Question Marks Blooms
No. CO
Q.1 Attempt any Five. 10
a) Write the names of road construction materials. 02 CO3 BT1, BT2
b) Define Flakiness index and Elongation index. 02 CO3 BT1, BT2
c) What are landslides? 02 CO3 BT1, BT2
Define 1. Traffic Volume Study 2. Traffic Control
d) 02 CO4 BT1, BT2
e) State various purpose of traffic volume study. 02 CO4 BT1, BT2
f) Define road drainage 02 CO5 BT1, BT2
g) State the types of drainage system. 02 CO5
Q.2 Attempt any Five. 20
State the requirement of good quality material which
a) 04 CO3 BT1, BT2
plays the major role in highway construction.
What is W.B.M Road? State the various materials
b) 04 CO3 BT1, BT2
used in the construction W.B.M road.
Write difference between flexible pavement and rigid
c) 04 CO3 BT1, BT2
d) What are road markings? State its types. 04 CO4 BT1, BT2
What are the various types of traffic island used? State
e) 04 CO4 BT1, BT2
use of it.
f) State classification of highway maintenance. 04 CO5 BT1, BT2
g) Discuss the causes of failure in flexible pavement. 04 CO5 BT1, BT2
Samarth Rural Educational Institute
Approved by AICTE, New Delhi & Govt. of Maharashtra, Affiliated to MSBTE, Mumbai & MSBTE Institute Code-
0992, DTE Code No. D6451
Department Of Civil Engineering
Programme Name: Civil Engineering Programme Code: CE
Course Name: Water Resource Engineering Course Code: 22501
Marks: 20 Time:1 hour
Unit Test-II
a) All questions are compulsory
b) Illustrate your answers with neat sketches wherever necessary
c) Figures to the right indicate full marks
d) Assume suitable data if necessary
e) Preferably, write the answers in sequential order.
Question Marks
Question Blooms
No. CO
Q.1 Attempt any FOUR. 08
State the advantages and disadvantages of bandhara
a) 02 CO4 BT1, BT2
Draw a layout of a bandhara irrigation scheme
b) 02 CO4 BT1, BT2
showing different components.
Give the function of the following: 1. Scouring sluice
c) 02 CO5 BT1, BT2
2. Divide Wall.
d) State different types of weirs. 02 CO5 BT1, BT2
Define canal lining. Enlist the common materials used
e) 02 CO6 BT1, BT2
for it.
f) Enlist different types of canal lining. 02 CO6 BT1, BT2
Q.2 Attempt any THREE. 12
Draw a layout of lift irrigation scheme. Show all
a) 04 CO4 BT1, BT2
components. State purpose of its.
Compare Drip Irrigation with Sprinkler Irrigation on
b) 04 CO4 BT1, BT2
four distinct parameters.
Draw a layout of diversion headworks and name
c) 04 CO5 BT1, BT2
important components.
d) State advantages and disadvantages of Barrage. 04 CO5 BT1, BT2
Draw a neat sketch of following structures and state
e) their suitability favoring: 1. Siphon Adequate 2. Super 04 CO6 BT1, BT2
Passage 3. Level Crossing.