The document outlines various engineering and construction principles, including stopping sight distance, excavation safety, and structural design codes. It also covers topics related to traffic management, fluid mechanics, and material properties. Key definitions and concepts such as road capacity, soil permeability, and the law of diminishing returns are included.
The document outlines various engineering and construction principles, including stopping sight distance, excavation safety, and structural design codes. It also covers topics related to traffic management, fluid mechanics, and material properties. Key definitions and concepts such as road capacity, soil permeability, and the law of diminishing returns are included.
The document outlines various engineering and construction principles, including stopping sight distance, excavation safety, and structural design codes. It also covers topics related to traffic management, fluid mechanics, and material properties. Key definitions and concepts such as road capacity, soil permeability, and the law of diminishing returns are included.
The document outlines various engineering and construction principles, including stopping sight distance, excavation safety, and structural design codes. It also covers topics related to traffic management, fluid mechanics, and material properties. Key definitions and concepts such as road capacity, soil permeability, and the law of diminishing returns are included.
Length of vehicle The slope of fill surfaces shall be no steeper than is safe for intended use. Fill slopes shall be no steeper than. 50 % Excavations in open cuts in excess of ________ depth shall have adequately designed shoring on support. 1.5 If the footprint area of structure is 500 m2 the minimum number of borehole/s. 2 A mode of design for flexural members in which concrete fails first. Over-reinforced The maximum spacing of main reinforcements for slabs as prescribed by design code is: 3h or 450 mm Stressing high-strength steel wires before concrete hardens. Pre tensioning Stressing high-strength steel after the concrete has been cast and has attained sufficient strength. Post tensioning Loss of stress that takes place with the passage of time as concrete is held at constant strain. relaxation Section 302.2.2 of the National Structural Code of the Philippines (NSCP) provides that the slope of cut surfaces of the ground shall be no steeper than is safe for intended use and shall be no steeper than: 1 unit vertical: 2 unit horizontal It shall be considered to exist where the horizontal dimension of the lateral-force-resisting system in any storey is more than 130% of that in an adjacent storey. Vertical Geometric Irregularity What is a spiral curve, as used in surveying? A spiral curve is a curve with a uniformly varying radius. It states that the surface area of a solid is equal to the arc length multiplied by the circumference defined by the centroid of the arc length. Pappus’ First theorem It is the maximum number of vehicles, which have a reasonable expectation of passing over a given section of lane or roadway in one direction or in both directions during one hour under prevailing road and traffic conditions. Road Capacity In accordance with the Unified Soils Classification System, a soil grain having a size greater than No. 200 sieve opening (0.074 mm) but less than that of a No. 4 sieve (4.75 mm opening) is called sand Find the loudness of a sound that has an intensity 10,000 times the threshold of hearing for the average human ear. 40 decibels An earthquake in San Francisco in 1991 was reported to have a Richter number of 6.90. How does the intensity of the earthquake compare with the reference intensity? 7.94x10^6 During the baseball practice, a batter hits a very high fly ball and runs in a straight line and catches it. Which has the greater displacement, the play or the ball? The player and the ball have the same displacement. A balance dirt job is one in which: cut and fill volumes are equal Signs which provide means of displaying essential traffic information on wide multi-lane roads, where some degree of lane use control is required, or where side-of-road clearance is insufficient to accommodate a road side sign. Overhead signs Light retro-reflecting devices mounted at the side of the roadway, in series, to indicate the roadway alignment. Delineators Warning devics used to supplement other controls and devices necessary to alert motorists of construction and maintenance activities or obstrructions in the roadway. Flashing Lamps Freeway control systems are intended to reduce congestion and queuing delays on freeways. Freeway control system components currently deployed includes the following: I. Ramp metering II. Variable message signs III. Incident detection IV. Response system V. Radio communication systems. all of the above The highest tide which occurs at intervals of half a lunar month when the sun, moon and earth fall in line. Spring tides The pressure exerted onto a liquid is transmitted equally and undiminished to all portions of the liquid. This principle in fluid mechanics is known as principle of? Pascal In any stream flowing steadily without friction the total energy contained is the same at every point in its path of flow. This principle is attributed to? Bernoulli The material deforms considerably even with a slight increase in stress. Yielding The material undergoes changes in its structure resulting in increased resistance to further deformation. strain hardening On what days of the week can the first day of a century fall? (The first day of the twentieth century was Jan. 1, 1901) Monday Stopping sight distance and frictional coefficients are inversely proportional to each other If Poisson’s ratio of a material is 0.5, modulus of elasticity of the material is 3 times the shear modulus This distance between common points on successive vehicles is known as Headways It is the appearance of a powdery material on the surface of a newly hardened concrete slab. Dusting The difference between the actual travel time and a given segment of a transportation system and some travel time for that segment Delay It is longitudinal surface depression in the wheel paths of an asphalt pavement. Rutting These signs instruct road users to meet certain traffic rule requirements or road conditions. Special Instruction signs It is the cracking, breaking and chipping of slab edges at the longitudinal and transverse joints. Spalling The property of a soil which permits water to percolate through it, is called. Permeability A line joining the points of highest elevation of water in a series of vertical open pipes rising from a pipeline in which water flows under pressure is referred to as. hydraulic gradient If one input in the production of a commodity is increased while other inputs are held fixed, a point will eventually be reached at which additions of the input yield progressively smaller. Law of diminishing returns The speed at which vehicles are presumed to travel through the coordinated signal system is known as: speed of progression This refers to the maximum number of passenger cars that can pass a given point on a lane or roadway during one hour under the most nearly ideal roadway and traffic conditions which can possibly be attained. Basic Capacity