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Wavewin Reference Guide

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P.O. BOX 40245
1-800-818-3463 · 215-922-6880
Copyright © 1991-2013 by Softstuf, Inc.
All rights reserved.
Printed in the United States of America.

Last Update: 09/01/2013


Wavewin is a registered trademark of Softstuf Incorporated.

Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
All other products and brand names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.
This document list all the fields and features available in the Wavewin software. The fields and features are
listed in alphabetical order.

This document is intended for use by individuals working in protection, engineering, and system operations.
Table of Contents
CHAPTER 1 ............................................................................................................................... 1
FIELDS & FEATURES.................................................................................................................. 1
Active Topic - Help........................................................................................................... 1
Adjust Files Time ............................................................................................................. 1
Align Channel Data .......................................................................................................... 1
Ametek TR*/DL*/PQR128 Driver ..................................................................................... 2
Analog Mark/Unmark All .................................................................................................. 2
Analog Table View ........................................................................................................... 2
Animated CAD- DXF ........................................................................................................ 3
Append Logs ................................................................................................................... 3
Append Open Files .......................................................................................................... 3
Append Waveform Files................................................................................................... 4
Ascending Sort ................................................................................................................ 4
ASCII Driver..................................................................................................................... 4
ASCII Editor ..................................................................................................................... 4
ASCII Event Files............................................................................................................. 5
ASCII Terminal Mode....................................................................................................... 5
AS Status Field ................................................................................................................ 5
AtFile ............................................................................................................................... 6
AtRec............................................................................................................................... 6
AtTab ............................................................................................................................... 6
Audio Wave Driver ........................................................................................................... 6
Auto Convert to Comtrade ............................................................................................... 6
Auto Detect Driver ........................................................................................................... 7
Auto Scaling .................................................................................................................... 7
Background Color ............................................................................................................ 8
Binary Event File.............................................................................................................. 8
Binary Terminal Mode ...................................................................................................... 8
BPRO Driver .................................................................................................................... 9
Calibration Report ............................................................................................................ 9
Change Device Configuration .......................................................................................... 9
Change Drive/Directory...................................................................................................10
Change DXF Files ..........................................................................................................10
Change Frequency .........................................................................................................11
Change Passwords .........................................................................................................11
Change Query Operators ................................................................................................12
Channel Background Color .............................................................................................12
Channel Information (On/Off) ..........................................................................................12
Clear Analog Colors ........................................................................................................12
Clear Query Area ............................................................................................................12
Combine Logs ................................................................................................................13
Combined View...............................................................................................................13
Comma Delimited Table Driver .......................................................................................13
ComName Properties .....................................................................................................13
ComName(s) Rename ....................................................................................................14
Company Column ...........................................................................................................14
Company Name (Save & Archive) ..................................................................................14
Complex Calculator ........................................................................................................15
Compress COMTRADE Files..........................................................................................15
COMTRADE Driver .........................................................................................................15
Condense Time ..............................................................................................................16
Copy/Cut/Paste Files ......................................................................................................16
Copy Device Records .....................................................................................................16
Copy Files.......................................................................................................................16
Copy Text .......................................................................................................................17
Create Directory..............................................................................................................17
Cut Text ..........................................................................................................................18
Cycle Hop .......................................................................................................................18
D&T ................................................................................................................................18
Data Bar .........................................................................................................................18
Decrease Amplitude .......................................................................................................19
Delete Devices ...............................................................................................................19
Delete Files.....................................................................................................................19
Delete Text .....................................................................................................................20
Delta X ............................................................................................................................20
Delta Y ............................................................................................................................20
Descending Sort .............................................................................................................20
Device Column ...............................................................................................................20
Device Field ....................................................................................................................21
DFR I II IIB & 2000 Driver ...............................................................................................21
Digital Mark/Unmark All ..................................................................................................21
Display Dialog .................................................................................................................21
Disturbance Report .........................................................................................................22
DLP1/DLP3 Driver ..........................................................................................................22
Double Ended Fault Location ..........................................................................................23
Double Quotes/Comma Delimited Table Driver...............................................................23
Drawing Properties .........................................................................................................24
Driver Column .................................................................................................................24
Driver Configuration Dialog .............................................................................................24
Driver Data Type.............................................................................................................25
Duplicate Cycles .............................................................................................................25
Duplicate Device Record ................................................................................................25
DXF Animated CAD ........................................................................................................27
DXF Control Dialog .........................................................................................................27
DXF Driver ......................................................................................................................27
Edit DAU-DEF ................................................................................................................28
Edit Device Record .........................................................................................................28
Email Files ......................................................................................................................29
EMAX Long Term Driver .................................................................................................30
Equal To (=) ....................................................................................................................30
Expand Time ..................................................................................................................30
Export .............................................................................................................................31
F-Type Column ...............................................................................................................31
Fault Bar .........................................................................................................................31
Fault Date Column ..........................................................................................................31
Fault Detector .................................................................................................................31
Fault Reference Time Bar ...............................................................................................32
Fault Time Column .........................................................................................................33
Faxtrax II (12-bit) & Director Driver .................................................................................33
File Name Column ..........................................................................................................33
Flip Marks .......................................................................................................................33
Folder Tree .....................................................................................................................34
FPRO Driver ...................................................................................................................34
Free ................................................................................................................................34
Fs ...................................................................................................................................34
Fst ..................................................................................................................................35
Fst-Change .....................................................................................................................35
FTP Connection ..............................................................................................................35
Function Keys .................................................................................................................36
Group Marked Analog Channels .....................................................................................36
Group Marked Rows .......................................................................................................36
Harmonics Table.............................................................................................................37
Harmonic Vectors ...........................................................................................................37
Help ................................................................................................................................37
Hexadecimal Editor .........................................................................................................38
Hexadecimal Driver ........................................................................................................38
Hide Mark(s) ...................................................................................................................38
Histogram .......................................................................................................................38
Horizontal Bars ...............................................................................................................39
HP-Dif .............................................................................................................................39
HPeak-Dn .......................................................................................................................39
HPeak-Up .......................................................................................................................40
IEEE Long File Naming Format ......................................................................................40
Import .............................................................................................................................40
Increase Amplitude .........................................................................................................40
InstPeak Column ............................................................................................................41
InstVal Column ...............................................................................................................41
IntelliRupter Driver ..........................................................................................................41
Latitude Field ..................................................................................................................41
Less Than (<) .................................................................................................................41
LP-Dif .............................................................................................................................42
LPRO Driver ...................................................................................................................42
Lst-Change .....................................................................................................................43
Mark All Rows .................................................................................................................43
Mark/Unmark All Channels .............................................................................................43
Mark/Unmark Row ..........................................................................................................44
Mark Change in Sign ......................................................................................................44
Mark Peak Values...........................................................................................................44
Mark Raw Values............................................................................................................44
Max X Pixels ...................................................................................................................45
Max Y Pixels ...................................................................................................................45
MaxPeak Column ...........................................................................................................45
MaxVal Column ..............................................................................................................45
MaxWin Column .............................................................................................................46
MDAR REL 301/302 Driver .............................................................................................46
Medium Display ..............................................................................................................46
Merge Open Files ...........................................................................................................46
Merge Waveform Files ....................................................................................................47
MinPeak Column ............................................................................................................47
MinVal Column ...............................................................................................................47
Move Files ......................................................................................................................48
Move RMS Bar to Reference Bar ....................................................................................48
Move Reference Bar to Data Bar ....................................................................................48
MrkSize ..........................................................................................................................49
Multiport Interrogation Display (MID)...............................................................................49
New Device Configuration ..............................................................................................49
New Device Record ........................................................................................................50
New Device Configuration ..............................................................................................50
New File .........................................................................................................................51
OneBit ............................................................................................................................51
Open All Marked Waveform Files ...................................................................................51
Open File ........................................................................................................................52
Optional Columns ...........................................................................................................52
Paste Device Records ....................................................................................................52
Paste Text ......................................................................................................................52
Path/Filename (No Ext.)..................................................................................................53
Phasor/Circular Chart Scale Multiplier (ASM) .................................................................53
PixsDisp Column ............................................................................................................53
Play Channels Audio ......................................................................................................54
Primary Values ...............................................................................................................54
Print All Data...................................................................................................................54
Print All Rows .................................................................................................................55
Print DXF File .................................................................................................................55
Printer Setup...................................................................................................................55
Print File .........................................................................................................................55
Query All Rows ...............................................................................................................55
Query Marked Rows .......................................................................................................56
Query Unmarked Rows...................................................................................................56
Recorded Channels ........................................................................................................56
Reference Bar ................................................................................................................57
Refresh ...........................................................................................................................57
RefVal Column ...............................................................................................................57
Rename File/Directory ....................................................................................................58
Reopen Waveform File ...................................................................................................58
Replay Plus Driver ..........................................................................................................58
Resize Columns..............................................................................................................58
Resize Sliding Window ...................................................................................................59
Restore Mark(s) ..............................................................................................................59
Restore Original ..............................................................................................................59
RFL 9300 Driver .............................................................................................................60
RMS Column ..................................................................................................................60
RMS Bar .........................................................................................................................60
Run .................................................................................................................................60
Sample Based Display ....................................................................................................61
Save & Archive Dialog ....................................................................................................61
Save As ..........................................................................................................................62
Save As COMTRADE (ASCII/Binary) .............................................................................62
Save As CSV Format ......................................................................................................63
Save As Text ..................................................................................................................63
Save Date Column..........................................................................................................63
Save Displayed Values (Default Format) ........................................................................64
Save Time Column .........................................................................................................64
Save User Views ............................................................................................................64
Secondary Values...........................................................................................................65
SEL Load Profile Driver ..................................................................................................65
SEL Relay Driver ............................................................................................................65
Select Lines/Views ..........................................................................................................66
Select User Views ...........................................................................................................66
Sequence Components Calculator .................................................................................67
Sequence of Events List .................................................................................................68
Sequence of Events Summary........................................................................................68
Set Drawing Properties ...................................................................................................69
Set Opening Frequency ..................................................................................................69
Set Sort Field ..................................................................................................................69
Shift Marks Down............................................................................................................70
Shift Marks Up ................................................................................................................70
Show/Hide Channel Titles ...............................................................................................70
Show All Digital Channels ...............................................................................................70
Show All Hidden .............................................................................................................71
Show Channel Information ..............................................................................................71
Single Ended Fault Location ...........................................................................................71
Size ................................................................................................................................72
Size Column ...................................................................................................................72
Size To Original Coordinates ..........................................................................................72
Size To Window ..............................................................................................................72
Software Analog Channels .............................................................................................73
Software Digital Channels ...............................................................................................73
Sort All Rows ..................................................................................................................74
Sort Field ........................................................................................................................74
Sort Marked Rows ..........................................................................................................74
SR745/489 Driver ...........................................................................................................75
Start Date Field ...............................................................................................................75
Start Time Field ..............................................................................................................75
Substation Field ..............................................................................................................75
Super Impose .................................................................................................................75
Sync Data Cursors..........................................................................................................76
System Files ...................................................................................................................76
Tab Delimited Table Driver .............................................................................................76
TCode Field ....................................................................................................................77
Tesla Driver ....................................................................................................................77
TCP/IP Client ..................................................................................................................77
Test Ports .......................................................................................................................78
Time Based Display ........................................................................................................78
TIS Driver .......................................................................................................................78
Total Harmonics Distortion ..............................................................................................78
TotFiles ...........................................................................................................................79
TotRecs ..........................................................................................................................79
TotTabs ..........................................................................................................................79
TPRO Driver ...................................................................................................................79
TPU/DPU/GPU Driver .....................................................................................................80
Trace Scale Multiplier (ASM) ..........................................................................................80
Transcan Driver ..............................................................................................................80
Trigger-Time ...................................................................................................................81
TrueRMS ........................................................................................................................81
Truncate Cycles ..............................................................................................................81
Type Column ..................................................................................................................81
Un/Mark Rows ................................................................................................................81
Unmark Marks ................................................................................................................82
View Mark(s)...................................................................................................................82
View Raw Data File ........................................................................................................82
Waveform Data ...............................................................................................................83
Waveform Summary .......................................................................................................83
Window Properties..........................................................................................................84
Zip Files ..........................................................................................................................85
Zooming .........................................................................................................................85
Zoom In ..........................................................................................................................85
Zoom Out........................................................................................................................85
Zoom X, Y Resolution Properties ....................................................................................86
Chapter 1 – Fields & Features

C H A P T E R 1

Fields & Features

This chapter describes all of the fields and features available in the software. They are listed alphabetically
for your convenience.


Location: All child windows

Description: Display the active window

window’s Help file.

Activation: Menu: Alt-H, T


Location: Analysis

Description: The Adjust Files Time allows for adjusting the time of the open file. To open the “Adjust
“ File
Time” dialog select the "Adjust Files Time" menu option under the "Data" menu. You can
specify to add or subtract a give
given time increment from the files current time. Enter the
desired time increment for the hour, minutes, seconds and millisecon
ds. If there is no
adjustment needed on a specific time field enter 0.

Activation: Menu: Alt-D, J

Comments: To always have the file's time automatically adjusted when a specific driver is used to open
a file check the "Adjust Open Time" check box. To show the file’s original date and time
click on the “Restore Original” button or select the “Restore Original Data”
D menu option
under the “Data” menu

See Also: Adjust Files Time in Chapter 1


Location: Analysis (Universal Viewer)
Description: The Align Channel Data option allows for aligning the channel data using the Thiran 3
Order All-Pass
Pass Fractional filter. To open the “Align Channel Data” dialog select the "Align
Channel Data" menu option under the "Channel" menu. Enter the phase shift for each
analog channel. If the filter does not apply to a specific analog channel, enter
e 0 or leave the
field blank.. Click the “Run Thiran Filter” to apply the filter.

Activation: Menu: Alt-C, T

Fields: Phase Shift: The phase shift angle for each analog channel.
A0: The Thiran A0 coefficient
ent for each analog channel.
A1: The Thiran A1 coefficient for each analog channel.
A2: The Thiran A2 coefficient for each analog channel.
A3: The Thiran A3 coefficient for each analog channel.
Always Apply: Always apply the filter when opening files for the active driver.
Chapter 1 – Fields & Features

Coefficients: Calculate coefficients at run or use the entered coefficients.


Options: Coefficients: Calculate the Thiran coefficients for each analog channel.
Calculate Coefficients
Run Thiran Filter: Run the Thiran filter.
Esc/Cancel: Exit the dialog without executing the command.

Comments: To always have the filter automatically applied when a specific driver is used to open a file
check the "Always Apply" check box. To show the file’s original date and time click on the
“Restore Original”
nal” button or select the “Restore Original Data” menu option under the
“Data” menu.

See Also: Align Channel Data in Chapter 1


Location: File Manager (Universal Viewer)

Description: Change the driver at the cursor position to the Ametek TR*/DL*/PQR128 driver.

Activation: Menu: Alt-D, P

Comments: An error message is displayed if the selected file is not a valid Ametek file. Files that have a
“.AMT” extension or files that have the first 2 characters in the name as “ZQ” and the file
has no extension are automatically tagged as Ametek files.

See Also: Display Oscillography in Chapter 1

Associating File Types in Chapter 1


Location: Analysis

Description: Mark all analog channels if there are no analog channels marked otherwise unmark all the
marked channels.

Activation: Menu: Alt-C, N

Comments: The channels ID and titles are displayed in light red when marked. Press F8 to mark or
unmark all the analog and digital channels.


Location: Analysis

nnel titles, ASV, units, and associated data values.

Description: Displays the channel

Comments: Use the button or the shift

right/left arrow keys to scroll the columns in the table. This
button is located to the right of the analog table headers.

See Also: Viewing Analog Data in Analysis Quick Start.

Chapter 1 – Fields & Features


Location: Device Manager

Description: Display the DXF window to periodically execute the device’s assigned drivers and update
the parsed information into the appropriate graphical DXF drawing.

Activation: Direct: F8 – menu button

Menu: Alt-O, D

Comments: Information parsed by the device drivers can be used to populate a CAD-DXF drawing. In
order to populate the drawing, control points must be added to offset the parsed data. The
word “Device”, the associated device number, and/or the device title (optional) indicates a
control point. For example, if the CAD-DXF reader encounters the text “Device 12 SEL-
321” in the DXF file, the information parsed by the assigned driver is offset at the upper left
corner of the letter “D” in the word “Device”. Refer to Appendix B for more information on
setting up DXF control points.

DXF drawings can be created using an off the shelf program such as AutoCAD, Turbo CAD,
Technical Visio, Drafix, or MEDUSA. The animated CAD-DXF reader also supports layered
objects and multiple paging views. To activate the animated CAD-DXF display, click the
DXF menu button or press F8.

See Also: Animated CAD-DXF in the Device Manager Quick Start.

Location: File Manager

Description: Combine a number of log files (ABB Load Profile, Comtrade Logs and SDC Logs), of the
same types (the columns match), into one comma delimited file with the extension .CSV.

Activation: Menu: Alt-O, R, A

Comments: The files must be of the same type (columns must be equal and data extracted from the
same device). The save file can be displayed in a table or plotted in the log data viewer.

See Also: Combine Logs


Location: Analysis

Description: Combine a number of open files of the same type (the analog/digital channel titles must
match) in time. All of the currently open waveform files will be appended into a new
analysis window.

Activation: Menu: Alt-F, F, D (Append the open files by Discarding the common times)
Menu: Alt-F, F, B (Append the open files Back-to-Back)

Comments: The files must be of the same type (the analog/digital channel titles must match). The
results in the new analysis window can be saved in a Comtrade file for archiving.

See Also: Append Waveform Files

Append Open Files in Analysis Quick Start
Chapter 1 – Fields & Features


Location: File Manager

Description: Combine a number of waveform files of the same types (the analog/digital channel titles
must match) in time into an analysis window.

Activation: Menu: Alt-O, W, A, D (Append waveform files by Discarding the common times)
Menu: Alt-O, W, A, B (Append waveform files Back-to-Back)

Comments: The files must be of the same type (the analog/digital channel titles must match). The
results in the data analysis window can be saved in a Comtrade file for archiving.

See Also: Append Open Files

Append Waveform Files in File Manager Quick Start

Location: All Tables

Description: Sort the device columns in ascending order with respect to the selected sort field.

Activation: Menu: Alt-S, A

Comments: To change the sort field, place the cursor in the desired column and select “Set Sort Field”
in the “Sort” menu. The sort field is displayed in the status bar at the bottom of the window.
To sort the columns directly press the column header button. The header buttons toggle
between ascending and descending order.

See Also: Descending Sort

Sorting in the Quick Starts

Location: File Manager

Description: Display the file at the cursor position in the ASCII text editor.

Activation: Menu: Alt-D, 1

See Also: ASCII Editor

Location: File Manager

Description: Edit the ASCII file at the cursor position.

Activation: Direct: F2
Menu: Alt-O, A (Options menu) or Alt-D, 1 (Driver menu)

Comments: The file content is displayed in text format. Use the up arrow, down arrow, left arrow, right
arrow, page up, page down, home, end, Ctrl-home and Ctrl-end keys or the scroll bar to
navigate through the data and the Edit menu options to cut, copy, or paste text. A
maximum of ten ASCII Editors may be opened simultaneously.
Chapter 1 – Fields & Features


Location: Device Manager

Description: View the selected device event file in an ASCII editor. The “Type” column in the device
table indicates the type of editor displayed: ASCII or Binary (Hexadecimal).
(Hexadecimal) The type column
is defined in the device record. To open the device record
record, select the device and press F2.

Activation: Direct: F6 – menu button

Menu: Alt-O, E

Comments: The file content is displayed in text format. Use the up arrow, down arrow, left arrow, right
arrow, page up, page down, home, end, Ctrl Ctrl-home and Ctrl-end keys or the scroll bar to
navigate through the data and the Edit menu options to cut, copy, or paste text. A
maximum of ten event
vent files may be opened simultaneously.


Location: Device Manager

Description: Display the ASCII terminal mode window to transmit ASCII characters, escape sequences
and/or Function
unction key definitions to the output device.

Activation: Direct: <Enter> – menu button

Menu: Alt-O, T

Comments: The type of terminal mode window displayed is determined by the type field (ASCII or
Binary) defined in the device record. To communicate with an ASCII device place the
cursor on the desired device and press <enter> or click the Terminal menu button. Data is
transmitted to the output device by pressing the predefined function keys or by manually
pressing the numeric and letter keys. If the device does not respond, check the device’s
communication parameters (F2) or the device connection
connection.. Use the up arrow, down arrow,
right arrow, left arrow, page up, and page down keys to browse the data and the <esc> key
to exit.

See Also: Function Keys

Binary Terminal Mode

Location: Analysis (Status Bar)

Description: Displays the current state of the Auto Scaling feature (ON, OFF or ++).

Comments: To toggle through the Auto Scaling options (ON, OFF or ++), press F6 or select the “Auto
Scale” menu option from the “Options” menu. When auto scaling is turned “ON”, the
channel data is scaled to the maximum value allocated for display from the zero reference
line. When auto scaling is in the “++” state the signals are plotted using the maximum value
allocated for display, ignoring the zero reference line.. The highest value is plotted at the
maximum position and the smallest value is plotted at the lowest position
position. This feature
shows the full profile of frequency, Vdc and load channels. In the “OFF” state all channels
are scaled according to maximum and minimum values in all of the analog channels.

