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Anornu Drainage Full

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Stormwater Drainage System

associated with transportation facilities

The purpose of stormwater Roadway drainage
system is to collect storm water runoff from the
road and convey it to an outfall.

In other words, it involves the collection, conveyance,

removal, and disposal of surface water runoff from the
traveled way, shoulders, and adjoining roadside areas.
Effective drainage of Roadways is essential to:

 Maintenance

 Traffic safety.
Water on the pavement can:

 Interrupt traffic,
 Reduce skid resistance,
 Increase potential for hydroplaning,
 limit visibility due to splash and spray,
 Cause difficulty in steering a vehicle when the
front wheels encounter puddles.
Surface Runoff Channeling along a Road
Department of Urban Road (DUR) DESIGN CRITERIA

All storm drains will be designed for the 10-year

• Exceptions to this would include situations where
potential damage to adjoining property would be
excessive. In these or comparable situations, a
25-year (or greater as indicated by the individual
situation) design storm shall be employed.

The Rational Method is used exclusively to

determine the design discharge for storm drain
Concrete pipe only will be permitted for storm
drains on roadway projects constructed by the
Although hydraulic consideration may dictate
larger distances between storm drain structures
(inlets and manholes), for ease of maintenance,
maximum spacing between structures shall be
 Storm drains will be designed using a Manning’s “n” value
of 0.016

 Minimum size – 375 mm pipe or its equivalent elliptical

shape shall be considered the minimum acceptable size

 Curb Drop Inlets - The spread of water on the pavement

shall be limited to the width of one-half of the travel way
in each direction or 2.4 to 3.0 m from the face of curb,
which ever is less, for a 5-year storm.
 This criteria provides sufficient travel way that is free
of inundation to the point beyond which driver
visibility is totally impaired and vehicular movement
should cease.
Hydraulic Grade Line - A hydraulic grade line
(water surface profile) shall be determined for
the entire system.
 The computed hydraulic grade line, on the
design flow, shall not exceed the top of any
inlets, manholes, junctions, etc.
 If the computations indicate that such would
be the case, the storm sewer design shall be
Curb inlets are preferred to grate inlets because
of their debris handling capabilities.
Storm drain pipes should not decrease in size in a
downstream direction regardless of the available
pipe slope.
 However, if found necessary, any decrease in pipe
size should not exceed 150 mm.

Pipe shall not be designed on a slope less than

 However, to enhance self-cleaning characteristics, 375
mm and 450 mm diameter pipe are to be designed on
slope of 1% or greater.
Minimum and maximum design flow velocities
shall be 0.8 m/s and 3.6 m/s, respectively.

A minimum slope of 2 % shall be provided

through the structure inverts

Depth of inlets and manholes shall not exceed

4.0 m
All structures are to be numbered and listed in
the structure schedule which shall include the
following information:
 Structure type,
 size,
 top elevation,
 invert elevation,
 precast structure number
 modification notes, if applicable.
A 0.30 m minimum cover over the outside of the
pipe is to be provided.

 When pipes are laid in traffic area, the minimum

cover shall be 0.60 m.
 At railroad crossing, the minimum cover shall
increase to 1.5 m.

A typical section shall be shown on the drawing.
A minimum horizontal separation distance of
0.5 m shall be provided between storm drain
pipe and utilities such as underground electric
lines and water lines.

Minimum vertical separation distance between

storm drain pipe and any utility shall be 0.3 m.

Protection is to be provided at the outlet of the

storm drainage system to prevent erosion.
Pavement Drainage
When rain falls on a sloped pavement surface, it forms a thin
film of water that increases in thickness as it flows to the edge
of the pavement.

Factors that influence the depth of water on the pavement are:

 length of flow path,
 surface texture,
 surface slope,
 Rainfall intensity.

As the depth of water on the pavement increases, the potential

for vehicular hydroplaning increases.
Curbs are normally used at the outside edge of pavements
 For low-speed, highway facilities,
 In some instances adjacent to shoulders on moderate to
high-speed facilities.

They serve the following purposes:

 Contain the surface runoff within the roadway and from
adjacent properties
 Prevent erosion on fill slopes
 Provide pavement delineation
 Enable the orderly development of property adjacent to
the roadway

A pavement gutter is the section of pavement next

to the curb which conveys water during a storm
runoff event.
The gutter, therefore may include a portion or all
of a travel lane.

