Elham Aminaei
Part one
Although the main mission of language is to facilitate communication, it can be divided into
different types including scientific language, conversational language, journalistic language,
literary language etc.
literary language is the concern of this course that can be defined as “a verbal art”.
As opposed to visual signs of painting or the tones of music, the medium of literature is
While the scientists consciously avoid multiple or implicit meanings, the literary writers
and poets try to create ambiguity and artistic complexities. But, how?
Diction: it refers to the selection of words (word choice) in a work of literature (the kind of
The diction of a work may be abstract or concrete, simple or elaborative, literal or full
of figurative language etc.
in literature we can study DICTION from various points of view the two important of
which are discussed here:
Connotation: the shade of meaning acquired through association and use in context (implicit)
* For example, the word home refers to the place where you live—it could be a house, an
apartment, etc. This is the word's denotation. For many people, the word home has a positive
connotation—it's associated with safety, comfort, and a sense of belonging.
In contrast to scientific writers who use words that are totally denotative and rarely
change in different contexts, literary writers and poets usually use connotative suggestive
words to evoke different emotional attitudes.
Example (connotation):
A paradise of wildernesses!
2. Form (shape)
It can also be said that writers and poets take advantage of both form (shape) and intensity
of meaning (contextual meaning).
Formalists (David Hilbert was the most prominent advocate) are those theorists who direct
their attention to external forms of words usually with corresponding de-emphasis of
Hemingway said that by setting down the real thing, writers leave out the details of its
inherent emotional associations.
On the other hand, Shakespear in one of his sonnets, leaves out a umber of details which
are characteristics of winter but not of the emotional concept of the season he is
on the other hand, a group of radical formalists are criticized for seeing the text in isolation.
Sometimes, Formalism ignores the context of the work. It cannot account for allusions. It
tends to reduce literature to little more than a collection of words and sentences.
Poetry, Prose, Prose poetry
You are familiar with Poetry and Prose, but what about prose poetry?
Poetry: poetry talks about the target point more intensely and emotionally than does
ordinary language through the use of figurative devices such as metaphor, irony,
allusion and simile. Poetry specially the traditional poetry, follows a rhythmic and
metrical pattern. Poetry tries to transfer a mood, emotion or experience to awaken a
feeling in you, to make you think or to give you a sense of life.
• Fiction prose: It is a narrative writing created from the imagination of the author,
although it may be based on a true story or situation. This collection of unreal events
invented by the author generally has characters, plot, setting, and dialogue, (short
story, novella, novel). Its main purpose is to entertain but it can make you think about
a significant topic or quicken our sense of life.
• Non-fiction prose: It is based on factual events, people, places, and facts. It is designed
to inform, persuade and sometimes to entertain (Textbooks, newspaper articles,
autobiography, biography).
As it is clear, the second text is considered as a piece of prose that requires no help from
imagery or implied meanings, although it has its special rhythm.
Part three
Literary language as an artistic and creative tool poses a set of qualities. Let’s consider:
1. Image/imagery:
Imagery is a literary device that evokes the five senses to create a mental image.
we use imagery to make our subject appear to the reader exactly as it appears to me,
In the other words, to present the subject as it is, as it looks, smells, tastes, feels and sounds.
Although most of the image making words appeal to sight (visual images), there are always
images to touch (tactile), sound (auditory), taste (gustatory), and smell (olfactory).
✓ sharp
✓ Through the sharp trees blows the cold wind.
❖ allegory ()تمثیل:
a narrative in which characters, action, or sometimes setting represent moral qualities.
Figurative representation of an abstract subject not mentioned.
to convey a meaning other than the literal meaning that is apparent.
o the author achieves his goal through storytelling
o fables are short allegories.
example: the novel Animal Farm by George Orwell. it uses animals as main characters
with human characteristics to depict human oppression.
object: the ocean
The ocean is a powerful symbol. Throughout history, it has been seen as a symbol of power
and strength. Today, it is often seen as a symbol of mystery, endlessness, calmness, hope,
and even truth.
So, it can be claimed that the symbols vary from culture to culture and from time to time.
Indeed, symbols are culture-sensitive and dynamic to somehow.
washed in the blood of the lamb: an inspiring and hopeful symbol of Jesus's Atonement
which refers to Jesus' shedding of his blood to take away the sins of the world.
Most of the time, Symbols come from cultural, social or religious traditions.
There are a wide range of symbols drawn from nature:
Rose: a symbol of beauty
Fire: Physical passion
water: life-giving power
Iron: mechanisation
*it is fairly obvious that although on the literal level the poem purports to be about an actual
rose and actual worm, these items can stand for something else.
symbolism occurs at different levels of difficulty. some symbols are easy to grasp, for they
are part of the traditional culture. But some other are hard to discover.
symbols may be precise, but they may also remain vague.
symbolism is present in other figures of speech such as metaphor.
Most symbolic words are also in themselves, part of the imagery of the poem.
Simile, metaphor, symbolism; how do they interrelate?
in both metaphor and symbolism there is a correspondence between the two terms, but:
In metaphor the correspondence is because of similarity, while in symbol there is no
similarity, except that constructed by the mind.
a symbol may be regarded as a figure that goes two steps beyond a simile and one step
beyond the metaphor:
My love is like a star
My love is a star, and
“My star” in the right context could be a symbol of “My Love”.
Eliot hopes that his own lines will be enriched by the readers’ memory of Day’s work.
❖ Metonomy: A figure of speech, in which one term is substituted for another closely
associated with it, usually a part or a single attribute for the whole.
In the other words, the target thing is not called by its own name, but by the name of a
thing resembling it or closely related to it.
Point: it is common in everyday speech (the use of figurative device in everyday speech)
example: give me the light
Literally means: I want some fire.
He is studying Shakespear
means: He is studying Shakespear’s plays, not the man himself
Disdain Returned
By Thomas Carew
1. Look for “Oh” or “O,” which often signal the speaker is talking to someone or something
out of sight.
2. Notice when the speaker addresses someone or something by name that has not been the
audience in the rest of the work.