See Also: ASV Column

Chapter 1 – Fields & Features

Auto Scaling

Location: File Manager (Status Field)

Description: Displays the file number of the selected file in the table.

Location: Device Manager (Status Field)

Description: Displays the record number of the selected device in the table.

See Also: TotRecs


Location: Animated CAD-DXF (Status Field)

Description: Displays the currently highlighted tab number.

See Also: AtTab


Location: File Manager

Description: Changes the driver at the cursor position to the Window’s Audio Wave driver (*.WAV) and
plots the input channels.

Activation: Menu: Alt-D, V

Comments: All files that have a “.WAV” extension are tagged as Microsoft Audio Wave files.


Location: File Manager

Description: The auto convert to Comtrade dialog is used for defining the properties to automatically
convert specific file types to the IEEE C37.111 Comtrade 1999 format. Auto Convert to
Comtrade monitors the entered “Source Path” for the defined file extensions. When a file is
detected it first saves the output Comtrade file to the defined “Destination Path” then
archives the source file to the defined “Archive Path”.

Activation: Menu: Alt-O, U

Fields: Source Path: The path to monitor for the specified file types.
Destination Path: The path where the converted Comtrade files are saved.
Archive Path: The path were the original files are archived.
File Extensions: The file extensions to monitor and convert.
Minimum # of Cycles: The minimum number of cycles required before saving.

Chapter 1 – Fields & Features

Millisecond Difference: The maximum number of milliseconds between samples.

Options: Start Convert: Start the conversion process.

End Convert: End the conversion process.
Close: Close the dialog.

Comments: To open the auto convert to Comtrade dialog select the "Auto Convert to Comtrade..." menu
option under the "Options" menu in the File Manager. Enter the source path, destination
path, archive path, file extension and the scan period in minutes. Auto convert to Comtrade
monitors the Source path for the defined file extensions every scan period.

To start the process, click on the "Start Convert" button. Once the conversion starts the
button caption will change to "End Convert". To end the conversion process, click on the
"End Convert" button. If a file already exists in the destination path then the file is
overwritten. The status of each scan is displayed in the Status section of the dialog.

To have the auto convert to Comtrade process started when Wavewin is ran check the
“Automatically Start Convert to Comtrade at Run Time” check box. The conversion process
is performed in the background so the dialog is not required to be open for the process to
execute. To check the status of the conversion, open the dialog. The “Next Scan In” field
reports how many minutes before the next scan is started.

See Also: Auto Convert to Comtrade in the File Manager Quick Start


Location: File Manager

Description: Infers the filename at the cursor position and activates the associated driver.

Activation: Menu: Alt-D, Z

See Also: Associating File Types in File Manager Quick Start.

Location: Analysis

Description: Turns the state of amplitude auto scaling to On, Off or ++ for all the visible analog channels.

Activation: Direct: F6 - ASV menu button

Menu: Alt-D, A, F-Off, O-On and P-Plus

Comments: The AS field displayed in the status bar indicates the auto scale’s current state, ON, OFF or
++. When auto scaling is turned “ON”, the channel data is scaled to the maximum value
allocated for display from the zero reference line. When auto scaling is in the “++” state the
signals are plotted using the maximum and minimum values allocated for display, ignoring
the zero reference line. The highest value is plotted at the maximum position and the
smallest value is plotted at the lowest position. This feature shows the full profile of
frequency, Vdc and load channels. In the “OFF” state all channels are scaled according to
maximum and minimum values in all of the analog channels.

See Also: Increase Amplitude

Decrease Amplitude

Chapter 1 – Fields & Features

Auto Scale Multiplier

AS Status Field

Location: DXF Animated CAD (Properties dialog)

Description: Select the background color ffor the active DXF tab drawing.

Activation: Direct: F2
Menu: Alt-T, D

Default: Black


Location: Device Manager

Description: View the selected device event file in a binary editor. The “Type” column in the device table
indicates the type of editor displayed: ASCII or Binary (Hexadecimal). The type column is
defined in the device record. To open the device record, select the device and press F2.

Activation: Direct: F6
Menu: Alt-O, E

Comments: The file contents are displ

displayed in a Binary (Hex) editor. Use the up arrow, down arrow, page
up, page down, Ctrl-home
home and Ctrl
Ctrl-end keys to navigate through the file’ss data, or use the
scroll bar. When a hex value is over written the ASCII equiva
lent is displayed in the window
to the right of the editor. A maximum of ten event windows can be simultaneously.


Location: Device Manager

Description: Display a binary terminal mode window to transmit hex values and/or Function
unction key
definitions to the output device.

Activation: Direct: <Enter> – menu button

Menu: Alt-O, T

Comments: The type of terminal mode window displayed is determined by the type field (ASCII or
Binary) defined in the device record. To communicate with a binary device place the cursor
on the desired device and press <enter> or click the Terminal menu button. Data is
transmitted to the output device by pressing the predefined function key
keyss or by manually
pressing the hex numeri
numeric and letter keys (0..9,A..F). If the device does not respond, check
the device’s communication parameters (F2) and/or or the device connection. Use the up
arrow, down arrow, right arrow, left arrow, page up, and page d down
own keys to browse the data
and the <esc> key to exit.

See Also: Function Keys

ASCII Terminal Mode

Chapter 1 – Fields & Features

Location: File Manager (Universal Viewer)

Description: Change the driver at the cursor position to the NxtPhase BPRO driver and plot the input

Activation: Menu: Alt-D, O

Comments: NxtPhase files are displayed in the IEEE Comtrade Binary format. NxtPhase has developed
an automatic conversion application called "AutoComtrade.exe". Wavewin calls
"AutoComtrade.exe" to convert NxtPhase files to the Comtrade binary format for display. To
view NxtPhase relay files double click or press enter on the original BPRO files. To obtain a
copy of the “AutoComtrade.exe” file please contact NxtPhase.

Files with the .BPR extension are automatically tagged as NxtPhase BPRO files.

See Also: Tesla Files in File Manager Quick Start.

Display Oscillography in the File Manager Quick Start
Associating File Types in the File Manager Quick Start

Location: File Manager

Description: Generate a calibration report for all marked event files.

Activation: Menu: Alt-O, R, C

Comments: The Calibration report list the Maximum and Minimum analog summary information for the
marked files.

For this feature to work properly reports should be generated on non-fault data. The
DVREPORT.DTB file, saved in the installed directory contains the last generated report. To
archive the contents of this file use the Save As option to save the file under a new name.

See Also: Waveform Summary


Location: Device Manager

Description: Change the active device configuration table.

Activation: Menu: Alt-D, G

Comments: The “Open Device Configuration” dialog allows for selecting configurations stored in
different directories. Navigate to the desired directory and select the “CFG_DEVS.DTB” file
stored in the newly selected directory. The device table is updated with the new
configuration and all devices are initialized.

See Also: New Device Configuration

Copy Device Records

Chapter 1 – Fields & Features

Location: File Manager

Description: Change the file table's active path.

Activation: Direct: F7, ChDir button , Back button , Up button , Right Click, Folder Tree
Menu: Alt-F, H, Alt-F,
F, T

Comments: There is a number of ways to change the file table’s active folder.. Use the folder tree to
navigate the connected drives. To enter a folder use the “Change
Change Drive/Directory”
Drive/Directory dialog
located in the File menu. To select from a list of the last 12 active folders click the opposite
mouse button in the file table. To navigate b
ack through the last 12 active folders use the
Back menu button. T To change to the previous folder use the “Up” menu button. An error
message is displayed if the destination path is not found.

See Also: Navigating Files in the File Manager Quick Start


Location: Device Manager

Description: Display the “Change DXF Files” dialog to change the DXF files displayed in the Animated
CAD-DXF window tabs

Activation: Menu: Alt-O, C

Fields: DXF Files List: Lists the currently selected DXF files to display in the Animated
CAD-DXF window.
Background Color: Select the background color for the highlighted DXF file in the DXF
Files List.
Max X Pixels: Set the Max X Pixels for the highlighted DXF file in the DXF Files
Max Y Pixels: Set the Max Y Pixels for the highlighted DXF file in the DXF Files

Options: Add: Add one or multiple DXF file(s) to the DXF Files List
Delete: Delete
lete the highlighted DXF file(s) from the DXF Files List.
Clear: Clear all the listed DXF files from the DXF Files List.
OK/Enter: Exit and save the dialog then open the animated CAD-DXF DXF window.
Esc/Cancel: Exit the dialog without saving the dialog data.

Comments: To add a new file, click the “Add” button. A file select dialog is displayed. To select multiple
files use the Ctrl+click
click or Shift+Up/Down arrows. All selected files will be added to the DXF
files list. To delete file
file(s) mark the file(s) in the DXF files list and click the “Delete” button. To
clear the list, click the “Clear” button.

The DXF drawing fields for each listed file can be defined in the dialog prior to o opening the
DXF drawing window. To set up the DXF drawing fields for each listed file select the file and
tab to the drawing fields defined below the list. This dialog will be displayed if there are no
DXF files selected before the animated CAD
CAD-DXF option is activated.

See Also: Change DXF Files in the Device Manager Quick Start.

Chapter 1 – Fields & Features

Location: Analysis

Description: Change the current sampling frequency.

Activation: Direct: Change Frequency menu button

Menu: Alt-D, F

Fields: Current Sampling Frequency: The current sampling frequency.

Enter the New Sampling Frequency: The new sampling frequency.
Open Frequency: Sets the driver to open with the new frequency.

Options: Enter/Ok: Changes frequency.

Esc/Cancel: Exits the dialog without executing the command.

Comments: The “Open Frequency” field will set the current display driver to always convert the files to
the new frequency before displaying.

Location: Device Manager

Description: Activate the Change Passwords feature to verify modem connections and to automatically
change the password on devices directly or remotely connected to the Wavewin system.

Activation: Menu: Alt-O, P

Comments: This feature secures all the existing modem and network connections to digital relays,
communication processors, port switches and/or any other type of remotely accessible
device used in the company. Upon activation change passwords performs the following
steps for each connected device:

• As applicable dial, switch to, or Ethernet connect and logon.

• Generate a new random password, 6 characters in length.
• Change the old password to the new one using the appropriate communication
• Confirm the password was successfully changed.
• Upon confirmation, update the password file (SETPSW.CSV), the database file
(CFG_SHOT.DTB) and the device table.
• Logout from the active device and as applicable hang-up, switch out or terminate
the Ethernet connection.
• Retry failures if any errors where encountered (up to 3 retries per failure).

A small summary file is created in the system directory containing the performance results.
It is saved to the company network if any failed connections or logon attempts were

The random password generator is seeded once upon initial execution to ensure even
distribution across a 6 character spectrum. The new passwords are stored in
SETPSW.CSV. Before activation the existing SETPSW.CSV file is renamed using the IEEE
long file naming format including the current date and time and the company name fields
only, example: 040909,123456789,,,,South Electric,,,,.CSV”.

See Also: Change Passwords in the Device Manager Quick Start.

Chapter 1 – Fields & Features


Location: Query Fields

Description: Change the operator for the active query field.

Activation: Direct: F9
Menu: Alt-Q, O

Comments: To change the operator press F9 or click the mouse button on the operator symbol.

See Also: Equal To (=),

Greater Than (>),
Less Than (<)


Location: Analysis

Description: Change the background colors for the analysis window.. The background colors fields are
listed in the “Window Properties” dialog under the “Colors” tab.

Activation: F, T, Color
Menu: Alt-F, Color’s Tab


Location: Analysis

Description: Show or hide the channel information table displayed in the frame to the right of the analog
and digital traces.

Activation: Direct: Analog table close button

Menu: Alt-V, C

Comments: The channel information frame can be resized by selecting the vertical separator bar and
dragging it to the right or left. The cursor changes to the vertical resize cursor when the
mouse is positioned over the separator bar.


Location: Analysis

Description: Set the analog channel colors to the default color, black.

Activation: Menu: Alt-C, C

Comments: To change the color of an analog channel click the right mouse button on the channel ID or
channel title.


Location: Query Fields

Description: Set all the query fields to blanks and default the query operators to equal (=).

Chapter 1 – Fields & Features

Activation: Direct: F8
Menu: Alt-Q, C

Location: File Manager

Description: Combine a number of log files (ABB Load Profile, Comtrade Logs and SDC Logs), of
different types (different columns), into one comma delimited file with the extension .CSV.

Activation: Menu: Alt-O, R, L

Comments: The files can be of different types (columns do not have to be equal). The substation and
device names for the data will be added as the first two columns in the file. The result file
can be displayed in a table.

See Also: Append Logs

Location: Analysis

Description: Display all the selected information contained in the analog table in a condensed form.

Activation: Direct: F4
Menu: Alt-V, A

Comments: Use the F4 key to toggle between the tabular view and the combination view. The
combination view is only available if there is enough space between the analog channels to
display three lines of text. To change the position of the data values select the “Window
Properties” option from the “File” menu, then click on the “Analog Combination” tab.

See Also: Viewing Analog Information in the Analysis Quick Start.


Location: File Manager

Description: Display the selected comma delimited file in a table format. Comma delimited files have
textual fields separated by commas, such as 0001,7834,872.

Activation: Menu: Alt-D, 3, C

Comments: The file data is presented in tabular form. An unlimited number of rows and columns can be

See Also: Viewing ASCII Files in Database Format in the File Manager Quick Start.
Double Quotes/Comma Delimited Table Driver
Tab Delimited Table Driver

Location: File Manager
Chapter 1 – Fields & Features

Description: Setup the fields not available in the supported waveform files for the IEEE long file naming

Activation: Menu: Alt-F, O

Fields: Company Name: Enter the Company name that will be used in the long naming
Time Code: Enter the time code for the device files to rename.
User Field 1: Enter the 1 User Field.
User Field 2: Enter the 2 User Field.

Options: Enter/Ok: Save the entered data.

Esc/Cancel: Exit the dialog without saving.

Comments: These fields are used for all the files renamed to the IEEE long file naming format. Update
this dialog for file with different time code, latitude and longitude coordinates.

See Also: ComName(s) Rename in the File Manager Quick Start

ComName Properties in the File Manager Quick Start
ComName(s) Rename

Location: File Manager

Description: Rename all the marked time sequenced data file to the IEEE long file naming format.

Activation: Menu: Alt-F, A

Comments: A message box will be prompted before renaming the file to insure the execution of the
rename feature. This feature will permanently rename the files. It is advisable to back up
the files before renaming. Some proprietary applications may not be able to read the files
once they are renamed.

See Also: ComName(s) Rename in the File Manager Quick Start.

ComName Properties

Location: File Manager

Description: Displays the company name associated with the long file name. The sixth field in the file
name defines the company field for the IEEE long file-naming format.

See Also: Long File Naming Format in the File Manager Quick Start.


Location: Device Manager - Save & Archive Dialog

Description: The name of the company where the connected devices are installed. The company name
is used in the IEEE long file naming format. The sixth field in the file name defines the
company name.

Chapter 1 – Fields & Features

Comments: The following characters are not permitted in a file name. : ? “ / \ < > * | @ # and
cannot be part of the company name.

See Also: Long File Naming Format in the Device Manager Quick Start.

Location: Analysis

Description: The complex calculator is used to perform complex mathematical operations. Operations
can be performed in Polar or Rectangular form..

Activation: Menu: Alt-D, X

Fields: Magnitude: Magnitude Value.

Angle: Angle Value.
Memory I: Saved magnitude or real value [1..4].
Memory II: Saved angle or imaginary value [1..4].
Type: The type of values stored in the memory location, Polar or Rectangular.

Options: Recall: Recall the selected memory location to the calculate fields.
Clear All: Clear all fields.
Close: Close the dialog.

Comments: The calculator operates as an HP calculator. After each entry click the “Enter” button to
record the values in the Accumulator.

See Also: Complex Calculator in the Analysis Quick Start


Location: File Manager

Description: Convert all the marked COMTRADE ASCII files to COMTRADE Binary files.

Activation: Menu: Alt-O, C

Comments: This feature compresses the COMTRADE ASCII file size. It is useful for porting files to
floppy or transferring files through a medium.

See Also: Compressing COMTRADE Files in the File Manager Quick Start.

Location: File Manager

Description: Change the driver at the cursor position to the COMTRADE driver and plot the input

Activation: Menu: Alt-D, 5

Comments: All files that have a “.DAT” or ‘’D##” file extension, and a corresponding “.CFG” file are
tagged as COMTRADE files. If the selected file does not have a corresponding “.CFG” file

Chapter 1 – Fields & Features

an error message is generated. Both the COMTRADE ASCII and Binary formats are

Location: Analysis

Description: Condense the time scale for all visible channels.

Activation: Page Down or the Condense menu button

Direct: Ctrl-Page
Menu: Alt-D, C

See Also: Expand Time

Location: File Manager

Description: Copy or Cut the marked files to the clipboard. Navigate to the destination folder and Paste
the files.

Activation: Direct: Ctrl-X (Cut) , Ctrl-C (Copy) , Ctrl-V (Paste)

Menu: Alt-E,E, T (Cut), Alt
Alt-E, C (Copy), Alt-E, P (Paste)

Comments: Marked files are displayed in red. The TotMarks and MrkSize fields displayed in the status
bar are updated accordingly. To copy/cut/paste files use the Edit menu options, the
shortcut keys or right click in the file table a
and select the desired option.

See Also: Copy File

Move Files
Mark/Unmark File


Location: Device Manager

Description: Copy the marked device records to the system clipboard files.

Activation: Menu: Alt-D, Y

Comments: Device records can be copied from one configuration to another. To copy device records
mark the desired records in the device table (marked devices are displayed in red) then
select the “Copy” menu o
ption under “Device” menu. The marked records will be copied to
the “DEV_CLIPBOARD.CLP” and the devices function keys will be copied to the
“LOG_CLIPBOARD.CLP”. These files are cleared before each copy operation.

See Also: Change Device Configuration

New Device Configuration
Paste Device Records

Location: File Manager

Chapter 1 – Fields & Features

Description: Copy the marked files to the specified destination path. If the path does not exist, type the
directory name in the edit box. The system prompts prior to creating the directory.

Activation: Direct: F8 or the Copy menu button

Menu: Alt-F, C

Fields: Directory Name: The destination path where the marked files are to be copied. To
specify a new path type the path directly into this edit box.
Directories: Displays a tree of the system’s directories, double click to open a
node in the tree and click on the desired directory to highlight it.
Files: Displays a list of the files in the highlighted directory.
Drives: A list of all the connected drives. Select the desired drive.

Options: Enter/Ok: Copy the marked files to the destination path.

Esc/Cancel: Exit the dialog without executing the command.

Comments: Marked files are displayed in red. The TotMarks and MrkSize fields displayed in the status
bar are updated accordingly. Files that where unsuccessfully copied are marked and
grouped at the top of the table.

See Also: Move Files

Mark/Unmark File

Location: ASCII Event File

Description: Copy the blocked text to the clipboard.

Activation: Direct: Ctrl-C, Ctrl-Ins - Copy menu button

Menu: Alt-E, C

Comments: To block text use the shift key plus the up arrow, down arrow, page up and page down keys
or the drag the mouse.

See Also: Cut Text

Paste Text

Location: File Manager

Description: Create a new directory.

Activation: Menu: Alt-F, E

Fields: Directory: The new directory's name.

Options: Enter/Ok: Create the new directory.

Esc/Cancel: Exit the dialog without executing the command.

Comments: If there is no path defined the new directory is placed in the active directory.

Chapter 1 – Fields & Features

Location: ASCII Event File

Description: Copy the blocked text to the Windows clipboard then delete the blocked text.

Activation: Direct: Ctrl-X, Shift-Del - Cut menu button

Menu: Alt-E, T

Comments: Use the shift keys and the up arrow, down arrow, page up and page down keys to block

See Also: Copy Text

Paste Text

Location: Analysis

Description: Move the data bar (vertical black solid line) one cycle forward or backward in time.

Activation: Direct: Shift-Ctrl-Left arrow and Shift-Ctrl-Right arrow

Comments: Use the shift+ctrl left/right keys to move one cycle in time. The number of cycles is
displayed in the status bar with the Reference bar (vertical blue dotted line) as the reference

See Also: Data Bar

Location: Analysis (Status Field)

Description: Displays the data and time of the sample at the data bar.

See Also: Delta X Field

Location: Analysis

Description: Displays the channel’s instantaneous sample value. The data bar is the solid black line that
runs vertically across the analog and digital channels.

Comments: The data bar is used to view channel information (such as analog sample values, RMS
values, digital information, data and time…). The information is displayed in the channel
frame positioned to the right of the traces and in the status bar. The Ctrl-Left/Right keys
moves the data peak to peak and the Shift-Ctrl-Left/Right keys moves the data one cycle in

See Also: RMS bar

Reference bar
Horizontal Bars
Cycle Hop

Chapter 1 – Fields & Features

Peak Hop
Fault Bar

Location: Analysis

Description: Decrease the amplitude of all or marked analog channels.