Gutter sections can be categorized as

 Conventional type

 Shallow swale type

Conventional curb and gutter sections
 Have a triangular shape with the curb forming the
near-vertical leg of the triangle.

 Conventional gutters begin at the inside base of the curb

and usually extend from the curb face toward the roadway
centerline a distance of 0.3 to 1 meter

Gutters can have

 Uniform section,

 Composite sections

 Curved sections
Straight cross slope (Uniform) Section

Uniform gutter sections have a cross-slope which is equal

to the cross-slope of the shoulder or travel lane adjacent to
the gutter
Composite cross slope Section:
The gutter slope varies from the pavement cross slope

Gutters having composite sections are depressed in relation

to the adjacent pavement slope.

Means the gutter has a cross-slope steeper than that of the

adjacent pavement.
Parabolic section:
Capacity Relations
Gutter Flow calculations are necessary to establish
the spread of water on the
 Shoulder
 Parking lane
 Pavement section.

A modification of the Manning's equation gives

the Capacity Relationship

Q  ( K u / n) S 1.67
Or in terms of T

T  (Qn)( Ku S 1.67 0.5
x S )
L 

The above equations neglect the resistance of the

curb face since this resistance is negligible.
Conventional Gutters of Uniform Cross Slope

The nomograph in Chart 1 solves the above Equations for

gutters having triangular cross sections.
Gutter section illustrated
as in the figure
Composite Gutter Sections

Design of composite gutter

sections requires
consideration of flow in
the depressed segment of
the gutter, Qw.

With Equations 4-5 and 4-6 and Chart 1 determine
the flow in a width of gutter in a composite cross
section, W. W is less than the total spread, T.
Flow in Sag Vertical Curves

 As gutter flow approaches the low point in a sag vertical

curve, the spread can exceed the allowable design spread
values as a result of the decreasing gutter slope.
 Hence spread must be checked to insure it remains within
allowable limits.
If Computed spread > Design values
 Additional inlets should be provided to reduce the flow as it
approaches the low point.
Gutter Flow Time

 Flow time in gutters is an important component of the time of

concentration for the contributing drainage area to an inlet.

 To determine gutter flow component of time of concentration,

the method of estimating the average velocity in the reach of
the gutter is needed.

 The velocity in a gutter varies with the flow rate and the flow
rate varies with the distance along the gutter,

Table 4-4 and Chart 4 can be used to determine

the average velocity in triangular gutter sections.
 T1 and T2 - The spread at the
upstream and downstream
ends of the gutter section

 Ta - The spread at the

average velocity.
A triangular gutter section with the following

Find: Time of flow in gutter

Step 1. Compute the upstream to downstream spread ratio.

Step 2. Determine the spread at average velocity interpolating

between values in Table 4-4.

0.30  0.33 x
 ; x  0.01
0.3  0.4 0.74  0.70

Ta /T 2 0.70  0.01  0.71

Ta  0.71 3  2.13 m
Step 3. Using Equation 4-13 or Chart 4,determine the average

Step 4. Compute the travel time in the gutter

• A number of structures are utilized in the design
of storm drainage system:

• Inlets

• Manholes

• Junction boxes.
 Inlet allow runoff from the gutter to enter
the storm drain system.

 Manholes provide access to the storm drain

system for inspection and maintenance.

 Junction boxes are usually used to connect two

or more large storm conduits
Storm drain INLET
 Storm drain inlet is used to collect runoff and
discharge to an underground storm drainage
Drainage Inlet Design
• The hydraulic capacity of a storm drain inlet will
depend on:
 Geometry of the drain
 Characteristics of the gutter flow.
• Inlet capacity infuences
 Rate of water removal from the gutter
 Amount of water that can enter the storm
drainage system.

• Inadequate inlet capacity or poor inlet location

may cause flooding on the roadway resulting in
hazard to the traveling public.

 Grate inlets

 Grate inlets are openings in the gutter or ditch covered by

a grate.
Characteristics and Uses of Grate Inlets

• Grate inlets, perform satisfactorily over a wide range of gutter


• Grate inlets generally lose capacity with increase in grade, but

to a lesser degree than curb opening inlets.

