D 396 - 15c
D 396 - 15c
D 396 - 15c
1. Scope* NOTE 3—The generation and dissipation of static electricity can create
problems in the handling of distillate burner fuel oils. For more informa-
1.1 This specification (see Note 1) covers grades of fuel oil tion on the subject, see Guide D4865.
intended for use in various types of fuel-oil-burning equipment
under various climatic and operating conditions. These grades 2. Referenced Documents
are described as follows: 2.1 ASTM Standards:2
1.1.1 Grades No. 1 S5000, No. 1 S500, No. 2 S5000, and D56 Test Method for Flash Point by Tag Closed Cup Tester
No. 2 S500 are middle distillate fuels for use in domestic and D86 Test Method for Distillation of Petroleum Products at
small industrial burners. Grades No. 1 S5000 and No. 1 S500 Atmospheric Pressure
are particularly adapted to vaporizing type burners or where D93 Test Methods for Flash Point by Pensky-Martens
storage conditions require low pour point fuel. Closed Cup Tester
1.1.2 Grades B6–B20 S500 and B6–B20 S5000 are middle D95 Test Method for Water in Petroleum Products and
distillate fuel/biodiesel blends for use in domestic and small Bituminous Materials by Distillation
industrial burners. D97 Test Method for Pour Point of Petroleum Products
1.1.3 Grades No. 4 (Light) and No. 4 are heavy distillate D129 Test Method for Sulfur in Petroleum Products (Gen-
fuels or middle distillate/residual fuel blends used in eral High Pressure Decomposition Device Method)
commercial/industrial burners equipped for this viscosity D130 Test Method for Corrosiveness to Copper from Petro-
range. leum Products by Copper Strip Test
1.1.4 Grades No. 5 (Light), No. 5 (Heavy), and No. 6 are D445 Test Method for Kinematic Viscosity of Transparent
residual fuels of increasing viscosity and boiling range, used in and Opaque Liquids (and Calculation of Dynamic Viscos-
industrial burners. Preheating is usually required for handling ity)
and proper atomization. D473 Test Method for Sediment in Crude Oils and Fuel Oils
NOTE 1—For information on the significance of the terminology and by the Extraction Method
test methods used in this specification, see Appendix X1. D482 Test Method for Ash from Petroleum Products
NOTE 2—A more detailed description of the grades of fuel oils is given D524 Test Method for Ramsbottom Carbon Residue of
in X1.3.
Petroleum Products
1.2 This specification is for the use of purchasing agencies D664 Test Method for Acid Number of Petroleum Products
in formulating specifications to be included in contracts for by Potentiometric Titration
purchases of fuel oils and for the guidance of consumers of fuel D975 Specification for Diesel Fuel Oils
oils in the selection of the grades most suitable for their needs. D1266 Test Method for Sulfur in Petroleum Products (Lamp
1.3 Nothing in this specification shall preclude observance Method)
of federal, state, or local regulations which can be more D1298 Test Method for Density, Relative Density, or API
restrictive. Gravity of Crude Petroleum and Liquid Petroleum Prod-
ucts by Hydrometer Method
1.4 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as
D1552 Test Method for Sulfur in Petroleum Products by
standard. No other units of measurement are included in this
High Temperature Combustion and IR Detection
D2500 Test Method for Cloud Point of Petroleum Products
D2622 Test Method for Sulfur in Petroleum Products by
This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D02 on
Petroleum Products, Liquid Fuels, and Lubricants and is the direct responsibility of
Subcommittee D02.E0 on Burner, Diesel, Non-Aviation Gas Turbine, and Marine
Fuels. For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website, www.astm.org, or
Current edition approved Oct. 1, 2015. Published November 2015. Originally contact ASTM Customer Service at service@astm.org. For Annual Book of ASTM
approved in 1934. Last previous edition approved in 2015 as D396 – 15b. DOI: Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on
10.1520/D0396-15C. the ASTM website.
D396 − 15c
Wavelength Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry D7861 Test Method for Determination of Fatty Acid Methyl
D2709 Test Method for Water and Sediment in Middle Esters (FAME) in Diesel Fuel by Linear Variable Filter
Distillate Fuels by Centrifuge (LVF) Array Based Mid-Infrared Spectroscopy
D2887 Test Method for Boiling Range Distribution of Pe- E29 Practice for Using Significant Digits in Test Data to
troleum Fractions by Gas Chromatography Determine Conformance with Specifications
D3828 Test Methods for Flash Point by Small Scale Closed 2.2 Other Documents:
Cup Tester 26 CFR Part 48 Diesel Fuel Excise Tax; Dye Color and
D4052 Test Method for Density, Relative Density, and API Concentration3
Gravity of Liquids by Digital Density Meter 40 CFR Part 80 Regulation of Fuel and Fuel Additives3
D4057 Practice for Manual Sampling of Petroleum and EN 14078 Determination of Fatty Acid Methyl Ester
Petroleum Products (FAME) Content in Middle Distillates — Infrared Spec-
D4177 Practice for Automatic Sampling of Petroleum and trometry Method4
Petroleum Products EN 15751 Automotive Fuels—Fatty Acid Methyl Ester
D4294 Test Method for Sulfur in Petroleum and Petroleum (FAME) Fuel and Blends with Diesel Fuel—
Products by Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence Spec- Determination of Oxidation Stability by Accelerated Oxi-
trometry dation Method4
D4306 Practice for Aviation Fuel Sample Containers for
Tests Affected by Trace Contamination 3. Terminology
D4865 Guide for Generation and Dissipation of Static Elec- 3.1 Definitions:
tricity in Petroleum Fuel Systems
3.1.1 biodiesel, n—fuel comprised of mono-alkyl esters of
D5453 Test Method for Determination of Total Sulfur in
long chain fatty acids derived from vegetable oils or animal
Light Hydrocarbons, Spark Ignition Engine Fuel, Diesel
fats, designated B100.