Activation: Down Arrow or the AmpDn menu button

Direct: Ctrl-Down
Menu: Alt-D, D

Comments: When the channels’ amplitud

amplitude e is decreased the Trace Scale Multiplier is divided into the
Pixsdisp value. To change the Trace Scale Multiplier, select “Window Properties” from the
“File” menu then select the “Display Settings” tab

See Also: Increase Amplitude

Trace Scale Multiplier

Location: Device Manager

Description: Tag all the marked device records as deleted records.

Activation: Direct: Delete

Menu: Alt-D, D

Comments: Marked records are displayed in red. The TotMarks field displayed in the status bar is
updated accordingly. Records that were unsuccessfully deleted are marked and grouped at
the top of the table.

Restrictions: The marked records are tagged as deleted records and willl not show up in the table again.
They are not physically removed from the device database (CFG_DEVS.DTB) file but are
marked as deleted.

See Also: Mark/Unmark Records

Location: File Manager

Description: Remove all the marked files and empty directories from the active directory.

Activation: Direct: Delete

Menu: Alt-F, D

Comments: Marked files and directories are displayed in red. The TotMarks and MrkSize fields
ayed in the status bar are updated accordingly. Files and directories that were
unsuccessfully deleted are marked and grouped at the top of the table.

Restrictions: A marked directory must be empty in order to remove it from the file table.

See Also: Mark/Unmark File

Chapter 1 – Fields & Features

Location: ASCII Event File

Description: Delete the blocked text from the file.

Activation: Direct: Del

Menu: Alt-E, D

Comments: Use the shift keys and the up arrow, down arrow, page up and page down keys to block

See Also: Cut Text

Location: Analysis (Status Field)

Description: Displays the time in microseconds, milliseconds, or seconds between the RMS bar and the
data bar. The number of cycles is also displayed if the samples in the file are microseconds
or milliseconds apart.

See Also: D&T Field

RMS bar

Location: Analysis (Status Field)

Description: Displays the difference between the data horizontal bar and the reference horizontal bar.

See Also: Delta X Field

Location: All Tables

Description: Sort the device columns in descending order with respect to the selected sort field.

Activation: Menu: Alt-S, D

Comments: To change the sort field, place the cursor in the desired column and select “Set Sort Field”
in the Sort menu. The sort field is displayed in the status bar at the bottom of the window.
To sort the table columns directly press the column header button. The header buttons
toggle between ascending and descending order.

See Also: Ascending Sort

Sorting Devices in the Quick Starts

Location: File Manager

Chapter 1 – Fields & Features

Description: Displays the device name associated with the long file name. The fifth field in the file name
defines the device field for the IEEE long file-naming format. It represents the name or code
of the device that originated the file.

See Also: Long File Naming Format in the File Manager Quick Start.

Location: IEEE Long File Name
Description: The 5 field in the IEEE long file naming format. The title and device number columns are
used for the device field in the long naming format. The device number is concatenated to
the title by the #, example SEL 351#83.

See Also: Long File Naming Format in the Device Manager Quick Start.


Location: File Manager (Universal Viewer)

Description: Change the driver at the cursor position to the Hathaway DFR I II IIB and 2000 driver.

Activation: Menu: Alt-D, 6

Comments: An error message is displayed if the system cannot find the files DAU header file or there
was a problem reading the file.

See Also: Display Oscillography in the File Manager Quick Start

Associating File Types in the File Manager Quick Start


Location: Analysis

Description: Marked all digital channels if there are no digital channels marked else unmark all the
marked digital channels.

Activation: Menu: Alt-C, I

Comments: The channels ID and titles are displayed in light red when marked. Press F8 to mark or
unmark all the analog and digital channels.

Location: All Tables

Description: Reposition the columns in the table.

Activation: Menu: Alt-O, I

Fields: File Column List: A list of all the columns in the table.
Table Font Size: A list of the font sizes for the table.

Chapter 1 – Fields & Features

Options: Move Up: Move the highlighted column before the previous column.
Move Down: Move the highlighted column after the next column.
Reset: Default the order of the columns to how they were when the software was
first installed.
OK: Change the order of the columns and redraw the device table.
Cancel: Exit the dialog without executing the command.

Comments: To resize the table columns place the mouse over the column separator and drag the
mouse to the left or the right or double click on the column separator to expand to the
maximum area for that column.

See Also: Customizing the Table in the Quick Starts

Resize Columns

Location: File Manager (Universal Viewer)

Description: Create a disturbance report from the defined fault files.

Activation: Menu: Alt-O, R, D

Fields: Destination File: The folder and filename where the report is saved.
Source Folder(s): The source folder(s) where the event files are located.
Filter: Faulted Phases: Enter the valid faulted phases (separated by commas).
Filter: Fault Location: Enter the maximum % of the line length to detect.
Filter: Voltage Class: Enter the voltage kv value that is above the phase to
ground level.
Filter: Fault Current: Enter the minimum magnitude value.
Filter: System Frequency: Enter the deviation from the line frequency to detect.

Options: Process: Process the report and display the results.

Save Script: Save the entered values to the Disturbance.ini script file.
Edit Script: Edit the Disturbance.ini script file.
Show Help: Show the help file below the buttons.
Close: Close the disturbance dialog without saving.

Comments: The result disturbance report is saved to the defined destination file and displayed in a
comma delimited table. The table allows for sorting, querying, deleting of rows and saving.

See Also: Disturbance Report in the File Manager Quick Start.

Location: File Manager (Universal Viewer)

Description: Plot the contents of the oscillography file using the DLP1/DLP3 driver. If the driver
encounters an error while reading the file an “Invalid Driver Message” is displayed indicating
the line number in which the error was encountered. Use the ASCII or Hexadecimal editors
to locate and correct the error. The ASCII and hexadecimal editors display the cursor’s line
and character number in the lower left corner of the window.

Activation: Menu: Alt-D, C

Chapter 1 – Fields & Features

Comments: An error message is displayed if the file is not a valid DLP file. All files that have an “.OSC”
extension are tagged as DLP files.


Location: Analysis

Description: Display the double ended fault location dialog. The double ended fault location dialog
calculates the percent of line from the near end to the far end.

Activation: Menu: Alt-D, U, D

Fields: Z1: Magnitude and angle of Z1.

LL: Length of the line.
Chan: Select the channel numbers for VA, VB, VC, IA, IB and IC.
VA: Magnitude and Angle of Channel VA from the Near and Far End.
VB: Magnitude and Angle of Channel VB from the Near and Far End.
VC: Magnitude and Angle of Channel VC from the Near and Far End.
IA: Magnitude and Angle of Channel IA from the Near and Far End.
IB: Magnitude and Angle of Channel IB from the Near and Far End.
IC: Magnitude and Angle of Channel IC from the Near and Far End.
Values: Select the type of values for the calculation.
Angle Rotation: Increment the voltage and current angles for the near and far end.
Vectors: Select the vectors to display.

Options: Refresh: Refresh VA, VB, VC, IA, IB and IC from the date bar locations.
Calculate: Calculate the fault location % of line.
Close: Close the dialog.
Show Details: Open the dialog to show the sequence components.
Rotate: Increment the voltage and current angles for the near and far end.

Comments: The double ended calculator requires two open fault records (near and far ends). The near
end is the top left window displayed. To reorganize the windows use the Tile buttons.

The channels in each record must be organized as follows: The first 3 visible channels are
the Voltage channels, VA, VB and VC. The next 3 visible channels are the Current
channels, IA, IB and IC. To reposition the analog channels first mark the channels then use
the plus key to move the channels up one position and the minus key to move the channels
down one position.

The values populated in the dialog are read at the data bar positions from both open
records. The double ended dialog is a stay on top window. This allows for repositioning the
data bars without closing the dialog. To refresh the Voltage and Current values in the dialog
use the Refresh button

See Also: Double Ended Fault Location in the Analysis Quick Start


Location: File Manager

Description: Display the double quote delimited file in a table format. Double quote-delimited files have
textual fields separated by double quotes and commas, such as

Chapter 1 – Fields & Features

Activation: Menu: Alt-D, 3, Q

Comments: The file data is presented in tabular form. An unlimited number of rows and columns can be

See Also: Viewing ASCII Files in Database Format in the File Manager Quick Start.
Comma Delimited Table Driver
Tab Delimited Table Driver

Location: DXF Animated CAD

Description: Display the DXF “Drawing Properties” dialog to define the background color and Zoom X &
Y resolution values.

Activation: Direct: F2, menu button

Menu: Alt-T, D

Fields: Background Color: Set the DXF drawings background color.

Max X Pixels: Set the DXF drawings max X pixels for display.
Max Y Pixels: Set the DXF drawings max Y pixels for display.

Options: Apply: Apply and save the changes made without exiting the dialog.
Enter/OK: Exit, apply and save the changes made.
Esc/Cancel: Exit the dialog without executing or saving the changes made.

Comments: Use the tab or shift+tab keys to navigate between the fields and the up and down arrow
keys to view the selectable options.

See Also: Drawing Properties in Chapter 1

Location: File Manager

Description: Displays the display driver associated with the file.

See Also: Associating File Types in Chapter 1.


Location: File Manager

Description: Display the driver configuration dialog. The driver configuration dialog allows for setting
certain features pertaining to a specific driver.

Activation: Menu: Alt-O, N

Fields: Driver List: A list the supported drivers in the system.

Devices Data Type: Select the type of data that the device saves (RMS or Peak).
Device Header Dir: Enter a localized directory for all support files needed to display the

Chapter 1 – Fields & Features

Default Frequency: Enter the default frequency to

o display the device’s file when the
files are first displayed.

Options: Ok: Save the changes made and close the dialog.
Cancel: Ignore any changes made and close the dialog.

Comments: The Nxtxt Phase devices have different properties

properties. NxtPhase files are displayed as Comtrade
files using the NxtPhase autocomtrade.exe application.

See Also: Driver Configuration in the File Manager Quick Start.


Location: Analysis

Description: Set the active display driver’s data type.

Activation: Direct: Window Properties menu button

Menu: Alt-F,
F, T, Driver Data Type Tab

Comments: The data stored in the displayed file can be instantaneous values or RMS values. The
default setting for all drivers is instantaneous values. If the display d
evice saves the sample
values as RMS calibrated then select RMS Calibrated Type from the drop down list. list If the
data type is RMS S Calibrated and the data type is not set to RMS calibrated type then the
analog column data will be displayed incorrectly.

Location: Analysis

Description: Duplicate the cycle between the Data bar and the RMS bar.

Activation: Direct: Duplicate Cycles menu button

Menu: Alt-D, L

Fields: # Cycles: Enter the number of time to duplicate the highlighted cycle(s)

Options: Enter/Ok: Duplicate the highlighted cycle(s) .

Esc/Cancel: Exit the dialog without executing the command.

Comments: This feature is useful for creating test set files or for creating file to play back into simulation
or modeling applications.

See Also: Duplicate cycles in the Analysis Quick Start.

Truncate Cycles


Location: Device Manager

Description: Duplicate the selected device record in the table.

Activation: Menu: Alt-D, U

Chapter 1 – Fields & Features

Fields: Device Settings:

Device Number: Set the number of the device. Each device must have a unique
number. The device number is used in the IEEE long file naming
Address: Set the address of the device. The address can be the port number
off a 2020/2030 or a modbus address.
Station ID: Set the ID number for the station each station must have a unique
Data Type: Select the type of data being polled (ASCII/Binary).
Print : Select if the data polled is sent to the connected printer (On/Off).
Title: Set the device title.
Driver: Select the main driver that will poll the device.
Station Name: Set the station name.
Time Code: Select the main driver that will poll the device.
EscSeq: The EscSeq field contains 7 separate fields separated by a blank.
Set the appropriate information in the appropriate fields. The fields
can contain passwords, phone numbers, file names, FTP settings,
TCP/IP settings for a specific device refer to the “Device
Configuration” document.
Port Settings:
Port Number: Select the COM port number from the list of COM ports registered
on the machine or enter a new COM port number. For TCP/IP and
FTP connections each device must have a unique COM port
Baud Rate: Select the port’s baud rate.
Parity: Select the port’s parity (None, ODD, Even, Mark).
Data Bits: Select the port’s Data Bits (7 or 8).
Stop Bits: Select the port’s stop bits (1 or 2).
Flow Control: Select the port’s flow control (None, Software or Hardware).
Terminal Settings:
CR/LF: Select if a CR/LF is added after a TX string, RX string, both or none
in terminal mode.
Local Echo: Select if the transmitted text is echoed to the terminal window.
Terminal Settings:
CR/LF: Select if a CR/LF is added after a TX string, RX string, both or none
in terminal mode.
TX Delay:
Inter Char Delay: Enter the number of milliseconds to wait when transmitting
characters to the device.

Options: Save/Enter: Exit and save the dialog fields.

Esc/Cancel: Exit the dialog without saving the dialog fields.

Comments: The selected device in the table is duplicated as a new record at the end of the table. The
device number must be changed. All device numbers must be unique. An error message
will be displayed if any invalid fields are encountered. The Title and Substation fields are
used in the IEEE long file naming format. The following characters (: ? “ / \ < > * | @
#) are not valid in file names and cannot be used in the title and substation fields.

See Also: New Device Record

Edit Device Record

Chapter 1 – Fields & Features


Location: Device Manager

Description: Poll the devices defined in a graphical one line diagrams and display the parsed data.

Activation: Menu: Alt-O, D

Comments: For the DXF window to poll the connected devices the polling drivers must be written and
configured and the DXF drawings must have the device control points defined. Refer to
Appendix A for an example of polling drivers and Appendix B for setting control points in a
DXF file.

See Also: Animated CAD/DXF in the Device Manager Quick Start.

Appendix A
Appendix B


Location: DXF Animated CAD

Description: Display the “DXF Control” dialog to communicate directly to a device.

Activation: Direct: menu button

Menu: Alt-T, O

Fields: Control Menu List: Select the DXF tab containing the device to communicate with,
select the device then select the communication driver.

Options: Operate/Enter: Exit the dialog and execute the selected communication driver.
Esc/Cancel: Exit the dialog without executing the communication driver.

Comments: The “Control Menu” list box to the right contains all tab names displayed in the DXF window.
Select the tab to send commands to. Once a tab is selected the list is updated with all the
devices defined the tab’s drawing. Select the device to communicate with. The list again is
updated with the available communication drivers defined in the “Drivers.ini” file. The
“Control Level” window is updated upon entry into each level. Once the communication
driver is selected the “DXF Control” dialog is closed and the command is sent to the
selected device. The device’s response is parsed and updated in the selected DXF tab.

See Also: DXF Control in the Device Manager Quick Start.

Location: File Manager

Description: Displays the file(s) drawing information in graphical form.

Activation: Menu: Alt-D, 4, S or M

Comments: An error message is displayed if the file is not a valid DXF file. All files that have the “.DXF”
extension are tagged as DXF files. A single file can be opened or multiple files can be
opened at the same time. For multiple files first mark the files then select Marked files from
the DXF submenu option.

Chapter 1 – Fields & Features

Location: File Manager

Description: Display the DAU-DEF editor for Hathaway DAU-DEF files. The DAU-DEF editor allows for
changing certain fields defined in the DAU-DEF records. A Windows file selection dialog is
display to select the DAU-DEF to edit. Navigate to the desired directory and double click on
the DAU-DEF file to edit.

Activation: Menu: Alt-O, E

Fields: DAU-DEF Records: A list of all the DAU-DEF records defined in the selected file.
Analog Channels: A list of all the analog channels defined for the selected record.
Analog Name: Edit the analog name for the selected analog channel.
Analog Full Scale: Edit the analog full scale value for the selected analog channel.
Analog Prefix: Edit the analog prefix for the selected analog channel.
Analog Unit: Edit the analog unit for the selected analog channel.
Event Channels: A list of all the event channels defined for the selected record.
Event #: Edit the event’s number for the selected event channel.
Event Name: Edit the event name for the selected event channel.
Event NoNc: Edit the event’s normally open normally close value for the selected
event channel.
Sensor Channels: A list of all the sensors channels defined for the selected record.
Sensor #: Edit the sensor number for the selected sensor channel.
Sensor Name: Edit the sensor name for the selected sensor channel.
Sensor NoNc: Edit the sensor’s normally open normally close value for the
selected sensor channel.

Options: Save: Save the selected DAU-DEF record.

Ok: Save all changes made and close the dialog.
Cancel: Ignore any changes made and close the dialog.
Default Sensor #8: Checking this option will always default Sensor channel #8;s NoNc
value to be 1.

Comments: When this feature is activated a Windows file selection dialog is display, navigate to the
desired directory and double click on the DAU-DEF file to edit.

See Also: Edit DAU-DEF in the File Manager Quick Start.


Location: Device Manager

Description: Edit the selected device record in the table.

Activation: Direct: F2 –menu button

Menu: Alt-D, E

Fields: Device Settings:

Device Number: Set the number of the device. Each device must have a unique
number. The device number is used in the IEEE long file naming
Address: Set the address of the device. The address can be the port number
off a 2020/2030 or a modbus address.

Chapter 1 – Fields & Features

Station ID: Set the ID number for the station each station must have a unique
Data Type: Select the type of data being polled (ASCII/Binary).
Print : Select if the data polled is sent to the connected printer (On/Off).
Title: Set the device title.
Driver: Select the main driver that will poll the device.
Station Name: Set the station name.
Time Code: Select the main driver that will poll the device.
EscSeq: The EscSeq field contains 7 separate fields separated by a blank.
Set the appropriate information in the appropriate fields. The fields
can contain passwords, phone numbers, file names, FTP settings,
TCP/IP settings for a specific device refer to the “Device
Configuration” document.
Port Settings:
Port Number: Select the COM port number from the list of COM ports registered
on the machine or enter a new COM port number. For TCP/IP and
FTP connections each device must have a unique COM port
Baud Rate: Select the port’s baud rate.
Parity: Select the port’s parity (None, ODD, Even, Mark).
Data Bits: Select the port’s Data Bits (7 or 8).
Stop Bits: Select the port’s stop bits (1 or 2).
Flow Control: Select the port’s flow control (None, Software or Hardware).
Terminal Settings:
CR/LF: Select if a CR/LF is added after a TX string, RX string, both or none
in terminal mode.
Local Echo: Select if the transmitted text is echoed to the terminal window.
Terminal Settings:
CR/LF: Select if a CR/LF is added after a TX string, RX string, both or none
in terminal mode.
TX Delay:
Inter Char Delay: Enter the number of milliseconds to wait when transmitting
characters to the device.

Options: Save/Enter: Exit and save the dialog fields.

Esc/Cancel: Exit the dialog without saving the dialog fields.

Comments: An error message will be displayed if any invalid fields are encountered. The Title and
Substation fields are used in the IEEE long file naming format. The following characters (:
? “ / \ < > * | @ #) are not valid in file names and cannot be used in the title and
substation fields.

See Also: New Device Record

Duplicate Device Record

Location: File Manager and Analysis

Description: Email a group of files or a single file using the users default email application. All support
files needed to display the selected files will be automatically attached. Support files include
Comtrade configuration (*.CFG), header (*.HDR) & information (*.INF) files, DFR’s analog
and digital information files such as: Hathaway DAU files, Rochester preamble and header
files, Faxtrax/Director CTL files, Transcan SCF and TCF files.

Chapter 1 – Fields & Features

Activation: Menu: File Manager: Alt

Alt-F, L Analysis: Alt-F, E

Fields: To: Recipient of the email, initially empty.

From: Sender, automatically defaulted.
Subject: Empty.
Attachment: All selected files and their support files automatically attached.

Comments: Files can be email either in the file table or in the analysis window.. To email a set of files,
mark the desired files in the file table and select the “Email Marked Files” option from the
“File” menu or right click on the file table and select the “Email” option from the
up menu. To email a file from the analysis window select the “Email Active File” option
under the “File”
le” menu. All support files needed to display the file(s) are automatically

See Also: Email Files and Email Active File in the File Manager and Analysis Quick Starts.


Location: File Manager (Universal Viewer)

Description: Change the driver at the cursor position to the Emax Long Term driver and plot the input

Activation: Menu: Alt-D, Q

Comments: If the selected file is not a valid EMAX Long Term file an error message is generated. All
files that have the “.DAT” extension along with a corresponding .SET file are tagged as
EMAX Long Term files.

See Also: Display Oscillography in the File Manager Quick Start

Associating File Types in the File Manager Quick Start

Location: Query Fields

Description: Search the active configuration for records that match the entered criteria.

Comments: To change the query operator press F9 or click the mouse button on the operator symbol.

See Also: Greater Than (>)

Less Than (<)

Location: Analysis

Description: Expand the time scale of all visible analog channels.

Activation: Page Up or the Expand menu button

Direct: Ctrl-Page
Menu: Alt-D, E

See Also: Condense Time

Chapter 1 – Fields & Features

Location: Device Manager

Description: Export all or marked devices to a tab delimited ASCII file.

Comments: This feature is useful for changing common information for all devices quickly. For example
if a COM port number has changed for a number of devices then those devices can be
exported. The export file can be opened in “Excel” and all of the Com port fields can be
changed easily. To import the changes back into the device configuration table use the
“Import” menu option under the “Device” menu.

