4. If the velocity of light (c), the constant of gravitation (G) and Planck's constant (h) be chosen as the
fundamental units, find the dimensions of mass, length and time in the new system
5. Given that the amplitude of the scattered light is (i) directly proportional to that of incident light, (ii)
directly proportional to the volume of the scattering dust particle (iii) inversely proportional to its
distance from the scattering particle, and (iv) dependent upon the wavelength of the light. Show that
the intensity of scattered light varies as
6. It is known that the period T of a magnet of magnetic moment M vibrating in a uniform magnetic
field of intensity H depends upon M, H and I where I is the moment of inertia of the magnet about its
axis of oscillations.
7. A planet moves around the sun in a circular orbit. The time period of revolution T of the planet
depends on (i) Radius of the orbit (R) (ii) Mass of the sun M (iii) Gravitational constant G, Show
dimensionally that T 2 α R3 .
8. By using the method of dimension, check the accuracy of the following formula: T= where T
2 cos θ
is the surface tension, h is the height of the liquid in a capillary tube, ρ is the density of the liquid, g
is the acceleration due to gravity, θ is the angle of contact, and r is the radius of the capillary tube.
9. Assuming that the mass (m) of the largest stone that can be moved by a flowing river depends only
upon the velocity v, the density p of water and the acceleration due to gravity g. Show that m varies,
with the sixth power of the velocity of the flow
11. Liquid is flowing steadily through a pipe. Assume that the volume of the liquid flowing out per second
depends on (a) the coefficient of viscosity of the liquid (η) (b) the radius of the pipe (r) and (c) the
pressure gradient along the pipe (pressure gradient is potential per unit length]. Deduce the
dimensions for the volume of the liquid flowing out per second.
12. The frequency 'f" of vibration of a stretched string depends upon: (i) its length 'l' (ii) the mass per unit
length 'm' (iii) the Tension 'T' in the string. Obtain dimensionally an expression for frequency.
13. Magnitude of force F experienced by a certain object moving with speed v is given by F = Kv² where
K is a constant. Find the dimensions of K
14. If x= at + b𝑡 2 , where x is in metre and t in hour, what will be the unit of 'a' and 'b'?
15. The unit of force in CGS system is dyne and unit of force in MKS system is newton. Use the method
of dimensions to show that 1 newton = 105 dyne
16. The ceiling of a long hall is 25m high. What is the maximum horizontal distance that a ball thrown
with a speed of 40m/s can go without hitting the ceiling of the hall?
17. If Length, Time and Energy are fundamental units, find the dimension of mass.
18. When white light travels through glass the refractive index μ is found to vary with wavelength as
μ = A + 2 where A and B are constants. Using the principle of homogeneity of dimensions, determine
of viscosity of the liquid. Check whether the equation is dimensionally correct or not.
𝐴𝑥 2
32. The PE of a particle varies with distance 𝑥 as U = where A and B are constants. Find the
𝑥 2 +𝐵
dimensional formula of A × B.
a 𝜃
33. An equation is given here (P + )=b where P is pressure, V is Volume and θ is Absolute
V2 V
35. A physical quantity x depends on quantities y and z as follows: x = Ay + B tan Cz, where A, B and
C are constants. Which of the following do not have the same dimensions?
a) x and B b) C and z-1 c) y and B/A d) x and A
36. In the relation y = r sin (ωt – Kx), Find the dimensions of 𝜔⁄𝑘.
37. If h is the plank’s constant, c is the of light and G gravitational Constant, then what is the unit of
38. The velocity v (in 𝑐𝑚𝑠 −𝐴 ) of a particle is given in terms of time t (in seconds) by the relation,
39. If ‘c’ is the velocity of light, ‘g’ acceleration due to gravity and ‘P’ atmospheric pressure are the
fundamental quantities in MKS system, then the dimensions of length will be same as that of
a) c/g b) c/p c) Pcg d) 𝑐 2 ∕ 𝑔
40. The displacement of a particle moving along x-axis with respect to time t is X = at + bt2 – ct3.Find
the dimensions of c.
41. If unit of length and force are increased by 4 times. How much does the unit of energy change?
42. If E, M, J and G respectively denote energy, mass, angular momentum and gravitational Constant,
E J2
then what is the dimensions of
M5 G2
43. The velocity of a freely falling body changes as g p hq where g is acceleration due to gravity and h is
the height. What are the values of p and q?
44. The unit of Mass is α kg. The unit of length is β metre and the unit of time is γ second. What is the
magnitude of calorie in the new system?
