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Eni S.p.A.

Exploration & Production Division



Rev. November 2009


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It shall neither be shown to Third Parties not used for purposes other than those for which it has been sent.
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When selecting a pipeline route, installation by open cut method in some sections (for example,
where particular natural or artificial obstacles are encountered) could be very difficult or even
Where alternative routes cannot be found or an increase in route length is not acceptable for
economic reasons, alternative methods for pipeline installation can be considered, including
trenchless technologies.
Different trenchless installation methods are now available and are supported by a vast number of
case histories. Upon this basis a good deal of technical knowledge has developed which can
guarantee successful installation where the appropriate method has been selected and all related
aspects have been accurately evaluated prior to carrying out the works.
The application of one method as opposed to another depends on several factors, including soil
characteristics, pipe length, pipe diameter, etc... as well as economic considerations.
This specification is intended as an overview of applicable trenchless methods for pipeline
installation, setting out the information required and the criteria for the selection of an appropriate
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TRENCHLESS PIPELINE INSTALLATION ......................................................................................... 1

1. SCOPE.............................................................................................................................. 4

2. DEFINITIONS ................................................................................................................... 6

3. ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ............................................................................. 6

4. REFERENCE CODES AND STANDARDS ..................................................................... 7

5. REFERENCE DRAWINGS............................................................................................... 8

6. PRELIMINARY STUDIES AND INVESTIGATIONS ........................................................ 9

6.1 ROUTING STUDY .......................................................................................................... 10
6.2 GEOLOGICAL/GEOTECHNICAL STUDY...................................................................... 11
6.3 HYDROLOGICAL /HYDRAULIC STUDY ....................................................................... 12
6.4 ENVIRONMENTAL STUDY............................................................................................ 13
6.5 COST ASSESSMENT .................................................................................................... 14

7. AUGER BORING............................................................................................................ 15
7.2 COST ESTIMATE ........................................................................................................... 16
7.3 INPUT DATA AND CROSSING DESIGN....................................................................... 16
7.4 WORKING PROCEDURE .............................................................................................. 19

8. HORIZONTAL DIRECTIONAL DRILLING (HDD) ......................................................... 20

8.1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS AND SUITABILITY OF HDD .......................................... 20
8.2 COST ESTIMATE ........................................................................................................... 21
8.3 INPUT DATA AND CROSSING DESIGN....................................................................... 22
8.4 WORKING PROCEDURE .............................................................................................. 23

9. MICROTUNNELLING AND MINITUNNELING .............................................................. 24

........................................................................................................................................ 25
9.2 COST ESTIMATE ........................................................................................................... 26
9.3 INPUT DATA AND CROSSING DESIGN....................................................................... 27
9.4 WORKING PROCEDURE .............................................................................................. 28

10. VERTICAL/SUB-VERTICAL SHAFT (RAISE BORING) ............................................... 29

10.2 COST ESTIMATE ........................................................................................................... 31
10.3 INPUT DATA AND CROSSING DESIGN....................................................................... 31
10.4 WORKING PROCEDURE .............................................................................................. 33


METHODS ...................................................................................................................... 34

12. BIBLIOGRAPHY AND REFERENCES.......................................................................... 36

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The present Specification intends to set out the general criteria to which an Engineering Contractor, a
Construction Contractor or an EPC Contractor shall adhere, in order to evaluate and select an
optimal solution for overcoming obstacles hindering pipeline installation by normal installation
For example, the existence of crossings (such as rivers, creeks, railways and roadways) can be an
obstacle for the adoption of an open cut method.
Trenchless installation methods have become increasingly adopted by Oil and Gas Companies and
Contractors This kind of solution for overcoming obstacles is presently reliable and, in many cases,
cost effective, in solving routing and crossing problems.
The Trenchless installation methods described hereafter are:
− Auger Boring:
This is the most commonly used construction technique for crossing small obstacles such as
roads, railways, canals etc.; casing pipe or even carrier pipe is installed by drilling and
− Horizontal Directional Drilling, otherwise called HDD:
This is a two stage process which consists of drilling a small diameter pilot directional hole
along a predetermined path and then reaming the pilot hole into a suitable bore hole that will
accommodate the desired utility to be pulled into place. The HDD process permits the tracking
of the drill bit and steers it during the drilling process. The longitudinal profile of the borehole is
typically in the shape of an arc, entrapping the drilling fluid to form a slurry pathway (typically
bentonite mud) rather than an open hole. This entrapped slurry provides continuous support to
the bore hole.
− Microtunnel
This is a remotely controlled guided pipe jacking process that provides continuous support to
the excavation face.
The guidance system usually consists of a laser mounted in the drive shaft communicating a
reference line to a target mounted inside the microtunneling machine’s articulated steering
head. The microtunneling process maintains excavation face stability by applying mechanical
or fluid pressure to counterbalance the earth and hydraulic pressures.
Typically microtunnels have an internal diameter smaller than 2000 mm.
− Minitunnel
Conceptually the minitunnel may be described as microtunnel with a larger diameter (typically
between 2000 mm and 3200 mm) manually controlled on the excavation face and whereas the
excavated material may be evacuated by mechanical equipment.
− Vertical/Sub-vertical Shaft (Raise Borer)
This is a combination of different technologies; whereas at the base of the shaft a sub
horizontal conventional tunnel or a tunnel drilled by a tunnel boring machine is to be
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constructed in order to allow all operations. Basically, the raise borer method is a three stage
process that consists of drilling a small diameter vertical or sub-vertical pilot hole along a
predetermined path and then reaming the pilot hole into a suitable bore hole by pulling back a
cutter that will produce the final shaft for pipeline installation.
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• Client is ENI E&P, which is the final Client of the Works under
• Engineering Contractor is the Engineering Company to which a feasibility study,
Front End Engineering Design (FEED) or Detail Design has
been assigned by the Client.
• Construction Contractor is the Construction Company or the Joint Venture
Company to which the Works have been assigned by the
Client on the basis of a design performed by others.
• EPC Contractor is the Company or the Joint Venture Company to which the
Client has assigned the full responsibility of the Works;
such EPC Contractor, on the basis of a FEED package,
shall undertake the responsibility of the design, the
materials procurement and the construction/installation up
to the commissioning of the complete Works.
• Work/s are all the activities, materials and installations in the
Contract Scope of Work.


ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineering
ASTM American Society for Testing of Material
BS British Standard
EPC Engineering, Procurement and Construction
FEED Front End Engineering Design
HDD Horizontal Directional Drilling
MT Microtunnel
MTBM Microtunnel Boring Machine
OD Outside Diameter
TBM Tunnel Boring Machine
USCS Unified Soil Classification System
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• Decreto Ministeriale 17/04/2008

Regola Tecnica per la Progettazione, Costruzione, Collaudo, Esercizio e Sorveglianza delle
Opere e degli Impianti di Trasporto Gas Naturale con densità non superiore a 0,8 (applicable
in Italy)

• Decreto Ministeriale n. 2445 del 23/02/1971

Norme tecniche per gli attraversamenti e per i parallelismi di condotte e canali convoglianti
liquidi e gas con ferrovie ed altre linee di trasporto. (applicable in Italy)

• Decreto Ministeriale 10/08/2004

Modifiche alle “Norme tecniche per gli attraversamenti e per i parallelismi di condotte e canali
convoglianti liquidi e gas con ferrovie ed altre linee di trasporto”. (applicable in Italy)

• UNI-EN 1594
Gas supply System Pipeline for maximum operating pressure over 16 bar-Functional
requirements (applicable to European Countries pipelines)

• ASME B 31.8 (latest edition)

Gas Transmission and distribution piping system (generally applicable to gas pipelines around
the world)

• ASME B 31.4 (latest edition)

Pipeline Transportation System for Liquid Hydrocarbons and Other Liquids (generally
applicable to oil pipelines around the world)

• API RP 1102
Steel Pipelines Crossing Railroads and Highways

• British Standard
BS 5930 Code of practice for site investigation
BS 1377 Methods of Test for Soils for Civil Engineering Purposes

• USCS Unified Soil Classification System

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27416-E-PLI-CIV-DWG Typical Railway Crossing (Gas Pipelines)

27417-E-PLI-CIV-DWG Typical Railway Crossing (Oil Pipelines)
27418-E-PLI-CIV-DWG Typical Highway and Main road Crossing (Gas Pipelines)
27419-E-PLI-CIV-DWG Typical Highway and Main road Crossing (Oil Pipelines)
27432-E-PLI-CIV-DWG Drilling Jacking/Receiving Shaft: Sheet Piling Structures
27433-E-PLI-CIV-DWG Drilling Jacking/Receiving Shaft: Reinforced Concrete Wall
27434-E-PLI-CIV-DWG Drilling Jacking/Receiving Shaft: Prefabricated Reinforced Concrete
27435-E-PLI-CIV-DWG Horizontal Directional Drilling Crossing: Typical Geometry
27436-E-PLI-CIV-DWG Pipeline Crossing by Microtunnel or Minitunnel Method: Typical
27437-E-PLI-CIV-DWG Pipeline crossing of sub-vertical obstacle by raise boring method:
Typical Geometry
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The decision to adopt one or more trenchless solutions along a pipeline route shall be the final result
of routing studies, hydraulic studies, geological/geotechnical studies, seismic and environmental
Such studies will be the basis for the evaluation of the routing, the localization of the major
constraints, the nature of such constraints and the feasibility of the various trenchless solutions.
Contractors should be aware that the Client, although being favourable to the use of trenchless
technology where needed, generally requires exhaustive studies and reports in support of the
proposals, together with an economic comparison against the costs of conventional installation
For example, trenchless solutions may allow for a reduction in the pipeline length in a
morphologically complex area or in a geologically instable hilly area. Contractors shall support their
proposals giving appropriate evidence of the mentioned problems, the proposed technical solution
with the relevant advantages and the related costs.
Another example is a major river crossing, where trenchless solutions may be selected taking into
account the hydraulics of the river, the presence of artificial banks, the river bed stratigraphy and the
presence of protected river bank areas.
Trenchless solutions may also solve oil pipeline hydraulic problems by cutting the piezometric profile,
or in other cases overcome vertical or sub-vertical slope features.
Given the above general considerations, the Contractor shall investigate the relative technical
aspects as described hereafter.
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6.1 Routing Study

When selecting a pipeline route, the Engineering Contractor shall evaluate the feasibility of different
routes, considering all technical, environmental and economic aspects and highlighting critical points
where trenchless installation may be required.
The study shall take into account morphological evidence resulting from existing or produced
cartography, field visual surveys, protected environmental areas (natural or archaeological sites), and
other limitations in the area of interest.
In particular sections, the possibility of installation by trenchless methods instead of traditional open
cut methods where cost or environmental benefits are envisaged could be evaluated (i.e. reduced
routing length compared to an alternative where open cut method is applicable).
In some situations trenchless installation could be the only way to install a pipeline without interfering
with existing services and environmental constraints, and maintaining the original state of the
surface configuration (i.e. highway, railway, river, environmental protected area crossings).
The routing study shall provide the first proposal of a specific trenchless installation methodology to
be applied to the specific problem.

The Contractor shall submit to the Client the route map and a report, including all necessary
documentation and studies, where alternatives are described and compared for the selection of the
final solution.
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6.2 Geological/Geotechnical Study

The geological characteristics of the area concerned are of primary importance in selecting the
optimum pipeline route and defining the installation methods for the different sections.

General geological information shall be relevant to the whole route, whilst site investigations are to
be carried out locally where trenchless solutions are to be evaluated.
The Contractor shall produce a study including a general geological overview of the area and
indicate the specific geotechnical investigations (field and laboratory tests), required for the
engineering of the proposed trenchless methodology.
Bore hole location and depth shall permit the characterisation of the vertical strata along the crossing
section, including possible required entry and exit shafts.

