication as deeper rooted crops mine nutrients from by 12 m long and replicated four times. Reduced tillage
lower depths and deposit them in surface horizons consisted of stalk pulling, hipping beds over the old
(Mallarino and Borges, 2006), but leaching may rows, and two in-season cultivations for weed control.
decrease nutrient concentrations in surface soil. Conventional tillage for cotton entailed stalk pulling,
Soil organic matter levels are often higher under several diskings to 15 cm, chisel plowing to 25 cm,
conservation tillage coupled with cotton cropping bedding, and two in-season cultivations for weed
systems that minimize fallow periods and increase control. Operations for corn were similar to CT cotton
cropping intensity and diversity (Zibilske et al., 2002; except that corn stalks were shredded following harvest.
Sainju et al., 2005; Causarano et al., 2006). Crop Cotton was periodically furrow-irrigated in dry years to
rotation can change the quantity and quality of residues prevent severe water stress.
relative to monoculture cropping (Wright and Hons,
2005; Zibilske and Materon, 2005), which in combina- 2.2. Soil sampling and analysis
tion with tillage influence soil organic matter and
residue decomposition and ultimately nutrient stratifi- Soil samples were collected from field plots in April
cation (Franzluebbers and Hons, 1996; Wright et al., 2002 following the fallow period after cotton harvest
2005). No-tillage management has the potential for and immediately prior to the planting of the next crop.
increasing nutrient supply to crops through changes in Triplicate soil cores (5 cm diam.) were taken from each
mineralization and immobilization of nutrients by field plot and sectioned into the following depth
microbial biomass (Carter and Rennie, 1982; Jansson intervals: 0–15, 15–30, 30–60, and 60–90 cm. Soil
and Persson, 1982). Due to emergence of conservation was dried at 40 8C and ground to pass a 2-mm sieve
tillage and diversified cotton cropping systems in the prior to nutrient analysis. Additional triplicate cores
southern U.S., it is important to understand how these were taken for measurement of soil bulk density (Blake
systems influence nutrient distribution in soils and and Hartge, 1986).
ultimately cotton production. The objectives of this Soil was extracted with water (1:2 soil:water) by
study were to determine the distribution of plant- stirring for 30 min, followed by measurement of pH
available macro- and micronutrients at 0–90 cm for (Schofield and Taylor, 1955). Nitrate was extracted with
different cotton cropping systems, tillage regimes, and 2N KCl and analyzed by the cadmium-reduction
N fertilization rates in a south-central Texas silty clay method (Bundy and Meisinger, 1994). Exchangeable
loam soil after 5 years of treatment imposition. or plant-available P, K, Ca, Mg, Na, and SO4 were
extracted with acidified NH4OAc–EDTA (Hons et al.,
2. Materials and methods 1990) and analyzed using ICP-AES (Spectro Analytical
Instruments, Marlborough, MA) by the Texas A&M
2.1. Site description Soil, Water, and Forage Testing Laboratory. Exchange-
able Mn, Fe, Cu, and Zn were extracted with DTPA
This study was conducted from 1998 to 2002 in (Lindsay and Norvell, 1978) and analyzed by ICP-AES
Burleson County, Texas on a Weswood silty clay loam (Franson, 1989).
(fine-silty, mixed, superactive, thermic Udifluventic The experimental design was an incomplete factorial
Haplustepts) having 115 g sand kg 1, 452 g silt kg 1, (no RT treatment for cotton–corn) within a randomized
310 g clay kg 1, and 94 g CaCO3 kg 1 at 0–15 cm. complete block with four replications. Data were analy-
Average annual precipitation is 980 mm and annual zed using CoStat (CoStat Statistical Software, 2003),
temperature is 20 8C. and ANOVA was performed to determine significant
A.L. Wright et al. / Soil & Tillage Research 96 (2007) 19–27 21

differences (P < 0.05) between cropping system, tillage 5–15 cm (1.47 g cm 3) than at 0–5 cm (1.26 g cm 3).
regime, soil depth interval, and N fertilization rate. Soil pH was not affected by N fertilization when
Separation of means was accomplished using LSD and averaged across treatments, cropping system, or tillage,
correlation coefficients were calculated at P < 0.05. but was significantly higher at 30–90 cm than at 0–
30 cm (Fig. 1). For unfertilized soil, CT continuous
3. Results cotton had significantly higher pH than RT continuous
cotton or cotton–corn. Plant-available NO3 was
3.1. Soil bulk density, pH, and plant-available impacted by tillage, cropping system, and N fertiliza-
anions tion. Reduced tillage had the highest NO3 in surface soil
at 0 kg N ha 1, but beneficial effects of RT decreased as
Soil bulk density was not impacted by cropping fertilizer rate increased. On average, NO3 was 21%
system and tillage, but was significantly higher at lower for cotton–corn than continuous cotton. Nitrate

