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Perpetual Help College - Pangasinan

Malasiqui , Pangasinan


The University of Perpetual Help System – Malasiqui Campus is a premiere, pioneering and globally competitive University in Region I. She is a bastion of
excellence in health education, science and technology, business and research, with local and international linkages. The University is custodians of civic-spirited
citizens who are men of God imbued with Christian values and are enjoying the highest ideals in life. She is the home of the country’s exemplary leaders who
possess distinguished professionalism and versatility and transforms Filipino culture and lifestyle to an optimum level of excellence by creating a remarkable
impact towards an integrated sustainable human development.

The university of Perpetual Help System – Malasiqui Campus is committed to produce holistic, innovative, globally competitive professionals and leaders through
her health and educational services; to sire her stakeholders with intelligence, peace, prosperity, resiliency, contentment and happiness to whom the nation at
large will admire and be proud of; to provide continued support and assistance to the alumni in their search for personal and professional fulfillment; and to
develop Perpetualites with the highest virtues and quality of life capable of serving the nation and the international milieu.

Course Title: Date Effective: Date Revised: Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by:

Purposive Communication Second Semester January, 2021 Cassandra Erica Joy V. Mr. Anthony L. Perez, Dr. Rowel A. Crisostomo, Page 1 of 12
2021 Lavarias MIT CSEE
Instructor Dean, College of School Director
Computer Studies
Program Educational Objectives

Guided by the University mission, the Perpetualite graduates can (1) demonstrate in an academic or professional discipline, display proficiency in the discipline,
and engage in the process of academic discovery; (2) appreciate the complex relationship between faith, learning, and practice; (3) develop and enact a compelling
personal and professional vision that values diversity; (4) apply knowledge to real-world challenges; (5) respond to call to serve others; (6) demonstrate
commitment to service and civic engagement; (7) practice responsible conduct and allows decisions and directions to be informed by a value-centered life; and (8)
use global and local leadership opportunities in pursuit of justices.

Student Outcomes
Upon completion of the program, graduates shall possess the following knowledge and abilities: (a) Able to apply knowledge of computing fundamentals, technical
concepts and practices, best practices and standards in the application of core information technologies, mathematics, science, and domain knowledge appropriate
for the information technology practice to the abstraction and conceptualization of solution models from defined problems and requirements; (b) Identify,
formulate, research literature, and analyze user needs and taking them into account to solve complex information technology problems, reaching substantiated
conclusions using fundamental principles of mathematics, computing fundamentals, technical concepts and practices in the core information technologies, and
relevant domain disciplines; (c) Design and evaluate possible solutions for complex computing problems, and design and evaluate systems, components, or
processes that meet specified user needs with appropriate consideration for public health and safety, cultural, societal, and environmental considerations; (d) An
ability to assist in the creation of an effective project plan to implement solution that includes selection, creation, evaluation, and administration of IT Systems; (e)
An ability to effectively integrate IT-based solutions into the user environment; (f) An ability to administer delivered information system assuring its
appropriateness to the user’s environment; (g) Create, select, adapt and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern computing tools to complex
computing activities, with an understanding of the limitations; (h) Function effectively as an individual and as a member or leader in diverse teams and in
multidisciplinary settings; (i) Communicate effectively with the computing community and with society at large (in local and international scenes) about complex
computing activities by being able to comprehend and write effective reports, design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and understand clear
instructions; (j) Understand and assess societal, health, safety, legal, and cultural issues within local and global contexts, and the consequential responsibilities
relevant to professional computing practice; (k) Understand and commit to professional ethics, responsibilities, and norms of professional computing practice; and
(l) Recognize the need, and have the ability, to engage in independent learning for continual development as a computing professional

Course Syllabus

Course Title: Date Effective: Date Revised: Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by:

Purposive Communication Second Semester January, 2021 Cassandra Erica Joy V. Mr. Anthony L. Perez, Dr. Rowel A. Crisostomo, Page 2 of 12
2021 Lavarias MIT CSEE
Instructor Dean, College of School Director
Computer Studies
1. Course Code : GE600
2. Course Title : Purposive Communication
3. Course Description: A three-unit course that develops students’ communicative competence and enhances their cultural and intercultural
awareness through multimodal tasks that provide them opportunities for communicating effectively and appropriately to a multicultural
audience in local and global contexts. It equips students with tools for critical evaluation of variety of texts
and focuses.
4. Prerequisite(s) : NONE
5. Credit : 3
6. No. of Hour(s) : 54hrs.

7. Course Coverage
OUTCOMES a b c d e f g h i j k l TASKS TIME
To orient the Understanding To define communication Lecture Recitation
students on the Communication as a process. Discussion Quizzes
nature and Communication Brainstorming Essay/ Critic
elements of Principles and To conceptualize the ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Film Viewing Papers 3
communication Ethics towards significance of effective Individual and Group Activities
Effective communication
To orient the Varieties and To define language ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Lecture Recitation 3
students on the Registers of register. Discussion Quizzes
nature and Spoken and Brainstorming Essay/ Critic
elements of Written To understand the Film Viewing Papers
communication. Language various rules about ✓ ✓ Group Activity
written language
To orient the Rationalizing registers.
students on the the Message
nature and To define and rationalize

Course Title: Date Effective: Date Revised: Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by:

Purposive Communication Second Semester January, 2021 Cassandra Erica Joy V. Mr. Anthony L. Perez, Dr. Rowel A. Crisostomo, Page 3 of 12
2021 Lavarias MIT CSEE
Instructor Dean, College of School Director
Computer Studies
elements of Verbal the real value of message
communication. Language in in communication.
To identify and explain
Non Verbal the features of verbal
Language in communication.
To compare denotative
meaning from
connotative meaning in

To orient the Communication To identify the various Lecture Recitation

students on the for Various purposes of Discussion Quizzes
nature and Purposes communication. Brainstorming Essay/ Critic
elements of Individual and Group Activities Papers
communication. Thinking About To demonstrate a good
Culture analysis of various texts
To internalize with different purposes.
the value of ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 3
intercultural and To understand the
global meaning of culture.
To explain how different
communication styles
create their own
communication culture.
To internalize Dimensions of To define culture. ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Lecture Recitation 3
the value of Culture Discussion Quizzes
intercultural and To identify the different ✓ ✓ Brainstorming Essay/ Critic
global Communication dimensions of culture. Film Viewing Papers
communication Theories on Group Activity
Intercultural To define intercultural

Course Title: Date Effective: Date Revised: Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by:

Purposive Communication Second Semester January, 2021 Cassandra Erica Joy V. Mr. Anthony L. Perez, Dr. Rowel A. Crisostomo, Page 4 of 12
2021 Lavarias MIT CSEE
Instructor Dean, College of School Director
Computer Studies
Communication communication.

To identify and explain

the problems about

Course Title: Date Effective: Date Revised: Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by:

Purposive Communication Second Semester January, 2021 Cassandra Erica Joy V. Mr. Anthony L. Perez, Dr. Rowel A. Crisostomo, Page 5 of 12
2021 Lavarias MIT CSEE
Instructor Dean, College of School Director
Computer Studies
To internalize Intercultural To identify Lecture Recitation
the value of Communication ways/guidelines in Discussion Quizzes
intercultural and Ethics and communicating under a Brainstorming Essay/ Critic
global Competence diverse intercultural Individual and Group Activities Papers
communication Barriers to setting. Unit Test
Communication To describe a
communication approach
to intercultural
✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 3
To identify the barriers ✓ ✓
that cause

To apply ways of bridging

communication barriers
to resolve an
communication situation.

To internalize Nonverbal To understand the ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Lecture Recitation 3
the value of Communication relationship between Discussion Quizzes
intercultural and as Barrier nonverbal Brainstorming Essay/ Critic
global Language as communication and Individual and Group Activities Papers
communication Barrier various meanings.
✓ ✓
To explain how
nonverbal codes help

Course Title: Date Effective: Date Revised: Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by:

Purposive Communication Second Semester January, 2021 Cassandra Erica Joy V. Mr. Anthony L. Perez, Dr. Rowel A. Crisostomo, Page 6 of 12
2021 Lavarias MIT CSEE
Instructor Dean, College of School Director
Computer Studies
To describe how verbal
messages can also create
difficulty in a
communication setting.

To understand how
verbal messages can be
used effectively.
To understand Examining To understand the Lecture Recitation
the relationship Relational meaning of technology. Discussion Quizzes
between Technology and Brainstorming Essay/ Critic
technology and Construction of To describe how Film Viewing Papers
communication Identities technology has shaped Individual and Group Activities
the nature of
communication in the
✓ ✓ ✓ 3
present time.
To explain the role of
technology in the
seemingly different
approaches in
communication used by
different generations.
To understand Online Activity To differentiate between ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Lecture Recitation 3
the relationship and the online and offline Discussion Quizzes
between Construction of identities. Brainstorming Essay/ Critic
technology and Identities Film Viewing Papers
communication To identify various ways Individual and Group Activities
to properly communicate ✓ ✓
in an online environment.

To describe ways to
properly communicate in

Course Title: Date Effective: Date Revised: Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by:

Purposive Communication Second Semester January, 2021 Cassandra Erica Joy V. Mr. Anthony L. Perez, Dr. Rowel A. Crisostomo, Page 7 of 12
2021 Lavarias MIT CSEE
Instructor Dean, College of School Director
Computer Studies
an online setting.

To understand Mediated To understand the Lecture Recitation

the relationship Communication process of mediated Discussion Quizzes
between and Its Impact communication. Brainstorming Essay/ Critic
technology and on Personal Individual and Group Activities Papers
communication Relationships To explain how personal
relationships are affected
by mediated
✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 3
To express opinion on
good and bad side of face-
to-face and mediated

To understand Competence in To understand the ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Lecture Recitation 3

the relationship Mediated challenges posted by Discussion Quizzes
between Communication mediated Brainstorming Essay/ Critic
technology and communication. Individual and Group Activities Papers
To explain the
significance of exhibiting ✓ ✓
competence in mediated

To design a web page

based on the etiquette of

Course Title: Date Effective: Date Revised: Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by:

Purposive Communication Second Semester January, 2021 Cassandra Erica Joy V. Mr. Anthony L. Perez, Dr. Rowel A. Crisostomo, Page 8 of 12
2021 Lavarias MIT CSEE
Instructor Dean, College of School Director
Computer Studies
To understand Choosing the To identify various Lecture Recitation
the relationship Optimal channels of Discussion Quizzes
between Communication communication. Brainstorming Essay/ Critic
technology and Channel Individual and Group Activities Papers
communication To explain the processes Unit Test
of executing each
channel. ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 3

To apply the various

channels to appropriate
To understand Multimodal To analyze advocacy Lecture Recitation
the relationship Advocacy campaigns presented Discussion Quizzes
between through various media Brainstorming Essay/ Critic
technology and platforms. Film Viewing Papers
communication ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Individual and Group Activities 3
To develop multimodal
advocacy campaign
materials with strong
messaging content.
Comprehend the Communication To explain the various ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Lecture Recitation 3
value of Networks processes of different Discussion Quizzes
communication communication ✓ ✓ Brainstorming Essay/ Critic
in the workplace networks. Individual and Group Activities Papers

To describe the

Course Title: Date Effective: Date Revised: Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by:

Purposive Communication Second Semester January, 2021 Cassandra Erica Joy V. Mr. Anthony L. Perez, Dr. Rowel A. Crisostomo, Page 9 of 12
2021 Lavarias MIT CSEE
Instructor Dean, College of School Director
Computer Studies
advantages and
disadvantages of each

To apply how a
communication process
works in an
Comprehend the Nature of To understand the Lecture Recitation
value of Interviews nature of interview. Discussion Quizzes
communication Brainstorming Essay/ Critic
in the workplace Conducting an To explain the process Film Viewing Papers
Interview of preparing for an Individual and Group Activities
✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 3
interview. ✓ ✓

To give various ways to

elicit different responses
during an interview.
Comprehend the Types of To explain the different ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Lecture Recitation 3
value of Meetings types of meetings. Discussion Quizzes
communication Brainstorming Essay/ Critic
in the workplace Conducting the To explain how a Individual and Group Activities Papers
Meeting meeting should proceed Unit Test
in a simulated situation. ✓ ✓

To identify steps to
follow in conducting a
group meeting.
To prepare an agenda
before conducting
meeting and simulate

Course Title: Date Effective: Date Revised: Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by:

Purposive Communication Second Semester January, 2021 Cassandra Erica Joy V. Mr. Anthony L. Perez, Dr. Rowel A. Crisostomo, Page 10 of
2021 Lavarias MIT CSEE 12
Instructor Dean, College of School Director
Computer Studies
group meeting situation.


7. Course Evaluation :

Lecture Major Examinations

Class standing Prelim | Midterm | Finals
Quiz, Recitation, Attendance, Projects, Unit
Computation for term grades Final Grade
Class Standing 67% Prelim(30%)+Midterm(30%)+Finals(40%)
Quiz 40%
Recitation 10%
Projects 10%
Attendance 10%
Unit Test 30%

Periodical Examination 33%

Term Grade 100%

8. References : 1. PHCP-Frontlearners E-Learning Portal

Course Title: Date Effective: Date Revised: Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by:

Purposive Communication Second Semester January, 2021 Cassandra Erica Joy V. Mr. Anthony L. Perez, Dr. Rowel A. Crisostomo, Page 11 of
2021 Lavarias MIT CSEE 12
Instructor Dean, College of School Director
Computer Studies
Course Title: Date Effective: Date Revised: Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by:

Purposive Communication Second Semester January, 2021 Cassandra Erica Joy V. Mr. Anthony L. Perez, Dr. Rowel A. Crisostomo, Page 12 of
2021 Lavarias MIT CSEE 12
Instructor Dean, College of School Director
Computer Studies

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