PART-A (10 Marks), Unit I to V
All questions are compulsory
a List the tests carried on Coarse aggregate. 2 CO1 PO1 L1
b What are the functions of Plasticizers and Retarders used in concrete? 2 CO3 PO2 L1
e List the different methods used to control corrosion in concrete. 2 CO4 PO2 L1
c Define flaky and elongated aggregate. Explain the procedure of 9 CO1 PO1 L2
determining the amount of flaky and elongated particle.
Unit – II
a Define Admixture. List and Explain the mineral admixtures used in concrete. 9 CO3 PO2 L2
b List the different types of Chemical admixtures and explain any two in detail. 9 CO3 PO2 L2
c Define batching of concrete. Explain weigh batching and volume 9 CO3 PO2 L2
batching of concrete.
Unit – IV
a List and explain the factors affecting strength of concrete. 9 CO4 PO2 L4
b List & explain any one test conducted on hardened concrete. 9 CO4 PO2 L2
c List and explain briefly the methods of Non-destructive testing of 9 CO4 PO2 L2
Unit – V
a Define creep. List and explain the factors affecting creep. 9 CO4 PO2 L2
1. Part – A is compulsory and set ONE question from each unit. A student shall answer for
all questions for a max, of 10 marks.
2. From Part – B set 3 sub questions for 9 marks each in all units(except Unit II) and a
student must answer any 2 sub questions for a max, of 18 marks from each unit.
3. If any of the questions exceeds the marks of 9, then the student has to answer for a total of
18 marks in that unit, as mentioned in the question of Unit II i.e. the student has to answer
either 2a & 2b or 2c is mandatory.
4. From Part – B, in case of problematic question carry > 9 mark in any unit, set 2 sub
questions for same marks & third one is compulsory (say in unit – II, 2a & 2b are 14 mark
each and 2c is for 4 mark), so that a student must answer 2a or 2b and 2c is compulsory.
5. From Part – B, in case of problematic question carry > 9 mark in any unit, Choice will be
given for question carries highest mark and lesser mark question is compulsory.