Fig. 1. Depth distribution of soil pH and plant-available NO3, P, and SO4 concentrations for a conventional tillage (CT) and reduced tillage (RT)
cotton monoculture and a CT cotton–corn rotation at three N fertilization rates. Error bars represent the standard error of the mean.
22 A.L. Wright et al. / Soil & Tillage Research 96 (2007) 19–27

decreased with depth for all treatments, and was at 80 kg N ha 1 (212 mg kg 1). Potassium was also
significantly higher from 0 to 30 cm (10 mg N kg 1) significantly lower for CT cotton–corn than CT
than 30–90 cm (7 mg N kg 1). Nitrate was also 20 and continuous cotton at 160 kg N ha 1 from 0to cm.
24% higher at 160 kg N ha 1 than at 0 and Potassium significantly decreased with depth for all
80 kg N ha 1, respectively. cropping systems, averaging (331 mg kg 1) at 0–15 cm
Of all nutrients, plant-available P showed the and 134 mg kg 1 at 60–90 cm.
greatest decline with depth, averaging a 426% decrease In contrast to K, plant-available Ca increased with
from 0–15 to 60–90 cm (Fig. 1). Plant-available P was depth and exhibited variable fluctuations among depth
highest at 0–15 cm (162 mg kg 1), significantly intervals (Fig. 2). Calcium was greater at 15–30 cm than
decreased to 15–30 cm (124 mg kg 1), and again to at 0–15 and 30–60 cm for RT at 0 and 80 kg N ha 1, and
30–90 cm (36 mg kg 1). Differences between tillage for CT continuous cotton at 80 and 160 kg N ha 1. For
regimes and cropping systems were most evident from 0 all tillage and crop rotations, Ca was lowest at 0–15 cm
to 30 cm, as RT had significantly higher P than CT and highest at 60–90 cm. Few significant effects of
continuous cotton at 0 and 160 kg N ha 1. Averaged tillage or crop rotation on Ca were observed.
among treatments, RT had 14% and 19% higher P than Plant-available Mg distribution in the soil profile was
CT continuous cotton and cotton–corn, respectively. similar to Ca (Fig. 2). Cotton–corn had significantly
Plant-available P did not differ among N fertilization lower Mg at 0–30 cm at 80 and 160 kg N ha 1 than
rates. other cropping systems, but few other cropping system
In contrast to NO3 and P, plant-available SO4 and tillage effects were observed. Magnesium was
significantly increased with depth for all cropping significantly higher at 60–90 cm (590 mg kg 1) than at
systems (Fig. 1). Sulfate increased with each successive other soil depth intervals.
depth interval from 0–15 to 60–90 cm, and was 42% Plant-available Na exhibited few changes with depth
higher for 60–90 than 0–15 cm. Few differences between for CT and RT continuous cotton (Fig. 2). However, Na
tillage regimes were observed, but cotton–corn had increased from 0–15 to 30–60 cm for 0 and
significantly lower SO4 (65 mg S kg 1) than continuous 80 kg N ha 1 for cotton–corn. Few tillage effects were
cotton (83 mg S kg 1). Nitrogen fertilization also influ- observed, but Na was significantly lower for cotton–
enced SO4 distribution, as concentrations were signifi- corn (256 mg kg 1) than other cropping systems from 0
cantly lower at 0 kg N ha 1 compared to fertilized soil. to 30 cm at 0 and 80 kg N ha 1, and for all depth
Soil pH was significantly negatively correlated with NO3 intervals at 160 kg N ha 1. Sodium was significantly
and P, but positively related to SO4 (Table 1). correlated with Ca and Mg, while Ca and Mg were
negatively related to P, K, and Zn (Table 1).
3.2. Plant-available K, Ca, Mg, and Na
3.3. Plant-available micronutrients
Plant-available K generally did not differ among
tillage and cropping systems (Fig. 2), but was Plant-available Mn concentrations significantly de-
significantly higher at 0 kg N ha 1 (241 mg kg 1) than creased with each depth interval from 0–15 to 30–60 cm