• Principal advantage of grate inlet is that they are installed

along the roadway where the water is flowing.

• Principal disadvantage is that they may be clogged by floating

trash or debris.

• For safety reasons, preference should be given to grate inlets

where out-of-control vehicles might be involved.

• Where bicycle traffic occurs, grates should be bicycle safe.

 Curb-opening inlets

 Curb inlets are vertical openings in the curb covered by top

Characteristics and Uses of Curb-opening inlets

Curb-opening inlets are effective

 On flatter grade
 In sags,
 With flows carrying significant amounts of floating debris.

 The interception capacity of curb-opening inlets decreases

as the gutter grade steepens.
 Use of curb-opening inlets recommended in sags and on
grades less than 3%.
 Bicycle safe.
 Combination inlets

 Combination inlets consist of both a curb-opening inlet

and a grate inlet placed in a side-by-side configuration, but
the curb opening may be located in part upstream of the
Characteristics and Uses of Combination inlets

 Provide the advantages of both curb opening and grate

inlets resulting in “high capacity inlet”

 When the curb opening precedes the grate in a "Sweeper"

configuration, the curb-opening inlet acts as a trash
interceptor during the initial phases of a storm.

 Used in a sag configuration, the sweeper inlet can have a

curb opening on both sides of the grate.
 Slotted inlets

 Slotted inlets consist of a pipe cut along the longitudinal

axis with bars perpendicular to the opening to maintain
the slotted opening.
Inlet Capacity
Factors Influencing Inlet Interception Capacity
and Efficiency on Continuous Grades

 Inlet interception capacity, Qi, is the flow intercepted by an

inlet under a given set of conditions.

 The efficiency of an inlet, E, is the percent of total flow that

the inlet will intercept for those conditions.
Flow that is not intercepted by an inlet is termed carryover or
 Interception capacity increases with increasing flow rates,
and inlet efficiency decreases with increasing flow rates.

 Factors affecting gutter flow also affect inlet interception


 The depth of water next to the curb is the major factor in the
interception capacity of both grate and curb-opening inlets.

 The interception capacity of a grate inlet depends on the

amount of water flowing over the grate, the size and
configuration of the grate, and velocity of flow in the
Grate Inlets on Grade
• Grates are effective highway pavement drainage inlets
where clogging with debris is not a problem.

• Grate inlets will intercept all the gutter flow passing over
the grate, or the frontal flow, if the grate is sufficiently
long and the gutter flow is low.

• Only a portion of the frontal flow will be intercepted, if

the velocity is high or the grate is short and splash-over
• The Efficiency, E, of a grate:

• The interception capacity of a grate inlet on

grade is equal to the efficiency of the grate
multiplied by the total gutter flow
• The ratio of frontal flow to total gutter flow, Eo,
for a uniform cross slope is expressed as

• Remember that Chart 2 provide solutions for Eo,

for uniform cross slopes and composite gutter
• The ratio of side flow, to total gutter flow is:

• The ratio of frontal flow intercepted to total

frontal flow, is expressed as

• Chart 5 provides a solution for Rf, which takes

into account grate length, bar configuration, and
gutter velocity.
• The ratio of side flow intercepted to total side
flow is expressed as

• Chart 6 provides a solution to the above

• The Efficiency, E, of a grate:

• The interception capacity of a grate inlet on

grade is equal to the efficiency of the grate
multiplied by the total gutter flow
Curb opening inlets
• Curb-opening inlets are effective, where flow
depth at the curb is sufficient for the inlet to
perform efficiently

• Curb opening are less susceptible to clogging

and offer little interference to traffic operation.

• They are viable alternative to grates on flatter

grades where grates will be in traffic lanes
• Curb opening heights vary in dimension, however,
a typical maximum height is approximately
100 to 150 mm
• The length of curb-opening inlet required for total
interception of gutter flow on a continuous grade
with a uniform cross slope:

LT  KQ 0.42 0.3
S (1 / nS X )

K = 0.817
• LT = Curb-opening length required to intercept
100 % of the gutter flow
Efficiency of curb-opening inlet shorter than the
length required for total interception:
E  1   1  L 
 LT 

E  Curb - opening efficiency

L  Curb - opening length

 Chart 7 for solution to the Equation for the

length , and Chart 8 provides solution to the
Equation for Efficiency.
• The length of inlet required for total interception by
depressed curb-opening inlets or curb-openings in
depressed gutter sections is found using equivalent
cross slope, Se, in place of Sx.
• Using the equivalent cross slope, Se,

• The length of curb opening required for total

interception can be significantly reduced by
increasing the cross slope or the equivalent
cross slope.

