Emm Set2
Emm Set2
Emm Set2
Third Semester
Mechanical Engineering
2 Explain the effect of chromium and molybdenum in low alloy steels. K2 CO3
8 Mention the properties are determined from tension testing of metallic products. K1 CO5
PART – B ( 5 13 = 65 marks)
Marks K-Level CO
11. a) Discuss the austenitic stainless steels and martensitic stainless steel 13 K2 CO3
with respect to composition, properties and application
b) Explain in detail about alpha brasses and alpha- beta brasses? What 13 K2 CO3
are their properties and applications?
12. a) Discuss the Structure, properties and application of the following 13 K2 CO4
polymeric materials
i) Polymethyl methacrylate
ii) Polyterafluoroethylene
iii) Polyethyylene terephthalate
iv) Acryonitrile butadiene styrene
v) Polypropylene
b) Write short notes on i) ceramics ii) formaldehyde and also Discuss the 13 K1 CO4
Structure, properties and application
14. a) Illustrate the salient features of Rockwell –hardness test? What are the 13 K4 CO5
precautions to be taken while determining hardness by this method
b) Discuss the mechanism of slip taking place in metals using edge 13 K2 CO5
dislocation and screw dislocation.
15. a) Explain impact Izod test with neat sketches. What does impact test 13 K2 CO5
b) Give the Griffith crack model for the mechanism of fracture, Explain 13 K2 CO5
in details.
PART C (1 15 = 15)
Marks K-Level CO
16. a) Draw a typical creep curve and brief on the mechanism 15 K1 CO4
b) With the schematic diagram illustrate the processing of reinforced 15 K2 CO5