The specific investigations and tests necessary for the selection of a trenchless methodology shall be
performed and adequately reported in the FEED phase or Detail Design phase.
Investigations, tests and classifications shall be performed and reported according to BS 5930 and
BS 1377 or equivalent ASTM, and USCS.
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6.3 Hydrological /Hydraulic Study

For the crossing of major rivers, the Engineering Contractor shall collect the following information in
order to select the optimal installation methodology:
- general information about the river
- published hydraulic data, if any, relevant to the river
- water flow data
- water velocity
- sediment transport
The above data may be considered sufficient for the first routing study for the proposal of
alternatives; whilst for the completion of the study the following shall be also included:
- the maximum calculated flow rate and velocity in the cross section of interest, for the return
period of 10, 20, 50 and 100 years
- the calculated bed and river bank scouring, in connection with the max flow rate, as above
- river bank protections, if required, and their dimensioning.
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6.4 Environmental Study

In addition to all technical aspects relevant to the selection of a crossing installation method,
environmental implications are to be evaluated and taken into consideration for the assessment of
alternative installation methods at crossings.
When environmentally sensitive areas are encountered along pipeline routes, the preservation of the
original status of said areas is mandatory.
For the first phase of route selection only bibliographic studies and visual site observations are
The final assessment of areas to be preserved should result from dedicated environmental studies
(Environmental Impact Assessment or equivalent as requested by National Regulations).
Regulations/norms from national and local Authorities shall be reflected in the final design and
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6.5 Cost Assessment

The final decision to adopt a particular trenchless installation solution in a given section shall be
supported by a cost assessment to be compared with the alternatives such as conventional open cut
installation (if applicable) or other trenchless solutions.
Since selection of the installation method is usually defined during the feasibility or Basic Design
phases, for each possible trenchless solution the total installation cost shall be estimated with an
accuracy of +/-20%.
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Auger boring is a trenchless pipe installation method consisting of forming a bore from a drive shaft,
by means of a rotating cutting head, and installing a pipe (steel or reinforced concrete pipe) which
serves as a casing for carriers (pipe, cable, etc...) or even the carrier directly. The auger boring
method requires a driving shaft and a receiving shaft. It is a multi-stage process consisting of
constructing a temporary horizontal jacking platform and a starting alignment track in a drive pit at the
desired elevation. The casing pipe or pipe is then jacked along the starting alignment track with
simultaneous excavation of the soil being accomplished by a rotating cutting head in the leading
head of the pipe’s annular space: The spoil material is transported back to the entrance pit by a
helically-wound auger rotating inside the pipe. When installing casing pipe, the diameter shall be at
least 4” to 8” greater than the carrier pipe diameter, where the interspace increases with the diameter
of the carrier pipe to guarantee the installation inside the casing. Where required by National Codes,
the maximum diameter for casing pipe shall be respected.
The carrier pipe shall be protected during installation into casing pipe by means of collar spacers duly
spaced at both ends of casing pipe. Casing end seals shall be installed as well as vent pipe if
requested by National or International Codes and Standards (see typical drawings 27416-E-PLI-CIV-
DWG sh. 2 of 2, 27417-E-PLI-CIV-DWG sh. 2 of 2, 27418-E-PLI-CIV-DWG sh. 2 of 2 and 27419-E-
PLI-CIV-DWG sh. 2 of 2).
If requested by International or National codes and standards, the carrier pipe to be installed at
crossings shall be hydraulically pre-tested before installation at a pressure level as defined by project
This methodology is used mainly for pipeline installation at road and railway crossings and for small
river/stream crossings.

7.1 General Requirements and Suitability of Auger Boring

The main feasibility conditions and requirements which the Engineering Contractor shall verify in
order to propose auger boring installation are the following:
a) Soil Cover
A minimum cover of 2.5 times the hole diameter shall be guaranteed, as well as the minimum
cover requested by national codes and standards or by local Authority.
b) Geometry
Only linear installation can be carried out by auger boring, at the depth of driving and receiving
Accuracy of ±1% of the crossed length is normally achieved, except for small diameter where the
risk of deviation may increase with the length.
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Casing pipe final deviation shall be checked before installation of carrier pipe, in case total
deviation is not acceptable (therefore pipe installation is not feasible) a new auger boring shall be
c) Length of crossing
A generally accepted length for the feasibility of an auger boring installation is around 100÷150 m
depending on hole/pipe diameter, but Contractors may investigate the feasibility of a longer
crossing, supplying the Client with the appropriate information and assurances.
d) Hole / Pipe Diameter
Auger boring can be used to install casing pipes/pipes ranging from 4” to at least 60”, with the
most common diameter ranging from 8” to 48”. For larger diameters, microtunneling could be a
more favourable alternative since it provides greater accuracy and cost effectiveness.
e) Geological/geotechnical frame conditions
The auger boring technique can be used in cohesive, non-cohesive and rocky soils, where the
rotating cutting head is to be selected depending on soil characteristics. Auger boring is not
feasible in the presence of ground water in permeable soil.
f) Required working space
Shafts are required at both ends of the bore. The drive shaft dimension is determined by the
diameter of the hole and the length of the casing pipe/pipe pieces to be inserted. Sufficient space
shall also be considered for the loading, unloading and storage of materials and equipment.