• Charts 7 and 8 are applicable to depressed

curb-opening inlets using Se rather than Sx.
Given: A curb-opening inlet with the following
Step 1. Determine the length of curb opening required for total
interception of gutter flow using Equation or Chart 7.

Step 2. Compute the curb-opening efficiency using Equation

or Chart 8.
Step 3. Compute the interception capacity.

or or

Determine spread, T,
Interception Capacity of Inlets In Sag Locations
 Inlets in sag locations operate as weirs under
low head conditions and as orifices at greater

Orifice flow begins at depths dependent on the

 Grate size,

 Curb opening height,

 Slot width of the inlet.

Grate Inlets in Sags
A grate inlet in a sag location operates as

 Weir to depths dependent on the size of

the grate

 Orifice at greater depths.

The capacity of a grate inlet operating as a weir
The capacity of a grate inlet operating as an orifice

• Chart 9 is a plot of the above two Equations

• Transition from weir to orifice flow results in

interception capacity less than that computed by
either the weir or the orifice equation.
Curb-Opening Inlets
• The capacity of a curb-opening inlet in a sag
depends on

 Water depth at the curb,

 Curb opening length,

 Height of the curb opening.

Curb opening inlet
A curb-opening inlet in a sag operates:

 As a weir to depths equal to the curb opening


 As an orifice at depths greater than 1.4h.

 At depths between 1.0 and 1.4 times the

opening height, flow is in a transition stage.
• The equation for the interception capacity of a
depressed curb-opening inlet operating as a weir:

Qi  C w  L  1.8W d 1.5

Cw  1.25
L  length of curb opening, m
W  lateral width of depression, m
d  depth of water at curb measured
from a point where the normal
pavement cross slope ( S x ) intersects
the curb face, m d  TS x
• Limitation on the use of the weir equation.

d  h a

h  height of curb - opening inlet, m

a  Depth of depression, m
 The weir equation for curb-opening inlets
without depression is:

C w  1.60
• The depth limitation for operation as a weir
 Curb-opening inlets operate as orifices at depths
greater than approximately 1.4 h.
• The interception capacity can be computed as:
Qi  Co Ag 2 g (d i  h / 2) 
• The above equations are applicable to
depressed and undepressed curb-opening inlets
and the depth at the inlet includes any gutter
• The location of inlets is determined by

Geometric controls which require inlets at

specific locations

The use and location of flanking inlets in sag

vertical curves

The criterion of spread on the pavement.

In order to adequately design the location of the
inlets for a given project, the following are
 Layout or plan sheet suitable for outlining
drainage areas
 Road profiles

 Typical cross sections

 Grading cross sections

 Superelevation diagrams

 Contour maps
• There are a number of locations where inlets may
be necessary with little regard to contributing
drainage area.
 These locations should be marked on the plans prior to
any computations regarding

 discharge,

 water spread,

 inlet capacity,

 flow bypass.
Examples of such locations
 At all low points in the gutter grade

 Immediately upstream of median breaks, entrance/exit ramp

gores, cross walks, and street

 Intersections, i.e., at any location where water could flow onto

the travelway

 Immediately upgrade of bridges (to prevent pavement drainage

from flowing onto bridge decks)

 Immediately downstream of bridges (to intercept bridge deck

 Immediately up grade of cross slope reversals

 Immediately up grade from pedestrian cross walks

 At the end of channels in cut sections

 On side streets immediately up grade from intersections

 Behind curbs, shoulders or sidewalks to drain low area

 Design spread is the criterion used for locating
storm drain inlets relative to those required by
geometric or other controls.

 The interception capacity of the upstream inlet

will define the initial spread.

 Flow contributed to the gutter section in the

downstream direction, will increase spread.
 The next downstream inlet is located at the point
where the spread in the gutter reaches the
design spread.

 Spacing of inlets is a function of the

 Amount of upstream bypass flow,

 Tributary drainage area,

 Gutter geometry.
For a continuous slope, the designer may establish
the uniform design spacing between inlets of a
given design if the drainage area consists of
pavement only or has reasonably uniform runoff
characteristics and rectangular in shape.