Table 1
Significant correlations (P < 0.05, n = 144) between soil pH and plant-available nutrients for different soil depth intervals, tillage regimes, N
fertilization rates, and cotton cropping systems after 5 years of treatment imposition
pH NO3 P K Ca Mg S Na Mn Fe Cu
NO3 0.52
P 0.63 0.54
K 0.63 0.57 0.94
Ca 0.49 NS 0.65 0.57
Mg 0.38 NS 0.39 NS 0.81
S 0.55 NS 0.81 0.82 0.72 0.63
Na NS NS NS NS 0.46 0.38 0.46
Mn 0.52 0.50 0.84 0.88 0.70 NS 0.74 NS
Fe 0.35 NS 0.35 0.49 NS NS 0.41 NS NS
Cu 0.54 0.37 0.65 0.75 NS NS 0.64 NS 0.48 0.85
Zn 0.64 0.50 0.92 0.93 0.61 0.34 0.80 NS 0.88 0.41 0.66
NS = not significant at P < 0.05.
A.L. Wright et al. / Soil & Tillage Research 96 (2007) 19–27 23

Fig. 2. Depth distribution of plant-available K, Ca, Mg, and Na concentrations for a conventional tillage (CT) and reduced tillage (RT) cotton
monoculture and a CT cotton–corn rotation at three N fertilization rates. Error bars represent the standard error of the mean.

for all N fertilization rates, tillage regimes, and cropping 15–30 cm for all cropping systems by an average of
systems (Fig. 3). Manganese decreased from an average 26%. However, Fe significantly decreased from 15–30
of 3.4 mg kg 1 at 0–15 cm to 1.9 mg kg 1 at 60–90 cm, to 30–60 cm by 24%, but did not exhibit decreases
and decreased 44% from 0–15 to 15–30, but only 21% beyond 30–60 cm. Few significant effects of tillage or
from 15–30 to 30–60 cm. Cotton–corn had the highest crop rotation on Fe were observed, but Fe was
Mn from 0 to 60 cm for unfertilized soil but the lowest significantly higher at 0 kg N ha 1 (8.4 mg kg 1) than
Mn at 160 kg N ha 1. No effect of tillage on Mn was 80 kg N ha 1 (7.3 mg kg 1), and lower for cotton–corn
observed at any N fertilization rate. than continuous cotton at 160 kg N ha 1.
Greater variability of plant-available Fe with depth The soil-profile distribution of Cu was similar to Fe
was observed compared to Mn (Fig. 3). Iron showed a but in contrast to Mn (Fig. 3). Copper significantly
significant spike at 15–30 cm relative to adjacent depth increased from 0–15 to 15–30 cm by an average of 16%,
intervals, and significantly increased from 0–15 to but decreased from 15–30 to 30–60 by 35%, and by 64%
24 A.L. Wright et al. / Soil & Tillage Research 96 (2007) 19–27

Fig. 3. Depth distribution of plant-available Mn, Fe, Cu, and Zn concentrations for a conventional tillage (CT) and reduced tillage (RT) cotton
monoculture and a CT cotton–corn rotation at three N fertilization rates. Error bars represent the standard error of the mean.

from 30–60 to 60–90 cm. Overall, no significant effects cropping systems, Zn was 19% higher for unfertilized
of tillage on Cu were observed, but CT continuous than fertilized soil. All micronutrients were signifi-
cotton had significantly higher Cu than CT cotton–corn cantly negatively related to soil pH, but positively
for all depth intervals at 160 kg N ha 1. Similar to Fe, correlated to P and K (Table 1).
Cu was 18% higher at 0 than 80 kg N ha 1.
The distribution of plant-available Zn was similar to 3.4. Cotton lint yield
Mn (Fig. 3). Zinc was significantly highest at 0–15 cm
(0.5 mg kg 1) and decreased with each successive Cotton lint yield was significantly lower under CT
depth interval down to 30–60 cm (0.2 mg kg 1) for all than RT continuous cotton at 0 and 160 kg N ha 1
treatments. At 0 kg N ha 1, RT had significantly higher (Table 2). Rotation significantly increased lint yield
Zn than CT continuous cotton from 0 to 30 cm. At compared to continuous cotton at all N fertilization rates.
160 kg N ha 1, CT had higher concentrations than RT In fact, cotton–corn under CT had yield equivalent to that
continuous cotton from 15 to 60 cm. Averaged between under RT continuous cotton. Averaged across N rates, RT
A.L. Wright et al. / Soil & Tillage Research 96 (2007) 19–27 25

