Assessment test -II ODD SEMESTER (2023-2024) CE3302 –Construction Materials and Technology CLASS: II-YEAR B.E MAX. MARKS: 60 PART – A (9 X 2 =18 Marks) Qn. CO PO BL No Questions 1. Define Damp proof courses. CO3 PO1 K1
2. Define acoustics. CO3 PO1 K1
3. Define scaffolding. CO3 PO1 K1
4. List out the equipment for earthmoving operations. CO4 PO1 K1
5. What are the types of dewatering equipment? CO4 PO1 K1
6. Write down the selection criteria for earthwork equipment? CO4 PO1 K1
7. Define Critical method. CO5 PO1 K1
8. Define float. CO5 PO1 K1
9. What is construction planning? CO5 PO1 K1
PART – B (3 X 14 =42 Marks)
Qn.No Questions CO PO BL 1. (a)Explain in detail about flooring. CO3 PO1 K2 (or) (b) Explain the joints in concrete.
2. (a)Explain in detail about the material handling equipment’s. CO4 PO1 K2
(or) (b) Discuss about the excavation equipment’s. 3 (a) Define project scheduling. Enumerate in details about the various CO5 PO1 K2 steps involved in scheduling the various activities of a project. (or) (b) Explain in detail about construction planning.