45. Turpentine oil is flowing throw a tube of length l and radius ‘r’. The pressure difference between the
two ends of the tube is P, the viscosity of the oil is given as ŋ = , where v is the velocity
of the oil at a distance x from the axis of the tube. From this relation, find the dimensions of viscosity.
46. The Van der Waal's equation of state for some gases can be expressed as:
(𝑃 + ) (𝑉 − 𝑏) = 𝑅𝑇
where P is the pressure, V is the molar volume, and T is the absolute temperature of the given
sample of gas and a, b and R are constants. What are the dimensions of a and b
14. Two equal forces act at a point. The square of their resultant is 3 times of their product
vectors. What is the angle between them?
15. There are four forces acting at a point produced by the strings as shown in figure which is
at rest. Find the forces F1 and F2.
16. If the magnitude of two vectors be 3 and 4 and the value of their scalar product is 6, find the
angle between vectors.
17. ⃗ = 2 ̂-
Show that the vectors 𝐴 = 𝑖̂-5 𝑗̂ and 𝐵 𝑖 10 𝑗̂are parallel to each other.
18. A 100 kg gun fires a shell of 1 kg horizontally from a cliff of height 500 m. It falls on the
ground at a distance 400 m from the bottom of the cliff. Find the recoil velocity of the gun.
[Acceleration due to gravity = 10 m/𝒔𝟐 ]
19. A projectile is thrown with an initial velocity of 𝑥𝑖 + 𝑦𝑗. The range of the projectile is twice
the maximum height of the projectile. Calculate .
20. A projectile has a range of 50 m and reaches a maximum height of 10m.What is the elevation
of the projectile?
21. The horizontal range of a projectile fired at an angle 15° is 50 m. If it is fired with the same
speed at an angle of 45°, what is its range?
0 4 t(s)
19. A curved road of diameter 1.8km is banked, so that no friction is required at a speed of 30 ms −1 .
What is the banking angle?
20. A truck starts from rest and accelerates uniformly at 2.0 m/s². At t = 10 s, a stone is dropped by
a person standing on the top of the truck (6 m high from ground). What are the (a) velocity, and
(b) acceleration of the stone at t = 11 s? (Neglect air resistance).
ISML/2024-25/Class XI/Physics/Work Sheet/Prepared by Resmal Sunny Page 10
21. A motor car is traveling at 30 m/s on a circular road of radius 500 m. It is increasing its speed
at the rate of 2 m/s? What is the acceleration?
1. A body of mass 2 kg initially at rest moves under the action of an applied horizontal force of 7 N
on a table with coefficient of friction 0.1. Compute the
a) Work done by the applied force in 10 s
b) Work done by friction in 10 s
c) Work done by the net force in 10 s
d) Change in kinetic energy of the body
2. Figures show examples of some potential energy functions in one dimension. The total energy of
the particle is indicated by across on the Coordinates axis. In each case, specify the regions, if any,
in which the particle cannot be found for the given energy. Also, indicate the minimum total energy
the particle must have in each case.
a) b)
c) d)
3. a) A body is initially at rest. It undergoes one dimensional motion with constant acceleration.
The power delivered to it at time t is proportional to: (i) 𝑡1/2 (ii) 𝑡 (iii) 𝑡3/2 (iv) 𝑡2
b) A body is moving unidirectionally under the influence of a source of constant power. Its
displacement in time t is proportional to: (i) 𝑡1/2 (ii) t (iii) 𝑡3/2 (iv) 𝑡2
4. An electron and proton are detected in a cosmic ray experiment, the first with kinetic energy 10keV
and second with 100keV. Which is faster, the electron or the proton? Obtain the ratio of their speeds.
1. A car weighs 1800 kg. The distance between its front and back axles is 1.8m. Its centre of gravity is
1.05 m behind the front axle. Determine the force exerted by the level ground on each front wheel
and each back wheel.
2. Torques of equal magnitudes are applied to a solid cylinder and a solid sphere, both having the same
mass and radius. The cylinder is free to rotate about its standard axis of symmetry and the sphere is
free to rotate about an axis passing through its centre. Which of the two will acquire a greater angular
speed after a given time?
3. A solid cylinder of mass 20 kg rotates about its axis with an angular speed of 100 rad/s. The radius of the
cylinder is 0.25 m. What is the kinetic energy associated with the rotation of the cylinder? What is the
magnitude of angular momentum of the cylinder about its axis
4. i. A child stands at the centre of a turn table with his two arms outstretched. The turntable is set rotating
with an angular speed of 40 rev/min. How much is the angular speed of the child if he folds his hands
back and thereby reduces his moment of inertia to 2/5 times the initial value? Assume that the turntable
rotates without friction.
ii. Show that the child’s new kinetic energy of rotation is more than the initial kinetic energy of rotation.