Table 2 supply plant-available P in surface soils. However,

Impacts of N fertilization on cotton lint yield for continuous cotton uptake of nutrients from subsurface soils and deposition
under conventional tillage (CT) and reduced tillage (RT) and a cotton–
corn rotation under CT via crop residues to surface soil may also contribute to
nutrient accumulation in surface soil (Franzluebbers
Cropping System N Fertilizer (kg N ha 1) LSD0.05
and Hons, 1996).
0 80 160 Tillage influenced the distribution of nutrients
CT cotton 706 b 1265 b 1099 b 460 primarily in surface soils but rarely below 30 cm.
RT cotton 1452 a 1526 a, b 1796 a 405 Reduced tillage increased NO3, P, and Zn at 0–15 cm
CT cotton–corn 1512 a 1702 a 1889 a 202 compared to CT. Nitrate and P accumulation under RT
Values in columns followed by the same letter were not significantly can be explained by higher soil organic matter levels
different at P < 0.05. The LSD reflects significant differences between under RT than CT continuous cotton (Hons et al., 2004),
N fertilization rates. which upon decomposition release inorganic N and P.
For similar studies, NT increased P, K, and Zn in surface
continuous cotton and cotton–corn had 55% and 66%, soils relative to CT after 9 years of management for
respectively, higher yield than CT continuous cotton. sorghum, wheat, and soybean cropping systems
(Franzluebbers and Hons, 1996), and increased N and
4. Discussion P after 6 years of corn (Morrison and Chichester, 1994).
In fact, organic N mineralization may be partially
Phosphorus had the largest difference in concentra- responsible for higher lint yield under RT than CT for
tion between surface and subsurface soil, as evidenced unfertilized soil (Table 2). Surface residue placement
by a 426% decrease from 0–15 to 60–90 cm. Other under RT localized the effects of increased organic
studies have also shown more stratification for P than K, matter levels on NO3 concentrations to the surface soil,
which was attributed to higher crop uptake of K than P which tend to have greater root biomass than subsurface
(Franzluebbers and Hons, 1996; Mallarino and Borges, soils (Sainju et al., 2005; Zibilske and Materon, 2005).
2006). Greater stratification of P and K under Reduced tillage increased cotton lint yield compared to
conservation tillage increased root density in surface CT continuous cotton (Table 2) possibly a result of
soil (Holanda et al., 1998), which may have enhanced deposition of nutrients in surface soils where most of the
crop nutrient uptake and contributed to higher cotton root biomass is located (Franzluebbers and Hons, 1996;
lint yields for RT than CT continuous cotton (Table 2). Sainju et al., 2005).
Other macronutrients, such as Ca and Mg, appeared Comparison of a cotton monoculture and a cotton–
more related to the nature and distribution of soil corn rotation, both under CT, allowed for determination
minerals than to crop management practices. In fact, Ca, of impacts of crop diversity on nutrient distribution in
Mg, and Na were not influenced by crop management in soils. Crop rotation often increases nutrient stratifica-
long-term studies on the same soil (Franzluebbers and tion compared to monoculture crops by altering residue
Hons, 1996). These nutrient levels generally increased production rates (Franzluebbers et al., 1995) and
with soil depth and proximity to bedrock. The depth nutrient loss via harvest, as crops under conservation
distribution for all micronutrients followed a similar tillage have higher nutrient contents compared to CT
pattern of lower concentration with increasing depth in (Morrison and Chichester, 1994; Jones, 2003). Inclu-
the profile. Higher macro- and micronutrient levels in sion of corn in rotation with cotton significantly affected
surface relative to subsurface soils were likely a result soil pH and the distribution of many plant-available
of greater decomposition of soil organic matter and crop macro- and micronutrients. Inclusion of corn decreased
residues (Wright et al., 2005), as most residues NO3, P, and SO4 in surface soils at all N rates. These
decompose within a few months after deposition effects may be a result of greater nutrient removal from
(Zibilske and Materon, 2005), releasing inorganic corn grain harvest than from cotton lint (Jones, 2003). In
nutrients and contributing to accumulation at 0–15 cm. fact, nutrient removal from corn grain harvest was also
Phosphorus and Zn are more immobile in soil than likely responsible for lower plant-available Na, and
NO3, and their greater accumulation in surface soil lower Mn, Fe, and Cu concentrations for cotton–corn
under RT than CT continuous cotton may be partially than continuous cotton at the highest N fertilization rate.
explained by past P fertilization. For the past 5 years of Since increasing the N fertilization rate increased crop
treatment imposition, no fertilizers other than N were yield (Table 2), greater micronutrient removal through
applied. Phosphorus mineralization from soil organic crop harvest at 160 kg N ha 1 explained lower plant-
matter or desorption from soil particles would also available micronutrient concentrations for cotton–corn
26 A.L. Wright et al. / Soil & Tillage Research 96 (2007) 19–27

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acknowledged. Sci. Soc. Am. Proc. 19, 164–167.
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