7.2 Cost Estimate

The cost estimate of a crossing by auger boring method shall take into account, as a minimum, the

- Mob/demob
- Yard preparation: working areas, material storage, shafts, etc..
- Manpower and equipment costs for the estimated duration
- Materials: casing pipe (if any) and all other appurtenances
- Disposal of excavated material
- Area restoration

7.3 Input Data and Crossing Design

a) Feasibility of crossing by auger boring

To assess the feasibility of auger boring crossing, topographical and geological information about
the areas concerned is to be evaluated.
In particular, the following aspects shall be examined:
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- Project location: verification of available space for driving and receiving shafts and
workspace (materials and equipment), distance from existing facilities. For this purpose,
topographical maps scale 1:500 up to 1:25000 are helpful.
- Soil characteristics: bibliographic information and visual surveys are sufficient during
feasibility study.
- Road/railway/stream geometry: maximum width and maximum depth of crossing shall be
roughly identified.
On the basis of the gathered information, the suitability of the auger boring method can be
confirmed with reference to the requirements of previous para. 7.1.

b) Basic Design of auger boring crossing

For Basic Design, the following site information shall be acquired:
- Topographic survey at construction sites: detail survey scale 1:200 shall be carried out,
including small river/stream profile.
- Soil investigation: type, number and depth of site geotechnical investigation (trial pits or bore
holes) and site and laboratory tests shall be defined depending on the importance of the
Stratigraphy and soil classification, groundwater level (if any) shall be determined as a
Additional information can confirm the feasibility of the crossing by auger boring; topographical
and geotechnical data shall be included in the FEED package for following project phases. If
deemed necessary, preliminary crossing drawings can be produced.

c) Detail Design of auger boring crossing

The Detail Design of auger boring crossing shall be carried out by the Construction Contractor or
EPC Contractor according to the specific equipment and procedures that the Contractor intends
to use for trenchless installation.
The Contractor shall be responsible for gathering all information necessary for the design, in
addition to any data made available in the FEED documents (if any), including but not limited to:
- Topographic survey at construction sites: detail verification survey scale 1:200, including
small river/stream profile shall be carried out.
- Soil investigation: Contractor shall define spacing, location and depth of boreholes, number of
sampling and laboratory tests necessary for classification of soils along the planned drilling
profile to reduce the construction risks to a minimum.

Detail Design shall include but not be limited to the following:

- Detail drawings of crossing
- Stress analysis verifications, including longitudinal and vertical loads (thrust force during
installation, vertical permanent and accidental loads during operation as requested by
international or national codes and standards, if any).
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- Detail drawings and design of driving and receiving shafts if necessary.

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7.4 Working Procedure

The Construction Contractor or EPC Contractor, in conjunction with crossing detail design, shall
develop detail working procedures including as a minimum:
- Construction working area layout
- Type and power of auger boring equipment
- Work phases description
- Disposal of excavated soil and final restoration procedure.
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Conceptually the horizontal directional drilling procedures are the same used for oil well drilling, but
drilling equipments are mounted on an inclined rig ramp, which form a prefixed entrance angle
(between 7 and 12 degrees) with the ground. The drilling direction is continuously monitored against
project geometry and adjusted during pilot hole drilling.
Soil removal is obtained by the circulation of bentonite mud, and the final hole, obtained by
successive reaming operations, is maintained stable by controlled bentonite mud density.
Subsequently, the prefabricated pipeline string is pulled into the hole by means of the rig drilling rod.
The above described methodology will be normally utilized to perform major river crossings, in order
to minimize disturbances to the river banks and river bed, their stability against erosion or siphoning,
and disturbances to the environment (fish, amphibions, insects, plant life).
The same methodology, provided that all the feasibility conditions are favourable, may be applied for
the crossing of environmental sensible and restricted areas (archaeological areas or others), hilly
ridges or for sea line shore approaches.
The drilling hole is normally not cased, and the pipeline is pulled across in the bentonite mud without
any specific additional coating other than the anticorrosion coating (HDPE, Epoxy resin or others).
The pipe string shall be hydraulically pre-tested before installation at a minimum pressure according
to National or International Codes and Standards and as detailed in the project specification.

A typical geometrical configuration for HDD crossing is shown on dwg. 27435-E-PLI-CIV-DWG

“Horizontal Directional Drilling Crossing: Typical Geometry”.

8.1 General Requirements and Suitability of HDD

The main feasibility conditions which the Engineering Contractor shall verify in order to propose an
HDD solution are described hereinafter:
a) Cover
A minimum cover of 15/20 m under the ground level/ river bed maximum scouring depth shall be
considered, in order to avoid possible bentonite dispersion into the surface or river bed and
Depth under the river banks shall be such to avoid possible lateral erosion of the river,
disturbances of banks or siphoning under the artificial river banks.
b) Geometry
Pipeline crossing geometry shall be designed with a bend radius greater than the calculated
elastic bending radius of the pipe; as a general rule a radius 1000 times the pipe OD will be
adequate and conservative.
c) Length of crossing
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A generally accepted length for the feasibility of an HDD installation is of about 1200÷1500m, but
Contractors may investigate the feasibility of a longer drilling, supplying the Client with the
appropriate information and assurances.
d) Hole / Pipe Diameter
Back reaming may be done in a single pass or, for greater diameters, by successive passes with
progressively increased diameter of reamer; indicatively the diameter of the reamer may be 1.2
to 1.5 times the diameter of the pipeline to be pulled across.
Hole diameter associated with the crossing length limits the HDD feasibility: the bigger the hole
diameter, the more difficult it is to maintain hole stability and properly pull the large diameter pipe
into the hole. A generally accepted diameter limit for an HDD installation is 42”, but 48” pipelines
have also been installed in some cases. It must be taken into consideration that, for a larger pipe,
a greater pulling force is needed, buoyant forces activated by the bentonite are greater, and
stiffness of the pipe is more important. Contractors shall analyze all these factors and provide the
appropriate solution for the project.
e) Geological/geotechnical frame conditions
The most favourable geological conditions for the execution of directional drilling are
homogeneous and relatively compacted soils, classified as coarse grained soils (with exclusion
of clean gravels) and fine grained soils (with exclusion of organic soils).
In principle HDD may also be executed in rocky soil, but the pulling operations may damage the
pipe coating and this should be avoided.
Sub horizontal soil strata of different consistencies may deviate the drilling and oblige the use of
different types of drilling heads, whilst an thick gravel strata may cause bentonite dispersion and
possible collapse of the drilling hole.
The Contractor shall perform all soil investigations and tests reputed necessary to evaluate the
geological strata along the crossing, their consistency and their geotechnical parameters which
may result in a risk or constraint for an HDD execution.
f) Required working space
At one side of the crossing, space for rig, rig rods, bentonite mud basins and other material an
facilities shall be available. On the other side of the crossing there must be enough space for
pipe storage, recycling basin for bentonite mud, string assembling and all other necessary

