chapter 44
chapter 44
chapter 44
Multiplexing is a method by which multiple analog or
digital signals are combined into one signal over a
shared medium (MUX )(many to one) )
(DEMUX) (one to many)
Analog and digital signals
Analog and digital signals are two types of signals used to
transmit information.
The major difference between both signals is that analog
signals have continuous electrical signals, while
digital signals have non-continuous electrical
An analog signal represents a continuous wave that keeps
changing over a time period, and is always represented by
the continuous sine wave.
On the other hand, a digital signal represents a non-
continuous wave that carries information in a binary
format and has discrete values, and is represented by
square waves.
A multiplexing technique by which multiple data signals
can be transmitted over a common communication
channel in different time slots is known as Time
Division Multiplexing (TDM).
It allows the division of the overall time domain into
various fixed length time slots.
TDM system
The figure below shows the block diagram of a TDM
system employing both transmitter and receiver section.
Drawback of
Synchronous TDM?
Each device places its data onto the link when
its Time Slot arrives, each device is given the possession of
line turn by turn.
If any device does not have data to send then its
time slot remains empty.
FDM Receiver
Now, the receiver section will have a composite signal
that was transmitted by the linear mixer over a channel.
This composite signal is then fed to different filters
mainly BPF each having a center frequency
corresponding to the carrier frequency.
The BPF passes the channel information without any
BPF rejects signals of all other frequencies and accepts
the signal of the desired center frequency.
Further, the signals after being processed by the BPF
goes to individual demodulator section where
demodulation of the signals takes place to separate
modulating signal from that of the carrier signal.
So, after demodulation, we can have separate signals that
were actually transmitted over the same channel.
It is a synchronization-free technique as we don’t need
synchronization between transmitter and receiver.
It facilitates the transmission of a large number of
signals simultaneously.
FDM demodulation is easy.
The channel bandwidth required is large.
It can result in crosstalk as several signals are
transmitted during the same time interval.
It can cause intermodulation distortion.
To prevent the interference caused during FDM we use
guard bands which is of range 0 to 4KHz and these are
the unused portion of the spectrum. 3
Applications of FDM
FDM is used for FM & AM radio broadcasting.
AM frequency = 530 to 1700 kHz.
FM frequency = 88 to 108 MHz.
FDM is used in television broadcasting.
First generation cellular telephone also uses FDM
It is a technique in which signals of different
wavelength are multiplexed together in order to get
transmitted over an optical link.
The concept of WDM was arrived in 1970.
Basically, the technique acts in a way that signals get
combined using a multiplexer (optical combiner) and
then allowed to propagate using a single cable.
Working of WDM System
As we have already discussed that the technique involves
combining of optical signals. So, in this section we will
discuss how transmission of signal is performed using
The WDM technique is mainly classified into two
The WDM technique is mainly classified into two
CWDM: stand for Coarse Wavelength Division Multiplexing.
Here the number of channels supported by the system is
more as compared to standard wavelength division
multiplexing technique.
The different channels are separated at wavelength
around 20 nm.
It is cost efficient and has the ability to support 18
channels over a single optical link.
It is used for distance up to 120 Km which is more than
The wavelength range in case of CWDM is 1280 nm to
1650 nm.
DWDM: DWDM stands
for Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing.
This technique supports more number of channel as
compared to CWDM. As the number of channels are
densely arranged thus it is named so.
The wavelength spacing between the channels is small
nearly around 0.4 nm. Also it is comparatively more
efficient than both WDM and CWDM.
It supports wavelength range from 1450 nm to 1650 nm.
Advantages of WDM
WDM is a quite simple technique.
The optical link provides greater bandwidth.
It allows secured transmission of optical signal.
This technique increases the signal carrying capacity of
the system.
Disadvantages of WDM
The presence of optical component increases the overall
cost of the system.
Proper wavelength spacing must be required otherwise it
will lead to signal interference.
SONET : Synchronous Optical Network
SDH: Synchronous Digital Hierarchy
SONET was developed by ANSI;
SDH was developed by ITU-T
SONET defines a hierarchy of electrical signaling levels
called synchronous transport signals (STSs).
Each STS level (STS-1 to STS-192) supports a certain
data rate, specified in megabits per second SDH
specifies a similar system called a synchronous
transport module (STM).
SONET Devices
An STS multiplexer multiplexes signals from multiple
electrical sources and creates the corresponding OC
An STS demultiplexer demultiplexes an optical OC
signal into corresponding electric signals.
Regenerators extend the length of the links. A
regenerator is a repeater
Add/drop multiplexers allow insertion and extraction of
A terminal is a device that uses the services of a
SONET network.
The devices defined in the previous section are connected
using sections, lines, and paths.
A section is the optical link connecting two neighbor
devices: multiplexer to multiplexer, multiplexer to
regenerator, or regenerator to regenerator.
A line is the portion of the network between two
multiplexers: STS multiplexer to add/ drop multiplexer, two
add/drop multiplexers, or two STS multiplexers.
A path is the end-to-end portion of the network between
two STS multiplexers. In a simple SONET of two STS
multiplexers linked directly to each other, the section, line,
and path are the same.
SONET layers compared with OSI or the Internet
Path Layer
Line Layer
Section Layer
Photonic Layer
Each synchronous transfer signal STS-n is composed of
8000 frames. Each frame is a two-dimensional matrix of
bytes with 9 rows by 90 × n columns.
For example, STS-1 frame is 9 rows by 90 columns (810
bytes), and an STS-3 is 9 rows by 270 columns (2430 bytes).
Note there is an exact relationship between the data rates of
different STS signals. We could have found the data rate of
STS-3 by using the data rate of STS-1 (mul. the latter by 3).