See Also: Import

Location: File Manager

Description: Displays the file type. The “/dr” indicates that the file is a sub-directory. The DAU ID
number is displayed for DFR I, II, IIB and 2000 files and the extension of the file is displayed
for all other files.

Comments: If the active directory is a sub-directory then the first 2 rows of the table are reserved for the
“.” and “..” navigation shortcuts. The “.” is a shortcut to the root directory and the “..” is a
shortcut to the previous directory.

Location: Analysis

Description: The Fault bar is the red dotted line that runs vertically across the analog and digital

Comments: The fault bar is fixed and positioned at the fault time defined in the configuration file. The
fault bar can be shown or hidden by selecting “Yes” or “No” for the “Show Vertical Fault Bar”
field in the properties dialog under the “Display Settings” tab.

See Also: Data bar

Reference Bar


Location: File Manager

Description: Displays the fault date of the oscillography files. This column is left blank if the file is not a
valid oscillography file or the fault date and time is not available in the file name.

See Also: Fault Time Column

Location: Analysis

Chapter 1 – Fields & Features

Description: Display the fault detector dialog. The fault detector dialog is used to interface to the
SingleEndFaultLocation.dll. The SingleEndFaultLocation.dll will calculate the fault location,
fault type and fault time.

Activation: Menu: Alt-D, E

Fields: ZLine: Positive sequence impedance.

ZLine Angle: Positive sequence angle.
kZN: Compensated zero sequence impedance (Z0-Z1)/(3*Z1).
kZN Angle: Compensated zero sequence factor angle (Z0-Z1)/(3*Z1).
kZM: Mutual compensation factor (Z0m)/(3*Z1).
Line Length: Line Length.
Vnom: Nominal phase to phase voltage.
Inom: Nominal current.
Analog Chans: Select the analog channels from the drop down lists.
Pre Cycles: Number of cycles to send before the reference bar.
Post Cycles: Number of cycles to send after the reference bar.

Advanced Dialog Fields:

Z1 (% of Line): Zone 1 forward impedance.
Z2 (% of Line): Zone 2 reverse impedance.
R0: Phase loop resistance reach.
Rg: Ground loop resistance reach.
IO Threshold: Zero sequence current threshold for VTS.
I2 Threshold: Neg. sequence current threshold for VTS.
Ph Select Ind: Index of the sample corresponding to the fault inception.
Average Count: Total post fault samples for averaging fault distance.
Ph Select Mode: Phase selection mode (Internal, AG, BG, CG, AB, BC, CA).

Options: Advanced: Display the Advanced dialog for fine turning the algorithms.
Start: Start the fault location algorithms.
Print: Send a screen dump of the outputs to the system's default printer.
Show Help: Show/Hide the fault location drop down help window.
Open: Open a fault location (*.flt) file.
New: Create a new fault location file.
Save: Save the active fault location file.
Save As: Save the active fault location file under a new name.

Comments: The sampling frequency must be set to ensure 24 samples per cycle. The sampling
frequency must be set prior to opening the fault location dialog. If the sampling frequency is
not set to 1440 Hz for 60 Hz or 1200 Hz for 50 Hz then the change sampling frequency
dialog will automatically be displayed. Click OK or press enter to change the sampling
frequency then reopen the Fault Location dialog.

All sample values sent to the DLL must be in secondary quantities. If the sample values are
in primary values then the CT and PT ratio values must be available in the data
configuration file. If the CT and PT ratio values are not available a message will be
displayed asking to ignore the request or abort displaying the fault location dialog.

See Also: Fault Detector in the Analysis Quick Start


Location: Analysis

Chapter 1 – Fields & Features

Description: Displays the time difference from the fault time defined in the displayed file. The units are
displayed in the Delta X status field.

Comments: The fault reference time bar is displayed between the analog channels and the digital
channels. To show or hide the fault reference time bar open the “Window Properties” dialog
under the “File” menu. Click the “Display Settings” tab and toggle the “Show Reference
Time Bar” field.

See Also: Fault Reference Time Bar in the Analysis Quick Start


Location: File Manager

Description: Displays the fault time of the oscillography files. This column is left blank if the file is not a
valid oscillography file or the fault date and time is not available in the file name.

See Also: Fault Date Column


Location: File Manager (Universal Viewer)

Description: Change the driver at the cursor position to the Faxtrax II (12-bit) driver or the Director format
depending on the format of the file.

Activation: Menu: Alt-D, 8

Comments: If the selected file does not have a corresponding “.CTL” file an error message is generated.
All files that have the “.RCD”, “.RCL” and “.RCU” extensions, and there is a corresponding
“.CTL” file in the same directory, are tagged as Faxtrax/Director files.


Location: File Manager

Description: Displays the name of the files/directories in the active directory.

Comments: If the active directory is a sub-directory then the first 2 rows of the table are reserved for the
“.” and “..” navigation shortcuts. The “.” is a shortcut to the root directory and the “..” is a
shortcut to the previous directory.

See Also: F-Type Column

Location: All Tables

Description: Mark all the unmarked records and unmark all the marked records.

Activation: Menu: Alt-M, F

Comments: Marked records are displayed in red. The TotMarks field displayed in the status bar is
updated accordingly.
Chapter 1 – Fields & Features

See Also: Unmark Marked Records

Mark/Unmark Records

Location: File Manager

Description: Displays all connected drives and folders in a tree structure.

Activation: Menu: Alt-F, T – Toggle Show/Hide Tree

Comments: To show/hide the folder tree select the “Show/Hide Folder Tree” option under the “Files”
menu. Folders can be renamed by left mouse clicking on the folder name until the editor is
displayed. Also, folders that reside on the computer can be sent to the recycle bin by
selecting the “Delete” option under the folder tree’s right click pop-up menu. If the folders
reside on external drives then they are permanently deleted.

See Also: Navigating in the File Manager Quick Start

Change Drive/Directory

Location: File Manager (Universal Viewer)

Description: Change the driver at the cursor position to the NxtPhase FPRO driver and plot the input

Activation: Menu: Alt-D, O

Comments: NxtPhase files are displayed in the IEEE Comtrade Binary format. NxtPhase has developed
an automatic conversion application called "AutoComtrade.exe". Wavewin calls
"AutoComtrade.exe" to convert NxtPhase files to the Comtrade binary format for display. To
view NxtPhase relay files double click or press enter on the original FPRO files. To obtain a
copy of the “AutoComtrade.exe” file please contact NxtPhase.

Files that have an “.FPR” extension are automatically tagged as NxtPhase FPRO files.

See Also: Tesla Files in the File Manager Quick Start

Display Oscillography in the File Manager Quick Start
Associating File Types in the File Manager Quick Start

Location: File Manager (Status Field)

Description: Displays the amount of free hard disk space on the active drive, displayed in Kbytes.

See Also: Size


Location: Analysis (Status Field)
Chapter 1 – Fields & Features

Description: Displays the sampling frequency of the sample at the data bar.

Location: Waveform Summary (Events/Sensors Activity Summary)

Description: Displays the status of the first digital samples in the file. Fst is the first column in the
Events/Sensors Activity Summary. A=Alarm, N=Normal.

Comments: This data is also displayed in the second column of the digital information table view.

Location: Waveform Summary (Events/Sensors Activity Summary)

Description: Displays the date and time the channel first changed state. Fst
Change is the third column
in the Events/Sensors Activity Summary.

Comments: This data is also displayed in the forth column of the digital information table view.

Location: Device Manager

Description: Define the selected device to collect fault records using the FTP protocol.

Activation: Direct: Ethernet configuration button in the Device Configuration dialog.

Fields: Connections: Select the FTP client option from the list box. The fields in the
Ethernet Connections
connection properties changes according to the selection in the
connections list box.
Connection Properties
Port Number: Set the FTP port number. 21 is designated as the FTP port
IP Address: Set the device’s IP address.
User Name: Set the FTP sessions user name.
Password: Set the FTP sessions password.
Remote Path: Set the device’s FTP remote path to poll.
Local Path: Set the path on the local machine where the downloaded file are
File Types: Set the type of file to download,, leave blank to check all files.
File Names: Set how to name the downloaded files, (0 – Don’t change, 1 –
change to the IEEE long file naming format maintaining the original
file’s extension, 2 – change to the IEEE long file naming format and
make the file’s extension to the Tesla *.TLR).

Options: OK/Enter: Exit and update the Device’s EscSeq field.

Cancel/Esc: Exit the dialog without saving the changes made.

Comments: If the Local Path does not exist then the directory will be created

See Also: New Device Record

Chapter 1 – Fields & Features

Duplicate Device Record

Edit Device Record
TCP/IP Client
TCP/IP Server

Location: Device Manager

Description: Setup the device’s Function keys to be displayed in the terminal mode window.

Activation: Direct: F5, menu button

Menu: Alt-O, F

Fields: F1-9 : name: The function key name displayed in the Terminal Mode window.
TX: A string of ASCII characters or hexadecimal values transmitted to
the connected device.

Options: Enter/Save: Exit the dialog and save the function keys (CFG_SHOT.DTB).
Esc/Cancel: Exit the dialog without executing the command.

Comments: Programmable function keys allow for a string of ASCII characters or hexadecimal values to
be transmitted to the output device through a single keystroke. The function keys are active
in ASCII and hexadecimal terminal emulators. Each device contains up to nine function

See Also: ASCII Terminal Mode

Binary Terminal Mode


Location: Analysis

Description: Group all the marked analog channels and move them to the top of the display area.

Activation: Menu: Alt-C, G

See Also: Mark/Unmark Channels


Location: All Tables

Description: Group all the marked rows and move them to the top of the table.

Activation: Menu: Alt-M, G

See Also: Unmarked Marked Rows

Toggle Marked Rows
Mark/Unmark Row

Chapter 1 – Fields & Features

Location: Analysis

Description: View the harmonics table.

Activation: Direct: F11, Right click on phasor diagram or information header

Menu: Alt-V, T

Comments: The harmonics table displays the number of harmonics according to the file’s sampling
frequency with a maximum of 200 harmonics supported. The table displays one channel at
a time. It will display the 1 marked analog channel, or if no channels are marked then the
first visible channel. The harmonic calculation is performed on one cycle of data, starting at
the RMS bar to the data bar. The display values include DFT Peak, DFT RMS, DFT
Angles, % of fundamental
mental and % of TrueRMS. When the data bar is moved in the data
plotting window the harmonics values will be automatically updated. To view the harmonics
in a histogram click on the harmonics toggle button located next to the channel name.

See Also: armonics in the Analysis Quick Start

Harmonics Vectors

Location: Analysis

Description: View the harmonics vectors in the phasor diagram.

Activation: Menu: Alt-V, H

Comments: The harmonics of the first marked analog channel, or if no channels are marked then the
first visible analog channel, is displayed in a vector format in the phasor diagram. The
harmonic calculation is performed on one cycle of data. It start
startss at the RMS bar and goes
forward one cycle. To hide/show the harmonic vectors toggle the "Vector Harmonics" menu
option under the "View" menu from checked=ON to unchecked=OFF.

See Also: Harmonics in the Analysis Quick Start

Harmonics Table

Location: All Child Windows.

Description: Displays the help file for the active child window.

Activation: Direct: F1
Menu: Alt-H, T

Comments: The information contained in the help window is organized in the following fashion:
Specific Features for the active window,
Function Keys,
Menu Options,
Button Menu Bar,
Cursor Keys,

Chapter 1 – Fields & Features

Mouse Actions and

Status Bar

Location: File Manager

Description: Edit the file at the cursor position in a binary editor.

Activation: Direct: F3
Menu: Alt-O, X

Comments: The file contents are displayed in a Hex editor. Use the up arrow, down arrow, page up,
page down, Ctrl-home and Ctrl-end keys to navigate through the file’s data, or use the scroll
bar. When a hex value is over written the ASCII equivalent is displayed in the window to the
right of the editor. A maximum of 10 viewing windows can be simultaneously. The F4 and
F3 function keys allow for searching ASCII data or Hex values. To search for hex values
insert the “#” character before the hex value in the “Find Text” field.

Location: File Manager

Description: Change the driver at the cursor position to the Hexadecimal driver and display the file in
binary format.

Activation: Menu: Alt-D, 2

See Also: Hexadecimal Editor

Location: Analysis

Description: Hide all the marked analog channels and re-space the unmarked channels.

Activation: Direct: Delete

Menu: Alt-C, H

Comments: To mark/unmark an analog channel, click the channel ID or the channel data.

See Also: View Mark(s)

Show All Hidden
Restore Mark(s)

Location: Analysis

Description: View the harmonics histogram.

Activation: Direct: F11, Right click on phasor diagram or information header

Menu: Alt-V, T

Chapter 1 – Fields & Features

Comments: The histogram displays the number of harmonics according to the file’s sampling frequency
with a maximum of 200 harmonics supported. The histogram displays one channel at a
time. It will display the 1 marked analog channel, or if no channels are marked then the
first visible channel. The harmonic calculation is performed on one cycle of data, starting at
the RMS bar to the data bar. The display values can be DFT Peak, DFT RMS, DFT Angles,
% of fundamental an and d % of TrueRMS. The default view is % of fundamental. To change the

data displayed click on the drop down menu button and select from the list. When
the data bar is moved in the data plotting window the harmonics values will be automatically
updated. To view the harmonics in a table click on the harmonics toggle button
located next to the channel name.

See Also: Harmonics in the Analysis Quick Start

Harmonics Table
Harmonics Vectors

Location: Analysis

Description: Displays a solid black line that follows the data bar and displays a dotted blue line that
follows the reference bar.

Activation: Menu: Alt-V, B

Comments: The bars will be positioned at the first marked analog cchannel
hannel (displayed in red). If no
channels are marked then they are positioned at the first displayed channel. The Delta Y
field in the status bar shows the difference between the two bars.

See Also: RMS bar

Data Bar
Reference Bar

Location: Waveform Summary

Description: Displays the absolute value of the HPeak

Up minus the absolute value of the HPeak-Dn
divided by the OneBit value.

Comments: The Hpeak-UpUp value is the highest positive peak in the channel. The Hpeak-Dn
Hpeak is the
highest negative peak in the channel. The OneBit value is the channel's full
full-scale value
divided by the channel's resolution.

See Also: Viewing Waveform Summaries in the File Manager Quick Start

Location: Waveform Summary

Description: The highest negative peak value in the channel.

See Also: Viewing Waveform Summaries in the Analysis Quick Start

Chapter 1 – Fields & Features

Location: Waveform Summary

Description: The highest positive peak value in the channel.

See Also: Viewing Waveform Summaries in the File Manager Quick Start


Location: IEEE Long File Name

Description: All data polled from the connected devices are saved to files using the IEEE long file
naming format. The start date and time comes from the data polled and the time code,
substation name, device name, and company name comes from the fields in the devicdevice

See Also: Long File Naming Format in the Device Manager Quick Start.

Location: Device Manager

Description: Import all changes made to the exported tab delimited ASCII file.

Comments: The import feature is used to import all device information from the exported tab delimited
ASCII file. It is advisable to always keep a backup of the existing Device Configuration files
before using the import feature. This allows for a quick recovery if any of the changes made
to the export file were incorrect. The 3 files to backup are the CFG_DEVS.DTB,
CFG_SHOT.DTB & DRIVERS.INI files located in the Wavewin directory.

To import a previously exported file select the “Import” menu option under the “Devic
menu. Enter the exported files path and filename or use the “Browse” button to select the
file. All device information contained in the imported file will be updated in the active device
configuration table.

See Also: Export

Location: Analysis

Description: Increase the amplitude of all or marked analog channels.

Activation: Up arrow or the AmpUp menu button

Direct: Ctrl-Up
Menu: Alt-D, I

Comments: When the channels’

hannels’ amplitude is increased the Trace Scale multiplier is multiplied into the
Pixsdisp value. To change the Trace Scale Multiplier select “Window Properties” from the
“File” menu then select the “Display Settings” tab.

See Also: Decrease Amplitude

Auto Scale Multiplier

Chapter 1 – Fields & Features

Location: Analysis (Analog Table)

Description: Displays the peak value measured between the two reference crossings surrounding the
data bar (black solid line). The value is displayed as Peak type. If the data type for the
loaded driver is set to RMS calibrated then the value is multiplied by the square root of 2.

Comments: The value is displayed as Peak type. If the data type for the loaded driver is set to RMS
calibrated then the value is multiplied by the square root of 2.

See Also: Viewing Analog Data in the Analysis Quick Start

Location: Analysis (Analog Table)

Description: Displays the instantaneous sample value at the data bar.

Comments: This value is multiplied by the square root of 2 if the driver’s data type is set to RMS

See Also: Viewing Analog Data in the Analysis Quick Start

Data Bar

Location: File Manager (Universal Viewer)

Description: Change the driver at the cursor position to the S&C IntelliRupter driver.

Activation: Menu: Alt-D, S

Comments: An error message is displayed if the selected file is not a valid IntelliRupter file. Files that
have a “.WFC” extension are automatically tagged as IntelliRupter files.

See Also: Display Oscillography in the File Manager Quick Start

Associating File Types in the File Manager Quick Start

Location: IEEE Long File Name

Description: An optional field in the IEEE long file naming format. The latitude defines the geographical
position of the substation associated with the file name. The letter N indicates latitude in the
Northern Hemisphere.

See Also: Long File Naming Format in Chapter 1.


Location: Query Fields

Description: Search the active configuration for records that are less than the entered criteria.

Chapter 1 – Fields & Features

Comments: To change the operator press F9 or click the mouse button on the operator symbol.

See Also: Equal To (=)

Greater Than (>)

Location: Waveform Summary

Description: Displays the absolute value of the LPeak-Up minus the absolute value of the LPeak-Dn
divided by the OneBit value.

Comments: The Lpeak-Up value is the lowest positive peak in the channel. The Lpeak-Dn is the lowest
negative peak in the channel. The OneBit value is the channel's full-scale value divide by
the channel's resolution.

See Also: Viewing Waveform Summaries in the File Manager Quick Start

Location: Waveform Summary

Description: The lowest negative peak value in the channel.

See Also: Viewing Waveform Summaries in the File Manager Quick Start

Location: Waveform Summary

Description: The lowest positive peak value in the channel.

See Also: Viewing Waveform Summaries in the File Manager Quick Start

Location: File Manager (Universal Viewer)

Description: Change the driver at the cursor position to the NxtPhase LPRO driver and plot the input

Activation: Menu: Alt-D, O

Comments: NxtPhase files are displayed in the IEEE Comtrade Binary format. NxtPhase has developed
an automatic conversion application called "AutoComtrade.exe". Wavewin calls
"AutoComtrade.exe" to convert NxtPhase files to the Comtrade binary format for display. To
view NxtPhase relay files double click or press enter on the original LPRO files. To obtain a
copy of the “AutoComtrade.exe” file please contact NxtPhase.

Files that have an “.LPR” extension are automatically tagged as NxtPhase LPRO files.

See Also: Tesla Files in the File Manager Quick Start

Display Oscillography in the File Manager Quick Start
Chapter 1 – Fields & Features

Associating File Types in the File Manager Quick Start

Location: Waveform Summary (Events/Sensors Activity Summary)

Description: Displays the status of the last digital samples in the file. Lst is the second column in the
Events/Sensors Activity Summary. A=Alarm, N=Normal.

Comments: This data is also displayed in the third column of the digital information table view.

Location: Waveform Summary (Events/Sensors Activity Summary)

Description: Displays the date and time the digital channel last changed state. Lst-Change is the forth
column in the Events/Sensors Activity Summary.

Comments: This data is also displayed in the fifth column of the digital information table view.


Location: All Tables

Description: Mark all the rows in the table.

Activation: Direct: Mark menu button (if no files are marked).

Menu: Alt-M, A

Comments: Marked rows are displayed in red. The TotMarks field displayed in the status bar is updated
accordingly. The Mark menu button toggles between marking and unmarking all rows in the

See Also: Unmarked Marked Rows

Flip Marks
Group Marked Rows


Location: Analysis

Description: Unmark all analog & digital channels if the total number of marked channels is less than the
total number of displayed channels otherwise mark all the channels.

Activation: Direct: F8
Menu: Alt-C, M

Comments: When an analog channel is marked the ID, title, ASV, and units are displayed in light red.
When a digital channel is marked the ID and titles are displayed in light red. To mark or
unmark a channel click the channel’s corresponding ID number or title, or use the space

Chapter 1 – Fields & Features

Location: All Tables

Description: Toggle the row at the cursor position between the marked and unmarked state.

Activation: Direct: Spacebar, Ctrl-Left Mouse Click

Menu: Alt-M, M

Comments: Marked rows are displayed in red. The TotMarks field displayed in the status bar is updated
accordingly. The Mark menu button toggles all the rows in the table between the marked
and unmarked state.


Location: Analysis

Description: Mark all positions in the analog channels where the waveform changes in sign.

Activation: Menu: Alt-A, H

Comments: A small gray triangle marks the change in sign position.

See Also: Mark Raw Values

Mark Peak Values


Location: Analysis

Description: Mark all positive and negative peaks on the analog channels.

Activation: Menu: Alt-A, H

Comments: A small gray square marks the positive and negative peaks.

See Also: Mark Change in Sign

Mark Raw Values


Location: Analysis

Description: Mark all the raw samples read from the active waveform file.