In this case, the time of concentration is assumed to

be the same for all inlets.
Procedure to illustrate the effects of inlet efficiency
on inlet spacing.

In order to design the location of an inlets, the

computation sheet shown below may be used to
document the analysis.

A step by step procedure for the use of the

computation sheet follows.
 Step 1. Complete the blanks at the top of the
sheet to identify the job by project
number, route, date, and your initials.
A step by step procedure for the design of
the location of inlets on a continuous grade
 Step 2. Mark on the plan the location of inlets
which are necessary even without
considering any specific drainage.

 Step 3. Start at a high point, at one end and

work towards the low point. Then begin
at the next high point and work
backwards toward the same low point.
 Step 4. To begin the process, select a trial
drainage area approximately 90 to 150 m
long below the high point and outline
the area on the plan.

Note Include any area that may drain over the

curb, onto the roadway.
Where practical, drainage from large
areas behind the curb should be
intercepted before it reaches the
roadway or gutter.
 Step 5. Col. 1 Describe the location of the
Col. 2 proposed inlet by number and
station and record this information
in cols 1 and 2.
Col. 19 Identify the curb and gutter type
in col. 19 remarks.
A sketch of the cross section
should be prepared

 Step 6. Col. 3 Compute the drainage area

(hectares) outlined in step 4 and
record in col. 3.
 Step 7. Col. 4 Determine the runoff coefficient,
C, for the drainage area.

Select a C value provided in

Table below, or determine a
weighted C value using Equation
and record the value in col. 4.
 Step 8. Col. 5 Compute the time of
concentration, tc, in minutes, for
the first inlet and record in
col. 5.

The time of concentration is the time

for the water to flow from the most
hydraulically remote point of the
drainage area to the inlet.

The minimum time of concentration is

5 minutes.
 Step 9. Col. 6 Using the time of concentration,
determine the rainfall intensity
from the Intensity-Duration-
Frequency (IDF) curve for the
design frequency.
Enter the value in col. 6.
 Step 10. Col. 7 Calculate the flow in the gutter.
The flow is calculated as the
product of col. 3 by col. 4 by col. 6
all divided by Ku. Using the SI
system of units, Ku = 360
Enter the flow value in col. 7.
 Step 11. Col. 8 From the roadway profile, enter in
col. 8 the gutter longitudinal
slope, SL, at the inlet, taking into
account any superelevation.

 Step 12. Col. 9 From the cross section, enter the

cross slope, Sx, in col. 9 and the
Col. 13 grate or gutter width, W, in col. 13
 Step 13. Col. 11 For the first inlet in a series,
enter the value from col. 7 into
col. 11 since there was no
previous bypass flow. Additionally,
Col. 10 if the inlet is the first in a series,
enter 0 into col. 10.
 Step 14. Col. 14 Determine the spread, T, by
using Equation or Charts 1 and
enter the value in col. 14.

Col. 12 Also, determine the depth at the

curb, d, by multiplying the spread
by the appropriate cross slope,
and enter the value in col. 12.

Compare the calculated spread

with the allowable spread as
determined by the design criteria
Additionally, compare the depth at the curb with the actual
curb height in col. 19.

If the calculated spread, col. 14, is near the allowable spread

and the depth at the curb is less than the actual curb
height, continue on to step 15.

Else, expand or decrease the drainage area up to the first

inlet to increase or decrease the spread.

The drainage area can be expanded by increasing the length

to the inlet and it can be decreased by decreasing the
distance to the inlet.

Then, repeat steps 6 through 14 until appropriate values are

 Step 15. Col. 15 Calculate W/T and enter the
value in col. 15.
 Step 16. Col. 16 Select the inlet type and dimensions
and enter the values in col. 16.
 Step 17. Col. 17 Calculate the flow intercepted, Qi, and
enter the value in col. 17.
Use Eqn. for Eo or Charts 2, and Eqn. for
V or chart 4 to define the gutter flow.
Use Chart 5 and Equation or Chart 6 to
define the flow intercepted by the grate.
Use Equation or Charts 7 and 8 for curb
opening inlets.
Finally, determine the intercepted flow.
Use and




 Step 18. Col. 18 Determine the bypass flow, Qb,
and enter into col. 18. The
bypass flow is col. 11 minus col. 17.

