Department of Education
Region II – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of Nueva Vizcaya
Kongkong Valley National High School
GRADE 1 to 12 School Kongkong National High School Grade Level SHS – Eleven(11)
DAILY LESSON Teacher Mrs. Laarni R. Imperial Learning Area Reading and Writing
LOG Teaching Dates and Time January 20-23, 2025 7:30-5:00 Quarter/Semester Third / 2ND
Week 5
January 20, 2025 January 21, January 22, January 23, 2025
2025 2025
A. Content Standards The learner realizes that information in a written text may be selected and organized to achieve a particular purpose
B. Performance Standards The learner critiques a chosen sample of each pattern of development focusing on information selection, organization, and development.
C. Learning Distinguishes between and Distinguishes between and among Distinguishes between and Distinguishes between and among
Competencies/Objectives among patterns of patterns of among patterns of patterns of
Write the LC Code for each development in writing across development in writing across development in writing across development in writing across
(MELC) disciplines disciplines disciplines disciplines
a. narration a. narration a. narration a. narration
b. description b. description b. description b. description
c. definition c. definition c. definition c. definition
d. exemplification / classification d. exemplification / classification d. exemplification / classification d. exemplification / classification
e. comparison and contrast e. comparison and contrast e. comparison and contrast e. comparison and contrast
f. cause and effect f. cause and effect f. cause and effect f. cause and effect
g. problem - solution g. problem - solution g. problem - solution g. problem - solution
h. persuasion h. persuasion h. persuasion h. persuasion
EN11/12RWS-IIIbf-3.4 EN11/12RWS-IIIbf-3.2 EN11/12RWS-IIIbf-3.1 EN11/12RWS-IIIbf-3.1
Specific Objectives (KSA) At the end of the session, the At the end of the session, the At the end of the session, the At the end of the session, the
learners are able to: learners are able to: learners are able to: learners are able to:
Knowledge 1. define exemplification pattern 1. define description pattern and 1. define narration pattern and 1. define comparison and contrast
and identify its signal words; identify its signal words; identify its signal words; pattern and identify its signal words;
Skills 2. write an exemplification 2. write an description paragraph 2. write an narration paragraph 2. write a comparison and contrast
paragraph using the signal using the signal words; and using the signal words; and paragraph using the signal words;
Attitude words; and 3. develop a positive attitude 3. develop a positive attitude and
3. develop a positive attitude towards collaborative idea. towards collaborative idea. 3. develop a positive attitude
towards collaborative idea. towards collaborative idea
A. Reviewing previous lesson or Review Review Review Review
presenting the new lesson The students will be asked to The students will be asked to about The students will be asked to The teacher will ask the students
about the previous lesson on the previous lesson on about the previous lesson on questions about the previous
definition pattern. exemplification pattern. description pattern. lesson on narration pattern.
B. Establishing a purpose for the The teacher tells the students of The teacher tells the students of the The teacher tells the students of The teacher tells the students of the
lesson the learning objectives. learning objectives. the learning objectives. learning objectives.
C. Presenting examples/instances
of the new lesson
D. Discussing new concepts and The teacher will discuss the The teacher will discuss the The teacher will discuss the The teacher will discuss the
practicing new skills #1 following: following: following: following:
1. Definition of exemplification 1. Definition of description pattern 1. Definition of narration pattern 1. Definition of comparison and
pattern 2. Signal words used for description 2. Signal words used for narration contrast pattern
2. Signal words used for pattern pattern 2. Signal words used for comparison
exemplification pattern and contrast pattern
E. Developing mastery Class Activity Class Activity Class Activity Class Activity
(Leads to formative assessment) The students will read a text and The students will read a text and The students will read a text and The students will read a text and
identify the exemplification identify the description signal words identify the narration signal words identify the comparison and contrast
signal words used. used. used. signal words used.
F. Finding practical/applications of Individual Activity Individual Activity Individual Activity Individual Activity
concepts and skills in daily living The students will write a 150- The students will write a 200-word The students will write a 200- The students will write a 200-word
word exemplification paragraph description paragraph on “My Dream word narration paragraph on the comparison and contrast paragraph
on “Dangerous Habits” using at House” using at least 20 signal story “Adam and Eve” using at on City Life vs. Provincial Life using
least 5 signal words. words. least 10 signal words. at least 10 signal words.
G. Making generalizations and The students will be called to The students will be called to share The students will be called to The students will be called to share
abstractions about the lesson share his or her insights about his or her insights about the lesson. share his or her insights about his or her insights about the lesson.
the lesson. the lesson.
H. Evaluating Learning