Activation: Menu: Alt-A, M

Comments: A small hollow blue circle is placed at the raw samples read from the file.

See Also: Mark Change in Sign

Mark Peak Values

Chapter 1 – Fields & Features

Location: DXF Animated CAD (Drawing Properties Dialog)

Description: Displays the total number of X pixels allocation for the active DXF drawing.

Activation: Direct: F2 – drawing properties menu button

Menu: Alt-T, D

Comments: This value changes automatically when the Zoom In/Out features are used and is updated
accordingly in the DXF status bar.

See Also: Zoom In

Zoom Out
Zoom X, Y Resolution Properties

Location: DXF Animated CAD (Drawing Properties Dialog)

Description: Displays the total number of Y pixels allocation for the active DXF drawing.

Activation: Direct: F2 – drawing properties menu button

Menu: Alt-T, D

Comments: This value changes automatically when the Zoom In/Out features are used and is updated
accordingly in the status bar.

See Also: Zoom In

Zoom Out
Zoom X, Y Resolution Properties

Location: Analysis (Analog Table)

Description: Displays the maximum peak value of the channel.

Comments: If the active driver’s data type is set to RMS calibrated then the files maxpeak value is
multiplied by Root 2.

See Also: Viewing Analog Data in the Analysis Quick Start

Location: Analysis (Analog Table)

Description: Displays the maximum value of the channel.

Comments: This column is displayed if the active driver’s data type is set to Non-Sinusoidal-Log Files.

See Also: Viewing Analog Data in the Analysis Quick Start

Chapter 1 – Fields & Features

Location: Analysis (Analog Table)

Description: Displays the absolute maximum value between the RMS bar (black dotted line) and the data
bar (black solid line).

Comments: This column is displayed if the active driver’s data type is set to Non
Sinusoidal-Log Files.

See Also: Viewing Analog Data in the Analysis Quick Start

Data Bar


Location: File Manager (Universal Viewer)

Description: Change the driver at the cursor position to the MDAR REL 301/302 driver and plot the input

Activation: Menu: Alt-D, D

Comments: If the selected file is not a valid REL file an error message is generated. All files that have
the “.REL” extension are tagged as MDAR REL files. The MDAR REL driver uses circular
interpolation techniques to convert the input sampling frequency to a higher frequency
suitable for display.
play. The input sampling frequency is 8 samples per cycle (45 degrees

Location: Analysis

Description: Display the analog channel using the maximum pixels allowed with no ze
zero reference point.
The medium display is activated through the Auto Scale feature.
Activation: Direct: F6, - Auto Scale button
Menu: Alt-D, A, P

uto Scale toggles between (Off, On and ++). ++ plots the signal using the number of
Comments: The Auto
maximum m pixels allowed for the channel. The highest value is plotted at the maximum
position allowed and the smallest value is plotted at the lowest position allowed. This
feature was added to clearly show the profile of frequency, Vdc and load data channels.

See Also: Scaling Analog Channels in the Analysis Quick Start

AS Status Field
Auto Scaling


Location: Analysis

Description: Merge the visible or marked channels from all the open analysis windows into a new data
window. There are three Merge options available. Merge files “By Time” will merge only
the common times in the open files. Merge files “Manually” will merge the data according to

Chapter 1 – Fields & Features

the positions of the data bars in each open window. Merge files “By Sample” will merge the
files by lining up the samples in each open window.

Activation: Menu: Alt-F, G, B-“By Time”, M-“Manually”, S-“By Sample”

Comments: To distinguish between the merged channels the station name is placed before each
channel merged. To deactivate this feature open the “Window Properties” dialog, select the
“Append/Merge” tab and click the “Merge Files” option. If the files have different sampling
frequencies a dialog will be display to select the frequency for the new window.

See Also: Merge Open Files in the Analysis Quick Start

Merge Waveform Files


Location: File Manager

Description: Merge all the channels from the marked waveform file into a analysis window. There are
two Merge options available. Merge files “By Time” will merge only the common times in
the open files. Merge files “By Sample” will merge the files by lining up the samples in each
open window.

Activation: Menu: Alt-O, W, M, B-“By Time”, S-“By Sample”

Comments: To distinguish between the merged channels the station name is placed before each
channel merged. To deactivate this feature open the analysis “Window Properties” dialog,
select the “Append/Merge” tab and click the “Merge Files” option. If the files have different
sampling frequencies a dialog will be display to select the frequency for the new window.

See Also: Merge Waveform Files in the File Manager Quick Start
Merge Open Files

Location: Analysis (Analog Table)

Description: MinPeak is the column that displays the minimum peak value of the channel.

Comments: If the active driver’s data type is set to RMS calibrated then the files minpeak value is
multiplied by Root 2.

See Also: Viewing Analog Data in the Analysis Quick Start

Location: Analysis (Analog Table)

Description: Displays the minimum value of the channel.

Comments: This column is displayed if the active driver’s data type is set to Non-Sinusoidal-Log Files.

See Also: Viewing Analog Data in the Analysis Quick Start

Chapter 1 – Fields & Features

Location: File Manager

Description: Copy the marked files to the specified destination path then delete the files from the source
directory. If a file is not copied successfully it is marked and grouped at the top of source
directory. To create a new destination directory enter the name into the Directories edit box.
The system prompts prior to creating the new directory.

Activation: Direct: F9, - Move menu button

Menu: Alt-F, M

Fields: Directory Name: The destination path where the marked files are to be moved. To
specify a new path, type the path directly into this edit box.
Directories: Displays a tree of the system’s directories, double click to open a
node in the tree and click on the desired directory to highlight it.
Files: Displays a list of the files in the highlighted directory.
Drives: A list of all the connected drives. Select the desired drive.

Options: Enter/Ok: Move the marked files to the selected destination

tination path.
Esc/Cancel: Exit the dialog without executing the command.

Comments: Marked files are displayed in red. The TotMarks and MrkSize fields displayed in the status
bar are updated accordingly.

See Also: Copy Files

Mark/Unmark File


Location: Analysis

Description: Move the RMS bar (black dotted line) to the sample at the Reference bar position (blue
dotted line).

Activation: Direct: Ctrl-Z – Set RMS bar menu button

Menu: Alt-V, R

Comments: The RMS and Data bars define the RMS sliding window.

See Also: Setting the Cursor Bars in the Analysis Quick Start


Location: Analysis

Description: Move the Reference bar (blue dotted line) to the sample at the Data bar position (black solid

Activation: Direct: Ctrl-A – Set Reference Bar menu button

Menu: Alt-V, M

Chapter 1 – Fields & Features

Comments: The Delta time field (Delta X) in the status bar at the bottom of the screen displays the time
difference between the reference bar and the data bar. If the time difference between the
samples is in milliseconds or microseconds then the number of cycles between the two bars
is also displayed.

See Also: Setting the Cursor Bars in the Analysis Quick Start
Data Bar
Reference Bar

Location: File Manager (Status Field)

Description: Displays the combined size (in Kbytes) for all marked files.

See Also: Size



Location: Device Manager

Description: Display the MID window to periodically execute the device’s assigned drivers and updates
the parsed information into the device panel.

Activation: Direct: F7 – menu button

Menu: Alt-O, M

Comments: The Multiport Interrogation Display (MID) contains four device panels per page. A
maximum of 999 device panels can be opened at one time. To activate the MID window
press F7. If no devices are marked, all devices assigned a driver are displayed and polled.
Use the up, down, page up, and page down keys to view the device panels. When F7 is
pressed the device’s TXCOMMAND assigned in the DRIVERS.INI file is periodically sent to
the output device. The response data is parsed by the RXSTRIP commands and updated
in the device panel. Each panel displays the device title (Hdr), the assigned active device
drive (Drv), the device number (Dev#), and the number of times the driver executed (Cycle).

See Also: Multiport Interrogation Display in the Device Manager Quick Start


Location: Device Manager

Description: Open a new device configuration table with 0 devices defined in the table and database

Activation: Menu: Alt-D, W

Comments: A “Select Directory” dialog allows for selecting an existing directory or for creating a new
directory for the new configuration. To create a new directory type the directory name in the
“Directory Name” field. If the directory does not exists the system prompts a message for
confirmation to create the directory. The “CFG_DEVS.DTB” and “CFG_SHOT.DTB” files
are created with zero records. If these files exist in the selected directory then they are
cleared. The system will prompt a message asking to copy the existing “DRIVERS.INI” file
Chapter 1 – Fields & Features

to the new configuration directory Select “Yes” to use the existing “DRIVERS.INI” for the
new configuration or “No” to create a new “DRIVERS.

See Also: System Files in the Device Manager Quick Start

New Device Record
Duplicate Device Record


Location: Device Manager

Description: Create a new device record in the table.

Activation: menu button

Direct: F4 –menu
Menu: Alt-D, N


Location: Device Manager

Description: Open a new device configuration table with 0 devices defined in the table and database

Activation: Menu: Alt-D, W

Fields: Device Settings:

Device Number: Set the number of the device. Each device must have a unique
number. The device number is used in the IEEE long file naming
Address: Set the address of the device. The address can be the port number
off a 2020/2030 or a modbus address.
Station ID: Set the ID number for the station each station must have a unique
Data Type: Select the type of data being polled (ASCII/Binary).
Print : Select
ect if the data polled is sent to the connected printer (On/Off).
Title: Set the device title.
Driver: Select the main driver that will poll the device.
Station Name: Set the station name.
Time Code: Select the main driver that will poll the device.
EscSeq: The EscSeq field contains 7 separate fields separated by a blank.
Set the appropriate information in the appropriate fields. The fields
can contain passwords, phone numbers, file names, FTP settings,
TCP/IP settings for a specific device refer to the “Device
Configuration” document.
Port Settings:
Port Number: Select the COM port number from the list of COM ports registered
on the machine or enter a new COM port number. For TCP/IP and
FTP connections each device must have a unique COM port
Baud Rate: Select the port’s baud rate.
Parity: Select the port’s parity (None, ODD, Even, Mark).
Data Bits: Select the port’s Data Bits (7 or 8).
Stop Bits: Select the port’s stop bits (1 or 2).
Flow Control: Select the port’s flow control (None, Software or Hardware).

Chapter 1 – Fields & Features

Terminal Settings:
CR/LF: Select if a CR/LF is added after a TX string, RX string, both or none
in terminal mode.
Local Echo: Select if the transmitted text is echoed to the terminal window.
Terminal Settings:
CR/LF: Select if a CR/LF is added after a TX string, RX string, both or none
in terminal mode.
TX Delay:
Inter Char Delay: Enter the number of milliseconds to wait when transmitting
characters to the device.

Options: Save/Enter: Exit and save the dialog fields.

Esc/Cancel: Exit the dialog without saving the dialog fields.

Comments: A “Select Directory” dialog allows for selecting an existing directory or for creating a new
directory for the new configuration. To create a new directory type the directory name in the
“Directory Name” field. If the directory does not exists the system prompts a message for
confirmation to create the directory. The “CFG_DEVS.DTB” and “CFG_SHOT.DTB” files
are created with zero records. If these files exist in the selected directory then they are
cleared. The system will prompt a message asking to copy the existing “DRIVERS.INI” file
to the new configuration directory Select “Yes” to use the existing “DRIVERS.INI” for the
new configuration or “No” to create a new “DRIVERS.INI” file.

Comments: Some of the fields are set to default values such as: port number, baud rate, parity, data
bits, stop bits and flow control. The device number is a required field and must be unique.
An error message will be displayed if any invalid fields are encountered.

See Also: New Device Record

Edit Device Record
Duplicate Device Record

Location: ASCII Editor

Description: Open a new empty ASCII edit window with the title defaulted to Untitled.

See Also: Open File

Location: Waveform Summary

Description: Displays the analog channel's full-scale value divide by the channel's resolution.

Comments: The OneBit value is used to calculate the HP-Dif and the LP-Dif.

See Also: Viewing Waveform Summaries in the File Manager Quick Start


Location: File Manager

Chapter 1 – Fields & Features

Description: Open all the marked waveform files in the file table and minimize the file table.

Activation: Menu: Alt-O, W, F

Comments: All the marked waveform files are opened, tiled and the file table is minimized. A maximum
of 10 data windows can be open at one time.

See Also: Open All Marked Files in the File Manager Quick Start

Location: ASCII Editor

Description: Open the window open file dialog box to select an existing file. The open file will be put in a
new ASCII edit window.

See Also: New File

Location: File Manager

Description: The IEEE PSRC long file naming convention allows for user defined fields appended at the
end of the filename. The file table reserves 4 columns for the first 4 user defined fields.
The columns are named Optional-1 to Optional-4.

See Also: Long File Naming Format in the File Manager Quick Start


Location: Device Manager

Description: Paste the device records from the system clipboard files to the active device configuration.

Activation: Menu: Alt-D, T

Comments: Device records copied to the system clipboard files (“DEV_CLIPBOARD.CLP”,

“LOG_CLIPBOARD.CLP”) can be pasted into the active device configuration files. After
each paste operation the device table is updated and all devices are initialized.

See Also: Change Device Configuration

New Device Configuration
Copy Device Records

Location: ASCII Editor

Description: Paste the contents of the clipboard into the document at the cursor position. Existing
blocked text is overwritten with the contents of the clipboard.

Activation: Direct: Ctrl-V, Shift-Ins - Paste menu button

Chapter 1 – Fields & Features

Menu: Alt-E, P

Comments: Use the shift keys and the up, down, page up and page down keys to block file text.

See Also: Copy Text

Cut Text


Location: Save as COMTRADE Dialog (ASCII/Binary)

Description: Displays the destination path and filename of the new COMTRADE file.

Comments: The oscillography file at the cursor position is saved in COMTRADE format to the specified
filename. When specifying a filename do not enter an extension, the “.CFG” and “.DAT”
files are automatically created. If a path is not specified the files are saved to the active

Restrictions: The filename cannot contain an extension.


Location: Analysis (Window Properties Dialog)

Description: Used as a multiplier to increase/decrease the length of a vector in the phasor diagram or to
increase/decrease the circular chart data.

Activation: Menu: Alt-F, T, “Display Settings” Tab

Range: Greater Than 1.00

Default: 2.00

Comments: When a channel's amplitude is increased, the phasor/circular chart scale value is multiplied
with the Pixsdisp value, and when the channel's amplitude is decreased the phasor/circular
chart scale value is divided by the Pixsdisp value .

Location: Analysis

Description: Displays the number of pixels allocated for the channels.

Comments: When a channels’ amplitude is increased or decreased the trace scale multiplier, set in the
“Window Properties” dialog, is multiplied or divided with the PixsDisp values in the analog
information table. To increase or decrease the channels’ amplitude, select “Increase
Amplitude” or “Decrease Amplitude” from the Data menu. If no channels are marked, all
channels are scaled accordingly.

See Also: Trace Scale Multiplier

Auto Scaling

Chapter 1 – Fields & Features


Location: Analysis

Description: Plays the audio of the first marked analog channel. If no channels are marked then it plays
the audio of the first displayed channel.

Activation: Menu: Alt-D, P

Fields: Analog Channel: Title of the active analog channel.

Save Audio: Active saving the analog channel data to the window’s .WAV
Audio Filename: The path and name of the saved .WAV file.
Drives: A list of all the connected drives. Select the desired drive.

Options: Play: Play the active analog channels data.

Volume: Decrease/Increase the volume of the output.

Comments: Marked channels are displayed in red. The “Active Channel” section displays the active
analog channel in the analysis window. The “Audio Controls” section allows for playing the
active analog channel’s data through the computers speakers and for increasing/decreasing
the volume of the output. The “Save .WAV File” section allows for saving the analog
channel data in the Window’s .WAV format. Click the folder button to select and
destination directory and to enter a new “.WAV” file or for selecting an existing “.WAV” file.
The selected file path and name will be updated in the “Audio Filename” field.

See Also: Play Channels Audio in the Analysis Quick Start

Location: Analysis (Analog Table)

Description: The values displayed in the analog table are either in primary or secondary quantities. If the
file defines the type of values saved then the type is displayed in the window header. Also, if
the CT and PT ratios are defined in the configuration file then the values can be changed
from primary to secondary and vice versa. To change the values open the properties dialog
and click on the “Driver Data Type” tab, select the Primary or Secondary radio button to
switch between values.

See Also: Changing Analog Values in the Analysis Quick Start

Secondary Values


Location: Analysis

Description: Print all the data for the visible analog and digital channels.

Activation: Menu: Alt-F, P, A

Comments: The printer must be registered in the system's WIN.INI file. The printed pages include the
page number and the date/time of the first sample in the page. The channel information is
printed at the end of the data. Use the print page option to print only the contents of the
data window.

Chapter 1 – Fields & Features

See Also: Printer Setup


Location: All Tables

Description: Print all the rows in active table.

Activation: Menu: Alt-F, P, A

Comments: The printer must be registered in the system's WIN.INI file. Use the Print Marked option to
print only the marked files.

See Also: Printer Setup


Location: DXF Animated CAD

Description: Print the contents of the active DXF file.

Activation: Menu: Alt-T, P, F

Comments: The printer must be registered in the system's WIN.INI file. Use the Print DXF Page option
to print only the contents displayed in the window.

See Also: Printer Setup

Location: All child windows.

Description: Change the printer type and setup the current printer.

Activation: Menu: Alt-F, S – Device Manager/ASCII/Binary Event Editor

Menu: Alt-T, S – DXF Display

Location: ASCII/Binary Event File

Description: Print all pages in the open file.

Activation: Menu: Alt-F, P, F

Comments: The printer must be registered in the system's WIN.INI file. In the ASCII/Binary editors, use
the “Print/File Page” option to print the current page.

See Also: Printer Setup


Location: Query Fields

Chapter 1 – Fields & Features

Description: Compare the entered criteria to all the records in the active configuration.

Activation: Direct: F6, <enter>

Menu: Alt-Q, A

Comments: All the records in the active configuration are compared to the entered query criteria. A
marked record that does not meet the query requirements is unmarked. The records that
meet the query requirements are marked and grouped at the top of the table. Marked
records are displayed in red.

The Enter key searches all the records in the table.

See Also: Query Marked Records

Query Unmarked Records
Clear Query Criteria


Location: Query Fields

Description: Compare the entered criteria to the marked records in the active configuration.

Activation: Direct: F5
Menu: Alt-Q, M

Comments: The marked records that meet the query requirements are marked and grouped at the top of
the table. All other marked records are unmarked. Marked records are displayed in red.

See Also: Query Unmarked Records

Query All Records


Location: Query Fields

Description: Compare the entered criteria to the unmarked records in the active configuration.

Activation: Direct: F7
Menu: Alt-Q, U

Comments: The unmarked records that meet the query requirements are marked and grouped below
previous marked records. Marked records are displayed in red.

See Also: Query Marked Records

Query All Records

Location: Analysis

Description: Display the following information for the active oscillography file:
Channel # Analog Channel Titles Full Scale Values
SAC # SAC Titles Full Scale Values

Chapter 1 – Fields & Features

Channel # Digital Channel Titles Original State Values

SDC # SDC Titles Original State Values

Activation: Direct: F2 - Channel menu button

Menu: Alt-F, R

Comments: Triggered digital channel titles are displayed in red. All valid and invalid channels are

Location: Analysis

Description: Displays the instantaneous sample value at the reference bar position (dotted blue line that
runs vertically across the analog and digital channels). This value is displayed in the RefVal
column of the analog table view.

Comments: The reference bar is used to resize the RMS sliding window and display the instantaneous
value at the sample position. To resize the sliding window, click the right mouse button to
set the reference bar position and the left mouse button to set the data bar position then
select the Set RMS Bar menu button.

elta time (Delta X) field, displayed in the status bar shows the time difference between
The Delta
the reference bar and the data bar. If the time difference between the samples is in
milliseconds or microseconds then the number of cycles between the two bars is al also

The default position of the reference bar is at the fault time.

See Also: Data Bar

Fault Bar

Location: File Manager

Description: Update the contents of the active directory from the operating system's allocation table.

Activation: Direct: Refresh menu button

Menu: Alt-F, F

Location: Analysis (Analog Table)

Description: Displays the sample value at the Reference bar (blue dotted line).

Comments: If the active driver’s data type is set to RMS calibrated, the sample value at the data bar
position is multiplied by the square root of 2.

See Also: Viewing Analog Data in the Analysis Quic

Quick Start

Chapter 1 – Fields & Features

Reference Bar

Location: File Manager

Description: Rename the file or directory at the cursor position.

Activation: Menu: Alt-F, N

Fields: From: The current name of the file.

To: The new name of the file.

Options: Enter/Ok: Change the name.

Esc/Cancel: Exit the dialog without executing the command.


Location: Analysis

Description: Reopen a file that was previously viewed.

Activation: Menu Bar: Open File drop down menu button

Comments: A list of the last 14 open files is displayed in a drop down menu button. Click the on the file
to reopen.

See Also: Reopen Waveform File in the Analysis Quick Start


Location: File Manager (Universal Viewer)

Description: Change the driver at the cursor position to the Hathaway Replay Plus driver and plot the
input channels.