8.2 Cost Estimate

The cost estimate of a crossing by HDD method shall take into account, as a minimum, the following:
- Mob/demob
- Yard preparation: working areas, material storage, mud basins, etc…
- Manpower and equipment costs for the estimated duration
- Assembling and pre-testing of the pulling length
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- Pulling of pipe string

- Disposal of excavated material and muds
- Restoration

8.3 Input Data and Crossing Design

a) Feasibility of HDD crossing

To assess the feasibility of an HDD crossing, topographical and geological information about the
areas concerned is to be evaluated.
In particular, the following aspects shall be examined:
- Project location: verification of available space for rig site, stacking pipe area, pipeline
assembly area and other construction site facilities, distance from existing building. For this
purpose, topographical maps scale 1:500 up to 1:25000 are helpful.
- Soil characteristics: soil layer identification along the planned profile is necessary for
preliminary acceptance of the HDD installation method.
- River/stream geometry: maximum width and maximum depth shall be roughly identified
Existing maps and historical data can be utilised for the preliminary HDD crossing technical
feasibility study. Available data from previous projects in the same area, if any, can also be used.

b) Basic Design of HDD crossing

For Basic Design preparation, the following site information shall be acquired:
- Topographic survey at construction sites: detail survey scale 1:200 shall be carried out,
including river/stream survey to determine river bed profile, if any.
- Soil investigation: type, number and depth of site geotechnical investigation (bore holes) and
site and laboratory tests shall be defined depending on crossing geometry and geology of the
Stratigraphy and soil classification, groundwater level (if any) shall be determined as a
Additional information can confirm the feasibility of the crossing by HDD; topographical and
geotechnical data shall be included in the FEED package for following project phases. If deemed
necessary, preliminary crossing drawings can be produced.

c) Detail Design of HDD crossing

The Detail Design of HDD crossing shall be carried out by the Construction Contractor or EPC
Contractor according to the specific equipment and procedures that the Contractor intends to use
for trenchless installation.
The Contractor shall be responsible for gathering all information necessary for the design, in
addition to any data made available in the FEED documents (if any), including but not limited to:
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- Topographic survey at construction sites: detailed verification survey scale 1:200 shall be
carried out
- Soil investigation: Contractor shall define spacing, location and depth of boreholes, number of
sampling and laboratory tests necessary for classification of soils along the planned drilling
profile to reduce the construction risks to a minimum. When crossing waterways, information
about the ground conditions immediately under the bottom of the river is of great importance
and determines the success of this construction method.

Detail Design shall include but not be limited to the following:

- Detail drawings of crossing
- Stress analysis verifications, including longitudinal and vertical loads (pulling force during
installation, buoyant force along pulling profile acting of pipeline string into the hole full of
bentonite mud)
- Determination of rig minimum power

8.4 Working Procedure

The Construction Contractor or EPC Contractor, in conjunction with crossing detail design, shall
develop detail working procedures including as a minimum:
- Construction working area layout
- Type and power of rig, depending of soil characteristics and crossing length
- Selection of the appropriate drilling head and reaming devices
- Type and accuracy of the steering equipment
- Work phases description
- Disposal of excavated soil and bentonite mud (preparation and recycling)
- Final restoration.
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A microtunnel/minitunnel consists of thrusting a casing pipe into the soil to overcome an obstacle.
The method can vary depending on hole diameter, soil removal, excavation method and control of
the cutting head.
Two shafts are required for microtunnel/minitunnel construction (a driving shaft and a receiving
shaft), and require adequate support (i.e.: reinforced concrete wall, sheet piling, see typical drawings
27432-E-PLI-CIV-DWG, 27433-E-PLI-CIV-DWG). The microtunnel/minitunnel or tunnel boring
machine is then positioned in the driving shaft and a main jack pushes the machine and excavation
starts. After the machine is pushed into the ground, the first segment of pipe (usually prefabricated
concrete pipe) is lowered. The main jack pushes the pipe and simultaneously the boring machine
excavates soil; this operation is repeated for installation of all pipe segments, through the entire
microtunnel/minitunnel length. If necessary, an intermediate jack can be installed to help push the
pipes already inserted in the microtunnel bore.
Both excavation and pipe jacking are usually performed in the presence of bentonite mud circulation.
As an alternative to prefabricated concrete pipe, circumferential pipe sectors can be installed to form
the tunnel casing (this application is for larger diameters).
Two different methods are conventionally identified as:
- Microtunneling, where the cutting head is remote controlled from outside the tunnel due to the
limited hole diameter (< 2000 mm).
- Minitunnelling: where the cutting head is locally controlled. This is applicable only for larger
hole diameters (≥ 2000 mm)
The guidance and control system is by way of laser, which gives line and grade information for the
pipe installation. The laser is installed in the driving shafts and gives a fixed reference point.

Soil is excavated from the jacking shaft by a rotating cutting head.

For soil removal there are two methods:
- Slurry type: slurry is pumped to the face of the boring machine, then excavated material
mixed with slurry (usually bentonite mud) is transported to the driving shaft and discharged at
the soil separation unit above the ground, where slurry is recycled.
- Conveyor belt type: excavated material is transported out of the tunnel by conveyor belt and
directly discharged on the ground.