 Step 19. Col. 1-4 Proceed to the next inlet down

the grade. To begin the
procedure, select a drainage area
approximately 90 m to 120 m
(below the previous inlet for a
first trial. Repeat steps 5 through
7 considering only the area
between the inlets.
 Step 20. Col. 5 Compute the time of
concentration for the next inlet
based upon the area between the
consecutive inlets and record this
value in column 5.

 Step 21. Col. 6 Determine the rainfall intensity

from the IDF curve based upon
the time of concentration
determined in step 20 and record
the value in column 6.
 Step 22. Col. 7 Determine the flow in the gutter
and record the value in col. 7.

 Step 23. Col. 11 Record the value from col. 18 of

the previous line into col. 10 of
the current line.
Determine the total gutter flow
by adding col. 7 and col. 10 and
record in col. 11.
 Step 24. Col. 12 Determine the spread and the
depth at the curb as outlined in
step 14.
Col. 14 Repeat steps 18 through 24 until
the spread and the depth at the
curb are within the design criteria.

 Step 25. Col. 16 Select the inlet type and record in

col. 16.

 Step 26. Col. 17 Determine the intercepted flow

in accordance with step 17.
 Step 27. Col. 18 Calculate the bypass flow by
subtracting col. 17 from col. 11.
This completes the spacing
design for the inlet.

 Step 28. Repeat steps 19 through 27 for each

subsequent inlet down to the low point
Given: The storm drainage system is illustrated in the
Figure as below with the following roadway

Find: The maximum design inlet spacing for a

0.6 m wide by 0.9 m long P 50 x 100 grate, during a
10 - year storm event.

Steps 1-4 The computations begin at inlet located at

station 20+00. The initial drainage area
consists of a 13 m wide roadway section
with a length of 200 m. The top of the
drainage basin is located at station 22+00.
Step 6 Col. 3 Distance from top of drainage area to
first inlet = 22+00 - 20+00 = 200 m.
Width = 13 m. Drainage area =
(200)(13) = 2600 m2 = 0.26 ha

Step 7 Col. 4 Runoff coefficient, C = 0.73

Step 8 Col. 5 First calculate velocity of gutter flow

using Equation
Step 10 Col. 7 Determine gutter flow rate, Q
Flanking Inlets
 Inlets should always be located at the low or sag
points in the gutter profile.

 Is a good engineering practice to place flanking

inlets on each side of the low point inlet for a
depressed area that has no outlet except through
the system.

 The purpose of the flanking inlets is to act in relief

of the inlet at the low point if it should become
clogged or if the design spread is exceeded.
Flanking inlets are located to function before water
spread exceeds the allowable spread at the sump

Flanking inlets are located to receive all of the flow

when the primary inlet at the bottom of the sag is
• The spacing required for various depths at curb
criteria and vertical curve lengths is defined as

A storm drain is that portion of the highway drainage

system that receives surface water through inlets and
conveys the water to an outfall.

It is composed of different lengths and sizes of pipe or

conduit connected by appurtenant structures.
Before the beginning of the design, the following must be

 Location of existing outfall or Natural water courses

 Natural drainage patterns
 Proposed roadway design features

• Sags and crests in the grade

• Superelevated curves
• Street intersections
• Bridges
 Existing and proposed utility lines
These factors will govern:

• Location
• Alignment
• Depth
• Size
• Cost of the system
Minimum Separation between
Storm Drain Pipe and other Utilities
Hydraulic Capacity of Storm Drain
Controlling factors are

• Size
• Shape
• Slope
• Friction resistance

Most widely used: Manning's Equation Q  (1 / n) AR 2 / 3 S 1/ 2

For circular storm drains flowing full:
Find the pipe diameter needed to convey the indicated design
Consider use of both concrete and helical corrugated metal
Storm Drain Outfalls
All storm drains have an outlet where flow from the storm
drainage system is discharged.

The discharge point can be

 Natural river OR stream,

 An existing storm drainage system,

 Channel that is existing

 Channel proposed for the purpose of conveying the

storm water
Preliminary Design Procedure of Storm drain

The preliminary design of storm drains can be accomplished by

using computation sheet.

