Department of Education
Region II – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of Nueva Vizcaya
Kongkong Valley National High School
GRADE 1 to 12 School Kongkong National High School Grade Level SHS – Eleven(12)
DAILY LESSON Teacher Mrs. Laarni R. Imperial Learning Area Reading and Writing
LOG Teaching Dates and Time December 16-20, 2024 7:30-5:00 Quarter/Semester Third / 2ND
Week 2
Selecting and Organizing Graphic Organizers: Venn Graphic Organizers: Network Tree QUIZ DAY
Information: Brainstorming Diagram
A. References
1.Teacher’s Guides/Pages Jessie S. Barrot, Ph.D. Academic Jessie S. Barrot, Ph.D. Academic Jessie S. Barrot, Ph.D. Academic Jessie S. Barrot, Ph.D. Academic
Reading & Writing for Senior High Reading & Writing for Senior High Reading & Writing for Senior High Reading & Writing for Senior High
School. Pages 35-36 School. Pages 37-38 School. Pages 38-39 School. Pages 39-40
2.Learner’s Materials Pages
3.Textbook Pages
4.Additional Materials from
Resources (LR) portal
` B. Other Learning Resources Power Point Presentation Power Point Presentation Power Point Presentation Power Point Presentation
A. Reviewing previous lesson or Question Review Review Review
presenting the new lesson The teacher will ask the The students will be asked to about The students will be asked to The teacher will ask the students
students the questions: the previous lesson on about the previous lesson on Venn questions about the previous
What does "brainstorming" mean brainstorming. diagram. lesson on network tree.
When have you used it before?
B. Establishing a purpose for the The teacher tells the students of The teacher tells the students of the The teacher tells the students of The teacher tells the students of the
lesson the learning objectives. learning objectives. the learning objectives. learning objectives.
C. Presenting examples/instances
of the new lesson
D. Discussing new concepts and The teacher will discuss the The teacher will discuss the The teacher will discuss the The teacher will discuss the
practicing new skills #1 following: following: following: following:
1. Definition of brainstorming 1. Definition of graphic organizer 1. Definition of network tree 1. Definition of spider map
2. Brainstorming techniques 2. Types of graphic organizers 2. Use of network tree 2. Use of spider map
-Venn Diagram
E. Developing mastery Class Activity Group Activity Class Activity Class Activity
(Leads to formative assessment) The teacher will write the word, On the board, the students will make On the board, the students will On the board, the students will be
“Christmas” on the board and the a Venn Diagram about the complete a Network Tree of their called randomly to complete a Spider
students will be called one by one similarities and differences between class officers. Map of the concept, “sports”.
to list a word they can think of dogs and cats; and they will be
about it. divided into 3 groups. The first group
will write about the distinct
characteristics of dogs; the second
group will write about the distinct
characteristics of cats; and the third
group will write about the similarities
between dogs and cats
F. Finding practical/applications of Individual Activity Individual Activity Individual Activity Individual Activity
concepts and skills in daily living The students will make an idea The students will make a Venn The students will fill out the The students will complete a Spider
map about the concept, Diagram about the similarities and missing data in the high school Map on the topic, social networking
“Unemployment” differences between moths and Network Tree with the given sites, their types, features, dangers,
butterflies using the given words. positions. and benefits.”
G. Making generalizations and
abstractions about the lesson
H. Evaluating Learning