Anornu Drainage Full
Anornu Drainage Full
Anornu Drainage Full
Traffic safety.
Water on the pavement can:
Interrupt traffic,
Reduce skid resistance,
Increase potential for hydroplaning,
limit visibility due to splash and spray,
Cause difficulty in steering a vehicle when the
front wheels encounter puddles.
Surface Runoff Channeling along a Road
Department of Urban Road (DUR) DESIGN CRITERIA
A typical section shall be shown on the drawing.
A minimum horizontal separation distance of
0.5 m shall be provided between storm drain
pipe and utilities such as underground electric
lines and water lines.
Conventional type
Uniform section,
Composite sections
Curved sections
Straight cross slope (Uniform) Section
Q ( K u / n) S 1.67
Or in terms of T
T (Qn)( Ku S 1.67 0.5
x S )
With Equations 4-5 and 4-6 and Chart 1 determine
the flow in a width of gutter in a composite cross
section, W. W is less than the total spread, T.
Flow in Sag Vertical Curves
The velocity in a gutter varies with the flow rate and the flow
rate varies with the distance along the gutter,
0.30 0.33 x
; x 0.01
0.3 0.4 0.74 0.70
Ta 0.71 3 2.13 m
Step 3. Using Equation 4-13 or Chart 4,determine the average
• Inlets
• Manholes
• Junction boxes.
Inlet allow runoff from the gutter to enter
the storm drain system.
Grate inlets
On flatter grade
In sags,
With flows carrying significant amounts of floating debris.
The depth of water next to the curb is the major factor in the
interception capacity of both grate and curb-opening inlets.
• Grate inlets will intercept all the gutter flow passing over
the grate, or the frontal flow, if the grate is sufficiently
long and the gutter flow is low.
LT KQ 0.42 0.3
S (1 / nS X )
K = 0.817
• LT = Curb-opening length required to intercept
100 % of the gutter flow
Efficiency of curb-opening inlet shorter than the
length required for total interception:
E 1 1 L
or or
Determine spread, T,
Interception Capacity of Inlets In Sag Locations
Inlets in sag locations operate as weirs under
low head conditions and as orifices at greater
Grate size,
Qi C w L 1.8W d 1.5
Cw 1.25
L length of curb opening, m
W lateral width of depression, m
d depth of water at curb measured
from a point where the normal
pavement cross slope ( S x ) intersects
the curb face, m d TS x
• Limitation on the use of the weir equation.
d h a
a Depth of depression, m
The weir equation for curb-opening inlets
without depression is:
C w 1.60
• The depth limitation for operation as a weir
Curb-opening inlets operate as orifices at depths
greater than approximately 1.4 h.
• The interception capacity can be computed as:
Qi Co Ag 2 g (d i h / 2)
• The above equations are applicable to
depressed and undepressed curb-opening inlets
and the depth at the inlet includes any gutter
• The location of inlets is determined by
Superelevation diagrams
Contour maps
• There are a number of locations where inlets may
be necessary with little regard to contributing
drainage area.
These locations should be marked on the plans prior to
any computations regarding
water spread,
inlet capacity,
flow bypass.
Examples of such locations
At all low points in the gutter grade
Gutter geometry.
For a continuous slope, the designer may establish
the uniform design spacing between inlets of a
given design if the drainage area consists of
pavement only or has reasonably uniform runoff
characteristics and rectangular in shape.
Step 18. Col. 18 Determine the bypass flow, Qb,
and enter into col. 18. The
bypass flow is col. 11 minus col. 17.
• Location
• Alignment
• Depth
• Size
• Cost of the system
Minimum Separation between
Storm Drain Pipe and other Utilities
Hydraulic Capacity of Storm Drain
Controlling factors are
• Size
• Shape
• Slope
• Friction resistance
HGLus HGLds H f hm
HGLus Elevation of the HGL at upstream structure, m
H f S fo L
S fo 8/3
D Diameter of pipe, m
S fo Friction slope
K 0.312
n Manning’s coefficient
Hydraulic grade line (HGL) computation procedure
Step 10 Enter in Col. 10 the velocity (Vo) from the outlet pipe.