The document is a detailed bill of materials and labor charges for electrical work, including the supply and installation of various components such as PVC casing, cables, switches, ceiling fans, LED lights, and MCB distribution boxes. It lists quantities, rates, and total amounts for each item, culminating in a grand total of Rs. 346,395. The bill includes various specifications and requirements for the installation and commissioning of the electrical components.
The document is a detailed bill of materials and labor charges for electrical work, including the supply and installation of various components such as PVC casing, cables, switches, ceiling fans, LED lights, and MCB distribution boxes. It lists quantities, rates, and total amounts for each item, culminating in a grand total of Rs. 346,395. The bill includes various specifications and requirements for the installation and commissioning of the electrical components.
The document is a detailed bill of materials and labor charges for electrical work, including the supply and installation of various components such as PVC casing, cables, switches, ceiling fans, LED lights, and MCB distribution boxes. It lists quantities, rates, and total amounts for each item, culminating in a grand total of Rs. 346,395. The bill includes various specifications and requirements for the installation and commissioning of the electrical components.
The document is a detailed bill of materials and labor charges for electrical work, including the supply and installation of various components such as PVC casing, cables, switches, ceiling fans, LED lights, and MCB distribution boxes. It lists quantities, rates, and total amounts for each item, culminating in a grand total of Rs. 346,395. The bill includes various specifications and requirements for the installation and commissioning of the electrical components.
Sl No. Descrption Unit Qnty. Rs. Rate Amount Rate Amount Supplying and fixing of the following size of PVC casing and capping on the surface 1 including tee, elbow,bend, coupling, corners, ss screws, nails, nylon plugs etc as requied. a 20mm x10mm Mtr 56.6 15 849 60 3396 4245 b 32mm x10mm Mtr 267 20 5340 100 26700 32040 Suppling and drrawing of the following size of 2 PVC insulated FR cable. a 1sqmm Mtr 1387 10 13870 23 31901 45771 b 1.5sqmm Mtr 622 15 9330 26 16172 25502 c 2.5sqmm Mtr 439 15 6585 40 17560 24145 Suppling and fixing of Top cover plates for the following Modular Boxes on the existing box, 3 complete with shutter, top cover etc, including screws etc are required. a 2 Modular surface box Nos 2 10 20 80 160 180 b 2 Modular plate Nos 2 12 24 85 170 194 c 3 Modular surface box Nos 4 10 40 88 352 392 d 3 Modular plate Nos 4 10 40 89 356 396 e 6 Modular surface box Nos 2 10 20 115 230 250 f 6 Modular plate Nos 2 10 20 200 400 420 i 12 Modular surface box Nos 5 10 50 400 2000 2050 j 12 Modular plate Nos 5 10 50 450 2250 2300 k 16 Modular surface box Nos 4 15 60 500 2000 2060 l 16 Modular plate Nos 4 15 60 450 1800 1860 Supply and fixing following switches and 4 sockets, regulator etc are on existing switch box/cover including connections etc. a 1 Module 6A 1 way switch Nos 88 10 880 80 7040 7920 b 6A 2 in 1 soscket (3 pin Multi) Nos 16 10 160 250 4000 4160 c 1 Module 16A 1 way switch Nos 4 10 40 350 1400 1440 d 16 A plug socket(Multi) Nos 4 10 40 310 1240 1280 e Step fan regulator(plug type) Nos 4 20 80 400 1600 1680 f 2 Module 32DP switch with indicator Nos 1 50 50 450 450 500 Supplying ,installation, testing and commisioning of the following energy efficient ceiling fans including installation, testing and commisioning without regulator including the 5 wiring down rod of standard length with 1.5 sqmm PVC insulated copper cable/ flexible twin twisted/ round 2 core etc as required.
Ceilling fan 1200mm sweep BLDC BEE 5star
a Nos 4 150 600 3900 15600 16200 rated Supplying and fixing of backlite slanding / straight holder on the existing PVC junction 6 Nos 4 10 40 20 80 120 box//round block/square block including connections. Supplying and fixing PVC round block/ square 7 block including screws/ nailetc and connections Nos 60 15 900 25 1500 2400 etc. Supplying and fixing ceiling rose on the existing 8 PVC junction box/round box including Nos 56 20 1120 60 3360 4480 connections.
Supplying, installation, testing and comissioning
pre wired flourescent tube light fitting of the 9 following types complete all accessories and tube, etc directly on the ceiling/wall including S.S screw, nails, nylon plugs connections and with flexible wire, etc as required. a LED tube light set 20 watts 1800 lumens 4 ft. Nos 40 100 4000 500 20000 24000 Supplying, installation, testing and commisioning of LED flood light of 150 watts 10 not less than 10000 lumens IP 65 rating.(Note: Nos 14 250 3500 6800 95200 98700 Preferable brands are Havells, Philips, Crompton, GM) Supplying, installation, testing and comissioning 11 of LED Bulbs 9watts 800 lumens. Nos 4 35 140 180 720 860
Suppling installation, testing and commissioning
of PVC bulk head light fitting with suitable LED bulb all accessories etc. directly on wall 12 including s.s. screws, nails,nylon plugs, and Nos 6 50 300 300 1800 2100 connections with flexible wire as requied.
Suppyling and fixing of following MCB
Distribution box 230V/415V-50Hz with 13 neuterlink earth connection and provision for SP/SPN/TPN/ ELCB of 6/10/16/20/25/32/40/63/100 Amps per way including drilling hole on the board, connections and earthing the body etc as requied. a 12 way TPN double door Nos 2 500 1000 7500 15000 16000 b 8 way TPN double door Nos 1 500 500 7500 7500 8000
Supplying and fixing of following 230V /415V-
50Hz -SP/SPN/TPN/ELCB having rated current 14 10/16/20/25/32/40/63/100 Amps on existing MCB distribution box including drilling hole on the board, connections and earthing the body etc as required. a MCB 10Amps Nos 2 100 200 300 600 800 b MCB 16Amps Nos 5 100 500 300 1500 2000 c MCB 20Amps Nos 4 100 400 300 1200 1600 d RCCB TPN 32Amps Nos 1 100 100 3400 3400 3500 Suppling and earthing with GI pipes 32mm dia 15 2.5m long including accessories, nut and bolt Nos 1 1000 1000 350 350 1350 washer etc complete as requied. Supplying and drawing of No 10SWG copper 16 wire in the existing PVC casings Kg 2 150 300 1100 2200 2500 capping/conduit pipe etc as earth continuity. Supply and fixing of wall mounting Three phase 17 energy meter box of FRP or sheet metal with Nos. 1 1500 1500 1500 1500 3000 proper painting including all the fittings. Total 346395