melab 3
melab 3
melab 3
How to run a boiler
1. To be familiar with the operation of a fire tube boiler
2. To be able to determine the importance of boiler safety procedures
3. To formulate a boiler maintenance schedule
II. Theory:
1. Check fuel oil and feed water system
2. Switch on main switch located at the side of the main control panel
3. Unit will start and continue to operate until desired steam pressure is
reached. When maximum pressure is reached, unit will stop. As the
pressure lowers to predetermine setting on the pressure unit will again fire
and repeat the cycle. A pressure controller which is mounted in the panel
box stops and starts the boiler to meet steam requirement.
4. Open main steam valve slowly
5. To stop unit, flick main switch to stop position
6. Close main steam valve, fuel supply valve, and water supply valve
Draw the front, rear, and side views of the boiler. Identify and label its
1. From the set-up, Define and discuss the importance of the parts of the boiler.
A boiler consists of several vital components, each playing a critical role in ensuring
its efficient and safe operation:
a) Water Level Indicator: This component is used to observe the water level inside
the boiler. Maintaining an appropriate water level is crucial because low levels
can cause overheating, while high levels may reduce efficiency.
b) Pressure Gauge: The pressure gauge measures the internal pressure of the
boiler. It is essential to monitor this to ensure the boiler operates within safe
limits, preventing dangerous conditions from developing.
c) Safety Valve: One of the most important safety mechanisms, the safety valve
automatically releases steam if the pressure inside the boiler exceeds a set limit,
preventing explosions. Typically, two valves are used to ensure redundancy.
d) Stop Valve: This valve controls the steam flow from the boiler to the steam pipe,
allowing users to regulate the distribution of steam as needed, which helps in
efficient energy management.
e) Blow Off Cock: Located at the bottom of the boiler drum, this valve is used to
remove excess water and sludge that accumulates during operation, which helps
maintain the system's efficiency.
f) Feed Check Valve: This valve, a non-return type, manages the supply of water
to the boiler, ensuring a constant flow of water to replace the steam being
produced, which is critical for continuous operation.
g) Grate: Positioned within the furnace, the grate holds and burns the fuel used for
heating the boiler. It ensures that the combustion process is consistent, allowing
for proper heat generation.
h) Feed Pump: This pump ensures a continuous supply of water into the boiler,
keeping the water level stable and the system running smoothly. It is powered
either by electricity or a steam turbine.
i) Superheater: The superheater increases the temperature of the steam before it
enters the turbine. By reducing the presence of water droplets in the steam, it
helps protect the turbine from corrosion and improves overall efficiency.
j) Economizer: This component boosts the boiler’s efficiency by using the heat
from exhaust gases to preheat the incoming water, reducing the energy required
to heat it to the desired temperature.
k) Air Preheater: Another efficiency enhancer, the air preheater uses heat from the
flue gases to warm the air entering the furnace. Preheating the air ensures better
fuel combustion and reduces energy consumption.
Cornish Boiler: Features a single large flue for heat transfer, used
primarily for low-pressure applications.
Lancashire Boiler: Similar to the Cornish but with two flues for
enhanced efficiency, suitable for medium pressure.
Locomotive Boiler: Portable design used in steam engines, with
multiple small flue tubes for high mobility.
2. Water Tube Boilers
o Water flows inside the tubes while hot gases pass over them, designed for
high-pressure and high-capacity applications like power plants. They are
more efficient and produce steam faster than fire tube boilers.
o Examples:
Monitor Blowdown:
o Perform a blowdown of the boiler to remove sludge and sediments.
Calibrate Instruments:
o Calibrate pressure and temperature gauges for accuracy.
Annual Maintenance
Conduct a Comprehensive Inspection:
o Perform a thorough inspection of the entire boiler system, including internal
Boiler Cleaning:
o Schedule a complete cleaning of the boiler, including the firebox, tubes, and flue
Inspect and Test Controls:
o Inspect and test all control systems, including automatic controls and safety
Pressure Testing:
o Conduct a hydrostatic pressure test to check for leaks and ensure integrity.
a) Regular Training: Conduct ongoing training for engineers and operators
on boiler operation and safety protocols.
b) Enhanced Safety Measures: Enforce strict safety protocols and conduct
regular safety drills to prepare for emergencies.
c) Advanced Monitoring Technologies: Implement real-time monitoring
systems for boiler performance to enable early issue detection.
d) Regular Maintenance Audits: Schedule periodic audits of the
maintenance schedule for compliance and optimization.
e) Environmental Compliance: Ensure boiler operations meet
environmental regulations and sustainability goals.
f) Documentation: Maintain comprehensive records of maintenance and
operational parameters for accountability and trend analysis.
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