Engine Fuel, and Engine Oil by Ultraviolet Fluorescence
D5842 Practice for Sampling and Handling of Fuels for 3.1.2 biodiesel blend (BXX), n—blend of biodiesel fuel with
Volatility Measurement fuel oils.
D5854 Practice for Mixing and Handling of Liquid Samples Discussion—In the abbreviation BXX, the XX rep-
of Petroleum and Petroleum Products resents the volume percentage of biodiesel fuel in the blend.
D5949 Test Method for Pour Point of Petroleum Products 3.1.3 hydrocarbon oil, n—a homogeneous mixture with
(Automatic Pressure Pulsing Method) elemental composition primarily of carbon and hydrogen that
D5950 Test Method for Pour Point of Petroleum Products may also contain sulfur, oxygen, or nitrogen from residual
(Automatic Tilt Method) impurities and contaminants associated with the fuel’s raw
D5985 Test Method for Pour Point of Petroleum Products materials and manufacturing processes and excluding added
(Rotational Method) oxygenated materials.
D6469 Guide for Microbial Contamination in Fuels and Fuel Discussion—Neither macro nor micro emulsions are
Systems included in this definition since neither are homogeneous
D6749 Test Method for Pour Point of Petroleum Products mixtures.
(Automatic Air Pressure Method) Discussion—Examples of excluded oxygenated ma-
D6751 Specification for Biodiesel Fuel Blend Stock (B100) terials are alcohols, esters, ethers, and triglycerides.
for Middle Distillate Fuels Discussion—The hydrocarbon oil may be manufac-
D6892 Test Method for Pour Point of Petroleum Products tured from a variety of raw materials, for example, petroleum
(Robotic Tilt Method) (crude oil), oil sands, natural gas, coal, and biomass. Appendix
D7039 Test Method for Sulfur in Gasoline, Diesel Fuel, Jet X3 discusses some matters for consideration regarding the use
Fuel, Kerosine, Biodiesel, Biodiesel Blends, and of fuel oils from feedstocks other than petroleum.
Gasoline-Ethanol Blends by Monochromatic Wavelength
Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry 4. General Requirements
D7042 Test Method for Dynamic Viscosity and Density of
4.1 The grades of fuel oil specified herein shall be hydro-
Liquids by Stabinger Viscometer (and the Calculation of
carbon oils, except as provided in 4.3, free from inorganic acid,
Kinematic Viscosity)
and free from excessive amounts of solid or fibrous foreign
D7094 Test Method for Flash Point by Modified Continu-
matter. The inclusion of additives to enhance performance
ously Closed Cup (MCCCFP) Tester
properties, if required, is allowed.
D7220 Test Method for Sulfur in Automotive, Heating, and
NOTE 4—Additives are generally included in finished fuel oil to
Jet Fuels by Monochromatic Energy Dispersive X-ray improve performance properties (stability, pour point, and so forth).
Fluorescence Spectrometry
D7346 Test Method for No Flow Point and Pour Point of
Petroleum Products and Liquid Fuels
Available from U.S. Government Printing Office, Superintendent of
D7371 Test Method for Determination of Biodiesel (Fatty
Documents, 732 N. Capitol St., NW, Mail Stop: SDE, Washington, DC 20401.
Acid Methyl Esters) Content in Diesel Fuel Oil Using Mid 4
Available from the National CEN members listed on the CEN website
Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR-ATR-PLS Method) (www.cenorm.be) or from the CEN/TC 19 Secretariat (astm@nen.nl).
D396 − 15c
TABLE 1 Detailed Requirements for Fuel OilsA,B
ASTM Test No. 1 No. 1 No. 2 No. 2 B6–B20 B6–B20 No. 4 No. 5 No. 5
Property No. 4 No. 6
MethodC S500C S5000C S500C S5000C S500C S5000C (Light)C (Light) (Heavy)
Flash Point, °C, min D93 – Proc. A 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 ... ... ... ...
D93 – Proc. B ... ... ... ... ... 55 55 55 60
Water and sediment, percent by D2709 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 ... ... ... ... ...
volume, max
D95 + D473 ... ... ... ... (0.50)D (0.50)D (1.00)D (1.00)D (2.00)D
Distillation Temperature, °C D86
10 % volume recovered, max 215 215 ... ... ... ...
90 % volume recovered, min ... ... 282 282 282 282
90 % volume recovered, max 288 288 338 338 343 343
Kinematic viscosity at 40 °C, mm2/s D445
min 1.3 1.3 1.9 1.9 1.3 1.3 1.9 >5.5 ... ... ...
max 2.4 2.4 4.1 4.1 4.1 4.1 5.5 24.0E
Kinematic viscosity at 100 °C, D445
min ... ... ... ... ... ... 5.0 9.0 15.0
max ... ... ... ... ... ... 8.9E 14.9E 50.0E
Ramsbottom carbon residue on D524 0.15 0.15 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 ... ... ... ... ...
10 %
distillation residue percent by
mass, max
Ash, percent by mass, max D482 ... ... ... ... 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.15 ...
Sulfur, percent by mass maxF D2622 0.05 0.5 0.05 0.5 0.05 0.5
Copper strip corrosion rating, max, D130 No. 3 No. 3 No. 3 No. 3 No. 3 No. 3 ... ... ... ... ...
3 h at a minimum control
temperature of 50 °C
Density at 15 °C, kg/m3 D1298
min ... ... ... ... >876G ... ... ... ...
max 850 850 876 876 876 876 ... ... ... ... ...