How do you account for this increase in kinetic energy?
5. A rope of negligible mass is wound around a hollow cylinder of mass 3 kg and radius 40 cm. What is the
angular acceleration of the cylinder if the rope is pulled with a force of 30 N? What is the linear
acceleration of the rope? Assume that there is no slipping
6. Cylinder
I = MR2 = 3 × (0.40)2 = 0.48 kg m2
τ = FR = 30 × 0.40 = 12 Nm
τ 12 Nm
α= = = 25 rad s −2
I 0.48 kg m2
a = R α = 0.40 × 25 = 10 ms −2
7. From a uniform disc of radius R, a circular hole of radius is cut out. The centre of the hole is at from
2 2
the centre of the original disc. Locate the centre of gravity of the resulting flat body.
8. To maintain a rotor at a uniform angular speed of 200 rad/s, an engine needs to transmit a torque of 180
N m. What is the power required by the engine? Assume that the engine is 100% efficient.
9. A metre stick is balanced on a knife edge at its centre. When two coins, each of mass 5 g are put one on
top of the other at the 12.0 cm mark, the stick is found to be balanced at 45.0 cm. What is the mass of the
metre stick in gram?
10. he oxygen molecule has a mass of 5.30×10-26 kg and a moment of inertia of 1.94×10-46 kg m2 about an
axis through its centre perpendicular to the lines joining the two atoms. Suppose the mean speed of such
1. A rocket is fired from the earth towards the sun. At what distance from the earth's centre is
gravitational force on the rocket zero? Mass of the sun =2×1030 kg, mass of the earth =6×1024 kg.
Neglect the effect of other planets etc. (orbital radius=1.5×1011 m).
2. Two identical heavy spheres are separated by a distance 10 times their radius. Will an object placed
at the mid-point of the line joining their centres be in stable equilibrium or unstable equilibrium?
Give reason for your answer
3. A satellite is revolving around the earth in a circular orbit of radius “r”. If its orbit radius is increased
to 4r, how will its period of revolution change? What will be its orbital speed?
4. If the radius of the earth were to be decreased by 1%, keeping its mass same, how will the
acceleration due to gravity change
5. Assuming the earth to be a sphere of uniform mass density, how much would a body weigh halfway
down to the centre of the earth if it weighed 250 N on the surface?
6. A satellite is moving round the earth with velocity vo what should be the minimum percentage
increase in its velocity so that the satellite escapes?
7. The escape velocity of a projectile on earth’s surface is 11.2 km/s. A body is projected from earth’s
surface with thrice this speed. What is the speed of the body far away from the earth? (Ignore the
presence of sun and other planets)
8. Two heavy spheres each of mass 100 kg and radius 0.10 m are placed 1.0 m apart on a horizontal
table. What is the gravitational force and potential at the mid-point of the line joining the centres of
the spheres? Is an object placed at that point in equilibrium? If so, is the equilibrium stable or
9. A body of mass 𝑚 rises to a height ℎ = from the surface of earth, (𝑅 = radius of earth). If g is
acceleration due to gravity at earth's surface, the increase in potential energy is
10. Draw graphs showing the variation of acceleration due to gravity with: (𝑖) height above earth’s
surface and (𝑖𝑖) depth below the earth's surface.
11. The escape velocity for the Earth is about 11 km/s. The escape velocity from a planet having half
the radius and the same mean density as the Earth is
12. The density of a newly discovered planet is twice that of Earth. The acceleration due to gravity at
the surface of the planet is equal to that at the surface of the Earth. If the radius of the Earth is R, the
radius of the planet would be
13. Two satellites 𝑆1 and 𝑆2 are orbiting around a planet of radius 𝑅. 𝑆1 moves just above the surface of
the planet and 𝑆2 in an orbit of radius 4𝑅. The ratio of orbital speeds of 𝑆1 and 𝑆2 is
14. A planet 𝑃 has a mass 225 times and radius 9 times that of Earth. The escape velocity for earth is
11.2 𝑘𝑚 𝑠 −1 . The escape velocity for planet 𝑃 is
21. The gravitational force acting on a rocket at height h from earth’s surface is one-third of the force
acting on it at sea level. What is the relation between h and 𝑅𝑒 (radius of earth)?
22. The mass of moon is 𝑀 (where M is mass of earth). Find the distance of the point where the
gravitational field due to earth and moon cancel each other. Given distance of moon from earth is
60 R, where R is radius of earth.
1. A steel rod having Young's modulus Y = 2.0 x 1011 N𝑚−2 and thermal expansion coefficient α =
10−5 ℃−1) of length 1 m and area of cross-section 1𝑐𝑚2 is heated from 0°C to 200°C, without being
allowed to extend or bend. What is the tension produced in the rod?