Activation: Menu: Alt-D, R

Comments: The Replay Plus driver reads and displays waveform (dfr), disturbance (css) and trend (tss)
files. If the selected file is not a valid Replay Plus file an error message is generated. All
files that have the “.DAT” extension, with no corresponding “.CFG” file are tagged as Replay
Plus files.

See Also: Display Oscillography in the File Manager Quick Start

Associating File Types in the File Manager Quick Start

Location: All Tables

Description: Resize the columns in the table.

Activation: Direct: Mouse Drag

Chapter 1 – Fields & Features

Comments: To resize the table columns, place the mouse over the column separator and drag to the
right or the left. The cursor changes to the vertical resize cursor when the mouse is
positioned over the column separator. Double click the mouse over the separators to make
the column size the maximum area to display all the text in the column.


Location: Analysis

Description: Resize the RMS sliding window.

Activation: Direct: Resize Sliding Window menu button

Menu: Alt-V, W

Comments: To automatically resize the RMS sliding window click on the Resize Sliding Window menu
button or open the “Resize Sliding Window” menu option under the “View” menu. To
manually resize the RMS sliding window click the right mouse button to set the referen reference
position and the left mouse button to set the ending data position then click the SetRMS
menu button. The RMS bar is moved to the reference position. The Delta time (Delta
X) field displayed in the status bar at the bottom of the screen shows the titime difference (in
milliseconds or seconds) and the number of cycles between the reference and data bars.
Use the left, right, ctrl+left, and ctrl+right keys or the horizontal scroll bar to move the sliding

See Also: Setting the Cursor Bars in the Analysis Quick Start
Data Bar
Reference Bar

Location: Analysis

Description: Restore all the hidden analog channels. The delete key removes the marked analog
channels and the insert key restores the channels.

Activation: Direct: Insert or the ViewAll menu button

Menu: Alt-C, R

See Also: View Mark(s)

Hide Mark(s)
Show All Hidden

Location: Analysis

Description: Restore the displayed file to the original samples stored in the file. This feature will undo all
changes made using the change frequency, duplicate cycles and truncate cycles features.

Activation: Direct: Restore Original menu button

Menu: Alt-D, R
Chapter 1 – Fields & Features

See Also: Duplicate Cycles

Truncate Cycles
Change Frequency


Location: File Manager (Universal Viewer)

Description: Change the driver at the cursor position to the RFL 9300 driver and plot the input channels.

Activation: Menu: Alt-D, F

Comments: If the selected file is not a valid RFL 9300 file an error message is generated.

Location: Analysis (Analog Table)

Description: Displays the RMS value for all samples positioned between the RMS bar (black dotted line)
and the data bar (black solid line). If the data is RMS calibrated, each sample value is
multiplied by the square root of 2 before it is squared.

See Also: Viewing Analog Data in the Analysis Quick Start

Data Bar

Location: Analysis

Description: The RMS bar is the black dotted line that runs vertically across the analog and digital
channels. The RMS bar and data bar define the RMS sliding window.

Comments: When the analysis window is initially opened the sliding window is defaulted to one cycle.
The sliding window is used to calculate the RMS value for all samples positioned between
the data bar and the RMS bar. This value is displayed in the Analog View.

To resize the sliding window, click the right mouse button to set the reference bar position
and the left mouse button to set the data bar position then select the Set RMS Bar menu
button. This button will move the RMS bar to the reference bar.

See Also: Data bar

RMSVal Column
TrueRMS Column
Fault Bar

Location: File Manager

Description: Execute the specified command.

Activation: Direct: F5
Chapter 1 – Fields & Features

Menu: Alt-F, R

Fields: Open: The path and filename of the application to run.

Options: Enter/Ok: Run the specified application.

Esc/Cancel: Exit the dialog without executing the command.
Browse: Display the Windows open dialog to browse for a file.


Location: Analysis

Description: The sample base display plots the channel data with 1 pixel distance between each
displayed sample. Sample based displays are useful for showing changes in sampling

Comments: To change the trace display settings open the “Window Properties” dialog under the “File”
menu. Click the “Display Settings” tab and change the “Trace Display Type” field to time
based or sample based.

See Also: Time & Sample Based Displays in the Analysis Quick Start


Location: Device Manager

Description: Display the “Save & Archive” dialog to define the system and file settings.

Activation: Menu: Alt-O, S

Fields: System Settings:

Station ID: Set the Station number where the system is running.
Station Name: Set the Station name where the system is running
Company Name: Set the company name.
Password: Set the password to gain access to this platform from another
station. Refer to Interrogating a Remote Device for more
information on using the password to gain access to the Wavewin
platform via a remote computer.
File Settings:
Save Rx Data: Save all received data from the devices in a device DTB file.
Save Path: Set the path where the device DTB files are to be saved. Maximum
80 characters.
Duration (min): Set the duration of the DTB files saved.
End With: Action to take when the duration field has been exceeded. Archive
will rename the DTB files using the IEEE long file naming format
and delete will delete the DTB files from disk.

Options: Save/Enter: Exit and save the dialog fields.

Esc/Cancel: Exit the dialog without saving the dialog fields.

Comments: Use the tab key to navigate between fields.

See Also: Change DXF Files in Chapter 1

IEEE Long File Naming Format in Chapter 1
Interrogating A Remote Device in Chapter 1
Chapter 1 – Fields & Features

Location: ASCII/Binary Editor

Description: Save the active event file to a new name.

Activation: Menu: Alt-F, A

See Also: Save As Text


Location: File Manager and Analysis

Description: Save the waveform file at the cursor position or the displayed analog/digital channels to
COMTRADE ASCII or Binary format.

Activation: File Manager

Menu: Alt-O, V, A – Save in COMTRADE ASCII format
Menu: Alt-O, V, B – Save in COMTRADE Binary format
Menu: Alt-F, A, C, A – Save in COMTRADE ASCII format
Menu: Alt-F, A, C, B – Save in COMTRADE Binary format

Fields: Path: The destination path.

Filename: The filename with no extension.

Options: Enter/Ok: Read the file contents and save it in COMTRADE format.
Esc/Cancel: Exit the dialog without executing the command.

Comments: Do not enter a filename extension. The COMTRADE configuration (.CFG) and data (.DAT)
files are automatically created. If a path is not defined, the files are saved in the active

Currently there are two Comtrade versions supported: the older 1991 format and the newer
1999 format. The Comtrade format can be selected from the “Window Properties” dialog in
the analysis window. The default format is the newer 1999 format.

If the sample values in the selected file are RMS calibrated and the outcome Comtrade file
must have instantaneous values then set the “Comtrade Settings” fields to automatically
convert the RMS data to instantaneous values. To set the “Comtrade Settings” fields open
the “Window Properties” dialog in the analysis window. Select the “Comtrade” tab then
select “Yes” for the “Convert RMS Calibrated Data to Peak Data” field.

To automatically convert the selected channels to Comtrade using the IEEE long file naming
convention check the “Use the ComNames Naming Convention to Name the Comtrade
File(s)” field in the “Save As Comtrade” Dialog and leave the File Name field empty. The
selected channels are converted to the selected Comtrade format and are named using the
IEEE long file naming convention.

Restrictions: The selected file must be a supported oscillography file.

See Also: Save As Comtrade in the File Manager & Analysis Quick Start

Chapter 1 – Fields & Features


Location: Analysis

Description: Save specific analog information into a CSV comma delimited format. The "CSV Format"
will save the RMS, Instantaneous or Vector (Magnitude and Angle or RMS and Angle)
values to a comma delimited text file.

Activation: Menu: Alt-F, A, V, R – Save the RMS Values.

Menu: Alt-F, A, C, I – Save the Instantaneous Values.
Menu: Alt-F, A, C, V – Save the Magnitude and Angle.
Menu: Alt-F, A, C, E – Save the RMS and Angle.

Fields: Path: The destination path.

Filename: The filename with no extension.

Options: Enter/Ok: Read the file contents and save it in comma delimited format.
Esc/Cancel: Exit the dialog without executing the command.

Comments: The first line in the CSV file is the header information for each channel. All the analog
channels displayed in the active data plotting window are saved.

The four Save as CSV options are:

• Save As CSV - RMS Values: Save the RMS Values.

• Save As CSV - Instantaneous Values: Save the Instantaneous Values.
• Save As CSV - Vector Values (Mag & Ang): Save the DFT Magnitude and Angle.
• Save As CSV - Vector Values (RMS & Ang): Save the RMS Value and Angle.

The file format saved is a comma delimited text file and the .CSV extension is automatically
assigned. The first line in the file defines the header information.

All files saved using the Save as CSV format are recognized as plotting files using the SDC
display driver. Wavewin will automatically recognize the saved format and display it in the
data plotting window.

Restrictions: The selected file must be a supported oscillography file.

See Also: Save As: CSV Format in Analysis Quick Start

Location: Binary Editor

Description: Save the binary values in the hex editor file to an ASCII text file.

Activation: Menu: Alt-F, T

See Also: Save As


Location: File Manager

Chapter 1 – Fields & Features

Description: Displays the date the file was last saved on disk.

Comments: Click the table’s Save Date header to sort the files in ascending or descending order with
respect to the Save Date.

See Also: Fault Date/Time Column

Save Time


Location: Analysis

Description: Save the displayed values in the analog table to a file or to the Windows clipboard.

Activation: Menu: Alt-F, T “Values File” Tab

Fields: Save To: Where to save the values: file, clipboard or both
Select Values File: Select the file for the displayed values.
Save Type: How to maintain the file: append or rewrite
Save Format: How to save the data: fixed ASCII or comma delimited
Add Titles: Add the titles to the file or no titles.

Options: Enter/Ok: Set the format.

Esc/Cancel: Exit the dialog without executing the command.

Comments: To save the samples values to a file select the “Mark & Save” menu option under the
“Values” menu. Select the format for the selected sample. To view the values file, select
the “Values File/Open” menu option under the “Values” menu.

See Also: Save Displayed Values in the Analysis Quick Start


Location: File Manager

Description: Displays the time the file was last saved on disk.

Comments: Click the table’s Save Time header to sort the files in ascending or descending order with
respect to the Save Time.

See Also: Fault Date/Time Column


Location: Analysis

Description: Save the displayed view information in an ASCII text file.

Activation: Menu: Alt-V, S

Fields: View File Path: Destination path for the file.

View Name: The name of the view. A file extension is not needed. The “.VIW” extension
is automatically assigned.

Chapter 1 – Fields & Features

Options: Enter/Ok: Save the view.

Esc/Cancel: Exit the dialog without executing the command.

Comments: The following information is saved:

• Displayed analog channels,
• Analog channel order,
• Superimposed channels,
• Analog channel colors,
• Digital channels displayed,
• Sampling frequency,
• Time scale,
• Sliding window size (RMS bar to Data bar),
• Phasor window size,
• Table window size,
• Red fault bar,
• Auto scale and
• Phasor or circular chart displayed

See Also: Select User Views

User Views in the Analysis Quick Start

Location: Analysis (Analog Table)

Description: The values displayed in the analog table are either in primary or secondary quantities. If the
file defines the type of values saved then the type is displayed in the window header. Also, if
the CT and PT ratios are defined in the configuration file then the values can be changed
from primary to secondary and vice versa. To change the values open the properties dialog
and click on the “Driver Data Type” tab, select the Primary or Secondary radio button to
switch between values.

See Also: Changing Analog Values in the Analysis Quick Start

Primary Values


Location: File Manager (Universal Viewer)

Description: Change the driver at the cursor position to the SEL load profile driver and plot the input

Activation: Menu: Alt-D, O

Comments: If the selected file is not a valid SEL load profile file an error message is generated. All files
that have the “.BSV” extension are tagged as SEL load profile files.


Location: File Manager

Description: Change the driver at the cursor position to the SEL event driver and plot the input channels.

Chapter 1 – Fields & Features

Activation: Menu: Alt-D, A

Comments: If the selected file is not a valid SEL file an error message is generated. All files that have
the “.SEL”, “CEV” and “.EVE” extensions are tagged as SEL files. Use the Drivers menu to
change the file’s SEL driver type. All SEL relay display formats are supported.

Location: Analysis

Description: Select a specific line or view for display.

Activation: Direct: Line/View drop down menu button

Menu: Alt-C, L

Comments: The DFR Transcan and Faxtrax records have predefined views encoded into their format.
To select the predefined views click on the “Show All/ Select View” drop down menu butt button
or select the “Select Views” menu option under the “Channels” menu option. A list of the
available lines/graphs will be displayed. To view all the analog channels in the file press the
<esc> key, the <backspace>, or click the “Show All” menu button or click the ViewAll
menu button.

See Also: Selecting Predefined Views in the Analysis Quick Start


Location: Analysis

Description: Select a view file from the list of files located in the displayed view path.

Activation: Menu: Alt-V, V

Fields: View Files: A list of all the view files in the displayed view path.
Analog Channels: All analog channel information defined in the view file.
Digital Channels: All digital channel
nnel information defined in the view file.

Options: Enter/Ok: Select the highlighted view.

Esc/Cancel: Exit the dialog without executing the command.

Comments: The following information is read from the selected view file and applied to the displayed file:
• Displayed analog channels,
• Analog channel order,
• Superimposed channels,
• Analog channel colors,
• Digital channels displayed,
• Sampling frequency,
• Time scale,
• Sliding window size (RMS bar to Data bar),
• Phasor window size,
• Table window size,
• Red fault bar
• Auto scale and
• Phasor or circular chart displayed

Chapter 1 – Fields & Features

If the analog channel and digital channel names defined in the view file are not in the
displayed file than an error message is displayed.

A number of manufactures save the lines contained in a DFR record in the header format of
the file. The Transcan, Faxtrax, Director, USI and APP recorders save the line definitions in
the header section of the file. These predefined lines are listed in the top section of the view
drop down menu. For Transcan, Faxtrax and Director recorders the line definitions are
defined in the proprietary header files. For USI and APP the line definitions are stored in the
Comtrade .HDR file. The HDR files are located in the manufactures install path. To define
the location of the USI and APP line definition files open the “Device Configuration” dialog.
Refer to the “Device Configuration” section in the File Manager Quick Start. Select the USI
Comtrade Files or the APP Comtrade Files under the “Drivers” list box. On the right hand
side enter the path for the line definition files in the “Driver’s Line Directory” field.

See Also: Save User Views

User Views in the Analysis Quick Start


Location: Analysis

Description: The sequence components calculator calculates the zero, positive and negative sequence
components for the data values at the active window’s data bar. The sequence calculator
works off the active (highlighted) data plotting window

Activation: Menu: Alt-D, N

Fields: VA: Magnitude and Angle of Channel VA.

VB: Magnitude and Angle of Channel VB.
VC: Magnitude and Angle of Channel VC.
IA: Magnitude and Angle of Channel IA.
IB: Magnitude and Angle of Channel IB.
IC: Magnitude and Angle of Channel IC.
Angle Rotation: Increment the voltage and current angles.

Options: Refresh: Refresh VA, VB, VC, IA, IB and IC from the date bar locations.
Calculate: Calculate the sequence components.
Close: Close the dialog.
Rotate: Increment the voltage and current angles.

Comments: The channels in the active record must be organized as follows: The first 3 visible channels
are the Voltage channels, VA, VB and VC. The next 3 visible channels are the Current
channels, IA, IB and IC. To reposition the analog channels first mark the channels then use
the plus key to move the channels up one position and the minus key to move the channels
down one position.

The values populated in the dialog are read at the data bar position in the active record. The
sequence calculator dialog is a stay on top window. This allows for repositioning the data
bars without closing the dialog. To refresh the Voltage and Current values in the dialog use
the “Refresh” button.

See Also: Sequence Components Calculator in the Analysis Quick Start

Chapter 1 – Fields & Features


Location: File Manager

Description: View a table of sequence of events for a number of waveform files. Mark all the desired
files then press F11 or select the "SOE List" menu option from the "Reports" submenu
under the "Options" menu. A table will be displayed listing all the events triggered in the
selected files.

Activation: Direct: F11

Menu: Alt-O, R, S

Fields: Substation: The substation where the device is installed.

Device: The device the channel came from.
State: The state of the channel at that time (A=Abnormal, N=Normal).
Trigger Date: The trigger date.
Trigger Time: The trigger time.
Channel: The channel number of the event in the file.
Channel Title: The title of the channel.
File: The file containing the event/sensor channel.

Comments: The table is sorted according to the date and time. The Query section at the bottom of the
table allows for searching events from specific substations, devices, channels and more...
To view the file containing the specific events press enter or double click on the event.


Location: File Manager

Description: View a table of summarizing the sequence of events for a number of waveform files. Mark
all the desired files then select the "SOE Summary" menu option from the "Reports"
submenu under the "Options" menu. A table will be displayed listing a summary of the
events triggered in the selected files.

Activation: Menu: Alt-O, R, O

Fields: Substation: The substation that triggered the event/sensor

Device: The device the channel originated from.
Fst-State: The state the channel started at, A=alarm and N=normal.
Lst-State: The state the channel ended at, A=alarm and N=normal.
First Change Date The date the channel first changed state.
First Change Time: The time the channel first changed state.
Last Change Date The date the channel last changed state.
Last Change Time: The time the channel last changed state.
Changes: The number of times the channel changed state.
Chan#: The channel number in the file.
Channel Title: The title of the channel.
File: The file containing the event/sensor channel.

Comments: The table is sorted according to the first change date and time. The Query section at the
bottom of the table allows for searching events from specific substations, devices, channels
and more... To view the file containing the specific events press enter or double click on the

Chapter 1 – Fields & Features


Location: DXF Animated CAD

Description: Set the DXF drawing properties.

Activation: Direct: F2 - Properties menu button

Menu: Alt-T, D

Fields: File Name: Displays the file name for the currently select tab.
Background Color: Set the background color for the currently select tab.
Max X Pixel: Set the maximum X resolution value.
Max Y Pixel: Set the maximum Y resolution value.

Options: Enter/Ok: Exit the dialog, then save and execute the entered information.
Esc/Cancel: Exit the dialog without saving the information.
Apply : Apply and save the entered parameters without closing the dialog.

Comments: The Max X Pixel and Max Y Pixel values cannot exceed 32000.


Location: Analysis

Description: Set a driver’s open frequency. This feature is available in the “Change Frequency” dialog.

Activation: Direct: Change Frequency menu button

Menu: Alt-D, F

Fields: Open Frequency: Specify to always open the files associated with the active driver
using the entered frequency.

Options: Enter/Ok: Exit the dialog, then save and execute the entered information.
Esc/Cancel: Exit the dialog without saving the information.

Comments: Setting the Always Open field will open all files associated with the active driver using the
entered frequency. This feature is useful for files with low sampling frequency.

See Also: Change Frequency


Location: All Tables

Description: Set the active sort field to the column at the cursor position.

Activation: Direct: Left Mouse Click on the Column’s header

Menu: Alt-S, S

Comments: The “Ascending” and “Descending” options in the “Sort” menu sorts the table data with
respect to the select sort field. To sort the columns directly, click the column header button
to toggle between ascending and descending.

See Also: Sort All Rows

Chapter 1 – Fields & Features


Location: Analysis

Description: Shift all the marked analog channels down one position.

Activation: Direct: "-" key

Menu: Alt-C, D

Comments: Individual channels can be marked or unmarked by clicking on the channels corresponding
display ID or channel information or by pressing the spacebar. Marked analog channels are
displayed in red.

See Also: Shift Marks Up

Location: Analysis

Description: Shift all the marked analog channels up one position.

Activation: Direct: "+" key

Menu: Alt-C, U

Comments: Individual channels can be marked or unmarked by clicking the channels corresponding
display ID or channel data, or by pressing the spacebar. Marked analog channels are
displayed in red.

See Also: Shift Marks Down


Location: File Manager

Description: The Show/Hide Channel Titles allows for showing invalid channel titles, remove titles from
the invalid title list and adding new titles to the invalid channel title list.

Activation: Menu: Alt-O, T

Fields: Title List Box: Lists all invalid channel titles.

Add Title: Add a new title to the list.
Remove Title: Remove a title from the list.

Options: Enter/Ok: Execute changes.

Esc/Cancel: Exit the dialog without executing the command.

Comments: To show a title, uncheck the checkbox next to the title. All new titles are added to the end of
the list with the checkbox automatically checked.

See Also: Show/Hide Channel Titles in the File Manager Quick Start


Location: Analysis

Chapter 1 – Fields & Features

Description: Show all digital channels or just the triggered digital channels. This menu option toggles
between the two views.

Activation: Direct: F9
Menu: Alt-V, D

Comments: Placing the mouse on the horizontal separator bar and dragging it up or down can resize the
digital channel display area. The cursor changes to the horizontal resize cursor when the
mouse is positioned over the bar.


Location: Analysis

Description: Show all hidden analog and digital channels.

Activation: Direct: ViewAll menu button , the <esc> key or the <backspace> key
Menu: Alt-C, S

See Also: View Mark(s)

Hide Mark(s)
Restore Mark(s)


Location: Analysis

Description: Show or hide the channel information window. This menu option toggles between the two

Activation: Menu: Alt-V, C

Comments: The channel information window can be resized by placing the mouse on the vertical
separator bar and dragging it to the right or the left. The cursor changes to the vertical
resize cursor when the mouse is positioned o over the bar.