Pour Point °C, maxH D97 −18 −18 −6 −6 –6 –6 −6 −6 ... ... I
4.2 All grades containing residual components shall remain with biodiesel meeting Specification D6751, provided the
uniform in normal storage and not separate by gravity into light finished mixture meets this specification.
and heavy oil components outside the viscosity limits for the 4.3.3 Fuel oil containing up to 5 percent by volume bio-
grade. diesel shall meet the requirements for the appropriate grade
4.3 Fuels Blended with Biodiesel—The detailed require- No. 1 or No. 2 fuel as listed in Table 1.
ments for fuels blended with biodiesel shall be as follows: 4.3.4 Fuel oil containing 6. to 20. percent by volume
4.3.1 Biodiesel for Blending—If biodiesel is a component of biodiesel shall meet the requirements for the appropriate grade
any fuel oil, the biodiesel shall meet the requirements of B6 to B20 as listed in Table 1.
Specification D6751. 4.3.5 Test Method D7371 shall be used for determination of
4.3.2 The remainder of the fuel oil shall be fuel oil con- the percent by volume biodiesel in a biodiesel blend. Test
forming to Specification D396 Grades No. 1 or No. 2 of any Method EN 14078 or Test Method D7861 may also be used. In
sulfur level specified, with the exception that fuel oil whose cases of dispute, Test Method D7371 shall be the referee test
sulfur level falls outside of Specification D396 may be blended method. See Practice E29 for guidance on significant digits.
D396 − 15c
4.3.6 Fuel oils containing more than 20. percent by volume The maximum Pour Point limits specified in Table 1
biodiesel component are not included in this specification. should be adequate under most circumstances for shipment and
4.3.7 Biodiesel blends with Grades 4, 5, or 6 are not covered use of Fuel Oil from April through September and in operations
by this specification. year round where larger storage tanks (>1000 gal) are in use
and appropriate consideration has been given to operating
5. Detailed Requirements conditions as described in X2.1.2.
5.1 The various grades of fuel oil shall conform to the Table 2 lists 10th percentile ambient temperatures as
limiting requirements shown in Table 1. A representative guidance for smaller Fuel Oil storage conditions (<1000 gal in
sample shall be taken for testing in accordance with Practice outside or unheated storage) in the United States (see X2.1.3,
D4057. Current Practices). Appropriate low temperature operability
properties should be agreed upon between the fuel supplier and
5.2 Modifications of limiting requirements to meet special purchaser for the intended use and expected ambient tempera-
operating conditions agreed upon between the purchaser, the tures. The 10th percentile ambient temperatures are divided by
seller, and the supplier shall fall within limits specified for each month (October through March) and by state or by specific
grade, except as stated in supplementary footnotes for Table 1. portion of a state. Smaller storage containers are commonly
used and stored outside in home heating oil applications (275
6. Sampling, Containers, and Sample Handling gal and 550 gal outside storage tanks are typical).
6.1 The reader is strongly advised to review all intended test The low temperature recommendations discussed in
methods prior to sampling in order to understand the impor- X2.1.3 may be met by Test Method D2500 Cloud Point (or an
tance and effects of sampling technique, proper containers, and approved alternate test method) or by Test Method D97 Pour
special handling required for each test method. Point (or an approved alternate test method). If Pour Point is
6.2 Correct sampling procedures are critical to obtaining a used then the difference between the Cloud Point and the Low
sample representative of the fuel oil to be tested. Refer to X1.4 Temperature guidance found in Table 2 should not exceed
for recommendations. The recommended procedures or prac- 10 °C.
tices provide techniques useful in the proper sampling or 7.1.3 Water and Sediment—The water and sediment in
handling of fuels oils. Grade No. 1 S500, No. 1 S5000, No. 2 S500, and No. 2 S5000
shall be determined in accordance with Test Method D2709
7. Test Methods and in Grade Nos. 4, 5, and 6 by Test Method D95 and Test
Method D473. A density of 1.0 kg ⁄L shall be used for the Test
7.1 The requirements enumerated in this specification shall Method D95 water.
be determined in accordance with the following ASTM test 7.1.4 Carbon Residue—Test Method D524.
methods,5 except as may be required under 7.1.1. 7.1.5 Ash—Test Method D482.
7.1.1 Flash Point—Test Method D93 (Procedure A) for 7.1.6 Distillation—Distillation of Grade No. 1 and No. 2
Grades No. 1 S5000, No. 1 S500, No. 2 S5000, No. 2 S500, oils shall be determined in accordance with Test Methods D86
and No. 4 (Light), and Test Method D93 (Procedure B) for or D2887.6 Results from Test Method D2887 shall be reported
Grades No. 4, No. 5 (Light), No. 5 (Heavy), and No. 6, except as “Predicted D86” results by application of the correlation in
where other methods are prescribed by law. For Grades No. 1 Appendix X5 Test Method D2887 to convert the values. In case
S5000, No. 1 S500, No. 2 S5000, No. 2 S500, and No. 4 of dispute, Test Method D86 shall be used as the referee test
(Light), Test Methods D3828 and D7094 may be used as an method.
alternative with the same limits. For Grades No. 1, No. 1 Low 7.1.7 Viscosity—Viscosity shall be determined in accor-
Sulfur, No. 2, and No. 2 Low Sulfur, Test Method D56 may be dance with Test Method D445. Bias-corrected values from Test
used as an alternative with the same limits, provided the flash Method D7042 may be used as alternative results for Test
point is below 93 °C and the viscosity is below 5.5 mm2 /s at Method D445 on Grades No. 1 and No. 2 with the same limits.
40 °C. This test method will give slightly lower values. In Section 15 of Test Method D7042 contains bias-correction
cases of dispute, Test Method D93, with the appropriate information. In case of dispute, Test Method D445 shall be
procedure, shall be used as the referee method. used as the referee method.
7.1.2 Pour Point—Test Method D97. For all grades, the 7.1.8 Density—Test Method D1298. Test Method D4052
automatic Test Methods D5949, D5950, D5985, D6749, can be used as an alternate with the same limits. In case of
D6892, and D7346 may be used as alternates with the same dispute, Test Method D1298 shall be used as the referee
limits. In case of dispute, Test Method D97 shall be used as the method.
referee method. Alternative test methods that indicate flow 7.1.9 Corrosion—Test Method D130, 3-h test at a minimum
point properties can be used for low sulfur residual fuels by control temperature of 50°C.
agreement between purchaser and supplier. 7.1.10 Sulfur—Test Method D2622. See Table 3 for alter-
nate test methods for sulfur, the range over which each applies,
and the corresponding fuel grades.
For information on the precision of the ASTM test methods for fuel oils refer
to “An Evaluation of Methods for Determination of Sulfur in Fuel Oils” by A. R.
Crawford, Esso Mathematics and Systems Inc. and G. V. Dyroff, Esso Research and
Engineering Co., 1969. This document is available from the Publications Section, Supporting data have been filed at ASTM International Headquarters and may
API Library, American Petroleum Institute, 1220 L St., NW, Washington, DC 20005. be obtained by requesting Research Report RR:D02-1553.
D396 − 15c
TABLE 2 Tenth Percentile Minimum Ambient Air Temperatures in °C for the United States (except Hawaii)
State Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. March
Alabama 4 −3 −6 −7 −3 −2
Northern −25 −37 −45 −49 −47 −43
Southern −11 −13 −18 −32 −32 −29
South East −4 −11 −16 −19 −13 −12
North 34° latitude −4 −12 −14 −17 −16 −12
South 34° latitude 7 0 −2 −4 −3 −1
Arkansas 2 −4 −7 −11 −7 −3
North Coast 3 0 −2 −2 −1 −1
Interior 2 −3 −4 −7 −6 −6
South Coast 6 2 0 −1 0 2
Southeast 1 −6 −8 −11 −7 −5
East 105° long −2 −12 −14 −19 −15 −12
West 105° long −8 −18 −25 −30 −24 −16
Connecticut −1 −7 −16 −17 −16 −9
Delaware 2 −3 −10 −11 −10 −6
North 29° latitude 7 1 −2 −3 −1 2
South 29° latitude 14 7 3 3 5 7
Georgia 3 −2 −6 −7 −6 −2
Idaho −4 −13 −18 −21 −18 −13
North 40° latitude −1 −9 −19 −21 −18 −11
South 40° latitude 1 −7 −16 −17 −15 −8
Indiana −1 −7 −16 −18 −16 −9
Iowa −2 −13 −23 −26 −22 −16
Kansas −2 −11 −15 −19 −14 −13
Kentucky 1 −6 −13 −14 −11 −6
Louisiana 5 −1 −3 −4 −2 1
Maine −3 −10 −23 −26 −26 −18
Maryland 2 −3 −10 −12 −10 −4
Massachusetts −2 −7 −16 −18 −17 −10
Michigan −2 −11 −20 −23 −23 −18
Minnesota −4 −18 −30 −34 −31 −24
Mississippi 3 −3 −6 −6 −4 −1
Missouri 1 −7 −14 −16 −13 −8
Montana −7 −18 −24 −30 −24 −21
Nebraska −3 −13 −18 −22 −19 −13
North 38° latitude −7 −14 −18 −22 −18 −13
South 38° latitude 8 0 −3 −4 −2 1
New Hampshire −3 −8 −18 −21 −21 −12
New Jersey 2 −3 −11 −12 −11 −6
New Mexico
North 34° latitude −2 −11 −14 −17 −14 −11
South 34° latitude 4 −4 −8 −11 −7 −3
New York
North 42° latitude −3 −8 −21 −24 −24 −16
South 42° latitude −1 −5 −14 −16 −15 −9
North Carolina −1 −7 −10 −11 −9 −5
North Dakota −4 −20 −27 −31 −29 −22
Ohio −1 −7 −16 −17 −15 −9
Oklahoma 1 −8 −12 −13 −8 −7
East 122° long −6 −11 −14 −19 −14 −9
West 122° long 0 −4 −5 −7 −4 −3
North 41° latitude −3 −8 −19 −20 −21 −15
South 41° latitude 0 −6 −13 −14 −14 −8
Rhode Island 1 −3 −12 −13 −13 −7
South Carolina 5 −1 −5 −5 −3 −2
South Dakota −4 −14 −24 −27 −24 −18
Tennessee 1 −5 −9 −11 −9 −4
North 31° latitude 3 −6 −9 −13 −9 −7
South 31° latitude 9 2 −2 −3 −1 2
Utah −2 −11 −14 −18 −14 −8
Vermont −3 −8 −20 −23 −24 −15
Virginia 2 −3 −9 −11 −9 −4
East 122° long −2 −8 −11 −18 −11 −8
West 122° long 0 −3 −3 −7 −4 −3
D396 − 15c
TABLE 2 Continued
State Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. March
West Virginia −3 −8 −15 −16 −14 −9
Wisconsin −3 −14 −24 −28 −24 −18
Wyoming −4 −15 −18 −26 −19 −16
8. Keywords
8.1 biodiesel; biodiesel blend; burner fuels; fuel oils; fur-
nace oils; petroleum and petroleum products
(Nonmandatory Information)
X1.1 Scope X1.3.2 Grades No. 2 S5000 and No. 2 S500 are middle
X1.1.1 This specification divides fuel oils into grades based distillates somewhat heavier than grades No. 1 S5000 and
upon the types of burners for which they are suitable. It places No. 1 S500. They are intended for use in atomizing type
limiting values on several of the properties of the oils in each burners which spray the oil into a combustion chamber where
grade. The properties selected for limitation are those that are the tiny droplets burn while in suspension. These grades of oil
believed to be of the greatest significance in determining the are used in most domestic burners and in many medium
performance characteristics of the oils in the types of burners capacity commercial-industrial burners where ease of handling
in which they are most commonly used. and ready availability sometimes justify higher cost over the
residual fuels. The low sulfur grade S500 may be specified by
X1.2 Classes federal, state, or local regulations and can result in reduced
X1.2.1 Because of the methods employed in their deposits on ferrous heat exchanger surfaces compared to Grade
production, fuel oils fall into two broad classifications: distil- No. 2 S5000 when burned under similar conditions.
lates and residuals. The distillates consist of overhead or X1.3.3 Grades B6–B20 S5000 and B6–B20 S500 are middle
distilled fractions. The residuals are bottoms remaining from distillate/biodiesel blends intended for use in atomizing type
the distillation, or blends of these bottoms with distillates. In burners that spray the oil into a combustion chamber where the
this specification, Grades No. 1 and No. 2 are distillates and the tiny droplets burn while in suspension. These grades of oil are
grades from No. 4 to No. 6 are usually residual, although some
intended for use in most domestic burners and in many medium
heavy distillates can be sold as Grade No. 4.
capacity commercial-industrial burners, where ease of han-
dling and ready availability sometimes justify higher cost over
X1.3 Grades
residual fuels. The low sulfur grade S500 may be specified by
X1.3.1 Grades No. 1 S5000 and No. 1 S500 are middle federal, state, or local regulations and can result in reduced
distillates intended for use in burners of the vaporizing type in deposits on ferrous heat exchanger surfaces compared to Grade
which the oil is converted to a vapor by contact with a heated No. 2 S5000 when burned under similar conditions.
surface or by radiation. High volatility is necessary to ensure
that evaporation proceeds with a minimum of residue. The low X1.3.4 Grade No. 4 (Light) is a heavy distillate fuel or
sulfur grade S500 may be specified by federal, state, or local distillate/residual fuel blend meeting the specification viscosity
regulations and can result in reduced deposits on ferrous heat range. It is intended for use both in pressure-atomizing
exchanger surfaces compared to Grade No. 1 S5000 when commercial-industrial burners not requiring higher cost distil-
burned under similar conditions. lates and in burners equipped to atomize oils of higher
D396 − 15c
viscosity. Its permissible viscosity range allows it to be X1.4.2.3 For volatility determination of a sample, refer to
pumped and atomized at relatively low-storage temperatures. Practice D5842 for special precautions recommended for
X1.3.5 Grade No. 4 is usually a heavy distillate/residual representative sampling and handling instructions.
fuel blend but can be a heavy distillate fuel meeting the X1.5 Significance of Test Methods
specification viscosity range. It is intended for use in burners
equipped with devices that atomize oils of higher viscosity than X1.5.1 The significance of the properties of fuel oil on
domestic burners can handle. Its permissible viscosity range which limitations are placed by the specification is as follows:
allows it to be pumped and atomized at relatively low storage X1.5.1.1 Flash Point—The flash point of a fuel oil is an
temperatures. Thus, in all but extremely cold weather it indication of the maximum temperature at which it can be
requires no preheating for handling. stored and handled without serious fire hazard. The minimum
permissible flash point is usually regulated by federal, state, or
X1.3.6 Grade No. 5 (Light) is residual fuel of intermediate municipal laws and is based on accepted practice in handling
viscosity for burners capable of handling fuel more viscous and use.
than grade No. 4 without preheating. Preheating may be X1.5.1.2 Reduced Temperature Properties—The fuel’s
necessary in some types of equipment for burning and in colder cloud and pour points are good measures for determining low
climates for handling. temperature operability with a batch of fuel oil. It is especially
X1.3.7 Grade No. 5 (Heavy) is a residual fuel more viscous important to consider these fuel properties if the heating oil
than Grade No. 5 (Light) and is intended for use in similar will be subjected to low ambient temperatures at time of use.
service. Preheating may be necessary in some types of equip- Fuel temperatures can fluctuate markedly in small, residential,
ment for burning and in colder climates for handling. outdoor, above ground tanks compared with indoor, basement
tanks, or underground tanks. A decrease or stoppage of fuel
X1.3.8 Grade No. 6, sometimes referred to as Bunker C, is flow can occur in small transfer lines used for residential
a high-viscosity oil used mostly in commercial and industrial heating applications because the fuel line temperature will
heating. It requires preheating in the storage tank to permit fluctuate with ambient temperature faster than will bulk tank
pumping, and additional preheating at the burner to permit contents. Fuel oils purchased during the summer, but not used
atomizing. The extra equipment and maintenance required to until the cold heating season arrives, can be a serious source of
handle this fuel usually preclude its use in small installations. problems. This is because when these fuels are produced they
X1.3.9 Residual fuel oil supplied to meet regulations requir- are intended for use during the warm season and thus typically
ing low sulfur content can differ from the grade previously have higher cloud and pour points than fuels produced for use
supplied. It may be lower in viscosity (and fall into a different during the cold season. Fuels can be produced for use at low
grade number). If it must be fluid at a given temperature, Test temperatures with lower cloud and pour points by blending
Method D97 need not accurately reflect the pour point which with low paraffin fuels, such as kerosine or No. 1 fuel, and
can be expected after a period of storage. It is suggested that additives, or a combination thereof, to improve low tempera-
the purchaser and supplier discuss the proper handling and ture operability. The key to effective treatment is routine
operating techniques for a given low-sulfur residual fuel oil in monitoring of incoming and stored fuels, and testing of the
the installation where it is to be used. treated fuels. Although this specification only sets maximum
limits for the pour point, the recommendations for cloud point
X1.4 Sampling, Containers, and Sample Handling of distillate fuels in Specification D975 may be applied to
heating fuels under extreme cold conditions. Some pipeline
X1.4.1 Introduction—This appendix section provides guid-
companies or local specifications have included requirements
ance on methods and techniques for the proper sampling of fuel
for both cloud and pour points for certain grades of fuel oil.
oils. As fuel oil specifications become more stringent, and
(1) Pour Point—The pour point is an indication of the
contaminants and impurities become more tightly controlled,
lowest temperature at which a fuel oil is capable of flowing
even greater care needs to be taken in collecting and storing
under very low forces. The pour point is prescribed in
samples for quality assessment.
accordance with the conditions of storage and use. Higher pour
X1.4.2 Sampling, Containers, and Sample Handling Rec- point fuels are permissible where heated storage and adequate
ommendations: piping facilities are provided. An increase in pour point can
X1.4.2.1 Appropriate manual method sampling procedures occur when residual fuel oils are subjected to cyclic tempera-
found in Practice D4057, and automatic method sampling is ture variations that can occur in the course of storage or when
covered in Practice D4177. the fuel is preheated and returned to storage tanks.
X1.4.2.2 The correct sample volume and appropriate con- (2) Cloud Point (Test Method D2500)—The cloud point
tainer selection are important decisions that can impact test defines the temperature at which a cloud or haze of wax
results. Refer to Practice D4306 for aviation fuel container crystals appears in the oil under prescribed test conditions
selection for tests sensitive to trace contamination. Refer to which generally relates to the temperature at which wax
Practice D5854 for procedures on container selection and crystals begin to precipitate from the oil in use. It is generally
sample mixing and handling. observed that cloud point temperature of a fuel oil is higher
D396 − 15c
than its pour point by several degrees Celsius. Fuel oils stored heavier grades of industrial and bunker fuel oils, viscosity is of
at, or below, their cloud point temperature can have suspended major importance, so that adequate preheating facilities can be
wax crystals that may cause operability problems due to provided to permit them to be pumped to the burner and to
plugging. Examples are when fuels are pumped through small provide good atomization. However, it is equally important
openings or passageways, that is, oil-line filters, burner that the maximum viscosity under the existing conditions be
nozzles, and pump strainers. The plugging is reversible when such that the oil can be pumped satisfactorily from the storage
the fuel is warmed. tank to the preheater.
X1.5.1.3 Water and Sediment—Appreciable amounts of wa- X1.5.1.8 Density—Density alone is of little significance as
ter and sediment in a fuel oil tend to cause fouling of facilities an indication of the burning characteristics of fuel oil.
for handling it, and to give trouble in burner mechanisms. However, when used in conjunction with other properties, it is
Sediment may accumulate in storage tanks and on filter screens of value in mass-volume relationships and in calculating the
or burner parts, resulting in obstruction to flow of oil from the specific energy (heating value) of an oil.
tank to the burner. Water in distillate fuels can cause corrosion X1.5.1.9 Corrosion—The corrosion test serves to indicate
of tanks and equipment and it can cause emulsions in residual the presence or absence of materials that could corrode copper,
fuels. brass, and bronze components of the fuel system. This property
X1.5.1.4 Carbon Residue—The carbon residue of a fuel is a is specified only for Nos. 1 and 2 distillate fuel oils.
measure of the carbonaceous material left after all the volatile X1.5.1.10 Limited sulfur content of fuel oil can be required
components are vaporized in the absence of air. It is a rough for special uses in connection with heat treatment, nonferrous
approximation of the tendency of a fuel to form deposits in metal, glass, and ceramic furnaces or to meet federal, state, or
vaporizing burners, such as pot-type and sleeve-type burners, local legislation or regulations.
where the fuel is vaporized in an air-deficient atmosphere. X1.5.1.11 Nitrogen—Nitrogen oxide emission regulations
X1. To obtain measurable values of carbon residue in have been imposed on certain combustion facilities as a
the lighter distillate fuel oils, it is necessary to distill the oil to function of fuel nitrogen content. For purposes of these
remove 90 % of it in accordance with Section 9 of Test Method regulations, distillate fuels, low nitrogen residual fuels, and
D524, and then determine the carbon residue concentrated in high nitrogen residual fuels have been defined by their nitrogen
the remaining 10 % bottoms. content. Installations are required to meet different emission
X1.5.1.5 Ash—The amount of ash is the quantity of non- standards according to the classification of the fuel being used.
combustible material in an oil. Excessive amounts can indicate When regulations require such a distinction to be made, fuel
the presence of materials that cause high wear of burner pumps nitrogen specifications can be needed in the contractual agree-
and valves, and contribute to deposits on boiler heating ment between the purchaser and the supplier.
surfaces. X1.5.1.12 Acid Number—The acid number is used to deter-
X1.5.1.6 Distillation—The distillation test shows the vola- mine the concentration of acids (such as free fatty acids or
tility of a fuel and the ease with which it can be vaporized. The processing acids) that can be present in the biodiesel or fuel oil
test is of greater significance for oils that are to be burned in when produced, and acids which form upon aging. Biodiesel
vaporizing type burners than for the atomizing type. For blends with an acid number outside the specification have been
example, the maximum 10 % and 90 % distilled temperatures shown to increase fuel system deposits and can increase the
are specified for grade No. 1 fuel. The limiting 10 % value likelihood for corrosion.
ensures easy starting in vaporizing type burners and the 90 % X1.5.1.13 Oxidation Stability—Fuel oxidation can cause
limit excludes heavier fractions that would be difficult to fuel system deposits and lead to filter clogging and fuel system
vaporize. malfunctions. Existing data7 indicates the oxidation stability of
(1) The limits specified for grade No. 2 heating oil define a B6 to B20 fuel oil blends as determined by Test Method
product that is acceptable for burners of the atomizing type in EN 15751 should be over 6 h if the oxidation stability of the
household heating installations. Distillation limits are not Specification D6751 biodiesel is 3 h or higher at the time of
specified for fuel oils of grades Nos. 4, 5, and 6. blending the fuel oil.
X1.5.1.7 Viscosity Limits for Grades Nos. 1 and 2—The
viscosity of an oil is a measure of its resistance to flow. In fuel X1.6 Other
oil it is highly significant since it indicates both the relative X1.6.1 Microbial Contamination—Refer to Guide D6469
ease with which the oil will flow or can be pumped, and the for a discussion of this form of contamination.
ease of atomization.
(1) Viscosity limits for No. 1 and No. 2 grades are specified 7
McCormick, R. L., and Westbrook, S. R., “Empirical Study of the Stability of
to help maintain uniform fuel flow in appliances with gravity
Biodiesel and Biodiesel Blends, Milestone Report,” NREL/TP-540-41619, National
flow, and to provide satisfactory atomization and constant flow Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden, Colorado, May 2007, http://www.nrel.gov/
rate through the small nozzles of household burners. For the docs/fy07osti/41619.pdf.
D396 − 15c
X2.1 Introduction X2.1.2.7 Types of operation. (Fuel turn over rate, continu-
X2.1.1 The tenth percentile minimum ambient air tempera- ous operation, or unusual operation.)
tures shown in Table 2 were derived from an analysis of X2.1.2.8 Low temperature flow improver additives in fuel.
historical hourly temperature readings recorded over a period X2.1.2.9 Geographic area for fuel use.
of 15 to 21 years from 345 weather stations in the United X2.1.2.10 General housekeeping. (Dirt or water, or both, in
States. This study8 as conducted by the U.S. Army Mobility fuel or fuel supply system.)
Equipment Research and Development Center (USAMERDC), X2.1.2.11 Consequences of failure to start or operate. (Criti-
Coating and Chemical Laboratory, Aberdeen Proving Ground, cal vs. non-critical application.)
MD 21005. The tenth percentile minimum ambient air tem- X2.1.2.12 Fuel tank location.
perature is defined as the lowest ambient air temperature which X2.1.3 Current Practices—It is recognized that fuel
will not go lower on average more than 10 % of the time. In distributors, producers, and end users commonly use pour point
other words, the daily minimum ambient air temperature would to estimate low temperature operation and handling limits for
on average not be expected to go below the monthly tenth fuel oil. No independent data has been published in recent
percentile minimum ambient air temperature more than 3 days years to determine test applicability for today’s fuel oils. It is
for a 30-day month. See Table 2. also well known that smaller volumes will cool down faster
X2.1.2 These data can be used to estimate low temperature under outside storage conditions making the 275 gal and 550
operation and handling requirements for fuel oil/heating oil gal storage tanks commonly used in home heating oil applica-
systems. In establishing low temperature requirements, consid- tions more susceptible to wax precipitation and fuel gelling.
eration should be given to the following. These factors, or any Colder than normal temperatures and extended periods of
combination, can make low temperature operations more or normal low temperatures significantly increase the chances for
less severe than normal. Pour point is a directional indicator of field problems even in the larger terminal and distributor tanks.
low temperature mobility of fuel, but, due to the nature of the The addition of biodiesel can also affect cold flow properties,
lab test, fuel stored at or above the Pour Point for extended with the impacts on No. 1 type fuels being more pronounced.
periods can gel and prevent flow to the fuel oil burner with or See Specification D6751, Appendix X3, Low Temperature
without cold flow additives. Operability of Biodiesel Blends for additional information.
X2.1.2.1 Long term weather patterns. (Average winter low X2.1.4 Pour Point and Cloud Point—Cloud Point may be
temperatures will be exceeded on occasion.) used to meet the low temperature recommendations, or Pour
X2.1.2.2 Short term local weather conditions. (Unusual cold Point may be used as long as the Cloud Point was not more
periods do occur.) than 10 °C above the low temperature recommendation from
X2.1.2.3 Elevation. (High locations are usually colder than Table 2. For example, if the low temperature guidance in
surrounding lower areas.) January is −24 °C, then the Pour Point could be −24 °C or
X2.1.2.4 Fuel delivery system design. (Fuel delivery line lower as long as the Cloud Point did not exceed −14 °C. The
diameter, filter location, filter capacity, filter porosity, and so reason for this guidance is that at 10 °C below the Cloud Point
forth.) of a fuel between 2 % and 3 % wax is out of solution in a
X2.1.2.5 Fuel viscosity at low temperatures. typical United States fuel and it is quite manageable. 3 % wax
X2.1.2.6 Equipment add-ons (that is, fuel line and fuel filter out of solution appears to be a critical limit for most filterability
heaters). tests. Higher levels of wax have been found to overwhelm
filters and produce less reliable results in laboratory test results
Doner, John P., “A Predictive Study for Defining Limiting Temperatures and which is why general confidence limits of 10 °C below Cloud
Their Application in Petroleum Product Specifications,” CCL Report No. 316. Point are placed upon those tests.
D396 − 15c
X3.1 The purpose of this appendix is to provide some to properly measure required parameters.
general guidance from Subcommittee D02.E0 on evaluation of
new materials or blends containing new materials intended to X3.6 Because the composition and properties of new fuels
meet Specification D396, Grades No. 1 and No. 2 type fuel may vary, the particular path to a specification for a new fuel
oils. may vary. Some current alternative fuels are similar to tradi-
tional petroleum-refined diesel fuel while others are chemically
X3.2 ASTM International is an organization made up of and physically different. Future fuels may vary even more.
volunteers and open to all stakeholders and interested entities
X3.7 Three areas for consideration when reviewing new
including users of fuels, producers of fuels, and general
fuels’ alignment with existing standards or developing new
interests, including members of the public, and governmental
standards are: test methods, chemical and physical limitations
and nongovernmental organizations. Technical committees and
of fuels in existing specifications, and chemical and physical
subcommittees of ASTM International do not certify, approve,
limitations appropriate for new fuels. The test methods that
reject, or endorse specific fuels. Rather, ASTM International
have been developed for existing burner fuels may or may not
Committee D02 on Petroleum Products, Liquid Fuels, and
be appropriate for a new fuel. Guidance on materials used to
Lubricants and its Subcommittee D02.E0 on Burner, Diesel,
develop a test method, and its applicability, can generally be
Non-Aviation Gas Turbine, and Marine Fuels develop fuel
found in a test method’s scope and precision statements. The
specifications and with other subcommittees, test methods for
test method may also work for other materials.
diesel fuels. These fuel specifications and test methods provide
minimum requirements for properties of fuels covered by these X3.8 Applicability of the test method to materials outside its
documents in commerce and address the concerns of scope may be established by the subcommittee responsible for
stakeholders, including that fuels perform appropriately in the the method. Also, Subcommittee D02.E0, during the specifi-
specified application. cation development process, may determine that a test method
is applicable for specification purposes, even if the material is
X3.3 Historically, fuel oil has been hydrocarbon molecules not in the test method’s scope. Chemical and physical limits set
refined from petroleum. As a result, Specification D396 has in existing standards may or may not be appropriate to the new
evolved to define performance requirements (and tests to fuel or components. The new material may also require
determine if those requirements were met) for fuel oils chemical or physical limits that are not appropriate to fuels in
composed of conventional hydrocarbon oils refined from existing standards. These along with other considerations may
petroleum. Because the specification evolved to describe this indicate the need for separate new specifications. Although
type of fuel, some of the properties necessary for use in each case will require a separate evaluation, logic suggests that
conventional burners which are inherent in petroleum derived the fewer chemical and physical differences there are between
oils may not be addressed in Specification D396. the new fuel and traditional petroleum-based fuel oils, the
fewer differences in test methods and chemical or physical
X3.4 Specification D396, however, does not require that
limits will be needed.
fuels be derived from petroleum. Subection 4.1 reads, “The
grades of fuel oil herein specified shall be hydrocarbon oils, X3.9 If the proponent of the new fuel desires to move
except as provided in 4.3, free from inorganic acid, and free forward via the consensus process as described by ASTM
from excessive amounts of solid or fibrous foreign matter. The bylaws and as implemented in Committee D02, then the
inclusion of additives to enhance performance properties, if proponent or a task force including the fuel manufacturer or
required, is allowed.” Subsection 4.3 provides a path to include proponent will bring forward ballot revisions to Specification
other fuels and blendstocks found by the Subcommittee to be D396 or a new specification appropriate for use of the new fuel
appropriate for inclusion in Specification D396. To date, this or blendstock. Because D02 specifications are established
path has been used by biodiesel, which is not refined from based on technical data, such data should exist before the
petroleum and is not hydrocarbon oil. specification process moves forward. If such data does not
exist, it needs to be developed.
X3.5 It should be noted that fuel specifications other than
Specification D396 have been and are being developed for fuel X3.10 This guidance is not all-encompassing and cannot
oils used in burners. Specification D6751 sets specifications for replace the judgment and process of a task force and subcom-
alkyl esters of fatty acids (B100) to be used as a blend stock. mittee charged with evaluating a new fuel or blendstock.
Other new specifications are currently under development. However it may give some guidance to proponents or fuel
Some new materials may require new standard specifications if manufacturers who are considering participation in ASTM
they are significantly different than current fuel oils and require Committee D02 and its subcommittees to promote the inclu-
different parameters to be controlled or different test methods sion of their new fuel or blendstock in ASTM standards.
D396 − 15c
Subcommittee D02.E0 has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last issue
(D396 – 15b) that may impact the use of this standard. (Approved Oct. 1, 2015.)
(1) Added new subsections X1.3.3, X1.5.1.12, and X1.5.1.13. (3) Added Test Method D7861 to Section 2 and to subsection
(2) Revised subsection X2.1.3. 4.3.5.
Subcommittee D02.E0 has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last issue
(D396 – 15a) that may impact the use of this standard. (Approved June 1, 2015.)
Subcommittee D02.E0 has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last issue
(D396 – 15) that may impact the use of this standard. (Approved March 1, 2015.)
(1) Added Test Method D664, Test Method D7371, and Prac- (4) Revised Table 1 to add B6–B20 S500 and B6–B20 S5000
tice E29 to Section 2. columns.
(2) Added EN 15751 to subsection 2.2.
(3) Added new subsections 1.1.2, 4.3.2, and 4.3.4; revised
subsections 4.3.5 and 4.3.6.
Subcommittee D02.E0 has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last issue
(D396 – 14a) that may impact the use of this standard. (Approved Jan. 1, 2015.)
(1) Added new Discussion to 3.1.3. (2) Added new Appendix X3.
Subcommittee D02.E0 has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last issue
(D396 – 14) that may impact the use of this standard. (Approved Oct. 1, 2014.)
Subcommittee D02.E0 has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last issue
(D396 – 13c) that may impact the use of this standard. (Approved May 15, 2014.)
(1) Added new definition 3.1.3, hydrocarbon oil. (2) Revised 4.1 and added new Note 4.
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This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.
This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
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