This procedure assumes that each storm drain will be initially

designed to flow full under gravity conditions.

The designer must recognize that this design is only

Energy Grade Line/Hydraulic Grade Line
 EGL is an imaginary line that represents the total energy
along a channel or conduit carrying water.

 Total energy includes: elevation (potential) head, velocity

head and pressure head.

 In order to develop the EGL it is necessary to calculate all

of the losses through the system.

 Losses are classified as either friction losses or form

(minor) losses

 Knowledge of the location of the EGL is critical to the

understanding and estimating the location of the hydraulic
grade line (HGL).
Hydraulic Grade line
 It determines the elevation to which water will rise in the
structure (inlet, manholes, etc) along the system, when the
system is operating under the design frequency storm.

 The computation of the HGL through the system begins at

the system outfall with the tail water elevation.

Energy losses in the Hydraulic Grade

line Computation

The energy losses equation is expressed as:

HGLus  HGLds  H f  hm
HGLus  Elevation of the HGL at upstream structure, m

HGLds  Elevation of the HGL at downstream structure, m

hm  Summation of minor losses such as

junctions, bends, etc, m

Hf  Friction head losses, m

H f  S fo L
 Qn 
S fo   8/3 
 KD 
D Diameter of pipe, m

L Length of outflow pipe from the structure, m

S fo  Friction slope

K  0.312
n Manning’s coefficient
Hydraulic grade line (HGL) computation procedure

Step 1 Enter in Col. 1 the station at the downstream end of the

outflow pipe from the junction under consideration.

On the first line, this station is at the outfall of the


(HGL computations begin at the outfall and are worked

upstream taking each junction into consideration).

Step 2 Enter in Col. 2 the station for the junction under

Step 3 Enter in Col. 3 the HGL elevation from Col. 19 of the
previous line.

For the first line, the HGL is equal to tailwater

elevation or diameter plus the invert elevation of
the pipe whichever is greater.

Step 4 Enter in Col. 4 the Diameter (Do) of the outflow pipe

Step 5 Enter in Col. 5 the design discharge (Qo) of the outflow


Step 6 Enter in Col. 6 the length (Lo) of the outflow pipe

Step 7 Enter in Col. 7 the friction slope (Sfo) in m/m of the
outflow pipe.
 Qn 
S fo   8/3 
 KD 
Step 8 Multiply the friction slope (Sfo) in Col. 7 by the length
(Lo) in Col. 6 and enter the friction loss (Hf) in Col. 8.

Step 9 Enter in Col. 9 the HGL at the outlet of the structure by

adding Col. 3 and Col. 8.

Step 10 Enter in Col. 10 the velocity (Vo) from the outlet pipe.

Velocity should be based upon whether the pipe is

flowing partially full or full, as applicable.

Step 11 Enter in Col. 11 contraction loss (Ho) using the

expression on the DUR-HGL sheet.
Step 12 Enter in Col. 12 the velocity of flow (Vi) for the pipe
flowing into the junction.

Velocity should be based upon whether the pipe is

flowing partially full or full, as applicable.

If two or more pipes flow into a junction, Vi is that of

the pipe with the greatest QiVi product.

Step 13 Enter in Col. 13

Step 14 Enter in Col. 14 the controlling expansion loss (Hi)

Step 15 Enter in Col. 15 the angle of skew of inflow to the

outflow pipe.
Step 16 Enter in Col.16 the K value.

Typical values of K can be found on DUR-HGL sheet.

Step 17 Enter in Col.17 the bend loss (H) .

Step 18 Enter in Col.18 total junction losses (Ht) by summing

the values in Col. 11 (Ho) , Col. 14 (Hi) , and Col. 17

Step 19 Enter in Col.19 the sum of the elevation in Col. 9 and

the junction losses (Ht) in Col. 18.

This elevation is the potential water surface elevation

for the junction under design conditions.

Enter this elevation in Col. 3 of the next line.

Step 20 Enter in Col.20 the rim elevation of the junction under
consideration in Col. 2.

If the potential water surface elevation exceeds the rim

elevation, adjustments are needed in the system to
reduce the elevation of the HGL.

Step 20 Once the HGL elevation for the junction under

consideration has been established, repeat the
procedure starting with Step 1 for the next junction
Thank you for your attention


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