Flow chart is defined as graphical representation of the logic for problem solving.
The purpose of flowchart is making the logic of the program clear in a visual representation.
4. Only one flow line should enter a decision symbol. However, two or three flow lines may
leave the decision symbol.
5. Only one flow line is used with a terminal symbol.
Indent to hierarchy
For a beginner, It is more difficult to follow the logic or write pseudo code as compared
to flowchart.
Addition of two numbers:
GET a,b
ADD c=a+b
A programming language is a set of symbols and rules for instructing a computer to perform
specific tasks. The programmers have to follow all the specified rules before writing program
using programming language. The user has to communicate with the computer using language
which it can understand.
Types of programming language
1. Machine language
2. Assembly language
3. High level language
Machine language:
The computer can understand only machine language which uses 0’s and 1’s. In machine
language the different instructions are formed by taking different combinations of 0’s and 1’s.
Translation free:
Machine language is the only language which the computer understands. For executing any
program written in any programming language, the conversion to machine language is necessary.
The program written in machine language can be executed directly on computer. In this case any
conversion process is not required.
High speed
The machine language program is translation free. Since the conversion time is saved, the
execution of machine language program is extremely fast.
Ø It is hard to find errors in a program written in the machine language.
Ø Writhing program in machine language is a time consuming process.
Machine dependent: According to architecture used, the computer differs from each other. So
machine language differs from computer to computer. So a program developed for a particular
type of computer may not run on other type of computer.
Assembly language:
To overcome the issues in programming language and make the programming process easier, an
assembly language is developed which is logically equivalent to machine language but it is easier
for people to read, write and understand.
Ø Assembly language is symbolic representation of machine language. Assembly languages are
symbolic programming language that uses symbolic notation to represent machine language
instructions. They are called low level language because they are so closely related to the
Assembler is the program which translates assembly language instruction in to a machine
Ø Easy to understand and use.
Ø It is easy to locate and correct errors.
Machine dependent
The assembly language program which can be executed on the machine depends on the
architecture of that computer.
Hard to learn
It is machine dependent, so the programmer should have the hardware knowledge to create
applications using assembly language.
Less efficient
Ø Execution time of assembly language program is more than machine language program.
Ø Because assembler is needed to convert from assembly language to machine language.