A. This is an indie project and alas windows hasn't yet been able to verify that
the installer is a common one. It is safe - just run your virus scanner of choice
on it if you are unsure. Ignore Microsoft's warning and install. Hopefully, once
enough Sojour installers get into the wilds, Microsoft's algorithm will remove this
warning message.
A. I can guarantee there are no viruses in this software. It's all written in .net
and is safe. If you anti-virus is giving you hassle, add an exclusion for Sojour.
In fact Microsoft has since proved it's not a virus. Read this blog post:
A. .net 3.5 is a minimal requirement for Sojour's installer to run. If you don't
have it, it can be downloaded from Microsoft's site here:
A. Go to your DriveThruRPG library and download the latest installer. Next, I would
recomend backing up your data directory (C:\Users\<< Your Account Name >>\
Documents\PollySoft\Sojour) - though this is not strictly necessary. Then simply
run the updated installer. All your current games are retained and will work in the
new version. If Sojour has to alter any of your save files to make them compatible
with the new version, it will auto-backup your originals to C:\Users\<< Your
Account Name >>\Documents\PollySoft\Sojour Backups.
A. There are three ways to access the manual. The first way is to click the assets
tab on the left then click the blue ? button on the far right of the assets
toolbar. This should open the 134 page manual.
You can also find the manual under C:\Users\<< Your Account Name >>\Documents\
The final method is via a shortcut on your desktop. Note that you will need to use
installer version or later to see this shortcut.
Q. I have just bought Sojour, but nearly all the options are greyed out and
disabled? What gives?
A. Sojour defaults to some very defensive settings. However, you can alter these or
in the case of maps you can remove the restrictions all together. Just pop into
Sojour's settings window (the cog like button on the assets toolbar) and select the
Map Settings tab. From there you can make alterations to the restrictions or turn
them off altogether.
A. Under map settings (the cog toolbutton on the assets browser, then the map tab)
there is a setting called Max Map Size Pixels. Any map that's larger than that size
will be downscaled which can result in it being a little blurry. Either increase
the Max Map Size Pixels setting, or alternatively turn it off.
Q. I imported a map, but none of the range measurement tools are enabled. Also,
when I move my characters and NPC's I don't see any distance tooltip telling me how
far they have moved?
A. This is due to the imported map not being scaled. The above functionality is
only enabled for scaled maps. To scale a map, open it up and click the 'Scale Map'
button - third from the left on the maps toolbar. This will open the Map Scale
Assistant which can be followed to get the map scaled.
Q. I imported a map, but can't see anything! Just a solid blog of colour in the
mapping window.
A. This is most likely due to the fact you have switched on Fog of War during the
map import and that there are no tokens on the map. In this case you are just
seeing the fog over your map. You can prove this by using the Mouse Preview tool
button - far right before the help button. This turns your mouse cursor into a
torch that can see through the fog - you should be able to see your map there.
A. Where there is a lack of horizontal screen estate some buttons might be hidden
under a small downard arrow on the far right of the toolbar. Clicking this arrow
will reveal the additional buttons. Sojour also allows you to move the central
vertical divider left or right, so you should be able to move it to see more of the
assets toolbar.
Q. I'm using the WASD keys but the map isn't moving?
A. The keys that operate the map are only captured when the mouse cursor is
directly over the map area.
A. Related to the question above. If the map has input focus; because the mouse
cursor is over it; then your keyboard inputs will go to the map and not the
journals or other windows. Simply move the cursor anywhere off the map.
Q. On your video I saw you use transparencies and framing to create circular
tokens. But this is disabled for me.
A. Alas, Sojour currently only allows you to set transparencies or framing at the
moment of import. Once you close that dialog and reopen it those options will no
longer be availble. This is due to a limitation in the way Sojour inputs data.
However, I am trying to figure out a way around this. In the meantime, you must set
your token frames or transparencies when you import them.
A. The old scaling tool used to have rounding issues which could on occasion cause
mapping inaccuracies. To fix this upgrade to at least and then rescale the
map with the new tool.
A. Sojour stores its data under C:\Users\<< Your account name >>\Documents\
PollySoft\Sojour. You can also view the data by right clicking most nodes in the
Assets Browser and selecting 'Browse Folder...'. Sojour endeavours to store your
data in a non-proprietory format, so you should be able to use most of it in other
Q. Sojour somehow got corrupted and won't start. What can I do?
A. Go to your Pollysoft folder under Documents and cut the Sojour directory out
from there and paste it somewhere else. Restart Sojour and it should recreate the
directories. Alas, this will be a hard reset, but all your journals, tokens and
maps will be in the original copied folder.
Q. Am I missing certain versions of Sojour? The version numbers of new relases seem
to skip some numbers?
A. Alas, Sojour is not my day job. I actually have a pretty intense web development
job as a senior developer. My main job will always take precedence - at least for
the moment :)
A. Your first port of call should be the 134 page manual, then the two helper
screens built into Sojour - one for the journal and one for the maps. In addition,
numerous videos will be posted to Sojour's YouTube channel explaining how to do
things: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxzDOdmayYUjv_uhYqSObdA. At the time of
writing there is a long 2 hour video, that although a little out of date, it does
go into most of Sojour's functionality. The video is timestamped too, to allow you
to go to topics of interest. This video can be viewed here:
https://youtu.be/zdVycE5FPIo. If you still have questions, you could send me an
email at sojour.pollysoft@outlook.com and I will do my best to answer your
A. Sure! In fact many new features have been added as a direct result from user
feedback. I can't promise I can add everything - there is only one of me - but it
will go into my JIRA system for consideration. Simply send me an email at: