B Tech 2019 QB.docx
B Tech 2019 QB.docx
B Tech 2019 QB.docx
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EET304 Power System II Question bank 2024-25
8 Explain Fast Decoupled method. CO2 (3)
9 What is meant by acceleration factor in load flow solution .Why it CO2 (3)
is used and what is its range in G-s method.
10 Obtain Zbus for a 4 bus system, where line details are given in tables CO2 (3)
below. Take bus 1 as reference bus.
Line Bus code Impedance (Ω)
1 1-2 0.6
2 1-3 0.5
3 3-4 0.5
4 1-4 0.2
1 Define stability and explain its types? K2 CO3 (3)
2 Discuss the transient stability. K2 CO3 (3)
3 What is constant of Inertia? K2 CO3 (3)
4 List the types of power system stability K1 CO3 (3)
5 Give the simplified power angle equation and the expression for K1 CO3 (3)
Pmax .Also draw the power angle curve.
6 Define swing curve. What is its use? K2 CO3 (3)
7 Define critical clearing time, critical clearing angle and equal area K2 CO3 (3)
8 Write short notes about equal area criteria. K2 CO3 (3)
9 Explain SCADA systems K2 CO3 (3)
10 What is Sub synchronous Resonance? K2 CO3 (3)
1 What do you mean by load frequency control? K2 CO4 (3)
2 Discuss the basic role of ALFC. K2 CO4 (3)
3 Discuss the basic role of AVR K2 CO4 (3)
4 Explain function of ACE K2 CO4 (3)
5 Write a note on control area concept. K2 CO4 (3)
6 What is PI control? K2 CO4 (3)
7 What are the assumptions made for obtaining the block diagram of K2 CO4 (3)
single area load frequency control
8 Draw block diagram representation of speed governor model and K1 CO4 (3)
9 Draw block diagram representation of turbine model and explain. K1 CO4 (3)
10 Draw block diagram representation of generator load model and K1 CO4 (3)
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EET304 Power System II Question bank 2024-25
1 What do you mean by Economic Load Dispatch? K2 CO5 (3)
2 What are the system constraints related to economic load dispatch K2 CO5 (3)
3 Define the penalty factor of a thermal plant. K2 CO5 (3)
4 Distinguish between input-output curve,heat rate curve and K2 CO5 (3)
incremental fuel cost curve?
5 What do you mean by spinning reserve? Why the spinning reserve K2 CO5 (3)
must be maintained.
6 What are B- coefficients? K2 CO5 (3)
7 What are transmission loss coefficients? K2 CO5 (3)
8 Discuss the main constrains in the unit commitment. K2 CO5 (3)
9 What is “Unit Commitment” problem? K2 CO5 (3)
10 Distinguish between Economic Dispatch and Unit Commitment K2 CO5 (3)
Each FULL question carries 14 marks
1 Draw the reactance diagram for the power system network shown K3 CO1 (14)
below. Neglect the resistance and use a base of 100MVA, 220kV in
50Ω line. The ratings of the generator, motor and transformer are
given below,
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EET304 Power System II Question bank 2024-25
Draw the reactance diagram using a base of 50 MVA and 13.8kV
on generator G1.
10 a) D raw the zero sequence, negative sequence and positive sequence K2 CO1 (8)
network of a generator grounded through a reactance
b) What are current limiting reactors and its location? K2 CO1 (6)
1 With flow chart explain load flow analysis by Gauss Seidel method K2 CO2 (14)
using YBW.
2 Explain the load flow analysis by Newton Raphson method with K2 CO2 (14)
neat flow chart?
3 a) The parameters of a 4 bus system are as under: K3 CO2 (7)
Bus code Line impedance charging admittance (pu)
1-2 0.2 + j 0.8 j 0.02
2-3 0.3 + j0.9 j 0.03
2-4 0.25 + j 0.1 j 0.04
3-4 0.2 + j 0.8 j 0.02
1-3 0.1 + j 0.4 j 0.01
Draw the network and find bus admittance matrix.
b) Fig shows a 4 bus system. The shunt admittance at all buses are K3 CO2 (7)
neglected. The line impedances are as under.
a) Assume that the line dotted (from bus1-3) is not present.
Formulate Ybus..
b) What modification need to be carried out in Ybus, if dotted line
is connected.(if the p.u impedance of the dotted line is
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EET304 Power System II Question bank 2024-25
4 A 3 bus system is shown in fig. the relevant p.u line admittance are K3 CO2 (14)
indicated in the diagram and bus data are given in table.