Location: Analysis

Description: Display the single ended fault location calculator dialog. The single ende
endedd fault location
calculator calculates a single ended Fault Location. The single ended calculator has two
types of calculators: the “Radial Line Method” and the “Reactance Method”

Activation: Menu: Alt-D, U, S

Fields: V Channel #: Faulted Voltage channel number (Radial and Reactance).

I Channel #: Faulted Current channel number (Radial and Reactance).
N Channel #: Faulted Current channel number (Reactance).
Z1: Magnitude and Angle Z1.
Z0: Magnitude and Angle Z0.

Options: Refresh: Refresh VA

VA, VB, VC, IA, IB and IC from the date bar locations.
Calculate: Calculate the fault location % of line.

Chapter 1 – Fields & Features

Close: Close the dialog.

Comments: To calculate the radial line method click on the “Radial Line Method” tab. Select the faulted
voltage channel from the “V Channel Number” drop down list and select the faulted current
channel from the “I Channel Number” drop down list. Next, enter the Z1 and Z0 magnitude
and angle. If the Z1 and Z0 values are stored in the opened file then tthese
hese fields will be
automatically populated.

To calculate the reactance method click on the “Reactance Method” tab. Select the Voltage
fault channel from the “V Channel Number” drop down list, select the faulted current
nnel from the “I Channel Number” drop down list and select the neutral channel from the
“N Channel Number” drop down list. Next, enter the Z1 and Z0 magnitude and angle. If the
Z1 and Z0 values are stored in the opened file header then these fields will be automatically

The magnitude and angle for “Vf” and “If” are read from the data bar position in the selected
open window. To change the position of the data bar, click on the desired location in the
waveform window then click on the “Refresh” b button
utton in the single ended fault calculator. To
calculate the fault location click on the “Calculate” button.

See Also: Single Ended Fault Location Calculator in the Analysis Quick Start

Location: File Manager (Status Field)

Description: Displays the total size (in Kbytes) of all files in the active directory.

See Also: Free


Location: File Manager

Description: Displays the size (in bytes) of the file.


Location: DXF Animated CAD

Description: Size the DXF drawing to the original di

splay coordinates (coordinates of the drawing when it
was first opened).

Activation: Direct: Original Display menu button

Menu: Alt-V, Z

Comments: The Max X and Max Y Pixel values in the status bar are updated according to the new

Location: DXF Animated CAD

Chapter 1 – Fields & Features

Description: Size the DXF drawing to fit in the window.

Activation: Direct: Fit in Window menu button

Menu: Alt-V, W

Comments: The Max X and Max Y Pixel values in the status bar are updated according to the new


Location: Analysis

Description: Display the software a

analog channel dialog.

Activation: Direct: F5
Menu: Alt-C, A

Fields: Titles: The titles for the software analog channels.

Operators: Each analog operation followed by an operator terminator “/”.
Fast SACs: A list of predfinded SAC titles and operators.

Options: Enter/Ok: Exit the dialog then save and execute the operators.
Esc/Cancel: Exit the dialog without saving or executing the operators.
F1/Help: Display the help window.
Open: Open a *.SAC file.
New: Create a new *.SAC file.
Save: Save the active SAC file.
Save As: Save the active SAC file under a new name.

Comments: Software analog channels (SAC's) are extra channels provided by the system. These
channels can be used to calculate a missing phase, create +, - and 0 sequence channels,
create an envelope
nvelope of a selected trace, or define an under/over
trigger values to monitor a
given channel. The SAC window is split into two sections: the titles and the operators. To
navigate between fields use the tab, up arrow and down arrow keys.

Operators are formatted as a stacked set of instructions. To select from the predefined fast
SACs click on the drop down list than double click on the desired SAC. The name of the
SAC is in the first column and the operator is in the second column. To have the SAC name
automatically copied to the SAC title click on the “Set SAC Titles using Fast SAC headers”
check box. The position of the channel in the operators is marked by a Pound Sign #. If
there are any marked channels in the data plotting window then the fast SAC w will be
populated with the marked channel numbers. For example if channels 4, 5 and 6 are
marked and the Calculate Neutral fast SAC is selected then the Operator will be displayed
as: +4/+5/+6/u=A/. If there are no channels marked the operator will be +#/+#
+#/+#/+#/u=. The
user will have to replace the # with the desired channels and complete the unit.

See Also: Creating Virtual Channels in the Analysis Quick Start


Location: Analysis

Description: Display the software digital channel dialog.

Chapter 1 – Fields & Features

Activation: Menu: Alt-C, D

Fields: Titles: The titles for the software digital channels.

Operators: Each digital operation followed by an operator terminator “/”.

Options: Enter/Ok: Exit the dialog then save and execute the operators.
Esc/Cancel: Exit the dialog without saving or executing the operators.
F1/Help: Display the help window.

Comments: Software digital channels (SDC's) are extra channels provided by the system. The SDC
window is split into two sections: the SDC titles, and the SDC operators. To navigate
between fields use the tab, up arrow and down arrow keys.

See Also: Creating Virtual Channels in the Analysis Quick Start.


Location: All Tables

Description: Sort all the rows in the table in ascending or descending order.

Activation: Menu: Alt-S, A – Ascending

Menu: Alt-S, D – Descending
Shortcut: Column headers

Comments: All the rows in the active table are sorted with respect to the sort field displayed in the
table’s status field.

See Also: Set Sort Field

Location: All Tables (Status Field)

Description: Displays the active sort field.

Activation: Direct: Mouse Click on the Column’s header

Menu: Alt-S, S

Comments: The “Ascending” and “Descending” options in the “Sort” menu sorts the table data with
respect to the select sort field. To sort the columns directly and to set the sort field, click the
column header button.

See Also: Sort All Rows


Location: All Tables

Description: Sort the marked rows according to the previously selected sort order.

Comments: All marked records are sorted and grouped at the top of the table.

Chapter 1 – Fields & Features

SR745/489 DRIVER
Location: File Manager (Universal Viewer)

Description: Change the driver at the cursor position to the GE SR745/489 driver and plot the input

Activation: Menu: Alt-D, K

Comments: If the selected file is not a valid SR745/489 file an error message is generated. All files that
have the “.CSV” extension, and have “CSV format” in the first line of the file are tagged as
GE SR745/489 files.

See Also: Display Oscillography in the File Manager Quick Start

Associating File Types in the File Manager Quick Start


Location: IEEE Long File Name

Description: The first field in the IEEE long file naming format. The start date is extracted from the event
files downloaded and stored in the following format: Year (2 digits) Month Day: 040909.
Example File Name:
040909,113109123,+3S,Barton Substation#12,SEL421-432#34,ArkElectric,,,.DAT

See Also: Start Time Field


Location: IEEE Long File Name

Description: The second field in the IEEE long file naming format. The start time is extracted from the
event files downloaded and stored in the following format: Hour Minute Second Millisecond:
Example File Name:
040909,113109123,+3S,Barton Substation#12,SEL421-432#34,ArkElectric,,,,.DAT

See Also: Start Date Field

Location: IEEE Long File Name

Description: The fourth field in the IEEE long file naming format. The substation name is extracted from
the device record.
Example File Name:
040909,113109123,+3S,Barton Substation#12,SEL421-432#34,ArkElectric,,,,.DAT

See Also: Long File Naming Format in the File & Device Managers Quick Starts

Location: Analysis

Description: Superimpose all or marked analog channels.

Chapter 1 – Fields & Features

Activation: Direct: F7
Menu: Alt-D, S

Comments: Marked channels are superimposed and grouped at the top of the display window. The
superimpose menu option and the F7 function key toggles superimposing on and off.


Location: Analysis

Description: Synchronize the data cursors for two or more open display windows by time or manually.

Activation: Menu: Alt-D, Y, T – “By Time”

Menu: Alt-D, Y, M – “Manually”

Options: By Time: When the "By Time" sync cursor feature is turned ON the data cursors in the
non-active windows are moved to the sample value time in the active window.
For example if the active data cursor is positioned on sample time
01:12:34.560, all non active data cursors are moved to the sample value at that
time. If the time is not found in the non-active window, the cursor position is
unchanged. The active window defines the master data cursor and all other
cursors follow this position.
Manually: This feature allows for selection of different cursor positions in the open data
windows before synchronization is turned ON. For example, open two data
windows and tile horizontally, move the data cursors to the beginning of the
fault cycles, and select the sync manual cursor option. When the left, right, ctrl-
left, ctrl-right, page up, page down, ctrl-page up, ctrl-page down, home and end
keys are pressed the data cursors move simultaneously.

Comments: A check mark indicates that the sync feature is ON. To turn synchronizing OFF click on the
active sync menu option to remove the check mark. When synchronizing is ON the channel
information displayed to the right of the traces is updated for all open data windows.

See Also: Synchronizing Data Cursors in the Analysis Quick Start

Location: Device Manager

Description: There are 3 system files needed for the proper operation of the system. The
CFG_DEV.DTB file stores the device records stored in the device table. The
CFG_SHOT.DTB file stores the device’s function keys and the EscSeq field in the device
records. The DRIVERS.INI file has all the script code for polling the connected devices and
transferring files to a remote computer.


Location: File Manager

Description: Display the tab delimited file at the cursor position in a table format. Tab delimited files
have textual fields separated by blank spaces, such as: CHANNEL DATE TIME.

Activation: Menu: Alt-D, 3, T

Chapter 1 – Fields & Features

Comments: The data in the file is presented in tabular form. An unlimited number of rows and columns
can be displayed.

See Also: Viewing ASCII Files in Database Format in the File Manager Quick Start
Double Quotes/Comma Delimited Table Driver
Comma Delimited Table Driver

Location: IEEE Long File Name

Description: The third field in the IEEE long file naming format. The T
ode is extracted from the device
Example File Name:
040909,113109123,+3S,Barton Substation

See Also: Long File Naming Format in the File & Device Managers Quick Starts

Location: File Manager (Universal Viewer)

Description: Change the driver at the cursor position to the Tesla driver and plot the input channels.

Activation: Menu: Alt-D, N

Comments: Tesla Files are displayed in the IEEE Comtrade Binary format. NxtPhase has developed an
automatic conversion application called "AutoComtrade.exe". Wavewin calls
"AutoComtrade.exe" to convert Tesla files to the Comtrade binary format for display. To
view Tesla Filess double click or press e
enter on the original Tesla files. To obtain a copy of
the “AutoComtrade.exe” file please contact Tesla.

Files that have a .TLR extension are automatically tagged as NxtPhase Tesla files.

See Also: Tesla Files in the File Manager Quick Start.

Location: Device Manager

Description: Define the selected device to communicate using the TCP/IP protocol.

Activation: Direct: Ethernet configuration button in the Device Configuration dialog.

Fields: Ethernet Connections: Select the TCP/IP client option from the list box. The fields in the
connection properties section changes according to the selection in
the connections list box.
Connection Properties
Port Number: Set the TCP/IP port number.
IP Address: Set the device’s IP address.

Options: OK/Enter: Exit and update the Device’s EscSeq field.

Cancel/Esc: Exit the dialog without saving the changes made.
Chapter 1 – Fields & Features

Comments: If the Local Path does not exist then the directory will be created.

See Also: New Device Record

Duplicate Device Record
Edit Device Record

Location: Device Manager

Description: Test the connected port using the loop back test option.

Activation: Direct: F3
Menu: Alt-O, L

Comments: Use the loop back plug detection test to check the port connection. Place the loop back
plug in the desired port, select the corresponding port, and press F3 or select “Loop Back
Test” from the Options menu. A message appears displaying the status of the port: Loop
back plug detected or not detected.


Location: Analysis

Description: The time base display plots the channel data in time. Time base displays are useful for
showing changes in line frequency.

Comments: To change the trace display properties open the “Window Properties” dialog under the “File”
menu. Click the “Display Settings” tab and change the “Trace Display Type” field to time
based or sample based.

See Also: Time & Sample Based Displays in the Analysis Quick Start

Location: File Manager

Description: Change the driver at the cursor position to the TIS driver and plot the input channels.

Activation: Menu: Alt-D, M

Comments: The TIS file format is an ASCII comma delimited format with the channel information defined
in the first line of the file. If the selected file is not an ASCII comma delimited file then an
error message is generated. All files that have a “.TIS” extension are tagged as TIS files.

See Also: Associating File Types in the File Manager Quick Start


Location: Analysis (Harmonics Dialog)

Chapter 1 – Fields & Features

Description: The "Total Harmonic Distortion" field displays the square root of the summation of the
squares of DFT Magnitudes for harmonics 2 to n divided by square root of 2 and that
quantity divided by the DFT Magnitude of the Fundamental.

See Also: Harmonics


Location: File Manager (Status Field)

Description: Displays the total number of hidden and unhidden files/directories in the active directory.
The ”.” and “..” navigation shortcuts are included in the unhidden total.

See Also: TotMarks

Location: All Tables (Status Field)

Description: Displays the total number of marked rows in the active table. Marked rows are displayed in
light red.

Location: Device Manager (Status Field)

Description: Displays the total number of records in the active configuration.

See Also: AtRec


Location: Animated CAD-DXF(Status Field)

Description: Displays the total number of tabs in the Animated CAD-DXF window.

See Also: AtTab

Location: File Manager (Universal Viewer)

Description: Change the driver at the cursor position to the NxtPhase TPRO driver and plot the input

Activation: Menu: Alt-D, O

Comments: NxtPhase files are displayed in the IEEE Comtrade Binary format. NxtPhase has developed
an automatic conversion application called "AutoComtrade.exe". Wavewin calls
"AutoComtrade.exe" to convert NxtPhase files to the Comtrade binary format for display. To

Chapter 1 – Fields & Features

view NxtPhase relay files double click or press enter on the original TPRO files. To obtain a
copy of the “AutoComtrade.exe” file please contact NxtPhase.

Files that have a “.TPR” extension are automatically tagged as NxtPhase TPRO files.

See Also: Tesla Files in the File Manager Quick Start

Display Oscillography in the File Manager Quick Start
Associating File Types in the File Manager Quick Start

Location: File Manager (Universal Viewer)

Description: Change the driver at the cursor position to the ABB TPU/DPU/GPU driver and plot the input

Activation: Menu: Alt-D, E

Comments: If the selected file is not a valid TPU or DPU or GPU file an error message is generated. All
files that have the “.CAP” extension are tagged as TPU/DPU/GPU files.


Location: Analysis (Window Properties Dialog)

Description: Used as a multiplier to increase/decrease the amplitude of the visible analog channels

Activation: Menu: Alt-F, T

Range: Greater Than 1.00

Default: 2.00

Comments: When a channel's amplitude is increased, the trace scale value is multiplied with the
Pixsdisp value, and when the channel's amplitude is decreased the trace scale value is
divided by the Pixsdisp value .

Location: File Manager (Universal Viewer)

Description: Change the driver at the cursor position to the Mehta Transcan driver and plot the input

Activation: Menu: Alt-D, 7

Comments: If the selected file does not have a corresponding SCF file an error message is generated.
All files that have an extension that starts with “.X”, and there is a corresponding “.SCF” file
in the same directory, are tagged as Transcan files.

See Also: Associating File Types in the File Manager Quick Start

Chapter 1 – Fields & Features

Location: Waveform Summary (Events/Sensors Activity Log)

Description: Displays the time the digital channel changed state. This value is displayed in the third
column of the Events/Sensors Activity Log.

Comments: The Events/Sensors Activity Log displays a time-sequenced list of all the events and
sensors activity.

Location: Harmonics Table (Analysis)

Description: Displays the RMS value for all the samples between the RMS bar (black dotted line) and the
data bar (black solid line).

Comments: This value is taken directly from the RMS column inside the analog information table.

See Also: Harmonics Table

Location: Analysis

Description: Remove beginning, middle or end cycles from the active analysis window.

Activation: Menu: Alt-D, T, L: Left-Start to Data Bar

Menu: Alt-D, T, R: Data Bar to End
Menu: Alt-D, T, M: Data Bar to Reference Bar

Comments: There are 3 options available under the Truncate Cycles menu option. Left removes the
cycles from the first sample to the data bar (solid black vertical line). Right removes the
cycles from the data bar to the last sample. Middle removes the cycles from the data bar to
the reference bar (dotted blue vertical line)

See Also: Truncate Cycles in the Analysis Quick Start

Location: File Manager

Description: Displays the fault type associated with the long file name. The eighth field in the file name
defines the type field for the IEEE long file-naming format. This field represents the fault
type or contents type of the file.

See Also: Long File Naming Format in the File Manager Quick Start

Location: All Tables

Description: Mark or unmark the row at the cursor position.

Chapter 1 – Fields & Features

Activation: Direct: Spacebar - Ctrl-Mouse Button

Menu: Alt-M, M

Comments: Marked rows are displayed in red. The TotMarks field displayed in the status bar is updated

See Also: Unmarked Marks

Group Marked Rows

Location: All Tables

Description: Unmark all the marked rows in the table.

Activation: Menu: Alt-M, U

Comments: Marked rows are displayed in red. The TotMarks field, displayed in the status bar, is
updated accordingly.

See Also: Mark/Unmark Rows

Group Marked Rows

Location: Analysis

Description: Hide all the unmarked channels and resize the marked channels.

Activation: Direct: Enter

Menu: Alt-C, V

Comments: Individual channels are marked and unmarked by clicking the left mouse button on the
channel’s corresponding display ID or channel information or by pressing the spacebar.
Marked channels are displayed in red.

See Also: Hide Mark(s)

Show All Hidden
Restore Mark(s)


Location: Analysis

Description: View the contents of the active displayed file in an ASCII editor or a hexadecimal editor.

Activation: Direct: Menu button

Menu: Alt-F, V

Comments: The waveform file is displayed in an ASCII editor if the contents of the file are in text format
and displayed in a hex editor if the file is in binary format.

See Also: Viewing/Modifying ASCII Files

Viewing/Modifying Binary Files
Chapter 1 – Fields & Features

Location: File Manager

Description: Plot the contents of the event file at the cursor position if there are no marked waveform
files else plot all the marked waveform files.

Activation: Direct: <enter>, Plot menu button

Menu: Alt-O, W, O

Comments: A maximum of 10 oscillography/log files can be opened simultaneously.

Location: File Manager and Analysis

Description: Generates and displays analog and digital summaries for the active file in the file table or in
the analysis window..

Activation: Direct: Sum menu buttons - File Table, - Analysis

Menu: Alt-O, S – File Tab
Table, Alt-F, S – Analysis

Comments: The summary file displays the following information:

Waveform Information
Station:: Name of the Station associated with the waveform.
Filename:: The name of the waveform file.
File Size:: The size of the file in kilobytes.
Prefault-Time:: The date and time of the first prefault sample.
Fault-Time:: The date and time of the first fault sample.
Save-Time:: The date and time the file was saved to hard disk.
Process-Time:: The date and time the file was processed into this summary.
Start Date & Time: Date and time of the first sample in the file.
End Date & Time: Date and time of the last sample in the file.
File Duration: Duration of the file measured in days, hours, seconds, milliseconds and/or
microseconds,, depending on the type of file.
Sampling Frequency: Sampling frequency and the time between each sample.
Line Frequency: Line Frequency defined in the file.

Fault Information
Fault Information is displayed for SEL, DLP and Transcan files. The fault information
includes: Fault Type, Fault Time, Location, Targets, Triggers, Frequency, Event and

aximum/Minimum Analog Summary

Max-Inst: Instantaneous maximum values.
Min-Inst: Instantaneous minimum values.
Max-RMS: RMS maximum values.
Min-RMS: RMS minimum values.
OneBit:: The channel's full
scale value divided by the channel's resolution.
Inst-Diff: The difference between the MaxMax-Inst and Min-Inst values.
Diff: The difference between the Max-RMS and Min-RMS values.
pU:: The channel's prefix and units.
Description:: The number a and title of the channel.

Chapter 1 – Fields & Features

Events/Sensors Activity Summary

Fst:: The state the channel started at, A=alarm, N=normal.
Lst:: The state the channel ended at, A=alarm, N=normal.
Fst-Change:: The date and time the channel first changed state.
Lst-Change:: The date and time the channel last changed state.
Changes:: The number of times the channel changed state.
Description: The number and title of the channel.

Events/Sensors Activity Log

State:: The state of the channel at the triggered time, A=alarm, N=normal.
Trigger Time:: The time the channel changed state.
Description: The number and title of the channel.

Note: An xx:xx:xx.xxx in the events/sensors activity sum

mary indicates that the digital channel's
state did not change from the initial state (Fst).

Location: Analysis

Description: Reposition the columns in the analog table, change the fields displayed in the combination
view, change the background colors and trace colors; change the driver’s data type, change
the trace/phasor scale multipliers and more refer to the fields below.

Activation: Direct: Properties M

Menu Button
Menu: Alt-F, T

Fields: Analog Table Tab: Reorder/Show/Hide the columns in the analog table.
Analog Combination Tab: Change the display positions in the analog combination
Comtrade: Define the Comtrade format for saving, the date and time
format forr display and set automatic conversion from RMS
data to Peak data when using the “Save As Comtrade”
Colors: Change the background colors and trace colors.
Values File: Format the save displayed values feature.
Display Settings: Change the trace/phasor
/phasor scale multipliers and set general
display properties.
Append/Merge: Set the append/merge properties.
Driver Data Type: Set the current display driver’s data type to Peak type or
RMS calibrated.
Filters: Define to delete spikes and set up spike properties.