Once the microtunnel/minitunnel is completed, and after all check and preparatory works have been
carried out, a preassembled pipeline is pulled inside the microtunnel/minitunnel, providing adequate
protection (collar spacers) against friction between microtunnel/minitunnel internal surface and
external pipeline surface.
In some cases, multiple pipelines are to be inserted into the microtunnel/minitunnel, installing the
pipelines on prefabricated supporting structures.
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For either application (single or multiple pipelines), detailed installation procedures shall be prepared
by the EPC or Construction Contractor, including but not limited to:
- Assembling of the pipeline string at yard area
- Lifting and positioning at microtunnel/minitunnel entrance
- Pulling of the string, welded to a pulling head, by winch (whole length is recommended for
single pipeline installation, to have a unique pulling phase, minimizing the risk of failure of the
procedure; where multiple pipeline are to be inserted in the microtunnel/minitunnel, the
pulling phase is to be repeated for each section preassembled on the supporting structures,
with each section to be welded to the previous by dedicated procedure and stress analysis
- Microtunnel/minitunnel end sealing and filling with bentonite mixture or equivalent
- Restoration of the areas

If necessary, pipeline section inside the microtunnel, filled with bentonite mixture, can be insulated
from the main pipeline and cathodically protected by suitable system.

A typical geometrical configuration for crossing an obstacle by microtunnel is shown on dwg. 27436-
E-PLI-CIV-DWG “Pipeline Crossing by Microtunnel or Minitunnel Method: Typical Geometry”.

9.1 General Requirements and Suitability of Microtunnel Technology

The main feasibility conditions which the Engineering Contractor shall verify in order to propose a
microtunnel/minitunnel solution are described hereinafter:
a) Cover
A minimum cover of 6-7 meters under the ground surface level or river bed maximum scouring
depth, depending on the crossed area, shall be maintained, to avoid possible bentonite
dispersion into the ground surface or river bed and water;
Depth under the river banks shall be such to avoid possible lateral erosion of the river,
disturbances of banks or siphoning under the artificial river banks.
b) Geometry
Microtunnel/minitunnel longitudinal profile can be curved or rectilinear. The advantage of having
a curved microtunnel/minitunnel is the reduction of the depth of jacking/receiving shafts,
therefore all construction operations are executed near ground level; on the other side, reducing
the shaft depth increases length of the microtunnel/minitunnel.
The microtunnel/minitunnel profile shall be designed with the pipeline minimum bending radius.
c) Length of crossing
A generally accepted length for the feasibility of a microtunnel/minitunnel installation is of about
1200÷1500 m, but Contractors may investigate the feasibility of a longer drilling, providing the
Client with the appropriate information and assurances.
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For longer tunneling, the possibility of using a tunnel boring machine can be investigated: such
equipment has no limits in the tunneling length, since the jacking force is locally balanced,
instead of from the outside jacking shafts. This technology does require however a, larger hole
d) Hole / Pipe Diameter
The range in diameter for microtunneling is from 8” (200 mm) to 136” (3500 mm), with the most
common diameter ranging from 24” (600 mm) to 100” (2600). The microtunneling diameter
increases with the length, no matter which pipeline diameter is to be installed, because of the
increase of the thrust force with the length and the possible need to intervene for maintenance to
the cutting head.
e) Geological/geotechnical frame conditions
The most favourable ground condition for the execution of slurry microtunneling is wet sand,
whilst for auger microtunneling a stable sandy clay is favourable.
However, a wide selection of cutting heads is available for handling a range of soil conditions,
including boulders (up to 20÷30% of the machine diameter) and solid rock.
The presence of groundwater is not a limitation for microtunnel/minitunnel execution, as the
hydrostatic pressure can be balanced by full face counterpressure on the cutting head.
It is recommended that the microtunnel profile is as much as possible in a uniform geological
strata, to avoid possible deviation.
f) Required working space
Shafts are required at both ends of the microtunnel/minitunnel. The jacking shaft dimensions are
determined by the microtunnel geometry (depth in correspondence to jacking shafts) and the
space required for jacking devices and casing pipe and following carrier pipe installation.
Sufficient space shall also be considered for loading, unloading and storage of materials and
equipment in the construction area.
The receiving shaft is usually of reduced dimensions and sometimes it is not required if the
cutting head is recovered at ground level.

9.2 Cost Estimate

The cost estimate of a crossing by microtunnel/minitunnel method shall take into account, as a
minimum, the following:

- Mob/demob
- Yard preparation: working areas, material storage, mud basins, etc…
- Manpower and equipment costs for the estimated duration
- Materials: prefabricated concrete pipes (or concrete pipe sectors) and all other
- Assembling and pre-testing (if applicable) of the pulling length
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- Pulling of pipe string (single or multiple string)

- Cathodic protection system
- Microtunnel filling with bentonite mixture or equivalent
- Disposal of excavated material and muds
- Restoration

9.3 Input Data and Crossing Design

a) Feasibility of microtunnel/minitunnel crossing

To assess the feasibility of a microtunnel/minitunnel crossing, topographical and geological
information about the areas concerned is to be evaluated.
In particular, the following aspects shall be examined:
- Project location: verification of available space for jacking shafts, material storage area,
pipeline assembly area and other construction site facilities, distance from existing building.
For this purpose, topographical maps scale 1:500 up to 1:25000 are helpful.
- Soil characteristics: soil layers identification along the planned profile is necessary for
preliminary acceptance of microtunnel/minitunnel installation method.
- In case of river/stream crossing: maximum width and maximum depth shall be roughly
Existing maps and historical data can be utilised for the preliminary microtunnel/minitunnel
crossing technical feasibility study. Available data from previous projects in the same area, if any,
can also be used.

b) Basic Design of microtunnel/minitunnel crossing

For Basic Design preparation, the following site information shall be acquired:
- Topographic survey at construction sites: detail survey scale 1:200 shall be carried out,
including river/stream survey to determine river bed profile, if any.
- Soil investigation: type, number and depth of site geotechnical investigation (bore holes) and
site and laboratory tests shall be defined depending on crossing geometry and geology of the
site. Where necessary, horizontal bore holes may be required (i.e. microtunnel/minitunnel to
overcome hill or mountains).
Stratigraphy and soil classification, groundwater level (if any) shall be determined as a
Additional information can confirm the feasibility of the crossing by microtunnel/minitunnel;
topographical and geotechnical data shall be included in the FEED package for following project
phases. If deemed necessary, preliminary crossing drawings can be produced.

c) Detail Design of microtunnel/minitunnel crossing

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The Detail Design of microtunnel/minitunnel crossing shall be carried out by the Construction
Contractor or EPC Contractor according to the specific equipment and procedures that the
Contractor intends to use for trenchless installation.
The Contractor shall be responsible for gathering all information necessary for the design, in
addition to any data made available in the FEED documents (if any), including but not limited to:
- Topographic survey at construction sites: detail verification survey scale 1:200 shall be
carried out
- Soil investigation: Contractor shall define spacing, location and depth of boreholes (even
horizontal bore holes if necessary or other kind of geotechnical investigation system such as
seismic tomography, geoelectrical investigation, etc...), number of sampling and laboratory
tests necessary for classification of soils along the planned drilling profile to reduce the
construction risk to a minimum. When crossing waterways, information about the ground
conditions immediately under the bottom of the river is of great importance and determines the
success of the construction method.

