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Week 1

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School DR. BEATO C.


GRADE 11 Teacher ALVIN B. CATUBIG Learning Area Reading and Writing
Teaching Dates and Time January 9-12 9:15-10:15 am Semester/ Week Second/ Week 1


February 13 February 14 February 15 February 16

A. Content Standard The learner realizes that information in a written text may be selected and organized to achieve a particular purpose
B. Performance Standard The learner critiques a chosen sample of each pattern of development focusing on information selection, organization, and
C. Learning Competency / The learner describes a written text as connected discourse. (EN11/12RWS-IIIa-1)
Objectives The learners shall be able to:
a. demonstrate understanding of a text read;
b. identify the features of a text; and
c. explain how ideas in a written text can be connected to one another
II. CONTENT Written Text as Connected Online Platforms The World Wide Web Trends in ICT
Discourse: Connecting Ideas


A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s Materials R and W module R and W module R and W module R and W module
3. Textbook pages Tiongson, M. & Rodriguez, M. Tiongson, M. & Rodriguez, M. Tiongson, M. & Rodriguez, M. Tiongson, M. & Rodriguez, M.
2016. Reading & Writing 2016. Reading & Writing 2016. Reading & Writing 2016. Reading & Writing
Skills. Manila: Rex Book Store, Skills. Manila: Rex Book Store, Skills. Manila: Rex Book Store, Skills. Manila: Rex Book Store,
Inc. Inc. Inc. Inc.
4. Additional Materials PowerPoint Presentation, LCD PowerPoint Presentation, LCD PowerPoint Presentation, LCD PowerPoint Presentation, LCD
from Learning Projector/TV, Manila Paper Projector/TV, Manila Paper Projector/TV, Manila Paper Projector/TV, Manila Paper
Resource (LR)portal
B. Other Learning Resource https://link.quipper.com/en/ http://esolonline.tki.org.nz/ http://esolonline.tki.org.nz/ http://esolonline.tki.org.nz/
classes/5827f1d7a182ac0415 ESOLOnline/Teacherneeds/ ESOL-Online/Teacherneeds/ ESOL-Online/Teacherneeds/
00004e/courses Teaching-and Teaching-and- Teaching-and-
learningsequences/Marine- learningsequences/Marine- learningsequences/Marine-
mammalsWriting- mammalsWriting- mammalsWriting-
informationtexts/Learning-task- nformationtexts/Learning-task- informationtexts/Learning-task-
3-Cohesivedevices 3-Cohesivedevices 3-Cohesivedevices
A. Reviewing previous Ask: How many times have Ask students to have a recap Review on yesterday’s topic. Review of the past lesson.
lesson or presenting the you on yesterday's topic.
new lesson checked your phone this
B. Establishing a purpose for Divide the class into 6 groups. What are the online platforms Who among have been using What are the things that we
the lesson Give each group a disarranged (websites/applications) you the can do in
comic strip. usually internet? using the Internet?
C. Presenting Pose the question: How do Ask the students: What do you What are the things that Do you have an account in
examples/Instances of the you connect ideas when call those words that were you do in using the Social Media Site?
new lesson writing? Define the words added in the second text? Internet?
“discourse”(use of words to Tell the students that cohesive
exchange thoughts and ideas devices as important in a
in an orderly and organized writing
manner), “text” (data or ideas
presentd in printed form), and
“writing” (formation of visible
letters or characters to express
one’s thoughts)
D. Discussing new concepts Distribute copies of a sample The teacher discuss what Discuss the evolution of the Discuss the trend in ICT
and practicing new skills # recipe. online platform is. World Wide Web
1 Ask:
2. What kind of text is the
one you have read?
3. What makes it a recipe?
4. What are the features of
the text?
E. Discussing new concepts Discuss how ICT evolve in the The teacher will present varied Show the difference of each Show the webpages of the
and practicing new skills # Philippines nuances of online platforms, World Wide Web. different Social Media Sites
2 sites andits content to best  Discuss the features of Web and discuss their uses
achieve specific class 2.0
objectives or address  Discuss the hindrances of
situational challenges. Web 3.0
F. Developing mastery Activity: Brainstorming Group Activity: Look for ten websites and Enumerate Websites that can
(leads to Formative Divide the class into groups, Class Feud (adopt the concept classify them as static or be useful to your community.
Assessment 3) and have each group meet to of the TV game show, Family dynamic. What makes each
brainstorm and list down at Feud). The focus of the activity website static or
least 10 technological will be the diversity of online dynamic?
advances they think should be platform. Questions include:

included on a time line of the What are the websites the
most important technological Filipinos mostly visit?
advances in human history What are the top 5 reasons
why they visit FB site?
G. Finding practical Allow students to use their Say: Cite the top 5 useful Identify a problem in your
application of concepts android phones and have websites a communityand imagine that
and skills in daily living them research to find the student’s browse on everyday. you are going to create a
dates for the technological website to persuade both
advances they plan to include community leaders and
on their time lines. (Prehistoric members to solve this
technology can be dated problem.
simply by the word
"prehistoric. Students can
make their time lines on long
strips of paper, cut out and
tape together or on brown
paper that comes in rolls. Time
lines should include
illustrations of the
technological advances
students wish to highlight
H. Making generalizations Evaluate groups on their time Ask the students to define Ask the students to define Ask the student to define
and abstractions about lines online platforms; compare and Web 1.0, Web 2.0, and Web convergence, social media,
the lesson contrast the nuances of varied 3.0; compare and contrast mobile technologies and
online platforms and sites; and the difference between Web assistive media. Identify the
cite examples of it. 2.0 and Web correct platform for social
3.0 change
I. Evaluating learning Students compose an .
insightful reflection
paper about the impact of ICT
(specifically online platforms)
in their lives and in the society.
Compare and contrast the
nuances of varied online
platforms and sites
J. Additional activities for Exercises
application or remediation
A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation To be filled out after the session for reflection purposes
B. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation who scored below 80%

C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized materials did I use/discover which I wish to share with other

Prepared By: Checked By: Noted By:


SHS Teacher – III Head Teacher III – OIC Senior High School Department School Principal II

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