Options: OK: Apply the selected changes and redraw the analysis window.
Cancel: Exit the dialog without executing the changes.

Comments: All data windows are defaulted to the display settings. The analog data columns depend on
the data type specified.

See Also: Customizing the Analysis Display in the Analysis Quick Start
Viewing Analog Data in the Analysis Quick Start

Chapter 1 – Fields & Features

Location: File Manager

Description: Zip a group of files or a single file using the “Zip Marked Files” option under the “File” menu.
All support files needed to display the selected files will be automatically included in the zip
file. Support files include Comtrade configuration (*.CFG), header (*.HDR) & inforinformation
(*.INF) files, DFR’s analog and digital information files such as: Hathaway DAU files,
Rochester preamble and header files, Faxtrax/Director CTL files, Transcan SCF and TCF

Activation: Direct: Right Click Pop

Pop-up menu Button
Menu: Alt-F, Z

Fields: New Zip File Name: Enter a path and name for the new zip file.
EncryptHeaders: Click to encryptheaders.

Comments: To zip files, mark the desired files in the file table and select the “Zip Marked Files” option
from the “File” menu or right click on the file table and select the “Zip” option from the
up menu. All support files needed to display the file(s) are automatically included.

See Also: Zip Files in the File Manager Quick Start

Location: DXF Animated CAD

Description: Change the DXF display viewing area.

Activation: Menu: Alt-V, I, O

Direct: “+” & “-““ keys, Menu buttons &

Comments: To zoom in press the “+” key, to zoom out press the ““-““ key or use the Zoom In and Out
menu buttons to change the viewing area. If the Max X and Max Y variables, inside the
status bar, are at 32000 then this feature is not be available

Location: DXF Animated CAD

Description: Increase the drawing's resolution by multiplying 2.5 with the current X, Y resolution.

Activation: Direct: “+” key – Zoom in menu button

Menu: Alt-V, I

Comments: The Max X and Max Y variables inside the status bar are updated accordingly.

Restrictions: The Max X and Max Y resolution values cannot exceed 32000.

Location: DXF Animated CAD

Chapter 1 – Fields & Features

Description: Decrease the drawing's resolution by dividing 2.5 by the current X, Y resolution.

Activation: Direct: “-” key – Zoom out menu button

Menu: Alt-V, O

Comments: The Max X and Max Y variables inside the status bar are updated accordingly.


Location: DXF Animated CAD

Activation: Direct: F2 - Properties menu button

Menu: Alt-T, D

Description: Set the drawings max X and max Y resolution values.

Max X Pixel: The maximum X resolution value.

Max Y Pixel: The maximum Y resolution value.

Range: Less than 32000

company name ...........................................................14
A complex calculator ..................................................6, 15
compress comtrade files.............................................15
active topic-help ........................................................... 1 comtrade ..............................................................15, 53
adjust file time .............................................................. 1 condense time ............................................................16
align channel data........................................................ 1 copy device records....................................................16
analog mark/unmark all ........................................... 1, 2 copy files ....................................................................16
analog table ................................................................. 2 copy text .....................................................................17
append log files............................................................ 3 create directory ...........................................................17
append open files ........................................................ 3 cut text ........................................................................18
append waveform files ................................................. 4 cut/copy/paste files .....................................................16
as status field ............................................................... 5 cycle hop ....................................................................18
ascending sort ............................................................. 4
ascii editor.................................................................... 4 D
new file .................................................................. 51
open file ................................................................. 52 d&t status field ............................................................18
paste text ............................................................... 52 data bar ......................................................................18
ASCII event file ............................................................ 5 data display
copy text ................................................................ 17 adjust file time ..........................................................1
cut text ................................................................... 18 align channel data ....................................................1
delete text .............................................................. 20 analog mark/unmark all ........................................1, 2
print ....................................................................... 55 analog table .............................................................2
save as .................................................................. 62 append open files .....................................................3
ASCII terminal mode .................................................... 5 as status field ...........................................................5
at file ............................................................................ 6 auto scale .................................................................7
atrec ............................................................................. 6 change frequency...................................................11
attab ............................................................................. 6 channel background color ......................................12
audio wave driver......................................................... 6 channel information ..........................................12, 71
auto detect ................................................................... 7 clear analog colors .................................................12
auto scale .................................................................... 7 combination view....................................................13
complex calculator .............................................6, 15
B condense time ........................................................16
cycle hop ................................................................18
background color ......................................................... 8 d&t status field........................................................18
channels ................................................................ 12 data bar ..................................................................18
binary event file............................................................ 8 decrease amplitude ................................................19
print ....................................................................... 55 delta x ....................................................................20
save as .................................................................. 62 delta y ....................................................................20
save as text ........................................................... 63 digital mark/unmark all ...........................................21
binary terminal mode ................................................... 8 double ended fault location ....................................23
driver data type ......................................................25
C duplicate cycles ......................................................25
email active file.......................................................29
calibration report .......................................................... 9
expand time ...........................................................30
change device configuration ........................................ 9
fault bar ..................................................................31
change dxf files .......................................................... 10
fault detector ..........................................................31
change frequency ...................................................... 11
fault reference time bar ..........................................33
change passwords ..................................................... 11
freq status field .......................................................34
change path ............................................................... 10
group marked analog channels ..............................36
change query operator............................................... 12
harmonic vectors ....................................................37
changes ..................................................................... 84
harmonics table ......................................................37
channel information ............................................. 12, 71
hide marked channels ............................................38
clear analog colors..................................................... 12
histogram ...............................................................38
clear query criteria ..................................................... 12
horizontal bars........................................................39
combination view ....................................................... 13
increase amplitude .................................................40
combine log files ........................................................ 13
instpeak column .....................................................41
comname properties .................................................. 13
instval column ........................................................41
comname(s) rename .................................................. 14
mark change in sign ...............................................44
mark peaks ............................................................ 44 delta y .........................................................................20
mark raw samples ................................................. 44 descending sort ..........................................................20
mark/unmark all ..................................................... 43 device field .................................................................21
maxpeak column ................................................... 45 device manager
maxval column ...................................................... 45 animated cad-dxf......................................................3
maxwin column...................................................... 46 ASCII event files.......................................................5
medium display ..................................................... 46 ASCII terminal mode ................................................5
merge open files .................................................... 46 atrec .........................................................................6
minpeak column .................................................... 47 bianry event file ........................................................8
minval column ....................................................... 47 binary terminal mode................................................8
move reference bar to data bar ............................. 48 change device configuration ....................................9
move rms bar to reference bar .............................. 48 change dxf files ......................................................10
phasor/circular chart scale multiplier ..................... 53 change passwords .................................................11
pixsdisp column ..................................................... 53 copy device records ...............................................16
predefined views ................................................... 66 delete devices ........................................................19
primary values ....................................................... 54 display dialog .........................................................21
print ....................................................................... 54 duplicate device .....................................................25
recorder channels .................................................. 56 dxf animated cad ....................................................27
reference bar ......................................................... 57 edit device ..............................................................28
refval column ......................................................... 57 export .....................................................................31
reopen waveform file ............................................. 58 flip marks ................................................................33
resize sliding window ............................................. 59 ftp connection .........................................................35
restore channels .................................................... 59 function keys ..........................................................36
restore original file ................................................. 59 import .....................................................................40
rms bar .................................................................. 60 multiport interrogation display ................................49
rmsval column ....................................................... 60 new configuration .............................................49, 50
sample based ........................................................ 61 new device .............................................................50
save displayed values ........................................... 64 paste device records ..............................................52
save user views ..................................................... 64 resize columns .......................................................58
secondary values .................................................. 65 save and archive dialog .........................................61
select lines/views ................................................... 66 sort .........................................................................20
select user views ................................................... 66 sort devices ............................................................74
sequence components calculator .......................... 67 sort field .................................................................74
set opening frequency ........................................... 69 sort marked rows....................................................74
shift marks down ................................................... 70 tcp/ip connection ....................................................77
shift marks up ........................................................ 70 test devices ............................................................78
show all digital ....................................................... 70 totfiles status field...................................................79
show all hidden channels ...................................... 71 un/mark ..................................................................81
single ended fault location ............................... 67, 71 unmark marks ........................................................82
software analog channels ...................................... 73 digital mark/unmark all................................................21
software digital channels ....................................... 73 digital state .................................................................84
super impose ......................................................... 75 display dialog ..............................................................21
sync data cursors .................................................. 76 disturbance report.......................................................22
time based ............................................................. 78 dlp1/dlp3 .....................................................................22
total harmonics distortion....................................... 78 double ended fault location.........................................23
trace scale multiplier.............................................. 80 drawing properties ......................................................24
truerms .................................................................. 81 driver
truncate cycles ...................................................... 81 audio wave ...............................................................6
view mark(s) .......................................................... 82 driver column ..............................................................24
view raw data file ................................................... 82 driver configuration .....................................................24
waveform summary ............................................... 83 driver data type ...........................................................25
window properties ................................................. 84 drivers
database viewer ascii ..........................................................................4
comma delimited ................................................... 13 auto detect ...............................................................7
double quoted comma delimited............................ 23 comma delimited table ...........................................13
tab delimited .......................................................... 76 comtrade ................................................................15
decrease amplitude ................................................... 19 configuration...........................................................24
delete channels.......................................................... 38 dfr I II IIB ......................................................2, 21, 41
delete devices ............................................................ 19 dlp1/dlp3 ................................................................22
delete files.................................................................. 19 double quotes/comma delimited table ....................23
delete text .................................................................. 20 dxf ..........................................................................27
delta x ........................................................................ 20 faxtrax & director ....................................................33
hexadecimal .......................................................... 38 calibration report ......................................................9
mdar/rel 301/302 ................................................... 46 change path ...........................................................10
RFL ....................................................................... 60 combine log files ....................................................13
sel load profile ....................................................... 65 comname properties ..............................................13
sel relay ................................................................. 65 comname(s) rename ..............................................14
tab delimited .......................................................... 76 company column ....................................................14
tesla ................................9, 30, 34, 42, 58, 75, 77, 79 compress comtrade files ........................................15
tis 78 comtrade driver ......................................................15
tpu/dup/gpu ........................................................... 80 copy files ................................................................16
transcan................................................................. 80 create directory ......................................................17
duplicate cycles ......................................................... 25 cut/copy/paste files.................................................16
duplicate device ......................................................... 25 delete files ..............................................................19
dvreport.dtb.................................................................. 9 device column ........................................................20
dxf animated cad ....................................................... 27 dfr I II IIB & 2000 driver ................................2, 21, 41
animated display ..................................................... 3 disturbance report ..................................................22
attab ........................................................................ 6 dlp1/dlp3 driver.......................................................22
background color ..................................................... 8 driver column..........................................................24
change dxf files ..................................................... 10 driver configuration.................................................24
drawing properties ................................................. 24 dxf driver ................................................................27
dxf control .............................................................. 27 edit dau-def ............................................................28
max x pixels........................................................... 45 email files ...............................................................29
max y pixels........................................................... 45 fault date column ....................................................31
print ....................................................................... 55 fault time column ....................................................33
set drawing properties ........................................... 69 faxtrax & director driver ..........................................33
size to original ....................................................... 72 file name column ....................................................33
size to window ....................................................... 72 folder tree ...............................................................34
tottabs.................................................................... 79 free status field .......................................................34
zoom in .................................................................. 85 f-type column..........................................................31
zoom out................................................................ 85 group marked rows ................................................36
zoom x, y resolution constant ................................ 86 hexadecimal driver .................................................38
zooming ................................................................. 85 hexadecimal editor .................................................38
dxf control .................................................................. 27 mark all ..................................................................43
dxf display .................................................................. 27 mark/unmark rows..................................................44
mdar/rel 301/302 driver ..........................................46
E merge waveform files .............................................47
move files .........................................................48, 54
edit dau-def ................................................................ 28 mrksize status field.................................................49
edit device.................................................................. 28 open all marked waveform files ..............................51
email active file .......................................................... 29 optional columns ....................................................52
email files ................................................................... 29 print ........................................................................55
equal to ...................................................................... 30 refresh directory .....................................................57
expand time ............................................................... 30 rename file .............................................................58
export ......................................................................... 31 reports
calibration ............................................................9
F RFL9300 driver ......................................................60
run applications ......................................................60
fault bar ...................................................................... 31
save as comtrade .............................................62, 63
fault date column ....................................................... 31
save date column ...................................................63
fault detector .............................................................. 31
save time column ...................................................64
fault information ......................................................... 83
sel load profile driver ..............................................65
fault location............................................. 23, 31, 67, 71
sel relay driver ........................................................65
fault reference time bar .............................................. 33
set sort field ............................................................69
fault time .................................................................... 83
show/hide channel titles .........................................70
fault time column........................................................ 33
size column ............................................................72
faxtrax & director........................................................ 33
size status field.......................................................72
file manager
soe list ....................................................................68
append log files ....................................................... 3
soe summary..........................................................68
append waveform files............................................. 4
tab delimited driver .................................................76
ascii driver ............................................................... 4
tesla driver ..................... 9, 30, 34, 42, 58, 75, 77, 79
ascii editor ............................................................... 4
tis driver .................................................................78
at file ........................................................................ 6
totfiles status field...................................................79
audio wave driver .................................................... 6
totmarks status field ...............................................79
auto detect driver..................................................... 7
tpu/dup/gpu driver ................................................. 80 tcode field ...............................................................77
transcan driver....................................................... 80 long filename
type column ........................................................... 81 company column ....................................................14
waveform file ......................................................... 83 device column ........................................................20
waveform summary ............................................... 83 optional columns ....................................................52
zip files .................................................................. 85 lp-dif............................................................................42
file name column........................................................ 33 lpeak-dn................................................................42, 83
file size ....................................................................... 83 lpeak-up................................................................42, 83
filename ..................................................................... 83 Lst.........................................................................43, 84
flip marks ................................................................... 33 lst-change .............................................................43, 84
folder tree................................................................... 34
free status field .......................................................... 34 M
freq status field .......................................................... 34
Fst........................................................................ 35, 84 mark all rows ..............................................................43
fst-change ............................................................ 35, 84 mark change in sign ...................................................44
ftp connection ............................................................ 35 mark peaks .................................................................44
f-type column ............................................................. 31 mark raw samples ......................................................44
function keys .............................................................. 36 mark/unmark all channels...........................................43
mark/unmark rows ......................................................44
G max x pixels ................................................................45
max y pixels ................................................................45
group marked analog channels.................................. 36 maxpeak column ........................................................45
group marked rows .................................................... 36 maxval column............................................................45
maxwin column ...........................................................46
H mdar/rel 301/302 ........................................................46
medium display...........................................................46
harmonics merge open files .........................................................46
histogram............................................................... 38 merge waveform files .................................................47
table ...................................................................... 37 minpeak column .........................................................47
vectors ................................................................... 37 minval column.............................................................47
help ........................................................................ 1, 37 move files .............................................................48, 54
hexadecimal editor..................................................... 38 move reference bar to data bar ..................................48
hide marked channels ................................................ 38 move rms bar to reference bar ...................................48
histogram ................................................................... 38 mrksize status field .....................................................49
horizontal bars ........................................................... 39 multiport interrogation display .....................................49
hp-dif.......................................................................... 39
hpeak-dn .............................................................. 39, 83 N
hpeak-up .............................................................. 40, 83
new configuration .................................................49, 50
I new device .................................................................50
new file .......................................................................51
IEEE long file name ................................................... 40
import ......................................................................... 40 O
increase amplitude..................................................... 40
insert channels........................................................... 59 onebit....................................................................51, 83
instpeak column ......................................................... 41 open all marked waveform files ..................................51
instval column ............................................................ 41 open file ......................................................................52

latitude field................................................................ 41 paste device records ..................................................52
less than .................................................................... 41 paste text ....................................................................52
log files path/filename (no ext.) ................................................53
append .................................................................... 3 phasor/circular chart scale multiplier ..........................53
combine ................................................................. 13 pixsdisp ................................................................53, 80
long file name pixsdisp column ..........................................................53
company field ........................................................ 14 predefined views.........................................................66
device field ............................................................ 21 prefault time ................................................................83
latitude field ........................................................... 41 primary values ............................................................54
start date field ........................................................ 75 print
start time field ........................................................ 75 ascii event file.........................................................55
substation field ...................................................... 75 binary event file ......................................................55
system files............................................................ 76 data display ............................................................54
dxf animated cad ................................................... 55 save time ....................................................................83
file manager........................................................... 55 save time column........................................................64
printer setup .......................................................... 55 save user views ..........................................................64
printer setup ............................................................... 55 scaling ...................................................... 16, 19, 30, 40
process time .............................................................. 83 secondary values........................................................65
pU .............................................................................. 83 sel load profile driver ..................................................65
sel relay driver ............................................................65
Q select lines/views ........................................................66
select user views ........................................................66
query all rows............................................................. 55 sequence components calculator ...............................67
query fields set drawing properties ................................................69
change query operator .......................................... 12 set opening frequency ................................................69
clear query criteria ................................................. 12 set sort field ................................................................69
equal to.................................................................. 30 show all channels .......................................................71
less than ................................................................ 41 show all digital channels .............................................70
query all rows ........................................................ 55 show/hide channel titles .............................................70
query marked rows ................................................ 56 single ended
query unmarked rows ............................................ 56 radial line ................................................................72
query marked rows .................................................... 56 reactance ...............................................................72
query unmarked rows ................................................ 56 single ended fault location ....................................67, 71
size column ................................................................72
R size status field ...........................................................72
size to original.............................................................72
recorder channels ...................................................... 56
size to window ............................................................72
reference bar ............................................................. 57
soe list ........................................................................68
reference time bar...................................................... 33
soe summary ..............................................................68
refresh directory ......................................................... 57
software analog channels ...........................................73
refval column ............................................................. 57
software digital channels ............................................73
rename file ................................................................. 58
sort .........................................................................4, 20
reopen waveform file ................................................. 58
sort devices ................................................................74
sort field ......................................................................74
append log files ....................................................... 3
sort marked rows ........................................................74
calibration ................................................................ 9
start date field .............................................................75
combine log files.................................................... 13
start time field .............................................................75
soe list ................................................................... 68
station .........................................................................83
soe summary ......................................................... 68
substation field............................................................75
reposition channels .................................................... 70
super impose ..............................................................75
resize columns ........................................................... 58
sync data cursors .......................................................76
resize sliding window ................................................. 59
system files .................................................................76
restore channels ........................................................ 59
restore original file ..................................................... 59
RFL ............................................................................ 60 T
rms bar....................................................................... 60 tcode field ...................................................................77
rmsval column............................................................ 60 tcp/ip connection.........................................................77
run dialog ................................................................... 60 tesla driver .......................... 9, 30, 34, 42, 58, 75, 77, 79
test devices ................................................................78
S time based display ......................................................78
tis driver ......................................................................78
sample based display ................................................ 61
total harmonics distortion............................................78
save and archive dialog ............................................. 61
totfiles status field .......................................................79
save as ...................................................................... 62
totmarks status field....................................................79
save as comtrade
data display ..................................................... 62, 63
tpu/dup/gpu driver.......................................................80
file manager..................................................... 62, 63
trace scale multiplier ...................................................80
path/filename (no ext.) ........................................... 53
transcan driver ............................................................80
save as csv
trigger time ...........................................................81, 84
instantaneous ........................................................ 63
truerms (samples).......................................................81
rms ........................................................................ 63
truncate cycles............................................................81
vector(mag-angle) ................................................. 63
type column ................................................................81
vector(rms-angle) .................................................. 63
save as text................................................................ 63
save date column....................................................... 63 U
save displayed values ................................................ 64 un/mark file .................................................................81
unmark marked files .................................................. 82 line frequency .........................................................83
lp-dif .......................................................................42
V lpeak-dn ...........................................................42, 83
lpeak-up ...........................................................42, 83
view marked channels ............................................... 82 Lst ....................................................................43, 84
view raw data file ....................................................... 82 lst-change ........................................................43, 84
onebit ...............................................................51, 83
W prefault time ...........................................................83
process time ...........................................................83
waveform file.............................................................. 83
PU ..........................................................................83
waveform files
sampling frequency ................................................83
append .................................................................... 4
save time ................................................................83
waveform summary ................................................... 83
start date & time .....................................................83
changes ................................................................. 84
station ....................................................................83
description ............................................................. 83
trigger time .......................................................81, 84
digital state ............................................................ 84
window properties.......................................................84
end date & time ..................................................... 83
fault information ..................................................... 83
file duration ............................................................ 83 Z
file size .................................................................. 83 zip files .......................................................................85
filename ................................................................. 83 zoom
Fst ................................................................... 35, 84 dxf animated cad ....................................................85
fst-change........................................................ 35, 84 zoom in .......................................................................85
hp-dif ..................................................................... 39 zoom out.....................................................................85
hpeak-dn ......................................................... 39, 83 zoom x, y resolution constant .....................................86
hpeak-up ......................................................... 40, 83

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