Detail Design shall include but not be limited to the following:

- Detail drawings of crossing: microtunnel/minitunnel and carrier pipe
- Detail drawings and sizing of jacking and receiving shafts
- Sizing of casing elements
- Stress analysis calculation and installation procedure of carrier pipe (single or multiple pipe)
- Determination of hydraulic jack minimum power
- Determination of winch minimum power for carrier pipe installation

9.4 Working procedure

Construction Contractor or EPC Contractor, in conjunction with crossing detail design, shall develop
detailed working procedures including as a minimum:

- Working area layout

- Type and power of hydraulic jack and winch
- Selection of the appropriate drilling head
- Work phases description
- Disposal of excavated soil and bentonite mud (preparation and recycling)
- Final restoration.
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This trenchless installation method conventionally consists of a vertical or near vertical shaft,
executed with raise boring equipment. However, other technologies are not excluded in overcoming
the described morphological feature of a sub-vertical slope.
Mountain areas and U shaped glacial excavated valleys are the obvious and appropriate domain to
which this methodology applies.
Conceptually the geometrical solution consists of a short conventional tunnel at the base of the slope
and a drilled pilot hole from the top of the slope; a hole is drilled by a vertical rig with the possibility of
small deviation in the vertical angle.
For a cheaper solution the drilling head is not directionally controlled and an appropriate positioning
of the rig determines the precision in reaching the arrival point at the base tunnel chamber.
The following phase foresees the enlargement of the vertical hole, to the required dimension, by
pulling back a borer using the drilling rod. The borer will be transported into the base tunnel and
coupled to the drilling road.
Raise boring allows excavated material to fall down into the base tunnel and from there to be
evacuated and transported to a waste dump area.
Variations to this basic elementary technology may include providing steering control and an inclined
rig in order to reduce the length of the base tunnel. However, such a possibility depends mainly on
the rock type and structure, the rig type and the possibility to remove the excavated material.
Raise boring may be substituted by descending boring, with a V shaped bore head discharging the
excavated rock down in the pilot hole.
The drilled shaft, depending on the rock stability and compactness, may need to be stabilized or
The casing and main pipe will be welded and lowered into the shaft from the top rig; in the base
chamber as result of stress analysis verification, a support saddle or an anchor block may be
required near the prefabricated bend at the shaft base.
Upon completion of the installation the gaps between the main pipe and casing or rock wall shall be
filled with low strength cement mortar to provide constant support to the pipe and a proper
anticorrosion environment.
In order to avoid the base tunnel, a curved vertical shaft, is also technically possible and may be
similar to vertical directional drilling (VDD).
This method has been specifically utilized for sealine shore approaches, but obviously for technical
and economic reasons it may be considered only for very long and otherwise impossible installations.

A typical geometrical configuration for raise boring installation is shown on dwg. 27437-E-PLI-CIV-
DWG “Pipeline crossing of sub-vertical obstacle by raise boring method: Typical Geometry”.
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10.1 General Requirements and Suitability of Raise Boring

The main feasibility conditions which the Engineering Contractor shall verify in order to propose raise
boring are described in the following paragraphs.

a) Soil cover
When defining vertical profile for the raise boring installation method, a minimum soil cover shall
be considered to avoid interference with the surface weathered rock strata.
b) Geometry
An area to which this solution could be applied is a mountain slope where the difference in height
between the top and the bottom is about 200-250 m .
The base tunnel can be created by traditional excavation methods and shall allow the removal of
the excavated rock in the easiest manner; moreover the tunnel dimensions shall allow the
introduction into the tunnel of the raise borer and of the prefabricated pipe bend to be connected
to the vertical pipe.
A typical tunnel cross section is within 9 to 12 m2 with enlargement in the end receiving chamber.
The base tunnel end chamber shall remain possibly within 30-50 m from the hard rocky front wall
and allow pipeline installation work and anchor block construction, if needed; tunnel length
containment is aimed mainly to reduce risk and construction problems and therefore related
Simultaneously with the tunnel construction at the bottom, the drilling operations above may
start; the rig shall be appropriately positioned on a previously prepared concrete base, and
checked in order to have drilling rod aligned to reach the designed chamber position.
Design direction and dip of the vertical/sub-vertical shaft and the position of the receiving
chamber shall be defined after a proper analysis of geological and geotechnical conditions
resulting from the appropriate investigations. For example, the superficial shaft may be on
instable or weathered rock strata, so that an optimization between geological stability, technical
construction possibilities and investment costs shall be sought.
c) Geological/geotechnical frame conditions
The most favourable geological conditions for the execution of a vertical shaft are: homogeneous
and massif rock, sub horizontally stratified sedimentary rock, limited joint presence and the
absence of karst phenomenon.
Sub-vertical soil strata of different consistencies or the presence of joint may divert the drilling
head and compromise the directionality.
Contractors shall perform all the soil investigations and tests deemed necessary to evaluate the
geological strata along the drilling, their consistency and their geotechnical parameters to allow
the execution of the works and reduce risks or constraints
d) Hole / Pipe diameter
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Pilot hole and drilling rod dimensions may vary, but generally are of around 150 mm in diameter;
rods shall be short and thick in order to maintain directional rigidity.
The typical range for raise borer diameter varies between 1000 mm to 2400 mm.
e) Required working space
The top of the vertical shaft shall be accessible or made accessible in order to transport and
install the rig and all other materials; the same shall be assured for the entrance of the base