5 Drawthe flow chart algorithm for Newton Raphson load flow K2 CO2 (14)
method. Also compare Gauss Seidel and Newton Raphson methods
of load flow analysis.
6 The line admittance of a 4-bus system are as under: K3 CO2 (14)
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EET304 Power System II Question bank 2024-25
Form YBUS and compute the voltage at bus 2 at end of first
iteration using G-S method. Take =1.6
7 Describe the Newton-Raphson method for the solution of power K2 CO2 (14)
flow equations in power systems
8 For the system shown, obtain the power flow solution by Fast K3 CO2 (14)
Decoupled Load flow. The voltage at bus 1 is adjusted to 1.05 p.u.
Voltage magnitude at bus 3 is fixed at 1.04 p.u. with real power
generation of 200MW. A load consisting of 400MW and
250MVAR is taken from bus 2. Line impedances are marked in per
unit on a 100MVA base and line susceptances are neglected.
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EET304 Power System II Question bank 2024-25
4 Explain Point by Point method K2 CO3 (14)
5 Discuss the application of equal area criterion for the system K2 CO3 (14)
stability study when (i) a sudden change in mechanical input takes
place, and (ii) sudden loss of one of parallel line.
6 Derive an expression for critical clearing angle. K3 CO3 (14)
7 a) A 50Hz,4 pole turbo-generator rated 100MVA,11kV bus has an K3 CO3 (9)
inertia constant of 8MJ/MVA.
i) Find the stored energy in the rotor at synchronous speed.
ii) If the mechanical input is suddenly raised to 80MW for an
electrical load of 50MW,find rotor acceleration neglecting
mechanical and electrical losses
b) Discuss the methods to improve stability limits. K2 CO3 (5)
8 Explain RK method. K2 CO3 (14)
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EET304 Power System II Question bank 2024-25
1 Explain the equality and inequality constraints to operate power K2 CO3 (14)
system network.
2 Explain economic load dispatch neglecting losses. Draw the flow K2 CO3 (14)
chart for economic load dispatch neglecting losses?
3 Derive an expression for penalty factor method from coordination K3 CO3 (14)
equation related in economic load dispatching system
4 Assume that the fuel input in Btu/hr for unit 1 & 2 are given by K3 CO3 (14)
F1 = (8P1 + 0.024P12 + 80)106
F2 = (6 P2+ 0.04P22 +120)106
The maximum and minimum loads on the units are 100MW &
10MW respectively. Determine the minimum cost of generation
when the following load is supplied. The cost of fuel is Rs.2 per
million Btu.
5 Explain economic load dispatch considering transmission losses K2 CO3 (14)
Draw the flow chart for economic load dispatch considering losses?
6 The fuel input /hr of plant 1&2 are given as K3 CO3 (14)
F1 = 0.2P12 + 40P1 + 120 Rs/hr.
F2 = 0.25P22+ 30P2+150 Rs./hr.
Determine the economic operating schedule and the corresponding
cost of generation of the maximum and minimum loading on each
unit in 100MW and 25MW, the demand is 180MW and the
transmission losses are neglected. If the load is equally shared by
both units, determine the saving obtained by the loading, the unit as
per equal incremental production cost.
7 In a two bus system, if 100MW is transmitted from plant 1 to the K3 CO3 (14)
load in bus 2, a transmission loss of 10MW is incurred. Find the
required generation for each plant and the power received by load
when the system λ is Rs.25/MWh. The incremental fuel costs of the
two plants are given below.
8 What is the economic dispatch for three generator system for a load K3 CO3 (14)
demand of 1000MW.
IC1 = 0.01PG1 + 15 (Rs./MWH)
IC2= 0.02PG2 + 20 (Rs./MWH)
IC3 = 0.025PG3 + 18 (Rs./MWH)
0 < PG1< 300 MW
100 < PG2< 500 MW
200 < PG3< 600 MW
9 A two bus system is shown in figure. If a load of 120MW is K3 CO3 (14)
transmitted from plant 1 to a load a loss of 16.425MW is incurred.
Determine the optimal scheduling of plants and the load demand if
the cost of received power is Rs. 26/MWh.
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EET304 Power System II Question bank 2024-25
. The incremental production costs of the plants are
10 A power plant has 3 units with the following cost curves: K3 CO3 (14)
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EET304 Power System II Question bank 2024-25