2. To what depth must a rubber ball be taken in deep sea so that its volume is decreased by 0.1%. (The
bulk modulus of rubber is 9.8×108𝑁/𝑚2; and the density of sea water is 103𝑘𝑔/𝑚3).
3. A truck is pulling a car out of a ditch by means of a steel cable that is 9.1 m long and has a radius of
5 mm. When the car just begins to move, the tension in the cable is 800 N. How much has the cable
stretched? (Young's modulus for steel is 2 × 1011 𝑁𝑚−2)
4. Explain why the beams used in the construction of bridge have large depth and small breadth.
5. A wire stretches by a certain amount under a load. If the load and radius both are increased to four
times, find the stretch caused in the wire.
6. i. What is Young’s modulus for a perfect rigid body?
ii. What is the Bulk modulus for a perfect rigid body?
7. Two wires, A and B of length L, radius 𝑅 and length 2𝐿, radius 2𝑅 having same
Young’s modulus 𝑌 are hung with a weight 𝑚𝑔 as shown in the figure. What is the
net elongation of the two wires?
i. What is the tensile stress in this plane in terms of F, A and θ ? For what value of θ is it maximum?
ii. What is the shearing stress at this plane in terms of F, A and θ? For what value of θ is it maximum?
12. Two wires of diameter 0.25 cm, one made of steel and the other made of brass are loaded as shown
in the Fig. The unloaded length of the steel wire is 1.5 m and that of the brass wire is 1.0 m. Young’s
modulus of steel is 2 x 1011 Pa and for brass is 0.91 x 1011 Pa. Compute elongations of steel and brass
wires. (1 Pa = 1 𝑁𝑚2)
2. How much faster does a cup of coffee cool off from 100°C than from 30°C ? assume the coffee to act as a
blackbody and temperature of surrounding is 20°C.
3. The spectral energy distribution of the sun has a maximum at 4753 𝐴°. If temperature of sun is 6050 K, what
is the temperature of a star for which this maximum wavelength is at 9506 𝐴°?
4. The wavelength corresponding to Emax for moon is 14 microns. Estimate the temperature of moon.
5. In a room, where the temperature is 300 C, a body cools from 610 C to 590 C in 4 minutes. What time will
the body take to cool from 510 C, to 490 C in the same room?
6. How much energy is radiated per minute from the filament of incandescent lamp at 3000K if the surface area
is 10−4 m2 and its emissivity is 0.4? Stefan’s constant σ = 5.67 × 10−8 Wmm−2 K −4 .
7. The surface tension of a hot body is 1400 K. Find the wavelength of maximum energy radiated if Wien’s
constant is 2.892 x 10−3 mK.
8. Assume that the thermal conductivity of copper is four times that of brass. Two rods of copper and brass of
the same length, and cross-section are joined end to end. The free end of the copper rod is kept at 0C and
the free end of the brass rod at 100C. calculate the temperature at the junction of the two rods at equilibrium.
(Ignore radiation losses.)
9. A body cools from 60C to 30C in 10 minutes. Find its temperature at the end of the next 10 minutes if the
room temperature is 25C. Assume Newton’s law of cooling.
10. The coefficient of thermal conductivity of copper is nine times that of steel. In the composite cylindrical bar,
what will be the temperature at the junction of copper and steel ?
11. Two rods of same area of cross section and lengths, and conductivities K1 and K2 are joined in series. Show that the
l +l
combination is equivalent of a material of conductivity K = l11 l22
K1 K2
12. What is a black body? Draw the curves showing the energy distribution among black body radiations at
different temperature. Hence, define Wein’s displacement law. Give one application of Wein’s displacement
13. Define Coefficient of thermal conductivity and derive its SI unit.
14. Two bodies A and B at temperatures 3270 C and 1270 C respectively are placed in an evacuated enclosure
maintained at a temperature of 270 C. Compare their rates of cooling.
15. Find the difference in temperature across the surface of an iron plate 5cm thick, through 100sq.m of which
heat flows at the rate of 9.6 × 105 J/s.
16. What is the temperature of the steel copper junction in the steady state of the system shown in the figure.
The area of cross section of steel rod is twice that of the copper rod.
K steel = 50.2 Js −1 m−1 k −1
Insulating material
furnace Ice box
300° C Steel 0° C
15 cm 10 cm
17. Two rods A and B are of equal length. Each rod has its ends at temperature T1 and T2 . What are the conditions
that will ensure equal rates of flow of heat through the rods A and B?