10.2 Cost Estimate

The cost estimate of a crossing by raise boring method shall take into account, as a minimum, the

- Mob/demob
- Yard preparation: working areas, material storage, etc…
- Manpower and equipment costs for the estimated duration
- Materials: casing pipe (if any) and all other appurtenances
- Assembling and pre-testing (if applicable) of the pipeline crossing length
- Installation of pipe string
- Interspace filling with bentonite mixture or equivalent
- Anchor block (if any)
- Disposal of excavated material
- Restoration

10.3 Input data and Crossing Design

a) Feasibility of raise boring crossing

To assess the feasibility of a raise boring crossing, topographical and geological information
about the areas concerned are to be evaluated.
In particular, the following aspects shall be examined:
- Project location: verification of available space for drilling rig and base tunnel entrance,
material storage area, pipeline assembly area and other construction site facilities. For this
purpose, topographical maps scale 1:500 up to 1:25000 are helpful.
- Soil characteristics: bibliographic information about the soil/rock characteristics, as well as a
site visit by geologist shall be the base for preliminary acceptance of the raise boring method
as an alternative solution for pipeline installation.
Existing maps and historical data can be utilised for the preliminary studies. Available data from
previous projects in the same area, if any, can also be used.
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b) Basic Design of raise boring crossing

For Basic Design preparation, the following site information shall be acquired:
- Topographic survey at construction sites: detail survey scale 1:200 shall be carried out at
entry and exit point, external profile shall also be acquired.
- Soil investigation: dedicated studies and site measurement shall be performed in order to
characterise the slope to be overcome. Non-destructive/geophysical methods can be applied
for rock characterization.
Additional information can confirm the feasibility of crossing by raise boring; topographical and
geotechnical data shall be included in the FEED package for the following project phases. If
deemed necessary, preliminary crossing drawings can be produced.

c) Detail Design of raise boring crossing

Detail Design of raise boring crossing shall be carried out by the Construction Contractor or EPC
Contractor according to the specific equipment and procedures that the Contractor intends to use
for trenchless installation.
The Contractor shall be responsible for gathering all information necessary for the design, in
addition to any data made available in the FEED documents (if any), including but not limited to:
- Topographic survey at construction sites: detail verification survey scale 1:200 shall be
carried out
- Soil investigation: Contractor shall perform all investigations deemed necessary for the
classification of rocks to reduce construction risks to a minimum.

Detail Design shall include but not be limited to the following:

- Detail drawings of crossing: vertical shaft and casing/carrier pipe
- Detail drawings of base tunnel
- Detail drilling procedure
- Stress analysis calculation and installation procedure of casing/carrier pipe
- Sizing of anchor block (if any)
- Determination of drilling rig minimum power
- Determination of winch minimum power for carrier pipe installation (to hold pipe string)
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10.4 Working Procedure

The Construction Contractor or EPC Contractor, in conjunction with crossing detail design, shall
develop a detailed working procedure including as a minimum:

- Working area layout

- Selection of the appropriate rig and raise borer and relevant drilling heads (rig max power,
appropriate pilot hole drilling head, raise borer type and diameter, type and accuracy of the
steering equipment if deemed necessary)
- Work phases description
- Type and power of winch
- Disposal of excavated soil
- Final restoration.
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In the following tables the suitability of trenchless installation methods has been classified according
to different parameters affecting the design:
- Soil type
- Diameter and Crossing Length
- Groundwater
- Working areas required for each technology
The following tables are to be considered indicative and the feasibility of each technique shall be
assessed by the Construction Contractor according to experience and local conditions.

Table 11.1
Soft clay, silts and organic soil YES YES YES NO
Medium to very stiff clays and
Hard clays and highly
weathered shale
Very loose to loose sands
above watertable
Medium to dense sands below
Medium to dense sands above
Gravels and stones (less than
50÷100 mm diameter)
Soil with significant stones,
boulders and obstructions DIFFICULT DIFFICULT DIFFICULT NO
(larger than 100÷150 mm)
Weathered rocks, marls, chalks
and firmly cemented soils
Slightly weathered to non-
weathered rocks
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Table 11.2
AUGER BORING 200 ÷ 1200 mm (8 ÷ 48 in) < 100÷150 m
H.D.D. 150 ÷ 1200 mm (6 ÷ 48 in) < 1200÷1500 m
MICROTUNNEL 600 ÷ 2600 mm (24 ÷ 100 in) < 1200÷1500 m
RAISE BORING 1000 ÷ 2400 mm (24 ÷ 100 in) < 200÷250 m

Table 11.3
(*) waterproof shafts shall be constructed together with well point

Table 11.4
Assembly area for the string to Receiving Shaft
be pulled – Pipe storage
H.D.D. Assembly area for the string to
Rig working area (pilot hole)
be pulled – Pipe storage - Mud
Rig rod storage, mud basin
recycling basin
MICROTUNNEL Jacking Shaft - Assembly area
for the string to be pulled – Mud Receiving Shaft
RAISE BORING Drilling Rig working area (pilot
hole) - Assembly area for the Base Tunnel
pipe string – Pipe storage
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- DCA-Europe: “Information and Recommendations for the Planning, Construction and

Documentation of HDD Projects” (2002)
- C.Vescovo, U. Lazzarini (Snam Rete Gas): “La costruzione di condotte in acciaio nel segno
del rispetto ambientale: le Tecnologie Trenchless” (2002)
- D. M. Abraham, H. S. Baik, S. Gokhale (Purdue University – Indiana - Joint Transportation
Research Program): “Development of a Decision Support System for Selection of Trenchless
Technologies to Minimize Impact of Utility Construction on Roadways” (2nd edition - 2001)

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